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Brain Sci ; 12(7)2022 Jul 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35884709


The presence of neurological symptoms within the clinical range of COVID-19 disease infection has increased. This paper presents the situation of a 45-year-old man having the medical antecedent diabetes mellitus, who presented to the emergency department with fever, headache, and respiratory symptoms, nine days following vaccination with the Ad26.COV2-S COVID-19 vaccine. The patient tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 based on nasal polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Two weeks after the presentation, he developed Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome, an autoimmune phenomenon, with painful left ophthalmoplegia. Significant improvement was seen in terms of his discomfort; however, ptosis and ocular mobility improved only moderately after treatment with intravenous methylprednisolone, and the patient was discharged on a new insulin regimen. The patient returned after four weeks and the neurological exam results showed significant signs of right hemiparesis, mixed aphasia, incomplete left ophthalmoplegia, severe headache, and agitation; after a few days, the patient experienced a depressed level of consciousness and coma. The patient's clinical condition worsened and, unfortunately, he died. MRI brain images revealed multiple ischemic strokes, meningitis, infectious vasculitis, and hemorrhagic encephalitis, which are all serious complications of COVID-19.

Brain Sci ; 12(4)2022 Mar 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35447980


The present study examines the efficacy of tango therapy on motor and non-motor symptomatology in Parkinson's disease, as detailed in articles published over the previous four decades (1980-2022). All data was collected using PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Science Direct. The present descriptive study outlines the advantages of tango in the rehabilitation of Parkinson's disease's motor and non-motor symptoms. Numerous studies have been conducted to determine the usefulness of tango for people with PD. Information from various research is critical for determining if tango is a useful supplementary therapy for the variety of symptoms related to Parkinson's disease. The purpose of this review was to describe the present state of research on this subject. Thus, the objective of this review is to promote awareness of tango therapy's therapeutic benefits for Parkinson's disease.

Exp Ther Med ; 23(4): 261, 2022 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35251327


The pandemic that resulted from the spread of SARS-CoV-2 viral infections has affected the population worldwide but has characteristically shown a preponderance for affecting adults. However, cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection have been reported in children, showing a systemic echo and severe damage. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) can occur, on average, 4 weeks after the infection of a child with SARS-CoV-2. The aim of the present study was to examine 30 cases of children affected by MIS-C in terms of symptoms, laboratory tests, and evolution. Patients included in the study presented with neurological symptomatology including headache, meningism, and drowsiness. Treatment was administered in concordance with the protocol for MIS-C. The evolution of the patients in the present study was favorable and the symptomatology remitted in days to weeks. The importance of identifying the features of this disease, its treatment, and that the most probable evolution is favorable is significant in the medical world, especially as the pandemic is ongoing.

Brain Sci ; 12(2)2022 Feb 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35203980


Cat-scratch disease is an illness caused by Bartonella henselae that occurs as a result of contact with an infected kitten or dog, such as a bite or scratch. It is more prevalent in children and young adults, as well as immunocompromised individuals. There are limited publications examining the features of CSD in patients. As such, the purpose of this research was to assess the clinical neuro-ophthalmological consequences of CSD reported in the literature. Among the ophthalmologic disorders caused by cat-scratch disease in humans, Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome, uveitis, vitritis, retinitis, retinochoroiditis and optic neuritis are the most prevalent. The neurological disorders caused by cat-scratch disease in humans include encephalopathy, transverse myelitis, radiculitis, and cerebellar ataxia. The current review addresses the neuro-ophthalmological clinical manifestations of cat-scratch disease, as described in papers published over the last four decades (1980-2022). All the data gathered were obtained from PubMed, Medline and Google Scholar. The current descriptive review summarizes the most-often-encountered clinical symptomatology in instances of cat-scratch disease with neurological and ocular invasion. Thus, the purpose of this review is to increase knowledge of cat-scratch disease's neuro-ophthalmological manifestations.

Diagnostics (Basel) ; 12(2)2022 Feb 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35204564


The COVID-19 disease, caused by infection with SARS-CoV-2, rapidly transformed into a pandemic following its emergence, and it continues to affect the population at a global level. This disease is associated with high mortality rates and mainly affects the pulmonary spectrum, with signs of interstitial pneumonia or other pathological modifications. Signs indicative of SARS-CoV-2 infection can be observed using pulmonary radiography or computed tomography scans and are closely linked to acute respiratory distress; however, there is accumulating evidence that the virus affects the central nervous system. Several symptoms, such as headaches, cough, fatigue, myalgia, ageusia, and anosmia, have also been reported along with neurological syndromes such as stroke, encephalopathy, Guillain-Barre syndrome, convulsions, and coma; the most frequent associated complication is ischemic stroke. Diagnosis of infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus is based on a positive RT-PCR test. Imaging investigations, such as thoracic computed tomography scans, are not used to diagnose COVID-19, monitor for pulmonary disease, or follow dynamic disease evolution, but they may be used in the case of a negative RT-PCR test. This paper presents the research performed on a group of 150 cases of patients affected by neurological disorders and that were subsequently confirmed to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, which was carried out over a period of 10 months within the Neurology Department and Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance Imaging of "Sf. Andrei" Emergency Hospital in Constanta. The collected data are observational and provide perspectives on the neurological pathology associated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and on the frequently associated risk factors, associated comorbidities, and the ages of patients who were affected by the virus, as well as the clinical and paraclinical manifestations of the patients admitted to the hospital's neurology department.

Life (Basel) ; 12(1)2022 Jan 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35054483


Cerebral venous thrombosis accounts for 0.5-1% of all cerebrovascular events and is one type of stroke that affects the veins and cerebral sinuses. Females are more affected than males, as they may have risk factors, such as pregnancy, first period after pregnancy, treatment with oral contraceptives treatment with hormonal replacement, or hereditary thrombophilia. This neurological pathology may endanger a patient's life. However, it must be suspected in its acute phase, when it presents with variable clinical characteristics, so that special treatment can be initiated to achieve a favorable outcome with partial or complete functional recovery. The case study describes the data and the treatment of two patients with confirmed cerebral venous thrombosis with various localizations and associated risk factors, who were admitted to the neurology department of the Sf. Apostol Andrei Emergency Hospital in Constanta. The first patient was 40 years old and affected by sigmoid sinus and right lateral sinus thrombosis, inferior sagittal sinus, and right sinus thrombosis, associated with right temporal subacute cortical and subcortical hemorrhage, which appeared following a voluntary abortion. The second case was a patient aged 25 who was affected by left parietal cortical vein thrombosis, associated with ipsilateral superior parietal subcortical venous infarction, which appeared following labor. The data are strictly observational and offer a perspective on clinical manifestations and clinical and paraclinical investigations, including the treatment of young patients who had been diagnosed with cerebral venous thrombosis and admitted to the neurology department.

Exp Ther Med ; 22(4): 1191, 2021 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34475981


Chronic lymphocytic inflammation with pontine perivascular enhancement responsive to steroids (CLIPPERS) is a relatively newly discovered and characterized condition affecting the central nervous system (CNS) that involves the brainstem almost ubiquitously and that focuses primarily on the pons. Characteristically, CLIPPERS represents a combination of clinical symptoms related to the pathology of the brainstem in particular and has a characteristic appearance on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with punctate and curvilinear gadolinium enhancement 'peppering' the pons. The lesions can be viewed via neuroimaging with a predominance in the pons and adjacent rhombencephalic structures, such as the cerebellar peduncles, cerebellum, medulla, and middle brain. These lesions may also spread and appear in other areas of the brain such as the thalamus or white matter. As the name suggests, this clinical syndrome responds to immunosuppressive treatment based on glucocorticosteroids (GCSs), expressed as both clinical and radiological improvements. Support for this treatment is required for a long period, since exacerbations may occur without. Thus, the diagnosis of CLIPPERS has garnered increased attention from clinicians and the active exclusion of differential alternative diagnoses is needed. A specific biomarker of serum or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for this condition has not been discovered. The pathophysiology of this condition is not fully elucidated, and it is not yet clear whether CLIPPERS is a disease in its own right or is the culmination of several already known syndromes. Clinicians and radiologists should pay close attention to this condition as it is relatively easy to treat and patients can benefit from the early introduction of GCSs, which can produce significant results through long-term immunosuppression. Taking into account previous reports in the literature, which currently include over 50 cases reported as CLIPPERS, this analysis addressed the clinical features, and paraclinical and differential diagnoses of cases described in the literature.

Brain Sci ; 11(9)2021 Aug 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34573160


In the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic, several research studies focused on understanding the damage to the respiratory and circulatory systems. However, the evidence of neurological manifestations as part of the clinical spectrum of the disease has increased. The aim of this retrospective study was to determine the potential association of neurological disorders with concomitant COVID-19 infection. We reviewed 101 patients (mean age, 70.05 years; 62.37% men) diagnosed with different neurological disorders and COVID-19 who were referred to the Department of Neurology between March 2020 and May 2021. The protocol included demographic, clinical, and neuroimagistic features, biochemical evaluation data, and prognosis. In the first group of patients with non-severe COVID-19 infection (<50% lung damage), we enrolled 75 cases (mean age, 69.13 years; 65.33% men), and the second group, with 26 patients (mean age, 72.69 years; 53.84% men), developed severe COVID-19 infection (>50% lung damage). Severe COVID-19 infection was significantly correlated with an increased highly sensitive C-reactive protein level (hsCRP) (p < 0.05), lactate dehydrogenase level (LDH) (p < 0.05), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) (p < 0.05), D-dimer (p < 0.05), fibrinogen level (p < 0.05), and blood glucose (p < 0.05) when compared to the first group. These biochemical parameters were increased in both groups, but the levels were much higher in the second group. Headaches (72.27%) and dizziness (14.85%) were present in the early stage of infection. Cerebrovascular events were also reported: ischemic stroke (48% vs. 57.69%; p < 0.05), cerebral hemorrhage (4.95%), and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (1.98%). Encephalitis (1.98%) and Guillain-Barré Syndrome (1.98%) were found but less frequently. Cranial nerve abnormalities were statistically more common in the non-severe group: anosmia (32% vs. 26.92%; p < 0.05), dysgeusia/ageusia (48% vs. 42.30%; p < 0.05), impaired eye movement (1.33% vs. 0%), and facial nerve palsy (2.66% vs. 0%). Seizures (13.33% vs. 11.53%; p < 0.05) and a depressed level of consciousness (31.68%) occurred commonly. We detected the neuropsychiatric symptoms of anxiety (23.76%) and depression (14.85%). Mortality was increased in both groups but was much higher in the second group (46.15% vs. 21.33%). Neurological complications during COVID-19 infection are common in hospitalized patients, but the mechanism of these complications is not fully understood, representing a continuous challenge for neurologists.

Brain Sci ; 11(5)2021 May 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34064360


Respiratory dysfunctions have been associated with Parkinson's disease since the first observations of the disease in 1817. Patients with Parkinson's disease frequently present respiratory disorders with obstructive ventilatory patterns and restrictive modifications, as well as limitations in respiratory volumes. In addition, respiratory impairments are observed due to the rigidity and kyphosis that Parkinson's disease patients experience. Subsidiary pulmonary complications can also appear as side effects of medication. Silent aspiration can be the cause of pneumonia in Parkinson's disease. Pulmonary dysfunction is one of the main factors that leads to the morbidity and mortality of patients with Parkinson's disease. Here, we performed a narrative review of the literature and reviewed studies on dyspnea, lung volumes, respiratory muscle function, sleep breathing disorders, and subsidiary speech and swallow impairments related to pulmonary dysfunction in patients with Parkinson's disease.

Metabolites ; 11(5)2021 Apr 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33922851


Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), accounting for less than 1% of stroke cases, is characterized by various causes, heterogeneous clinical presentation and different outcome. The plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) gene polymorphisms has been found to be associated with CVST. The aim of this retrospective study was to determine the potential association of PAI-1 675 4G/5G polymorphisms and homocysteine levels with cardiovascular risk factors in a group of young patients with CVST. Eighty patients with CVST and an equal number of age and sex matched controls were enrolled. The protocol included demographic and clinical baseline characteristics, neuroimagistic aspects, genetic testing (PAI-1 675 4G/5G polymorphisms), biochemical evaluation (homocysteine-tHcy, the lipid profile, blood glucose, glycohemoglobin-HbA1c, high-sensitive C-reactive protein-hsCRP) data, therapy and prognosis. The PAI-1 675 4G/5G gene polymorphisms were significantly correlated with increased homocysteine level (tHcy) (p < 0.05), higher total cholesterol (TC) (p < 0.05), low- density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLc) (p = 0.05) and high- sensitive C- reactive protein (hsCRP) (p < 0.05) in patients with CVST when compared with controls. From the PAI-1 gene polymorphisms, the PAI-1 675 4G/5G genotype presented statistically significant values regarding the comparisons of the blood lipids values between the CVST group and control group. The homocysteine (tHcy) was increased in both groups, patients versus controls, in cases with the homozygous variant 4G/4G but the level was much higher in the group with CVST (50.56 µmol/L vs. 20.22 µmol/L; p = 0.03). The most common clinical presentation was headache (91.25%), followed by seizures (43.75%) and focal motor deficits (37.5%). The superior sagittal sinus (SSS) was the most commonly involved dural sinus (56.25%), followed by the lateral sinus (LS) (28.75%). Intima-media thickness (IMT) values were higher in the patients' group with CVST (0.95 mm vs. 0.88 mm; p < 0.05). The fatal outcome occurred 2.5% of the time. PAI-1 675 4G/5G gene polymorphisms and higher homocysteine concentrations were found to be significantly associated with CVST in young patients.

Exp Ther Med ; 21(5): 521, 2021 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33815594


Human helminth zoonosis is one of the most encountered helminthiases worldwide. Representative diseases include Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati, which are common nematodes prevalent in dogs and cats. The infiltration of these roundworms in the human body through contaminated food or nematode eggs could lead to central nervous system injury as the roundworms can cross the blood-brain barrier leading to neurotoxocariasis. Among the neurological and neuropsychological disturbances produced by Toxocara infection, in humans, the most representative are meningitis, encephalitis, myelitis and cerebral vasculitis, but asymptomatic central nervous system infection is probably the most prevalent. The present review examines the clinical symptomatology of neurotoxocariasis in case reports in the literature in the last 7 decades (1950-2020). The available evidence was retrieved from PubMed and Medline electronic databases. The present review reports the most prevalent clinical symptomatology in the cases of detected and diagnosed Toxocara infection with neuroinvasion. Thus, the present review aims to raise the awareness of neurological cases of Toxocara infection with the potential to at least establish differential diagnosis of neurotoxocariasis.

Exp Ther Med ; 21(5): 542, 2021 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33815615


Multiple sclerosis is defined as an immune-mediated disease that affects the central nervous system, and also is characterized by the presence of immune cells and mediators which contribute to the subsidiary neuroinflammation associated with multiple sclerosis. Throughout the evolution of multiple sclerosis, it has been observed that circulating immune complexes (CICs) have higher values in these patients, especially in the acute phase of the disease. Thus, the aim of the present study was to observe, if in acute attack, relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients still present high values of CICs after treatment with glatiramer and prednisone. We divided 70 patients with multiple sclerosis with high values of CICs into two treatment groups, one treated with glatiramer (Copaxone) (immunomodulatory treatment) and the other with prednisone (corticosteroid treatment). After three months of treatment, we assessed the levels of CICs of the two multiple sclerosis groups and we observed that the patients that followed the immunomodulatory treatment had lower values of CICs than the group that followed the corticosteroid treatment. In addition, another observation established was that the glatiramer treatment group had higher levels of vitamin D in the serum than the prednisone group of multiple sclerosis patients. To conclude, better outcomes, from the point of view of the results obtained from the comparative analysis of the values of CICs and vitamin D, were demonstrated by following immunomodulatory treatment.

Brain Sci ; 11(1)2020 Dec 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33375456


Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) as a severe neurological emergency, is represented by variable conditions in its clinic presentation, onset, risk factors, neuroimagistic features and outcome. The genetic polymorphism of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene C677T and A1298C was associated with CVST. We aimed to characterize the prevalence of MTHFR gene polymorphisms associated with cardiovascular risk factors in the group of patients with CVST. Also, we studied additional causes associated with CVST including local infections, general infections, obstetric causes (pregnancy, puerperium) and head injury. This is a retrospective study including 114 patients which referred to our hospital between February 2012-February 2020. The protocol included demographic (age, sex), clinical, neuroimagistic features, paraclinic (genetic polymorphism of MTHFR, factor V G1691A-Leiden, prothrombin G20210A, PAI-1 675 4G/5G; Homocysteine level, the lipid profile, blood glucose and Glycohemoglobin HbA1c, high- sensitive C- reactive protein- hsCRP) data, as well as treatment and outcome. The mean age was 37.55 years with a female predominance (65.79%). In the first group of patients with inherited thrombophilia (60 cases; 52.63%) we found genetic mutation includes MTHFR C677T (38.59%) and A1298C (14.03%), factor V G1691A- Leiden (15.78%), prothrombin G20210A (2.63%), PAI-1 675 4G/5G (42.98%), and hyperhomocysteinemia (35.08%). At the second group with other etiology of CVST, except thrombophilia, we included 54 patients (47.36%). The most common sites of thrombosis were the superior sagittal sinus (52.63%). Headache was the most common symptom (91.22%) and seizures were the main clinical presentation (54.38%). The MTHFR polymorphism was significantly correlated with higher total cholesterol (TC) (p = 0.023), low- density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) (p = 0.008), homocysteine level (tHcy) (p < 0.001). Inside the first group with MTHFR polymorphism we have found a significant difference between the levels of homocysteine at the patients with MTHFR C677T versus MTHFR A1298C polymorphism (p < 0.001). The high-sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) was increased in both groups of patients, but the level was much higher in the second group (p = 0.046). Mortality rate was of 2.63%. Demographic, clinical and neuroimagistic presentation of CVST in our study was similar with other studies on the matter, with a high frequency of thrombophilia causes. MTHFR gene polymorphisms (C677T and A1298C) are increased in prevalence in CVST. PAI-1 675 4G/5G gene mutation seems to be involved in CVST etiology. Plasma C-reactive protein level and hyperhomocysteinemia should be considered as a prognostic factor in CVST.

Brain Sci ; 10(9)2020 Sep 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32906773


Neck and back pain may be noted like a first symptom in rare diseases: spinal cord ischemia and spinal dural arteriovenous fistula (SDAVF). Spinal cord ischemia is a rarer pathology, compared with cerebral ischemia, yet the morbidity and mortality are comparable in both cases; furthermore, classifying the acute loss of function in the spine, encountered in spinal cord ischemia as an important neurological entity. SDAVF presents the same clinical symptoms as spinal cord ischemia, but even though it has a progressive character, the impact in the quality of patients' lives being equally as important. Between August 2012-August 2017 we admitted through the hospital emergency department 21 patients with spinal cord ischemia and 11 patients with SDAVF (only self-casuistry). Demographic (age, gender), clinical, imagistic (Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging), paraclinical data as well as history, time to diagnosis, the visual analogue scale for pain (VAS score), risk factors, surgical and medical treatment, evolution, neurorehabilitation, were all used to compare the two lots of patients. The aim of this study was to observe potential differences in the demographics, symptomatology, VAS scores and treatment in comparison for spinal cord ischemia and SDAVF, to facilitate the further recognition and management in these diseases. In group A we have 21 patients with spinal cord ischemia (14 females, 7 males). The median age was 41.3 years (range 19-64). The median time to diagnosis was 7 h. The most frequent symptoms were acute neck or back pain at onset (100%), motor deficits (95.24%), sensory loss (85.72%), and sphincters problems (90.48%). The most common location was the lumbosacral spine (14 cases; 66.67%; p-value = 0.03) for spinal cord ischemia and the thoracic spine (7 cases, 63.64%; p-value = 0.065) for SDAVF. The treatment of spinal cord ischemia was medical. In group B we included 11 patients (6 females, 5 males). The median age was 52.6 years (range 28-74). The median time to diagnosis was 3 months (range 2 days-14 months). Patients have progressive symptoms: neck or back pain (100%), gait disturbances (100%) and abnormalities of micturition (100%). The treatment of SDAVF was surgical occlusion of fistula. The proportion of severe VAS score (7-10) in patients with spinal cord ischemia was significantly higher than that in patients with SDAVF (100% vs. 18, 19%; p-value = 0.051). Taking into consideration that the usual findings and diagnosis of spinal cord ischemia and SDAVF are still challenging for neurologists and in some cases the difficulties are related to technical limitations, we consider these entities to be rare but very important for the life of our patients. Patients were grouped into spinal cord ischemia and SDAVF status and those with acute or chronic pain conditions, measured by the VAS score. Patients with spinal cord ischemia develop acute neurological symptoms. They are much younger than the patients with SDAVF and the recovery rate is higher. Patients with SDAVF develop a progressive myelopathy and they suffer considerable neurological deficits. Imaging the lesions with MR angiography or MRI, we can confirm the diagnosis.