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Front Cell Dev Biol ; 12: 1386980, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38803392


Hyperpolarization of the membrane potential (Em), a phenomenon regulated by SLO3 channels, stands as a central feature in sperm capacitation-a crucial process conferring upon sperm the ability to fertilize the oocyte. In vitro studies demonstrated that Em hyperpolarization plays a pivotal role in facilitating the mechanisms necessary for the development of hyperactivated motility (HA) and acrosomal exocytosis (AE) occurrence. Nevertheless, the physiological significance of sperm Em within the female reproductive tract remains unexplored. As an approach to this question, we studied sperm migration and AE incidence within the oviduct in the absence of Em hyperpolarization using a novel mouse model established by crossbreeding of SLO3 knock-out (KO) mice with EGFP/DsRed2 mice. Sperm from this model displays impaired HA and AE in vitro. Interestingly, examination of the female reproductive tract shows that SLO3 KO sperm can reach the ampulla, mirroring the quantity of sperm observed in wild-type (WT) counterparts, supporting that the HA needed to reach the fertilization site is not affected. However, a noteworthy distinction emerges-unlike WT sperm, the majority of SLO3 KO sperm arrive at the ampulla with their acrosomes still intact. Of the few SLO3 KO sperm that do manage to reach the oocytes within this location, fertilization does not occur, as indicated by the absence of sperm pronuclei in the MII-oocytes recovered post-mating. In vitro, SLO3 KO sperm fail to penetrate the ZP and fuse with the oocytes. Collectively, these results underscore the vital role of Em hyperpolarization in AE and fertilization within their physiological context, while also revealing that Em is not a prerequisite for the development of the HA motility, essential for sperm migration through the female tract to the ampulla.

Front Cell Dev Biol ; 9: 800351, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34970552


Mammalian fertilization is a complex process involving a series of successive sperm-egg interaction steps mediated by different molecules and mechanisms. Studies carried out during the past 30 years, using a group of proteins named CRISP (Cysteine-RIch Secretory Proteins), have significantly contributed to elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying mammalian gamete interaction. The CRISP family is composed of four members (i.e., CRISP1-4) in mammals, mainly expressed in the male tract, present in spermatozoa and exhibiting Ca2+ channel regulatory abilities. Biochemical, molecular and genetic approaches show that each CRISP protein participates in more than one stage of gamete interaction (i.e., cumulus penetration, sperm-ZP binding, ZP penetration, gamete fusion) by either ligand-receptor interactions or the regulation of several capacitation-associated events (i.e., protein tyrosine phosphorylation, acrosome reaction, hyperactivation, etc.) likely through their ability to regulate different sperm ion channels. Moreover, deletion of different numbers and combination of Crisp genes leading to the generation of single, double, triple and quadruple knockout mice showed that CRISP proteins are essential for male fertility and are involved not only in gamete interaction but also in previous and subsequent steps such as sperm transport within the female tract and early embryo development. Collectively, these observations reveal that CRISP have evolved to perform redundant as well as specialized functions and are organized in functional modules within the family that work through independent pathways and contribute distinctly to fertility success. Redundancy and compensation mechanisms within protein families are particularly important for spermatozoa which are transcriptionally and translationally inactive cells carrying numerous protein families, emphasizing the importance of generating multiple knockout models to unmask the true functional relevance of family proteins. Considering the high sequence and functional homology between rodent and human CRISP proteins, these observations will contribute to a better understanding and diagnosis of human infertility as well as the development of new contraceptive options.

Front Cell Dev Biol ; 9: 686461, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34295893


Cation channel of sperm (CatSper), the main sperm-specific Ca2+ channel, plays a key role in mammalian fertilization, and it is essential for male fertility, becoming an attractive target for contraception. Based on this, in the present work, we investigated the effects of CatSper inactivation on in vitro and in vivo sperm fertilizing ability and the mechanisms underlying such effects. Exposure of cauda epididymal mouse sperm to different concentrations (1-20 µM) of the potent CatSper inhibitor HC-056456 (HC) during in vitro capacitation showed no effects on sperm viability but significantly affected Ca2+ entry into the cells, progressive motility, protein tyrosine phosphorylation, induced acrosome reaction, and hyperactivation, as well as the sperm's ability to in vitro fertilize cumulus oocyte complexes and zona-free eggs. Whereas the presence of HC during gamete coincubation did not affect in vitro fertilization, exposure of either non-capacitating or already capacitated sperm to HC prior to gamete coincubation severely reduced fertilization, indicating that sperm function is affected by HC when the cells are incubated with the drug before sperm-egg interaction. Of note, insemination of HC-treated sperm into the uterus significantly or completely reduced the percentage of oviductal fertilized eggs showing, for the first time, the effects of a CatSper inhibitor on in vivo fertilization. These observations, together with the finding that HC affects sperm fertilizing ability independently of the sperm capacitation status, provide further insights on how CatSper regulates sperm function and represent a solid proof of concept for developing a male/female non-hormonal contraceptive based on the pharmacological blockage of CatSper activity.