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BJR Case Rep ; 2(2): 20150128, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30363606


Our aims were to first assess uptake of the modified safety checklist (SC) for interventional radiology (IR), identify obstacles to using the SC, and then apply changes to local policy to reach maximum compliance. Retrospective data collection was performed of all patients who underwent an interventional procedure in the interventional suite at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in February, March and May 2014. Barriers to a SC: a lack of awareness about the SC; lack of training in how to complete the SC; lack of leadership-no team member had been given the role of promoting the SC and collecting and collating the SC; attitude of staff-some team members felt that the SCs were time consuming and further bureaucracy; out-of-hours procedures involved staff from outside departments who were not familiar with the SC; paper copies of the completed SCs were being misplaced. Results: February 2014 = 79%; staff education of the importance of the modified World Health Organization (WHO) checklist disseminated in the interventional suite and at clinical governance; each day a designated 'SC champion' in the interventional suite has the responsibility for overseeing the WHO checklist is completed for each patient; the use of a clipboard for storing checklists, amalgamated and scored at the end of each day. Any checklists not completed are highlighted and discussed with the consultant. March 2014 = 95%; junior nurse involvement in auditing to improve awareness and engagement; out-of-hours interventional radiologist ensuring that the checklist is completed for each patient. May 2014 = 100%.