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Cureus ; 16(5): e60034, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38854197


Critically ill children admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) face a substantial risk of morbidity and mortality, regardless of whether they are in developed or developing countries. To aid in treatment planning, various prognostic scoring systems have been developed to predict the likelihood of morbidity and death in these young patients. While the sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score has been validated as an independent risk predictor for adult mortality in cases of confirmed or suspected sepsis, it is not suitable for use in children due to its lack of age normalization. Children in critical condition often exhibit significant deviations from the normal physiological balance of their bodies. These deviations from the typical range of physiological variables can be leveraged to estimate the extent of these variations and create scoring systems. In this context, the pediatric SOFA (pSOFA) score was developed by modifying the original SOFA score and incorporating age-adjusted cutoffs for various bodily systems. The objective of this review is to assess the effectiveness of the pSOFA score in predicting sepsis-related mortality in pediatric patients within the PICU setting.

Cureus ; 16(4): e58013, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38738063


Infective endocarditis, a fatal infection with rising morbidity and mortality rates among infants and children, is characterized by microbial infection within the endocardium, the inner lining of the heart including heart valves. The heightened susceptibility to infection in children is attributed to pre-existing pathologies, structural defects, and comorbidities. This report details a case of a one-year-old child with tetralogy of Fallot, showcasing isolated pulmonary valve vegetations as a distinctive manifestation of infective endocarditis.

Cureus ; 16(4): e57694, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38711718


Infective endocarditis (IE) is a severe yet rare condition in pediatric patients, often presenting with nonspecific symptoms, which can complicate diagnosis. Chordae tendinea rupture and pulmonary valve involvement are uncommon complications of IE, warranting timely recognition and management to prevent further morbidity and mortality. We present a case of a nine-year-old male child with a rare presentation of endocarditis complicated by chordae tendinea rupture and pulmonary valve vegetation. The child presented with a one-month history of abdominal pain, dyspnea, edema, and cough. Initial investigations revealed severe mitral regurgitation (MR) and tricuspid regurgitation (TR), chordae tendinea rupture, and vegetation on the pulmonary valve. Despite antibiotic therapy, the child's symptoms persisted, necessitating transfer to a tertiary care center for advanced cardiac management. Chordae tendinea rupture is a rare but critical complication of endocarditis, leading to significant valvular dysfunction. Pulmonary valve involvement in endocarditis is relatively uncommon, with most cases involving the mitral and aortic valves. Identifying vegetation on the pulmonary valve underscores the importance of comprehensive echocardiographic evaluation in patients with suspected endocarditis, regardless of valve involvement. Management of pediatric endocarditis involves a multidisciplinary approach, including antibiotic therapy and potential surgical intervention. Despite antibiotic therapy, the child continued to experience fever spikes in this case, indicating a potential need for surgical intervention. In conclusion, this case report highlights the rare presentation of chordae tendinea rupture and pulmonary valve vegetation in pediatric endocarditis. Timely diagnosis and appropriate management, including antibiotic therapy and potential surgical intervention, are essential for optimizing outcomes in affected children.

Cureus ; 16(3): e56852, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38659571


Lymphatic malformations frequently present as benign masses in the neck and clavicle region among infants and young children. Cystic hygroma represents an often-encountered form of lymphatic malformation. This case report details the medical history of a one-year-old girl characterized by a multifaceted medical background, initially exhibiting symptoms of persistent cough, cold, and neck swelling. Further investigations revealed more severe conditions: complex congenital heart defects, including large atrial septal defect (ASD), large ventricular septal defect (VSD), and aorta arising from the right ventricle with cystic hygroma and annular pancreas. The patient underwent various diagnostic tests, including chest X-rays, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography pulmonary angiogram (CTPA), leading to multidisciplinary treatment involving sclerotherapy for cystic hygroma and supportive therapies. The case underscores the challenges in diagnosing and managing pediatric patients with overlapping conditions and the critical need for continuous follow-up.

Cureus ; 16(3): e56137, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618363


Virtual reality (VR) has experienced a remarkable evolution over recent decades, evolving from its initial applications in specific military domains to becoming a ubiquitous and easily accessible technology. This thorough review delves into the intricate domain of VR within healthcare, seeking to offer a comprehensive understanding of its historical evolution, theoretical foundations, and current adoption status. The examination explores the advantages of VR in enhancing the educational experience for medical students, with a particular focus on skill acquisition and retention. Within this exploration, the review dissects the applications of VR across diverse medical disciplines, highlighting its role in surgical training and anatomy/physiology education. While navigating the expansive landscape of VR, the review addresses challenges related to technology and pedagogy, providing insights into overcoming technical hurdles and seamlessly integrating VR into healthcare practices. Additionally, the review looks ahead to future directions and emerging trends, examining the potential impact of technological advancements and innovative applications in healthcare. This review illuminates the transformative potential of VR as a tool poised to revolutionize healthcare practices.

Cureus ; 16(3): e55823, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38590469


This case report presents the clinical management of a 18-month-old female child who presented with fever, cough, and cold symptoms for eight days. Despite initial treatment with antipyretic syrup, the persistence of symptoms prompted further evaluation, revealing signs of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) on echocardiography. The patient was subsequently initiated on beta-blocker therapy and supportive care, leading to clinical improvement and eventual discharge. This case underscores the importance of considering cardiac etiologies in pediatric patients presenting with nonspecific symptoms. It highlights the role of timely diagnosis and multidisciplinary management in optimizing outcomes for affected individuals. Further research and awareness efforts are warranted to enhance diagnostic capabilities and refine treatment strategies for pediatric cardiac conditions like HOCM.

Cureus ; 16(2): e55145, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558671


Background and objectives Human milk benefits for both mothers and babies are widely acknowledged. Human milk banks (HMBs) are essential in providing newborns who would not otherwise have access to pasteurized and stored human milk. The objective of this research was to investigate the understanding, opinions, and outlooks of medical and paramedical students regarding breast milk donation and the concept of an HMB. Material and methods A total of 398 professional female students specializing in physiotherapy, nursing, and medicine were given an online self-administered questionnaire as part of a descriptive cross-sectional study. Data on the characteristics, HMB knowledge, awareness levels, and attitudes toward HMB and breast milk donation were to be gathered through the questionnaire. Every student's answer to the survey was kept private and confidential. Result According to the survey, 188 students (47.24%) belong to the medical college, 126 students (31.66%) belong to the physiotherapy college, and the remaining 84 students (21.11%) are from the nursing college. A total of 294 students (74.12%) had heard about human milk banking before and received information from health professionals (195 students, 48.99%), the news (67 students, 16.83%), and family and friends (61 students, 15.33%). However, only 224 students (56.28%) are willing to feed their babies with HMB milk in the future. On the other hand, 216 students (54.27%) are ready to donate breast milk to HMB. The majority of students have a favorable opinion of breast milk donation. A staggering 394 students (98.99%) think that donating human milk can save babies. Furthermore, 379 students (95.23%) think that all the nutrients needed for a baby's healthy development are found in human milk. Merely 350 students (87.93%) think that breastfeeding does not result in malnourishment for either the mother or the baby. When there is an excess of milk, the majority of students (378 or 94.97%) think that there is nothing wrong with donating it. Moreover, 312 (80.41%) students are happy to donate milk in the future. A total of 373 students (93.71%) are overjoyed that a sick baby will survive because of their donated milk. Only 100 students (25.12%) will give milk, though, and only to the infants of their friends and relatives, never to complete strangers. Conclusion A dearth of knowledge pertaining to human milk banking is rampant among medical and paramedical female students, yet the gravity of the circumstances remains concealed. Consequently, it is imperative to extensively educate all Indian communities about the concept of human milk banking to gain widespread acceptance. This research sheds light on the issue and promotes scientific knowledge of HMB, as many students are unaware of it.

Cureus ; 16(3): e55608, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38586621


This comprehensive review thoroughly examines the historical evolution, physiological foundations, and contemporary advancements in the application of phototherapy for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, a common condition resulting from the immature hepatic processes in newborns, poses potential risks, including neurotoxicity, if left untreated. The review traces the historical progression from early recognition of neonatal jaundice to the development of various phototherapy modalities, showcasing the dynamic landscape of neonatal care. Emphasizing the physiological intricacies of bilirubin metabolism in neonates, the study underscores the vulnerability of newborns to hyperbilirubinemia due to delayed hepatic maturation. Phototherapy is a cornerstone in managing hyperbilirubinemia, demonstrating consistent efficacy in reducing unconjugated bilirubin levels. The implications for clinical practice are significant, offering healthcare professionals insights into tailoring treatment strategies based on individual neonatal characteristics and the severity of jaundice. Integrating advanced monitoring and control systems enhances the precision and safety of phototherapy. Recommendations for future research emphasize the need to investigate long-term outcomes, explore adjunctive therapies, and address resource limitations to ensure global access to effective neonatal care. Overall, this review contributes to the ongoing refinement of neonatal care practices, offering a comprehensive understanding of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and its evolving treatment landscape.

Cureus ; 16(3): e55806, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38586625


This case report describes the presentation, diagnostic evaluation, and management challenges encountered in an eight-month-old female infant with fever, seizure, and a large cystic brain lesion initially diagnosed as pilocytic astrocytoma but later demonstrating atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT) features on histopathological examination-the infant presented with a fever and cold persisting for 10 days, followed by a seizure episode. Laboratory investigations revealed abnormalities, including anemia and leukocytosis. Imaging studies identified a large cystic lesion causing hydrocephalus. Despite initial treatment, the patient continued to experience seizures, prompting surgical intervention. Debulking surgery was performed, resulting in postoperative motor deficits. Subsequent imaging revealed persistent lesions, leading to further surgical intervention with shunt placement. Histopathological examination confirmed pilocytic astrocytoma with features suggestive of AT/RT. Despite counseling regarding poor prognosis and recommendations for chemotherapy, the parents declined further treatment, and the patient was discharged. This case underscores the diagnostic complexity and therapeutic dilemmas associated with rare histological overlaps in pediatric brain tumors, emphasizing the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration and tailored treatment strategies for optimal patient care.

Cureus ; 16(1): e53289, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38435961


This review comprehensively explores pediatric capnography, a vital tool in contemporary respiratory monitoring. The overview encompasses the foundational principles of capnography, elucidating its real-time measurement of carbon dioxide (CO2) in respiratory gases. The review emphasizes its paramount role in pediatric care and underscores capnography's significance in detecting respiratory abnormalities and guiding timely interventions. The distinctions between mainstream and sidestream capnography, the key to understanding their applications, are meticulously outlined. Addressing the importance of ongoing research and education, the review advocates for a dynamic approach to refine guidelines and optimize capnography utilization in pediatric settings. The conclusion reflects on the scope and limitations of pediatric capnography, acknowledging its transformative impact while advocating for a judicious recognition of constraints. As we navigate the future of pediatric respiratory care, the synergy of research, education, and clinical application emerges as the cornerstone for advancing pediatric capnography to new horizons.

Cureus ; 16(2): e55004, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38550425


Integrating smartphone applications into screening and identifying autism spectrum disorder (ASD) represents a promising and innovative frontier within healthcare. This forward-looking paper examines the current landscape of ASD screening apps, shedding light on their potential advantages and addressing and navigating significant challenges. One of the most compelling aspects of these apps lies in their potential to democratize access to ASD screening, effectively breaking down geographical barriers. By using the widespread availability of smartphones, these apps make it possible for individuals, caregivers, and healthcare providers to engage in early ASD screening from virtually anywhere. This accessibility is especially crucial in underserved areas or regions with limited access to specialized healthcare services. Moreover, these apps offer a degree of objectivity that traditional screening methods may need help to match. By relying on data-driven algorithms and machine learning, they can provide a more impartial assessment of a child's behavior, minimizing the potential for subjective bias. This objectivity, combined with the ability to monitor and assess a child's development over time, empowers caregivers with valuable insights into their child's progress. However, as with any technological advancement in healthcare, integrating smartphone apps for ASD screening is not without its share of ethical and privacy considerations. Ensuring informed consent is obtained, especially when collecting data from children, is complex and critical. Striking the right balance between collecting necessary data and protecting an individual's privacy requires careful thought and transparent communication. Additionally, the "digital divide" represents a challenge that needs to be acknowledged and addressed. Not all individuals and families have equal access to smartphones or the technological literacy required to use these apps effectively. This disparity in access must be considered when developing and implementing app-based screening solutions to prevent exacerbating existing healthcare inequalities. Nevertheless, the future of ASD screening apps holds significant promise. Advancements in technology, including integrating advanced sensors, wearables, augmented reality, and machine learning, can further enhance the accuracy and depth of screening. Interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers, developers, clinicians, and educators is crucial to ensure that these apps are effective, culturally sensitive, and user-friendly. Furthermore, integrating these apps into broader healthcare systems, including electronic health records and telehealth platforms, can streamline the screening process and enable a more seamless transition from screening to diagnosis and intervention.

Cureus ; 16(2): e53944, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38468989


This comprehensive review examines anthropometric indices in the context of urban and rural India, shedding light on the dynamic interplay between lifestyle, socio-economic factors, and environmental influences on health outcomes. Analyzing indicators such as Body Mass Index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), and mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC), the study reveals distinct disparities between urban and rural populations. While rural areas face the challenges of undernutrition and stunting, urban environments grapple with the escalating prevalence of obesity and non-communicable diseases. The implications for public health underscore the need for tailored interventions, encompassing nutritional education, equitable healthcare access, and lifestyle interventions. The call-to-action advocates for collaborative efforts among policymakers, healthcare professionals, researchers, and communities to implement evidence-based strategies, advocate for policy reforms, and continually monitor anthropometric trends. This review serves as a roadmap for fostering healthier communities in India by addressing anthropometric disparities and steering toward a more equitable and sustainable future.

Cureus ; 16(2): e54012, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38476806


Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is a common concern in newborns, with ABO blood group incompatibility serving as a significant risk factor for severe jaundice. This case report outlines the successful management of a 2.5 kg female infant born to a primigravida mother with ABO incompatibility-induced hyperbilirubinemia. The neonate, born at 38.4 weeks via lower segment cesarean section, exhibited signs of jaundice at 91 hours of life, prompting screening and subsequent confirmation of serum bilirubin levels 26.4. The decision was made using the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and categorized the child under high risk according to age and bilirubin level to implement a complete exchange transfusion using a novel approach with two infusion pumps. The unique aspect of this case lies in introducing a two-infusion pump technique, one to infuse and one to extract blood by inserting the IV set in opposite directions in the infusion pump to perform the exchange transfusion, aiming to minimize complications associated with traditional methods. Careful handling of umbilical venous and arterial lines, coupled with aseptic precautions, sought to mitigate the risk of sepsis. The procedure, conducted over two hours, demonstrated stability in vital signs and was monitored with a transcutaneous bilirubinometer. Post-transfusion, repeat serum bilirubin tests showed a decrease in bilirubin of 10.1, indicating the success of the novel exchange transfusion method. The infant was discharged after a five-day hospital stay, showcasing this innovative approach's potential efficacy and safety. This case contributes to the evolving strategies in neonatal care and emphasizes the importance of tailored interventions in managing hyperbilirubinemia associated with ABO incompatibility.

Cureus ; 16(1): e52982, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38406110


This case report presents a unique clinical scenario of a 2 kg male neonate with Down syndrome complicated by dural venous thrombosis. Born via normal vaginal delivery, the infant exhibited syndromic features characteristic of Down syndrome, necessitating admission to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for respiratory distress. Confirmatory karyotyping established the diagnosis. Subsequent complications included germinal matrix haemorrhage, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, and aspiration pneumonia. An MRI revealed dural venous thrombosis in the left transverse sinus, an uncommon manifestation in neonates with Down syndrome. Multidisciplinary management involved respiratory support, antibiotic therapy, and neurophysiotherapy. Infectious complications, including Klebsiella pneumoniae growth, required tailored antibiotic intervention. Despite intubation and CO2 retention challenges, the neonate improved and was ultimately discharged with favourable anthropometric measurements. This case underscores the importance of a comprehensive approach to neonatal care in the context of Down syndrome, emphasising the need for early recognition and management of rare complications such as venous thrombosis. The positive outcome highlights the efficacy of a multidisciplinary strategy in addressing complex neonatal conditions.

Cureus ; 16(1): e53105, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38414674


Edwards syndrome, also known as trisomy 18, is a rare chromosomal disorder associated with multiple congenital anomalies and high morbidity. This report presents the case of a three-month-old female infant diagnosed with Edwards syndrome, presenting classic phenotypic features, including low-set ears, micrognathia, and a rocker bottom foot. The infant's condition was further complicated by cardiac abnormalities and respiratory distress, necessitating a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach involving pediatricians, cardiologists, and orthopedic specialists. The diagnostic journey involved addressing challenges related to respiratory distress syndrome, bronchiolitis, and cardiac complications. The management approach underscored the significance of individualized care tailored to the patient's unique needs. Genetic counseling played a pivotal role in providing essential support to the family facing the complexities associated with Edwards syndrome. This case report highlights the intricacies of Edwards syndrome and contributes to the ongoing discourse on refining clinical strategies for enhanced care and compassionate support. Additionally, it emphasizes the need for further research to advance our understanding of this condition and guide future interventions.

Cureus ; 16(1): e53054, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38410297


Introduction Echocardiography is pivotal in neonatal care by providing valuable insights into cardiac function, anatomy, and hemodynamics. The ability of echocardiography to guide clinical decision-making is evident in its capacity to influence and change management strategies. Therefore, the goal of the current study was to know the prevalence of heart disease and the association between echocardiographic indications and neonatal outcomes and interventions. Materials and method This prospective cross-sectional study was conducted in the Neonatology Department, Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research, Sawangi, Wardha. Ill neonates admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) were selected in a randomized manner, and echocardiography was performed. The decision was made on the indications for echocardiography, the echocardiographic findings, and any modifications to the clinical care. Mean differences were compared using an unpaired Student's t-test. A significant level is defined as a p-value of less than 0.05. Results Of all the ill neonates, heart disease was present in 60 (52.6%) neonates. The most frequent indication for echocardiography was respiratory distress in 39 (34.21%). In neonates with heart disease, 27(45%) had acyanotic heart disease, nine (15%) had cyanotic heart disease, and 24(40%) had miscellaneous heart disease. The mean appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration (APGAR) score at five minutes in neonates without heart disease was 9.05, and for those with heart disease, it was 8.95, with no statistically significant difference. Out of 114 neonates, the mean NICU stay of neonates without heart disease was 6.59 days, and those with heart disease was 9.95 days with a p-value of 0.0001, hence showing statistically significant differences. Out of all the 114 neonates, 57.89% underwent no intervention, 36.85% underwent medical intervention, and 5.26% underwent surgical interventions. Out of 114 neonates, 101 neonates were discharged, and 13 neonates were dead. Out of the 54 neonates with no cardiac abnormality, 50 (92.59%) were discharged, and four (7.41%) neonates were dead. Out of the 60 neonates with cardiac abnormality, 51 (85%) were discharged, and nine (15%) were dead, with a p-value of 0.203, showing no statistical significance between cardiac abnormality and neonatal outcome. Conclusion Our study emphasizes the pivotal role of echocardiography in the NICU for evaluating ill neonates. The findings underline the significance of early detection and precise diagnostic insights provided by echocardiography, contributing to tailored management strategies. The study highlights the transformative impact of echocardiography on clinical decision-making, facilitating timely interventions and improving overall neonatal care. Echocardiography is essential to improving outcomes for these susceptible newborns in the NICU as we continue to expand our knowledge of neonatal heart health.

Cureus ; 16(1): e51821, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38327965


This case presentation details the clinical journey of a three-year-old male child presenting with fever, abdominal distention, and loose stools. The child's symptoms, unresponsive to initial treatment at two hospitals, led to the discovery of elevated liver enzymes and subsequent referral to a tertiary care center. Clinical examination revealed hepatomegaly, abdominal distension, and non-palpable spleen. Laboratory findings confirmed acute hepatitis, prompting further investigation into the child's dietary history and revealing a potential foodborne infection. The child was diagnosed with hepatitis-associated severe vitamin A deficiency, manifested by Bitot's spots on ophthalmic examination. Prompt initiation of antiviral therapy, nutritional supplementation, and supportive care resulted in a positive clinical response, with resolution of symptoms and normalization of liver enzymes. This case underscores the importance of recognizing nutritional deficiencies in the context of infectious diseases, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach to patient care. The successful management of this complex case highlights the significance of interdisciplinary collaboration in ensuring optimal outcomes in pediatric patients with overlapping infectious and nutritional etiologies.

Cureus ; 16(1): e53135, 2024 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38420083


Weyers acrofacial dysostosis (WAD) is a rare skeletal dysplasia, which is autosomal-dominant, and the clinical symptoms are presented as dental anomalies, polydactyly, nail dystrophy, and short physical stature. It is also termed "Curry­Hall syndrome" and reported to be linked to genetic mutations mapped on chromosome 4p16, the region reported being commonly associated with a similar genetic syndrome, Ellis-van Creveld (EVC) syndrome. Most individuals with EVC have congenital heart abnormalities, most often atrial septal defects, unlike WAD. In this case, a 15­year­old girl presented with onychodystrophy and polydactyly observed in the hands and feet, microdontia, or agenesis of teeth, which were conical in shape, with a short stature. The patient had dystrophy of nails since birth, and physical growth in terms of height did not match the normal growth parameters with respect to age. The patient also had abnormal dentation with conical-shaped teeth, with the rest of the clinical presentations suggestive of WAD.

Cureus ; 15(10): e47980, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38034154


Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) highlights the intricate interplay between maternal substance use during pregnancy and the challenges neonates face from the distressing global opioid crisis. This comprehensive review captures the multilayered landscape of NAS, encircling its underlying mechanisms, epidemiology, diagnostic intricacies, clinical manifestations, continuing developmental impacts, treatment paradigms, and the crucial role of multidisciplinary care. The core pathophysiology of NAS involves the transplacental passage of addictive substances, activating chemical dependence in the maturing fetus, which is characterized by neurotransmitter dysregulation, neuroadaptations, and receptor sensitization. A diverse clinical presentation ranges from central nervous system hyperactivity and autonomic dysregulation to gastrointestinal manifestations, necessitating homogenous assessment tools such as the Finnegan Neonatal Abstinence Scoring System. The demand for a multilayered approach is essential for comprehensive management, involving pharmacological interventions like morphine or methadone and non-pharmacological strategies such as swaddling. The complications of NAS are not only limited to but are also well beyond infancy, leading to behavioral, longstanding cognitive, and socioemotional consequences. Addressing these developmental arcs demands decisive longitudinal monitoring and early interventions. NAS management is fundamentally multidisciplinary, requiring the teamwork of nurses, social workers, psychologists, pediatricians, and neonatologists. Apart from the clinical realm, managing the psychosocial needs of families traversing NAS requires resources and empathy. A crucial comprehensive approach is essential to confront the challenges and limitations of NAS. From early identification and prevention to longstanding support through pharmacological, non-pharmacological, and psychological channels, it creates a holistic structure that emerges as the basis for understanding the complicated relationship between maternal substance use and its impact on neonates. An amalgamation of community engagement, society, policy initiatives, and medical expertise is essential to mitigate the repercussions of NAS and adopt healthier outcomes for affected infants.

Cureus ; 15(10): e47939, 2023 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38034189


Cerebral palsy (CP) is a complex neurological condition characterized by motor dysfunction affecting millions worldwide. This comprehensive review delves into the critical role of assessment in managing CP. Beginning with exploring its definition and background, we elucidate the diverse objectives of CP assessment, ranging from diagnosis and goal setting to research and epidemiology. We examine standard assessment scales and tools, discuss the challenges inherent in CP assessment, and highlight emerging trends, including integrating technology, personalized medicine, and neuroimaging. The applications of CP assessment in clinical diagnosis, treatment planning, research, and education are underscored. Recommendations for the future encompass standardization, interdisciplinary collaboration, research priorities, and professional training. In conclusion, we emphasize the importance of assessment as a compass guiding the care of individuals with CP, issuing a call to action for improved assessment practices to shape a brighter future for those affected by this condition.
