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Rev Sci Instrum ; 91(11): 113001, 2020 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33261465


We developed a table-top setup to perform magneto-optical pump-probe measurements with the possibility to independently tune the photon-energy of both pump and probe beams in the 0.5 eV-3.5 eV range. Our apparatus relies on a commercial turn-key amplified laser system, able to generate light pulses with duration shorter than or comparable to 100 fs throughout the whole spectral range. The repetition rate of the source can be modified via the computer in the 1 kHz to 1 MHz range. A commercial balanced detector is connected to a high-frequency digitizer, allowing for a highly-sensitive detection scheme: rotations of the probe polarization as small as 70 µdeg can be measured. Additionally, a DC magnetic field as high as 9 T and voltages in the kV regime can be applied on the sample. A cryostat allows us to precisely set the temperature of the specimen in the 4 K-420 K interval. We prove the performance of our setup by measuring the ultrafast demagnetization of a cobalt crystal as a function of a wide variety of experimental parameters.