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PeerJ ; 10: e14216, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36518272


Established populations of the non-native horned-face bee, Osmia cornifrons (Radoszkowski, 1887), and the taurus mason bee, Osmia taurus Smith, 1873 (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), have been identified from Canada for the first time. In the US, the importation of O. cornifrons, beginning in the 1970s, led to its release for agricultural crop pollination and spread across the country. In this article, we report on O. cornifrons captured while sampling wild bees in Toronto, Ontario using hand nets, bug vacuums, and vane traps, as well as established populations in trap nests, from 2017-2020. The morphologically similar O. taurus, which was accidentally introduced to the US with shipments of imported O. cornifrons, was also recorded in our samples. Recently, a few individual O. taurus specimens have been identified from Ontario and Quebec; however, the extent of our sampling included nests, indicating it is also established in Canada. Others have shown its population growth to have been associated with concordant declines in abundances of native mason bee species in the US, and similar impacts are possible in Canada if action is not taken. We propose three non-mutually exclusive possible pathways for the arrival of O. cornifrons, as well as O. taurus, in Canada: (1) natural migration northward from non-native populations in the US, (2) international importation in the 1980s-2000s to support agricultural research programs, and (3) unintentional release of mason bee cocoons purchased from non-local vendors. We argue that a focus on enhancing populations of locally occurring native bees and stronger policy on the importation and sale of non-native bees are needed.

Himenópteros , Abejas , Animales , Polinización , Ontario , Quebec , Agricultura
Insects ; 13(8)2022 Aug 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36005333


The arrival and establishment of adventive, invasive forest insects are a threat to the health, diversity, and productivity of forests in Canada and the world at large, and their early detection is essential for successful eradication and management. For that reason, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) conducts annual surveys at high risk sites such as international ports and freight terminals, industrial zones, and disposal sites for solid wood packaging material using two methods: (1) semiochemical-baited traps deployed in a total of about 63-80 sites per year in British Columbia (BC), Ontario (ON), Quebec (QC), New Brunswick (NB), Nova Scotia (NS), and Newfoundland and Labrador (NL); and (2) rearing of insects from bolts collected from stressed trees and incubated in modified shipping containers in four cities (Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, and Halifax). We report 31 new Canadian provincial records of Coleoptera from surveys conducted in 2011-2021, including 13 new records for Canada and 9 species adventive to North America (indicated by †). Nine of the new Canadian records were native North American species previously detected only south of the border. All but three species belong to the Curculionidae family and most of these were in the subfamily Scolytinae. The records include: Xenomelanophila miranda (LeConte) (Canada, BC) (Buprestidae: Buprestinae); Neoclytus mucronatus mucronatus (Fabricius) (BC) (Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae); Amphicerus cornutus (Pallas) (Canada, BC) (Bostrichidae: Bostrichinae); Mecinus janthinus (Germar)† (ON) (Curculionidae: Curculioninae); Aulacobaris lepidii (Germar)† (Canada, ON); Buchananius striatus (LeConte) (ON) (Curculionidae: Baridinae); Cylindrocopturus binotatus LeConte (Canada, ON) (Curculionidae: Conoderinae); Himatium errans LeConte (ON); Phloeophagus canadensis Van Dyke (ON); Rhyncolus spretus Casey (Canada, BC); Stenomimus pallidus (Boheman) (Canada, ON); Tomolips quercicola (Boheman) (Canada, ON) (Curculionidae: Cossoninae); Strophosoma melanogrammum (Forster)† (NB) (Curculionidae: Entiminae); Conotrachelus aratus (Germar) (ON) (Curculionidae: Molytinae); Anisandrus maiche Stark† (Canada, ON, QC); Cnesinus strigicollis LeConte (Canada, ON); Cyclorhipidion pelliculosum (Eichhoff)† (Canada, ON, QC); Hylesinus fasciatus LeConte (QC); Hylesinus pruinosus Eichhoff (QC); Hypothenemus interstitialis (Hopkins) (Canada, ON); Lymantor alaskanus Wood (BC); Pityogenes bidentatus (Herbst)† (Canada, ON); Scolytus mali (Bechstein)† (BC); Scolytus schevyrewi Semenov† (QC); Trypodendron scabricollis (LeConte) (Canada, ON); Trypophloeus populi Hopkins (QC); Xylechinus americanus Blackman (NFLB); and Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky)† (BC, QC) (Curculionidae: Scolytinae). We also provide additional data confirming the presence of the adventive Hylastes opacus Erichson† in NS. Rearing of insects from bolts accounted for two new records (H. pruinosus, R. spretus) and trapping accounted for the remainder. These surveys not only assist our efforts to manage forest insects by documenting new species introductions and apparent range expansions but also increase our knowledge of biodiversity.

Zookeys ; 1128: 19-31, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36762237


First North American records are presented for Bruchusaffinis Frölich, 1799 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae), as confirmed by morphology from multiple sites in Canada: British Columbia, Ontario, and Québec. Diagnostic information is presented for B.affinis in North America. This insect is expected to reduce plant reproductive output in infested Lathyruslatifolius L., Lathyrussylvestris L., and other potential Lathyrus (Fabaceae) hosts. Impacts on broad bean (Viciafaba L.) production are expected to be small. Potential reproductive impact on native North American Lathyrus species remains unknown. The United States of America and Canada are now known to be home to 69-79 species of adventive Chrysomelidae including 16-18 Bruchinae. We have found two dead, teneral B.affinis individuals inside Lathyrus seeds imported from Europe, and we hypothesise that this species was introduced to Canada from Europe via seeds for planting sometime before 2007. At our study sites, Lathyrus flowering began in mid June followed by oviposition in late June with first adults emerging in late August, requiring about 60 days from egg to adult stage. Dinarmusbasalis (Rodani, 1877) (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) was newly recorded as parasitoid of Bruchusaffinis in Canada, and caused about 10% mortality in B.affinis at our sites.