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J Phys Chem A ; 128(33): 6989-6998, 2024 Aug 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39121455


X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measures core-electron binding energies (CEBEs) to reveal element-specific insights into the chemical environment and bonding. Accurate theoretical CEBE prediction aids XPS interpretation but requires proper modeling of orbital relaxation and electron correlation upon core-ionization. This work systematically investigates basis set selection for extrapolation to the complete basis set limit of CEBEs from ΔMP2 and ΔCC energies across 94 K-edges in diverse organic molecules. We demonstrate that an alternative composite scheme using ΔMP2 in a large basis corrected by ΔCC-ΔMP2 difference in a small basis can quantitatively recover optimally extrapolated ΔCC CEBEs within 0.02 eV. Unlike ΔCC, MP2 calculations do not suffer from convergence issues and are computationally cheaper, and thus, the composite ΔMP2/ΔCC scheme balances accuracy and cost, overcoming limitations of solely using either method. We conclude by providing a comprehensive analysis of the choice of small and large basis sets for the composite schemes and provide practical recommendations for highly accurate (within 0.10-0.15 eV MAE) ab initio prediction of XPS data.

J Chem Phys ; 159(19)2023 Nov 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37965997


Vibrational heat-bath configuration interaction (VHCI)-a selected configuration interaction technique for vibrational structure theory-has recently been developed in two independent works [J. H. Fetherolf and T. C. Berkelbach, J. Chem. Phys. 154, 074104 (2021); A. U. Bhatty and K. R. Brorsen, Mol. Phys. 119, e1936250 (2021)], where it was shown to provide accuracy on par with the most accurate vibrational structure methods with a low computational cost. Here, we eliminate the memory bottleneck of the second-order perturbation theory correction using the same (semi)stochastic approach developed previously for electronic structure theory. This allows us to treat, in an unbiased manner, much larger perturbative spaces, which are necessary for high accuracy in large systems. Stochastic errors are easily controlled to be less than 1 cm-1. We also report two other developments: (i) we propose a new heat-bath criterion and an associated exact implicit sorting algorithm for potential energy surfaces expressible as a sum of products of one-dimensional potentials; (ii) we formulate VHCI to use a vibrational self-consistent field (VSCF) reference, as opposed to the harmonic oscillator reference configuration used in previous reports. Our tests are done with quartic and sextic force fields, for which we find that with VSCF, the minor improvements to accuracy are outweighed by the higher computational cost associated the matrix element evaluations. We expect VSCF-based VHCI to be important for more general potential representations, for which the harmonic oscillator basis function integrals are no longer analytic.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 17(6): 3335-3347, 2021 Jun 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33957050


Fragment embedding has been widely used to circumvent the high computational scaling of using accurate electron correlation methods to describe the electronic ground states of molecules and materials. However, similar applications that utilize fragment embedding to treat electronic excited states are comparably less reported in the literature. The challenge here is twofold. First, most fragment embedding methods are most effective when the property of interest is local, but the change of the wave function upon excitation is nonlocal in general. Second, even for local excitations, an accurate estimate of, for example, the excitation energy can still be challenging owing to the need for a balanced treatment of both the ground and the excited states. In this work, we show that bootstrap embedding (BE), a fragment embedding method developed recently by our group, is promising toward describing general electronic excitations. Numerical simulations show that the excitation energies in full-valence active space (FVAS) can be well-estimated by BE to an error of ∼0.05 eV using relatively small fragments, for both local excitations and the excitations of some large dye molecules that exhibit strong charge-transfer characters. We hence anticipate BE to be a promising solution to accurately describing the excited states of large chemical systems.

J Chem Phys ; 153(21): 214101, 2020 Dec 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33291897


A suite of quantum embedding methods have recently been developed where the Schmidt decomposition is applied to the full system wavefunction to derive basis states that preserve the entanglement between the fragment and the bath. The quality of these methods can depend heavily on the quality of the initial full system wavefunction. Most of these methods, including bootstrap embedding (BE) [M. Welborn et al; J. Chem. Phys. 145, 074102 (2016)], start from a spin-restricted mean-field wavefunction [call this restricted BE (RBE)]. Given that spin-unrestricted wavefunctions can capture a significant amount of strong correlation at the mean-field level, we suspect that starting from a spin-unrestricted mean-field wavefunction will improve these embedding methods for strongly correlated systems. In this work, BE is generalized to an unrestricted Hartree-Fock bath [call this unrestricted BE (UBE)], and UBE is applied to model hydrogen ring systems. UBE's improved versatility over RBE is utilized to calculate high spin symmetry states that were previously unattainable with RBE. Ionization potentials, electron affinities, and spin-splittings are computed using UBE with accuracy on par with spin-unrestricted coupled cluster singles and doubles. Even for cases where RBE is viable, UBE converges more reliably. We discuss the limitations or weaknesses of each calculation and how improvements to RBE and density matrix embedding theory these past few years can also improve UBE.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 16(8): 5035-5046, 2020 Aug 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32589842


Recent developments in quantum embedding theories have provided attractive approaches to correlated calculations for large systems. In this work, we extend our previous work [J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2019, 15, 4497-4506; J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 6368-6374] on bootstrap embedding (BE) to enable correlated ab initio calculations at the coupled cluster with singles and doubles (CCSD) level for large molecules. We introduce several new algorithmic developments that significantly reduce the computational cost of BE, while maintaining its accuracy. The resulting implementation scales as O(N3) for the integral transform and O(N) for the CCSD calculation. Numerical results on a series of conjugated molecules suggest that BE with reasonably sized fragments can recover more than 99.5% of the total correlation energy of a full CCSD calculation, while the required computational resources (time and storage) compare favorably to one popular local correlation scheme: domain localized pair natural orbital (DLPNO). The largest BE calculation in this work involves ∼2900 basis functions and can be performed on a single node with 16 CPU cores and 64 GB of memory in a few days. We anticipate that these developments represent an important step toward the application of BE to solve practical problems.

J Chem Phys ; 151(3): 034112, 2019 Jul 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31325923


A new framework based on density matrix embedding theory (DMET) capable of directly targeting excited electronic states is proposed and implemented. DMET has previously been shown to be an effective method of calculating the ground state energies of systems exhibiting strong static correlation but has never been applied to calculate excited state energies. In this work, the Schmidt decomposition is applied directly on excited states, approximated by higher lying self-consistent field solutions. The DMET prescription is applied following this Schmidt decomposition allowing for a direct embedding of excited states. Initial results are obtained for a system of multiple hydrogen dimers and the lithium hydride dissociation. We analyze the nature of each part of the excited state DMET calculation and identify challenges. These challenges to the implementation of excited state DMET are discussed, and potential suggestions moving forward are recommended.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 15(8): 4497-4506, 2019 Aug 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31343878


Fragment embedding is one way to circumvent the high computational scaling of accurate electron correlation methods. The challenge of applying fragment embedding to molecular systems primarily lies in the strong entanglement and correlation that prevent accurate fragmentation across chemical bonds. Recently, Schmidt decomposition has been shown effective for embedding fragments that are strongly coupled to a bath in several model systems. In this work, we extend a recently developed quantum embedding scheme, bootstrap embedding (BE), to molecular systems. The resulting method utilizes the matching conditions naturally arising from using overlapping fragments to optimize the embedding. Numerical simulation suggests that the accuracy of the embedding improves rapidly with fragment size for small molecules, whereas larger fragments that include orbitals from different atoms may be needed for larger molecules. BE scales linearly with system size (apart from an integral transform) and hence can potentially be useful for large-scale calculations.