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Phys Rev Lett ; 104(5): 055002, 2010 Feb 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20366771


The viability of fast-ignition (FI) inertial confinement fusion hinges on the efficient transfer of laser energy to the compressed fuel via multi-MeV electrons. Preformed plasma due to the laser prepulse strongly influences ultraintense laser plasma interactions and hot electron generation in the hollow cone of an FI target. We induced a prepulse and consequent preplasma in copper cone targets and measured the energy deposition zone of the main pulse by imaging the emitted K_{alpha} radiation. Simulation of the radiation hydrodynamics of the preplasma and particle in cell modeling of the main pulse interaction agree well with the measured deposition zones and provide an insight into the energy deposition mechanism and electron distribution. It was demonstrated that a under these conditions a 100 mJ prepulse eliminates the forward going component of approximately 2-4 MeV electrons.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 79(9): 093507, 2008 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19044413


Measurements of plasma temperature at the rear surface of foil targets due to heating by hot electrons, which were produced in short pulse high intensity laser matter interactions using the 150 J, 0.5 ps Titan laser, are reported. Extreme ultraviolet (XUV) imaging at 256 and 68 eV energies is used to determine spatially resolved target rear surface temperature patterns by comparing absolute intensities to radiation hydrodynamic modeling. XUV mirrors at these two energies were absolutely calibrated at the Advanced Light Source at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Temperatures deduced from both imagers are validated against each other within the range of 75-225 eV.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 79(10): 10E305, 2008 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19044467


A Bremsstrahlung spectrometer using k-edge and differential filtering has been used with image plate dosimeters to measure the x-ray fluence from short-pulse laser/target interactions. An electron spectrometer in front of the Bremsstrahlung spectrometer deflects electrons from the x-ray line of sight and simultaneously measures the electron spectrum. The response functions were modeled with the Monte Carlo code INTEGRATED TIGER SERIES 3.0 and the dosimeters calibrated with radioactive sources. An electron distribution with a slope temperature of 1.3 MeV is inferred from the Bremsstrahlung spectra.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 79(10): 10E312, 2008 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19044474


Three independent methods (extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy, imaging at 68 and 256 eV) have been used to measure planar target rear surface plasma temperature due to heating by hot electrons. The hot electrons are produced by ultraintense laser-plasma interactions using the 150 J, 0.5 ps Titan laser. Soft x-ray spectroscopy in the 50-400 eV region and imaging at the 68 and 256 eV photon energies give a planar deuterated carbon target rear surface pre-expansion temperature in the 125-150 eV range, with the rear plasma plume averaging a temperature approximately 74 eV.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 79(10): 10F302, 2008 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19044615


The ignition concept for electron fast ignition inertial confinement fusion requires sufficient energy be transferred from an approximately 20 ps laser pulse to the compressed fuel via approximately MeV electrons. We have assembled a suite of diagnostics to characterize such transfer, simultaneously fielding absolutely calibrated extreme ultraviolet multilayer imagers at 68 and 256 eV; spherically bent crystal imagers at 4.5 and 8 keV; multi-keV crystal spectrometers; MeV x-ray bremmstrahlung, electron and proton spectrometers (along the same line of sight), and a picosecond optical probe interferometer. These diagnostics allow careful measurement of energy transport and deposition during and following the laser-plasma interactions at extremely high intensities in both planar and conical targets. Together with accurate on-shot laser focal spot and prepulse characterization, these measurements are yielding new insights into energy coupling and are providing critical data for validating numerical particle-in-cell (PIC) and hybrid PIC simulation codes in an area crucial for fast ignition and other applications. Novel aspects of these diagnostics and how they are combined to extract quantitative data on ultrahigh intensity laser-plasma interactions are discussed.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 79(5): 053501, 2008 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18513063


A calibration of three types of GafChromic radiochromic film (HS, MD-55, and HD-810) was carried out on the Crocker Nuclear Laboratory's 76 in. cyclotron at UC Davis over doses ranging from 0.001 to 15 kGy. The film was digitized with a scanning microdensitometer with which it was scanned twice with two different filters to increase the film's effective dynamic range. We demonstrate how this calibrated film can be used to measure the spectrum and total energy of a laser generated proton beam. This technique was applied to an experiment on the 10 J, 100 fs Callisto laser at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The resulting proton spectrum was compared to that obtained by simultaneous measurement of Ti nuclear activation; the two methods give the same proton beam slope temperature and agree in number of protons to within 27%.

Ciclotrones , Rayos Láser , Protones , Película para Rayos X , Calibración
Phys Rev Lett ; 100(16): 165002, 2008 Apr 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18518211


The heating of solid targets irradiated by 5 x 10(20) W cm(-2), 0.8 ps, 1.05 microm wavelength laser light is studied by x-ray spectroscopy of the K-shell emission from thin layers of Ni, Mo, and V. A surface layer is heated to approximately 5 keV with an axial temperature gradient of 0.6 microm scale length. Images of Ni Ly(alpha) show the hot region has 100 G bar light pressure compresses the preformed plasma and drives a shock into the solid, heating a thin layer.

Opt Lett ; 21(16): 1286-8, 1996 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19876327


We have developed a novel method of time-of-f light (TOF) photoelectron spectroscopy that permits observation of multiphoton ionizations with extremely high precision, especially for low-probability events. By scanning the laser-produced ionization region across a pinhole we can select specific laser peak intensities. The volumes occupied by low intensities rise rapidly compared with traditional straight TOF spectroscopy, resulting in high signal gains. This technique presents a new way of observing fundamental laser-matter interactions.