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Zookeys ; 1212: 217-240, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39318671


True poison-dart frogs (Phyllobates, Dendrobatidae) evolved the ability to secrete batrachotoxins, the most powerful alkaloids known to date. The genus comprises five species whose systematics, at first glance, appeared clear. The most derived clade would include two Colombian species (P.terribilis and P.bicolor) with the highest toxicity, the largest body size, and predominantly yellow body colouration. The other three species (P.aurotaenia, P.vittatus, and P.lugubris) are less toxic on average, have smaller size, and are predominantly black with bright dorsolateral stripes. Recent research has revealed the existence of two major lineages among the three Colombian species. The northern lineage appears to result from a complex evolutionary history, including perhaps introgression among yellow and black taxa. The southern lineage instead revealed the existence of new clades closely related to P.terribilis, black and yellow, that arguably deserve their recognition as new species. Here, available evidence is combined to support the erection of southern populations of P.aurotaenia as a new highly toxic species, sister to P.terribilis, and much closer to it than to any other yellow or black-bodied species, Phyllobatessamperi sp. nov. Their common ancestor is sister to an additional yellow species, which we also describe here as Phyllobatesbezosi sp. nov. Both new species can be externally diagnosed using colouration. Our previous and current analyses also suggest the existence of additional taxa and corroborate multiple transitions in colouration across these hypertoxic taxa.

ResumenLas verdaderas ranas de dardo venenoso (género Phyllobates) evolucionaron la capacidad de secretar batracotoxinas, los alcaloides más poderosos que se conocen hasta hoy. El género comprende cinco especies, cuya taxonomía parecía clara a primera vista. El clado más derivado incluye dos especies colombianas (P.terribilis and P.bicolor) con la mayor toxicidad, mayor tamaño y coloración predominantemente amarilla. Las otras tres especies (P.aurotaenia, P.vittatus and P.lugubris) son en general menos tóxicas, menores en tamaño y predominantemente negras con conspicuas manchas dorsolaterales.Una reciente investigación confirmó la existencia dos linajes mayores entre las tres especies colombianas. El del norte parece ser el producto de una historia evolutiva compleja, incluyendo quizás introgresión entre especies amarillas y negras. El del sur reveló en cambio la existencia de nuevos clados filogenéticamente cercanos a P.terribilis, uno negro y dos amarillos, que requieren reconocimiento formal como nuevas especies. Esta investigación combina la evidencia disponible para apoyar el reconocimiento de las poblaciones del sur de P.aurotaenia como una nueva especie negra, hermana de P.terribilis, y mucho más cercana a ella que a las otras especies negras o amarillas, Phyllobatessamperi sp. nov. Su ancestro común es a su vez el grupo hermano de una especie adicional, amarilla, que también describimos como Phyllobatesbezosi sp. nov. Las dos nuevas especies pueden ser externamente reconocidas por la coloración. Nuestros análisis previos y actuales también sugieren la existencia de otras especies no descritas y corroboran la existencia de múltiples transiciones de coloración en la evolución de las especies hipertóxicas.

Mol Ecol ; 33(16): e17476, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39034599


Many animals exchange chemicals during courtship and mating. In some amphibians, sexual chemical communication is mediated by pheromones produced in male breeding glands that are transferred to the female's nostrils during mating. This has been mostly studied in salamanders, despite frogs having similar glands and courtship behaviours suggestive of chemical communication. In Neotropical poison frogs (Dendrobatidae and Aromobatidae), males of many species develop breeding glands in their fingers, causing certain fingers to visibly swell. Many also engage in cephalic amplexus, whereby the male's swollen fingers are placed in close contact with the female's nares during courtship. Here, we investigate the possible roles of swollen fingers in pheromone production using whole-transcriptome sequencing (RNAseq). We examined differential gene expression in the swollen versus non-swollen fingers and toes of two dendrobatid species, Leucostethus brachistriatus and Epipedobates anthonyi, both of which have specialised mucous glands in finger IV, the latter of which has cephalic amplexus. The overwhelming pattern of gene expression in both species was strong upregulation of sodefrin precursor-like factors (SPFs) in swollen fingers, a well-known pheromone system in salamanders. The differentially expressed SPF transcripts in each species were very high (>40), suggesting a high abundance of putative protein pheromones in both species. Overall, the high expression of SPFs in the swollen fingers in both species, combined with cephalic amplexus, supports the hypothesis that these traits, widespread across members of the subfamilies Colostethinae and Hyloxalinae (ca. 141 species), are involved in chemical signalling during courtship.

Muchos animales intercambian sustancias químicas durante el cortejo y el apareamiento. En algunos anfibios, la comunicación química sexual está mediada por feromonas producidas en las glándulas reproductoras de los machos que se transfieren a las hembras durante el apareamiento. Esto se ha estudiado sobre todo en salamandras, a pesar de que las ranas tienen glándulas similares y comportamientos de cortejo que sugieren una comunicación química. En las ranas venenosas neotropicales (Dendrobatidae y Aromobatidae), los machos de muchas especies desarrollan glándulas en los dedos, lo que hace que algunos dedos se vean hinchados. Asimismo, varias especies presentan amplexo cefálico, comportamiento de cortejo en el cual los dedos hinchados entran en estrecho contacto con las narinas y boca de la hembra. En este estudio investigamos las posibles funciones de los dedos hinchados en la producción de feromonas mediante la secuenciación del transcriptoma completo (RNAseq). Examinamos la expresión génica diferencial en los dedos hinchados y no hinchados de dos especies de dendrobátidos, Leucostethus brachistriatus y Epipedobates anthonyi, ambos con glándulas mucosas especializadas en el dedo IV, y esta última especie, con amplexo cefálico. El patrón abrumador de expresión génica en ambas especies fue la alta expression de Sodefrin Precursor­Like Factor (SPF) en los dedos hinchados, un sistema de feromonas ampliamente conocido en las salamandras. El número de transcritos SPF expresados diferencialmente en cada especie fue muy elevado (>40), lo que sugiere una gran abundancia de feromonas proteicas putativas en ambas especies. En general, la elevada expresión de SPF en los dedos hinchados en ambas especies, combinada con el amplexo cefálico, apoya la hipótesis de que estos rasgos, muy extendidos entre los miembros de las subfamilias Colostethinae e Hyloxalinae (aprox 141 especies), están implicados en la señalización química durante el cortejo.

Anuros , Transcriptoma , Animales , Masculino , Anuros/genética , Femenino , Conducta Sexual Animal/fisiología , Feromonas/genética , Atractivos Sexuales/genética
Zootaxa ; 5271(1): 1-48, 2023 Apr 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37518145


Anurans of the family Centrolenidae are a highly diverse clade of Neotropical treefrogs. In the last two decades, glassfrogs have become a model system for studies in ecology and evolutionary biology, in part because their taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships are considered relatively well established. However, there are still many gaps in our knowledge, for example, which morphological characters are important for species delimitation. Consequently, several species complexes in Centrolenidae remain unresolved. Using data on external and internal morphology of adult individuals, tadpoles, advertisement call traits and genetic sequences, we describe a new species of glassfrog (Nymphargus pijao sp. nov.) endemic to Colombia that has been previously missasigned to Nymphargus griffithsi. We include in this description data of three phenotypic characters related to pectoral musculature and testis size, which have been traditionally overlooked in studies about the taxonomy and systematics of glassfrogs. In addition, we present details of a low-cost method implemented in the field to rear tadpoles of the new species. This methodology can solve common problems during the management and care of glassfrogs egg masses and tadpoles, and hence, promotes their description for more species and a better knowledge of the anuran biodiversity in Neotropics.

Anuros , Evolución Biológica , Masculino , Animales , Filogenia , Anuros/genética , Colombia , Larva/anatomía & histología
Sci Rep ; 11(1): 19047, 2021 09 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34561489


Many organisms have evolved adaptations to increase the odds of survival of their offspring. Parental care has evolved several times in animals including ectotherms. In amphibians, ~ 10% of species exhibit parental care. Among these, poison frogs (Dendrobatidae) are well-known for their extensive care, which includes egg guarding, larval transport, and specialized tadpole provisioning with trophic eggs. At least one third of dendrobatids displaying aposematism by exhibiting warning coloration that informs potential predators about the presence of defensive skin toxins. Aposematism has a central role in poison frog diversification, including diet specialization, and visual and acoustic communication; and it is thought to have impacted their reproductive biology as well. We tested the latter association using multivariate phylogenetic methods at the family level. Our results show complex relationships between aposematism and certain aspects of the reproductive biology in dendrobatids. In particular, aposematic species tend to use more specialized tadpole-deposition sites, such as phytotelmata, and ferry fewer tadpoles than non-aposematic species. We propose that aposematism may have facilitated the diversification of microhabitat use in dendrobatids in the context of reproduction. Furthermore, the use of resource-limited tadpole-deposition environments may have evolved in tandem with an optimal reproductive strategy characterized by few offspring, biparental care, and female provisioning of food in the form of unfertilized eggs. We also found that in phytotelm-breeders, the rate of transition from cryptic to aposematic phenotype is 17 to 19 times higher than vice versa. Therefore, we infer that the aposematism in dendrobatids might serve as an umbrella trait for the evolution and maintenance of their complex offspring-caring activities.

Anuros/fisiología , Conducta Animal , Evolución Biológica , Mimetismo Biológico/fisiología , Conducta Materna , Animales , Femenino , Larva , Masculino , Filogenia , Reproducción
PLoS One ; 14(6): e0218775, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31220178


Urbanization is currently one the most important causes of biodiversity loss. The Colombian Andes is a well-known hotspot for biodiversity, however, it also exhibit high levels of urbanization, making it a useful site to document how species assemblages respond to habitat transformation. To do this, we compared the structure and composition of bird assemblages between rural and urban habitats in Armenia, a medium sized city located in the Central Andes of Colombia. In addition, we examined the influence of urban characteristics on bird species diversity within the city of Armenia. From September 2016 to February 2017 we performed avian surveys in 76 cells (250 x 250 m each) embedded within Armenia city limits; and in 23 cells (250 x 250 m each) in rural areas around Armenia. We found that bird diversity was significantly lower in urban habitats than in rural habitats, and differed in species composition by 29%. In urban cells, with higher abiotic noise intensity and higher impervious surface area, we found lower bird diversity than that in urban cells with higher guadual (Guadua angustifolia patches), and forested surface areas. We did not find segregation of urban cells according to the species composition, although additional bird surveys inside urban forests remnant are needed to be more conclusive about this aspect. Altogether, our results highlight the importance of green areas embedded within cities to conserve bird diversity through reducing the ecological impact of urbanization on avian biodiversity.

Biodiversidad , Aves/fisiología , Ambiente , Urbanización , Animales , Ciudades , Colombia , Ecosistema , Bosques , Humanos , Densidad de Población , Urbanización/tendencias
PLoS One ; 14(5): e0215349, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31067224


Ikakogi is a behaviorally and morphologically intriguing genus of glassfrog. Using tadpole morphology, vocalizations, and DNA, a new species is described from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (SNSM), an isolated mountain range in northern Colombia. The new taxon is the second known species of the genus Ikakogi and is morphologically identical to I. tayrona (except for some larval characters) but differs by its genetic distance (14.8% in mitochondrial encoded cytochrome b MT-CYB; ca. 371 bp) and by the dominant frequency of its advertisement call (2928-3273 Hz in contrast to 2650-2870 Hz in I. tayrona). They also differ in the number of lateral buccal floor papillae, and the position of the buccal roof arena papillae. Additionally, the new species is differentiated from all other species of Centrolenidae by the following traits: tympanum visible, vomerine teeth absent, humeral spines present in adult males, bones in life white with pale green in epiphyses, minute punctuations present on green skin dorsum, and flanks with lateral row of small, enameled dots that extend from below eye to just posterior to arm insertion. We describe the external and internal larval morphology of the new species and we redescribe the larval morphology of Ikakogi tayrona on the basis of field collected specimens representing several stages of development from early to late metamorphosis. We discuss the relevance of larval morphology for the taxonomy and systematics of Ikakogi and other centrolenid genera. Finally, we document intraspecific larval variation in meristic characters and ontogenetic changes in eye size, coloration, and labial tooth-rows formulas, and compare tadpoles of related species. Ikakogi tayrona has been proposed as the sister taxon of all other Centrolenidae; our observations and new species description offers insights about the ancestral character-states of adults, egg clutches, and larval features in this lineage of frogs.

Anuros/anatomía & histología , Animales , Anuros/genética , Anuros/crecimiento & desarrollo , Tamaño Corporal , Colombia , Citocromos b/genética , ADN/genética , ADN/metabolismo , Femenino , Larva/anatomía & histología , Larva/fisiología , Masculino , Óvulo/fisiología , Pigmentación de la Piel
PLoS One ; 8(10): e77545, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24194888


According to the acoustic adaptation hypothesis, communication signals are evolutionary shaped in a way that minimizes its degradation and maximizes its contrast against the background noise. To compare the importance for call divergence of acoustic adaptation and hybridization, an evolutionary force allegedly promoting phenotypic variation, we compared the mate recognition signal of two species of poison frogs (Oophaga histrionica and O. lehmanni) at five localities: two (one per species) alongside noisy streams, two away from streams, and one interspecific hybrid. We recorded the calls of 47 males and characterized the microgeographic variation in their spectral and temporal features, measuring ambient noise level, body size, and body temperature as covariates. As predicted, frogs living in noisy habitats uttered high frequency calls and, in one species, were much smaller in size. These results support a previously unconsidered role of noise on streams as a selective force promoting an increase in call frequency and pleiotropic effects in body size. Regarding hybrid frogs, their calls overlapped in the signal space with the calls of one of the parental lineages. Our data support acoustic adaptation following two evolutionary routes but do not support the presumed role of hybridization in promoting phenotypic diversity.

Adaptación Biológica/fisiología , Anuros/genética , Evolución Biológica , Hibridación Genética , Ruido , Ríos , Vocalización Animal/fisiología , Animales , Anuros/fisiología , Tamaño Corporal , Colombia , Geografía , Conducta Sexual Animal , Espectrografía del Sonido