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Rev Biol Trop ; 61(2): 849-58, 2013 Jun.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23885595


Sphoeroides testudineus is a dominant species in the coastal systems of Yucatán. Because of its wide distribution, occurrence and abundance performs an important functional role in coastal ecosystems. We assessed the trophic preferences and trophic-level variation in space and time for this species in Ria Lagartos lagoon, an hyperhaline ecosystem located Northwest of Yucatan Peninsula. The specimens were collected bimonthly during two annual periods (2004-2005 and 2007-2008) in 23 sites distributed along the system into four zones (marine, channel, Coloradas West and Coloradas East). Spatial and seasonal trophic variations were evaluated using canonical correspondence analysis (ACC). In a total of 382 individuals, 68 food resources included in 20 trophic groups were obtained. Higher relative importance index values (IIR) were obtained for bivalves, gastropods and macrophytes. Seasonal trophic variation showed that bivalves and gastropods were consumed along the year, while macrophytes were a preferential food during rains and windy seasons. Spatial variation indicates lower gastropods consumption at the inner zone of the system, and the opposite ocurred with bivalves. The consumption ofmacrophytes may be due to their greater abundance during rains and in the channel zone. The ACC showed that spatial trophic variation was due because of the abundance of the preferential preys (bivalves, gastropods), while seasonal differences by the secondary (amphipods, eggs, nematodes, brachyuran, detritus, nematodes). The results contribute to the biological knowledge of the species and highlight the importance and trophic function of S testudineus for the energy transfer from the benthos to higher trophic levels of the food chain.

Ecosistema , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Perciformes/fisiología , Animales , Contenido Digestivo , México , Perciformes/clasificación , Estaciones del Año
Rev. biol. trop ; 61(2): 849-858, Jun. 2013. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-675472


Sphoeroides testudineus is a dominant species in the coastal systems of Yucatán. Because of its wide distribution, occurrence and abundance performs an important functional role in coastal ecosystems. We assessed the trophic preferences and trophic-level variation in space and time for this species in Ria Lagartos lagoon, an hyperhaline ecosystem located Northwest of Yucatan Peninsula. The specimens were collected bimonthly during two annual periods (2004-2005 and 2007-2008) in 23 sites distributed along the system into four zones (marine, channel, Coloradas West and Coloradas East). Spatial and seasonal trophic variations were evaluated using canonical correspondence analysis (ACC). In a total of 382 individuals, 68 food resources included in 20 trophic groups were obtained. Higher relative importance index values (IIR) were obtained for bivalves, gastropods and macrophytes. Seasonal trophic variation showed that bivalves and gastropods were consumed along the year, while macrophytes were a preferential food during rains and windy seasons. Spatial variation indicates lower gastropods consumption at the inner zone of the system, and the opposite ocurred with bivalves. The consumption of macrophytes may be due to their greater abundance during rains and in the channel zone. The ACC showed that spatial trophic variation was due because of the abundance of the preferential preys (bivalves, gastropods), while seasonal differences by the secondary (amphipods, eggs, nematodes, brachyuran, detritus, nematodes). The results contribute to the biological knowledge of the species and highlight the importance and trophic function of S. testudineus for the energy transfer from the benthos to higher trophic levels of the food chain.

Sphoeroides testudineus, es una especie dominante en los sistemas costeros de Yucatán. Debido a su amplia distribución, ocurrencia y abundancia realiza un importante papel funcional en los ecosistemas costeros. Evaluamos para esta especie las preferencias tróficas y su variación a nivel espacial y temporal en la laguna de Ría Lagartos, un ecosistema hiperhalino localizado al noroeste de la península de Yucatán. Los especímenes fueron recolectados bimensualmente durante dos periodos anuales (2004-2005 y 2007-2008) en 23 sitios distribuidos a lo largo del sistema en cuatro zonas (marina, canal, Coloradas oeste y Coloradas este). Las variaciones tróficas espaciales y temporales fueron evaluadas mediante un análisis de correspondencia canónica (ACC). En un total de 382 individuos, se obtuvieron 68 recursos alimenticios incluidos en 20 grupos tróficos. El mayor índice de importancia relativa (IIR) lo obtuvieron los bivalvos, gasterópodos y macrófitas. La variación trófica estacional mostró que los bivalvos y gasterópodos son consumidos a lo largo del año, mientras que las macrófitas constituyeron el alimento preferencial en la temporada de lluvias y nortes. La variación espacial indica un bajo consumo de gasterópodos hacia el interior de la laguna, y lo opuesto sucedió con los bivalvos. El consumo de macrófitas pudo ser debido a su mayor abundancia durante lluvias y en la zona del canal. El ACC mostró que la variación trófica espacial se debió a la abundancia de las presas preferenciales (bivalvos y gasterópodos), mientras que las diferencias estacionales por las presas secundarias (anfípodos, huevos, nematodos, braquiuros, detritus, nemátodos). Los resultados contribuyen al conocimiento biológico de la especie y resaltan la importancia y función trófica de Sphoeroides testudineus en las transferencias de energía desde el bentos hacia los niveles tróficos superiores de la cadena alimenticia.

Animales , Ecosistema , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Perciformes/fisiología , Contenido Digestivo , México , Perciformes/clasificación , Estaciones del Año
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 11(4): 859-870, 2013. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-697870


Fish assemblage structure was evaluated and compared among 36 karstic pools located within protected areas of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve (southern Mexico) and unprotected adjacent areas beyond the Reserve. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (MDS), indicator species analysis (ISA), and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) were used to identify which environmental factors reflected local influences and to evaluate the correlation of these variables with fish assemblages structure. Thirty-one species were encountered in these karstic pools, some for the first time within the Reserve. These aquatic environments were separated into three groups based on physico-chemical characteristics. Although CCA identified significant associations between several fish species (based on their relative abundance) and environmental variables (K, NH4, NO3, and conductivity), the most abundant species (Astyanax aeneus, Poecilia mexicana, and Gambusia sexradiata ) occur in most pools and under several environmental conditions. Baseline data on fish diversity along with a continued monitoring program are essential in order to evaluate the conservation status of fish assemblages and their habitats, as well as to measure the influence of anthropogenic impacts on pristine habitats such as the karstic pools of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve.

A estrutura da assembleia de peixes foi avaliada e comparada entre 36 poços cársticos localizados dentro de áreas protegidas da Reserva da Biosfera Calakmul (sul do México) e nas áreas desprotegidas adjacentes à Reserva. A análise multidimensional não-métrica (MDS), a análise da espécies indicadora (ISA) e a análise de correspondência canônica (CCA) foram utilizadas para identificar as variáveis ambientais localmente mais importantes e para avaliar a correlação destas com a estrutura das assembleias de peixes. Trinta e uma espécies foram amostradas nos poços cársticos, algumas das quais representam o primeiro registro para a Reserva. Os poços foram separados em três grupos de acordo com as suas características físico-químicas. Embora a CCA tenha possibilitado a identificação de associações significativas entre várias espécies (baseado na abundância relativa das espécies) e as variáveis ambientais (K, NH4, NO3 e condutividade), as espécies mais abundantes (Astyanax aeneus, Poecilia mexicana e Gambusia sexradiata ) ocorreram na maioria dos poços em diferentes condições ambientais. A obtenção de dados de base sobre padrões de diversidade, associado a implantação de programas de monitoramento, são essenciais para a avaliação do estado de conservação das assembleias de peixes e seus habitats, assim como para proporcionar informações sobre a influência de impactos antropogênicos sobre habitats prístinos, tais como os poços cársticos da Reserva da Biosfera Calakmul.

Animales , Ecosistema/análisis , Grupos de Población , Peces/clasificación
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 10(1): 99-108, 2012. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-624072


The present study reports estimates of alpha (α), beta (β) and gamma (Γ) diversity for the fish community of Chacmochuch Lagoon (SE Mexico), a natural protected area located in the northern portion of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System. Fish specimens were sampled in 2004 and 2006. Field work was carried out at three climatic peaks: at 13 stations using a 70 m-long beach seine. The collected data were supplemented with information obtained from a previous work conducted in 2002 and were then analyzed with multivariate statistical methods. In addition, fish composition results from this study were compared to those reported for other similar ecosystems of the region. A total of 68 fish species were recorded, determined as peripheral (high-salinity species, usually marine affinity) most of them. Most of the fish species collected were determined as rare, and a few number of species were determined as common and dominant. Salinity, TSD, temperature, dissolved oxygen and other variables were measured to determine the influence over the fish communities, four groups of sites where determined. Results indicated a gradual decrease in the degree of species replacement towards the interior of the system (away from the coast). The estimated value of gamma diversity was high compared to that reported for other coastal systems of the region and, due to the high degree of habitat heterogeneity found in this system; beta diversity had a greater contribution to gamma diversity than alpha diversity. This lagoon acts as a nursing area for many of the fish species collected in this study as indicated by the presence of juvenile stages.

En el presente estudio, se midió y se determinó la biodiversidad alfa (α), beta (β) y gamma (Γ) de la comunidad de peces en el Sistema Lagunar Chacmochuch, un Área Natural Protegida (ANP) localizada en la zona norte del Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano. El trabajo de campo se realizó en 13 sitios de muestreo durante los ciclos anuales 2004 y 2006, considerando los tres picos climáticos representativos de la región. Para la captura se utilizo un chinchorro de 70 m de largo. La matriz de información utilizada para el análisis se complemento con datos obtenidos a partir de un trabajo realizado durante el periodo 2002. Análisis multivariados fueron utilizados para la generación de resultados. Los resultados de la composición de peces se compararon con los reportados para otros ecosistemas similares de la región. Un total de 68 especies fueron registradas siendo periféricas (especies de alta salinidad y afinidad marina) la mayoría de ellas. Del registro, la mayoría de las especies se determinaron como especies raras, un número menor fueron especies comunes y dominantes. La salinidad, SDT, temperatura, oxigeno disuelto y otras variables fueron medidas para determinar su efecto sobre la comunidad de peces, encontrando cuatro agrupaciones de sitios. Los resultados indican una disminución gradual de las especies hacia el interior del sistema (al alejarse de la costa). La diversidad gamma es alta comparada a otros sistemas costeros de la región; sin embargo la taza de recambio beta es la que determina su alta heterogeneidad. Especies en estadios juveniles y de importancia económica fueron dominantes en el sistema, lo que determinan la zona como un área de crianza.

Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Estanques/etnología , Estándares de Referencia , Peces/clasificación , Análisis Espacial
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 9(3): 673-682, 2011. graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-600884


The spatial and temporal fish species assemblages were analyzed throughout two annual cycles (2004-2005 and 2007-2008) in the Ría Lagartos Lagoon system, Mexico, via non-parametric multivariate analyses. We compared density and biomass of fish species among five habitat types defined by combinations of structure and environmental characteristics (hyperhaline, rocky, seagrass, channel, and marine), and three climatic seasons (dry, rainy, and northerlies). A total of 11,187 individuals distributed in 32 families and 63 species were collected. The most numerically abundant species were Floridichthys polyommus and Cyprinodon artifrons, while Sphoeroides testudineus contributed to the greatest biomass. Species composition consisted mainly of estuarine and euryhaline marine species. Spatially, a saline gradient was observed with marine conditions in the mouth, and increasing to over 100 in the inner zone of the system. Species richness, diversity and biomass declined from the mouth to the inner zone, while density showed an inverse tendency, with the highest values in the inner zone. Thus the salinity was the variable that best explained the spatial fish assemblages" structure. The ichthyofauna composition did not change over time, but the dominant species varied with the years. The abundance of juvenile specimens, suggest that the different habitats are used as feeding and breeding zones; hence it is proposed that protection strategies be pursued not only for the lagoon system but also for the northern zone of the Yucatan Peninsula.

Los ensamblajes espacio temporales de peces fueron analizados a través de dos ciclos anuales (2004-2005) y 2007-2008) en el sistema lagunar Ría Lagartos, México, vía análisis multivariados no paramétricos. Se comparó la densidad y biomasa de peces entre los cinco tipos de hábitats definidos por la combinación de características estructurales y ambientales (hiperhalino, rocoso, pastos, canal y marino) y tres temporadas climáticas (secas, lluvias y nortes). Un total de 11.187 individuos fueron recolectados, distribuidos en 32 familias y 63 especies. Las especies numéricamente más abundantes fueron Floridichthys poliommus y Cyprinodon artifrons, mientras que Sphoeroides testudineus contribuyó principalmente con la biomasa. La composición de especies consistió principalmente de especies marinas eurihalinas y estuarinas. Espacialmente, un gradiente de salinidad fue observado con condiciones marinas en la boca del sistema lagunar, incrementándose hacia la zona interna con valores superiores a 100. La riqueza de especies, diversidad y biomasa disminuyó desde la boca hacia la zona interna, mientras que la densidad mostró una tendencia inversa, con valores más altos en la zona interna. La salinidad fue la variable que mejor explicó la estructura espacial de los ensamblajes de peces. La composición de la ictiofauna no cambió en el tiempo, pero las especies dominantes varían con los años. La abundancia de especímenes juveniles sugiere que los diferentes hábitats son usados como zonas de alimentación y de crianza; por lo que se propone que la estrategia de protección continúe no sólo para el sistema lagunar sino para toda la zona norte de la Península de Yucatán.

Animales , Peces , Hábitos , Análisis de Supervivencia
Rev. biol. trop ; 58(4): 1223-1235, dic. 2010. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-637996


Feeding changes for three Sphoeroides species (Tetraodontiformes: Tetraodontidae) after Isidore hurricane impact in Carbonera Inlet, Southeastern Gulf of Mexico. The coexistence of ecologically similar species may occur because of resources distribution, such as prey and habitat type and segregation time, that minimizes the interspecific competition. The changes brought about by Hurricane Isidore in the distribution of food resources by three coexisting fish species of the family Tetraodontidae (Sphoeroides nephelus, S. spengleri and S testudineus), were analyzed at the Carbonera Inlet. Sphoeroides spp. based their food on benthic organisms; principally, they consume mussels (Brachidontes sp.), barnacles (Balanus sp.) and gastropods (Crepidula sp). Before hurricane impact, the three species share the available food resources in different proportions (bivalves, gastropods, barnacles and decapods), according to different strategies that enabled them to coexist and reduce interspecific competition. After the impact, the abundance of available prey decreased and the interespecific competition for food increased, leading to S. testudines and S. nephelus change their trophic spectrum (xiphosurans, amphipods, isopods and detritus) and displacing S. splengleri of the inlet. The distribution of food resources was conditioned by the abundance and diversity of prey, as well as the adaptive response of each species. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (4): 1223-1235. Epub 2010 December 01.

Se analizan los cambios producidos por el huracán Isidoro en la repartición de los recursos alimenticios de tres especies de peces de la familia Tetraodontidae (Sphoeroides nephelus, S. spengleri y S testudineus) que cohabitan en la Bocana de la Carbonera (sureste del Golfo de México). Los Sphoeroides spp. basaron su alimentación en los organismos bentónicos, sobresaliendo por su consumo el mejillón (Brachidontes sp.), la lapa (Balanus sp.) y gasterópodos (Crepidula sp.). Previo al impacto del huracán, las tres especies utilizaron de forma diferencial los recursos alimenticios disponibles (bivalvos, gasterópodos, cirrípedos y decápodos) recurriendo a diferentes estrategias que les permitieron minimizar la competencia interespecífica y coexistir. Posterior al impacto, la disponibilidad de las presas disminuyó y la competencia interespecífica por el alimento se incrementó provocando que S. testudineus y S. nephelus cambiaran su espectro trófico (xiphosuros, anfípodos, isópodos y detritus) desplazando a S. spengleri de la bocana. La repartición de los recursos alimenticios estuvo condicionada por la abundancia y diversidad de las presas así como la respuesta adaptativa de cada especie.

Animales , Tormentas Ciclónicas , Cadena Alimentaria , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Conducta Predatoria/fisiología , Tetraodontiformes/fisiología , Ambiente , México
Rev Biol Trop ; 58(4): 1223-35, 2010 Dec.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21250477


The coexistence of ecologically similar species may occur because of resources distribution, such as prey and habitat type and segregation time, that minimizes the interspecific competition. The changes brought about by Hurricane Isidore in the distribution of food resources by three coexisting fish species of the family Tetraodontidae (Sphoeroides nephelus, S. spengleri and S testudineus), were analyzed at the Carbonera Inlet. Sphoeroides spp. based their food on benthic organisms; principally, they consume mussels (Brachidontes sp.), barnacles (Balanus sp.) and gastropods (Crepidula sp). Before hurricane impact, the three species share the available food resources in different proportions (bivalves, gastropods, barnacles and decapods), according to different strategies that enabled them to coexist and reduce interspecific competition. After the impact, the abundance of available prey decreased and the interespecific competition for food increased, leading to S. testudines and S. nephelus change their trophic spectrum (xiphosurans, amphipods, isopods and detritus) and displacing S. splengleri of the inlet. The distribution of food resources was conditioned by the abundance and diversity of prey, as well as the adaptive response of each species.

Tormentas Ciclónicas , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Cadena Alimentaria , Conducta Predatoria/fisiología , Tetraodontiformes/fisiología , Animales , Ambiente , México
Rev Biol Trop ; 57(1-2): 141-57, 2009.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19637696


"Petenes" are small springs and associated streams that drain into wetlands near the coast in karstic areas. We studied composition, distribution, and abundance of the ichthyofauna in Los Petenes region (northwest Campeche). Two petenes displaying different degrees and types of anthropic impact were selected, Hampolol and El Remate. Hampolol has a smaller area but a longer derived stream; it is located within a protected area, but has been invaded by tilapia. El Remate is a popular spa, with no tilapia; it has a larger area but a shorter derived stream. At each "petén", several sites in the main spring, the associated stream, and secondary (temporary) springs were sampled in the rainy and dry seasons. Fishing gear was variable (throw net, gill net, small and large seine nets), but effort was uniform. We recorded temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, and depth at each site and season; also, we noted the different types and intensities of anthropic impact (channelization, presence of exotic species, recreational use, etc.) at each petén. We compared the petenes in terms of their environmental quality and fish fauna (composition, distribution, abundance, biomass); we also tested for effects of season and site within each petén. The study found 27 species of fishes, included in 18 genera and eight families, 24 species in Hampolol and 20 in El Remate. The geographical range of 'Cichlasoma' salvini, Rivulus tenuis, Phallichthys fairweatheri, Xiphophorus hellerii, and X maculatus is extended. The dominant species in both seasons was Astyanax (probable hybrids A. aeneus x altior at Hampolol, pure A. altior at El Remate), which contributed most of the abundance and biomass, together with Vieja synspila and Poecilia velifera. A significantly greater overall diversity (H'n=3.31) was recorded in Hampolol compared to El Remate (H'n=2.10). Cluster analysis of sites by species presence allowed distinction of two groupings within each petén: permanent waters (i.e., main spring, stream) vs. temporary sites (secondary springs, which dry out in winter). Environmental parameters (except salinity) presented significant differences by site and season; a canonical correspondence analysis indicated that the distribution of fish assemblages was influenced by the environmental parameters in both seasons. In terms of composition, historical factors play a role in the differences between the fish assemblages of the two petenes, especially concerning the presence of Astyanax hybrids and Xiphophorus spp. in the southern petén (Hampolol) and Poecilia velifera in the northern petén (El Remate).

Ecosistema , Peces/clasificación , Humedales , Animales , Biodiversidad , México , Densidad de Población , Estaciones del Año
Rev. biol. trop ; 57(1/2): 141-157, March-June 2009. graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-637707


Ichthyofauna of karstic wetlands under anthropic impact: the "petenes" of Campeche, Mexico. "Petenes" are small springs and associated streams that drain into wetlands near the coast in karstic areas. We studied composition, distribution, and abundance of the ichthyofauna in Los Petenes region (northwest Campeche). Two petenes displaying different degrees and types of anthropic impact were selected, Hampolol and El Remate. Hampolol has a smaller area but a longer derived stream; it is located within a protected area, but has been invaded by tilapia. El Remate is a popular spa, with no tilapia; it has a larger area but a shorter derived stream. At each "petén", several sites in the main spring, the associated stream, and secondary (temporary) springs were sampled in the rainy and dry seasons. Fishing gear was variable (throw net, gill net, small and large seine nets), but effort was uniform. We recorded temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, and depth at each site and season; also, we noted the different types and intensities of anthropic impact (channelization, presence of exotic species, recreational use, etc.) at each petén. We compared the petenes in terms of their environmental quality and fish fauna (composition, distribution, abundance, biomass); we also tested for effects of season and site within each petén. The study found 27 species of fishes, included in 18 genera and eight families, 24 species in Hampolol and 20 in El Remate. The geographical range of ‘Cichlasoma’ salvini, Rivulus tenuis, Phallichthys fairweatheri, Xiphophorus hellerii, and X. maculatus is extended. The dominant species in both seasons was Astyanax (probable hybrids A. aeneus × altior at Hampolol, pure A. altior at El Remate), which contributed most of the abundance and biomass, together with Vieja synspila and Poecilia velifera. A significantly greater overall diversity (H’n=3.31) was recorded in Hampolol compared to El Remate (H’n=2.10). Cluster analysis of sites by species presence allowed distinction of two groupings within each petén: permanent waters (i.e., main spring, stream) vs. temporary sites (secondary springs, which dry out in winter). Environmental parameters (except salinity) presented significant differences by site and season; a canonical correspondence analysis indicated that the distribution of fish assemblages was influenced by the environmental parameters in both seasons. In terms of composition, historical factors play a role in the differences between the fish assemblages of the two petenes, especially concerning the presence of Astyanax hybrids and Xiphophorus spp. in the southern petén (Hampolol) and Poecilia velifera in the northern petén (El Remate). Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (1-2): 141-157. Epub 2009 June 30.

Los petenes son pequeños manantiales y arroyos asociados que drenan a sistemas palustres en áreas cársticas costeras. Se estudió la composición, distribución y abundancia de la ictiofauna en dos petenes del noroeste de Campeche, en el manantial principal, el arroyo asociado, y pequeños ojos de agua secundarios (temporales), en dos épocas del año. Se registraron variables ambientales y tipos de impacto antrópico en cada petén. Se encontraron en total 27 especies de peces, con extensiones de ámbito de ‘Cichlasoma’ salvini, Rivulus tenuis, Phallichthys fairweatheri, Xiphophorus hellerii y X. maculatus. La especie dominante en ambas épocas fue Astyanax (probables híbridos A. aeneus × altior en Hampolol, A. altior en El Remate). Hubo diferencia significativa en diversidad entre ambos petenes. El análisis de conglomerados diferenció dos agrupaciones dentro de cada petén: aguas permanentes y sitios temporales. Las variables ambientales (excepto salinidad) presentaron diferencias significativas por sitio y época; un análisis de correspondencia canónica indicó que la distribución de los conjuntos de peces tuvo influencia de las variables ambientales en ambas temporadas. En términos de composición, los factores históricos juegan un papel en las diferencias ictiológicas entre ambos petenes, sobre todo por lo que concierne a la presencia de híbridos de Astyanax, así como Xiphophorus hellerii en el petén del sur (Hampolol) y de Poecilia velifera en el petén del norte (El Remate).

Animales , Ecosistema , Peces/clasificación , Humedales , Biodiversidad , México , Densidad de Población , Estaciones del Año
Rev. biol. trop ; 56(4): 1837-1846, Dec. 2008. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-637781


Feeding habits of the fish Lagodon rhomboides (Perciformes: Sparidae) at the coastal lagoon of Chelem, Yucatán, México. Stomach contents of Lagodon rhomboides, the most abundant fish species from seagrass beds in Chelem Lagoon, Yucatan, Mexico, were analyzed. The specimens were collected using a beach seine at eight stations distributed randomly in the lagoon during July, September and November 2002. The trophic components were analyzed by means of the relative abundance (%A) and frequency of occurrence (FO) indices. The trophic similarity between different ontogenetic stages was determined using the Bray-Curtis Index. A total of 90 stomach contents were analyzed. This species is omnivorous, including vegetal and animal material and has a wide trophic spectrum with 58 alimentary items. Trophic ontogenetic variation was significant with a transition from one feeding stage to the next. Small individuals (4.0 -8.0 cm LE) preferentially consume plankton preys and microcrustaceans, while in bigger sizes, the macrocrustaceans, annelids and macrophytes were the main food. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (4): 1837-1846. Epub 2008 December 12.

Se analizó el contenido estomacal de Lagodon rhomboides (Sparidae), la especie más abundante de pez en la zona de pastos marinos en la laguna de Chelem, Yucatán, México. Los especímenes se recolectaron utilizando un chinchorro playero en ocho estaciones distribuidas aleatoriamente durante julio, septiembre y noviembre del 2002. Los componentes tróficos fueron analizados por medio del porcentaje de la abundancia relativa (%A) y la frecuencia de presencia (FO). La similitud trófica entre las diferentes etapas ontogénicas fue determinada usando el índice de Bray-Curtis. Se analizaron un total de 90 contenidos estomacales. Esta especie es omnívora e incluye en su alimentación componentes tanto de origen vegetal como animal; muestra una amplia generalización trófica con 58 componentes alimenticios. La variación trófica ontogénica fue significativa con una progresión alimenticia de una etapa alimenticia a la siguiente. Los individuos de menos talla, consumen preferentemente presas planctónicas y microcrustáceos s (4.0 - 8.0 cm de LE), mientras que en los de mayor talla, los macrocrustáceos (carideos), poliquetos y macrófitas constituyen el alimento principal.

Animales , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Contenido Digestivo , Perciformes/fisiología , Agua Dulce , México , Perciformes/clasificación
Rev Biol Trop ; 56(4): 1837-46, 2008 Dec.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19419085


Stomach contents of Lagodon rhomboides, the most abundant fish species from seagrass beds in Chelem Lagoon, Yucatan, Mexico, were analyzed. The specimens were collected using a beach seine at eight stations distributed randomly in the lagoon during July, September and November 2002. The trophic components were analyzed by means of the relative abundance (%A) and frequency of occurrence (FO) indices. The trophic similarity between different ontogenetic stages was determined using the Bray-Curtis Index. A total of 90 stomach contents were analyzed. This species is omnivorous, including vegetal and animal material and has a wide trophic spectrum with 58 alimentary items. Trophic ontogenetic variation was significant with a transition from one feeding stage to the next. Small individuals (4.0 -8.0 cm LE) preferentially consume plankton preys and microcrustaceans, while in bigger sizes, the macrocrustaceans, annelids and macrophytes were the main food.

Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Contenido Digestivo , Perciformes/fisiología , Animales , Agua Dulce , México , Perciformes/clasificación
Rev. biol. trop ; 55(3/4): 979-988, Sep.-Dec. 2007. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-637642


Distribution, abundance and alimentary preferences of the fish Opsanus phobetron (Batrachoididae) at the Chelem coastal lagoon, Yucatan, Mexico. Fish are important ecological components in tropical coastal lagoons. In order to evaluate the distribution and feeding preferences of the toadfish Opsanus phobetron in the Chelem Lagoon, Yucatan, Mexico, fish samples were collected using a beach seine in eight stations distributed randomly, from March 2002 to January 2003. The components were analyzed by means of the relative abundance percentage and occurrence frequency. The trophic similarity between ontogenetic stages was determined with the Morisita Index. A total of 221 organisms were collected, with a density and biomass of 92.09 ind/100 m² and 930.39 g/100 m² respectively. The highest density and biomass were recorded in the same station. A total of 94 stomach contents were analyzed. Results showed a wide trophic generalization, including 40 alimentary items and great ontogenetic variation: juvenile stages consume preferentially microcrustaceans, while adults mainly feed on fish (96 %). Rev. Biol. Trop. 55 (3-4): 979-988. Epub 2007 December, 28.

El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar la distribución y la preferencia alimenticia del pez sapo Opsanus phobetron en la Laguna de Chelem, Yucatán, México. Se recolectaron los peces de marzo 2002-enero 2003 en ocho estaciones distribuidas aleatoriamente. Los componentes del espectro trófico fueron analizados por medio del porcentaje de la abundancia relativa y la frecuencia de presencia. La similitud trófica entre las etapas ontogenéticas fue determinada usando el índice de Morisita (1959). Se capturó un total de 221 organismos, con una densidad y una biomasa de 92.09 ind/100 m² y de 930.39 g/100 m² respectivamente. Una misma estación registró los valores más altos de densidad y biomasa. El análisis de 94 de contenidos estomacales indicó una amplia generalización trófica, incluyendo 40 artículos alimenticios, y una gran variación ontogenética: las etapas juveniles consumen preferencialmente microcrustáceos, mientras que en los adultos el consumo de peces alcanza 96 % de todo el contenido.

Animales , Batrachoidiformes/fisiología , Preferencias Alimentarias/fisiología , Biomasa , Contenido Digestivo , México , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional
Rev Biol Trop ; 55(3-4): 979-88, 2007.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19086400


Fish are important ecological components in tropical coastal lagoons. In order to evaluate the distribution and feeding preferences of the toadfish Opsanus phobetron in the Chelem Lagoon, Yucatan, Mexico, fish samples were collected using a beach seine in eight stations distributed randomly, from March 2002 to January 2003. The components were analyzed by means of the relative abundance percentage and occurrence frequency. The trophic similarity between ontogenetic stages was determined with the Morisita Index. A total of 221 organisms were collected, with a density and biomass of 92.09 ind/100 m2 and 930.39 g/100 m2 respectively. The highest density and biomass were recorded in the same station. A total of 94 stomach contents were analyzed. Results showed a wide trophic generalization, including 40 alimentary items and great ontogenetic variation: juvenile stages consume preferentially microcrustaceans, while adults mainly feed on fish (96%).

Batrachoidiformes/fisiología , Preferencias Alimentarias/fisiología , Animales , Biomasa , Contenido Digestivo , México , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional