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Int J Cosmet Sci ; 45(4): 470-479, 2023 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37002185


OBJECTIVES: The triblock copolymer Pluronic® is widely used in the personal care industry, including sun protection, for its film-forming and solubilization capabilities. In this study, the effect of three commonly used organic UV filters (ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate [EMC], ethylhexyl triazone [EHT], and avobenzone [AVB]) on the structure of Pluronic P123 micelles was investigated. METHODS: The Pluronic P123 micelle structure has been investigated using dynamic surface tension, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). RESULTS: Dynamic surface tension results show strong interactions between the UV filters and Pluronic® evident by sharp changes in the surface activity of the latter. The NMR results have revealed the creation of a hydrophobic microenvironment special to the Pluronic PPO core group in the presence of UV filters. Some interaction with the hydrophilic EO was also recorded, albeit weaker. This is further confirmed by SANS, where the Pluronic P123 micelles interacted with varying strengths with the UV filters, resulting in sharp changes in their size and shape. CONCLUSIONS: We have demonstrated the sensitivity of the Pluronic P123 micelles to the presence of various UVA/B filters. The micelles shape varied from spherical to cylindrical as the concentration and type of the UV filters were varied. These variations in the shape are expected to have a significant effect on the sun protection factor (SPF), as it affects the solubilization of the UV filters within a formulation in addition to the formulations' rheological profile and film-forming behaviour.

OBJECTIFS: le copolymère tribloc Pluronic® est largement utilisé dans le domaine des soins personnels, notamment la protection solaire, pour ses capacités de formation de film et de solubilisation. Cette étude a permis d'étudier l'effet de trois filtres UV organiques couramment utilisés (éthylhexyl méthoxycinnamate [EMC], éthylhexyl triazone [EHT] et avobenzone [AVB]) sur la structure des micelles P123 Pluronic. MÉTHODES: la structure de la micelle P123 Pluronic a été étudiée à l'aide d'une tension superficielle dynamique, d'une résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN) et d'une diffusion de neutrons aux petits angles (DNPA). RÉSULTATS: les résultats de la tension superficielle dynamique montrent de fortes interactions entre les filtres UV et Pluronic®, ce qui se traduit par de fortes variations de l'activité superficielle de ce dernier. Les résultats de la RMN ont montré la création d'un micro-environnement hydrophobe spécifique au groupe principal de l'OPP pluronique en présence de filtres UV. Une certaine interaction avec l'OE hydrophile a également été enregistrée, quoique plus faible. Ceci est confirmé par la DNPA, où les micelles P123 Pluronic ont interagi avec des forces variables avec les filtres UV, entraînant des changements importants dans leur taille et leur forme. CONCLUSIONS: nous avons démontré la sensibilité des micelles P123 Pluronic à la présence de différents filtres UVA/B. La forme des micelles variait de sphérique à cylindrique en fonction de la concentration et du type de filtres UV. Ces variations de forme devraient avoir un effet significatif sur le facteur de protection solaire (SPF), car elles affectent la solubilisation des filtres UV dans une formulation, en plus du profil rhéologique et du comportement de formation de film des formulations.

Micelas , Poloxámero , Poloxámero/química , Protectores Solares , Poloxaleno/química
Nanoscale Adv ; 4(4): 1026-1059, 2022 Feb 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36131777


Magnetic nanoparticles offer unique potential for various technological, biomedical, or environmental applications thanks to the size-, shape- and material-dependent tunability of their magnetic properties. To optimize particles for a specific application, it is crucial to interrelate their performance with their structural and magnetic properties. This review presents the advantages of small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering techniques for achieving a detailed multiscale characterization of magnetic nanoparticles and their ensembles in a mesoscopic size range from 1 to a few hundred nanometers with nanometer resolution. Both X-rays and neutrons allow the ensemble-averaged determination of structural properties, such as particle morphology or particle arrangement in multilayers and 3D assemblies. Additionally, the magnetic scattering contributions enable retrieving the internal magnetization profile of the nanoparticles as well as the inter-particle moment correlations caused by interactions within dense assemblies. Most measurements are used to determine the time-averaged ensemble properties, in addition advanced small-angle scattering techniques exist that allow accessing particle and spin dynamics on various timescales. In this review, we focus on conventional small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering (SAXS and SANS), X-ray and neutron reflectometry, gracing-incidence SAXS and SANS, X-ray resonant magnetic scattering, and neutron spin-echo spectroscopy techniques. For each technique, we provide a general overview, present the latest scientific results, and discuss its strengths as well as sample requirements. Finally, we give our perspectives on how future small-angle scattering experiments, especially in combination with micromagnetic simulations, could help to optimize the performance of magnetic nanoparticles for specific applications.

RSC Adv ; 11(24): 14306-14313, 2021 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35423975


Sunscreen lotions and creams are arguably the most popular products used to protect the skin against harmful UV radiation. Several studies have been conducted to untangle the internal microstructure of creams and lotions. However, the effect of UV filters and other materials such as preservatives, on the internal microstructure and the aesthetics of these products is not yet fully understood. Using small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), we were able to investigate the effect of adding the commonly used organic UV filters (avobenzone (AVB), ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate (EMC), ethylhexyl triazone (EHT) and bemotrizinol (BMT)) and the water soluble preservatives (1,5-pentanediol (1,5-PD) and 1,2-hexanediol (1,2-HD)), on the internal architecture and microstructure of an oil-in-water (o/w) based sunscreen lotion. Our findings highlight the complexities of these formulations, and how the introduction of different additives could influence their structure and possibly their performance.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 91(7): 075111, 2020 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32752852


We have designed, built, and validated a (quasi)-simultaneous measurement platform called NUrF, which consists of neutron small-angle scattering, UV-visible, fluorescence, and densitometry techniques. In this contribution, we illustrate the concept and benefits of the NUrF setup combined with high-performance liquid chromatography pumps to automate the preparation and measurement of a mixture series of Brij35 nonionic surfactants with perfluorononanoic acid in the presence of a reporter fluorophore (pyrene).

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 3328, 2020 Feb 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32076092


An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 19967, 2019 Dec 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31882867


Artificial Spin Ice (ASI), consisting of a two dimensional array of nanoscale magnetic elements, provides a fascinating opportunity to observe the physics of out-of-equilibrium systems. Initial studies concentrated on the static, frozen state, whilst more recent studies have accessed the out-of-equilibrium dynamic, fluctuating state. This opens up exciting possibilities such as the observation of systems exploring their energy landscape through monopole quasiparticle creation, potentially leading to ASI magnetricity, and to directly observe unconventional phase transitions. In this work we have measured and analysed the magnetic relaxation of thermally active ASI systems by means of SQUID magnetometry. We have investigated the effect of the interaction strength on the magnetization dynamics at different temperatures in the range where the nanomagnets are thermally active. We have observed that they follow an Arrhenius-type Néel-Brown behaviour. An unexpected negative correlation of the average blocking temperature with the interaction strength is also observed, which is supported by Monte Carlo simulations. The magnetization relaxation measurements show faster relaxation for more strongly coupled nanoelements with similar dimensions. The analysis of the stretching exponents obtained from the measurements suggest 1-D chain-like magnetization dynamics. This indicates that the nature of the interactions between nanoelements lowers the dimensionality of the ASI from 2-D to 1-D. Finally, we present a way to quantify the effective interaction energy of a square ASI system, and compare it to the interaction energy computed with micromagnetic simulations.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 15989, 2019 Nov 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31690773


Designing and constructing model systems that embody the statistical mechanics of frustration is now possible using nanotechnology. We have arranged nanomagnets on a two-dimensional square lattice to form an artificial spin ice, and studied its fractional excitations, emergent magnetic monopoles, and how they respond to a driving field using X-ray magnetic microscopy. We observe a regime in which the monopole drift velocity is linear in field above a critical field for the onset of motion. The temperature dependence of the critical field can be described by introducing an interaction term into the Bean-Livingston model of field-assisted barrier hopping. By analogy with electrical charge drift motion, we define and measure a monopole mobility that is larger both for higher temperatures and stronger interactions between nanomagnets. The mobility in this linear regime is described by a creep model of zero-dimensional charges moving within a network of quasi-one-dimensional objects.

J Colloid Interface Sci ; 557: 124-134, 2019 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31518834


The ester sulfonate anionic surfactants are a potentially valuable class of sustainable surfactants. The micellar growth, associated rheological changes, and the onset of precipitation are important consequences of the addition of electrolyte and especially multi-valent electrolytes in anionic surfactants. Small angle neutron scattering, SANS, has been used to investigate the self-assembly and the impact of different valence electrolytes on the self-assembly of a range of ester sulfonate surfactants with subtly different molecular structures. The results show that in the absence of electrolyte small globular micelles form, and in the presence of NaCl, and AlCl3 relatively modest micellar growth occurs before the onset of precipitation. The micellar growth is more pronounced for the longer unbranched and branched alkyl chain lengths. Whereas changing the headgroup geometry from methyl ester to ethyl ester has in general a less profound impact. The study highlights the importance of relative counterion binding strengths and shows how the surfactant structure affects the counterion binding and hence the micelle structure. The results have important consequences for the response of such surfactants to different operational environments.

Adv Mater ; 31(17): e1900264, 2019 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30866107


A biskyrmion consists of two bound, topologically stable, skyrmion spin textures. These coffee-bean-shaped objects are observed in real space in thin plates using Lorentz transmission electron microscopy (LTEM). From LTEM imaging alone, it is not clear whether biskyrmions are surface-confined objects, or, analogous to skyrmions in noncentrosymmetric helimagnets, 3D tube-like structures in a bulk sample. Here, the biskyrmion form factor is investigated in single- and polycrystalline-MnNiGa samples using small-angle neutron scattering. It is found that biskyrmions are not long-range ordered, not even in single crystals. Surprisingly all of the disordered biskyrmions have their in-plane symmetry axis aligned along certain directions, governed by the magnetocrystalline anisotropy. This anisotropic nature of biskyrmions may be further exploited to encode information.

Langmuir ; 35(10): 3822-3831, 2019 Mar 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30777761


The distribution of hydrophilic species, such as surfactants, in latex films is of critical importance for the performance of adhesives, coatings, and inks, among others. However, the evolution of this distribution during the film formation process and in the resulting dried films remains insufficiently elucidated. Here, we present in situ (wet) and ex situ (dry) small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments that follow the film formation of two types of latex particles, which differ in their stabilizer: either a covalently bonded poly(methacrylic acid) (PMAA) segment or a physically adsorbed surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS). By fitting the experimental SANS data and combining with gravimetry experiments, we have ascertained the hydrophilic species distribution within the drying film and followed its evolution by correlating the size and shape of stabilizer clusters with the drying time. The evolution of the SDS distribution over drying time is being driven by a reduction in the interfacial free energy. However, the PMAA-based stabilizer macromolecules are restricted by their covalent bonding to core polymer chains and hence form high-surface area disclike phases at the common boundary between particles and PMAA micelles. Contrary to an idealized view of film formation, PMAA does not remain in the walls of a continuous honeycomb structure. The results presented here shed new light on the nanoscale distribution of hydrophilic species in drying and ageing latex films. We provide valuable insights into the influence of the stabilizer mobility on the final structure of latex films.