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Plant Cell Environ ; 2024 Jul 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39038880


Although seed represents an important means of plant pathogen dispersion, the seed-pathogen dialogue remains largely unexplored. A multiomic approach was performed at different seed developmental stages of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) during asymptomatic colonization by Xanthomonas citri pv. fuscans (Xcf), At the early seed developmental stages, we observed high transcriptional changes both in seeds with bacterial recognition and defense signal transduction genes, and in bacteria with up-regulation of the bacterial type 3 secretion system. This high transcriptional activity of defense genes in Xcf-colonized seeds during maturation refutes the widely diffused assumption considering seeds as passive carriers of microbes. At later seed maturation stages, few transcriptome changes indicated a less intense molecular dialogue between the host and the pathogen, but marked by changes in DNA methylation of plant defense genes, in response to Xcf colonization. We showed examples of pathogen-specific DNA methylations in colonized seeds acting as plant defense silencing to repress plant immune response during the germination process. Finally, we propose a novel plant-pathogen interaction model, specific to the seed tissues, highlighting the existence of distinct phases during seed-pathogen interaction with seeds being actively interacting with colonizing pathogens, then both belligerents switching to more passive mode at later stages.

Front Plant Sci ; 15: 1395379, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38916028


Introduction: The production of highly vigorous seeds with high longevity is an important lever to increase crop production efficiency, but its acquisition during seed maturation is strongly influenced by the growth environment. Methods: An association rule learning approach discovered MtABI4, a known longevity regulator, as a gene with transcript levels associated with the environmentally-induced change in longevity. To understand the environmental sensitivity of MtABI4 transcription, Yeast One-Hybrid identified a class I BASIC PENTACYSTEINE (MtBPC1) transcription factor as a putative upstream regulator. Its role in the regulation of MtABI4 was further characterized. Results and discussion: Overexpression of MtBPC1 led to a modulation of MtABI4 transcripts and its downstream targets. We show that MtBPC1 represses MtABI4 transcription at the early stage of seed development through binding in the CT-rich motif in its promoter region. To achieve this, MtBPC1 interacts with SWINGER, a sub-unit of the PRC2 complex, and Sin3-associated peptide 18, a sub-unit of the Sin3-like deacetylation complex. Consistent with this, developmental and heat stress-induced changes in MtABI4 transcript levels correlated with H3K27me3 and H3ac enrichment in the MtABI4 promoter. Our finding reveals the importance of the combination of histone methylation and histone de-acetylation to silence MtABI4 at the early stage of seed development and during heat stress.

Plants (Basel) ; 12(20)2023 Oct 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37896095


The stable production of high vigorous seeds is pivotal to crop yield. Also, a high longevity is essential to avoid progressive loss of seed vigour during storage. Both seed traits are strongly influenced by the environment during seed development. Here, we investigated the impact of heat stress (HS) during fruit ripening on tomato seed lifespan during storage at moderate relative humidity, speed (t50) and homogeneity of germination, using a MAGIC population that was produced under optimal and HS conditions. A plasticity index was used to assess the extent of the impact of HS for each trait. HS reduced the average longevity and germination homogeneity by 50% within the parents and MAGIC population. However, there was a high genetic variability in the seed response to heat stress. A total of 39 QTLs were identified, including six longevity QTLs for seeds from control (3) and HS (3) conditions, and six plasticity QTLs for longevity, with only one overlapping with a longevity QTL under HS. Four out of the six longevity QTL co-located with t50 QTL, revealing hotspots for seed quality traits. Twenty-one QTLs with intervals below 3 cM were analyzed using previous transcriptome and gene network data to propose candidate genes for seed vigour and longevity traits.

Data Brief ; 48: 109182, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37383758


Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important grain legume for direct human consumption worldwide. Flageolet bean originates from France and presents typical organoleptic properties, including the remarkable feature of having small pale green colored seeds. Here, we report the whole-genome data, assembly and annotation of the flageolet bean accession 'Flavert'. High molecular weight DNA and RNA were extracted and subjected to long-read sequencing using PacBio Sequel II platform. The genome consisted of 566,238,753 bp assembled in 13 molecules, including 11 chromosomes plus the mitochondrial and chloroplastic genomes. Annotation predicted 29,549 protein coding genes and 6,958 non-coding RNA. This high-quality genome (99.2% BUSCO completeness) represents a valuable data set for further genomic and genetic studies on common bean and more generally on legumes. To our knowledge, this is the first whole-genome sequence of a common bean accession originating from Europe.

Data Brief ; 48: 109047, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37006386


The presented RNAseq data were obtained from Arabidopsis seeds dry and 6h imbibed to describe, in wild-type and glucosinolate (GSL)-deficient genotypes, the response at the RNA level to nitrogen compounds, i.e., potassium nitrate (KNO3, 10mM), potassium thiocyanate (KSCN, 8µM). The cyp79B2 cyp79B3 (cyp79B2/B3) double mutant deficient in Indole GSL, the myb28 myb29 (myb28/29) double mutant deficient in aliphatic GSL, the quadruple mutant cyp79B2 cyp79B3 myb28 myb29 (qko) deficient in total GSL in the seed and the WT reference genotype in Col-0 background were used for the transcriptomic analysis. Total ARN was extracted using NucleoSpin® RNA Plant and Fungi kit. Library construction and sequencing were performed with DNBseq™ technology at Beijing Genomics Institute. FastQC was used to check reads quality and mapping analysis were made using a quasi-mapping alignment from Salmon. Gene expression changes in mutant seeds compared to WT were calculated using DESeq2 algorithms. This comparison with the qko, cyp79B2/B3 and myb28/29 mutants made it possible to identify 30220, 36885 and 23807 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), respectively. Mapping rate result was merge into a single report using MultiQC; graphic results were illustrated through Veen diagrams and volcano plots. Fastq raw data and count files from 45 samples are available in the repository Sequence Read Archive (SRA) of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and can be consulted with the data identification number GSE221567 at

Front Plant Sci ; 13: 1059493, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36507374


Desiccation tolerance (DT) has contributed greatly to the adaptation of land plants to severe water-deficient conditions. DT is mostly observed in reproductive parts in flowering plants such as seeds. The seed DT is lost at early post germination stage but is temporally re-inducible in 1 mm radicles during the so-called DT window following a PEG treatment before being permanently silenced in 5 mm radicles of germinating seeds. The molecular mechanisms that activate/reactivate/silence DT in developing and germinating seeds have not yet been elucidated. Here, we analyzed chromatin dynamics related to re-inducibility of DT before and after the DT window at early germination in Medicago truncatula radicles to determine if DT-associated genes were transcriptionally regulated at the chromatin levels. Comparative transcriptome analysis of these radicles identified 948 genes as DT re-induction-related genes, positively correlated with DT re-induction. ATAC-Seq analyses revealed that the chromatin state of genomic regions containing these genes was clearly modulated by PEG treatment and affected by growth stages with opened chromatin in 1 mm radicles with PEG (R1P); intermediate openness in 1 mm radicles without PEG (R1); and condensed chromatin in 5 mm radicles without PEG (R5). In contrast, we also showed that the 103 genes negatively correlated with the re-induction of DT did not show any transcriptional regulation at the chromatin level. Additionally, ChIP-Seq analyses for repressive marks H2AK119ub and H3K27me3 detected a prominent signal of H3K27me3 on the DT re-induction-related gene sequences at R5 but not in R1 and R1P. Moreover, no clear H2AK119ub marks was observed on the DT re-induction-related gene sequences at both developmental radicle stages, suggesting that silencing of DT process after germination will be mainly due to H3K27me3 marks by the action of the PRC2 complex, without involvement of PRC1 complex. The dynamic of chromatin changes associated with H3K27me3 were also confirmed on seed-specific genes encoding potential DT-related proteins such as LEAs, oleosins and transcriptional factors. However, several transcriptional factors did not show a clear link between their decrease of chromatin openness and H3K27me3 levels, suggesting that their accessibility may also be regulated by additional factors, such as other histone modifications. Finally, in order to make these comprehensive genome-wide analyses of transcript and chromatin dynamics useful to the scientific community working on early germination and DT, we generated a dedicated genome browser containing all these data and publicly available at

Data Brief ; 44: 108530, 2022 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36060823


Many fungal pathogens are carried and transmitted by seeds. These pathogens affect germination and seed quality. Their transmission from the germinating seed to seedling causes many diseases in crops. Seed defense mechanisms during germination are poorly documented. RNA-seq experiments were used to describe the molecular mechanisms involved in seed interaction with a necrotrophic fungus. Here the Arabidopsis thaliana/Alternaria brassicicola pathosystem was used to perform dual-transcriptomic approach. Arabidopsis thaliana seeds and necrotrophic fungus transcripts were identified at critical germination and seedling establishment stages. Total RNA was extracted from healthy and infected germinating seeds and seedlings at 3, 6 and 10 days after sowing. Transcript libraries were made and sequenced, then fungal and plant short reads were mapped and quantified respectively against Arabidopsis thaliana and Alternaria brassicicola reference transcriptomes. This dual-transcriptomic approach revealed that 3409, 7506 and 8589 Arabidopsis thaliana genes showed a differential expression at respectevely 3, 6 and 10 days after sowing between healthy and infected seeds, including 1192 genes differentially expressed at the three studied stages. Moreover, in this experiement, we also identified the dynamic of the transcript changes occurring at the same stages in the necrotrophic fungus concomitantly during germination and seedling establishment.

Plants (Basel) ; 11(13)2022 Jun 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35807659


The transmission of seed-borne pathogens by the germinating seed is responsible for major crop diseases. The immune responses of the seed facing biotic invaders are poorly documented so far. The Arabidopsis thaliana/Alternaria brassicicola patho-system was used to describe at the transcription level the responses of germinating seeds and young seedling stages to infection by the necrotrophic fungus. RNA-seq analyses of healthy versus inoculated seeds at 3 days after sowing (DAS), stage of radicle emergence, and at 6 and 10 DAS, two stages of seedling establishment, identified thousands of differentially expressed genes by Alternaria infection. Response to hypoxia, ethylene and indole pathways were found to be induced by Alternaria in the germinating seeds. However, surprisingly, the defense responses, namely the salicylic acid (SA) pathway, the response to reactive oxygen species (ROS), the endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation (ERAD) and programmed cell death, were found to be strongly induced only during the latter post-germination stages. We propose that this non-canonical immune response in early germinating seeds compared to early seedling establishment was potentially due to the seed-to-seedling transition phase. Phenotypic analyses of about 14 mutants altered in the main defense pathways illustrated these specific defense responses. The unexpected germination deficiency and insensitivity to Alternaria in the glucosinolate deficient mutants allow hypothesis of a trade-off between seed germination, necrosis induction and Alternaria transmission to the seedling. The imbalance of the SA and jasmonic acid (JA) pathways to the detriment of the JA also illustrated a non-canonical immune response at the first stages of the seedling.

Data Brief ; 40: 107793, 2022 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35036490


Desiccation tolerance (DT) is one of the most important processes that seeds need to acquire during seed maturation because it will ensure survival until seeds have favourable conditions for germinating. Moreover, in the current climate warming context, heat stress and its impact on seed maturation and quality has been increasingly studied by the scientific community. Even if the transcriptomic changes enrolled in DT acquisition and seed heat stress response are fairly known, its epigenetic control has not yet been investigated. Medicago truncatula is a model legume for studying seed molecular mechanisms, which is known to display a delay in the acquisition of seed maturation mechanisms under heat conditions, except for desiccation acquisition. Our aim was to evaluate the role of two histone marks during embryo development under control and heat stress conditions on seed maturation processes, including the DT acquisition. These histone marks have either repressive (H3K27me3) or inducible (H3ac) effects on gene transcription, respectively corresponding to markers of packed and accessible chromatins. We identified all genomic regions bound to the H3K27me3 histones at four developmental stages and to the H3ac histones at the two earlier developmental stages during seed maturation, from seed filling to mature dry seeds, collected under optimal and heat stress conditions in the model legume, Medicago truncatula (reference genotype A17). A list of genes and promoters potentially linked to these two histone marks is reported and could provide clues about the epigenetic regulation of seed maturation between control and heat stress conditions, including the desiccation tolerance acquisition.

Plants (Basel) ; 10(8)2021 Aug 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34451755


Seed maturation comprises important developmental processes, such as seed filling and the acquisition of seed germination capacity, desiccation tolerance, longevity, and dormancy. The molecular regulation of these processes is tightly controlled by the LAFL transcription factors, among which ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE 3 (ABI3) was shown to be involved in most of these seed maturation processes. Here, we studied the ABI3 gene from Medicago truncatula, a model legume plant for seed studies. With the transcriptomes of two loss-of-function Medicago abi3 mutants, we were able to show that many gene classes were impacted by the abi3 mutation at different stages of early, middle, and late seed maturation. We also discovered three MtABI3 expression isoforms, which present contrasting expression patterns during seed development. Moreover, by ectopically expressing these isoforms in Medicago hairy roots generated from the abi3 mutant line background, we showed that each isoform regulated specific gene clusters, suggesting divergent molecular functions. Furthermore, we complemented the Arabidopsis abi3 mutant with each of the three MtABI3 isoforms and concluded that all isoforms were capable of restoring seed viability and desiccation tolerance phenotypes even if not all isoforms complemented the seed color phenotype. Taken together, our results allow a better understanding of the ABI3 network in Medicago during seed development, as well as the discovery of commonly regulated genes from the three MtABI3 isoforms, which can give us new insights into how desiccation tolerance and seed viability are regulated.

Plant Cell Physiol ; 62(9): 1494-1500, 2021 Nov 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34245304


Although RNA sequencing (RNAseq) has been becoming the main transcriptomic approach in the model legume Medicago truncatula, there is currently no genome-wide gene expression atlas covering the whole set of RNAseq data published for this species. Nowadays, such a tool is highly valuable to provide a global view of gene expression in a wide range of conditions and tissues/organs. Here, we present MtExpress, a gene expression atlas that compiles an exhaustive set of published M. truncatula RNAseq data ( MtExpress makes use of recent releases of M. truncatula genome sequence and annotation, as well as up-to-date tools to perform mapping, quality control, statistical analysis and normalization of RNAseq data. MtExpress combines semi-automated pipelines with manual re-labeling and organization of samples to produce an attractive and user-friendly interface, fully integrated with other available Medicago genomic resources. Importantly, MtExpress is highly flexible, in terms of both queries, e.g. allowing searches with gene names and orthologous gene IDs from Arabidopsis and other legume species, and outputs, to customize visualization and redirect gene study to relevant Medicago webservers. Thanks to its semi-automated pipeline, MtExpress will be frequently updated to follow the rapid pace of M. truncatula RNAseq data publications, as well as the constant improvement of genome annotation. MtExpress also hosts legacy GeneChip expression data originally stored in the Medicago Gene Expression Atlas, as a very valuable and complementary resource.

Bases de Datos Genéticas , Genes de Plantas , Medicago truncatula/genética , Transcriptoma , ARN de Planta/genética , Análisis de Secuencia de ARN
Front Plant Sci ; 12: 673072, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34149774


Legume seeds are an important source of proteins, minerals, and vitamins for human and animal diets and represent a keystone for food security. With climate change and global warming, the production of grain legumes faces new challenges concerning seed vigor traits that allow the fast and homogenous establishment of the crop in a wide range of environments. These seed performance traits are regulated during seed maturation and are under the strong influence of the maternal environment. In this study, we used 200 natural Medicago truncatula accessions, a model species of legumes grown in optimal conditions and under moderate heat stress (26°C) during seed development and maturation. This moderate stress applied at flowering onwards impacted seed weight and germination capacity. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) were performed to identify putative loci or genes involved in regulating seed traits and their plasticity in response to heat stress. We identified numerous significant quantitative trait nucleotides and potential candidate genes involved in regulating these traits under heat stress by using post-GWAS analyses combined with transcriptomic data. Out of them, MtMIEL1, a RING-type zinc finger family gene, was shown to be highly associated with germination speed in heat-stressed seeds. In Medicago, we highlighted that MtMIEL1 was transcriptionally regulated in heat-stressed seed production and that its expression profile was associated with germination speed in different Medicago accessions. Finally, a loss-of-function analysis of the Arabidopsis MIEL1 ortholog revealed its role as a regulator of germination plasticity of seeds in response to heat stress.

Genes (Basel) ; 12(3)2021 03 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33807066


Seed development needs the coordination of multiple molecular mechanisms to promote correct tissue development, seed filling, and the acquisition of germination capacity, desiccation tolerance, longevity, and dormancy. Heat stress can negatively impact these processes and upon the increase of global mean temperatures, global food security is threatened. Here, we explored the impact of heat stress on seed physiology, morphology, gene expression, and methylation on three stages of seed development. Notably, Arabidopsis Col-0 plants under heat stress presented a decrease in germination capacity as well as a decrease in longevity. We observed that upon mild stress, gene expression and DNA methylation were moderately affected. Nevertheless, upon severe heat stress during seed development, gene expression was intensively modified, promoting heat stress response mechanisms including the activation of the ABA pathway. By analyzing candidate epigenetic markers using the mutants' physiological assays, we observed that the lack of DNA demethylation by the ROS1 gene impaired seed germination by affecting germination-related gene expression. On the other hand, we also observed that upon severe stress, a large proportion of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) were located in the promoters and gene sequences of germination-related genes. To conclude, our results indicate that DNA (de)methylation could be a key regulatory process to ensure proper seed germination of seeds produced under heat stress.

Proteínas de Arabidopsis/genética , Arabidopsis/crecimiento & desarrollo , Metilación de ADN , Perfilación de la Expresión Génica/métodos , Redes Reguladoras de Genes , Proteínas Nucleares/genética , Secuenciación Completa del Genoma/métodos , Arabidopsis/genética , Epigénesis Genética , Regulación del Desarrollo de la Expresión Génica , Regulación de la Expresión Génica de las Plantas , Genoma de Planta , Germinación , Respuesta al Choque Térmico , Fenotipo , Regiones Promotoras Genéticas , Semillas/genética , Semillas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Análisis de Secuencia de ARN
BMC Plant Biol ; 21(1): 124, 2021 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33648457


BACKGROUND: During maturation seeds acquire several physiological traits to enable them to survive drying and disseminate the species. Few studies have addressed the regulatory networks controlling acquisition of these traits at the tissue level particularly in endospermic seeds such as tomato, which matures in a fully hydrated environment and does not undergo maturation drying. Using temporal RNA-seq analyses of the different seed tissues during maturation, gene network and trait-based correlations were used to explore the transcriptome signatures associated with desiccation tolerance, longevity, germination under water stress and dormancy. RESULTS: During maturation, 15,173 differentially expressed genes were detected, forming a gene network representing 21 expression modules, with 3 being specific to seed coat and embryo and 5 to the endosperm. A gene-trait significance measure identified a common gene module between endosperm and embryo associated with desiccation tolerance and conserved with non-endospermic seeds. In addition to genes involved in protection such LEA and HSP and ABA response, the module included antioxidant and repair genes. Dormancy was released concomitantly with the increase in longevity throughout fruit ripening until 14 days after the red fruit stage. This was paralleled by an increase in SlDOG1-2 and PROCERA transcripts. The progressive increase in seed vigour was captured by three gene modules, one in common between embryo and endosperm and two tissue-specific. The common module was enriched with genes associated with mRNA processing in chloroplast and mitochondria (including penta- and tetratricopeptide repeat-containing proteins) and post-transcriptional regulation, as well several flowering genes. The embryo-specific module contained homologues of ABI4 and CHOTTO1 as hub genes associated with seed vigour, whereas the endosperm-specific module revealed a diverse set of processes that were related to genome stability, defence against pathogens and ABA/GA response genes. CONCLUSION: The spatio-temporal co-expression atlas of tomato seed maturation will serve as a valuable resource for the in-depth understanding of the dynamics of gene expression associated with the acquisition of seed vigour at the tissue level.

Regulación de la Expresión Génica de las Plantas , Redes Reguladoras de Genes , Semillas/genética , Solanum lycopersicum/genética , Aclimatación/genética , Sequías , Endospermo/genética , Endospermo/crecimiento & desarrollo , Estudios de Asociación Genética , Solanum lycopersicum/embriología , Solanum lycopersicum/crecimiento & desarrollo , Semillas/crecimiento & desarrollo , Transcriptoma
Data Brief ; 35: 106726, 2021 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33553517


Legumes are important crop species as they produce highly nutritious seeds for human food and animal feed. In grain legumes, sub-optimal conditions affect seed developmental timing leading to impairment of seed quality traits acquired during seed maturation. To understand the molecular mechanisms of heat stress response in legume seeds, we analysed transcriptome changes of three seed tissues (i.e. em bryo, endosperm and seed coat) at four developmental stages, during seed maturation, from seed filling to mature dry seeds, collected under optimal and heat stress conditions in the model legume, Medicago truncatula (reference genotype A17). The total RNA sequencing generated a dataset of 48 samples, representing more than 57 Gb fastq raw data. Mapping, quantification and annotation of the data were based on fifth release of Medicago truncatula genome and provided expression profiles of 44,473 transcripts in seed tissues at different developmental stages and under optimal and stress conditions. Time-course and pairwise comparisons between optimal and stress conditions showed that 9182, 8315 and 3481 genes were differentially expressed due to heat stress in embryo, endosperm and seed coat respectively. Moreover, it highlighted a common set of 975 genes that were differentially expressed in all the seed tissues.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 4224, 2021 02 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33608604


Grain legumes are highly valuable plant species, as they produce seeds with high protein content. Increasing seed protein production and improving seed nutritional quality represent an agronomical challenge in order to promote plant protein consumption of a growing population. In this study, we used the genetic diversity, naturally present in Medicago truncatula, a model plant for legumes, to identify genes/loci regulating seed traits. Indeed, using sequencing data of 162 accessions from the Medicago HAPMAP collection, we performed genome-wide association study for 32 seed traits related to seed size and seed composition such as seed protein content/concentration, sulfur content/concentration. Using different GWAS and postGWAS methods, we identified 79 quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) as regulating seed size, 41 QTNs for seed composition related to nitrogen (i.e. storage protein) and sulfur (i.e. sulfur-containing amino acid) concentrations/contents. Furthermore, a strong positive correlation between seed size and protein content was revealed within the selected Medicago HAPMAP collection. In addition, several QTNs showed highly significant associations in different seed phenotypes for further functional validation studies, including one near an RNA-Binding Domain protein, which represents a valuable candidate as central regulator determining both seed size and composition. Finally, our findings in M. truncatula represent valuable resources to be exploitable in many legume crop species such as pea, common bean, and soybean due to its high synteny, which enable rapid transfer of these results into breeding programs and eventually help the improvement of legume grain production.

Genes de Plantas , Genoma de Planta , Estudio de Asociación del Genoma Completo , Medicago truncatula/genética , Carácter Cuantitativo Heredable , Semillas/anatomía & histología , Semillas/genética , Algoritmos , Biología Computacional/métodos , Grano Comestible , Ontología de Genes , Geografía , Fenotipo , Sitios de Carácter Cuantitativo , Semillas/química
Data Brief ; 34: 106671, 2021 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33409343


Seed vigor is an estimate of how successfully a seed lot will establish seedlings under a wide range of environmental conditions, with both the embryo and the surrounding endosperm playing distinct roles in the germination behaviour. Germination and seedling establishment are essential for crop production to be both sustainable and profitable. Seed vigor traits are sequentially acquired during development via genetic programs that are poorly understood, but known to be under the strong influence of environmental conditions. To investigate how light and temperature have an impact on the molecular mechanisms governing seed vigor at harvest, RNA sequencing was performed on Solanum lycopersicum cv. Moneymaker seed tissues (i.e. embryo and endosperm) that were dissected from fruits that were submitted to standard or high temperature and/or standard or dim light. The dataset encompassed a total of 26.5 Gb raw data from mature embryo and endosperm tissues transcriptomes. The raw and mapped reads data on build SL4.0 and annotation ITAG4.0 are available under accession GSE158641 at NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database. Data on seed vigor characteristics are presented together with the differentially expressed gene transcripts. GO and Mapman annotations were generated on ITAG4.0 to analyse this dataset and are provided for datamining future datasets.

Plants (Basel) ; 9(4)2020 Apr 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32295289


Seed dormancy and timing of its release is an important developmental transition determining the survival of individuals, populations, and species in variable environments. Medicago truncatula was used as a model to study physical seed dormancy at the ecological and genetics level. The effect of alternating temperatures, as one of the causes releasing physical seed dormancy, was tested in 178 M. truncatula accessions over three years. Several coefficients of dormancy release were related to environmental variables. Dormancy varied greatly (4-100%) across accessions as well as year of experiment. We observed overall higher physical dormancy release under more alternating temperatures (35/15 °C) in comparison with less alternating ones (25/15 °C). Accessions from more arid climates released dormancy under higher experimental temperature alternations more than accessions originating from less arid environments. The plasticity of physical dormancy can probably distribute the germination through the year and act as a bet-hedging strategy in arid environments. On the other hand, a slight increase in physical dormancy was observed in accessions from environments with higher among-season temperature variation. Genome-wide association analysis identified 136 candidate genes related to secondary metabolite synthesis, hormone regulation, and modification of the cell wall. The activity of these genes might mediate seed coat permeability and, ultimately, imbibition and germination.

Plant J ; 98(5): 767-782, 2019 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31017340


Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.) is a major crop for worldwide food and nutritional security, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, that is resilient to hot and drought-prone environments. An assembly of the single-haplotype inbred genome of cowpea IT97K-499-35 was developed by exploiting the synergies between single-molecule real-time sequencing, optical and genetic mapping, and an assembly reconciliation algorithm. A total of 519 Mb is included in the assembled sequences. Nearly half of the assembled sequence is composed of repetitive elements, which are enriched within recombination-poor pericentromeric regions. A comparative analysis of these elements suggests that genome size differences between Vigna species are mainly attributable to changes in the amount of Gypsy retrotransposons. Conversely, genes are more abundant in more distal, high-recombination regions of the chromosomes; there appears to be more duplication of genes within the NBS-LRR and the SAUR-like auxin superfamilies compared with other warm-season legumes that have been sequenced. A surprising outcome is the identification of an inversion of 4.2 Mb among landraces and cultivars, which includes a gene that has been associated in other plants with interactions with the parasitic weed Striga gesnerioides. The genome sequence facilitated the identification of a putative syntelog for multiple organ gigantism in legumes. A revised numbering system has been adopted for cowpea chromosomes based on synteny with common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). An estimate of nuclear genome size of 640.6 Mbp based on cytometry is presented.

Cromosomas de las Plantas/genética , Genes de Plantas/genética , Tamaño del Genoma/genética , Genoma de Planta/genética , Vigna/genética , Mapeo Cromosómico , ADN de Plantas/química , ADN de Plantas/genética , Phaseolus/genética , Retroelementos/genética , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN/métodos , Sintenía
Plant Methods ; 15: 24, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30911323


BACKGROUND: The traditional methods for evaluating seeds are usually performed through destructive sampling followed by physical, physiological, biochemical and molecular determinations. Whilst proven to be effective, these approaches can be criticized as being destructive, time consuming, labor intensive and requiring experienced seed analysts. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the potential of computer vision and multispectral imaging systems supported with multivariate analysis for high-throughput classification of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) seeds. An automated computer-vision germination system was utilized for uninterrupted monitoring of seeds during imbibition and germination to identify different categories of all individual seeds. By using spectral signatures of single cowpea seeds extracted from multispectral images, different multivariate analysis models based on linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were developed for classifying the seeds into different categories according to ageing, viability, seedling condition and speed of germination. RESULTS: The results revealed that the LDA models had good accuracy in distinguishing 'Aged' and 'Non-aged' seeds with an overall correct classification (OCC) of 97.51, 96.76 and 97%, 'Germinated' and 'Non-germinated' seeds with OCC of 81.80, 79.05 and 81.0%, 'Early germinated', 'Medium germinated' and 'Dead' seeds with OCC of 77.21, 74.93 and 68.00% and among seeds that give 'Normal' and 'Abnormal' seedlings with OCC of 68.08, 64.34 and 62.00% in training, cross-validation and independent validation data sets, respectively. Image processing routines were also developed to exploit the full power of the multispectral imaging system in visualizing the difference among seed categories by applying the discriminant model in a pixel-wise manner. CONCLUSION: The results demonstrated the capability of the multispectral imaging system in the ultraviolet, visible and shortwave near infrared range to provide the required information necessary for the discrimination of individual cowpea seeds to different classes. Considering the short time of image acquisition and limited sample preparation, this stat-of-the art multispectral imaging method and chemometric analysis in classifying seeds could be a valuable tool for on-line classification protocols in cost-effective real-time sorting and grading processes as it provides not only morphological and physical features but also chemical information for the seeds being examined. Implementing image processing algorithms specific for seed quality assessment along with the declining cost and increasing power of computer hardware is very efficient to make the development of such computer-integrated systems more attractive in automatic inspection of seed quality.