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Front Insect Sci ; 4: 1339143, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38469344


Helicoverpa armigera, the cotton bollworm moth, is one of the world's most important crop pests, and is spreading throughout the New World from its original range in the Old World. In Brazil, invasive H. armigera has been reported to hybridize with local populations of Helicoverpa zea. The correct identification of H. armigera-H. zea hybrids is important in understanding the origin, spread and future outlook for New World regions that are affected by outbreaks, given that hybridization can potentially facilitate H. zea pesticide resistance and host plant range via introgression of H. armigera genes. Here, we present a genome admixture analysis of high quality genome sequences generated from two H. armigera-H. zea F1 hybrids generated in two different labs. Our admixture pipeline predicts 48.8% and 48.9% H. armigera for the two F1 hybrids, confirming its accuracy. Genome sequences from five H. zea and one H. armigera that were generated as part of the study show no evidence of hybridization. Interestingly, we show that four H. zea genomes generated from a previous study are predicted to possess a proportion of H. armigera genetic material. Using unsupervised clustering to identify non-hybridized H. armigera and H. zea genomes, 8511 ancestry informative markers (AIMs) were identified. Their relative frequencies are consistent with a minor H. armigera component in the four genomes, however its origin remains to be established. We show that the size and quality of genomic reference datasets are critical for accurate hybridization prediction. Consequently, we discuss potential pitfalls in genome admixture analysis of H. armigera-H. zea hybrids, and suggest measures that will improve such analyses.

Insects ; 11(12)2020 Dec 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33322763


Coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari), CBB) has invaded nearly every coffee-producing country in the world, and it is commonly recognized as the most damaging insect pest of coffee. While research has been conducted on this pest in individual coffee-growing regions, new insights may be gained by comparing and contrasting patterns of invasion and response across its global distribution. In this review, we explore the existing literature and focus on common themes in the invasion biology of CBB by examining (1) how it was introduced into each particular region and the response to its invasion, (2) flight activity and infestation patterns, (3) economic impacts, and (4) management strategies. We highlight research conducted over the last ten years in Hawaii as a case study for the development and implementation of an effective integrated pest management (IPM) program for CBB, and also discuss biosecurity issues contributing to incursion and establishment. Potential areas for future research in each of the five major components of CBB IPM (monitoring and sampling, cultural, biological, chemical, and physical controls) are also presented. Finally, we emphasize that outreach efforts are crucial to the successful implementation of CBB IPM programs. Future research programs should strive to include coffee growers as much as possible to ensure that management options are feasible and cost-effective.

Insects ; 11(7)2020 Jul 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32664300


Until recently, the Old World bollworm (OWB) Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) and the corn earworm Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were geographically isolated. Both species are major pests of agricultural commodities that are known to develop insecticide resistance, and they now coexist in areas where H. armigera invaded the Americas. This is the first study to compare the susceptibility of the two species to conventional insecticides. The susceptibility of third instar H. armigera and H. zea larvae to indoxacarb, methomyl, spinetoram, and spinosad was determined using a diet-overlay bioassay in a quarantine laboratory in Puerto Rico. Mortality was assessed at 48 h after exposure for up to eight concentrations per insecticide. Spinetoram exhibited the highest acute toxicity against H. armigera, with a median lethal concentration (LC50) of 0.11 µg a.i./cm2, followed by indoxacarb and spinosad (0.17 µg a.i./cm2 for both) and methomyl (0.32 µg a.i./cm2). Spinetoram was also the most toxic to H. zea (LC50 of 0.08 µg a.i./cm2), followed by spinosad (0.17 µg a.i./cm2) and methomyl (0.18 µg a.i./cm2). Indoxacarb was the least toxic to H. zea, with an LC50 of 0.21 µg a.i./cm2. These findings could serve as a comparative reference for monitoring the susceptibility of H. armigera and H. zea to indoxacarb, methomyl, spinetoram, and spinosad in Puerto Rico, and may facilitate the detection of field-selected resistance for these two species and their potential hybrids in areas recently invaded by H. armigera.

Insects ; 7(4)2016 Dec 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27999386


Tenuipalpidae comprises mites that transmit viruses to agriculturally important plants. Several tenuipalpid species present parthenogenesis, and in Brevipalpus yothersi, the endosymbiont Cardinium has been associated with female-only colonies. It is unclear what the bacterial composition of B. yothersi is, and how common Cardinium is in those microbiomes. We performed a comparative analysis of the bacteriomes in three populations of B. yothersi and three additional Tetranychoidea species using sequences from V4-fragment of 16S DNA. The bacteriomes were dominated by Bacteroidetes (especially Cardinium) and Proteobacteria, showing a remarkably low alpha diversity. Cardinium was present in about 22% of all sequences; however, it was not present in R. indica and T. evansi. In B. yothersi, the proportion of Cardinium was higher in adults than eggs, suggesting that proliferation of the bacteria could be the result of selective pressures from the host. This hypothesis was further supported because colonies of B. yothersi from different populations showed different bacterial assemblages, and bacteriomes from different mite species showed similar abundances of Cardinium. A phylogenetic analysis of Cardinium revealed that not only specialization but horizontal transmission has been important for this symbiosis. Together, these results represent a glimpse into the evolution of the Tetranychoidea and Cardinium.