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Food Sci. Technol (SBCTA, Impr.) ; 38(1): 45-53, Jan.-Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-892243


Abstract This study was aimed at optimizing the ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) of phenolic compounds from jussara and blueberry fruits using the response surface methodology (RSM). UAE was found to be more efficient to extract phenolic compounds from both fruits than the conventional extraction. The optimum extraction conditions for the jussara fruits were: extraction time between 30 and 62 min for total anthocyanins and total phenolics, fruit:solvent ratio of 10% and 6% (w/v) for total anthocyanins and total phenolics, respectively. The ethanol concentration was non-significant (p> 0.05). Acidified water was found to be an extracting solvent as efficient as ethanol in the extraction of phenolic compounds from jussara fruits. The optimum extraction conditions for blueberry anthocyanins were: ethanol concentration between 20-70% vol, and fruit: solvent ratio greater than 20% (w/v) within the range studied. The extraction time was not significant (p> 0.05). For total phenolic content: the concentration of ethanol was between 40-80%, and fruit: solvent ratio greater than 20% (w/v) and extraction time over 50 minutes. It was possible to adjust the mathematical model for the coordinates a* (verde vs vermelho) and C* (color saturation) of the jussara extracts.

Ciênc. rural ; 41(3): 418-423, mar. 2011. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-579663


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes soluções sobre a reidratação e longevidade de inflorescências de boca-de-leão após armazenamento refrigerado a seco. As hastes foram colhidas com seis a sete flores abertas e, após 24 horas em água, foram embaladas em papel-craft, acondicionadas em sacos plásticos perfurados e armazenadas a 5°C por dois, quatro ou seis dias. Após o período de armazenamento a frio, as hastes foram colocadas em recipientes contendo 400mL de (1) água desionizada (controle), (2) solução de Flower® (Ecoplanet, SC) ou (3) solução preparada com 20g L-1 sacarose + 150mg L-1 ácido cítrico + 200mg L-1 de 8-HQC. As soluções foram trocadas a cada 48 horas, quando foi realizado o corte a 2cm na base da haste. Foi estabelecido o fim da vida de vaso quando as inflorescências apresentavam 50 por cento de abscisão ou murcha das flores. A longevidade das inflorescências diferiu com o tempo de armazenamento e com a solução de vaso utilizada. A maior vida de vaso foi obtida quando as hastes foram armazenadas por dois dias e, posteriormente mantidas em solução de sacarose+ácido cítrico+8-HQC. A solução de Flower® propiciou ganho de massa fresca e aumento do teor relativo de água das pétalas durante a reidratação. O uso apenas de água desionizada não foi eficiente em manter a qualidade das inflorescências de boca-de-leão, possivelmente pelo bloqueio dos vasos xilemáticos.

The goal of this research was to evaluate the effect of different solutions on rehydration and longevity of snapdragon inflorescences after dry cold storage. The stems were harvested with 6 to 7 open flowers and after 24 hours in water, they were wrapped in kraft paper, placed in perforated plastic bags and stored at 5oC for 2, 4 or 6 days. After the cold storage period, the stems were placed in jars containing 400mL of (1) deionized water, (2) Flower® (Ecoplanet, SC) or (3) 20g L-1 sucrose+150mg L-1 citric acid+200g L-1 8-HQC. The solutions were replaced every 48 hours when the base of the stem was cut (2cm). The end of the vase life was determined when the inflorescences presented 50 percent of abscission or flower wilting. The longevity of the inflorescences differed with the storage time and vase solution used. The longest vase life was obtained when the stems were stored for 2 days and placed in a solution of sucrose+citric acid+8-HQC afterwards. The solution of Flower® allowed gain of fresh mass and increase of relative water content of the petals during the rehydration. The use of deionized water was inefficient in maintaining the inflorescences quality, possible due to the occurrence of vascular occlusion.

Ciênc. rural ; 40(4): 827-832, Apr. 2010. graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-547505


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de soluções de vaso na longevidade pós-colheita de inflorescências de boca-de-leão. Hastes de boca-de-leão ('Potomac White'), colhidas com seis a sete flores abertas na inflorescência, foram condicionadas em: (1) água desionizada a 20°C (controle); (2) água quente a 43°C, por uma hora, seguida de água desionizada (20°C) como solução de vaso; (3) solução de Flower® a 20°C; (4) solução de vaso preparada com 200mg L-1 de 8-HQC+20g L-1 sacarose+150mg L-1 ácido cítrico a 20°C; (5) água quente (43°C) por uma hora e Flower® em solução de vaso (20°C); e (6) água quente (43°C) por uma hora e solução contendo 200mg L-1 de 8-HQC+20g L-1 sacarose+150mg L-1 ácido cítrico como solução de vaso (20°C). A vida de vaso das inflorescências de boca-de-leão variou de três a sete dias de acordo com o tratamento utilizado. A maior longevidade foi obtida com a solução contendo 8-HQC, sacarose e ácido cítrico, tratamento que não comprometeu a abertura floral. Além disso, as inflorescências condicionadas nessa solução apresentaram ganho de massa fresca superior à massa daquelas mantidas em água desionizada ou Flower®, a partir de 24 horas, atingindo 24 por cento de aumento no quinto dia da reidratação. Assim, o uso de soluções de vaso adequadas mantém a qualidade e prolonga a longevidade das hastes cortadas de boca-de-leão.

The goal of this research was to evaluate the influence of vase solutions on the postharvest longevity of snapdragon inflorescences. Stems of snapdragon 'Potomac White' harvested with six to seven open flowers were treated as follow: (1) distilled water at 20oC (control); (2) warm water at 43oC for one hour, followed by distilled water (20°C) as vase solution; (3) solution of Flower at 20°C; (4) vase solution of 200mg L-1 8-HQC+20g L-1 sucrose+150mg L-1 citric acid at 20°C; (5) warm water (43°C) for 1 hour followed by Flower as vase solution (20°C); (6) warm water (43°C) for one hour and 200mg L-1 8-HQC+20g L-1 sucrose+150mg L-1 citric acid as vase solution (20°C). The vase life of snapdragon inflorescences varied from 3 to 7 days according to the treatment used. The longest longevity was obtained for the flowers treated with 8-HQC, sucrose and citric acid, which did not compromise the flower opening. Furthermore, the inflorescences kept in this solution had higher the fresh weight gain when compared to distilled water or Flower after 24 hours, reaching 24 percent increase on the fifth day of rehydration. Thus, the appropriate vase solution maintains the quality and extends the longevity of cut stems of snapdragon.