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J Chem Phys ; 160(21)2024 Jun 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38832743


Superfluid helium nanodroplets are unique nanomatrices for the isolation and study of transient molecular species, such as radicals, carbenes, and ions. In this work, isomers of C3H4+ were produced upon electron ionization of propyne and allene molecules and interrogated via infrared spectroscopy inside He nanodroplet matrices. It was found that the spectrum of C3H4+ has at least three distinct groups of bands. The relative intensities of the bands depend on the precursor employed and its pickup pressure, which indicates the presence of at least three different isomers. Two isomers were identified as allene and propyne radical cations. The third isomer, which has several new bands in the range of 3100-3200 cm-1, may be the elusive vinylmethylene H2C=CH-CH+ radical cation. The observed bands for the allene and propyne cations are in good agreement with the results of density functional theory calculations. However, there is only moderate agreement between the new bands and the theoretically calculated vinylmethylene spectrum, which indicates more work is necessary to unambiguously assign it.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(20): 206001, 2024 May 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38829090


Low temperature phase separation in mixtures of ^{3}He and ^{4}He isotopes is a unique property of quantum fluids. Hydrogen has long been considered as another potential quantum liquid and has been predicted to be superfluid at T≤1 K, well below freezing temperature of ≈14 K. Phase separation has also been predicted in mixtures of para-H_{2} and D_{2} at temperatures ≤3 K. To defer the freezing, we produced clusters containing para-H_{2} and D_{2} at an estimated temperature of ≈2 K whose state was studied by vibrational Raman spectroscopy. The results indicate that the clusters are liquid and show the phase separation of the isotopes. The phase separation is further corroborated by the quantum molecular dynamics simulation.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 94(9)2023 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37695112


Here, we describe our pulsed helium droplet apparatus for spectroscopy of molecular ions. Our approach involves the doping of the droplets of about 10 nm in diameter with precursor molecules, such as ethylene, followed by electron impact ionization. Droplets containing ions are irradiated by the pulsed infrared laser beam. Vibrational excitation of the embedded cations leads to the evaporation of the helium atoms in the droplets and the release of the free ions, which are detected by the quadrupole mass spectrometer. In this work, we upgraded the experimental setup by introducing an octupole RF collision cell downstream from the electron impact ionizer. The implementation of the RF ion guide increases the transmission efficiency of the ions. Filling the collision cell with additional He gas leads to a decrease in the droplet size, enhancing sensitivity to the laser excitation. We show that the spectroscopic signal depends linearly on the laser pulse energy, and the number of ions generated per laser pulse is about 100 times greater than in our previous experiments. These improvements facilitate faster and more reproducible measurements of the spectra, yielding a handy laboratory technique for the spectroscopic study of diverse molecular ions and ionic clusters at low temperature (0.4 K) in He droplets.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(7): 076002, 2023 Aug 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37656857


Superfluid helium nanodroplets are an ideal environment for the formation of metastable, self-organized dopant nanostructures. However, the presence of vortices often hinders their formation. Here, we demonstrate the generation of vortex-free helium nanodroplets and explore the size range in which they can be produced. From x-ray diffraction images of xenon-doped droplets, we identify that single compact structures, assigned to vortex-free aggregation, prevail up to 10^{8} atoms per droplet. This finding builds the basis for exploring the assembly of far-from-equilibrium nanostructures at low temperatures.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 14(36): 8199-8204, 2023 Sep 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37672355


The structure of the minimum unit of the radical cationic water clusters, the (H2O)2+ dimer, has attracted much attention because of its importance for the radiation chemistry of water. Previous spectroscopic studies indicated that the dimers have a proton-transferred structure (H3O+·OH), though the alternate metastable hemibonded structure (H2O·OH2)+ was also predicted based on theoretical calculations. Here, we produce (H2O)2+ dimers in superfluid helium nanodroplets and study their infrared spectra in the range of OH stretching vibrations. The observed spectra indicate the coexistence of the two structures in the droplets, supported by density functional theory calculations. This is the first spectroscopic identification of the hemibonded isomer of water radical cation dimers. The observation of the higher-energy isomer reveals efficient kinetic trapping for metastable ionic clusters due to the rapid cooling in helium droplets.

J Chem Phys ; 158(22)2023 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37309895


Infrared (IR) spectroscopy using ultracold helium nanodroplet matrices has proven to be a powerful method to interrogate encapsulated ions, molecules, and clusters. Due to the helium droplets' high ionization potential, optical transparency, and ability to pick up dopant molecules, the droplets offer a unique modality to probe transient chemical species produced via photo- or electron impact ionization. In this work, helium droplets were doped with acetylene molecules and ionized via electron impact. Ion-molecule reactions within the droplet volume yield larger carbo-cations that were studied via IR laser spectroscopy. This work is focused on cations containing four carbon atoms. The spectra of C4H2+, C4H3+, and C4H5+ are dominated by diacetylene, vinylacetylene, and methylcyclopropene cations, respectively, which are the lowest energy isomers. On the other hand, the spectrum of C4H4+ ions hints at the presence of several co-existing isomers, the identity of which remains to be elucidated.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(7): 073201, 2022 Aug 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36018694


Strong-field ionization of nanoscale clusters provides excellent opportunities to study the complex correlated electronic and nuclear dynamics of near-solid density plasmas. Yet, monitoring ultrafast, nanoscopic dynamics in real-time is challenging, which often complicates a direct comparison between theory and experiment. Here, near-infrared laser-induced plasma dynamics in ∼600 nm diameter helium droplets are studied by femtosecond time-resolved x-ray coherent diffractive imaging. An anisotropic, ∼20 nm wide surface region, defined as the range where the density lies between 10% and 90% of the core value, is established within ∼100 fs, in qualitative agreement with theoretical predictions. At longer timescales, however, the width of this region remains largely constant while the radius of the dense plasma core shrinks at average rates of ≈71 nm/ps along and ≈33 nm/ps perpendicular to the laser polarization. These dynamics are not captured by previous plasma expansion models. The observations are phenomenologically described within a numerical simulation; details of the underlying physics, however, remain to be explored.

J Chem Phys ; 156(20): 204306, 2022 May 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35649867


Helium droplets are unique hosts for isolating diverse molecular ions for infrared spectroscopic experiments. Recently, it was found that electron impact ionization of ethylene clusters embedded in helium droplets produces diverse carbocations containing three and four carbon atoms, indicating effective ion-molecule reactions. In this work, similar experiments are reported but with the saturated hydrocarbon precursor of ethane. In distinction to ethylene, no characteristic bands of larger covalently bound carbocations were found, indicating inefficient ion-molecule reactions. Instead, the ionization in helium droplets leads to formation of weaker bound dimers, such as (C2H6)(C2H4)+, (C2H6)(C2H5)+, and (C2H6)(C2H6)+, as well as larger clusters containing several ethane molecules attached to C2H4 +, C2H5 +, and C2H6 + ionic cores. The spectra of larger clusters resemble those for neutral, neat ethane clusters. This work shows the utility of the helium droplets to study small ionic clusters at ultra-low temperatures.

J Chem Phys ; 156(4): 041102, 2022 Jan 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35105059


Advancements in x-ray free-electron lasers on producing ultrashort, ultrabright, and coherent x-ray pulses enable single-shot imaging of fragile nanostructures, such as superfluid helium droplets. This imaging technique gives unique access to the sizes and shapes of individual droplets. In the past, such droplet characteristics have only been indirectly inferred by ensemble averaging techniques. Here, we report on the size distributions of both pure and doped droplets collected from single-shot x-ray imaging and produced from the free-jet expansion of helium through a 5 µm diameter nozzle at 20 bars and nozzle temperatures ranging from 4.2 to 9 K. This work extends the measurement of large helium nanodroplets containing 109-1011 atoms, which are shown to follow an exponential size distribution. Additionally, we demonstrate that the size distributions of the doped droplets follow those of the pure droplets at the same stagnation condition but with smaller average sizes.

Sci Adv ; 7(50): eabk2247, 2021 Dec 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34890219


Quantum fluid droplets made of helium-3 (3He) or helium-4 (4He) isotopes have long been considered as ideal cryogenic nanolabs, enabling unique ultracold chemistry and spectroscopy applications. The droplets were believed to provide a homogeneous environment in which dopant atoms and molecules could move and react almost as in free space but at temperatures close to absolute zero. Here, we report ultrafast x-ray diffraction experiments on xenon-doped 3He and 4He nanodroplets, demonstrating that the unavoidable rotational excitation of isolated droplets leads to highly anisotropic and inhomogeneous interactions between the host matrix and enclosed dopants. Superfluid 4He droplets are laced with quantum vortices that trap the embedded particles, leading to the formation of filament-shaped clusters. In comparison, dopants in 3He droplets gather in diffuse, ring-shaped structures along the equator. The shapes of droplets carrying filaments or rings are direct evidence that rotational excitation is the root cause for the inhomogeneous dopant distributions.

J Chem Phys ; 155(8): 084306, 2021 Aug 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34470362


The electron impact ionization of helium droplets doped with ethylene molecules and clusters yields diverse CXHY + cations embedded in the droplets. The ionization primarily produces C2H2 +, C2H3 +, C2H4 +, and CH2 +, whereas larger carbocations are produced upon the reactions of the primary ions with ethylene molecules. The vibrational excitation of the cations leads to the release of bare cations and cations with a few helium atoms attached. The laser excitation spectra of the embedded cations show well resolved vibrational bands with a few wavenumber widths-an order of magnitude less than those previously obtained in solid matrices or molecular beams by tagging techniques. Comparison with the previous studies of free and tagged CH2 +, CH3 +, C2H2 +, C2H3 +, and C2H4 + cations shows that the helium matrix typically introduces a shift in the vibrational frequencies of less than about 20 cm-1, enabling direct comparisons with the results of quantum chemical calculations for structure determination. This work demonstrates a facile technique for the production and spectroscopic study of diverse carbocations, which act as important intermediates in gas and condensed phases.

J Phys Chem A ; 124(30): 6207-6213, 2020 Jul 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32628471


Here, we show that electron impact ionization of helium (He) droplets doped with water molecules and clusters yield water and Zundel cations embedded in the droplets consisting of a few thousand helium atoms. Infrared spectra in the OH-stretching range were obtained using the release of the cations from the droplets upon laser excitation. The spectra in He droplets appear to have about a factor of 10 narrower bands and similar matrix shifts as compared to those obtained via tagging with He and Ar atoms. The results confirm the calculated structure of the free Zundel ion, where the proton is equidistant from the two water units. The effect of the He environment on the spectra of ions is discussed. The signal shows nonlinear laser pulse energy dependence consistent with the evaporation of the entire droplet upon multiple absorptions of infrared photons. This conclusion is supported by the model calculations of the efficiency of the cations' release vs laser flux.

J Chem Phys ; 152(23): 234306, 2020 Jun 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32571041


The phenomenon of liquid jets disintegrating into droplets has attracted the attention of researchers for more than 200 years. An overwhelming fraction of these studies considered classical viscous liquid jets issuing into ambient atmospheric gases, such as air. Here, we present an optical shadowgraphy study of the disintegration of a cryogenic liquid helium jet produced with a 5 µm diameter nozzle into vacuum. The physical properties of liquid helium, such as its density, surface tension, and viscosity, change dramatically as the jet flows through the nozzle and evaporatively cools in vacuum, eventually reaching the superfluid state. In this study, we demonstrate that, at different stagnation pressures and temperatures, droplet formation may involve spraying, capillary breakup, jet branching, and/or flashing and cavitation. The average droplet sizes produced in this work range from 3.4 × 1012 to 6.5 × 1012 helium atoms or 6.7-8.3 µm in diameter. This paper also reports on the distributions of sizes and shapes of the resulting droplets.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(21): 215301, 2020 May 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32530661


The angular momentum of rotating superfluid droplets originates from quantized vortices and capillary waves, the interplay between which remains to be uncovered. Here, the rotation of isolated submicrometer superfluid ^{4}He droplets is studied by ultrafast x-ray diffraction using a free electron laser. The diffraction patterns provide simultaneous access to the morphology of the droplets and the vortex arrays they host. In capsule-shaped droplets, vortices form a distorted triangular lattice, whereas they arrange along elliptical contours in ellipsoidal droplets. The combined action of vortices and capillary waves results in droplet shapes close to those of classical droplets rotating with the same angular velocity. The findings are corroborated by density functional theory calculations describing the velocity fields and shape deformations of a rotating superfluid cylinder.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(28): 5859-5865, 2019 Jul 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31274308


Silver clusters were assembled in helium droplets of different sizes ranging from 104 to 1011 atoms. The clusters were heated upon laser irradiation at 355 nm, and evaporation dynamics of He atoms were studied by quadrupole mass spectroscopy using signals from He+, He2+, and He4+ splitter ions. We found that for droplets containing less than 107 atoms the laser irradiation leads to evaporation of He atoms. However, the laser irradiation leads to the breakup of the large droplets into smaller ones.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(29): 6113-6122, 2019 Jul 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31260302


An electron traveling through liquid helium with sufficient kinetic energy can create a low-lying triplet exciton via inelastic scattering. Accompanying repulsion between the exciton and nearby atoms results in bubble formation. That is not all, however. Repulsion compresses an "incipient He2* exciton", pushing it into a region where an He2* moiety commences evolution toward its potential energy minimum. The above picture follows from ab initio calculations of the two lowest adiabatic potential energy surfaces for collinear three-atom systems and dynamics studies launched on the lowest adiabat that calculate said surface on the fly. The timescale for launching trajectories toward the He2* moiety is significantly shorter than the timescale for pushing helium away from the exciton in large systems, making results with three atoms relevant to liquid helium. This explains how He2* might be created in the aftermath of electron-impact excitation of He*. Interplay between the lowest adiabats is discussed, underscoring the importance of nonadiabatic processes in such systems. Results with eight-atom systems further illustrate the critical role of nonadiabatic transitions.

Annu Rev Phys Chem ; 70: 173-198, 2019 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31174460


Free superfluid helium droplets constitute a versatile medium for a diverse range of experiments in physics and chemistry that extend from studies of the fundamental laws of superfluid motion to the synthesis of novel nanomaterials. In particular, the emergence of quantum vortices in rotating helium droplets is one of the most dramatic hallmarks of superfluidity and gives detailed access to the wave function describing the quantum liquid. This review provides an introduction to quantum vorticity in helium droplets, followed by a historical account of experiments on vortex visualization in bulk superfluid helium and a more detailed discussion of recent advances in the study of the rotational motion of isolated, nano- to micrometer-scale superfluid helium droplets. Ultrafast X-ray and extreme ultraviolet scattering techniques enabled by X-ray free-electron lasers and high-order harmonic generation in particular have facilitated the in situ detection of droplet shapes and the imaging of vortex structures inside individual, isolated droplets. New applications of helium droplets ranging from studies of quantum phase separations to mechanisms of low-temperature aggregation are discussed.

J Chem Phys ; 148(4): 044302, 2018 Jan 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29390856


Electron impact ionization of superfluid helium droplets containing several thousand atoms produces a broad distribution of Hen+ ions that peaks at n = 2 and decreases monotonically toward larger n. In larger droplets (say 105 or more atoms), however, the He4+ signal intensity is anomalously large. We have studied the mechanism for the formation of He4+ ions in large helium droplets by varying the duration of the electron impact excitation pulse. Droplets of different average sizes were generated using the expansion of helium at 20 bars and 9-20 K through a pulsed valve nozzle. The resulting ions were analyzed by time-of-flight mass spectroscopy (TOFMS) and quadrupole mass spectroscopy (QMS). The intensity distributions obtained with the TOFMS technique initially showed much smaller He4+ signals than those obtained using QMS. However, we discovered that the intensity anomaly is associated with the duration of the electron bombardment pulse in the TOFMS instrument. Measurements with different electron bombardment pulse durations enabled us to discern a characteristic time of ∼10 µs for enhanced He4+ production in large droplets under our experimental conditions. A qualitative model is presented in which metastables interact on droplet surfaces, yielding two He2+ cores that share a Rydberg electron while minimizing repulsion between the cores. This is the He4+(4A2) state suggested by Knowles and Murrell.

J Phys Chem A ; 121(32): 5978-5982, 2017 Aug 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28723086


Ethane core-silver shell clusters consisting of several thousand particles have been assembled in helium droplets upon capture of ethane molecules followed by Ag atoms. The composite clusters were studied via infrared laser spectroscopy in the range of the C-H stretching vibrations of ethane. The spectra reveal a splitting of the vibrational bands, which is ascribed to interaction with Ag. A rigorous analysis of band intensities for a varying number of trapped ethane molecules and Ag atoms indicates that the composite clusters consist of a core of ethane that is covered by relatively small Ag clusters. This metastable structure is stabilized due to fast dissipation in superfluid helium droplets of the cohesion energy of the clusters.

J Phys Chem A ; 120(34): 6738-44, 2016 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27500443


Helium droplets were used to assemble composite metal-molecular clusters. Produced clusters have several hundreds of silver atoms in the core, immersed in a shell consisting of methane, ethylene, or acetylene molecules. The structure of the clusters was studied via infrared spectra of the C-H stretches of the hydrocarbon molecules. The spectra of the clusters containing methane and acetylene show two distinct features due to molecules on the interface with silver core and those in the volume of the neat molecular part of the clusters. The relative intensities of the peaks are in good agreement with the estimates based on the number of the captured particles. Experiments also suggest that selection rules for infrared transitions for molecules adsorbed on metal surfaces are also valid for silver clusters as small as 300 atoms.