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Animals (Basel) ; 14(9)2024 Apr 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38731339


We compared the effects of milk-feeding in 288 Holstein calves (72 per group) which were fed twice (2F) or thrice (3F) daily, with or without the addition of hydrogenated fat-embedded calcium gluconate (G) supplemented in the starter food and in the daily diet up to the age of 9 months, on the calves' metabolism, growth, health, and reproductive efficiency up to first pregnancy. The calves received 6 L of milk replacer (130 g/L) and had ad libitum access to water and textured calf starter with or without gluconate. Gluconate supplementation promoted a "catch-up" in growth in supplemented calves compared to their counterparts that did not receive gluconate. Gluconate appeared to reduce animal metabolic stress during key events, such as weaning and transfer into open-door pens, reducing fructosamine (352.61 vs. 303.06 in 3FG and 3F, respectively; p = 0.028) and urea (3F revealed the highest values compared with the other three groups: 19.06 for 3F vs. 13.9 (2F), 13.7 (2FG), and 14.3 (3FG), respectively, p = 0.002) from weaning onwards. The feeding of dairy calves with milk replacer three rather than two times per day tended to be associated with better health from weaning to 4 months old; parameters such as ultrasound lung score and calf health score improved over time (p < 0.001). Thrice-daily feeding with milk replacer tended to reduce the number of artificial inseminations per pregnancy in heifers by 0.2 points (p = 0.092). We confirmed significant correlations between early health and growth parameters and reproductive efficiency and a positive correlation between body weight and average daily weight gain and the thickness of the back fat layer in young heifers (r = 0.245; p < 0.0001; r = 0.214; p < 0.0001 respectively). Our study was conducted on a commercial farm with reasonably effective animal management, so baseline welfare was likely satisfactory.

Front Vet Sci ; 10: 1154555, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37138913


Introduction: Raising a healthy calf up to puberty is essential for optimal farm performance. It is therefore, it is necessary to promote animal welfare from the three spheres during this short period. Social management has been postulated as essential in lowering stress and consequently improving calf welfare during this period. Only the health sphere has been studied for a long time, but more recent studies have recently promoted positive experiences and emotional states from affective states or cognitive judgment and natural living spheres. A systematic review of different management strategies in rearing dairy calves according to the three spheres of animal welfare has been conducted using an electronic search strategy. Methods: The analysis and extraction of information from the studies were performed according to a protocol. From 1,783 publications screened, only 351 met the inclusion criteria. Results: The publications identified in the search can be divided into two main groups, feeding and social management, based on the main topic of the publication. This review provides an overview of social management, understood as the calf's interaction with others around it. Discussion: Primary social management issues that emerged were social housing with congeners, separation from the mother and human-animal interaction, distributed in the three broad spheres of animal welfare. The review highlights unresolved questions about how social management practices affect the three spheres of animal welfare at this life stage and the need to standardize good socialization practices for this stage. In conclusion, all the information shows that social housing has improved animal welfare from affective states, cognitive judgment, and natural living spheres. However, gaps in research were identified in relation to the optimal time to separate the calf from the mother, the optimal time to group with conspecifics after birth and group size. Further research on positive welfare through socialization are needed.

Front Vet Sci ; 10: 1148823, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37138918


Introduction: Calves are very susceptible to stress in the early stages of life, and it is necessary to ensure maximum welfare. Feeding management has been identified as a major risk factor for calf health and welfare at this stage. However, the management protocol for calf rearing and its impact on animal welfare is unclear. A systematic review of different management strategies for rearing dairy calves according to the three spheres of animal welfare was conducted using an electronic search strategy. In this review, management strategies were studied to identify scientific gaps, to know the welfare problems of these animals in order to prioritize actions and future research and to study the interpretive approach of this management from the three welfare spheres. Methods: A protocol was used to analyze and extract information from the studies. Of the 1,783 publications screened, only 351 met the inclusion criteria for the management or welfare of calves' items. Results: The publications identified in the search can be divided into two main groups feeding and socialization, based on the main topic of the publication. The main topics that emerged from the search in the feeding management group were milk replacer, colostrum, and weaning, divided into the three main areas of biological functioning and health, natural life and affective states or cognitive judgement. Discussion: The main issues to be addressed were the different types of feed consumed by animals from birth to weaning and the weaning management. It has been found that the most researched issues are colostrum and solid starter feed management. Unresolved issues were highlighted, such as the lack of a clear protocol for the administration of milk replacers to reduce hunger and the best management of weaning to reduce stress.

Animals (Basel) ; 13(5)2023 Feb 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36899723


A high intramuscular fat content characterizes Wagyu (WY) cattle breed. Our objective was to compare beef from WY, WY-by-Angus, or Wangus (WN) steers with European, Angus-by-Charolais-Limousine crossbred steers (ACL), considering metabolic biomarkers pre-slaughtering and nutritional characteristics, including health-related indexes of the lipid fraction. The fattening system with olein-rich diets and no exercise restriction included 82 steers, 24 WY, 29 WN, and 29 ACL. The slaughter ages and weights were (median and interquartile range) 38.4 mo.-old (34.9-40.3 mo.) and 840 kg (785-895 kg) for WY; for WN, 30.6 mo. (26.9-36.5 mo.) and 832 kg (802-875 kg), and for ACL steers, 20.3 mo.-old (19.0-22.7 mo.) and 780 kg (715-852 kg). Blood lipid-related metabolites, except for non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and low-density level cholesterol (LDL), were higher in WY and WN than in ACL, while glucose was lower in WY and WN. Leptin was higher in WN than in ACL. Pre-slaughtering values of plasma HDL underscored as a possible metabolic biomarker directly related to beef quality. The amino-acid content in beef did not differ among experimental groups, except for more crude protein in ACL. Compared to ACL, WY steers showed higher intramuscular fat in sirloin (51.5 vs. 21.9%) and entrecote (59.6 vs. 27.6%), more unsaturated fatty acids in entrecote (55.8 vs. 53.0%), and more oleic acid in sirloin (46 vs. 41.3%) and entrecote (47.5 vs. 43.3%). Compared to ACL entrecote, WY and WN showed better atherogenic (0.6 and 0.55 vs. 0.69), thrombogenicity (0.82 and 0.92 vs. 1.1), and hypocholesterolemic/hypercholesterolemic index (1.9 and 2.1 vs. 1.7). Therefore, beef's nutritional characteristics depend on breed/crossbred, slaughtering age and cut, with WY and WN entrecote samples showing a healthier lipid fraction.

Front Vet Sci ; 9: 1038218, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36419726


Antimicrobial resistance is an important threat to public health worldwide, being one of the main death causes in 2050. Moreover, global health is currently underpinned by the "One Health" concept, whereby livestock is strictly related to human and environmental health. However, in the case of the meat rabbit industry, antibiotic additives are still added to prevent gastrointestinal diseases. Current food and consumer awareness require the implementation of sustainable production systems, where robustness and resilience are increasingly important. Hence, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of antibiotic feed supplementation on microbiota, and productive performance during the rabbit growing period in a robust genetic line. For this purpose, a total of 432 weaned rabbits were randomly housed, cecum samples were taken on the weaning day and at the end of the growing period (28 and 61 days of age, respectively), and 16S rRNA sequencing analysis was performed. Results showed a higher microbiota complexity at the end of growing in both experimental groups. Firmicutes represented the dominant phylum of the cecal community, followed by Bacteroidota in both groups. Moreover, Victivallis and Escherichia-Shigella genera were only identified in the experimental group without antibiotic supplementation at the end of the growing period. In conclusion, antibiotic feed supplementation had no effect on microbiota composition and productive performance in the robust genetic line reared. These results evidence the importance of the development of rabbit robust genetic lines as an alternative tool to antibiotic administration in epizootic enteropathy control.

Animals (Basel) ; 12(13)2022 Jun 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35804572


Japanese Black (Wagyu) cattle produce high-quality beef. However, whether Wagyu steers can be profitably raised under conditions different than the traditional Japanese ones remains unclear. From 2018 to 2020, we raised 262 Wagyu purebred steers, 103 Wagyu-by-Angus (Wangus) crossbred steers, and 43 Angus-by-European (ACL) crossbred steers on a Spanish farm with high welfare standards and a locally sourced, high-olein diet. Factors and factors' interactions impacting steer growth were analyzed using generalized linear models. ACL steers grew faster than the other two groups, with Wangus showing intermediate fattening and muscle development. Average daily weight gains (kg/day) were 0.916 for Wagyu, 1.046 for Wangus, and 1.293 for ACL during the weaning to growing period, and 0.628 for Wagyu, 0.64 for Wangus, and 0.802 for ACL during the growing to fattening phase. ACL showed the lowest marbling rates. Wagyu and Wangus usually showed higher cholesterol, triglycerides, and high-density lipoprotein than ACL. ACL calves may experience greater stress at weaning, as suggested by higher glucose, lactate, and ß-hydroxybutyrate than the other groups. The results suggest that Wagyu and Wangus steers showed adequate growth, health, and metabolic development in this type of production system, with Wagyu purebreds probably being more profitable than Wangus crossbreeds.

Animals (Basel) ; 12(9)2022 Apr 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35565524


Ammonia is an important pollutant emitted by broiler litter that can accumulate inside farms, impairing animal health and welfare productivity. An experiment was designed to evaluate of precision husbandry practices such as the effect of ventilation, animal density and growth rate as management options to reduce the adverse effects of ammonia exposure on productive parameters in broiler houses. Two identical experimental rooms were used in this study. They were programmed to differ in ammonia concentration from day 32 of the growing period (10 and 20 ppm in Room 1 and Room 2, respectively). Three treatments were tested in each room: slow growth in high stocking density (SHD), fast growth in low density (FLD) and fast growth in high density (FHD). Animal weight, feed intake and feed conversion ratio were determined weekly. In addition, the immune status of animals was assessed by weighing the organs related to immune response as stress indicators. Increasing ventilation was effective to control ammonia concentrations. Exposure to ammonia caused no significant effect on productive parameters. However, lowering stocking density improved response to higher ammonia concentrations by lowering the feed conversion ratio. No other relevant effects of differential exposure to ammonia were found in fast-growing animals, either at high or low stocking density. The use of slow-growing breeds had no effect on production parameters. Despite having a slower growth rate, their feed conversion ratio was not different from that of fast-growing breeds. The productive performance of slow-growing animals was not affected by the differential exposure to ammonia, but the reduced spleen size would suggest an impairment of the immune system.

Biology (Basel) ; 11(2)2022 Jan 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35205092


Multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) systems have been intensively implemented in Japanese Black cattle in Japan and to create Japanese Black herds out of these areas. Environmental conditions influence MOET efficiency. Thus, we describe results of 137 in vivo, non-surgical embryo flushings performed between 2016-2020, in a full-blood Japanese Black herd kept in Spain and the possible effects of heat, year, bull, donor genetic value, and metabolic condition. Additionally, 687 embryo transfers were studied for conception rate (CR) and recipient related factors. A total of 71.3% of viable embryos (724/1015) were obtained (5.3 ± 4.34/flushing). Donor metabolites did not affect embryo production (p > 0.1), although metabolite differences were observed over the years, and by flushing order, probably related to the donor age. CR was not affected by embryo type (fresh vs. frozen), recipient breed, and whether suckling or not suckling (p > 0.1). CR decreased significantly with heat (44.3 vs. 49.2%; (p = 0.042)) and numerically increased with recipient parity and ET-number. Pregnant recipients showed significantly higher levels of cholesterol-related metabolites, glucose, and urea (p < 0.05). Therefore, adequate MOET efficiency can be achieved under these conditions, and heat stress should be strongly avoided during Japanese Black embryo transfers. Moreover, recipients' metabolites are important to achieve pregnancy, being probably related to better nutrient availability during pregnancy.

Animals (Basel) ; 11(8)2021 Aug 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34438762


Heat stress plays a role in livestock production in warm climates. Heat stress conditions impair animal welfare and compromise the productive and reproductive performance of dairy cattle. Under heat stress conditions, dairy cattle modify their behavior. Thus, the assessment of behavior alterations can be an indicator of environmental or physiological anomalies. Moreover, precision livestock farming allows for the individual and constant monitoring of animal behavior, arising as a tool to assess animal welfare. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of heat stress on the behavior of dairy cows using activity sensors. The study was carried out in Tinajeros (Albacete, Spain) during the summer of 2020. Activity sensors were installed in 40 cows registering 6 different behaviors. Environmental conditions (temperature and humidity) were also monitored. Hourly data was calculated for both animal behavior and environmental conditions. Temperature and Heat Index (THI) was calculated for each hour. The accumulated THI during the previous 24 h period was determined for each hour, and the hours were statistically classified in quartiles according to the accumulated THI. Two groups were defined as Q4 for no stress and Q1 for heat stress. The results showed that animal behavior was altered under heat stress conditions. Increasing THI produces an increase in general activity, changes in feeding patterns and a decrease in rumination and resting behaviors, which is detrimental to animal welfare. Daily behavioral patterns were also affected. Under heat stress conditions, a reduction in resting behavior during the warmest hours and in rumination during the night was observed. In conclusion, heat stress affected all behaviors recorded as well as the daily patterns of the cows. Precision livestock farming sensors and the modelling of daily patterns were useful tools for monitoring animal behavior and detecting changes due to heat stress.

Animals (Basel) ; 11(4)2021 Apr 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33916657


New measures applied to reduce antimicrobial resistances (AMR) at field level in broiler production are focused on improving animals' welfare and resilience. However, it is necessary to have better knowledge of AMR epidemiology. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate AMR and multidrug resistance (MDR) dynamics during the rearing of broilers under commercial (33 kg/m2 density and max. 20 ppm ammonia) and improved (17 kg/m2 density and max. 10 ppm ammonia) farm conditions. Day-old chicks were housed in two poultry houses (commercial vs. improved), and no antimicrobial agents were administered at any point. Animals were sampled at arrival day, mid-period and at slaughter day. High AMR rates were observed throughout rearing. No statistical differences were observed between groups. Moreover, both groups presented high MDR at slaughter day. These results could be explained by vertical or horizontal resistance acquisition. In conclusion, AMR and MDR are present throughout rearing. Moreover, although a lower level of MDR was observed at mid-period in animals reared under less intensive conditions, no differences were found at the end. In order to reduce the presence of AMR bacteria in poultry, further studies are needed to better understand AMR acquisition and prevalence in differing broiler growing conditions.

Vet Rec ; 188(10): e302, 2021 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33870529


BACKGROUND: Salmonella enterica serovar Infantis is a zoonotic pathogen isolated in broilers causing great economic losses in the European poultry sector. It is demonstrated that an investment in management measures at farm level could directly affect the control of food chain microorganisms. The aim of this study was to investigate the development of S. Infantis antimicrobial resistance (AMR) patterns during the growing period, according to flock density and ventilation management, without antibiotic administration. METHODS: The experiment was performed in two identical poultry houses, evaluating commercial and optimal farm conditions. At 24 h of rearing, 20% of the animals were orally infected with a S. Infantis strain susceptible to all the antibiotics tested. To study Salmonella shedding, faeces samples from each experimental group were taken weekly and analysed as per ISO/TS 6579-2:2017. Antibiotic susceptibility was assessed according to Decision 2013/653. RESULTS: Salmonella shedding showed that the lowest counts were observed in the first week post-infection and highest at slaughter day for both groups. Moreover, 100% of the isolates were multi-resistant. CONCLUSION: The acquisition of AMR by S. Infantis starts at the onset of the production cycle and is maintained until the end, demonstrating the importance of transmission of AMR in zoonotic bacteria at farm level.

Farmacorresistencia Microbiana , Granjas/organización & administración , Enfermedades de las Aves de Corral/microbiología , Salmonelosis Animal/microbiología , Salmonella enterica/efectos de los fármacos , Salmonella enterica/aislamiento & purificación , Animales , Antibacterianos/farmacología , Pollos , Heces/microbiología , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Enfermedades de las Aves de Corral/prevención & control , Salmonelosis Animal/prevención & control , Salmonella enterica/genética , Serogrupo
Animals (Basel) ; 11(3)2021 Feb 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33652795


Poultry is one of the main agricultural sub-sectors worldwide. However, public concern regarding animal welfare and antimicrobial resistance has risen in recent years. Due to the influence of management practices on microbiota, it might be considered to evaluate poultry welfare and health. Therefore, the objective of this research was to analyse the influence on microbiota balance of broilers under commercial and optimal farm conditions, using 16S rRNA sequencing analysis. The research was performed in two identical poultry houses (commercial vs. optimal). Results showed a higher level of microbiota complexity in the group reared under optimal farm conditions at the end of rearing. Regarding microbiota composition, Firmicutes was the dominant phylum during the entire growing period. However, the second most prevalent phylum was Proteobacteria at the arrival day, and Bacteroidetes from the mid-period onward in both groups. Moreover, the most predominant genera identified were Oscillospira, Ruminococcus, Bacteroides, and Coprococcus. In conclusion, it is necessary to optimize farm management as much as possible. Using gut microbiota diversity and composition as biomarkers of animal health could be an important tool for infectious disease control, with the aim of reducing the administration of antibiotics at field level.

Animals (Basel) ; 10(11)2020 Nov 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33187308


Researchers have contributed by increasing our understanding of the factors affecting reproduction in beef, mainly physical health and nutrition aspects, which have been main concerns during decades. Animal welfare is of outmost relevance in all animal production systems and it is strongly associated to stress. Stress responses involve endocrine, paracrine and neural systems and the consequences of this stress on the reproductive efficiency of specifically, beef cattle and bulls, need to be highlighted. We, therefore, describe the fundamentals of stress and its quantification, focusing in beef herds, reviewing the highly valuable pieces of research, already implemented in this field. We examine major factors (stressors) contributing to stress in beef cattle and their effects on the animals, their reproductive performance and the success of reproductive biotechnologies. We include terms such as acclimatization, acclimation or temperament, very relevant in beef systems. We examine specifically the management stress due to handling, social environment and hierarchy or weaning effects; nutritional stress; and thermal stress (not only heat stress) and also review the influence of these stressors on reproductive performance and effectiveness of reproductive biotechnologies in beef herds. A final message on the attention that should be devoted to these factors is highlighted.

Animals (Basel) ; 10(8)2020 Aug 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32806542


Caecal microbiota and its modulation play an important role in poultry health, productivity and disease control. Moreover, due to the emergence of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria, society is pressing for a reduction in antibiotic administration by finding effective alternatives at farm level, such as less intensified production systems. Hence, the aim of this study was to characterise the caecal microbiota in two different broiler management systems, fast and slow-growing, using 16S rRNA sequencing analysis. To this end 576 broilers were reared in two different management systems (fast and slow-growing). Results showed that Firmicutes represented the dominant phylum for both systems. At the onset, Proteobacteria was the second prevalent phylum for fast and slow-growing breeds, outnumbering the Bacteroidetes. However, during the rest of the production cycle, Bacteroidetes was more abundant than Proteobacteria in both groups. Finally, regardless of the management system, the most predominant genera identified were Oscillospira spp., Ruminococcus spp., Coprococcus spp., Lactobacillus spp. and Bacteroides spp. In conclusion, fast and slow-growing broiler microbiota are in constant development throughout rearing, being relatively stable at 21 days of age. Regarding the genus, it should be noted that the three most abundant groups for both systems, Ruminococcus spp., Lactobacillus spp. and Bacteroides spp., are related to better productive performance and intestinal health.

PLoS One ; 13(11): e0206520, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30383843


INTRODUCTION: Projected temperature rise in the upcoming years due to climate change has increased interest in studying the effects of heat stress in dairy cows. Environmental indices are commonly used for detecting heat stress, but have been used mainly in studies focused on the productivity-related effects of heat stress. The welfare approach involves identifying physiological and behavioural measurements so as to start heat stress mitigation protocols before the appearance of impending severe health or production issues. Therefore, there is growing interest in studying the effects of heat stress on welfare. This systematic review seeks to summarise the animal-based responses to heat stress (physiological and behavioural, excluding productivity) that have been used in scientific literature. METHODS: Using systematic review guidelines set by PRISMA, research articles were identified, screened and summarised based on inclusion criteria for physiology and behaviour, excluding productivity, for animal-based resilience indicators. 129 published articles were reviewed to determine which animal-based indicators for heat stress were most frequently used in dairy cows. RESULTS: The articles considered report at least 212 different animal-based indicators that can be aggregated into body temperature, feeding, physiological response, resting, drinking, grazing and pasture-related behaviour, reactions to heat management and others. The most common physiological animal-based indicators are rectal temperature, respiration rate and dry matter intake, while the most common behavioural indicators are time spent lying, standing and feeding. CONCLUSION: Although body temperature and respiration rate are the animal-based indicators most frequently used to assess heat stress in dairy cattle, when choosing an animal-based indicator for detecting heat stress using scientific literature to establish thresholds, characteristics that influence the scale of the response and the definition of heat stress must be taken into account, e.g. breed, lactation stage, milk yield, system type, climate region, bedding type, diet and cooling management strategies.

Bovinos/fisiología , Resistencia a la Enfermedad/fisiología , Trastornos de Estrés por Calor/fisiopatología , Respuesta al Choque Térmico/fisiología , Animales , Industria Lechera
Avian Pathol ; 45(4): 501-7, 2016 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27035748


The use of antimicrobials in food animals is the major determinant for the propagation of resistant bacteria in the animal reservoir. However, other factors may also play a part, and in particular vertical spread between the generations has been suggested to be an important transmission pathway. The objective of this paper was to determine the resistance patterns of Escherichia coli isolated from newly-hatched chickens as well as to study the antibiotic pressure effect when amoxicillin was administered during their growing period. With this aim, meconium from 22 one-day-old Ross chickens was analysed. In addition, during their growth period, amoxicillin treatments at days 7, 21 and 35 were carried out. Results showed a high number of E. coli-resistant strains were isolated from the treated one-day-old chickens, and were the highest for ß-lactams group, followed by quinolone and tetracyclines. After treatment with amoxicillin, the highest percentage of resistances were detected for this antibiotic compared to the others analysed, with significant differences in resistance percentages between control and treated broilers detected in relation to ampicillin, cephalothin, streptomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin, chloramphenicol and tetracycline. Differences in resistances to ciprofloxacin and nalidixic acid between control and treated animals were not observed and there was lack of resistance for amikacin and ceftriaxone. These results suggest the possibility of vertical transmission of resistant strains to newly-hatched chicks from parent flocks, and seem to indicate that the treatment with amoxicillin increased the resistance of E. coli to other antibiotics.

Antiinfecciosos/farmacología , Pollos/microbiología , Infecciones por Escherichia coli/veterinaria , Escherichia coli/efectos de los fármacos , Transmisión Vertical de Enfermedad Infecciosa/veterinaria , Enfermedades de las Aves de Corral/microbiología , Amoxicilina/farmacología , Animales , Animales Recién Nacidos , Farmacorresistencia Bacteriana Múltiple , Escherichia coli/crecimiento & desarrollo , Escherichia coli/aislamiento & purificación , Infecciones por Escherichia coli/microbiología , Infecciones por Escherichia coli/transmisión , Masculino , Pruebas de Sensibilidad Microbiana/veterinaria , Ácido Nalidíxico/farmacología , Enfermedades de las Aves de Corral/transmisión , Quinolonas/farmacología