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Transl Oncol ; 16: 101297, 2022 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34896851


Breast cancer treatment can induce alterations in blood- and neuroimaging-based markers. However, an overview of the predictive value of these markers for cognition is lacking for breast cancer survivors. This systematic review summarized studies of the last decade, using the PubMed database, evaluating blood markers, and the association between blood- or structural neuroimaging markers and cognition across the chemotherapy trajectory for primary breast cancer, following PRISMA guidelines. Forty-four studies were included. Differences were observed in all blood marker categories, from on-therapy until years post-chemotherapy. Associations were found between cognitive functioning and (1) blood markers (mainly inflammation-related) during, shortly-, or years post-chemotherapy and (2) white and gray matter metrics in frontal, temporal and parietal brain regions months up until years post-chemotherapy. Preliminary evidence exists for epigenetic and metabolic changes being associated with cognition, only after chemotherapy. This review demonstrated time-dependent associations between specific blood-based and structural neuroimaging markers with cognitive impairment in patients with breast cancer. Future studies are encouraged to include both neuroimaging- and blood markers (e.g. of neuronal integrity, epigenetics and metabolism) to predict long-term cognitive effects of chemotherapy.