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Front Mol Biosci ; 8: 703417, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34589517


The potential use of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) in biomedicine as magnetic resonance, drug delivery, imagenology, hyperthermia, biosensors, and biological separation has been studied in different laboratories. One of the challenges on MNP elaboration for biological applications is the size, biocompatibility, heat efficiency, stabilization in physiological conditions, and surface coating. Magnetoliposome (ML), a lipid bilayer of phospholipids encapsulating MNPs, is a system used to reduce toxicity. Encapsulated MNPs can be used as a potential drug and a gene delivery system, and in the presence of magnetic fields, MLs can be accumulated in a target tissue by a strong gradient magnetic field. Here, we present a study of the effects of DC magnetic fields on encapsulated MNPs inside liposomes. Despite their widespread applications in biotechnology and environmental, biomedical, and materials science, the effects of magnetic fields on MLs are unclear. We use a modified coprecipitation method to synthesize superparamagnetic nanoparticles (SNPs) in aqueous solutions. The SNPs are encapsulated inside phospholipid liposomes to study the interaction between phospholipids and SNPs. Material characterization of SNPs reveals round-shaped nanoparticles with an average size of 12 nm, mainly magnetite. MLs were prepared by the rehydration method. After formation, we found two types of MLs: one type is tense with SNPs encapsulated and the other is a floppy vesicle that does not show the presence of SNPs. To study the response of MLs to an applied DC magnetic field, we used a homemade chamber. Digitalized images show encapsulated SNPs assembled in chain formation when a DC magnetic field is applied. When the magnetic field is switched off, it completely disperses SNPs. Floppy MLs deform along the direction of the external applied magnetic field. Solving the relevant magnetostatic equations, we present a theoretical model to explain the ML deformations by analyzing the forces exerted by the magnetic field over the surface of the spheroidal liposome. Tangential magnetic forces acting on the ML surface result in a press force deforming MLs. The type of deformations will depend on the magnetic properties of the mediums inside and outside the MLs. The model predicts a coexistence region of oblate-prolate deformation in the zone where χ = 1. We can understand the chain formation in terms of a dipole-dipole interaction of SNP.

Opt Express ; 29(5): 6845-6853, 2021 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33726196


A method for modeling the irradiance spatial distribution by light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on near distance targets has been developed. The model can easily handle the complex simulation of non-homogenous emitting LEDs, multichip LEDs, LED arrays, and phosphor coated LEDs. The LED irradiation profile is obtained by image processing one photograph of the emitting LED, taken with a smartphone. The method uses image convolution or image correlation between the LED image and a special kernel. The model provides the irradiation spatial pattern in function of the irradiation distance. And the model is tested both with theory and with experimental measurements.

J Chem Phys ; 141(4): 044905, 2014 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25084954


In this article we present a NVT Monte Carlo computer simulation study of sedimentation of an electroneutral mixture of oppositely charged hard spherocylinders (CHSC) with aspect ratio L/σ = 5, where L and σ are the length and diameter of the cylinder and hemispherical caps, respectively, for each particle. This system is an extension of the restricted primitive model for spherical particles, where L/σ = 0, and it is assumed that the ions are immersed in an structureless solvent, i.e., a continuum with dielectric constant D. The system consisted of N = 2000 particles and the Wolf method was implemented to handle the coulombic interactions of the inhomogeneous system. Results are presented for different values of the strength ratio between the gravitational and electrostatic interactions, Γ = (mgσ)/(e(2)/Dσ), where m is the mass per particle, e is the electron's charge and g is the gravitational acceleration value. A semi-infinite simulation cell was used with dimensions Lx ≈ Ly and Lz = 5Lx, where Lx, Ly, and Lz are the box dimensions in Cartesian coordinates, and the gravitational force acts along the z-direction. Sedimentation effects were studied by looking at every layer formed by the CHSC along the gravitational field. By increasing Γ, particles tend to get more packed at each layer and to arrange in local domains with an orientational ordering along two perpendicular axis, a feature not observed in the uncharged system with the same hard-body geometry. This type of arrangement, known as tetratic phase, has been observed in two-dimensional systems of hard-rectangles and rounded hard-squares. In this way, the coupling of gravitational and electric interactions in the CHSC system induces the arrangement of particles in layers, with the formation of quasi-two dimensional tetratic phases near the surface.

J Chem Phys ; 136(16): 164902, 2012 Apr 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22559501


Different Monte Carlo simulation approaches are used here to study the static structure induced by a spherical neutral substrate inserted in the midst of a two-dimensional suspension of paramagnetic particles. It is then observed that in some instances some of these particles are adsorbed to the surface of the substrate, forming colloidal halos. We investigate the necessary conditions for the formation of these halos and the dependence of the number of adsorbed particles on the relevant parameters of the system. The angular distribution of the adsorbed particles around the perimeter of the substrate is analyzed here too.

J Chem Phys ; 136(15): 154507, 2012 Apr 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22519336


We present computer simulation results for 1:1 and 2:1 electrolyte solutions in the presence of a gravitational field, using the Monte Carlo method in the NVT ensemble for the restrictive primitive model. Coulombic interactions were taken into account comparing the Ewald and Wolf methods. Three variations of Ewald summations were considered: the exact method for slab geometries (EW2D), and the three-dimensional (3D) versions with and without a dipolar correction (EW3DC and EW3D, respectively). The equivalent 3D Wolf protocols were applied under the same conditions (WF3DC and WF3D, respectively). The Wolf and Ewald methods agree accurately in the prediction of several thermodynamic and structural properties for these inhomogeneous systems: excess internal energies, isochoric heath capacities, and density and electrostatic potential profiles. The main advantage using the Wolf method is the significant saving in computing time, which is approximately six times faster than EW3D and EW3DC, and sixty times faster than EW2D.

J Chem Phys ; 128(1): 014701, 2008 Jan 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18190206


The two-point correlation functions among particles confined to move within a spherical two-dimensional space are studied here using Monte Carlo simulations in the canonical ensemble and the corresponding liquid theory concepts. This work takes a simple model system with soft-sphere interactions among the particles lying on the spherical surface. We focus this study on the ordering induced by the particle packing and the restrictions imposed by the system topology. The corresponding grand canonical results are obtained from the canonical Monte Carlo data using the standard statistical mechanics formulas. These grand canonical ensemble results show that as the strength of the interactions increases, the system transits between liquidlike states and crystal-like states as the average number of particles on the spherical surface matches certain specific values. The crystal-like states correspond to sharp minima in the plot of the standard deviation in the number of particles on the spherical surface versus the average value of this number. We also test the validity of the integral equation approaches for this kind of closed but boundless systems: It is found that the Percus-Yevick approximation overestimates the correlations for this system in a liquid state, whereas the hypernetted-chain approximation underestimates these correlations.