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Astrobiology ; 22(4): 369-386, 2022 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35196459


The investigation of chemical composition on planetary bodies without significant sample processing is of importance for nearly every mission aimed at robotic exploration. Moreover, it is a necessary tool to achieve the longstanding goal of finding evidence of life beyond Earth, for example, possibly preserved microbial remains within martian sediments. Our Laser Ablation Ionization Mass Spectrometer (LIMS) is a compact time-of-flight mass spectrometer intended to investigate the elemental, isotope, and molecular composition of a wide range of solid samples, including e.g., low bulk density organic remains in microfossils. Here, we present an overview of the instrument and collected chemical spectrometric data at the micrometer level from a Precambrian chert sample (1.88 Ga Gunflint Formation, Ontario, Canada), which is considered to be a martian analogue. Data were collected from two distinct zones-a silicified host area and a carbon-bearing microfossil assemblage zone. We performed these measurements using an ultrafast pulsed laser system (pulse width of ∼180 fs) with multiple wavelengths (infrared [IR]-775 nm, ultraviolet [UV]-387 nm, UV-258 nm) and using a pulsed high voltage on the mass spectrometer to reveal small organic signals. We investigated (1) the chemical composition of the sample and (2) the different laser wavelengths' performance to provide chemical depth profiles in silicified media. Our key findings are as follows: (1) microfossils from the Gunflint chert reveal a distinct chemical composition compared with the host mineralogy (we report the identification of 24 elements in the microfossils); (2) detection of the pristine composition of microfossils and co-occurring fine chemistry (rare earth elements) requires utilization of the depth profiling measurement protocol; and (3) our results show that, for analysis of heterogeneous material from siliciclastic deposits, siliceous sinters, and cherts, the most suitable wavelength for laser ablation/Ionization is UV-258 nm.

Fósiles , Marte , Medio Ambiente Extraterrestre , Isótopos , Espectrometría de Masas
Front Artif Intell ; 4: 668163, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34497998


In this contribution, we present results of non-linear dimensionality reduction and classification of the fs laser ablation ionization mass spectrometry (LIMS) imaging dataset acquired from the Precambrian Gunflint chert (1.88 Ga) using a miniature time-of-flight mass spectrometer developed for in situ space applications. We discuss the data generation, processing, and analysis pipeline for the classification of the recorded fs-LIMS mass spectra. Further, we define topological biosignatures identified for Precambrian Gunflint microfossils by projecting the recorded fs-LIMS intensity space into low dimensions. Two distinct subtypes of microfossil-related spectra, a layer of organic contamination and inorganic quartz matrix were identified using the fs-LIMS data. The topological analysis applied to the fs-LIMS data allows to gain additional knowledge from large datasets, formulate hypotheses and quickly generate insights from spectral data. Our contribution illustrates the utility of applying spatially resolved mass spectrometry in combination with topology-based analytics in detecting signatures of early (primitive) life. Our results indicate that fs-LIMS, in combination with topological methods, provides a powerful analytical framework and could be applied to the study of other complex mineralogical samples.

Geobiology ; 19(5): 473-488, 2021 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33951268


The search for a fossil record of Earth's deep biosphere, partly motivated by potential analogies with subsurface habitats on Mars, has uncovered numerous assemblages of inorganic microfilaments and tubules inside ancient pores and fractures. Although these enigmatic objects are morphologically similar to mineralized microorganisms (and some contain organic carbon), they also resemble some abiotic structures. Palaeobiologists have responded to this ambiguity by evaluating problematic filaments against checklists of "biogenicity criteria". Here, we describe material that tests the limits of this approach. We sampled Jurassic calcite veins formed through subseafloor serpentinization, a water-rock reaction that can fuel the deep biosphere and is known to have occurred widely on Mars. At two localities ~4 km apart, veins contained curving, branched microfilaments composed of Mg-silicate and Fe-oxide minerals. Using a wide range of analytical techniques including synchrotron X-ray microtomography and scanning transmission electron microscopy, we show that these features meet many published criteria for biogenicity and are comparable to fossilized cryptoendolithic fungi or bacteria. However, we argue that abiotic processes driven by serpentinization could account for the same set of lifelike features, and report a chemical garden experiment that supports this view. These filaments are, therefore, most objectively described as dubiofossils, a designation we here defend from criticism and recommend over alternative approaches, but which nevertheless signifies an impasse. Similar impasses can be anticipated in the future exploration of subsurface palaeo-habitats on Earth and Mars. To avoid them, further studies are required in biomimetic geochemical self-organization, microbial taphonomy and micro-analytical techniques, with a focus on subsurface habitats.

Exobiología , Marte , Planeta Tierra , Medio Ambiente Extraterrestre , Fósiles
Curr Biol ; 31(12): 2658-2665.e2, 2021 06 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33852871


Sediments of the Torridonian sequence of the Northwest Scottish Highlands contain a wide array of microfossils, documenting life in a non-marine setting a billion years ago (1 Ga).1-4 Phosphate nodules from the Diabaig Formation at Loch Torridon preserve microorganisms with cellular-level fidelity,5,6 allowing for partial reconstruction of the developmental stages of a new organism, Bicellum brasieri gen. et sp. nov. The mature form of Bicellum consists of a solid, spherical ball of tightly packed cells (a stereoblast) of isodiametric cells enclosed in a monolayer of elongated, sausage-shaped cells. However, two populations of naked stereoblasts show mixed cell shapes, which we infer to indicate incipient development of elongated cells that were migrating to the periphery of the cell mass. These simple morphogenetic movements could be explained by differential cell-cell adhesion.7,8 In fact, the basic morphology of Bicellum is topologically similar to that of experimentally produced cell masses that were shown to spontaneously segregate into two distinct domains based on differential cadherin-based cell adhesion.9 The lack of rigid cell walls in the stereoblast renders an algal affinity for Bicellum unlikely: its overall morphology is more consistent with a holozoan origin. Unicellular holozoans are known today to form multicellular stages within complex life cycles,10-13 so the occurrence of such simple levels of transient multicellularity seen here is consistent with a holozoan affinity. Regardless of precise phylogenetic placement, these fossils demonstrate simple cell differentiation and morphogenic processes that are similar to those seen in some metazoans today.

Fósiles , Diferenciación Celular , Filogenia
Geobiology ; 19(1): 3-17, 2021 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32997387


The siliciclastic ~1 Ga-old strata of the Torridon Group, Scotland, contain some of the most exquisitely preserved three-dimensional organic-walled microfossils (OWMs) of the Precambrian. A very diverse microfossil assemblage is hosted in a dominantly phosphatic and clay mineral matrix, within the Diabaig and the Cailleach Head (CH) Formations. In this study, we report on several microfossil taxa within the CH Formation (Leiosphaeridia minutissima, Leiosphaeridia crassa, Synsphaeridium spp. and Myxococcoides spp.) that include populations of cells containing an optically transparent and highly refringent mineral, here identified using electron microscopy as anatase (TiO2 ). Most anatase crystals occur entirely within individual cells, surrounded by unbroken carbonaceous walls. Rarely, an anatase crystal may protrude outside a cell, interpreted to correspond to zones where the cell wall had broken down prior to anatase precipitation. Where an anatase crystal entombs an organic intracellular inclusion (ICI), the ICI is large and well preserved. These combined observations indicate that the intracellular anatase is an authigenic sedimentary phase, making this the first report of in situ precipitated anatase intimately associated with microfossils. The ability of anatase to preserve relatively large volumes of intracellular and cell wall organic material in these cells suggests that the crystallisation of anatase entombed cellular contents particularly quickly, soon after the death of the cell. This is consistent with the strong affinity of Ti for organic material, the low solubility of TiO2 , and reports of Ti occurring in living organisms. With the data currently available, we propose a mineralisation pathway for anatase involving Ti complexation with organic ligands within specific cells, leading to localised post-mortem anatase nucleation inside these cells as the complexes broke down. Further overgrowth of the anatase crystals was likely fuelled by very early diagenetic mobilisation of Ti that had been bound to more labile organic material nearby in the sediments.

Fósiles , Sedimentos Geológicos , Titanio , Células , Minerales
Geobiology ; 18(5): 525-543, 2020 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32542902


Microtextures of titanite (CaTiSiO5 ) in exceptionally preserved Archean pillow lavas have been proposed as the earliest examples of microbial ichnofossils. An origin from microbial tunneling of seafloor volcanic glass that is subsequently chloritized and the tunnels infilled by titanite has been argued to record the activities of subseafloor microbes. We investigate the evidence in pillow lavas of the 3.35 Ga Euro Basalt from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia, to evaluate the biogenicity of the microtextures. We employ a combination of light microscopy and chlorite mineral chemical analysis by EPMA (electron probe micro-analysis) to document the environment of formation and analyze their ultrastructure using FIB-TEM (focussed ion beam combined with transmission electron microscopy) to investigate their mode of growth. Petrographic study of the original and re-collected material identified an expanded range of titanite morphotypes along with early anatase growth forming chains and aggregates of coalesced crystallites in a sub-greenschist facies assemblage. High-sensitivity mapping of FIB lamellae cut across the microtextures confirm that they are discontinuous chains of coalesced crystallites that are highly variable in cross section and contain abundant chlorite inclusions, excluding an origin from the mineralization of previously hollow microtunnels. Comparison of chlorite mineral compositions to DSDP/IODP data reveals that the Euro Basalt chlorites are similar to recent seafloor chlorites. We advance an abiotic origin for the Euro Basalt microtextures formed by spontaneous nucleation and growth of titanite and/anatase during seafloor-hydrothermal metamorphism. Our findings reveal that the Euro Basalt microtextures are not comparable to microbial ichnofossils from the recent oceanic crust, and we question the evidence for life in these Archean lavas. The metamorphic reactions that give rise to the growth of the Euro Basalt microtextures could be commonplace in Archean pillow lavas and need to be excluded when seeking traces of life in the subseafloor on the early Earth.

Planeta Tierra , Australia , Vidrio , Minerales , Australia Occidental
Geobiology ; 18(4): 415-425, 2020 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32359013


The shallow marine and subaerial sedimentary and hydrothermal rocks of the ~3.48 billion-year-old Dresser Formation are host to some of Earth's oldest stromatolites and microbial remains. This study reports on texturally distinctive, spherulitic barite micro-mineralization that occur in association with primary, autochthonous organic matter within exceptionally preserved, strongly sulfidized stromatolite samples obtained from drill cores. Spherulitic barite micro-mineralization within the sulfidized stromatolites generally forms submicron-scale aggregates that show gradations from hollow to densely crystallized, irregular to partially radiating crystalline interiors. Several barite micro-spherulites show thin outer shells. Within stromatolites, barite micro-spherulites are intimately associated with petrographically earliest dolomite and nano-porous pyrite enriched in organic matter, the latter of which is a possible biosignature assemblage that hosts microbial remains. Barite spherulites are also observed within layered barite in proximity to stromatolite layers, where they are overgrown by compositionally distinct (Sr-rich), coarsely crystalline barite that may have been sourced from hydrothermal veins at depth. Micro-spherulitic barite, such as reported here, is not known from hydrothermal systems that exceed the upper temperature limit for life. Rather, barite with near-identical morphology and micro-texture is known from zones of high bio-productivity under low-temperature conditions in the modern oceans, where microbial activity and/or organic matter of degrading biomass controls the formation of spherulitic aggregates. Hence, the presence of micro-spherulitic barite in the organic matter-bearing Dresser Formation sulfidized stromatolites lend further support for a biogenic origin of these unusual, exceptionally well-preserved, and very ancient microbialites.

Fósiles , Sulfato de Bario , Sedimentos Geológicos
Geobiology ; 17(6): 691-707, 2019 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31478592


On rocky planets such as Earth and Mars the serpentinization of olivine in ultramafic crust produces hydrogen that can act as a potential energy source for life. Direct evidence of fluid-rock interaction on Mars comes from iddingsite alteration veins found in martian meteorites. In the Yamato 000593 meteorite, putative biosignatures have been reported from altered olivines in the form of microtextures and associated organic material that have been compared to tubular bioalteration textures found in terrestrial sub-seafloor volcanic rocks. Here, we use a suite of correlative, high-sensitivity, in situ chemical, and morphological analyses to characterize and re-evaluate these microalteration textures in Yamato 000593, a clinopyroxenite from the shallow subsurface of Mars. We show that the altered olivine crystals have angular and micro-brecciated margins and are also highly strained due to impact-induced fracturing. The shape of the olivine microalteration textures is in no way comparable to microtunnels of inferred biological origin found in terrestrial volcanic glasses and dunites, and rather we argue that the Yamato 000593 microtextures are abiotic in origin. Vein filling iddingsite extends into the olivine microalteration textures and contains amorphous organic carbon occurring as bands and sub-spherical concentrations <300 nm across. We propose that a martian impact event produced the micro-brecciated olivine crystal margins that reacted with subsurface hydrothermal fluids to form iddingsite containing organic carbon derived from abiotic sources. These new data have implications for how we might seek potential biosignatures in ultramafic rocks and impact craters on both Mars and Earth.

Medio Ambiente Extraterrestre/química , Compuestos de Hierro/química , Compuestos de Magnesio/química , Marte , Meteoroides , Silicatos/química , Exobiología
Sci Rep ; 9(1): 9068, 2019 06 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31227773


Exceptional microfossil preservation, whereby sub-cellular details of an organism are conserved, remains extremely rare in the Precambrian rock record. We here report the first occurrence of exceptional cellular preservation by the rare earth element (REE) phosphates monazite and xenotime. This occurs in ~1 billion-year-old lake sediments where REEs were likely concentrated by local erosion and drainage into a closed lacustrine basin. Monazite and xenotime preferentially occur inside planktonic cells where they preserve spheroidal masses of plasmolyzed cell contents, and occasionally also membranous fragments. They have not been observed associated with cell walls or sheaths, which are instead preserved by clay minerals or francolite. REE phosphates are interpreted to be the earliest minerals precipitated in these cells after death, with their loci controlled by the micro-scale availability of inorganic phosphate (Pi) and REEs, probably sourced from polyphosphate granules within the cells. The strong affinity of REEs for phosphate and the insolubility of these minerals once formed means that REE phosphates have the potential for rapid preservation of cellular morphology after death and durability in the rock record. Hence, authigenic REE phosphates provide a promising new target in the search for the preservation of intra-cellular components of fossilised microorganisms.

Astrobiology ; 19(1): 132-144, 2019 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30251886


We propose a model whereby microscopic tunnels form in basalt glass in response to a natural proton flux from seawater into the glass. This flux is generated by the alteration of the glass as protons from water replace cations in the glass. In our proton gradient model, cells are gateways through which protons enter and alter the glass and through which cations leave the glass. In the process, tunnels are formed, and cells derive energy from the proton and ion fluxes. Proton flux from seawater into basalt glass would have occurred on Earth as soon as water accumulated on the surface and would have preceded biological redox catalysis. Tunnels in modern basalts are similar to tunnels in Archean basalts, which may be our earliest physical evidence of life. Proton gradients like those described in this paper certainly exist on other planetary bodies where silicate rocks are exposed to acidic to slightly alkaline water.

Vidrio/química , Origen de la Vida , Protones , Agua de Mar/química , Silicatos/química , Exobiología , Modelos Teóricos
Astrobiology ; 18(8): 1071-1080, 2018 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30095994


The recognition of biosignatures on planetary bodies requires the analysis of the putative microfossil with a set of complementary analytical techniques. This includes localized elemental and isotopic analysis of both, the putative microfossil and its surrounding host matrix. If the analysis can be performed with spatial resolution at the micrometer level and ppm detection sensitivities, valuable information on the (bio)chemical and physical processes that influenced the sample material can be gained. Our miniaturized laser ablation ionization mass spectrometry (LIMS)-time-of-flight mass spectrometer instrument is a valid candidate for performing the required chemical analysis in situ. However, up until now it was limited by the spatial accuracy of the sampling. In this contribution, we introduce a newly developed microscope system with micrometer accuracy for Ultra High Vacuum application, which allows a significant increase in the measurement capabilities of our miniature LIMS system. The new enhancement allows identification and efficient and accurate sampling of features of micrometer-sized fossils in a host matrix. The performance of our system is demonstrated by the identification and chemical analysis of signatures of micrometer-sized fossil structures in the 1.9 billion-year-old Gunflint chert.

Fósiles , Rayos Láser , Espectrometría de Masas/instrumentación , Microscopía/instrumentación , Fenómenos Ópticos , Isótopos , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Vacio
Geobiology ; 16(5): 540-555, 2018 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29885252


Lacustrine carbonate chimneys are striking, metre-scale constructions. If these were bioinfluenced constructions, they could be priority targets in the search for early and extraterrestrial microbial life. However, there are questions over whether such chimneys are built on a geobiological framework or are solely abiotic geomorphological features produced by mixing of lake and spring waters. Here, we use correlative microscopy to show that microbes were living around Pleistocene Mono Lake carbonate chimneys during their growth. A plausible interpretation, in line with some recent works by others on other lacustrine carbonates, is that benthic cyanobacteria and their associated extracellular organic material (EOM) formed tubular biofilms around rising sublacustrine spring vent waters, binding calcium ions and trapping and binding detrital silicate sediment. Decay of these biofilms would locally have increased calcium and carbonate ion activity, inducing calcite precipitation on and around the biofilms. Early manganese carbonate mineralisation was directly associated with cell walls, potentially related to microbial activity though the precise mechanism remains to be elucidated. Much of the calcite crystal growth was likely abiotic, and no strong evidence for either authigenic silicate growth or a clay mineral precursor framework was observed. Nevertheless, it seems likely that the biofilms provided initial sites for calcite nucleation and encouraged the primary organised crystal growth. We suggest that the nano-, micro- and macroscale fabrics of these Pleistocene Mono Lake chimneys were affected by the presence of centimetre-thick tubular and vertically stacked calcifying microbial mats. Such carbonate chimneys represent a promising macroscale target in the exploration for ancient or extraterrestrial life.

Carbonatos/química , Sedimentos Geológicos/microbiología , Lagos/microbiología , Manganeso/química , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Microscopía Electroquímica de Rastreo , Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión , Difracción de Rayos X
Astrobiology ; 18(5): 539-555, 2018 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29461869


The ∼3.48 billion-year-old Dresser Formation, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia, is a key geological unit for the study of Earth's earliest life and the habitats it occupied. Here, we describe a new suite of spheroidal to lenticular microstructures that morphologically resemble some previously reported Archean microfossils. Correlative microscopy shows that these objects have a size distribution, wall ultrastructure, and chemistry that are incompatible with a microfossil origin and instead are interpreted as pyritized and silicified fragments of vesicular volcanic glass. Organic kerogenous material is associated with much of the altered volcanic glass; variable quantities of organic carbon line or fill the insides of some individual vesicles, while relatively large, tufted organic-rich laminae envelop multiple vesicles. The microstructures reported herein constitute a new type of abiogenic artifact (pseudo-fossil) that must be considered when evaluating potential signs of early life on Earth or elsewhere. In the sample studied here, where hundreds of these microstructures are present, the combined evidence permits a relatively straightforward interpretation as vesicular volcanic glass. However, reworked, isolated, and silicified microstructures of this type may prove particularly problematic in early or extraterrestrial life studies since they adsorb carbon onto their surfaces and are readily pyritized, mimicking a common preservation mechanism for bona fide microfossils. In those cases, nanoscale analysis of wall ultrastructure would be required to firmly exclude a biological origin. Key Words: Microfossils-Pseudo-fossils-Volcanic vesicles-Archean life-Pilbara Craton-Dresser Formation. Astrobiology 18, 539-555.

Planeta Tierra , Sedimentos Geológicos , Evolución Biológica , Exobiología , Fósiles , Origen de la Vida , Erupciones Volcánicas , Australia Occidental
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 112(16): 4859-64, 2015 Apr 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25901305


New analytical approaches and discoveries are demanding fresh thinking about the early fossil record. The 1.88-Ga Gunflint chert provides an important benchmark for the analysis of early fossil preservation. High-resolution analysis of Gunflintia shows that microtaphonomy can help to resolve long-standing paleobiological questions. Novel 3D nanoscale reconstructions of the most ancient complex fossil Eosphaera reveal features hitherto unmatched in any crown-group microbe. While Eosphaera may preserve a symbiotic consortium, a stronger conclusion is that multicellular morphospace was differently occupied in the Paleoproterozoic. The 3.46-Ga Apex chert provides a test bed for claims of biogenicity of cell-like structures. Mapping plus focused ion beam milling combined with transmission electron microscopy data demonstrate that microfossil-like taxa, including species of Archaeoscillatoriopsis and Primaevifilum, are pseudofossils formed from vermiform phyllosilicate grains during hydrothermal alteration events. The 3.43-Ga Strelley Pool Formation shows that plausible early fossil candidates are turning up in unexpected environmental settings. Our data reveal how cellular clusters of unexpectedly large coccoids and tubular sheath-like envelopes were trapped between sand grains and entombed within coatings of dripstone beach-rock silica cement. These fossils come from Earth's earliest known intertidal to supratidal shoreline deposit, accumulated under aerated but oxygen poor conditions.

Planeta Tierra , Fósiles , Paleontología/métodos , Ambiente , Sedimentos Geológicos/química , Ontario , Factores de Tiempo , Australia Occidental
Nat Commun ; 5: 4298, 2014 Jul 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24989676


Viruses are the most abundant biological entities throughout marine and terrestrial ecosystems, but little is known about virus-mineral interactions or the potential for virus preservation in the geological record. Here we use contextual metagenomic data and microscopic analyses to show that viruses occur in high diversity within a modern lacustrine microbial mat, and vastly outnumber prokaryotes and other components of the microbial mat. Experimental data reveal that mineral precipitation takes place directly on free viruses and, as a result of viral infections, on cell debris resulting from cell lysis. Viruses are initially permineralized by amorphous magnesium silicates, which then alter to magnesium carbonate nanospheres of ~80-200 nm in diameter during diagenesis. Our findings open up the possibility to investigate the evolution and geological history of viruses and their role in organomineralization, as well as providing an alternative explanation for enigmatic carbonate nanospheres previously observed in the geological record.

Sedimentos Geológicos , Consorcios Microbianos , Minerales , Virus , Metagenómica , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión
Sci Rep ; 4: 5841, 2014 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25068404


Organic-walled microfossils provide the best insights into the composition and evolution of the biosphere through the first 80 percent of Earth history. The mechanism of microfossil preservation affects the quality of biological information retained and informs understanding of early Earth palaeo-environments. We here show that 1 billion-year-old microfossils from the non-marine Torridon Group are remarkably preserved by a combination of clay minerals and phosphate, with clay minerals providing the highest fidelity of preservation. Fe-rich clay mostly occurs in narrow zones in contact with cellular material and is interpreted as an early microbially-mediated phase enclosing and replacing the most labile biological material. K-rich clay occurs within and exterior to cell envelopes, forming where the supply of Fe had been exhausted. Clay minerals inter-finger with calcium phosphate that co-precipitated with the clays in the sub-oxic zone of the lake sediments. This type of preservation was favoured in sulfate-poor environments where Fe-silicate precipitation could outcompete Fe-sulfide formation. This work shows that clay minerals can provide an exceptionally high fidelity of microfossil preservation and extends the known geological range of this fossilization style by almost 500 Ma. It also suggests that the best-preserved microfossils of this time may be found in low-sulfate environments.

Silicatos de Aluminio/química , Fósiles , Sedimentos Geológicos/química , Minerales/química , Fosfatos/química , Arcilla , Planeta Tierra , Lagos/química , Preservación Biológica , Escocia , Silicatos/química , Sulfatos/química
Astrobiology ; 13(12): 1103-24, 2013 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24205812


Microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISS) result from the response of microbial mats to physical sediment dynamics. MISS are cosmopolitan and found in many modern environments, including shelves, tidal flats, lagoons, riverine shores, lakes, interdune areas, and sabkhas. The structures record highly diverse communities of microbial mats and have been reported from numerous intervals in the geological record up to 3.2 billion years (Ga) old. This contribution describes a suite of MISS from some of the oldest well-preserved sedimentary rocks in the geological record, the early Archean (ca. 3.48 Ga) Dresser Formation, Western Australia. Outcrop mapping at the meter to millimeter scale defined five sub-environments characteristic of an ancient coastal sabkha. These sub-environments contain associations of distinct macroscopic and microscopic MISS. Macroscopic MISS include polygonal oscillation cracks and gas domes, erosional remnants and pockets, and mat chips. Microscopic MISS comprise tufts, sinoidal structures, and laminae fabrics; the microscopic laminae are composed of primary carbonaceous matter, pyrite, and hematite, plus trapped and bound grains. Identical suites of MISS occur in equivalent environmental settings through the entire subsequent history of Earth including the present time. This work extends the geological record of MISS by almost 300 million years. Complex mat-forming microbial communities likely existed almost 3.5 billion years ago.

Ecosistema , Sedimentos Geológicos , Microbiota , Fósiles , Australia Occidental
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 110(20): 8020-4, 2013 May 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23630257


The 1.88-Ga Gunflint biota is one of the most famous Precambrian microfossil lagerstätten and provides a key record of the biosphere at a time of changing oceanic redox structure and chemistry. Here, we report on pyritized replicas of the iconic autotrophic Gunflintia-Huroniospora microfossil assemblage from the Schreiber Locality, Canada, that help capture a view through multiple trophic levels in a Paleoproterozoic ecosystem. Nanoscale analysis of pyritic Gunflintia (sheaths) and Huroniospora (cysts) reveals differing relic carbon and nitrogen distributions caused by contrasting spectra of decay and pyritization between taxa, reflecting in part their primary organic compositions. In situ sulfur isotope measurements from individual microfossils (δ(34)S(V-CDT) +6.7‰ to +21.5‰) show that pyritization was mediated by sulfate-reducing microbes within sediment pore waters whose sulfate ion concentrations rapidly became depleted, owing to occlusion of pore space by coeval silicification. Three-dimensional nanotomography reveals additional pyritized biomaterial, including hollow, cellular epibionts and extracellular polymeric substances, showing a preference for attachment to Gunflintia over Huroniospora and interpreted as components of a saprophytic heterotrophic, decomposing community. This work also extends the record of remarkable biological preservation in pyrite back to the Paleoproterozoic and provides criteria to assess the authenticity of even older pyritized microstructures that may represent some of the earliest evidence for life on our planet.

Fósiles , Geología/métodos , Paleontología/métodos , Carbono/química , Ecosistema , Sedimentos Geológicos/análisis , Sedimentos Geológicos/química , Procesos Heterotróficos , Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión , Programas Informáticos , Espectrometría Raman , Isótopos de Azufre/análisis
Astrobiology ; 11(7): 725-35, 2011 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21879814


The context for the emergence of life on Earth sometime prior to 3.5 billion years ago is almost as big a puzzle as the definition of life itself. Hitherto, the problem has largely been addressed in terms of theoretical and experimental chemistry plus evidence from extremophile habitats like modern hydrothermal vents and meteorite impact structures. Here, we argue that extensive rafts of glassy, porous, and gas-rich pumice could have had a significant role in the origin of life and provided an important habitat for the earliest communities of microorganisms. This is because pumice has four remarkable properties. First, during eruption it develops the highest surface-area-to-volume ratio known for any rock type. Second, it is the only known rock type that floats as rafts at the air-water interface and then becomes beached in the tidal zone for long periods of time. Third, it is exposed to an unusually wide variety of conditions, including dehydration. Finally, from rafting to burial, it has a remarkable ability to adsorb metals, organics, and phosphates as well as to host organic catalysts such as zeolites and titanium oxides. These remarkable properties now deserve to be rigorously explored in the laboratory and the early rock record.

Origen de la Vida , Silicatos/química , Planeta Tierra , Porosidad
Astrobiology ; 10(4): 381-95, 2010 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20528193


The 3426-3350 Ma Strelley Pool Formation (SPF) is a silicified, dominantly sedimentary unit within the Pilbara Supergroup, Western Australia. It is found widely across the East Pilbara Terrane, and it forms a prominent marker horizon and separates the largely volcanic 3520-3427 Ma Warrawoona and 3350-3315 Ma Kelly groups. It has become one of the key formations for study by astrobiologists, following reports of some of the world's oldest stromatolites. Abundant contextural and morphological evidence has been presented over the last decade in support of a biological role in SPF stromatolite formation. This evidence is reviewed here, and additional data are presented from recent fieldwork carried out across the approximately 25 km of SPF outcrops in the East Strelley greenstone belt of the East Pilbara Terrane. In addition to contextural and morphological evidence, a compelling claim for early life requires geochemical evidence for biological cycling. A potential avenue of approach to obtain such evidence for the SPF stromatolites (and other ancient examples) is discussed in the context of a pilot study in which nano-scale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) was used.

Sedimentos Geológicos/análisis , Sedimentos Geológicos/química , Nanoestructuras/análisis , Nanoestructuras/química , Espectrometría de Masa de Ion Secundario , Factores de Tiempo , Australia Occidental