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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38661041


Current-induced spin-orbit torque (SOT) in a perpendicularly magnetized single layer has a strong potential to switch the magnetization using an extremely low current density, which is generally 2-3 orders of magnitude smaller than that required for conventional metal bilayer systems. However, an in-plane external magnetic field has to be applied to break the symmetry and achieve deterministic switching. To further enhance the high-density integration and accelerate the practical application of highly efficient SOT magnetic random-access memory (SOT-MRAM) devices, field-free SOT magnetization switching in a ferromagnetic single layer is strongly needed. In a spin-orbit ferromagnet (a ferromagnet with strong spin-orbit interaction) with crystal inversion asymmetry and a multi-domain structure, the internal Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya effective fields are considered to induce field-free switching. Here, combined with strong spin-orbit coupling and a tilted anisotropy axis induced by a nonuniform Mn distribution and a possible magnetocrystalline anisotropy resulting from a slight substrate tilting, we successfully achieve magnetization switching in a spin-orbit ferromagnet (Ga,Mn)As single layer by utilizing SOT without applying any external magnetic field. Our findings help to deeply elucidate the SOT switching mechanism and can advance the development of a highly efficient MRAM with better scalability.