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Sci Rep ; 13(1): 13661, 2023 Aug 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37607979


Reservoir simulations for subsurface processes play an important role in successful deployment of geoscience applications such as geothermal energy extraction and geo-storage of fluids. These simulations provide time-lapse dynamics of the coupled poromechanical processes within the reservoir and its over-, under-, and side-burden environments. For more reliable operations, it is crucial to connect these reservoir simulation results with the seismic surveys (i.e., observation data). However, despite being crucial, such integration is challenging due to the fact that the reservoir dynamics alters the seismic parameters. In this work, a coupled reservoir simulation and time-lapse seismic methodology is developed for multiphase flow operations in subsurface reservoirs. To this end, a poromechanical simulator is designed for multiphase flow and connected to a forward seismic modeller. This simulator is then used to assess a novel methodology of seismic monitoring by isolating the reservoir signal from the entire reflection response. This methodology is shown to be able to track the development of the fluid front over time, even in the presence of a highly reflective overburden with strong time-lapse variations. These results suggest that the proposed methodology can contribute to a better understanding of fluid flow in the subsurface. Ultimately, this will lead to improved monitoring of reservoirs for underground energy storage or production.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35358044


A Green's function in an acoustic medium can be retrieved from reflection data by solving a multidimensional Marchenko equation. This procedure requires a priori knowledge of the initial focusing function, which can be interpreted as the inverse of a transmitted wavefield as it would propagate through the medium, excluding (multiply) reflected waveforms. In practice, the initial focusing function is often replaced by a time-reversed direct wave, which is computed with help of a macro velocity model. Green's functions that are retrieved under this (direct-wave) approximation typically lack forward-scattered waveforms and their associated multiple reflections. We examine whether this problem can be mitigated by incorporating transmission data. Based on these transmission data, we derive an auxiliary equation for the forward-scattered components of the initial focusing function. We demonstrate that this equation can be solved in an acoustic medium with mass density contrast and constant propagation velocity. By solving the auxiliary and Marchenko equation successively, we can include forward-scattered waveforms in our Green's function estimates, as we demonstrate with a numerical example.

Acústica , Modelos Teóricos
J Acoust Soc Am ; 151(1): 587, 2022 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35105010


Classical acoustic wave-field representations consist of volume and boundary integrals, of which the integrands contain specific combinations of Green's functions, source distributions, and wave fields. Using a unified matrix-vector wave equation for different wave phenomena, these representations can be reformulated in terms of Green's matrices, source vectors, and wave-field vectors. The matrix-vector formalism also allows the formulation of representations in which propagator matrices replace the Green's matrices. These propagator matrices, in turn, can be expressed in terms of Marchenko-type focusing functions. An advantage of the representations with propagator matrices and focusing functions is that the boundary integrals in these representations are limited to a single open boundary. This makes these representations a suitable basis for developing advanced inverse scattering, imaging and monitoring methods for wave fields acquired on a single boundary.

JASA Express Lett ; 1(5): 055602, 2021 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36154105


The Gel'fand-Levitan equation, the Gopinath-Sondhi equation, and the Marchenko equation are developed for one-dimensional inverse scattering problems. Recently, a version of the Marchenko equation based on wavefield decomposition has been introduced for focusing waves in multi dimensions. However, wavefield decomposition is a limitation when waves propagate horizontally at the focusing level. Here, the Marchenko equation for focusing without wavefield decomposition is derived, and by iteratively solving the Marchenko equation, the Green's function for an arbitrary location in the medium is retrieved from the scattered waves recorded on a closed receiver array and an estimate of the direct-wave without wavefield decomposition.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 148(2): 939, 2020 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32873005


With the Marchenko method, it is possible to retrieve the wave field inside a medium from its reflection response at the surface. To date, this method has predominantly been applied to naturally occurring materials. This study extends the Marchenko method for applications in layered metamaterials with, in the low-frequency limit, effective negative constitutive parameters. It illustrates the method with a numerical example, which confirms that the method properly accounts for multiple scattering. The proposed method has potential applications, for example, in non-destructive testing of layered materials.

Geophys Prospect ; 68(6): 1834-1846, 2020 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32742006


Seismic images provided by reverse time migration can be contaminated by artefacts associated with the migration of multiples. Multiples can corrupt seismic images, producing both false positives, that is by focusing energy at unphysical interfaces, and false negatives, that is by destructively interfering with primaries. Multiple prediction/primary synthesis methods are usually designed to operate on point source gathers and can therefore be computationally demanding when large problems are considered. A computationally attractive scheme that operates on plane-wave datasets is derived by adapting a data-driven point source gathers method, based on convolutions and cross-correlations of the reflection response with itself, to include plane-wave concepts. As a result, the presented algorithm allows fully data-driven synthesis of primary reflections associated with plane-wave source responses. Once primary plane-wave responses are estimated, they are used for multiple-free imaging via plane-wave reverse time migration. Numerical tests of increasing complexity demonstrate the potential of the proposed algorithm to produce multiple-free images from only a small number of plane-wave datasets.

Geophys Prospect ; 68(6): 1864-1877, 2020 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32742007


In recent years, a variety of Marchenko methods for the attenuation of internal multiples has been developed. These methods have been extensively tested on two-dimensional synthetic data and applied to two-dimensional field data, but only little is known about their behaviour on three-dimensional synthetic data and three-dimensional field data. Particularly, it is not known whether Marchenko methods are sufficiently robust for sparse acquisition geometries that are found in practice. Therefore, we start by performing a series of synthetic tests to identify the key acquisition parameters and limitations that affect the result of three-dimensional Marchenko internal multiple prediction and subtraction using an adaptive double-focusing method. Based on these tests, we define an interpolation strategy and use it for the field data application. Starting from a wide azimuth dense grid of sources and receivers, a series of decimation tests are performed until a narrow azimuth streamer geometry remains. We evaluate the effect of the removal of sail lines, near offsets, far offsets and outer cables on the result of the adaptive double-focusing method. These tests show that our method is most sensitive to the limited aperture in the crossline direction and the sail line spacing when applying it to synthetic narrow azimuth streamer data. The sail line spacing can be interpolated, but the aperture in the crossline direction is a limitation of the acquisition. Next, we apply the adaptive Marchenko double-focusing method to the narrow azimuth streamer field data from the Santos Basin, Brazil. Internal multiples are predicted and adaptively subtracted, thereby improving the geological interpretation of the target area. These results imply that our adaptive double-focusing method is sufficiently robust for the application to three-dimensional field data, although the key acquisition parameters and limitations will naturally differ in other geological settings and for other types of acquisition.

Geophys Prospect ; 68(5): 1425-1442, 2020 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32612295


Acoustic inversion in one-dimension gives impedance as a function of travel time. Inverting the reflection response is a linear problem. Recursive methods, from top to bottom or vice versa, are known and use a fundamental wave field that is computed from the reflection response. An integral over the solution to the Marchenko equation, on the other hand, retrieves the impedance at any vertical travel time instant. It is a non-recursive method, but requires the zero-frequency value of the reflection response. These methods use the same fundamental wave field in different ways. Combining the two methods leads to a non-recursive scheme that works with finite-frequency bandwidth. This can be used for target-oriented inversion. When a reflection response is available along a line over a horizontally layered medium, the thickness and wave velocity of any layer can be obtained together with the velocity of an adjacent layer and the density ratio of the two layers. Statistical analysis over 1000 noise realizations shows that the forward recursive method and the Marchenko-type method perform well on computed noisy data.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 146(1): 810, 2019 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31370573


Acoustic imaging methods often ignore multiple scattering. This leads to false images in cases where multiple scattering is strong. Marchenko imaging has recently been introduced as a data-driven way to deal with internal multiple scattering. Given the increasing interest in non-reciprocal materials, both for acoustic and electromagnetic applications, a modification to the Marchenko method is proposed for imaging such materials. A unified wave equation is formulated for non-reciprocal materials, exploiting the similarity between acoustic and electromagnetic wave phenomena. This unified wave equation forms the basis for deriving reciprocity theorems that interrelate wave fields in a non-reciprocal medium and its complementary version. Next, these theorems are reformulated for downgoing and upgoing wave fields. From these decomposed reciprocity theorems, representations of the Green's function inside the non-reciprocal medium are derived in terms of the reflection response at the surface and focusing functions inside the medium and its complementary version. These representations form the basis for deriving a modified version of the Marchenko method to retrieve the wave field inside a non-reciprocal medium and to form an image, free from artefacts related to multiple scattering. The proposed method is illustrated at the hand of the numerically modeled reflection response of a horizontally layered medium.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 145(6): 3521, 2019 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31255146


Wavefield focusing is often achieved by time-reversal mirrors, where wavefields emitted by a source located at the focal point are evaluated at a closed boundary and sent back, after time-reversal, into the medium from that boundary. Mathematically, time-reversal mirrors are derived from closed-boundary integral representations of reciprocity theorems. In heterogeneous media, time-reversal focusing theoretically involves in- and output signals that are infinite in time and the resulting waves propagate through the entire medium. Recently, integral representations have been derived for single-sided wavefield focusing. Although the required input signals for this approach are finite in time, the output signals are not and, similar to time-reversal mirroring, the resulting waves propagate through the entire medium. Here, an alternative solution for double-sided wavefield focusing is derived. This solution is based on an integral representation where in- and output signals are finite in time, and where the energy of the waves propagating in the layer embedding the focal point is smaller than with time-reversal focusing. The potential of the proposed method is explored with numerical experiments involving a head model consisting of a skull enclosing a brain.

J Geophys Res Solid Earth ; 123(6): 4942-4964, 2018 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30167350


In seismic monitoring, one is usually interested in the response of a changing target zone, embedded in a static inhomogeneous medium. We introduce an efficient method that predicts reflection responses at the Earth's surface for different target-zone scenarios, from a single reflection response at the surface and a model of the changing target zone. The proposed process consists of two main steps. In the first step, the response of the original target zone is removed from the reflection response, using the Marchenko method. In the second step, the modelled response of a new target zone is inserted between the overburden and underburden responses. The method fully accounts for all orders of multiple scattering and, in the elastodynamic case, for wave conversion. For monitoring purposes, only the second step needs to be repeated for each target-zone model. Since the target zone covers only a small part of the entire medium, the proposed method is much more efficient than repeated modelling of the entire reflection response.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 2497, 2018 02 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29410493


A virtual acoustic source inside a medium can be created by emitting a time-reversed point-source response from the enclosing boundary into the medium. However, in many practical situations the medium can be accessed from one side only. In those cases the time-reversal approach is not exact. Here, we demonstrate the experimental design and use of complex focusing functions to create virtual acoustic sources and virtual receivers inside an inhomogeneous medium with single-sided access. The retrieved virtual acoustic responses between those sources and receivers mimic the complex propagation and multiple scattering paths of waves that would be ignited by physical sources and recorded by physical receivers inside the medium. The possibility to predict complex virtual acoustic responses between any two points inside an inhomogeneous medium, without needing a detailed model of the medium, has large potential for holographic imaging and monitoring of objects with single-sided access, ranging from photoacoustic medical imaging to the monitoring of induced-earthquake waves all the way from the source to the earth's surface.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 142(4): 2242, 2017 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29092609


In an acoustical context, interferometry takes advantage of existing (ambient) wavefield recordings by turning receivers into so-called "virtual sources." The medium's response to these virtual sources can be harnessed to image that medium. Most interferometric applications, however, suffer from the fact that the retrieved virtual-source responses deviate from the true medium responses. The accrued artefacts are often predominantly due to a non-isotropic illumination of the medium of interest, and prohibit accurate interferometric imaging. Recently, it has been shown that illumination-related artefacts can be removed by means of a so-called multidimensional deconvolution (MDD) process. However, the current MDD formulation, and hence method, relies on separation of waves traveling inward and outward through the boundary of the medium of interest. As a consequence, it is predominantly useful when receivers are illuminated from one side only. This puts constraints on the applicability of the current MDD formulation to omnidirectional wavefields. In this paper, a modified formulation of the theory underlying interferometry by MDD is presented. This modified formulation eliminates the requirement to separate inward and outward propagating wavefields and, consequently, holds promise for the application of MDD to non-isotropic, omnidirectional wavefields.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 141(6): 4466, 2017 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28679246


A unified scalar wave equation is formulated, which covers three-dimensional (3D) acoustic waves, 2D horizontally-polarised shear waves, 2D transverse-electric EM waves, 2D transverse-magnetic EM waves, 3D quantum-mechanical waves and 2D flexural waves. The homogeneous Green's function of this wave equation is a combination of the causal Green's function and its time-reversal, such that their singularities at the source position cancel each other. A classical representation expresses this homogeneous Green's function as a closed boundary integral. This representation finds applications in holographic imaging, time-reversed wave propagation and Green's function retrieval by cross correlation. The main drawback of the classical representation in those applications is that it requires access to a closed boundary around the medium of interest, whereas in many practical situations the medium can be accessed from one side only. Therefore, a single-sided representation is derived for the homogeneous Green's function of the unified scalar wave equation. Like the classical representation, this single-sided representation fully accounts for multiple scattering. The single-sided representation has the same applications as the classical representation, but unlike the classical representation it is applicable in situations where the medium of interest is accessible from one side only.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 141(6): 4332, 2017 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28618826


From acoustics to medical imaging and seismology, one strives to make inferences about the structure of complex media from acoustic wave observations. This study proposes a solution that is derived from the multidimensional Marchenko equation, to learn about the acoustic source distribution inside a volume, given a set of observations outside the volume. Traditionally, this problem has been solved by backpropagation of the recorded signals. However, to achieve accurate results through backpropagation, a detailed model of the medium should be known and observations should be collected along a boundary that completely encloses the volume of excitation. In practice, these requirements are often not fulfilled and artifacts can emerge, especially in the presence of strong contrasts in the medium. On the contrary, the proposed methodology can be applied with a single observation boundary only, without the need of a detailed model. In order to achieve this, additional multi-offset ultrasound reflection data must be acquired at the observation boundary. The methodology is illustrated with one-dimensional synthetics of a photoacoustic imaging experiment. A distribution of simultaneously acting sources is recovered in the presence of sharp density perturbations both below and above the embedded sources, which result in significant scattering that complicates the use of conventional methods.

Acústica , Modelos Teóricos , Técnicas Fotoacústicas , Sonido , Ondas Ultrasónicas , Movimiento (Física) , Dispersión de Radiación , Factores de Tiempo
J Seismol ; 21(3): 495-508, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28603452


An areal distribution of sensors can be used for estimating the direction of incoming waves through beamforming. Beamforming may be implemented as a phase-shifting and stacking of data recorded on the different sensors (i.e., conventional beamforming). Alternatively, beamforming can be applied to cross-correlations between the waveforms on the different sensors. We derive a kernel for beamforming cross-correlated data and call it cross-correlation beamforming (CCBF). We point out that CCBF has slightly better resolution and aliasing characteristics than conventional beamforming. When auto-correlations are added to CCBF, the array response functions are the same as for conventional beamforming. We show numerically that CCBF is more resilient to non-coherent noise. Furthermore, we illustrate that with CCBF individual receiver-pairs can be removed to improve mapping to the slowness domain. An additional flexibility of CCBF is that cross-correlations can be time-windowed prior to beamforming, e.g., to remove the directionality of a scattered wavefield. The observations on synthetic data are confirmed with field data from the SPITS array (Svalbard). Both when beamforming an earthquake arrival and when beamforming ambient noise, CCBF focuses more of the energy to a central beam. Overall, the main advantage of CCBF is noise suppression and its flexibility to remove station pairs that deteriorate the signal-related beampower. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10950-016-9612-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

Proc Math Phys Eng Sci ; 472(2190): 20160162, 2016 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27436983


In wave theory, the homogeneous Green's function consists of the impulse response to a point source, minus its time-reversal. It can be represented by a closed boundary integral. In many practical situations, the closed boundary integral needs to be approximated by an open boundary integral because the medium of interest is often accessible from one side only. The inherent approximations are acceptable as long as the effects of multiple scattering are negligible. However, in case of strongly inhomogeneous media, the effects of multiple scattering can be severe. We derive double- and single-sided homogeneous Green's function representations. The single-sided representation applies to situations where the medium can be accessed from one side only. It correctly handles multiple scattering. It employs a focusing function instead of the backward propagating Green's function in the classical (double-sided) representation. When reflection measurements are available at the accessible boundary of the medium, the focusing function can be retrieved from these measurements. Throughout the paper, we use a unified notation which applies to acoustic, quantum-mechanical, electromagnetic and elastodynamic waves. We foresee many interesting applications of the unified single-sided homogeneous Green's function representation in holographic imaging and inverse scattering, time-reversed wave field propagation and interferometric Green's function retrieval.

J Acoust Soc Am ; 135(5): 2847-61, 2014 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24815266


The methodology of Green's function retrieval by cross-correlation has led to many interesting applications for passive and controlled-source acoustic measurements. In all applications, a virtual source is created at the position of a receiver. Here a method is discussed for Green's function retrieval from controlled-source reflection data, which circumvents the requirement of having an actual receiver at the position of the virtual source. The method requires, apart from the reflection data, an estimate of the direct arrival of the Green's function. A single-sided three-dimensional (3D) Marchenko equation underlies the method. This equation relates the reflection response, measured at one side of the medium, to the scattering coda of a so-called focusing function. By iteratively solving the 3D Marchenko equation, this scattering coda is retrieved from the reflection response. Once the scattering coda has been resolved, the Green's function (including all multiple scattering) can be constructed from the reflection response and the focusing function. The proposed methodology has interesting applications in acoustic imaging, properly accounting for internal multiple scattering.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25615213


In time-reversal acoustics, waves recorded at the boundary of a strongly scattering medium are sent back into the medium to focus at the original source position. This requires that the medium can be accessed from all sides. We discuss a focusing method for media that can be accessed from one side only. We show how complex focusing functions, emitted from the top surface into the medium, cause independent foci for compressional and shear waves. The focused fields are isotropic and act as independent virtual sources for these wave types inside the medium. We foresee important applications in nondestructive testing of construction materials and seismological monitoring of processes inside the Earth.