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Inorg Chem ; 63(33): 15259-15269, 2024 Aug 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39101694


Here, we report the synthesis of the 6-(6-methyl-1,2,4,5-tetrazine-3-yl)-2,2'-bipyridine (MTB) ligand that has been developed for lanthanide/actinide separation. A multimethod study of the complexation of MTB with trivalent actinide and lanthanide ions is presented. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction measurements reveal the formation of [Ce(MTB)2(NO3)3], [Pr(MTB)(NO3)3H2O], and [Ln(MTB)(NO3)3MeCN] (Ln = Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd). In addition, the complexation of Cm(III) with MTB in solution was studied by time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy. The results show the formation of [Cm(MTB)1-3]3+ complexes, which occur in two different isomers. Quantum chemical calculations reveal an energy difference between these isomers of 12 kJ mol-1, clarifying the initial observations made by time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS). Furthermore, quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) analysis of the Cm(III) and Ln(III) complexes was performed, indicating a stronger covalent contribution in the Cm-N interaction compared to the respective Ln-N interaction. These findings align well with extraction data showing a preferred extraction of Am and Cm over lanthanides (e.g., max. SFAm/Eu = 8.3) at nitric acid concentrations <0.1 mol L-1 HNO3.

Inorg Chem ; 61(44): 17719-17729, 2022 Nov 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36274232


Novel hydrophilic ligands to selectively separate Am(III) are synthesized: 3,3'-([2,2'-bipyridine]-6,6'-diylbis(1H-1,2,3-triazole-4,1-diyl))bis(propan-1-ol) (PrOH-BPTD) and 3,3'-([2,2'-bipyridine]-6,6'-diylbis(1H-1,2,3-triazole-4,1-diyl))bis(ethan-1-ol) (EtOH-BPTD). The complexation of An(III) and Ln(III) with PrOH- and EtOH-BPTD is studied by time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy. [ML2]3+ is found for both Cm(III) and Eu(III), while [ML]3+ is only formed with Cm(III). Stability constants show a preferential coordination of Cm(III) over Eu(III) with PrOH-BPTD being the stronger ligand. The distribution of Am(III), Cm(III), and Ln(III) between an organic phase containing the extracting agent N,N,N',N'-tetra-n-octyl-3-oxapentanediamide (TODGA) and aqueous phases containing PrOH-BPTD is studied as a function of time and temperature as well as the TODGA, BPTD, and HNO3 concentrations. A system composed of 0.2 mol/L TODGA and 0.04 mol/L PrOH-BPTD in 0.33-0.39 mol/L HNO3 allows for selective Am(III) back-extraction into the aqueous phase while keeping Cm(III) and Ln(III) in the organic phase, marking PrOH-BPTD as an excellent complexant for an optimized AmSel process (Am(III) selective extraction).

Chem Commun (Camb) ; 58(76): 10667-10670, 2022 Sep 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36063119


A new general synthetic route to selective actinide extracting ligands for spent nuclear fuel reprocessing has been established. The amide-functionalized ligands separate Am(III) and Cm(III) from the lanthanides with high selectivities and show rapid rates of metal extraction. The ligands retain the advantages of the analogous unfunctionalized ligands derived from camphorquinone, whilst also negating their main drawback; precipitate formation when in contact with nitric acid. These studies could enable the design of improved solvent extraction processes for closing the nuclear fuel cycle.

RSC Adv ; 12(20): 12416-12426, 2022 Apr 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35480374


Reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel aims at improving resource efficiency and reducing its radiotoxicity and heat production in the long term. The necessary separation of certain metal ions from the spent fuel solutions can be achieved using different solvent extraction processes. For the scenario of the EURO-GANEX process, the use of the new, modified diglycolamide 2,2'-oxybis(N,N-didecylpropanamide) (mTDDGA) was recently proposed to simplify the current solvent composition and reduce extraction of fission products. Before further developing the process based on this new ligand, its stability under ionizing radiation conditions needs to be studied. For this reason, gamma irradiation experiments were conducted followed by analyses with high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer (HPLC-MS). The determined degradation rate of mTDDGA was found to be lower than that of the reference molecule N,N,N',N'-tetra-n-octyl-diglycolamide (TODGA). Many identified degradation compounds of both molecules are analogues showing the same bond breaking, although also unreported de-methylation, double/triple de-alkylation and n-dodecane addition products were observed.

Dalton Trans ; 50(46): 17257-17264, 2021 Nov 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34786581


Herein, we have synthesised a novel uranium oxyhydroxide (UOH) phase, Rb2K2[(UO2)6O4(OH)6]·(IO3)2, under hydrothermal conditions which intercalates IO3-via a hybrid salt-inclusion and host-guest mechanism. The mechanism is based on favorable intermolecular bonding between disordered Rb+/K+ and IO3- ions and hydroxyl and layer void positions respectively. To examine whether the intercalation may occur ubiquitously for UOH phases, the known UOH mineral phases metaschoepite ([(UO2)8O2(OH)12]·12H2O), compreignacite (K2[(UO2)6O4(OH)6]·7H2O) and also related ß-UO2(OH)2 were synthesised and exposed to aqueous I- and IO3- for 1 month statically at RT and 60 °C in air and the solid analysed using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy. Measurements indicate intercalation can occur homogeneously, but the affinity is dependent upon the structure of the UOH phases and temperature, where higher temperatures and when the interlayer space is free of initial moieties are favoured. It was also found that after repeated washing of the UOH samples with DI water the intercalated iodine was retained. UOH phases are known to form during the oxidative corrosion of spent nuclear fuel during an accident scenario in the near field, this work suggests they may help retard the transport of radiolytic iodine into the environment during a long-term release event.

RSC Adv ; 11(11): 6014-6021, 2021 Feb 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35423126


The extraction of Am(iii), Cm(iii) and Eu(iii) by 2,9-bis(5,5,8,8-tetramethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-1,2,4-benzotriazin-3-yl)-1,10-phenanthroline (CyMe4BTPhen) from nitric acid solution was studied using the ionic liquid Aliquat-336 nitrate ([A336][NO3]) as diluent. Results show a high selectivity of the solvent for Am(iii) and Cm(iii) over Eu(iii), but rather slow extraction kinetics. The kinetics of CyMe4BTPhen were largely improved by the addition of 0.005 mol L-1 N,N,N',N'-tetra-n-octyl-diglycolamide (TODGA) as a phase transfer reagent and by the use of 1-octanol as co-diluent. The addition of the phase transfer catalyst and co-diluent did not compromise the selectivity towards the actinide/lanthanide separation and thus this four-component system can be successfully applied to separate Am(iii) and Cm(iii) from the lanthanides.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 22(43): 24978-24985, 2020 Nov 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33099596


To mitigate third phase formation in next generation used nuclear fuel reprocessing technologies, the addition of 1-octanol has been trialed. However, contradictory reports on the radiolytic effect of 1-octanol incorporation on separation ligand degradation need to be resolved. Here, 50 mM N,N,N',N'-tetraoctyldiglycolamide (TODGA) dissolved in n-dodecane was gamma irradiated in the presence and absence of 1-octanol (2.5-10 vol%) and a 3.0 M HNO3 aqueous phase. Radiation-induced TODGA degradation exhibited pseudo-first-order decay kinetics as a function of absorbed gamma dose for all investigated solution and solvent system formulations. The addition of 1-octanol afforded diametrically different effects on the rate of TODGA degradation depending on solvent system formulation. For organic-only irradiations, 1-octanol promoted TODGA degradation (d = 0.0057 kGy-1 for zero 1-octanol present vs.∼0.0073 kGy-1 for 7.5-10 vol%) attributed to a favourable hydrogen atom abstraction reaction free energy (-0.31 eV) and the ability of 1-octanol to access a higher yield of n-dodecane radical cation (RH˙+) at sub-nanosecond timescales. This was rationalized by determination of the rate coefficient (k) for the reaction of 1-octanol with RH˙+, k = (1.23 ± 0.07) × 1010 M-1 s-1. In contrast, irradiation in the presence of 1-octanol and a 3.0 M HNO3 aqueous phase afforded significant radioprotection (d = 0.0054 kGy-1 for zero 1-octanol present vs.≤ 0.0044 kGy-1 for >2.5 vol%) that increases with 1-octanol concentration, relative to the single phase, organic-only solutions. This effect was attributed to the extraction of sufficiently high concentrations of HNO3 and H2O into the organic phase by TODGA and 1-octanol as adducts which interfere with the hydrogen atom abstraction process between the 1-octanol radical and TODGA. Our findings suggest that the addition of 1-octanol as a phase modifier will enhance the radiation robustness of TODGA-based separation technologies under envisioned solvent system conditions in the presence of aqueous HNO3.

Chemistry ; 26(2): 428-437, 2020 Jan 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31489718


The synthesis and evaluation of three novel bis-1,2,4-triazine ligands containing five-membered aliphatic rings are reported. Compared to the more hydrophobic ligands 1-3 containing six-membered aliphatic rings, the distribution ratios for relevant f-block metal ions were approximately one order of magnitude lower in each case. Ligand 10 showed an efficient, selective and rapid separation of AmIII and CmIII from nitric acid. The speciation of the ligands with trivalent f-block metal ions was probed using NMR titrations and competition experiments, time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. While the tetradentate ligands 8 and 10 formed LnIII complexes of the same stoichiometry as their more hydrophobic analogues 2 and 3, significant differences in speciation were observed between the two classes of ligand, with a lower percentage of the extracted 1:2 complexes being formed for ligands 8 and 10. The structures of the solid state 1:1 and 1:2 complexes formed by 8 and 10 with YIII , LuIII and PrIII are very similar to those formed by 2 and 3 with LnIII . Ligand 10 forms CmIII and EuIII 1:2 complexes that are thermodynamically less stable than those formed by ligand 3, suggesting that less hydrophobic ligands form less stable AnIII complexes. Thus, it has been shown for the first time how tuning the cyclic aliphatic part of these ligands leads to subtle changes in their metal ion speciation, complex stability and metal extraction affinity.

Dalton Trans ; 48(45): 17005-17013, 2019 Dec 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31691689


The radiation chemistry of a series of hydrophilic diglycolamides (DGAs: TEDGA, Me-TEDGA, Me2-TEDGA, and TPDGA) has been investigated under neutral pH, concentrated aqueous nitrate solution conditions. A combination of steady-state gamma and time-resolved pulsed electron irradiation experiments, supported by advanced analytical techniques and multi-scale modeling calculations, have demonstrated that: (i) the investigated hydrophilic DGAs undergo first-order decay with an average dose constant of (-3.18 ± 0.23) × 10-6 Gy-1; (ii) their degradation product distributions are similar to those under pure water conditions, except for the appearance of NOx adducts; and (iii) radiolysis is driven by hydroxyl and nitrate radical oxidation chemistry moderated by secondary degradation product scavenging reactions. Overall, the radiolysis of hydrophilic DGAs in concentrated, aqueous nitrate solutions is significantly slower and less structurally sensitive than under pure water conditions, similar to their lipophilic analogs. Acid hydrolysis, not radiolysis, is expected to limit their useful lifetime. These findings are promising for the deployment of hydrophilic DGAs as actinide aqueous phase stripping and hold-back agents, due to the presence of high concentrations of nitrate in envisioned large-scale process conditions.

Chemistry ; 25(21): 5507-5513, 2019 Apr 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30720905


When considering f elements, solvent extraction is primarily used for the removal of lanthanides from ore and their recycling, as well as for the separation of actinides from used nuclear fuel. Understanding the complexation mechanism of metal ions with organic extractants, particularly the influence of their molecular structure on complex formation is of fundamental importance. Herein, we report an extraordinary (up to two orders of magnitude) change in the extraction efficiency of f elements with two diastereomers of dimethyl tetraoctyl diglycolamide (Me2 -TODGA), which only differ in the orientation of a single methyl group. Solvent extraction techniques, extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) measurements, and density functional theory (DFT) based ab initio calculations were used to understand their complex structures and to explain their complexation mechanism. We show that the huge differences observed in extraction selectivity results from a small change in the complexation of nitrate counter-ions caused by the different orientation of one methyl group in the backbone of the extractant. The obtained results give a significant new insight into metal-ligand complexation mechanisms, which will promote the development of more efficient separation techniques.

Inorg Chem ; 57(11): 6252-6265, 2018 Jun 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29762025


This study investigates the incorporation of the minor actinide curium (Cm3+) in a series of synthetic La1- xGd xPO4 ( x = 0, 0.24, 0.54, 0.83, 1) monazite and rhabdophane solid-solutions. To obtain information on the incorporation process on the molecular scale and to understand the distribution of the dopant in the synthetic phosphate phases, combined time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy and X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy investigations were conducted and complemented with ab initio atomistic simulations. We found that Cm3+ is incorporated in the monazite endmembers (LaPO4 and GdPO4) on one specific, highly ordered lattice site. The intermediate solid-solutions, however, display increasing disorder around the Cm3+ dopant as a result of random variations in nearest neighbor distances. In hydrated rhabdophane, and especially its La-rich solid-solutions, Cm3+ is preferentially incorporated on nonhydrated lattice sites. This site occupancy is not in agreement with the hydrated rhabdophane structure, where two-thirds of the lattice sites are associated with water of hydration (LnPO4·0.67H2O), implying that structural substitution reactions cannot be predicted based on the structure of the host matrix only.

Dalton Trans ; 44(41): 18049-56, 2015 Nov 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26412572


The stability against gamma radiation of MeTODGA (methyl tetraoctyldiglycolamide) and Me2TODGA (dimethyl tetraoctyldiglycolamide), derivatives from the well-known extractant TODGA (N,N,N',N'-tetraoctyldiglycolamide), were studied and compared. Solutions of MeTODGA and Me2TODGA in alkane diluents were subjected to (60)Co γ-irradiation in the presence and absence of nitric acid and analyzed using LC-MS to determine their rates of radiolytic concentration decrease, as well as to identify radiolysis products. The results of product identification from three different laboratories are compared and found to be in good agreement. The diglycolamide (DGA) concentrations decreased exponentially with increasing absorbed dose. The MeTODGA degradation rate constants (dose constants) were uninfluenced by the presence of nitric acid, but the acid increased the rate of degradation for Me2TODGA. The degradation products formed by irradiation are also initially produced in greater amounts in acid-contacted solution, but products may also be degraded by continued radiolysis. The identified radiolysis products suggest that the weakest bonds are those in the diglycolamide center of these molecules.

Org Biomol Chem ; 10(28): 5443-51, 2012 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22707012


Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling of (di)chloropyrazines with phosphorus pronucleophiles in the presence of a base gave the phosphorylated pyrazines in 81-95% yields. Based on this methodology a series of appropriately functionalized pyrazines was prepared as potential extractants of trivalent cations from highly acidic nuclear waste. A few hydrophilic derivatives exhibited a very good selectivity for Am(3+) over Eu(3+) with separation factors up to 40 at pH 1 at 0.01 mol L(-1) ligand concentration.

J Am Chem Soc ; 133(33): 13093-102, 2011 Aug 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21770458


The synthesis, lanthanide complexation, and solvent extraction of actinide(III) and lanthanide(III) radiotracers from nitric acid solutions by a phenanthroline-derived quadridentate bis-triazine ligand are described. The ligand separates Am(III) and Cm(III) from the lanthanides with remarkably high efficiency, high selectivity, and fast extraction kinetics compared to its 2,2'-bipyridine counterpart. Structures of the 1:2 bis-complexes of the ligand with Eu(III) and Yb(III) were elucidated by X-ray crystallography and force field calculations, respectively. The Eu(III) bis-complex is the first 1:2 bis-complex of a quadridentate bis-triazine ligand to be characterized by crystallography. The faster rates of extraction were verified by kinetics measurements using the rotating membrane cell technique in several diluents. The improved kinetics of metal ion extraction are related to the higher surface activity of the ligand at the phase interface. The improvement in the ligand's properties on replacing the bipyridine unit with a phenanthroline unit far exceeds what was anticipated based on ligand design alone.

Neuroreport ; 13(6): 799-804, 2002 May 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11997690


The interaction of vestibular inputs with different dynamic and spatial behavior, i.e., canal-otolith interaction, leads to spatio-temporal convergence. Vestibular neurons in the fastigial nucleus often exhibit spatio-temporal convergence. The present report demonstrates that the discharge rates of most vestibular neurons in the primate fastigial nucleus can be simulated at different stimulus frequencies and orientations by a simple linear summation of the signals of the semicircular canals and the otoliths. In this way, a number of complex characteristics that depend on frequency, i.e. changing response-vector orientations, large phase changes, absence and presence of spatio-temporal convergence, can be easily explained.

Vías Aferentes/fisiología , Núcleos Cerebelosos/fisiología , Macaca mulatta/fisiología , Neuronas/fisiología , Membrana Otolítica/fisiología , Equilibrio Postural/fisiología , Canales Semicirculares/fisiología , Potenciales de Acción/fisiología , Vías Aferentes/citología , Animales , Núcleos Cerebelosos/citología , Macaca mulatta/anatomía & histología , Modelos Neurológicos , Neuronas/citología , Membrana Otolítica/citología , Estimulación Física , Tiempo de Reacción/fisiología , Canales Semicirculares/citología , Transducción de Señal/fisiología , Sinapsis/fisiología , Transmisión Sináptica/fisiología