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Bull Am Meteorol Soc ; 100(1): 155-171, 2019 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33005057


The ozonesonde is a small balloon-borne instrument that is attached to a standard radiosonde to measure profiles of ozone from the surface to 35 km with ~100-m vertical resolution. Ozonesonde data constitute a mainstay of satellite calibration and are used for climatologies and analysis of trends, especially in the lower stratosphere where satellites are most uncertain. The electrochemical-concentration cell (ECC) ozonesonde has been deployed at ~100 stations worldwide since the 1960s, with changes over time in manufacture and procedures, including details of the cell chemical solution and data processing. As a consequence, there are biases among different stations and discontinuities in profile time-series from individual site records. For 22 years the Jülich [Germany] Ozone Sonde Intercomparison Experiment (JOSIE) has periodically tested ozonesondes in a simulation chamber designated the World Calibration Centre for Ozonesondes (WCCOS) by WMO. In October-November 2017 a JOSIE campaign evaluated the sondes and procedures used in SHADOZ (Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes), a 14-station sonde network operating in the tropics and subtropics. A distinctive feature of the 2017 JOSIE was that the tests were conducted by operators from eight SHADOZ stations. Experimental protocols for the SHADOZ sonde configurations, which represent most of those in use today, are described, along with preliminary results. SHADOZ stations that follow WMO-recommended protocols record total ozone within 3% of the JOSIE reference instrument. These results and prior JOSIEs demonstrate that regular testing is essential to maintain best practices in ozonesonde operations and to ensure high-quality data for the satellite and ozone assessment communities.

J Geophys Res Atmos ; 123(11): 6213-6229, 2018 Jun 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33101823


Our previous studies employing the self-organizing map (SOM) clustering technique to ozonesonde data have found significant links among meteorological and chemical regimes, and the shape of the ozone (O3) profile from the troposphere to the lower stratosphere. These studies, which focused on specific northern hemisphere mid-latitude geographical regions, demonstrated the advantages of SOM clustering by quantifying O3 profile variability and the O3/meteorological correspondence. We expand SOM to a global set of ozonesonde profiles spanning 1980-present from 30 sites to summarize the connections among O3 profiles, meteorology, and chemistry, using the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2) reanalysis and other ancillary data. Four clusters of O3 mixing ratio profiles from the surface to the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UT/LS) are generated for each site, which show dominant profile shapes and typical seasonality (or lack thereof) that generally correspond to latitude (i.e. Tropical, Subtropical, Mid-Latitude, Polar). Examination of MERRA-2 output reveals a clear relationship among SOM clusters and covarying meteorological fields (geopotential height, potential vorticity, and tropopause height) for Polar and Mid-latitude sites. However, these relationships break down within ±30° latitude. Carbon monoxide satellite data, along with velocity potential, a proxy for convection, calculated from MERRA-2 wind fields assist characterization of the Tropical and Subtropical sites, where biomass burning and convective transport linked to the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) dominate O3 variability. In addition to geophysical characterization of O3 profile variability, these results can be used to evaluate chemical transport model output and satellite measurements of O3.

J Geophys Res Atmos ; 123(6): 3243-3268, 2018 Mar 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33154879


Reprocessed ozonesonde data from eight SHADOZ (Southern Hemisphere ADditional OZonesondes) sites have been used to derive the first analysis of uncertainty estimates for both profile and total column ozone (TCO). The ozone uncertainty is a composite of the uncertainties of the individual terms in the ozone partial pressure (PO3) equation, those being the ozone sensor current, background current, internal pump temperature, pump efficiency factors, conversion efficiency, and flow-rate. Overall, PO3 uncertainties (ΔPO3) are within 15% and peak around the tropopause (15±3km) where ozone is a minimum and ΔPO3 approaches the measured signal. The uncertainty in the background and sensor currents dominate the overall ΔPO3 in the troposphere including the tropopause region, while the uncertainties in the conversion efficiency and flow-rate dominate in the stratosphere. Seasonally, ΔPO3 is generally a maximum in the March-May, with the exception of SHADOZ sites in Asia, for which the highest ΔPO3 occurs in September-February. As a first approach, we calculate sonde TCO uncertainty (ΔTCO) by integrating the profile ΔPO3 and adding the ozone residual uncertainty, derived from the McPeters and Labow [2012] 1-σ ozone mixing ratios. Overall, ΔTCO are within ±15 DU, representing ~5-6% of the TCO. TOMS and OMI satellite overpasses are generally within the sonde ΔTCO. However, there is a discontinuity between TOMS v8.6 (1998-2004/09) and OMI (2004/10-2016) TCO on the order of 10DU that accounts for the significant 16DU overall difference observed between sonde and TOMS. By comparison, the sonde-OMI absolute difference for the eight stations is only ~4DU.