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Chemistry ; 7(13): 2739-44, 2001 Jul 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11486948


The rearrangement of the cubane radical cation (1*+) was examined both experimentally (anodic as well as (photo)chemical oxidation of cubane 1 in acetonitrile) and computationally at coupled cluster, DFT, and MP2 [BCCD(T)/cc-pVDZ//B3LYP/6-31G* ZPVE as well as BCCD(T)/cc-pVDZ//MP2/6-31G* + ZPVE] levels of theory. The interconversion of the twelve C2v degenerate structures of 1*+ is associated with a sizable activation energy of 1.6 kcalmol(-1). The barriers for the isomerization of 1*- to the cuneane radical cation (2*+) and for the C-C bond fragmentation to the secocubane-4,7-diyl radical cation (10*+) are virtually identical (deltaH0++ = 7.8 and 7.9 kcalmol(-1), respectively). The low-barrier rearrangement of 10*+ to the more stable syn-tricyclooctadiene radical cation 3*+ favors the fragmentation pathway that terminates with the cyclooctatetraene radical cation 6*+. Experimental single-electron transfer (SET) oxidation of cubane in acetonitrile with photoexcited 1,2,4,5-tetracyanobenzene, in combination with back electron transfer to the transient radical cation, also shows that 1*+ preferentially follows a multistep rearrangement to 6*+ through 10*+ and 3*+ rather than through 2*+. This was confirmed by the oxidation of syn-tricyclooctadiene (3), which, like 1, also forms 6 in the SET oxidation/rearrangement/electron-recapture process. In contrast, cuneane (2) is oxidized exclusively to semibullvalene (9) under analogous conditions. The rearrangement of 1*+ to 6*+ via 3*+, which was recently observed spectroscopically upon ionization in a hydrocarbon glass matrix, is also favored in solution.

Chemistry ; 7(23): 4996-5003, 2001 Dec 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11775673


The present paper shows that selective radical reactions can be initiated and carried out in multiphase systems. This concept is applied to the selective functionalization of unactivated aliphatic hydrocarbons, which may be linear, branched, and (poly)cyclic, strained as well as unstrained. The phase-transfer system avoids overfunctionalization of the products and simplifies the workup; the selectivities are excellent and the yields are good. This is the only method for direct preparative iodination of alkanes applicable to large scale as well. We demonstrate that the reaction systems are indeed phase-transfer catalyzed through a systematic study of variations of the reactants, solvents, catalysts, and by measuring as well as computing the H/D kinetic isotope effects for the rate-limiting C-H abstraction step by *CHal3 radicals which are held responsible for the observed radical reactions. In the case of *CBr3, this key intermediate could also be trapped under otherwise very similar reaction conditions. To stimulate further work, the tolerance of some functional groups was tested as well.

Chemistry ; 6(8): 1446-54, 2000 Apr 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10840967


The Bergman cyclization of (Z)-hex-3-ene-1,5-diynes (1, enediynes), which produces pharmacologically important DNA-cleaving biradicals (1,4-benzyne, 2), was studied by using Hartree-Fock (HF) and density-functional theory (DFT) based valence bond (VB) methods (VB-HF and VB-DFT, respectively). We found that only three VB configurations are needed to arrive at results not too far from complete active space [CASSCF(6 x 6)] computations, while the quality of VB-DTF utilizing the same three configurations improves upon CASSCF(6 x 6) analogous to CASPT2. The dominant VB configuration in 1 contributes little to 2, while the most important biradical configuration in 2 plays a negligible role in 1. The avoided crossing of the energy curves of these two configurations along the reaction coordinate leads to the transition state (TS). As a consequence of the shape and position of the crossing section, the changes in geometry and in the electronic wavefunction along the reaction coordinate are non-synchronous; the TS is geometrically approximately 80% product-like and electronically approximately 70% reactant-like. While the pi resonance in the TS is very small, it is large (64.4 kcal mol(-1)) for 2 (cf. benzene=61.5 kcal mol(-1)). As a consequence, substituents operating on the sigma electrons should be much more effective in changing the Bergman reaction cyclization barrier. Furthermore, additional sigma resonance in 2 results in unusually high values for the nucleus-independent chemical shift (NICS, a direct measure for aromaticity). Similarly, the high NICS value of the TS is due mostly to sigma resonance to which the NICS procedure is relatively sensitive.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 38(23): 3474-3477, 1999 Dec 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10602212


A remarkably high specific rotation, even at 589 nm, is shown by (M)-1, the first enantiomerically pure unbranched [4]triangulane, although it has no chromophore that would lead to any significant absorption above 200 nm. This outstanding rotatory power is in line with a helical arrangement of its sigma bonds, as confirmed by high-level computations. Thus, it is appropriate to call (M)-1 a "sigma-[4]helicene", the first sigma-bond analogue of the aromatic [n]helicenes.