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Sci Rep ; 14(1): 9514, 2024 Apr 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38664514


Recent research on the water content of large igneous provinces (LIPs) has revealed that water has a significant impact on the formation of LIPs. However, most studies focus on the water content of mafic-ultramafic rocks, while relatively little attention has been paid to the water content of continental flood basalts (CFB), which form the major part of LIPs and are characterized by huge volumes (> 1 × 105 km3) and short eruption times. Here, we determined water contents of clinopyroxene crystals from the Akesu diabase, which is co-genetic with flood basalts of the Tarim LIP in China. Based on these measurements, we obtained a water content of higher than 1.23 ± 0.49 wt.% for the parental magma to the Tarim CFB and a minimum water content of 1230 ± 490 ppm for the mantle source, thus indicating the presence of a hydrous mantle plume. Combined with previous studies, our results suggest that water plays a key role in the formation of the Tarim LIP. Additionally, the whole-rock compositions of the Akesu diabase indicate a contribution of pyroxenite in the mantle source. This is consistent with a model, in which water was brought into the Tarim mantle plume by a subducted oceanic plate that entered the deep mantle.

Natl Sci Rev ; 8(11): nwab064, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34876992


Magmatic liquids, including silicate and carbonate melts, are principal agents of mass and heat transfer in the Earth and terrestrial planets, and they play a crucial role in various geodynamic processes and in Earth's evolution. Electrical conductivity data of these melts elucidate the cause of electrical anomalies in Earth's interior and shed light on the melt structure. With the improvement in high-pressure experimental techniques and theoretical simulations, major progress has been made on this front in the past several decades. This review aims to summarize recent advances in experimental and theoretical studies on the electrical conductivity of silicate and carbonate melts of different compositions and volatile contents under high temperature and pressure. The electrical conductivity of silicate melts depends strongly on temperature, pressure, water content and the ratio of non-bridging oxygens to tetrahedral cations (NBO/T). By contrast, the electrical conductivity of carbonate melts exhibits a weak dependence on temperature and pressure due to their fully depolymerized structure. The electrical conductivity of carbonate melts is higher than that of silicate melts by at least two orders of magnitude. Water can increase electrical conductivity significantly and reduce the activation energy of silicate melts. Conversely, this effect is weak for carbonate melts. In addition, the replacement of alkali-earth elements (Ca2+ or Mg2+) with alkali elements causes a significant decrease in the electrical conductivity of carbonate melts. A distinct compensation trend is revealed for the electrical conductivity of silicate and carbonate melts under anhydrous and hydrous conditions. Several important applications of laboratory-based melt conductivity are introduced in order to understand the origin of high-conductivity anomalies in the Earth's mantle. Perspectives for future studies are also provided.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 18755, 2021 Sep 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34548585


Hydrogen isotopes have been widely used as powerful tracers to understand the origin of terrestrial water and the water circulation between the surface and the deep interior of the Earth. However, further quantitative understanding is hindered due to a lack of observations about the changes in D/H ratios of a slab during subduction. Here, we report hydrogen isotope data of olivine-hosted melt inclusions from active volcanoes with variable depths (90‒550 km) to the subducting Pacific slab. The results show that the D/H ratio of the slab fluid at the volcanic front is lower than that of the slab fluid just behind the volcanic front. This demonstrates that fluids with different D/H ratios were released from the crust and the underlying peridotite portions of the slab around the volcanic front. The results also show that the D/H ratios of slab fluids do not change significantly with slab depths from 300 to 550 km, which demonstrates that slab dehydration did not occur significantly beyond the arc. Our estimated δD‰ value for the slab materials that accumulated in the mantle transition zone is > - 90‰, a value which is significantly higher than previous estimates.

Sci Rep ; 10(1): 579, 2020 Jan 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31953494


Global correlations of mid-ocean-ridges basalt chemistry, axial depth and crustal thickness have been ascribed to mantle temperature variations affecting degree of melting. However, mantle H2O content and elemental composition may also play a role. How H2O is distributed in the oceanic upper mantle remains poorly constrained. We tackled this problem by determining the H2O content of orthopyroxenes (opx) and clinopyroxenes (cpx) of peridotites from a continuous lithospheric section created during 26 Ma at a 11°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge segment, and exposed along the Vema Transform. The H2O content of opx ranges from 119 ppm to 383 ppm; that of cpx from 407 ppm to 1072 ppm. We found anomalous H2O-enriched peridotites with their H2O content not correlating inversely with their degree of melting, although H2O is assumed to be incompatible during melting. Inverse correlation of H2O with Ce, another highly incompatible component, suggests post-melting H2O enrichment. We attribute a major role to post-melting temperature-dependent diffusion of hydrogen occurring above the melting region, where water-rich melt flows faster than residual peridotites through dunitic conduits cross-cutting the uprising mantle. Accordingly, estimates of the H2O content of the MORB mantle source based on H2O in abyssal peridotites can be affected by strong uncertainties.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 6549, 2019 Apr 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31024064


Magmatism at some intraplate volcanoes and large igneous provinces (LIPs) in continental areas may originate from hydrous mantle upwelling (i.e. a plume) from the mantle transition zone (MTZ) at 410-660 km depths in the Earth's deep interior. However, the ultimate origin of the magmatism, i.e. why mantle plumes could have been generated at the MTZ, remains unclear. Here, we study the buoyancy of a plume by investigating basalts from the Changbaishan volcano, beneath which a mantle plume from the hydrous MTZ is observed via seismology. Based on carefully determined water contents of the basalts, the potential temperature of the source mantle is estimated to be 1310-1400 °C, which is within the range of the normal upper mantle temperature. This observation suggests that the mantle plume did not have a significant excess heat, and that the plume upwelled because of buoyancy resulting from water supplied from the Pacific slab in the MTZ. Such a hydrous mantle plume can account for the formation of extremely hydrous LIP magmatism. The water was originally sourced from a stagnant slab and stored in the MTZ, and then upwelled irrespective of the presence or absence of a deep thermal plume.

Natl Sci Rev ; 6(1): 125-144, 2019 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34691839


Understanding the concentration and distribution of water in the Earth's mantle plays a substantial role in studying its chemical, physical and dynamic processes. After a decade of research, a comprehensive dataset of water content in upper-mantle samples has been built for eastern China, which is now the only place with water-content data from such diverse types of natural samples, and provides an integrated picture of the water content and its distribution in the upper mantle at a continental scale. The main findings include the following: (i) the temporal heterogeneity of the water content in the lithospheric mantle from early Cretaceous (∼120 Ma) to Cenozoic (<40 Ma) was tightly connected with the stability of the North China Craton (from its destruction to its consolidation); (ii) the heterogeneous water content in the Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath different blocks of eastern China was not only inherited from tectonic settings from which they came, but was also affected later by geological processes they experienced; (iii) the distinct water content between the lowermost crust and lithospheric mantle of eastern China and its induced rheological contrast at the base of the crust indicate that the continental crust-mantle boundary could behave either in a coupled or decoupled manner beneath different areas and/or at different stages; (iv) the alkali basalts of eastern China demonstrate a heterogeneous distribution of water content in the mantle; local and regional comparisons of the water content between the lithospheric mantle and basalts' source indicate that the Cenozoic alkali basalts in eastern China were not sourced from the lithospheric mantle. Instead, the inferred high water contents in the mantle sources suggest that the Cenozoic eastern China basalts were likely sourced from the mantle transition zone (MTZ); and (v) both oceanic and continental crusts may carry a certain amount of water back into the deep mantle of eastern China by plate subduction. Such recycled crustal materials have not only created a local water-rich zone, but have also introduced crustal geochemical signatures into the mantle, both accounting for crustal geochemical imprints in the intra-plate magmatic rocks of eastern China.

Nat Commun ; 8(1): 1824, 2017 11 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29180738


The genesis of large igneous provinces (LIP) is controlled by multiple factors including anomalous mantle temperatures, the presence of fusible fertile components and volatiles in the mantle source, and the extent of decompression. The lack of a comprehensive examination of all these factors in one specific LIP makes the mantle plume model debatable. Here, we report estimates of the water content in picrites from the Emeishan LIP in southwestern China. Although these picrites display an island arc-like H2O content (up to 3.4 by weight percent), the trace element characteristics do not support a subduction zone setting but point to a hydrous reservoir in the deep mantle. Combining with previous studies, we propose that hydrous and hot plumes occasionally appeared in the Phanerozoic era to produce continental LIPs (e.g., Tarim, Siberian Trap, Karoo). The wide sampling of hydrous reservoirs in the deep mantle by mantle plumes thus indicates that the Earth's interior is largely hydrated.

Sci Rep ; 6: 25416, 2016 05 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27143196


As the main constituent of large igneous provinces, the generation of continental flood basalts (CFB) that are characterized by huge eruption volume (>10(5) km(3)) within short time span (<1-3 Ma) is in principle caused by an abnormally high temperature, extended decompression, a certain amount of mafic source rocks (e.g., pyroxenite), or an elevated H2O content in the mantle source. These four factors are not mutually exclusive. There are growing evidences for high temperature, decompression and mafic source rocks, albeit with hot debate. However, there is currently no convincing evidence of high water content in the source of CFB. We retrieved the initial H2O content of the primitive CFB in the early Permian Tarim large igneous province (NW China), using the H2O content of ten early-formed clinopyroxene (cpx) crystals that recorded the composition of the primitive Tarim basaltic melts and the partition coefficient of H2O between cpx and basaltic melt. The arc-like H2O content (4.82 ± 1.00 wt.%) provides the first clear evidence that H2O plays an important role in the generation of CFB.