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PLoS One ; 19(3): e0298918, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38451964


This study, conducted in China in November 2020, was aimed at exploring the variations in growth traits among different provenances and families as well as to select elite materials of Juglans mandshurica. Thus, seeds of 44 families from six J. mandshurica provenances in Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces were sown in the nursery and then transplanted out in the field. At the age of 5 years, seven growth traits were assessed, and a comprehensive analysis was conducted as well as selection of provenance and families. Analysis of variance revealed statistically significant (P < 0.01) differences in seven growth traits among different provenances and families, thereby justifying the pursuit of further breeding endeavors. The genetic coefficient of variation (GCV) for all traits ranged from 5.44% (branch angle) to 21.95% (tree height) whereas the phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) ranged from 13.74% (tapering) to 38.50% (branch number per node), indicating considerable variability across the traits. Further, all the studied traits except stem straightness degree, branch angle and branch number per node, showed high heritability (Tree height, ground diameter, mean crown width and tapering, over 0.7±0.073), indicating that the variation in these traits is primarily driven by genetic factors. Correlation analysis revealed a strong positive correlation (r > 0.8) between tree height and ground diameter (r = 0.86), tree height and mean crown width (r = 0.82), and ground diameter and mean crown width (r = 0.83). This suggests that these relationships can be employed for more precise predictions of the growth and morphological characteristics of trees, as well as the selection of superior materials. There was a strong correlation between temperature factors and growth traits. Based on the comprehensive scores in this study, Sanchazi was selected as elite provenance. Using the top-percentile selection criteria, SC1, SC8, DJC15, and DQ18 were selected as elite families. These selected families exhibit genetic gains of over 10% in tree height, ground diameter and mean crown width, signifying their significant potential in forestry for enhancing timber production and reducing production cycles, thereby contributing to sustainable forest management. In this study, the growth traits of J. mandshurica were found to exhibit stable variation, and there were correlations between these traits. The selected elite provenance and families of J. mandshurica showed faster growth, which is advantageous for the subsequent breeding and promotion of improved J. mandshurica varieties.

Juglans , Juglans/genética , Fitomejoramiento , Árboles , Bosques , China
Front Plant Sci ; 13: 931578, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35845684


Juglans mandshurica is a native tree species in Northeast China. Due to habitat destruction and human disturbance, its population size has sharply decreased. Currently, information on molecular markers of J. mandshurica is limited and cannot meet the needs of germplasm resource evaluation and molecular marker-assisted breeding of J. mandshurica. Based on transcriptomic data from three tissues (leaves, bark, and fruit pericarp), we developed expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeats (EST-SSRs) for J. mandshurica, and 15 polymorphic EST-SSR primers were initially selected. The average number of alleles (Na), expected heterozygosity (He), and the polymorphic information content (PIC) at different loci were 18.27, 0.670, and 0.797, respectively. Population genetic diversity analysis revealed that the average Na, He, and Shannon information indices (I) for 15 J. mandshurica populations were 6.993, 0.670, and 1.455, respectively. Among them, population Hunchun exhibited the highest genetic diversity (Na = 7.933, He = 0.723, and I = 1.617), while population Heihe exhibited the lowest genetic diversity (Na = 4.200, He = 0.605, and I = 1.158). STRUCTURE analysis, neighbor-joining method cluster analysis, and principal coordinate analysis showed that the 343 individuals of J. mandshurica from 15 populations were clustered into three categories. Category 1 (green) had 147 individuals from eight populations in Qingyuan, Caohekou, Jian, Ningan, Yongji, Baishishan, Helong, and Maoershan; category 2 (blue) had 81 individuals from three populations in Hulin, Boli, and Sanchazi; and category 3 (red) had 115 individuals from four populations in Heihe, Hunchun, Fangzheng, and Liangshui. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that genetic variations among and within individuals accounted for 16.22% and 21.10% of the total genetic variation, respectively, indicating that genetic variations within populations were greater than genetic variations among populations. The average genetic differentiation coefficient (Fst) and gene flow (Nm) between different populations were 0.109 and 4.063, respectively, implying moderate levels of genetic differentiation and gene flow. Based on the genetic diversity characteristics of different populations, we proposed various genetic conservation strategies for J. mandshurica.