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Heliyon ; 9(9): e19408, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37809501


Construction sites remain highly perilous work environments globally, exposing employees to numerous hazards that can result in severe injuries or fatalities. To resolve this several solutions based on quantitative approaches have been developed. However the wide adoption of preexisting solutions is hindered by lack of accuracy. To this aim the development of an efficient fuzzy inference system has become a de-facto necessity. In this paper, we propose an edge inference framework based on multi-layered fuzzy logic for safety of construction workers. The proposed system employs an edge computing-based framework where IoT devices collect, store, and manage data to offer safety services. Multi-layer fuzzy logic is applied to infer the worker safety index based on rules that consist of construction environment factors. The multi-layer fuzzy logic is fed with weather, building and worker data collected from IoT nodes as inputs. The safety risk assessment process involves analyzing various factors. Weather information, such as temperature, humidity, and rainfall data, is considered to assess the risk to safety. The condition of the building is evaluated by analyzing load, strain, and inclination data. Additionally, the safety risk to workers is analyzed by taking into account their heart rate and location information. The initial layer's outputs are utilized as inputs for the subsequent layer, where an integrated safety index is inferred. Ultimately, the safety index is generated as the final outcome. The system's results are conveyed through warnings and an error measurement on a safety scale ranging from 1 to 10. Furthermore, web service is developed to allow the construction management to check the worker safety condition of the construction site in real-time, while also monitoring the operational status of the IoT devices, allowing for the early detection of sensor malfunction and the subsequent guarantee of worker safety. Extensive evaluations conducted to test the performance of the developed framework verify its efficiency to provide improved risk assessment, real-time monitoring, and proactive safety actions, encouraging a safer and more productive work environment.

Sensors (Basel) ; 21(2)2021 Jan 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33477481


Computation offloading enables intensive computational tasks in edge computing to be separated into multiple computing resources of the server to overcome hardware limitations. Deep learning derives the inference approach based on the learning approach with a volume of data using a sufficient computing resource. However, deploying the domain-specific inference approaches to edge computing provides intelligent services close to the edge of the networks. In this paper, we propose intelligent edge computing by providing a dynamic inference approach for building environment control. The dynamic inference approach is provided based on the rules engine that is deployed on the edge gateway to select an inference function by the triggered rule. The edge gateway is deployed in the entry of a network edge and provides comprehensive functions, including device management, device proxy, client service, intelligent service and rules engine. The functions are provided by microservices provider modules that enable flexibility, extensibility and light weight for offloading domain-specific solutions to the edge gateway. Additionally, the intelligent services can be updated through offloading the microservices provider module with the inference models. Then, using the rules engine, the edge gateway operates an intelligent scenario based on the deployed rule profile by requesting the inference model of the intelligent service provider. The inference models are derived by training the building user data with the deep learning model using the edge server, which provides a high-performance computing resource. The intelligent service provider includes inference models and provides intelligent functions in the edge gateway using a constrained hardware resource based on microservices. Moreover, for bridging the Internet of Things (IoT) device network to the Internet, the gateway provides device management and proxy to enable device access to web clients.

Sensors (Basel) ; 19(22)2019 Nov 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31717617


Internet of Things (IoT) devices are embedded with software, electronics, and sensors, and feature connectivity with constrained resources. They require the edge computing paradigm, with modular characteristics relying on microservices, to provide an extensible and lightweight computing framework at the edge of the network. Edge computing can relieve the burden of centralized cloud computing by performing certain operations, such as data storage and task computation, at the edge of the network. Despite the benefits of edge computing, it can lead to many challenges in terms of security and privacy issues. Thus, services that protect privacy and secure data are essential functions in edge computing. For example, the end user's ownership and privacy information and control are separated, which can easily lead to data leakage, unauthorized data manipulation, and other data security concerns. Thus, the confidentiality and integrity of the data cannot be guaranteed and, so, more secure authentication and access mechanisms are required to ensure that the microservices are exposed only to authorized users. In this paper, we propose a microservice security agent to integrate the edge computing platform with the API gateway technology for presenting a secure authentication mechanism. The aim of this platform is to afford edge computing clients a practical application which provides user authentication and allows JSON Web Token (JWT)-based secure access to the services of edge computing. To integrate the edge computing platform with the API gateway, we implement a microservice security agent based on the open-source Kong in the EdgeX Foundry framework. Also to provide an easy-to-use approach with Kong, we implement REST APIs for generating new consumers, registering services, configuring access controls. Finally, the usability of the proposed approach is demonstrated by evaluating the round trip time (RTT). The results demonstrate the efficiency of the system and its suitability for real-world applications.