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Opt Express ; 21(24): 29894-904, 2013 Dec 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24514540


In the first part of this article we experimentally show that contrast between the very thin layers of La and B enables close to theoretical reflectance. The reflectivity at 6.8 nm wavelength was measured from La/B multilayer mirrors with period thicknesses ranging from 3.5 to 7.2 nm at the appropriate angle for constructive interference. The difference between the measured reflectance and the reflectance calculated for a perfect multilayer structure decreases with increasing multilayer period. The reflectance of the multilayer with the largest period approaches the theoretical value, showing that the optical contrast between the very thin layers of these structures allows to experimentally access close to theoretical reflectance. In the second part of the article we discuss the structure of La/B and LaN/B multilayers. This set of multilayers is probed by hard X-rays (λ = 0.154 nm) and EUV radiation (λ = 6.8 nm). The structure is reconstructed based on a simultaneous fit of the grazing incidence hard X-ray reflectivity and the EUV reflectivity curves. The reflectivity analysis of the La/B and LaN/B multilayer mirrors shows that the lower reflectance of La/B mirrors compared to LaN/B mirrors can be explained by the presence of 5% of La atoms in the B layer and 63% of B in La layer. After multi-parametrical optimization of the LaN/B system, including the nitridation of La, the highest near normal incidence reflectivity of 57.3% at 6.6 nm wavelength has been measured from a multilayer mirror, containing 175 bi-layers. This is the highest value reported so far.

Opt Lett ; 37(7): 1169-71, 2012 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22466184


An extreme ultraviolet multilayer mirror with an integrated spectral filter for the IR range is presented and experimentally evaluated. The system consists of an IR-transparent B4C/Si multilayer stack which is used both as EUV-reflective coating and as a phase shift layer of the resonant IR antireflective (AR) coating. The AR coating is optimized in our particular case to suppress CO2 laser radiation at a wavelength of 10.6 µm, and a suppression of more than two orders of magnitude is demonstrated. The method allows high suppression over a large angular acceptance range, relevant for application in lithography systems.

Opt Lett ; 36(17): 3344-6, 2011 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21886205


We have developed a multilayer mirror for extreme UV (EUV) radiation (13.5 nm), which has near-zero reflectance for IR line radiation (10.6 µm). The EUV reflecting multilayer is based on alternating B4C and Si layers. Substantial transparency of these materials with respect to the IR radiation allowed the integration of the multilayer coating in a resonant quarter-wave structure for 10.6 µm. Samples were manufactured using magnetron sputtering deposition technique and demonstrated suppression of the IR radiation by up to 3 orders of magnitude. The EUV peak reflectance amounts 45% at 13.5 nm, with a bandwidth at FWHM being 0.284 nm. Therefore such a mirror could replace conventional multilayer mirrors to suppress undesired spectral components in monochromatic imaging applications, including EUV photolithography.

Phys Rev Lett ; 104(8): 086404, 2010 Feb 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20366956


Measurements of the local density of states of individual acceptors in III-V semiconductors show that the symmetry of the acceptor states strongly depends on the depth of the atom below a (110) surface. Tight-binding calculations performed for a uniformly strained bulk material demonstrate that strain induced by the surface relaxation is responsible for the observed depth-dependent symmetry breaking of acceptor wave functions. As this effect is strongest for weakly bound acceptors, it explains within a unified approach the commonly observed triangular shapes of shallow acceptors and the crosslike shapes of deeply bound acceptor states in III-V materials.

Nat Mater ; 6(7): 512-5, 2007 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17558428


Transition-metal dopants such as Mn determine the ferromagnetism in dilute magnetic semiconductors such as Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As. Recently, the acceptor states of Mn dopants in GaAs were found to be highly anisotropic owing to the symmetry of the host crystal. Here, we show how the shape of such a state can be modified by local strain. The Mn acceptors near InAs quantum dots are mapped at room temperature by scanning tunnelling microscopy. Dramatic distortions and a reduction in the symmetry of the wavefunction of the hole bound to the Mn acceptor are observed originating from strain induced by quantum dots. Calculations of the acceptor-state wavefunction in the presence of strain, within a tight-binding model and within an effective-mass model, agree with the experimentally observed shape. The magnetic easy axes of strained lightly doped Ga(1-x)Mn(x)As can be explained on the basis of the observed local density of states for the single Mn spin.

Phys Rev Lett ; 95(25): 256402, 2005 Dec 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16384482


The local density of states of Mn-Mn pairs in GaAs is mapped with cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy and compared with theoretical calculations based on envelope-function and tight-binding models. These measurements and calculations show that the crosslike shape of the Mn-acceptor wave function in GaAs persists even at very short Mn-Mn spatial separations. The resilience of the Mn-acceptor wave function to high doping levels suggests that ferromagnetism in GaMnAs is strongly influenced by impurity-band formation. The envelope-function and tight-binding models predict similarly anisotropic overlaps of the Mn wave functions for Mn-Mn pairs. This anisotropy implies differing Curie temperatures for Mn delta-doped layers grown on differently oriented substrates.

Phys Rev Lett ; 92(21): 216806, 2004 May 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15245308


The wave function of a hole bound to an individual Mn acceptor in GaAs is spatially mapped by scanning tunneling microscopy at room temperature and an anisotropic, crosslike shape is observed. The spatial structure is compared with that from an envelope-function, effective mass model and from a tight-binding model. This demonstrates that anisotropy arising from the cubic symmetry of the GaAs crystal produces the crosslike shape for the hole wave function. Thus the coupling between Mn dopants in GaMnAs mediated by such holes will be highly anisotropic.