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Chaos ; 34(9)2024 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39298347


Starting from the classical quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation with equal depth two-layer fluid, the coupled cylindrical Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) equations with variable coefficients for Rossby waves are studied. To be more general, the phase velocity is considered an indefinite integral about time and improves the analysis procedure. So the variable coefficients are obtained and some previous studies are reasonably explained. The cylindrical wave theory is therewith utilized to reduce the coupled cylindrical KP equations with variable coefficients, and based on the modified Hirota bilinear method, the lump solutions and interaction solutions are found. Through numerical simulations, the Rossby lump waves on both sides of the y axis move closer to the center, and their amplitude gradually decreases and tends to flatten with the generalized Rossby parameter growth. In the Rossby waves flow field, the dipole structures propagate to the east and lead to the appearance of the compress phenomenon during barotropic-baroclinic interaction. It is possibly useful for further theoretical research on atmospheric phenomena.

Phys Rev E ; 110(1-1): 014215, 2024 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39160901


We elaborate a fractional discrete nonlinear Schrödinger (FDNLS) equation based on an appropriately modified definition of the Riesz fractional derivative, which is characterized by its Lévy index (LI). This FDNLS equation represents a novel discrete system, in which the nearest-neighbor coupling is combined with long-range interactions, that decay as the inverse square of the separation between lattice sites. The system may be realized as an array of parallel quasi-one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates composed of atoms or small molecules carrying, respectively, a permanent magnetic or electric dipole moment. The dispersion relation (DR) for lattice waves and the corresponding propagation band in the system's linear spectrum are found in an exact form for all values of LI. The DR is consistent with the continuum limit, differing in the range of wave numbers. Formation of single-site and two-site discrete solitons is explored, starting from the anticontinuum limit and continuing the analysis in the numerical form up to the existence boundary of the discrete solitons. Stability of the solitons is identified in terms of eigenvalues for small perturbations, and verified in direct simulations. Mobility of the discrete solitons is considered too, by means of an estimate of the system's Peierls-Nabarro potential barrier, and with the help of direct simulations. Collisions between persistently moving discrete solitons are also studied.

Chaos ; 34(3)2024 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38502966


In this paper, we focus on the localized rational waves of the variable-coefficient Heisenberg spin chain equation, which models the local magnetization in ferromagnet with time-dependent inhomogeneous bilinear interaction and spin-transfer torque. First, we establish the iterative generalized (m,N-m)-fold Darboux transformation of the Heisenberg spin chain equation. Then, the novel localized rational solutions (LRSs), rogue waves (RWs), periodic waves, and hybrid wave structures on the periodic, zero, and nonzero constant backgrounds with the time-dependent coefficients α(t) and ß(t) are obtained explicitly. Additionally, we provide the trajectory curves of magnetization and the variation of the magnetization direction for the obtained nonlinear waves at different times. These phenomena imply that the LRSs and RWs play the crucial roles in changing the circular motion of the magnetization. Finally, we also numerically simulate the wave propagations of some localized semi-rational solutions and RWs.

Chaos ; 33(10)2023 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37870999


In this paper, we investigate formation and propagation of matter solitons and rogue waves (RWs) in chiral Bose-Einstein condensates modulated by different external potentials, modeled by the chiral Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation with the current nonlinearity and external potentials. On the one hand, the introduction of two potentials (Pöschl-Teller and harmonic-Gaussian potentials) enables the discovery of exact soliton solutions in both focusing and defocusing cases. We analyze the interplay effects of current nonlinearity and potential on soliton stability via associated Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. Moreover, multiple families of numerical solitons (ground-state and dipole modes) trapped in potentials are found, exhibiting distinctive structures. The interactions between solitons trapped in potentials are studied, which exhibit the inelastic trajectories and repulsive interactions. On the other hand, we introduce the time-dependent potentials such that the controlled RWs are found in both focusing and defocusing GP equations with current nonlinearity. Furthermore, through the interaction between potentials and current nonlinearity, it is possible to enlarge the region of modulational instability, leading to the generation of RWs and chiral solitons. High-order RWs are generated from several Gaussian perturbations on a continuous wave. The presence of current nonlinearity disrupts the structures of these high-order RWs, causing them to undergo a transform into chiral lower-amplitude solitons. Finally, various types of soliton excitations are investigated by varying the strengths of potential and current nonlinearity, showing the abundant dynamic transforms of chrital matter solitons.

Chaos ; 33(3): 033141, 2023 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37003809


In this paper, vortex solitons are produced for a variety of 2D spinning quantum droplets (QDs) in a PT-symmetric potential, modeled by the amended Gross-Pitaevskii equation with Lee-Huang-Yang corrections. In particular, exact QD states are obtained under certain parameter constraints, providing a guide to finding the respective generic family. In a parameter region of the unbroken PT symmetry, different families of QDs originating from the linear modes are obtained in the form of multipolar and vortex droplets at low and high values of the norm, respectively, and their stability is investigated. In the spinning regime, QDs become asymmetric above a critical rotation frequency, most of them being stable. The effect of the PT-symmetric potential on the spinning and nonspinning QDs is explored by varying the strength of the gain-loss distribution. Generally, spinning QDs trapped in the PT-symmetric potential exhibit asymmetry due to the energy flow affected by the interplay of the gain-loss distribution and rotation. Finally, interactions between spinning or nonspinning QDs are explored, exhibiting elastic collisions under certain conditions.

Chaos ; 33(1): 013106, 2023 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36725663


We report a novel spontaneous symmetry breaking phenomenon and ghost states existed in the framework of the fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equation with focusing saturable nonlinearity and PT-symmetric potential. The continuous asymmetric soliton branch bifurcates from the fundamental symmetric one as the power exceeds some critical value. Intriguingly, the symmetry of fundamental solitons is broken into two branches of asymmetry solitons (alias ghost states) with complex conjugate propagation constants, which is solely in fractional media. Besides, the dipole and tripole solitons (i.e., first and second excited states) are also studied numerically. Moreover, we analyze the influences of fractional Lévy index ( α) and saturable nonlinear parameters (S) on the symmetry breaking of solitons in detail. The stability of fundamental symmetric soliton, asymmetric, dipole, and tripole solitons is explored via the linear stability analysis and direct propagations. Moreover, we explore the elastic/semi-elastic collision phenomena between symmetric and asymmetric solitons. Meanwhile, we find the stable excitations from the fractional diffraction with saturation nonlinearity to integer-order diffraction with Kerr nonlinearity via the adiabatic excitations of parameters. These results will provide some theoretical basis for the study of spontaneous symmetry breaking phenomena and related physical experiments in the fractional media with PT-symmetric potentials.

Phys Rev E ; 108(6-1): 064203, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38243533


Higher-dimensional PT-symmetric potentials constituted by delta-sign-exponential (DSE) functions are created in order to show that the exceptional points in the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian can be converted to those in the corresponding one-dimensional (1D) geometry, no matter the potentials inside are rotationally symmetric or not. These results are first numerically observed and then are proved by mathematical methods. For spatially varying Kerr nonlinearity, 2D exact peakons are explicitly obtained, giving birth to families of stable square peakons in the rotationally symmetric potentials and rhombic peakons in the nonrotationally symmetric potentials. By adiabatic excitation, different types of 2D peakons can be transformed stably and reciprocally. Under periodic and mixed perturbations, the 2D stable peakons can also travel stably along the spatially moving potential well, which implies that it is feasible to manage the propagation of the light by regulating judiciously the potential well. However, the vast majority of high-order vortex peakons are vulnerable to instability, which is demonstrated by the linear-stability analysis and by direct numerical simulations of propagation of peakon waveforms. In addition, 3D exact and numerical peakon solutions including the rotationally symmetric and the nonrotationally symmetric ones are obtained, and we find that incompletely rotationally symmetric peakons can occur stably in completely rotationally symmetric DSE potentials. The 3D fundamental peakons can propagate stably in a certain range of potential parameters, but their stability may get worse with the loss of rotational symmetry. Exceptional points and exact peakons in n dimensions are also summarized.

Chaos ; 32(2): 023122, 2022 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35232047


In this paper, we introduce a class of novel PT- δ-hyperbolic-function potentials composed of the Dirac δ(x) and hyperbolic functions, supporting fully real energy spectra in the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. The threshold curves of PT symmetry breaking are numerically presented. Moreover, in the self-focusing and defocusing Kerr-nonlinear media, the PT-symmetric potentials can also support the stable peakons, keeping the total power and quasi-power conserved. The unstable PT-symmetric peakons can be transformed into other stable peakons by the excitations of potential parameters. Continuous families of additional stable numerical peakons can be produced in internal modes around the exact peakons (even unstable). Further, we find that the stable peakons can always propagate in a robust form, remaining trapped in the slowly moving potential wells, which opens the way for manipulations of optical peakons. Other significant characteristics related to exact peakons, such as the interaction and power flow, are elucidated in detail. These results will be useful in explaining the related physical phenomena and designing the related physical experiments.

Phys Rev E ; 105(1-1): 014204, 2022 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35193183


We introduce a class of physically intriguing PT-symmetric Dirac-δ-Scarf-II optical potentials. We find the parameter region making the corresponding non-Hermitian Hamiltonian admit the fully real spectra, and present the stable parameter domains for these obtained peakons, smooth solitons, and double-hump solitons in the self-focusing nonlinear Kerr media with PT-symmetric δ-Scarf-II potentials. In particular, the stable wave propagations are exhibited for the peakon solutions and double-hump solitons from some given parameters even if the corresponding parameters belong to the linear PT-phase broken region. Moreover, we also find the stable wave propagations of exact and numerical peakons and double-hump solitons in the interplay between the power-law nonlinearity and PT-symmetric potentials. Finally, we examine the interactions of the nonlinear modes with exotic waves, and the stable adiabatic excitations of peakons and double-hump solitons in the PT-symmetric Kerr nonlinear media. These results provide the theoretical basis for the design of related physical experiments and applications in PT-symmetric nonlinear optics, Bose-Einstein condensates, and other relevant physical fields.

Chaos ; 32(12): 123110, 2022 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36587346


In this paper, using the algorithm due to Ablowitz et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 184101 (2022); J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 55, 384010 (2022)], we explore the anomalous dispersive relations, inverse scattering transform, and fractional N-soliton solutions of the integrable fractional higher-order nonlinear Schrödinger (fHONLS) equations, containing the fractional third-order NLS (fTONLS), fractional complex mKdV (fcmKdV), and fractional fourth-order nonlinear Schrödinger (fFONLS) equations, etc. The inverse scattering problem can be solved exactly by means of the matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem with simple poles. As a consequence, an explicit formula is found for the fractional N-soliton solutions of the fHONLS equations in the reflectionless case. In particular, we analyze the fractional one-, two-, and three-soliton solutions with anomalous dispersions of fTONLS and fcmKdV equations. The wave, group, and phase velocities of these envelope fractional one-soliton solutions are related to the power laws of their amplitudes. Moreover, we also deduce the formula for the fractional N-soliton solutions of all fHONLS equations and analyze some velocities of the one-soliton solution. These obtained fractional N-soliton solutions may be useful to explain the related super-dispersion transports of nonlinear waves in fractional nonlinear media.

Chaos ; 31(6): 063120, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34241286


Extreme events are investigated in the integrable n-component nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation with focusing nonlinearity. We report novel multi-parametric families of rational vector rogue wave (RW) solutions featuring the parity-time ( PT) symmetry, which are characterized by non-identical boundary conditions for the components that are consistent with the degeneracy of n branches of Benjamin-Feir instability. Explicit examples of PT-symmetric rational vector RWs are presented. Subject to the specific choice of the parameters, high-amplitude RWs are generated. The effect of a small non-integrable deformation of the 3-NLS equation on the excitation of vector RWs is discussed. The reported results can be useful for the design of experiments for observation of high-amplitude RWs in multi-component nonlinear physical systems.

Proc Math Phys Eng Sci ; 476(2242): 20200512, 2020 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33223949


The nonlinear self-dual network equations that describe the propagations of electrical signals in nonlinear LC self-dual circuits are explored. We firstly analyse the modulation instability of the constant amplitude waves. Secondly, a novel generalized perturbation (M, N - M)-fold Darboux transform (DT) is proposed for the lattice system by means of the Taylor expansion and a parameter limit procedure. Thirdly, the obtained perturbation (1, N - 1)-fold DT is used to find its new higher-order rational solitons (RSs) in terms of determinants. These higher-order RSs differ from those known results in terms of hyperbolic functions. The abundant wave structures of the first-, second-, third- and fourth-order RSs are exhibited in detail. Their dynamical behaviours and stabilities are numerically simulated. These results may be useful for understanding the wave propagations of electrical signals.

Phys Rev E ; 102(1-1): 012216, 2020 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32795035


We present an alternative type of parity-time (PT)-symmetric generalized Scarf-II potentials, which makes possible for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians in the classical linear Schrödinger system to possess fully real spectra with unique features such as the multiple PT-symmetric breaking behaviors and to support one-dimensional (1D) stable PT-symmetric solitons of power-law waveform, namely power-law solitons, in focusing Kerr-type nonlinear media. Moreover, PT-symmetric high-order solitons are also derived numerically in 1D and 2D settings. Around the exactly obtained nonlinear propagation constants, families of 1D and 2D localized nonlinear modes are also found numerically. The majority of fundamental nonlinear modes can still keep steady in general, whereas the 1D multipeak solitons and 2D vortex solitons are usually susceptible to suffering from instability. Likewise, similar results occur in the defocusing Kerr-nonlinear media. The obtained results will be useful for understanding the complex dynamics of nonlinear waves that form in PT-symmetric nonlinear media in other physical contexts.

Chaos ; 30(1): 013114, 2020 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32013485


In this paper, we focus on the integrable Hirota equation, which describes the propagation of ultrashort light pulses in optical fibers. First, we numerically study spectral signatures of the spatial Lax pair with distinct potentials [e.g., solitons, Akhmediev-Kuznetsov-Ma (AKM) and Kuznetsov-Ma (KM) breathers, and rogue waves (RWs)] of the Hirota equation. Second, we discuss the RW generation by using the dam-break problem with a decaying initial condition and further analyze spectral signatures of periodized wavetrains. Third, we explore two kinds of noise-derived modulational instabilities: (i) the one case is based on the initial condition (one plus a random noise) such that the KM and AKM breathers, and RWs can be generated, and they agree well with analytical solutions; (ii) another case is to consider another initial condition (one plus a Gaussian wave with a random noise phase) such that some RWs with higher amplitudes can be found. Moreover, we also investigate the spectral signatures of corresponding periodic wavetrains. Finally, we find that the interactions of two waves can also generate the RW phenomena with higher amplitudes. These obtained results will be useful to understand the RW generation in the third-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation and other related models.

Chaos ; 29(8): 083108, 2019 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31472484


We discover that the physically interesting PT-symmetric Dirac delta-function potentials can not only make sure that the non-Hermitian Hamiltonians admit fully-real linear spectra but also support stable peakons (nonlinear modes) in the Kerr nonlinear Schrödinger equation. For a specific form of the delta-function PT-symmetric potentials, the nonlinear model investigated in this paper is exactly solvable. However, for a class of PT-symmetric signum-function double-well potentials, a novel type of exact flat-top bright solitons can exist stably within a broad range of potential parameters. Intriguingly, the flat-top solitons can be characterized by the finite-order differentiable waveforms and admit the novel features differing from the usual solitons. The excitation features and the direction of transverse power flow of flat-top bright solitons are also explored in detail. These results are useful for the related experimental designs and applications in nonlinear optics and other related fields.

Phys Rev E ; 99(5-1): 052206, 2019 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31212420


We introduce a model based on the one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation with critical (quintic) or supercritical self-focusing nonlinearity. We demonstrate that a family of solitons, which are unstable in this setting against the critical or supercritical collapse, is stabilized by pinning to an attractive defect, that may also include a parity-time (PT)-symmetric gain-loss component. The model can be realized as a planar waveguide in nonlinear optics, and in a super-Tonks-Girardeau bosonic gas. For the attractive defect with the delta-functional profile, a full family of the pinned solitons is found in an exact analytical form. In the absence of the gain-loss term, the solitons' stability is investigated in an analytical form too, by means of the Vakhitov-Kolokolov criterion; in the presence of the PT-balanced gain and loss, the stability is explored by means of numerical methods. In particular, the entire family of pinned solitons is stable in the quintic (critical) medium if the gain-loss term is absent. A stability region for the pinned solitons persists in the model with an arbitrarily high power of the self-focusing nonlinearity. A weak gain-loss component gives rise to intricate alternations of stability and instability in the system's parameter plane. Those solitons which are unstable under the action of the supercritical self-attraction are destroyed by the collapse. On the other hand, if the self-attraction-driven instability is weak and the gain-loss term is present, unstable solitons spontaneously transform into localized breathers, while the collapse does not occur. The same outcome may be caused by a combination of the critical nonlinearity with the gain and loss. Instability of the solitons is also possible when the PT-symmetric gain-loss term is added to the subcritical nonlinearity. The system with self-repulsive nonlinearity is briefly considered too, producing completely stable families of pinned localized states.

Proc Math Phys Eng Sci ; 475(2222): 20180625, 2019 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30853843


The general coupled Hirota equations are investigated, which describe the wave propagations of two ultrashort optical fields in a fibre. Firstly, we study the modulational instability for the focusing, defocusing and mixed cases. Secondly, we present a unified formula of high-order rational rogue waves (RWs) for the focusing, defocusing and mixed cases, and find that the distribution patterns for novel vector rational RWs of focusing case are more abundant than ones in the scalar model. Thirdly, the Nth-order vector semirational RWs can demonstrate the coexistence of Nth-order vector rational RWs and N breathers. Fourthly, we derive the multi-dark-dark solitons for the defocsuing and mixed cases. Finally, we derive a formula for the coexistence of dark solitons and RWs. These results further enrich and deepen the understanding of localized wave excitations and applications in vector nonlinear wave systems.

Chaos ; 28(4): 043104, 2018 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31906637


We study the three-wave interaction that couples an electromagnetic pump wave to two frequency down-converted daughter waves in a quadratic optical crystal and PT-symmetric potentials. PT symmetric potentials are shown to modulate stably nonlinear modes in two kinds of three-wave interaction models. The first one is a spatially extended three-wave interaction system with odd gain-and-loss distribution in the channel. Modulated by the PT-symmetric single-well or multi-well Scarf-II potentials, the system is numerically shown to possess stable soliton solutions. Via adiabatical change of system parameters, numerical simulations for the excitation and evolution of nonlinear modes are also performed. The second one is a combination of PT-symmetric models which are coupled via three-wave interactions. Families of nonlinear modes are found with some particular choices of parameters. Stable and unstable nonlinear modes are shown in distinct families by means of numerical simulations. These results will be useful to further investigate nonlinear modes in three-wave interaction models.

Opt Express ; 26(25): 33022-33034, 2018 Dec 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30645460


We theoretically report the influence of a class of near-parity-time-(𝒫𝒯-) symmetric potentials on solitons in the complex Ginzburg-Landau (CGL) equation. Although the linear spectral problem with the potentials does not admit entirely-real spectra due to the existence of spectral filtering parameter α2 or nonlinear gain-loss coefficient ß2, we do find stable exact solitons in the second quadrant of the (α2, ß2) space including on the corresponding axes. Other fascinating properties associated with the solitons are also examined, such as the interactions and energy flux. Moreover, we study the excitations of nonlinear modes by considering adiabatic changes of parameters in a generalized CGL model. These results are useful for the related experimental designs and applications.

Chaos ; 27(8): 083110, 2017 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28863476


We investigate the integrable repulsive AB system and construct its Darboux transformation using the loop group method. The associated N-fold Darboux transformation is found in terms of simple determinants. Moreover, we derive multi-dark-dark solitons of the repulsive AB system with a non-vanishing background through the Darboux transformation with a limit procedure. Particularly, we exhibit the one-, two-, and three-dark-dark solitons. The results will be meaningful for the study of vector multi-dark solitons in many physical systems such as geophysical fluid dynamics and nonlinear optics.