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J Mol Model ; 30(2): 50, 2024 Jan 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38267739


CONTEXT: Under the ReaxFF/lg force field, the multiscale shock technique (MSST) was employed to investigate the decomposition behavior of perfect, dislocated, and twinned octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) at a velocity of 11 km/s. This study aimed to analyze the changes in system temperature, bond formation and breaking, variations in the number of small molecules, and the number of clusters. The results indicated that the sensitivity of dislocated HMX was the lowest, while the sensitivity of twinned and perfect HMX was comparable. Comparing the formation and breaking of bonds in HMX during the shock process, it was found that the change in the number of bonds in dislocated HMX was similar to that in perfect HMX, whereas twinning accelerated the breaking of bonds. By analyzing the changes in small molecular fragments (CO, CO2, H, H2, H2O, N2, N2H, NH2, NO, NO2, and O) during the shock process of HMX, it was found that dislocation had a relatively minor effect on the small molecular fragments, while twinning promoted the generation of CO, H, NO, and O and accelerated the decomposition of NO. A comparison of the number, weight, and atomic ratio of clusters under perfect, dislocated, and twinned conditions revealed that under the influence of shock, the number of clusters initially increased sharply and then decreased slowly. Meanwhile, compared to the perfect and dislocated explosives, the number of clusters under the twinned structure was significantly fewer, indicating that the twinned structure could reduce cluster formation. The proportion of oxygen to carbon in the twinned HMX was lower than that in the perfect and dislocated explosives, possibly due to the higher content of small molecular fragment O in twinned HMX. METHODS: Different structures of HMX crystals were constructed, including twinned defect structure (with a supercell containing 6458 atoms), dislocation defect structure (with a supercell containing 2352 atoms), and perfect structure (also with a supercell containing 2352 atoms). The modeling of defect crystal structures was carried out using the Atomsk software. For the twinned defect structure, we first constructed a mirror symmetric structure of the original configuration and then merged these two structures together. For the dislocation defect structure, we shifted a segment of the originally ordered perfect crystal structure by a certain distance using Atomsk. Before conducting the simulations, we performed geometric optimization of the models using the conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm and carried out 10 ps of NVT and NPT simulations to equilibrate the energy, temperature, and other parameters within the system. Finally, a 50-ps MSST impact simulation was performed using Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS).