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Autops Case Rep ; 5(3): 37-41, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26558246


Acute Hemorrhagic Edema of Infancy (AHEI) is a rare leukocytoclastic vasculitis, clinically characterized by the classical triad: palpable purpuric skin lesions, edema and fever, and is commonly misdiagnosed as Henoch-Schönlein purpura. In addition to its sudden onset, AHEI is also characterized by its self-limited course with complete and spontaneous recovery occurring between 1 and 3 weeks. Because of the scarcity of studies on therapy with corticosteroids, the conservative approach is usually recommended. The authors report an unusual case of an one-year-old boy who presented with typical cutaneous rash of AHEI and orchitis, the latter showing complete resolution after less than 24 hours of prednisolone therapy. The authors call attention to this entity mainly as a differential diagnosis of Henoch-Schönlein purpura and to the importance of new studies to establish the benefits of corticosteroid therapy for AHEI.

Autops Case Rep ; 4(3): 13-20, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28573114


Sphingomonas paucimobilis is an aerobic Gram-negative bacillus that, although rare in humans, most commonly infects immunocompromised and hospitalized patients. Among the 59 pediatric cases of S. paucimobilis infection reported in the literature, the most common diagnosis involves isolated bacteremia. These cases are related to sporadic or epidemic infections. Death related to this infection occurred in only one case. The authors report a case of an 11-year-old boy with the diagnosis of Sphingomonas paucimobilis otomastoiditis and a thorough review of the literature on this infection in pediatrics. The patient presented a 20-day history of fever, otalgia, otorrhea, and progressive retroauricular swelling with protrusion of the left ear; despite 15 days of amoxicillin regimen. His past medical history included chronic bilateral otitis media, but no cause of immunosuppression was found. A brain computed tomography scan showed left otomastoiditis associated with a large circumscribed fluid collection with deep involvement of the soft tissues of the temporal region, including the subperiosteal space. Blood tests showed neutrophilia and elevated C-reactive protein. Surgical manipulation of the cited collection drained a large amount of a fetid purulent secretion. Ceftazidime and clindamycin were empirically initiated. The outcome was favorable, with fever defervescence and resolution of the scalp deformation. Culture of the drained secretion was positive for S. paucimobilis. Ciprofloxacin was scheduled for a further 10 days after discharge. The follow-up showed complete recovery. As far as we know, this is the first case of S. paucimobilis otomastoiditis, complicated with subperiosteal abscess in an immunocompetent child. The authors call attention to the increasing number of reports on S. paucimobilis infection over the years, and therefore to the importance of this pathogen, which was previously underestimated.

Autops Case Rep ; 4(2): 43-48, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28580326


Although infectious diseases are the most prevalent cause of fevers of unknown origin (FUO), this diagnosis remains challenging in some pediatric patients. Imaging exams, such as computed tomography (CT) are frequently required during the diagnostic processes. The presence of multiple hypoattenuating scattered images throughout the liver associated with the history of cohabitation with cats should raise the suspicion of the diagnosis of cat-scratch disease (CSD), although the main etiologic agent of liver abscesses in childhood is Staphylococcus aureus. Differential diagnosis by clinical and epidemiological data with Bartonella henselae is often advisable. The authors report the case of a boy aged 2 years and 9 months with 16-day history of daily fever accompanied by intermittent abdominal pain. Physical examination was unremarkable. Abdominal ultrasound performed in the initial work up was unrevealing, but an abdominal CT that was performed afterwards disclosed multiple hypoattenuating hepatic images compatible with the diagnosis of micro abscesses. Initial antibiotic regimen included cefotaxime, metronidazole, and oxacillin. Due to the epidemiology of close contact with kittens, diagnosis of CSD was considered and confirmed by serologic tests. Therefore, the initial antibiotics were replaced by clarithromycin orally for 14 days followed by fever defervescence and clinical improvement. The authors call attention to this uncommon diagnosis in a child presenting with FUO and multiple hepatic images suggestive of micro abscesses.