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PeerJ ; 6: e5761, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30324030


Viruses encoding a replication-associated protein (Rep) within a covalently closed, single-stranded (ss)DNA genome are among the smallest viruses known to infect eukaryotic organisms, including economically valuable agricultural crops and livestock. Although circular Rep-encoding ssDNA (CRESS DNA) viruses are a widespread group for which our knowledge is rapidly expanding, biased sampling toward vertebrates and land plants has limited our understanding of their diversity and evolution. Here, we screened terrestrial arthropods for CRESS DNA viruses and report the identification of 44 viral genomes and replicons associated with specimens representing all three major terrestrial arthropod lineages, namely Euchelicerata (spiders), Hexapoda (insects), and Myriapoda (millipedes). We identified virus genomes belonging to three established CRESS DNA viral families (Circoviridae, Genomoviridae, and Smacoviridae); however, over half of the arthropod-associated viral genomes are only distantly related to currently classified CRESS DNA viral sequences. Although members of viral and satellite families known to infect plants (Geminiviridae, Nanoviridae, Alphasatellitidae) were not identified in this study, these plant-infecting CRESS DNA viruses and replicons are transmitted by hemipterans. Therefore, members from six out of the seven established CRESS DNA viral families circulate among arthropods. Furthermore, a phylogenetic analysis of Reps, including endogenous viral sequences, reported to date from a wide array of organisms revealed that most of the known CRESS DNA viral diversity circulates among invertebrates. Our results highlight the vast and unexplored diversity of CRESS DNA viruses among invertebrates and parallel findings from RNA viral discovery efforts in undersampled taxa.

PeerJ ; 5: e3516, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28761780


Correct identification of forensically important insects, such as flies in the family Calliphoridae, is a crucial step for them to be used as evidence in legal investigations. Traditional identification based on morphology has been effective, but has some limitations when it comes to identifying immature stages of certain species. DNA-barcoding, using COI, has demonstrated potential for rapid and accurate identification of Calliphoridae, however, this gene does not reliably distinguish among some recently diverged species, raising questions about its use for delimitation of species of forensic importance. To facilitate DNA based identification of Calliphoridae in the Caribbean we developed a vouchered reference collection from across the region, and a DNA sequence database, and further added the nuclear ITS2 as a second marker to increase accuracy of identification through barcoding. We morphologically identified freshly collected specimens, did phylogenetic analyses and employed several species delimitation methods for a total of 468 individuals representing 19 described species. Our results show that combination of COI + ITS2 genes yields more accurate identification and diagnoses, and better agreement with morphological data, than the mitochondrial barcodes alone. All of our results from independent and concatenated trees and most of the species delimitation methods yield considerably higher diversity estimates than the distance based approach and morphology. Molecular data support at least 24 distinct clades within Calliphoridae in this study, recovering substantial geographic variation for Lucilia eximia, Lucilia retroversa, Lucilia rica and Chloroprocta idioidea, probably indicating several cryptic species. In sum, our study demonstrates the importance of employing a second nuclear marker for barcoding analyses and species delimitation of calliphorids, and the power of molecular data in combination with a complete reference database to enable identification of taxonomically and geographically diverse insects of forensic importance.