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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37937146


Purpose: Cone-beam CT (CBCT) is widespread in abdominal interventional imaging, but its long acquisition time makes it susceptible to patient motion. Image-based autofocus has shown success in CBCT deformable motion compensation, via deep autofocus metrics and multi-region optimization, but it is challenged by the large parameter dimensionality required to capture intricate motion trajectories. This work leverages the differentiable nature of deep autofocus metrics to build a novel optimization strategy, Multi-Stage Adaptive Spine Autofocus (MASA), for compensation of complex deformable motion in abdominal CBCT. Methods: MASA poses the autofocus problem as a multi-stage adaptive sampling strategy of the motion trajectory, sampled with Hermite spline basis with variable amplitude and knot temporal positioning. The adaptive method permits simultaneous optimization of the sampling phase, local temporal sampling density, and time-dependent amplitude of the motion trajectory. The optimization is performed in a multi-stage schedule with increasing number of knots that progressively accommodates complex trajectories in late stages, preconditioned by coarser components from early stages, and with minimal increase in dimensionality. MASA was evaluated in controlled simulation experiments with two types of motion trajectories: i) combinations of slow drifts with sudden jerk (sigmoid) motion; and ii) combinations of periodic motion sources of varying frequency into multi-frequency trajectories. Further validation was obtained in clinical data from liver CBCT featuring motion of contrast-enhanced vessels, and soft-tissue structures. Results: The adaptive sampling strategy provided successful motion compensation in sigmoid trajectories, compared to fixed sampling strategies (mean SSIM increase of 0.026 compared to 0.011). Inspection of the estimated motion showed the capability of MASA to automatically allocate larger sampling density to parts of the scan timeline featuring sudden motion, effectively accommodating complex motion without increasing the problem dimension. Experiments on multi-frequency trajectories with 3-stage MASA (5, 10, and 15 knots) yielded a twofold SSIM increase compared to single-stage autofocus with 15 knots (0.076 vs 0.040, respectively). Application of MASA to clinical datasets resulted in simultaneous improvement on the delineation of both contrast-enhanced vessels and soft-tissue structures in the liver. Conclusion: A new autofocus framework, MASA, was developed including a novel multi-stage technique for adaptive temporal sampling of the motion trajectory in combination with fully differentiable deep autofocus metrics. This novel adaptive sampling approach is a crucial step for application of deformable motion compensation to complex temporal motion trajectories.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37143861


Purpose: Existing methods to improve the accuracy of tibiofibular joint reduction present workflow challenges, high radiation exposure, and a lack of accuracy and precision, leading to poor surgical outcomes. To address these limitations, we propose a method to perform robot-assisted joint reduction using intraoperative imaging to align the dislocated fibula to a target pose relative to the tibia. Methods: The approach (1) localizes the robot via 3D-2D registration of a custom plate adapter attached to its end effector, (2) localizes the tibia and fibula using multi-body 3D-2D registration, and (3) drives the robot to reduce the dislocated fibula according to the target plan. The custom robot adapter was designed to interface directly with the fibular plate while presenting radiographic features to aid registration. Registration accuracy was evaluated on a cadaveric ankle specimen, and the feasibility of robotic guidance was assessed by manipulating a dislocated fibula in a cadaver ankle. Results: Using standard AP and mortise radiographic views registration errors were measured to be less than 1 mm and 1° for the robot adapter and the ankle bones. Experiments in a cadaveric specimen revealed up to 4 mm deviations from the intended path, which was reduced to <2 mm using corrective actions guided by intraoperative imaging and 3D-2D registration. Conclusions: Preclinical studies suggest that significant robot flex and tibial motion occur during fibula manipulation, motivating the use of the proposed method to dynamically correct the robot trajectory. Accurate robot registration was achieved via the use of fiducials embedded within the custom design. Future work will evaluate the approach on a custom radiolucent robot design currently under construction and verify the solution on additional cadaveric specimens.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38226358


Purpose: To advance the development of radiomic models of bone quality using the recently introduced Ultra-High Resolution CT (UHR CT), we investigate inter-scan reproducibility of trabecular bone texture features to spatially-variant azimuthal and radial blurs associated with focal spot elongation and gantry rotation. Methods: The UHR CT system features 250×250 µm detector pixels and an x-ray source with a 0.4×0.5 mm focal spot. Visualization of details down to ~150 µm has been reported for this device. A cadaveric femur was imaged on UHR CT at three radial locations within the field-of-view: 0 cm (isocenter), 9 cm from the isocenter, and 18 cm from the isocenter; we expect the non-stationary blurs to worsen with increasing radial displacement. Gray level cooccurrence (GLCM) and gray level run length (GLRLM) texture features were extracted from 237 trabecular regions of interest (ROIs, 5 cm diameter) placed at corresponding locations in the femoral head in scans obtained at the different shifts. We evaluated concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) between texture features at 0 cm (reference) and at 9 cm and 18 cm. We also investigated whether the spatially-variant blurs affect K-means clustering of trabecular bone ROIs based on their texture features. Results: The average CCCs (against the 0 cm reference) for GLCM and GLRM features were ~0.7 at 9 cm. At 18 cm, the average CCCs were reduced to ~0.17 for GLCM and ~0.26 for GLRM. The non-stationary blurs are incorporated in radiomic features of cancellous bone, leading to inconsistencies in clustering of trabecular ROIs between different radial locations: an intersection-over-union overlap of corresponding (most similar) clusters between 0 cm and 9 cm shift was >70%, but dropped to <60% for the majority of corresponding clusters between 0 cm and 18 cm shift. Conclusion: Non-stationary CT system blurs reduce inter-scan reproducibility of texture features of trabecular bone in UHR CT, especially for locations >15 cm from the isocenter. Radiomic models of bone quality derived from UHR CT measurements at isocenter might need to be revised before application in peripheral body sites such as the hips.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36381251


Cone-beam CT (CBCT) is widely used for guidance in interventional radiology but it is susceptible to motion artifacts. Motion in interventional CBCT features a complex combination of diverse sources including quasi-periodic, consistent motion patterns such as respiratory motion, and aperiodic, quasi-random, motion such as peristalsis. Recent developments in image-based motion compensation methods include approaches that combine autofocus techniques with deep learning models for extraction of image features pertinent to CBCT motion. Training of such deep autofocus models requires the generation of large amounts of realistic, motion-corrupted CBCT. Previous works on motion simulation were mostly focused on quasi-periodic motion patterns, and reliable simulation of complex combined motion with quasi-random components remains an unaddressed challenge. This work presents a framework aimed at synthesis of realistic motion trajectories for simulation of deformable motion in soft-tissue CBCT. The approach leveraged the capability of conditional generative adversarial network (GAN) models to learn the complex underlying motion present in unlabeled, motion-corrupted, CBCT volumes. The approach is designed for training with unpaired clinical CBCT in an unsupervised fashion. This work presents a first feasibility study, in which the model was trained with simulated data featuring known motion, providing a controlled scenario for validation of the proposed approach prior to extension to clinical data. Our proof-of-concept study illustrated the potential of the model to generate realistic, variable simulation of CBCT deformable motion fields, consistent with three trends underlying the designed training data: i) the synthetic motion induced only diffeomorphic deformations - with Jacobian Determinant larger than zero; ii) the synthetic motion showed median displacement of 0. 5 mm in regions predominantly static in the training (e.g., the posterior aspect of the patient laying supine), compared to a median displacement of 3.8 mm in regions more prone to motion in the training; and iii) the synthetic motion exhibited predominant directionality consistent with the training set, resulting in larger motion in the superior-inferior direction (median and maximum amplitude of 4.58 mm and 20 mm, > 2x larger than the two remaining direction). Together, the proposed framework shows the feasibility for realistic motion simulation and synthesis of variable CBCT data.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36381250


Deformable motion is one of the main challenges to image quality in interventional cone beam CT (CBCT). Autofocus methods have been successfully applied for deformable motion compensation in CBCT, using multi-region joint optimization approaches that leverage the moderately smooth spatial variation motion of the deformable motion field with a local neighborhood. However, conventional autofocus metrics enforce images featuring sharp image-appearance, but do not guarantee the preservation of anatomical structures. Our previous work (DL-VIF) showed that deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can reproduce metrics of structural similarity (visual information fidelity - VIF), removing the need for a matched motion-free reference, and providing quantification of motion degradation and structural integrity. Application of DL-VIF within local neighborhoods is challenged by the large variability of local image content across a CBCT volume, and requires global context information for successful evaluation of motion effects. In this work, we propose a novel deep autofocus metric, based on a context-aware, multi-resolution, deep CNN design. In addition to the inclusion of contextual information, the resulting metric generates a voxel-wise distribution of reference-free VIF values. The new metric, denoted CADL-VIF, was trained on simulated CBCT abdomen scans with deformable motion at random locations and with amplitude up to 30 mm. The CADL-VIF achieved good correlation with the ground truth VIF map across all test cases with R2 = 0.843 and slope = 0.941. When integrated into a multi-ROI deformable motion compensation method, CADL-VIF consistently reduced motion artifacts, yielding an average increase in SSIM of 0.129 in regions with severe motion and 0.113 in regions with mild motion. This work demonstrated the capability of CADL-VIF to recognize anatomical structures and penalize unrealistic images, which is a key step in developing reliable autofocus for complex deformable motion compensation in CBCT.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36381563


Purpose: Cone-beam CT has become commonplace for 3D guidance in interventional radiology (IR), especially for vascular procedures in which identification of small vascular structures is crucial. However, its long image acquisition time poses a limit to image quality due to soft-tissue deformable motion that hampers visibility of small vessels. Autofocus motion compensation has shown promising potential for soft-tissue deformable motion compensation, but it lacks specific target to the imaging task. This work presents an approach for deformable motion compensation targeted at imaging of vascular structures. Methods: The proposed method consists on a two-stage framework for: i) identification of contrast-enhanced blood vessels in 2D projection data and delineation of an approximate region covering the vascular target in the volume space, and, ii) a novel autofocus approach including a metric designed to promote the presence of vascular structures acting solely in the region of interest. The vesselness of the image is quantified via evaluation of the properties of the 3D image Hessian, yielding a vesselness filter that gives larger values to voxels candidate to be part of a tubular structure. A cost metric is designed to promote large vesselness values and spatial sparsity, as expected in regions of fine vascularity. A targeted autofocus method was designed by combining the presented metric with a conventional autofocus term acting outside of the region of interest. The resulting method was evaluated on simulated data including synthetic vascularity merged with real anatomical features obtained from MDCT data. Further evaluation was obtained in two clinical datasets obtained during TACE procedures with a robotic C-arm (Artis Zeego, Siemens Healthineers). Results: The targeted vascular autofocus effectively restored the shape and contrast of the contrast-enhanced vascularity in the simulation cases, resulting in improved visibility and reduced artifacts. Segmentations performed with a single threshold value on the target vascular regions yielded a net increase of up to 42% in DICE coefficient computed against the static reference. Motion compensation in clinical datasets resulted in improved visibility of vascular structures, observed in maximum intensity projections of the contrast-enhanced liver vessel tree. Conclusion: Targeted motion compensation for vascular imaging showed promising performance for increased identification of small vascular structures in presence of motion. The development of autofocus metrics and methods tailored to vascular imaging opens the way for reliable compensation of deformable motion while preserving the integrity of anatomical structures in the image.

Phys Med Biol ; 67(12)2022 06 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35636391


Purpose. Patient motion artifacts present a prevalent challenge to image quality in interventional cone-beam CT (CBCT). We propose a novel reference-free similarity metric (DL-VIF) that leverages the capability of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) to learn features associated with motion artifacts within realistic anatomical features. DL-VIF aims to address shortcomings of conventional metrics of motion-induced image quality degradation that favor characteristics associated with motion-free images, such as sharpness or piecewise constancy, but lack any awareness of the underlying anatomy, potentially promoting images depicting unrealistic image content. DL-VIF was integrated in an autofocus motion compensation framework to test its performance for motion estimation in interventional CBCT.Methods. DL-VIF is a reference-free surrogate for the previously reported visual image fidelity (VIF) metric, computed against a motion-free reference, generated using a CNN trained using simulated motion-corrupted and motion-free CBCT data. Relatively shallow (2-ResBlock) and deep (3-Resblock) CNN architectures were trained and tested to assess sensitivity to motion artifacts and generalizability to unseen anatomy and motion patterns. DL-VIF was integrated into an autofocus framework for rigid motion compensation in head/brain CBCT and assessed in simulation and cadaver studies in comparison to a conventional gradient entropy metric.Results. The 2-ResBlock architecture better reflected motion severity and extrapolated to unseen data, whereas 3-ResBlock was found more susceptible to overfitting, limiting its generalizability to unseen scenarios. DL-VIF outperformed gradient entropy in simulation studies yielding average multi-resolution structural similarity index (SSIM) improvement over uncompensated image of 0.068 and 0.034, respectively, referenced to motion-free images. DL-VIF was also more robust in motion compensation, evidenced by reduced variance in SSIM for various motion patterns (σDL-VIF = 0.008 versusσgradient entropy = 0.019). Similarly, in cadaver studies, DL-VIF demonstrated superior motion compensation compared to gradient entropy (an average SSIM improvement of 0.043 (5%) versus little improvement and even degradation in SSIM, respectively) and visually improved image quality even in severely motion-corrupted images.Conclusion: The studies demonstrated the feasibility of building reference-free similarity metrics for quantification of motion-induced image quality degradation and distortion of anatomical structures in CBCT. DL-VIF provides a reliable surrogate for motion severity, penalizes unrealistic distortions, and presents a valuable new objective function for autofocus motion compensation in CBCT.

Algoritmos , Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico , Artefactos , Cadáver , Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico/métodos , Humanos , Procesamiento de Imagen Asistido por Computador/métodos , Movimiento (Física)
Med Phys ; 47(6): 2392-2407, 2020 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32145076


PURPOSE: Our aim was to develop a high-quality, mobile cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scanner for point-of-care detection and monitoring of low-contrast, soft-tissue abnormalities in the head/brain, such as acute intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). This work presents an integrated framework of hardware and algorithmic advances for improving soft-tissue contrast resolution and evaluation of its technical performance with human subjects. METHODS: Four configurations of a CBCT scanner prototype were designed and implemented to investigate key aspects of hardware (including system geometry, antiscatter grid, bowtie filter) and technique protocols. An integrated software pipeline (c.f., a serial cascade of algorithms) was developed for artifact correction (image lag, glare, beam hardening and x-ray scatter), motion compensation, and three-dimensional image (3D) reconstruction [penalized weighted least squares (PWLS), with a hardware-specific statistical noise model]. The PWLS method was extended in this work to accommodate multiple, independently moving regions with different resolution (to address both motion compensation and image truncation). Imaging performance was evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively with 41 human subjects in the neurosciences critical care unit (NCCU) at our institution. RESULTS: The progression of four scanner configurations exhibited systematic improvement in the quality of raw data by variations in system geometry (source-detector distance), antiscatter grid, and bowtie filter. Quantitative assessment of CBCT images in 41 subjects demonstrated: ~70% reduction in image nonuniformity with artifact correction methods (lag, glare, beam hardening, and scatter); ~40% reduction in motion-induced streak artifacts via the multi-motion compensation method; and ~15% improvement in soft-tissue contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) for PWLS compared to filtered backprojection (FBP) at matched resolution. Each of these components was important to improve contrast resolution for point-of-care cranial imaging. CONCLUSIONS: This work presents the first application of a high-quality, point-of-care CBCT system for imaging of the head/ brain in a neurological critical care setting. Hardware configuration iterations and an integrated software pipeline for artifacts correction and PWLS reconstruction mitigated artifacts and noise to achieve image quality that could be valuable for point-of-care detection and monitoring of a variety of intracranial abnormalities, including ICH and hydrocephalus.

Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico , Cabeza , Algoritmos , Artefactos , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagen , Cabeza/diagnóstico por imagen , Humanos , Procesamiento de Imagen Asistido por Computador , Fantasmas de Imagen
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33612913


PURPOSE: We investigate an application of multisource extremity Cone-Beam CT (CBCT) with capability of weight-bearing tomographic imaging to obtain quantitative measurements of load-induced deformation of metal internal fixation hardware (e.g. tibial plate). Such measurements are desirable to improve the detection of delayed fusion or non-union of fractures, potentially facilitating earlier return to weight-bearing activities. METHODS: To measure the deformation, we perform a deformable 3D-2D registration of a prior model of the implant to its CBCT projections under load-bearing. This Known-Component Registration (KC-Reg) framework avoids potential errors that emerge when the deformation is estimated directly from 3D reconstructions with metal artifacts. The 3D-2D registration involves a free-form deformable (FFD) point cloud model of the implant and a 3D cubic B-spline representation of the deformation. Gradient correlation is used as the optimization metric for the registration. The proposed approach was tested in experimental studies on the extremity CBCT system. A custom jig was designed to apply controlled axial loads to a fracture model, emulating weight-bearing imaging scenarios. Performance evaluation involved a Sawbone tibia phantom with an ~4 mm fracture gap. The model was fixed with a locking plate and imaged under five loading conditions. To investigate performance in the presence of confounding background gradients, additional experiments were performed with a pre-deformed femoral plate placed in a water bath with Ca bone mineral density inserts. Errors were measured using eight reference BBs for the tibial plate, and surface point distances for the femoral plate, where a prior model of deformed implant was available for comparison. RESULTS: Both in the loaded tibial plate case and for the femoral plate with confounding background gradients, the proposed KC-Reg framework estimated implant deformations with errors of <0.2 mm for the majority of the investigated deformation magnitudes (error range 0.14 - 0.25 mm). The accuracy was comparable between 3D-2D registrations performed from 12 x-ray views and registrations obtained from as few as 3 views. This was likely enabled by the unique three-source x-ray unit on the extremity CBCT scanner, which implements two off-central-plane focal spots that provided oblique views of the field-of-view to aid implant pose estimation. CONCLUSION: Accurate measurements of fracture hardware deformations under physiological weight-bearing are feasible using an extremity CBCT scanner and FFD 3D-2D registration. The resulting deformed implant models can be incorporated into tomographic reconstructions to reduce metal artifacts and improve quantification of the mineral content of fracture callus in CBCT volumes.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33597792


PURPOSE: To evaluate the performance of a novel ultra-high resolution multi-detector CT scanner (Canon Aquilion Precision UHR CT), capable of visualizing ~150 µm details, in quantitative assessment of bone microarchitecture. Compared to conventional CT, the spatial resolution of UHR CT begins to approach the size of the trabeculae. This might enable measurements of microstructural correlates of osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and other bone disease. METHODS: The UHR CT system features a 160-row x-ray detector with 250×250 µm pixels (measured at isocenter) and a custom-designed x-ray source with a 0.4×0.5 mm focal spot. Visualization of high contrast details down to ~150 µm has been achieved on this device, which is now commercially available for clinical use. To evaluate the performance of UHR CT in quantification of bone microstructure, we imaged a variety of human bone samples (including ulna, radius, and vertebrae) embedded in a ~16 cm diameter plastic cylinder and in an anthropomorphic thorax phantom (QRM-Thorax, QRM Gmbh). Helical UHR CT acquisitions (120 kVp tube voltage) were acquired at scan exposures of 375 mAs - 5 mAs. For comparison, the samples were also imaged using a Normal Resolution (NR) mode available on the scanner, involving 500 µm slice thickness, exposure of 50 mAs, and a focal spot of 0.6×1.3 mm. We obtained micro-CT (µCT) of the bone samples at ~28 µm voxel size as a gold-standard reference. Geometric measurements of bone microstructure were performed in 17 regions-of-interests (ROIs) distributed throughout the bones of the phantoms; image registration was used to place the ROIs at corresponding locations in the UHR CT and NR CT. Trabecular thickness Tb.Th, spacing Tb.Sp, and Bone Volume fraction BvTv were obtained. The UHR and NR imaging protocols were compared terms of correlations to µCT and error of trabecular measurements. The effect of dose on trabecular morphometry was also studied for the UHR CT. Furthermore, we evaluated the sensitivity of texture features of trabecular bone (recently proposed as an alternative to geometric indices of microstructure) to imaging protocol. Image texture evaluation was performed using ~150 regions of interest (ROIs) across all bone samples. Three-dimensional Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and Gray Level Run Length Matrix (GLRM) features were extracted for each ROI. We analyzed correlation and concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) of the mean ROI values of texture features obtained using the UHR and NR modes. RESULTS: UHR CT reconstructions of bone samples clearly demonstrated improved visualization of the trabeculae compared to NR CT. UHR CT achieved substantially better correlations for all three metrics of bone microstructure, in particular for BvTv (correlation coefficient of 0.91 for UHR CT compared to 0.84 for NR CT) and TbSp (correlation of 0.74 for UHR CT and 0.047 for NR CT). The error obtained with UHR CT was generally smaller than that of NR CT. For TbSp, the mean deviation from µCT (averaged across all bone samples) was only ~0.07 for UHR CT, compared to 0.25 for NR CT. Analysis of reproducibility of texture features of trabecular bone between UHR CT and NR CT revealed fair correlations (>0.7) for the majority of GLCM features, but relatively poor CCC (e.g. 0.02 for Energy and 0.04 for Entropy). The magnitude of texture metrics is particularly affected by the enhanced spatial resolution of UHR CT. CONCLUSION: The recently introduced UHR CT achieves improved correlation and reduced error in measurements of trabecular bone microstructure compared to conventional resolution CT. Future development of diagnostic strategies based on textural biomarkers derived from UHR CT will need to account for potential sensitivity of texture features to image resolution.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31814656


PURPOSE: A high-resolution cone-beam CT (CBCT) system for extremity imaging has been developed using a custom complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) x-ray detector. The system has spatial resolution capability beyond that of recently introduced clinical orthopedic CBCT. We evaluate performance of this new scanner in quantifying trabecular microstructure in subchondral bone of the knee. METHODS: The high-resolution scanner uses the same mechanical platform as the commercially available Carestream OnSight 3D extremity CBCT, but replaces the conventional amorphous silicon flat-panel detector (a-Si:H FPD with 0.137 mm pixels and a ~0.7 mm thick scintillator) with a Dalsa Xineos3030 CMOS detector (0.1 mm pixels and a custom 0.4 mm scintillator). The CMOS system demonstrates ~40% improved spatial resolution (FWHM of a ~0.1 mm tungsten wire) and ~4× faster scan time than FPD-based extremity CBCT (FPD-CBCT). To investigate potential benefits of this enhanced spatial resolution in quantitative assessment of bone microstructure, 26 trabecular core samples were obtained from four cadaveric tibias and imaged using FPD-CBCT (75 µm voxels), CMOS-CBCT (75 µm voxels), and reference micro-CT (µCT, 15 µm voxels). CBCT bone segmentations were obtained using local Bernsen's thresholding combined with global histogram-based pre-thresholding; µCT segmentation involved Otsu's method. Measurements of trabecular thickness (Tb.Th), spacing (Tb.Sp), number (Tb.N) and bone volume (BV/TV) were performed in registered regions of interest in the segmented CBCT and µCT reconstructions. RESULTS: CMOS-CBCT achieved noticeably improved delineation of trabecular detail compared to FPD-CBCT. Correlations with reference µCT for metrics of bone microstructure were better for CMOS-CBCT than FPD-CBCT, in particular for Tb.Th (increase in Pearson correlation from 0.84 with FPD-CBCT to 0.96 with CMOS-CBCT) and Tb.Sp (increase from 0.80 to 0.85). This improved quantitative performance of CMOS-CBCT is accompanied by a reduction in scan time, from ~60 sec for a clinical high resolution protocol on FPD-CBCT to ~17 sec for CMOS-CBCT. CONCLUSION: The CMOS-based extremity CBCT prototype achieves improved performance in quantification of bone microstructure, while retaining other diagnostic capabilities of its FPD-based precursor, including weight-bearing imaging. The new system offers a promising platform for quantitative imaging of skeletal health in osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31384094


PURPOSE: We develop and validate a model-based framework for artifact correction and image reconstruction to enable application of Cone-Beam CT (CBCT) in quantitative assessment of bone mineral density (BMD). Compared to conventional quantitative CT, this approach does not require a BMD calibration phantom in the field-of-view during an object scan. METHODS: The quantitative CBCT (qCBCT) imaging framework combined fast Monte Carlo (MC) scatter estimation, accurate models of detector response, and polyenergetic Poisson likelihood (PolyPL, Elbakri et al 2003). The underlying object model assumed that the tissues were ideal mixtures of water and calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Accuracy and reproducibility of qCBCT was evaluated in benchtop test-retest studies emulating a compact extremity CBCT system (axis-detector distance=56 cm, 90 kVp x-ray beam, ~16 mGy central dose). Various arrangements of Ca inserts (50-500 mg/mL) were placed in water cylinders of ~11 cm to ~15 cm diameter and scanned at multiple positions inside the field-of-view for a total of 20 configurations. In addition, a cadaveric ankle was imaged in five configurations (with and without Ca inserts and water bath). Coefficient of variation (CV) of BMD values across different experimental configurations was used to assess reproducibility under varying imaging conditions. The performance of the model-based qCBCT framework (MC + PolyPL) was compared to FDK with water beam hardening correction and MC scatter correction. RESULTS: The PolyPL framework achieved accuracy of 20 mg/mL or better across all insert densities and experimental configurations. By comparison, the accuracy of the FDK-based BMD estimates deteriorated with higher mineralization, resulting in ~120 mg/mL error for a 500 mg/mL Ca insert. Additionally, the model-based approach mitigated residual streaks that were present in FDK reconstructions. The CV of both methods was ~15% at 50 mg/mL Ca and less than ~8% for higher density inserts, where the PolyPL framework achieved 20-25% lower CV than the FDK-based approach. CONCLUSION: Accurate and reproducible BMD measurements can be achieved in extremity CBCT, supporting clinical applications in quantitative monitoring of fracture risk, osteoporosis treatment, and early osteoarthritis.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31359904


Dual energy computed tomography (DE CT) is a promising technology for the assessment of bone compositions. One of potential applications involves evaluations of fracture healing using longitudinal measurements of callus mineralization. However, imaging of fractures is often challenged by the presence of metal fixation hardware. In this work, we report on a new simultaneous DE reconstruction-decomposition algorithm that integrates the previously introduced Model-Based Material Decomposition (MBMD) with a Known-Component (KC) framework to mitigate metal artifacts. The algorithm was applied to the DE data obtained on a dedicated extremity cone-beam CT (CBCT) with capability for weight-bearing imaging. To acquire DE projections in a single gantry rotation, we exploited a unique multisource design of the system, where three X-ray sources were mounted parallel to the axis of rotation. The central source provided high energy (HE) data at 120 kVp, while the two remaining sources were operated at a low energy (LE) of 60 kVp. This novel acquisition trajectory further motivates the use of MBMD to accommodate this complex DE sampling pattern. The algorithm was validated in a simulation study using a digital extremity phantom. The phantom consisted of a water background with an insert containing varying concentrations of calcium (50 - 175 mg/mL). Two configurations of titanium implants were considered: a fixation plate and an intramedullary nail. The accuracy of calcium-water decompositions obtained with the proposed KC-MBMD algorithm was compared to MBMD without metal component model. Metal artifacts were almost completely removed by KC-MBMD. Relative absolute errors of calcium concentration in the vicinity of metal were 6% - 31% for KC-MBMD (depending on the calcium insert and implant configuration), compared favorably to 48% - 273% for MBMD. Moreover, accuracy of concentration estimates for KC-MBMD in the presence of metal implant approached that of MBMD in a configuration without implant (6%-23%). The proposed algorithm achieved accurate DE material decomposition in the presence of metal implants using a non-conventional, axial multisource DE acquisition pattern.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31337927


PURPOSE: We develop an Active Shape Model (ASM) framework for automated bone segmentation and anatomical landmark localization in weight-bearing Cone-Beam CT (CBCT). To achieve a robust shape model fit in narrow joint spaces of the foot (0.5 - 1 mm), a new approach for incorporating proximity constraints in ASM (coupled ASM, cASM) is proposed. METHODS: In cASM, shape models of multiple adjacent foot bones are jointly fit to the CBCT volume. This coupling enables checking for proximity between the evolving shapes to avoid situations where a conventional single-bone ASM might erroneously fit to articular surfaces of neighbouring bones. We used 21 extremity CBCT scans of the weight-bearing foot to compare segmentation and landmark localization accuracy of ASM and cASM in leave-one-out validation. Each scan was used as a test image once; shape models of calcaneus, talus, navicular, and cuboid were built from manual surface segmentations of the remaining 20 scans. The models were augmented with seven anatomical landmarks used for common measurements of foot alignment. The landmarks were identified in the original CBCT volumes and mapped onto mean bone shape surfaces. ASM and cASM were run for 100 iterations, and the number of principal shape components was increased every 10 iterations. Automated landmark localization was achieved by applying known point correspondences between landmark vertices on the mean shape and vertices of the final active shape segmentation of the test image. RESULTS: Root Mean Squared (RMS) error of bone surface segmentation improved from 3.6 mm with conventional ASM to 2.7 mm with cASM. Furthermore, cASM achieved convergence (no change in RMS error with iteration) after ~40 iterations of shape fitting, compared to ~60 iterations for ASM. Distance error in landmark localization was 25% to 55% lower (depending on the landmark) with cASM than with ASM. The importance of using a coupled model is underscored by the finding that cASM detected and corrected collisions between evolving shapes in 50% to 80% (depending on the bone) of shape model fits. CONCLUSION: The proposed cASM framework improves accuracy of shape model fits, especially in complexes of tightly interlocking, articulated joints. The approach enables automated anatomical analysis in volumetric imaging of the foot and ankle, where narrow joint spaces challenge conventional shape models.

Phys Med Biol ; 63(24): 245018, 2018 Dec 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30524041


Cone-beam CT (CBCT) systems commonly incorporate a flat-panel detector (FPD) with multiple-gain readout capability to reduce electronic noise and extend dynamic range. In this work, we report a penalized weighted least-squares (PWLS) method for CBCT image reconstruction with a system model that includes the electronic noise characteristics of FPDs, including systems with dynamic-gain or dual-gain (DG) readout in which the electronic noise is spatially varying. Statistical weights in PWLS were modified to account for the contribution of the electronic noise (algorithm denoted [Formula: see text]), and the method was combined with a certainty-based approach that improves the homogeneity of spatial resolution (algorithm denoted [Formula: see text]). The methods were tested in phantom studies designed to stress DG readout characteristics and translated to a clinical study for CBCT of patients with head traumas. The [Formula: see text] method demonstrated superior noise-resolution tradeoffs compared to filtered back-projection (FBP) and conventional PWLS. For example, with spatial resolution (edge-spread function width) matched at 0.65 mm, [Formula: see text] reduced variance by 28%-39% and 15%-25% compared to FBP and PWLS, respectively. The [Formula: see text] method achieved more homogeneous spatial resolution than [Formula: see text] while maintaining similar variance reduction. These findings were confirmed in clinical studies, which showed ~20% variance reduction in peripheral regions of the brain, potentially improving visual image quality in detection of epidural and/or subdural intracranial hemorrhage. The results are consistent with the general notion that incorporating a more accurate system model improves performance in optimization-based statistical CBCT reconstruction-in this case, a more accurate model for (spatially varying) electronic noise to improve detectability of low-contrast lesions.

Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico , Traumatismos Craneocerebrales/diagnóstico por imagen , Procesamiento de Imagen Asistido por Computador/métodos , Fantasmas de Imagen , Relación Señal-Ruido , Algoritmos , Artefactos , Electrónica , Humanos , Análisis de los Mínimos Cuadrados , Modelos Biológicos , Modelos Estadísticos , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados
Phys Med Biol ; 63(11): 115004, 2018 05 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29722296


Timely evaluation of neurovasculature via CT angiography (CTA) is critical to the detection of pathology such as ischemic stroke. Cone-beam CTA (CBCT-A) systems provide potential advantages in the timely use at the point-of-care, although challenges of a relatively slow gantry rotation speed introduce tradeoffs among image quality, data consistency and data sparsity. This work describes and evaluates a new reconstruction-of-difference (RoD) approach that is robust to such challenges. A fast digital simulation framework was developed to test the performance of the RoD over standard reference reconstruction methods such as filtered back-projection (FBP) and penalized likelihood (PL) over a broad range of imaging conditions, grouped into three scenarios to test the trade-off between data consistency, data sparsity and peak contrast. Two experiments were also conducted using a CBCT prototype and an anthropomorphic neurovascular phantom to test the simulation findings in real data. Performance was evaluated primarily in terms of normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) in comparison to truth, with reconstruction parameters chosen to optimize performance in each case to ensure fair comparison. The RoD approach reduced NRMSE in reconstructed images by up to 50%-53% compared to FBP and up to 29%-31% compared to PL for each scenario. Scan protocols well suited to the RoD approach were identified that balance tradeoffs among data consistency, sparsity and peak contrast-for example, a CBCT-A scan with 128 projections acquired in 8.5 s over a 180° + fan angle half-scan for a time attenuation curve with ~8.5 s time-to-peak and 600 HU peak contrast. With imaging conditions such as the simulation scenarios of fixed data sparsity (i.e. varying levels of data consistency and peak contrast), the experiments confirmed the reduction of NRMSE by 34% and 17% compared to FBP and PL, respectively. The RoD approach demonstrated superior performance in 3D angiography compared to FBP and PL in all simulation and physical experiments, suggesting the possibility of CBCT-A on low-cost, mobile imaging platforms suitable to the point-of-care. The algorithm demonstrated accurate reconstruction with a high degree of robustness against data sparsity and inconsistency.

Algoritmos , Angiografía Cerebral/métodos , Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico/métodos , Procesamiento de Imagen Asistido por Computador/métodos , Procesamiento de Imagen Asistido por Computador/estadística & datos numéricos , Fantasmas de Imagen , Humanos
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31337926


PURPOSE: In-vivo evaluation of bone microarchitecture remains challenging because of limited resolution of conventional orthopaedic imaging modalities. We investigate the performance of flat-panel detector extremity Cone-Beam CT (CBCT) in quantitative analysis of trabecular bone. To enable accurate morphometry of fine trabecular bone architecture, advanced CBCT pre-processing and segmentation algorithms are developed. METHODS: The study involved 35 transilliac bone biopsy samples imaged on extremity CBCT (voxel size 75 µm, imaging dose ~13 mGy) and gold standard µCT (voxel size 7.67 µm). CBCT image segmentation was performed using (i) global Otsu's thresholding, (ii) Bernsen's local thresholding, (iii) Bernsen's local thresholding with additional histogram-based global pre-thresholding, and (iv) the same as (iii) but combined with contrast enhancement using a Laplacian Pyramid. Correlations between extremity CBCT with the different segmentation algorithms and gold standard µCT were investigated for measurements of Bone Volume over Total Volume (BV/TV), Trabecular Thickness (Tb.Th), Trabecular Spacing (Tb.Sp), and Trabecular Number (Tb.N). RESULTS: The combination of local thresholding with global pre-thresholding and Laplacian contrast enhancement outperformed other CBCT segmentation methods. Using this optimal segmentation scheme, strong correlation between extremity CBCT and µCT was achieved, with Pearson coefficients of 0.93 for BV/TV, 0.89 for Tb.Th, 0.91 for Tb.Sp, and 0.88 for Tb.N (all results statistically significant). Compared to a simple global CBCT segmentation using Otsu's algorithm, the advanced segmentation method achieved ~20% improvement in the correlation coefficient for Tb.Th and ~50% improvement for Tb.Sp. CONCLUSIONS: Extremity CBCT combined with advanced image pre-processing and segmentation achieves high correlation with gold standard µCT in measurements of trabecular microstructure. This motivates ongoing development of clinical applications of extremity CBCT in in-vivo evaluation of bone health e.g. in early osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31346302


PURPOSE: A prototype high-resolution extremity cone-beam CT (CBCT) system based on a CMOS detector was developed to support quantitative in vivo assessment of bone microarchitecture. We compare the performance of CMOS CBCT to an amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) FPD extremity CBCT in imaging of trabecular bone. METHODS: The prototype CMOS-based CBCT involves a DALSA Xineos3030 detector (99 µm pixels) with 400 µm-thick CsI scintillator and a compact 0.3 FS rotating anode x-ray source. We compare the performance of CMOS CBCT to an a-Si:H FPD scanner built on a similar gantry, but using a Varian PaxScan2530 detector with 0.137 mm pixels and a 0.5 FS stationary anode x-ray source. Experimental studies include measurements of Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) for the detectors and in 3D image reconstructions. Image quality in clinical scenarios is evaluated in scans of a cadaver ankle. Metrics of trabecular microarchitecture (BV/TV, Bone Volume/Total Volume, TbSp, Trabecular Spacing, and TbTh, trabecular thickness) are obtained in a human ulna using CMOS CBCT and a-Si:H FPD CBCT and compared to gold standard µCT. RESULTS: The CMOS detector achieves ~40% increase in the f20 value (frequency at which MTF reduces to 0.20) compared to the a-Si:H FPD. In the reconstruction domain, the FWHM of a 127 µm tungsten wire is also improved by ~40%. Reconstructions of a cadaveric ankle reveal enhanced modulation of trabecular structures with the CMOS detector and soft-tissue visibility that is similar to that of the a-Si:H FPD system. Correlations of the metrics of bone microarchitecture with gold-standard µCT are improved with CMOS CBCT: from 0.93 to 0.98 for BV/TV, from 0.49 to 0.74 for TbTh, and from 0.9 to 0.96 for TbSp. CONCLUSION: Adoption of a CMOS detector in extremity CBCT improved spatial resolution and enhanced performance in metrics of bone microarchitecture compared to a conventional a-Si:H FPD. The results support development of clinical applications of CMOS CBCT in quantitative imaging of bone health.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28989220


PURPOSE: CMOS x-ray detectors offer small pixel sizes and low electronic noise that may support the development of novel high-resolution imaging applications of cone-beam CT (CBCT). We investigate the effects of CsI scintillator thickness on the performance of CMOS detectors in high resolution imaging tasks, in particular in quantitative imaging of bone microstructure in extremity CBCT. METHODS: A scintillator thickness-dependent cascaded systems model of CMOS x-ray detectors was developed. Detectability in low-, high- and ultra-high resolution imaging tasks (Gaussian with FWHM of ~250 µm, ~80 µm and ~40 µm, respectively) was studied as a function of scintillator thickness using the theoretical model. Experimental studies were performed on a CBCT test bench equipped with DALSA Xineos3030 CMOS detectors (99 µm pixels) with CsI scintillator thicknesses of 400 µm and 700 µm, and a 0.3 FS compact rotating anode x-ray source. The evaluation involved a radiographic resolution gauge (0.6-5.0 lp/mm), a 127 µm tungsten wire for assessment of 3D resolution, a contrast phantom with tissue-mimicking inserts, and an excised fragment of human tibia for visual assessment of fine trabecular detail. RESULTS: Experimental studies show ~35% improvement in the frequency of 50% MTF modulation when using the 400 µm scintillator compared to the standard nominal CsI thickness of 700 µm. Even though the high-frequency DQE of the two detectors is comparable, theoretical studies show a 14% to 28% increase in detectability index (d'2) of high- and ultrahigh resolution tasks, respectively, for the detector with 400 µm CsI compared to 700 µm CsI. Experiments confirm the theoretical findings, showing improvements with the adoption of 400 µm panel in the visibility of the radiographic pattern (2× improvement in peak-to-through distance at 4.6 lp/mm) and a 12.5% decrease in the FWHM of the tungsten wire. Reconstructions of the tibial plateau reveal enhanced visibility of trabecular structures with the CMOS detector with 400 µm scinitllator. CONCLUSION: Applications on CMOS detectors in high resolution CBCT imaging of trabecular bone will benefit from using a thinner scintillator than the current standard in general radiography. The results support the translation of the CMOS sensor with 400 µm CsI onto the clinical prototype of CMOS-based extremity CBCT.

Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng ; 101372017 Feb 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28638170


PURPOSE: Anatomical metrics of the tibiofemoral joint support assessment of joint stability and surgical planning. We propose an automated, atlas-based algorithm to streamline the measurements in 3D images of the joint and reduce user-dependence of the metrics arising from manual identification of the anatomical landmarks. METHODS: The method is initialized with coarse registrations of a set of atlas images to the fixed input image. The initial registrations are then refined separately for the tibia and femur and the best matching atlas is selected. Finally, the anatomical landmarks of the best matching atlas are transformed onto the input image by deforming a surface model of the atlas to fit the shape of the tibial plateau in the input image (a mesh-to-volume registration). We apply the method to weight-bearing volumetric images of the knee obtained from 23 subjects using an extremity cone-beam CT system. Results of the automated algorithm were compared to an expert radiologist for measurements of Static Alignment (SA), Medial Tibial Slope (MTS) and Lateral Tibial Slope (LTS). RESULTS: Intra-reader variability as high as ~10% for LTS and 7% for MTS (ratio of standard deviation to the mean in repeated measurements) was found for expert radiologist, illustrating the potential benefits of an automated approach in improving the precision of the metrics. The proposed method achieved excellent registration of the atlas mesh to the input volumes. The resulting automated measurements yielded high correlations with expert radiologist, as indicated by correlation coefficients of 0.72 for MTS, 0.8 for LTS, and 0.89 for SA. CONCLUSIONS: The automated method for measurement of anatomical metrics of the tibiofemoral joint achieves high correlation with expert radiologist without the need for time consuming and error prone manual selection of landmarks.