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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(34): 20390-20396, 2020 08 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32778599


Optical metasurfaces allow the ability to precisely manipulate the wavefront of light, creating many interesting and exotic optical phenomena. However, they generally lack dynamic control over their optical properties and are limited to passive optical elements. In this work, we report the nontrivial infiltration of nanostructured metalenses with three respective nematic liquid crystals of different refractive index and birefringence. The optical properties of the metalens are evaluated after liquid-crystal infiltration to quantify its effect on the intended optical design. We observe a significant modification of the metalens focus after infiltration for each liquid crystal. These optical changes result from modification of local refractive index surrounding the metalens structure after infiltration. We report qualitative agreement of the optical experiments with finite-difference time-domain solver (FDTD) simulation results. By harnessing the tunability inherent in the orientation dependent refractive index of the infiltrated liquid crystal, the metalens system considered here has the potential to enable dynamic reconfigurability in metasurfaces.

Sci Adv ; 6(23): eaba3367, 2020 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32537506


Birefringence occurs when light with different polarizations sees different refractive indices during propagation. It plays an important role in optics and has enabled essential polarization elements such as wave plates. In bulk crystals, it is typically constrained to linear birefringence. In metamaterials with freeform meta-atoms, however, one can engineer the optical anisotropy such that light sees different indices for arbitrary-linear, circular, or elliptical-orthogonal eigen-polarization states. Using topology-optimized metasurfaces, we demonstrate this arbitrary birefringence. It has the unique feature that it can be continuously tuned from linear to elliptical birefringence, by changing the angle of incidence. In this way, a single metasurface can operate as many wave plates in parallel, implementing different polarization transformations. Angle-tunable arbitrary birefringence expands the scope of polarization optics, enables compact and versatile polarization operations that would otherwise require cascading multiple elements, and may find applications in polarization imaging, quantum optics, and other areas.

Nature ; 582(7812): 360-364, 2020 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32555484


Wave instability-the process that gives rise to turbulence in hydrodynamics1-represents the mechanism by which a small disturbance in a wave grows in amplitude owing to nonlinear interactions. In photonics, wave instabilities result in modulated light waveforms that can become periodic in the presence of coherent locking mechanisms. These periodic optical waveforms are known as optical frequency combs2-4. In ring microresonator combs5,6, an injected monochromatic wave becomes destabilized by the interplay between the resonator dispersion and the Kerr nonlinearity of the constituent crystal. By contrast, in ring lasers instabilities are considered to occur only under extreme pumping conditions7,8. Here we show that, despite this notion, semiconductor ring lasers with ultrafast gain recovery9,10 can enter frequency comb regimes at low pumping levels owing to phase turbulence11-an instability known to occur in hydrodynamics, superconductors and Bose-Einstein condensates. This instability arises from the phase-amplitude coupling of the laser field provided by linewidth enhancement12, which produces the needed interplay of dispersive and nonlinear effects. We formulate the instability condition in the framework of the Ginzburg-Landau formalism11. The localized structures that we observe share several properties with dissipative Kerr solitons, providing a first step towards connecting semiconductor ring lasers and microresonator frequency combs13.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 355, 2019 01 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30664662


Metasurfaces have attracted widespread attention due to an increasing demand of compact and wearable optical devices. For many applications, polarization-insensitive metasurfaces are highly desirable, and appear to limit the choice of their constituent elements to isotropic nanostructures. This greatly restricts the number of geometric parameters available in design. Here, we demonstrate a polarization-insensitive metalens using otherwise anisotropic nanofins which offer additional control over the dispersion and phase of the output light. As a result, we can render a metalens achromatic and polarization-insensitive across nearly the entire visible spectrum from wavelength λ = 460 nm to 700 nm, while maintaining diffraction-limited performance. The metalens is comprised of just a single layer of TiO2 nanofins and has a numerical aperture of 0.2 with a diameter of 26.4 µm. The generality of our polarization-insensitive design allows it to be implemented in a plethora of other metasurface devices with applications ranging from imaging to virtual/augmented reality.

Adv Mater ; 31(3): e1805555, 2019 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30468543


Metasurfaces control various properties of light via scattering across a large number of subwavelength-spaced nanostructures. Although metasurfaces appear to be ideal photonic platforms for realizing and designing miniaturized devices, their chromatic aberrations have hindered the large-scale deployment of this technology in numerous applications. Wavelength-dependent diffraction and resonant scattering effects usually limit their working operation wavelengths. In refractive optics, chromatic dispersion is a significant problem and is generally treated by cascading multiple lenses into achromatic doublets, triplets, and so on. Recently, broadband achromatic metalenses in the visible have been proposed to circumvent chromatic aberration but their throughput efficiency is still limited. Here, the dispersion of refractive components is corrected by leveraging the inherent dispersion of metasurfaces. Hybrid refractive-metasurface devices, with nondispersive refraction in the visible, are experimentally demonstrated. The dispersion of this hybrid component, characterized by using a Fourier plane imaging microscopy setup, is essentially achromatic over about 150 nm in the visible. Broadband focusing with composite plano-convex metasurface lenses is also proposed. These devices could find applications in numerous consumer optics, augmented reality components, and all applications including imaging for which monochromatic performance is not sufficient.

Nano Lett ; 18(12): 7801-7808, 2018 12 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30423252


Existing methods of correcting for chromatic aberrations in optical systems are limited to two approaches: varying the material dispersion in refractive lenses or incorporating grating dispersion via diffractive optical elements. Recently, single-layer broadband achromatic metasurface lenses have been demonstrated but are limited to diameters on the order of 100 µm due to the large required group delays. Here, we circumvent this limitation and design a metacorrector by combining a tunable phase and artificial dispersion to correct spherical and chromatic aberrations in a large spherical plano-convex lens. The tunability results from a variation in light confinement in sub-wavelength waveguides by locally tailoring the effective refractive index. The effectiveness of this approach is further validated by designing a metacorrector, which greatly increases the bandwidth of a state-of-the-art immersion objective (composed of 14 lenses and 7 types of glasses) from violet to near-infrared wavelengths. This concept of hybrid metasurface-refractive optics combines the advantages of both technologies in terms of size, scalability, complexity, and functionality.

Nano Lett ; 18(4): 2420-2427, 2018 04 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29461838


In this paper, we report dispersion-engineered metasurfaces with distinct functionalities controlled by wavelength. Unlike previous approaches based on spatial multiplexing or vertical stacking of metasurfaces, we utilize a single phase profile with wavelength dependence encoded in the phase shifters' dispersion. We designed and fabricated a multiwavelength achromatic metalens (MAM) with achromatic focusing for blue (B), green (G), yellow (Y), and red (R) light and two wavelength-controlled beam generators (WCBG): one focuses light with orbital angular momentum (OAM) states ( l = 0,1,2) corresponding to three primary colors; the other produces ordinary focal spots ( l = 0) for red and green light, while generating a vortex beam ( l = 1) in the blue. A full color (RGB) hologram is also demonstrated in simulation. Our approach opens a path to applications ranging from near-eye displays and holography to compact multiwavelength beam generation.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 13(3): 220-226, 2018 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29292382


A key goal of metalens research is to achieve wavefront shaping of light using optical elements with thicknesses on the order of the wavelength. Such miniaturization is expected to lead to compact, nanoscale optical devices with applications in cameras, lighting, displays and wearable optics. However, retaining functionality while reducing device size has proven particularly challenging. For example, so far there has been no demonstration of broadband achromatic metalenses covering the entire visible spectrum. Here, we show that by judicious design of nanofins on a surface, it is possible to simultaneously control the phase, group delay and group delay dispersion of light, thereby achieving a transmissive achromatic metalens with large bandwidth. We demonstrate diffraction-limited achromatic focusing and achromatic imaging from 470 to 670 nm. Our metalens comprises only a single layer of nanostructures whose thickness is on the order of the wavelength, and does not involve spatial multiplexing or cascading. While this initial design (numerical aperture of 0.2) has an efficiency of about 20% at 500 nm, we discuss ways in which our approach may be further optimized to meet the demand of future applications.

Light Sci Appl ; 7: 17158, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30839535


The strong optical chirality arising from certain synthetic metamaterials has important and widespread applications in polarization optics, stereochemistry and spintronics. However, these intrinsically chiral metamaterials are restricted to a complicated three-dimensional (3D) geometry, which leads to significant fabrication challenges, particularly at visible wavelengths. Their planar two-dimensional (2D) counterparts are limited by symmetry considerations to operation at oblique angles (extrinsic chirality) and possess significantly weaker chiro-optical responses close to normal incidence. Here, we address the challenge of realizing strong intrinsic chirality from thin, planar dielectric nanostructures. Most notably, we experimentally achieve near-unity circular dichroism with ~90% of the light with the chosen helicity being transmitted at a wavelength of 540 nm. This is the highest value demonstrated to date for any geometry in the visible spectrum. We interpret this result within the charge-current multipole expansion framework and show that the excitation of higher-order multipoles is responsible for the giant circular dichroism. These experimental results enable the realization of high-performance miniaturized chiro-optical components in a scalable manner at optical frequencies.

Nano Lett ; 17(5): 3188-3194, 2017 05 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28388086


Immersion objectives can focus light into a spot smaller than what is achievable in free space, thereby enhancing the spatial resolution for various applications such as microscopy, spectroscopy, and lithography. Despite the availability of advanced lens polishing techniques, hand-polishing is still required to manufacture the front lens of a high-end immersion objective, which poses major constraints for lens design. This limits the shape of the front lens to spherical. Therefore, several other lenses need to be cascaded to correct for spherical aberration, resulting in significant challenges for miniaturization and adding design complexity for different immersion liquids. Here, by using metasurfaces, we demonstrate liquid immersion meta-lenses free of spherical aberration at various design wavelengths in the visible spectrum. We report water and oil immersion meta-lenses of various numerical apertures (NA) up to 1.1 and show that their measured focal spot sizes are diffraction-limited with Strehl ratios of approximately 0.9 at 532 nm. By integrating the oil immersion meta-lens (NA = 1.1) into a commercial scanning confocal microscope, we achieve an imaging spatial resolution of approximately 200 nm. These meta-lenses can be easily adapted to focus light through multilayers of different refractive indices and mass-produced using modern industrial manufacturing or nanoimprint techniques, leading to cost-effective high-end optics.

Light Sci Appl ; 6(5): e16259, 2017 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30167252


Bessel beams are of great interest due to their unique non-diffractive properties. Using a conical prism or an objective paired with an annular aperture are two typical approaches for generating zeroth-order Bessel beams. However, the former approach has a limited numerical aperture (NA), and the latter suffers from low efficiency, as most of the incident light is blocked by the aperture. Furthermore, an additional phase-modulating element is needed to generate higher-order Bessel beams, which in turn adds complexity and bulkiness to the system. We overcome these problems using dielectric metasurfaces to realize meta-axicons with additional functionalities not achievable with conventional means. We demonstrate meta-axicons with high NA up to 0.9 capable of generating Bessel beams with full width at half maximum about as small as ~λ/3 (λ=405 nm). Importantly, these Bessel beams have transverse intensity profiles independent of wavelength across the visible spectrum. These meta-axicons can enable advanced research and applications related to Bessel beams, such as laser fabrication, imaging and optical manipulation.

Adv Mater ; 29(7)2017 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27976424


High-operating-temperature direct ink writing (HOT-DIW) of mesoscale architectures that are composed of eutectic silver chloride-potassium chloride. The molten ink undergoes directional solidification upon printing on a cold substrate. The lamellar spacing of the printed features can be varied between approximately 100 nm and 2 µm, enabling the manipulation of light in the visible and infrared range.

Science ; 352(6290): 1190-4, 2016 Jun 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27257251


Subwavelength resolution imaging requires high numerical aperture (NA) lenses, which are bulky and expensive. Metasurfaces allow the miniaturization of conventional refractive optics into planar structures. We show that high-aspect-ratio titanium dioxide metasurfaces can be fabricated and designed as metalenses with NA = 0.8. Diffraction-limited focusing is demonstrated at wavelengths of 405, 532, and 660 nm with corresponding efficiencies of 86, 73, and 66%. The metalenses can resolve nanoscale features separated by subwavelength distances and provide magnification as high as 170×, with image qualities comparable to a state-of-the-art commercial objective. Our results firmly establish that metalenses can have widespread applications in laser-based microscopy, imaging, and spectroscopy.

Opt Express ; 24(2): 1480-94, 2016 Jan 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26832528


We theoretically investigate the polaritonic band structure and dispersion properties of graphene using transfer matrix methods, with strongly coupled graphene plasmons (GPs) and molecular infrared vibrations as a representative example. Two common geometrical configurations are considered: graphene coupled subwavelength dielectric grating (GSWDG) and graphene nanoribbons (GNR). By exploiting the dispersion and the band structure, we show the possibility of tailoring desired polaritonic behavior in each of the two configurations. We compare the strength of coupling occurring in both structures and find that the interaction is stronger in GNR than that of GSWDG structure as a result of the stronger field confinement of the edge modes. The band structure and dispersion analysis not only sheds light on the physics of the hybridized polariton formation but also offers insight into tailoring the optical response of graphene light-matter interactions for numerous applications, such as biomolecular sensing and detection.

Nano Lett ; 15(3): 1967-71, 2015 Mar 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25723816


In this work, we report an integrated narrowband light source based on thin MoS2 emissive material coupled to the high quality factor whispering gallery modes of a microdisk cavity with a spatial notch that enables easy out-coupling of emission while it yields high spatial coherence and a Gaussian intensity distribution. The active light emitting material consists of chemically enhanced bilayer MoS2 flakes with a thin atomic layer deposited SiO2 protective coating that yields 20-times brighter chemically enhanced photoluminescence compared to as-exfoliated monolayers on the microdisk. Quality factors ≈ 1000 are observed as well as a high degree of spatial coherence. We also experimentally achieve effective index tuning of cavity coupled emission over a full free spectral range. The thermal response of this system is also studied. This work provides new insights for nanophotonic light sources with atomically thin active media.

Nano Lett ; 14(10): 5641-9, 2014 Oct 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25184967


A general, overarching theme in nanotechnology is the integration of multiple disparate fields to realize novel or expanded functionalities. Here, we present a graphene enabled, integrated optoelectromechanical device and demonstrate its utility for biomolecular sensing. We experimentally achieve an ultrawide linear dynamic sensing range of 5 orders of magnitude of protein concentration, an improvement over state-of-the-art single mode nanosensors by approximately 2-3 orders of magnitude, while retaining a subpicomolar lowest detection limit. Moreover, the ability to monitor and characterize adsorption events in the full optoelectromechanical space allows for the extraction of key intrinsic parameters of adsorbates and has the potential to extend the capabilities of nanosensors beyond the traditional binary-valued test for a single type of molecule. This could have significant implications for molecular detection applications at variable concentrations, such as early disease detection in biomedical diagnostics.

Nano Lett ; 12(8): 4090-4, 2012 Aug 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22793868


Silver is the ideal material for plasmonics because of its low loss at optical frequencies but is often replaced by a more lossy metal, gold. This is because of silver's tendency to tarnish and roughen, forming Ag(2)S on its surface, dramatically diminishing optical properties and rendering it unreliable for applications. By passivating the surface of silver nanostructures with monolayer graphene, atmospheric sulfur containing compounds are unable to penetrate the graphene to degrade the surface of the silver. Preventing this sulfidation eliminates the increased material damping and scattering losses originating from the unintentional Ag(2)S layer. Because it is atomically thin, graphene does not interfere with the ability of localized surface plasmons to interact with the environment in sensing applications. Furthermore, after 30 days graphene-passivated silver (Ag-Gr) nanoantennas exhibit a 2600% higher sensitivity over that of bare Ag nanoantennas and 2 orders of magnitude improvement in peak width endurance. By employing graphene in this manner, the excellent optical properties and large spectral range of silver can be functionally utilized in a variety of nanoscale plasmonic devices and applications.