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Sci Rep ; 12(1): 1552, 2022 01 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35091555


Floods affected more than 2 billion people worldwide from 1998 to 2017 and their occurrence is expected to increase due to climate warming, population growth and rapid urbanization. Recent approaches for understanding the resilience of transportation networks when facing floods mostly use the framework of percolation but we show here on a realistic high-resolution flood simulation that it is inadequate. Indeed, the giant connected component is not relevant and instead, we propose to partition the road network in terms of accessibility of local towns and define new measures that characterize the impact of the flooding event. Our analysis allows to identify cities that will be pivotal during the flooding by providing to a large number of individuals critical services such as hospitalization services, food supply, etc. This approach is particularly relevant for practical risk management and will help decision makers for allocating resources in space and time.

Sci Total Environ ; 693: 133400, 2019 Nov 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31376763


Information on possible changes in future flood risk is essential for successful adaptation planning and risk management. However, various sources of uncertainty arise along the model chains used for the assessment of flood risk under climate change. Knowledge on the importance of these different sources of uncertainty can help to design future assessments of flood risk, and to identify areas of focus for further research that aims to reduce existing uncertainties. Here we investigate the role of four sources of epistemic uncertainty affecting the estimation of flood loss for changed climate conditions for a meso-scale, pre-alpine catchment. These are: the choice of a scenario-neutral method, climate projection uncertainty, hydrological model parameter sets, and the choice of the vulnerability function. To efficiently simulate a large number of loss estimates, a surrogate inundation model was used. 46,500 loss estimates were selected according to the change in annual mean precipitation and temperature of an ensemble of regional climate models, and considered for the attribution of uncertainty. Large uncertainty was found in the estimated loss for a 100-year flood event with losses ranging from a decrease of loss compared to estimations for present day climate, to more than a 7-fold increase. The choice of the vulnerability function was identified as the most important source of uncertainty explaining almost half of the variance in the estimates. However, uncertainty related to estimating floods for changed climate conditions contributed nearly as much. Hydrological model parametrisation was found to be negligible in the present setup. For our study area, these results highlight the importance of improving vulnerability function formulation even in a climate change context where additional major sources of uncertainty arise.

Sci Total Environ ; 635: 1225-1239, 2018 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29710577


Comprehensive flood risk modeling is crucial for understanding, assessing, and mitigating flood risk. Modeling extreme events is a well-established practice in the atmospheric and hydrological sciences and in the insurance industry. Several specialized models are used to research extreme events including atmospheric circulation models, hydrological models, hydrodynamic models, and damage and loss models. Although these model types are well established, and coupling two to three of these models has been successful, no assessment of a full and comprehensive model chain from the atmospheric to local scale flood loss models has been conducted. The present study introduces a model chain setup incorporating a GCM/RCM to model atmospheric processes, a hydrological model to estimate the catchment's runoff reaction to precipitation inputs, a hydrodynamic model to identify flood-affected areas, and a damage and loss model to estimate flood losses. Such coupling requires building interfaces between the individual models that are coherent in terms of spatial and temporal resolution and therefore calls for several pre- and post-processing steps for the individual models as well as for a computationally efficient strategy to identify and model extreme events. The results show that a coupled model chain allows for good representation of runoff for both long-term runoff characteristics and extreme events, provided a bias correction on precipitation input is applied. While the presented approach for deriving loss estimations for particular extreme events leads to reasonable results, two issues have been identified that need to be considered in further applications: (i) the identification of extreme events in long-term GCM simulations for downscaling and (ii) the representativeness of the vulnerability functions for local conditions.

Sci Total Environ ; 639: 195-207, 2018 Oct 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29787903


Flood risks are dynamically changing over time. Over decades and centuries, the main drivers for flood risk change are influenced either by perturbations or slow alterations in the natural environment or, more importantly, by socio-economic development and human interventions. However, changes in the natural and human environment are intertwined. Thus, the analysis of the main drivers for flood risk changes requires a disentangling of the individual risk components. Here, we present a method for isolating the individual effects of selected drivers of change and selected flood risk management options based on a model experiment. In contrast to purely synthetic model experiments, we built our analyses upon a retro-model consisting of several spatio-temporal stages of river morphology and settlement structure. The main advantage of this approach is that the overall long-term dynamics are known and do not have to be assumed. We used this model setup to analyse the temporal evolution of the flood risk, for an ex-post evaluation of the key drivers of change, and for analysing possible alternative pathways for flood risk evolution under different governance settings. We showed that in the study region the construction of lateral levees and the consecutive river incision are the main drivers for decreasing flood risks over the last century. A rebound effect in flood risk can be observed following an increase in settlements since the 1960s. This effect is not as relevant as the river engineering measures, but it will become increasingly relevant in the future with continued socio-economic growth. The presented approach could provide a methodological framework for studying pathways for future flood risk evolvement and for the formulation of narratives for adapting governmental flood risk strategies to the spatio-temporal dynamics in the built environment.

Sci Total Environ ; 598: 593-603, 2017 Nov 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28454032


A sound understanding of flood risk drivers (hazard, exposure and vulnerability) is essential for the effective and efficient implementation of risk-reduction strategies. In this paper, we focus on 'exposure' and study the influence of different methods and parameters of flood exposure analyses in Switzerland. We consider two types of exposure indicators and two different spatial aggregation schemes: the density of exposed assets (exposed numbers per km2) and the ratios of exposed assets (share of exposed assets compared to total amount of assets in a specific region) per municipality and per grid cells of similar size as the municipalities. While identifying high densities of exposed assets highlights priority areas for cost-efficient strategies, high exposure ratios can suggest areas of interest for strategies focused on the most vulnerable regions, i.e. regions with a low capacity to cope with a disaster. In Switzerland, the spatial distribution of high exposure densities and exposure ratios tend to be complementary. With regards to the methods, we find that the spatial cluster analysis provides more information for the prioritization of flood protection measures than 'simple' maps of spatially aggregated data represented in quantiles. In addition, our study shows that the data aggregation scheme influences the results. It suggests that the aggregation based on grid cells supports the comparability of different regions better than aggregation based on municipalities and is, thus, more appropriate for nationwide analyses.

Ann Am Assoc Geogr ; 107(2): 382-392, 2017 Mar 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28267154


A coevolutionary perspective is adopted to understand the dynamics of exposure to mountain hazards in the European Alps. A spatially explicit, object-based temporal assessment of elements at risk to mountain hazards (river floods, torrential floods, and debris flows) in Austria and Switzerland is presented for the period from 1919 to 2012. The assessment is based on two different data sets: (1) hazard information adhering to legally binding land use planning restrictions and (2) information on building types combined from different national-level spatial data. We discuss these transdisciplinary dynamics and focus on economic, social, and institutional interdependencies and interactions between human and physical systems. Exposure changes in response to multiple drivers, including population growth and land use conflicts. The results show that whereas some regional assets are associated with a strong increase in exposure to hazards, others are characterized by a below-average level of exposure. The spatiotemporal results indicate relatively stable hot spots in the European Alps. These results coincide with the topography of the countries and with the respective range of economic activities and political settings. Furthermore, the differences between management approaches as a result of multiple institutional settings are discussed. A coevolutionary framework widens the explanatory power of multiple drivers to changes in exposure and risk and supports a shift from structural, security-based policies toward an integrated, risk-based natural hazard management system.

Se adopta una perspectiva co-evolucionista para entender la dinámica de la exposición a los riesgos de montaña en los Alpes europeos. Se presenta una evaluación temporal espacialmente explícita y basada en objeto de los elementos de riesgo en catástrofes de montaña (inundaciones fluviales, inundaciones torrenciales y flujos de detritos) en Austria y Suiza, para el período de 1919 a 2012. La evaluación descansa en dos conjuntos de datos diferentes: (1) información de riesgos que adhiere a las restricciones de planificación de uso del suelo legalmente obligatorias, y (2) información combinada sobre tipos de construcciones desde diferentes fuentes de datos espaciales a nivel nacional. Discutimos estas dinámicas transdisciplinarias y nos enfocamos en interdependencias e interacciones económicas, sociales e institucionales entre sistemas humanos y físicos. La exposición cambia en respuesta a múltiples controles, incluyendo crecimiento de la población y conflictos por usos del suelo. Los resultados muestran que mientras algunas ventajas regionales están asociadas con un fuerte incremento en exposición a los riesgos, otras están caracterizadas por un nivel de exposición por debajo del promedio. Los resultados espaciotemporales indican puntos calientes relativamente estables en los Alpes europeos. Estos resultados coinciden con la topografía de los países y con el respectivo ámbito de actividades económicas y el contexto político. Adicionalmente, se discuten las diferencias entre los enfoques de administración como resultado de múltiples escenarios institucionales. Un marco co-evolucionario amplía el poder explicativo de múltiples controles a los cambios en exposición y riesgo, y soporta un cambio de políticas estructurales, basadas en seguridad, hacia un sistema integrado de manejo de catástrofes naturales basado en riesgo.