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PeerJ ; 12: e16956, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38495761


Background: Sexual dimorphism, driven by sexual selection, leads to varied morphological distinctions in male and female insects, providing insights into selection pressures across species. However, research on the morphometric variability within specific taxa of tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae), particularly arboreal and semi-arboreal species, remains very limited. Methods: We investigate sexual dimorphism in six semi-arboreal Therates tiger beetle taxa from the Philippines, focusing on morphological traits. We employed morphometric measurements and multivariate analyses to reveal patterns of sexual dimorphism between sexes within the taxa. Results: Our results indicate significant sexual dimorphism in elytra width, with females consistently displaying broader elytra, potentially enhancing fecundity. Notable sexual size dimorphism was observed in Therates fulvipennis bidentatus and T. coracinus coracinus, suggesting heightened sexual selection pressures on male body size. Ecological factors, mating behavior, and female mate choice might contribute to the observed morphological variation. These findings emphasize the need for further studies to comprehend mating dynamics, mate choice, and ecological influences on morphological variations in semi-arboreal and arboreal tiger beetles.

Escarabajos , Caracteres Sexuales , Femenino , Masculino , Animales , Filipinas , Selección Sexual , Biodiversidad , Árboles
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 73(2): e609, 2021. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1347498


Coleopteran insects can produce toxic substances containing multiple components which have so far not been properly described. To report an unusual case of intoxication by excretion from Calosoma alternans Fabricius 1792 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in a Venezuelan patient from a periurban neighborhood near the mesothermal raining forest. The toxic activity caused a clinical status characterized by digestive symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, epigastralgia, an increase in bowel movements and probable kidney inflammation with intense pain in both lumbar regions, which did not correspond to the classic dermal damage. In conclusion, a unique case is presented of intoxication by a coleopteran species, with a clinical description not previously reported(AU)

Los insectos coleópteros pueden producir sustancias tóxicas que contienen numerosos componentes que aún no han sido descritos adecuadamente. Presentar un caso inusual de intoxicación por excreciones de Calosoma alternans Fabricius 1792 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) en un paciente venezolano residente en un barrio periurbano cercano a la selva tropical mesotérmica. La actividad tóxica provocó un cuadro clínico caracterizado por síntomas digestivos como náuseas, vómitos, epigastralgia, aumento del número de deposiciones y probablemente inflamación renal, con dolor intenso en ambas regiones lumbares, lo que no se corresponde con el daño dérmico clásico. En resumen, se presenta un caso singular de intoxicación provocada por una especie de coleóptero, con una descripción clínica no reportada anteriormente(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Signos y Síntomas , Escarabajos , Insectos , Intoxicación , Venezuela , Vómitos , Sustancias Tóxicas
Mol Biol Evol ; 38(3): 1090-1100, 2021 03 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33179746


Incongruence among phylogenetic results has become a common occurrence in analyses of genome-scale data sets. Incongruence originates from uncertainty in underlying evolutionary processes (e.g., incomplete lineage sorting) and from difficulties in determining the best analytical approaches for each situation. To overcome these difficulties, more studies are needed that identify incongruences and demonstrate practical ways to confidently resolve them. Here, we present results of a phylogenomic study based on the analysis 197 taxa and 2,526 ultraconserved element (UCE) loci. We investigate evolutionary relationships of Eucerinae, a diverse subfamily of apid bees (relatives of honey bees and bumble bees) with >1,200 species. We sampled representatives of all tribes within the group and >80% of genera, including two mysterious South American genera, Chilimalopsis and Teratognatha. Initial analysis of the UCE data revealed two conflicting hypotheses for relationships among tribes. To resolve the incongruence, we tested concatenation and species tree approaches and used a variety of additional strategies including locus filtering, partitioned gene-trees searches, and gene-based topological tests. We show that within-locus partitioning improves gene tree and subsequent species-tree estimation, and that this approach, confidently resolves the incongruence observed in our data set. After exploring our proposed analytical strategy on eucerine bees, we validated its efficacy to resolve hard phylogenetic problems by implementing it on a published UCE data set of Adephaga (Insecta: Coleoptera). Our results provide a robust phylogenetic hypothesis for Eucerinae and demonstrate a practical strategy for resolving incongruence in other phylogenomic data sets.

Abejas/genética , Técnicas Genéticas , Filogenia , Animales , Escarabajos/genética
Zootaxa ; 4580(1): zootaxa.4580.1.1, 2019 Apr 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31715704


Data from the literature and from specimens preserved at the Colección Nacional de Insectos (CNIN) Instituto de Biología, UNAM were used to compile a checklist of the fauna of Coleoptera of the state of Morelos, México. A sum of 70 families, 167 subfamilies, 361 tribes, 1,022 genera, and 2,606 species are recorded; from this 24 species are new records for Morelos. The State of Morelos ranks fourth in Coleoptera species richness for Mexico, following Veracruz (3,176 spp.), Oaxaca (2,148 spp.) and Chiapas (1,734 spp.). The checklist presented here provides a summary that can serve as a basis for future progress in the knowledge of Mexican Coleoptera.

Escarabajos , Animales , México
Zootaxa ; 4619(1): zootaxa.4619.1.5, 2019 Jun 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31716317


The three larval instars of Suphis cimicoides Aubé, 1837 are described and illustrated, including morphometric and chaetotaxic analyses of the cephalic capsule, head appendages, legs, last abdominal segment and urogomphus. A preliminary ground plan of primary chaetotaxy for noterid larvae is presented for the first time, based on the species described herein and examination of larvae of the genera Hydrocanthus Say, 1823 and Suphisellus Crotch, 1873. This ground plan is compared with previous systems proposed for other adephagan families. Larvae of Noteridae can be distinguished from those of other families of Hydradephaga by the following combination of characters: (1) antennomere 3 with a rugged area on distal portion; (2) abdominal segment VIII with a U-shaped wavy membranous area ventrally; (3) absence of pore FRd; and (4) presence of seta AB16. Several sensilla present in noterid larvae (notably setae TR2 and TA1 and pores PAl, PAm, COd, TRb and FEb) are absent in larvae of Meruidae. On the contrary, parietal seta PA5 is present in Meruidae but absent in Noteridae. The presence of pore COc in Noteridae may indicate that this family has retained the ancestral condition found only in Carabidae. On the other hand, the absence of setae FE7, FE8, FE9 and FE10 in Noteridae is similar to the condition found in Carabidae, Gyrinidae and Meruidae.

Escarabajos , Animales , Extremidades , Larva
Zootaxa ; 4668(2): zootaxa.4668.2.7, 2019 Sep 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31716631


A new species of flanged bombardier beetle form Hainan Island, China, Eustra yinggelingensis sp. nov. (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Paussinae, Ozaenini) is described. The new species was collected in rotten wood from Yinggeling Nature Reserve. Habitus and diagnostic features of the new species are illustrated. List, key and distribution map of all known Chinese Eustra species are given.

Escarabajos , Distribución Animal , Animales , China , Islas
Zookeys ; 879: 33-56, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31636498


On the basis of new morphological data a re-description of the genus Pelodiaetus is provided, a new species of the genus P. nunni sp. nov. (Christchurch, Canterbury, South Island) is described, and P. lewisi Jeannel is proposed as a synonym of P. sulcatipennis Jeannel, syn. nov. A taxonomic key as well as distribution maps for species of Pelodiaetus are provided. Data on comparative morphology and biogeographical aspects of speciation in the genus Pelodiaetus and its morphological relatives from Australia and New Zealand are discussed.

Rev. biol. trop ; 66(2): 709-721, abr.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-977339


Resumen La diversidad de coleópteros acuáticos de Cuba se encuentra entre las más elevadas en el Caribe insular. Sin embargo, existe escasa información sobre los ditíscidos cubanos para identificar las especies y hábitats que requieren urgentes acciones de conservación. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los taxa amenazados de la familia Dytiscidae en Cuba según su grado de vulnerabilidad. Para ello se recopiló información sobre la distribución de todos los ditíscidos cubanos, incluyendo datos de la literatura, de colecciones y de muestreos realizados en el período comprendido entre los años 2000 y 2014. Además, fue evaluada la vulnerabilidad de las especies a partir de una metodología que combina seis criterios referentes a las características de las especies y los hábitats que ocupan. El análisis de vulnerabilidad fue posible realizarlo a 50 de las 53 especies de ditíscidos (94 %) presentes en Cuba. Un total de cinco especies (9 %) presentan vulnerabilidad alta, 20 (38 %) media y 25 (48 %) baja. Las cinco especies más amenazadas son Laccodytes cobrinae, Laccophilus alariei, Copelatus barbouri, C. darlingtoni, and Desmopachria glabella. Estas son endémicas de Cuba y se caracterizan por presentar poblaciones muy localizadas, poco abundantes, así como por una alta especificidad de hábitat. Por ello, se propone su inclusión en lista roja de la fauna de Cuba, así como en la Lista Roja de la UICN bajo la categoría de "Vulnerable". Además, no todas las áreas donde se encuentran estas especies pertenecen al Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas de Cuba, por lo que recomendamos la inclusión de la Laguna Base Julio A. Mella y el Norte de Imías en este sistema. Así mismo, sugerimos la implementación de medidas de gestión efectivas que eviten o mitiguen la alteración de los ecosistemas acuáticos en los que aparecen las especies vulnerables.

Abstract Cuba has one of the richest diving beetles species diversity in the Caribbean islands. However, Cuban Dytiscidae remain scarcely studied, and there is need to identify those species and habitats that urgently require effective conservation actions. Here we aim to identify the threatened taxa of the family Dytiscidae in Cuba according to their degree of vulnerability. For that, we compiled distributional data on the Cuban fauna, including data from literature, collections and own samplings carried out between the period 2000 and 2014. In addition, the vulnerability of the species was evaluated using a methodology that combines six criteria regarding both species and habitat attributes. This analysis of vulnerability was completed to 50 (94 %) out of 53 Cuban species. Five species (9 %) were identified as highly vulnerable, 20 (38 %) moderately and 25 (48 %) as having low conservation status. The five most threatened species were Laccodytes cobrinae, Laccophilus alariei, Copelatus barbouri, C. darlingtoni, and Desmopachria glabella. These species are endemic to Cuba and characterized by highly localized populations and low abundance as well as high habitat specificity. Thus, we propose the inclusion of these five species in both the red list of Cuban fauna and the IUCN Red List (under the category of "Vulnerable"). In addition, not all areas where these species were found belong to the National System of Protected Areas of Cuba. Thus, we suggest the inclusion of the Laguna Base Julio A. Mella and the North of Imías, and to develop effective management measures to prevent the alteration of these aquatic ecosystems. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(2): 709-721. Epub 2018 June 01.

Animales , Escarabajos/clasificación , Ecosistema , Ecosistema Tropical , Análisis de Vulnerabilidad , Cuba , Biodiversidad , Entomología/clasificación
BMC Evol Biol ; 18(1): 33, 2018 03 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29548278


BACKGROUND: Gyrinidae are a charismatic group of highly specialized beetles, adapted for a unique lifestyle of swimming on the water surface. They prey on drowning insects and other small arthropods caught in the surface film. Studies based on morphological and molecular data suggest that gyrinids were the first branch splitting off in Adephaga, the second largest suborder of beetles. Despite its basal position within this lineage and a very peculiar morphology, earliest Gyrinidae were recorded not earlier than from the Upper Triassic. RESULTS: Tunguskagyrus. with the single species Tunguskagyrus planus is described from Late Permian deposits of the Anakit area in Middle Siberia. The genus is assigned to the stemgroup of Gyrinidae, thus shifting back the minimum age of this taxon considerably: Tunguskagyrus demonstrates 250 million years of evolutionary stability for a very specialized lifestyle, with a number of key apomorphies characteristic for these epineuston predators and scavengers, but also with some preserved ancestral features not found in extant members of the family. It also implies that major splitting events in this suborder and in crown group Coleoptera had already occurred in the Permian. Gyrinidae and especially aquatic groups of Dytiscoidea flourished in the Mesozoic (for example Coptoclavidae and Dytiscidae) and most survive until the present day, despite the dramatic "Great Dying" - Permian-Triassic mass extinction, which took place shortly (in geological terms) after the time when Tunguskagyrus lived. CONCLUSIONS: Tunguskagyrus confirms a Permian origin of Adephaga, which was recently suggested by phylogenetic "tip-dating" analysis including both fossil and Recent gyrinids. This also confirms that main splitting events leading to the "modern" lineages of beetles took place before the Permian-Triassic mass extinction. Tunguskagyrus shows that Gyrinidae became adapted to swimming on the water surface long before Mesozoic invasions of the aquatic environment took place (Dytiscoidea). The Permian origin of Gyrinidae is consistent with a placement of this highly derived family as the sister group of all remaining adephagan groups, as suggested based on morphological features of larvae and adults and recent analyses of molecular data.

Evolución Biológica , Escarabajos/fisiología , Extinción Biológica , Fósiles , Animales , Escarabajos/anatomía & histología , Paleontología , Filogenia , Siberia , Factores de Tiempo
Zootaxa ; 4216(3): zootaxa.4216.3.2, 2017 Jan 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28183119


An annotated checklist of Myxophaga (Hydroscaphidae and Sphaeriusidae) and Adephaga (including Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae, Rhysodidae) from Iran is compiled. The total number of taxa include 39 species of 15 genera. The family Haliplidae is represented by 15 species, Gyrinidae by 12 species, Noteridae by seven species, Rhysodidae by three species, and Hydroscaphidae and Sphaeriusidae by one species each. Two species, Gyrinus (Gyrinus) dejeani Brullé 1832 (Gyrinidae) and Haliplus (Haliplidius) confinis Stephens 1828 (Haliplidae) are new records for the fauna of Iran.

Escarabajos/clasificación , Distribución Animal , Animales , Lista de Verificación , Escarabajos/anatomía & histología , Escarabajos/crecimiento & desarrollo , Ecosistema , Irán
Zookeys ; (718): 95-114, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29290715


The larvae of the Malagasy whirligig beetle Dineutus sinuosipennis Laporte, 1840, identified using DNA sequence data, are described and illustrated for the first time, including detailed morphometric and chaetotaxic analyses of selected structures and a description of larval habitat. Larvae of the genus Dineutus Macleay, 1825 are diagnosed, and a key to identify the genera of the tribe Dineutini is presented. Larvae of Dineutus exhibit the characters traditionally recognized as autapomorphies of the Gyrinidae: body less sclerotized, egg bursters located on the parietal, one additional sensorial plate on the third antennomere, cardo and lacinia well developed, prementum completely divided, abdominal tracheal gills, and four terminal hooks on the pygopod. They also share with larvae of the other Dineutini genera these putative synapomorphies: numerous minute pore-like additional structures on the ultimate maxillary and labial palpomeres, coxal primary seta CO12 inserted submedially, and trochanteral primary seta TR2 absent. Larvae of Dineutus can be distinguished from those of other known genera of Dineutini by the posterior margin of the lacinia not dentate, tracheal gills plumose, parietal seta PA5 inserted relatively far from setae PA7-9, mandibular pores MNb and MNc inserted relatively far from each other, and tarsal seta TA1 inserted submedially.

Zootaxa ; 4196(1): zootaxa.4196.1.1, 2016 Nov 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27988679


Based upon external features of adults of the genus Zeanillus ten species are recognized, seven of which are new to science. Because of significant morphological differences, all species are arranged in four subgenera: the nominotypical subgenus Zeanillus, including Z. phyllobius (Broun), Z. punctigerus (Broun), and Z. nunni, new species (New Zealand, South Island, Otago, Trotters George); the monobasic subgenus Brounanillus, new subgenus, including Z. pallidus (Broun); the monobasic subgenus Nunnanillus, new subgenus, including Z. pellucidus, new species (New Zealand, South Island, Otago, Oamaru); and the most species-rich subgenus Otagonillus, new subgenus, including Z. brouni, new species (New Zealand, South Island, Otago, Oamaru), Z. lescheni, new species (New Zealand, South Island, Southland, Waikaia Forest), Z. carltoni, new species (New Zealand, South Island, Otago, Mount Watkin), Z. montivagus, new species (New Zealand, South Island, Otago, North Rough Ridge), and Z. nanus, new species (New Zealand, South Island, Otago, Waipori River Valley). Based on new morphological data, a redescription of genus, redescriptions of previously described species, and descriptions of all new taxa are given and a taxonomic key for all known species is provided. Maps of species distributions and illustrations of main taxonomic characters used in the text are also included. Some biogeographic/evolutionary aspects of Zeanillus origin and diversification are discussed.

Escarabajos/clasificación , Escarabajos/ultraestructura , Distribución Animal , Animales , Evolución Biológica , Escarabajos/genética , Escarabajos/fisiología , Femenino , Masculino , Nueva Zelanda , Especificidad de la Especie
Rev. bras. entomol ; 60(3): 231-237, July-Sept. 2016. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-792688


ABSTRACT The larva of the whirligig beetle Enhydrus sulcatus (Wiedemann, 1821) is described and illustrated for the first time, including detailed morphometric and chaetotaxic analyses of the cephalic capsule, head appendages and legs. Larvae of Enhydrus Laporte, 1834 exhibit the characters traditionally recognized as autapomorphies of the family Gyrinidae: well developed cardo, completely divided prementum, presence of lateral abdominal tracheal gills, and presence of four terminal hooks on the pygopod. The egg bursters located on the parietal, the presence of an additional sensorial plate on the third antennomere, and a well developed lacinia may also represent autapomorphies of the family. Enhydrus larvae share with those of the other known Dineutini genera the presence of numerous minute additional setae on the mandible, the presence of additional setae on the cardo, the submedial position of the coxal seta CO12, the absence of the trochanteral seta TR2, and the presence of numerous pore-like additional structures on the ultimate maxillary and labial palpomeres. On the other hand, Enhydrus can be distinguished from the other known dineutine genera by the presence of pore-like additional structures on the basal maxillary and labial palpomeres, the presence of ventral spinulae on the pygopod, and the bare tracheal gills, among other characters.

Zookeys ; (443): 61-118, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25349497


Our review recognizes 15 species of the integripennis species group of Geocharidius from Nuclear Central America, include three species previously described (Geocharidiusgimlii Erwin, Geocharidiusintegripennis (Bates) and Geocharidiuszullinii Vigna Taglianti) and 12 described here as new. They are: Geocharidiusandersoni sp. n. (type locality: Chiapas, Chiapas Highlands, Cerro Huitepec) and Geocharidiusvignatagliantii sp. n. (type locality: Chiapas, Motozintla, Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Benito Juárez) from Mexico; Geocharidiusantigua sp. n. (type locality: Sacatepéquez, 5 km SE of Antigua), Geocharidiusbalini sp. n. (type locality: Suchitepéquez, 4 km S of Volcan Atitlán), Geocharidiuserwini sp. n. (type locality: Quiché Department, 7 km NE of Los Encuentros), Geocharidiusjalapensis sp. n. (type locality: Jalapa Department, 4 km E of Mataquescuintla), Geocharidiuslonginoi, sp. n. (type locality: El Progreso Department, Cerro Pinalón), and Geocharidiusminimus sp. n. (type locality: Sacatepéquez Department, 5 km SE of Antigua) from Guatemala; and Geocharidiuscelaquensis sp. n. (type locality: Lempira Department, Celaque National Park), Geocharidiuscomayaguanus sp. n. (type locality: Comayagua Department, 18 km ENE of Comayagua), Geocharidiusdisjunctus sp. n. (type locality: Francisco Morazán, La Tigra National Park), and Geocharidiuslencanus sp. n. (type locality: Lempira Department, Celaque National Park) from Honduras. For all members of the group, adult structural characters, including male and female genitalia, are described, and a taxonomic key for all members of the integripennis species group is presented based on these characters. Behavioral and biogeographical aspects of speciation in the group are discussed, based on the morphological analysis. In all cases of sympatry, pairs of closely related species show greater differences in sizes than pairs of more remotely related species. Integripennis group species occupy six different montane areas at elevations above 1300m, with no species shared among them. Major faunal barriers in the region limiting present species distributions include the Motagua Fault Zone and a gap between the Guatemalan Cordillera volcanic chain and the Honduran Interior Highlands no higher than 900m in elevation. Highest species diversity is in the Guatematan Cordillera (six species), second highest in the Honduran Interior Highlands area (four species).

Zookeys ; (417): 71-101, 2014.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25061356


The Texas fauna of the genus Anillinus Casey, 1918 includes three previously described species (A. affabilis (Brues), 1902, A. depressus (Jeannel), 1963 and A. sinuatus (Jeannel), 1963) and four new species here described: A. acutipennis Sokolov & Reddell, sp. n. (type locality: Fort Hood area, Bell County, Texas); A. comalensis Sokolov & Kavanaugh, sp. n. (type locality: 7 miles W of New Braunfels, Comal County, Texas); A. forthoodensis Sokolov & Reddell, sp. n. (type locality: Fort Hood area, Bell County, Texas); A. wisemanensis Sokolov & Kavanaugh, sp. n. (type locality: Wiseman Sink, Hays County, Texas). A key for identification of adults of these species is provided. The fauna includes both soil- and cave-inhabiting species restricted to the Balcones Fault Zone and Lampasas Cut Plain and adjacent areas underlain by the Edwards-Trinity Aquifer. Based on morphological and distributional data, we hypothesize that four lineages of endogean Anillinus species extended their geographical ranges from a source area in the Ouachita-Ozark Mountains to the Balconian region in central Texas. There the cavernous Edwards-Trinity aquifer system provided an excellent refugium as the regional climate in the late Tertiary and early Quaternary became increasingly drier, rendering life at the surface nearly impossible for small, litter-inhabiting arthropods. Isolated within the Edwards-Trinity aquifer system, these anilline lineages subsequently differentiated, accounting for the currently known diversity. The paucity of specimens and difficulty in collecting them suggest that additional undiscovered species remain to be found in the region.

Zookeys ; (352): 51-92, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24294092


One new genus and eight new species of anilline carabids are described from southern Mexico. The new genus, Zapotecanillus gen. n., is established for Z. oaxacanus (type species) sp. n., Z. nanus sp. n., Z. iviei sp. n., Z. ixtlanus sp. n., Z. montanus sp. n., and Z. kavanaughi sp. n. from the Sierra Madre de Oaxaca, Z. pecki sp. n. from the Sierra Madre del Sur, and Z. longinoi sp. n. from the Sierra Madre de Chiapas. A taxonomic key for all described species of Zapotecanillus and a cladistic analysis, based on morphological data, are provided. Morphological, behavioral and biogeographical aspects of the speciation in the genus obtained from the resulting cladogram are discussed.