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Rev. crim ; 66(1): 145-157, 20240412.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554924


The aim of this article was to analyse the dynamics of sexual offense reports in Colombia over the period between 2010 and 2022. For this, a mixed methodology was applied in the following phases: first, the Colombian National Police registry ­which included 286 604 sexual crimes reported in the aforementioned period­ was analysed. Then, a causal loop diagram of System Dynamics was designed to highlight the role of reporting sexual crimes in the Colombian Penal System. The main findings of this article include that 85.73 % of the complaints are mostly associated with women and 68 % of the victims are minors or adolescents of both sexes. It must be noted that Colombian legislation divides these crimes into those that are aggravated by violence and those that are not. It was also found that when the victim was a woman, the crimes occurred in a higher proportion with the aggravating factor of violence. It can also be concluded that during the COVID-19 pandemic confinement, there was a decrease in the number of sexual offense reports due to its negative effect on the possibility of adult women reporting crimes. In addition, it was found that it is imperative to direct the criminal policies towards the general positive prevention of sexual crimes, without instrumentalising individuals, and aimed at completing a detailed follow-up of complaints.

El objetivo de este artículo fue analizar la dinámica de las denuncias por delitos sexuales en Colombia en el periodo comprendido entre 2010 y 2022. Para ello, se aplicó una metodología mixta en las siguientes fases: primero, se analizó el registro de la Policía Nacional de Colombia -que incluyó 286 604 delitos sexuales denunciados en el periodo mencionado-. Luego, se diseñó un diagrama de bucle causal de Dinámica de Sistemas para resaltar el papel de la denuncia de delitos sexuales en el Sistema Penal Colombiano. Entre los principales hallazgos de este artículo se destaca que el 85.73 % de las denuncias están asociadas mayoritariamente a mujeres y el 68 % de las víctimas son menores de edad o adolescentes de ambos sexos. Es de anotar que la legislación colombiana divide estos delitos en agravados por violencia y no agravados por violencia. También se encontró que cuando la víctima es mujer, los delitos se presentan en mayor proporción con el agravante de violencia. También se puede concluir que durante el encierro pandémico COVID-19, hubo una disminución en el número de denuncias de delitos sexuales debido a su efecto negativo en la posibilidad de que las mujeres adultas denuncien delitos. Además, se constató que es imperativo orientar las políticas criminales hacia la prevención general positiva de los delitos sexuales, sin instrumentalizar a los individuos, y dirigidas a completar un seguimiento detallado de las denuncias.

O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar a dinâmica das denúncias de crimes sexuais na Colômbia no período entre 2010 e 2022. Para isso, foi aplicada uma metodologia mista nas seguintes fases: primeiro, foi analisado o registro da Polícia Nacional da Colômbia, que incluía 286 604 crimes sexuais denunciados no período mencionado. Em seguida, foi elaborado um diagrama de loop causal do System Dynamics para destacar o papel da denúncia de crimes sexuais no sistema penal colombiano. As principais conclusões desse artigo incluem que 85.73 % das denúncias estão associadas principalmente a mulheres e 68 % das vítimas são menores ou adolescentes de ambos os sexos. Deve-se observar que a legislação colombiana divide esses crimes entre aqueles que são agravados pela violência e aqueles que não são. Também foi constatado que, quando a vítima era mulher, os crimes ocorreram em uma proporção maior com o agravante de violência. Também se pode concluir que, durante o confinamento da pandemia da COVID-19, houve uma diminuição no número de denúncias de crimes sexuais devido ao seu efeito negativo sobre a possibilidade de mulheres adultas denunciarem crimes. Além disso, constatou-se que é imprescindível direcionar as políticas criminais para a prevenção geral positiva dos crimes sexuais, sem instrumentalizar os indivíduos, e visando à conclusão de um acompanhamento detalhado das denúncias.

Humanos , Colombia
Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública ; 48(1): 29-45, 20240426.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555703


O Brasil é um país com altas taxas de violência, o que afeta, além da sociedade civil, os agentes das forças da segurança pública, cujas taxas de mortalidade por causas violentas são superiores às da população geral. Portanto, objetivou-se caracterizar o perfil da mortalidade de policiais militares por causas violentas, segundo a cor da pele, no estado da Bahia. Neste estudo, foram analisadas as mortes violentas de policiais militares da ativa ocorridas entre 2012 e 2019, considerando variáveis tanto sociodemográficas quanto relacionadas à corporação policial e às circunstâncias da ocorrência. A análise dos resultados foi realizada por meio da linguagem computacional R versão 4.2.2. Foram registradas 110 mortes de policiais militares, em sua maioria negros (83,64%). Em relação à faixa etária, os policiais militares negros morreram mais jovens, entre 30 e 39 anos (41,30%), enquanto os brancos, entre 40 e 49 anos (61,11%). Em 50% dos casos envolvendo policiais militares negros, a motivação do crime permaneceu desconhecida, enquanto 33,33% das mortes envolvendo policiais brancos foram por confronto com criminosos. Conclui-se que o perfil das mortes de policiais militares no estado da Bahia é semelhante ao da população em geral, com predomínio de homens, negros, jovens e solteiros.

Brazil is a country with high rates of violence, which affects, in addition to civil society, public security agents, whose mortality rates from violent causes are higher than those of the general population. Therefore, the objective was to characterize the profile of mortality of military police officers due to violent causes, according to skin color, in the state of Bahia. This study analyzed violent deaths of active military police officers that occurred between 2012 and 2019, considering both sociodemographic variables and those related to the police force and the circumstances of the occurrence. The analysis of the results was carried out using the computational language R version 4.2.2. A total of 110 military police deaths were recorded, most were black (83.64%). Regarding age group, black military police officers died younger, between 30 and 39 years old (41.30%), whereas white military police officers, between 40 and 49 years old (61.11%). In 50% of cases involving black military police officers, the motivation for the crime remained unknown, whereas 33.33% of deaths involving white police officers were due to confrontation with criminals. In conclusion, the profile of military police deaths in the state of Bahia is similar to that of the general population, with a predominance of male, black, young, and single people.

Brasil tiene altos índices de violencia que no solo afectan a la sociedad civil, sino también a los agentes de seguridad pública, cuyas tasas de mortalidad por causas violentas superan a las de la población general. Así, el objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar el perfil de mortalidad por causas violentas de los policías militares según el color de la piel, en el estado de Bahía (Brasil). En este estudio se analizaron muertes violentas de policías militares en activo, ocurridas entre 2012 y 2019, considerando variables sociodemográficas relacionadas con el cuerpo policial y las circunstancias de la ocurrencia. El análisis de los resultados se realizó utilizando el lenguaje computacional R, versión 4.2.2. Se registraron 110 muertes de policías militares, la mayoría negros (83,64%). Con relación al grupo de edad, los policías militares negros murieron más jóvenes, de entre 30 y 39 años (41,30%), que los policías militares blancos, de entre 40 y 49 años (61,11%). En el 50% de los casos que involucraron a policías militares negros, la motivación del crimen seguía siendo desconocida, mientras que en el 33,33% de las muertes que involucraron a policías blancos se debieron a enfrentamientos con delincuentes. Se concluye que el perfil de las muertes de policías militares en Bahía es similar al de la población general, con predominio de hombres, negros, jóvenes y solteros.

Seguridad , Violencia , Causas de Muerte
Trab. Educ. Saúde (Online) ; 22: e02702250, 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565939


RESUMO: Os profissionais da saúde afiançam que não se sentem seguros para atender as demandas relacionadas à violência sexual. Nesse âmbito, desponta a Educação Permanente em Saúde, política do Sistema Único de Saúde que cumpre os requisitos de desenvolvimento permanente de habilidades e competências profissionais. Assim, este estudo objetivou analisar a compreensão dos trabalhadores acerca dos processos de trabalho e sua articulação com a Educação Permanente em Saúde para a qualificação na Rede de Atenção às Vítimas de Violência Sexual, na gestão e na Área Lilás do Hospital da Mulher Nise da Silveira, de Alagoas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter descritivo, exploratório e de abordagem qualitativa. Promoveram-se três oficinas integrando dois grupos de pesquisa. Os inquiridos compreendem os impactos que a Educação Permanente em Saúde pode reverberar na atenção às vítimas de violência sexual. Isso acontece porque não se trata de um processo engessado de formação, mas ancora-se na aprendizagem que os provoca a problematizar tanto as suas condutas laborais quanto os processos de trabalho em que estão inseridos, valorizando a experiência que cada um carrega na intenção de (re)pensar novos moldes de cuidado e de reduzir os ruídos de comunicação diante do fazer dialógico.

ABSTRACT: Health professionals say they do not feel safe dealing with demands related to sexual violence. In this context, Permanent Health Education, a policy of the Unified Health System that fulfills the requirements of permanent development of professional skills and competencies, has emerged. The aim of this study was to analyze workers' understanding of work processes and how they are linked to Continuing Health Education for qualification in the Care Network for Victims of Sexual Violence, in management and in the Lilac Area of the Nise da Silveira Women's Hospital in Alagoas (Northeastern Brazil). This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Three workshops were carried out involving two research groups. The respondents understand the impact that Permanent Health Education can have on the care provided to victims of sexual violence. This is because it is not a plastered training process, but is anchored in learning that provokes them to problematize both their work conduct and the work processes in which they are inserted, valuing the experience that each one carries with the intention of (re)thinking new forms of care and reducing communication noise in the face of dialogue.

RESUMEN: Los profesionales de la salud afirman no sentirse seguros para atender demandas relacionadas con la violencia sexual. En este contexto, la Educación Permanente en Salud, política del Sistema Único de Salud de Brasil que cumple los requisitos de desarrollo permanente de habilidades y competencias profesionales, pasa a primer plano. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la comprensión de los trabajadores sobre los procesos de trabajo y su articulación con la Educación Permanente en Salud para la calificación en la Red de Atención a Víctimas de Violencia Sexual, en la gestión y en el Área Lila del Hospital de la Mujer Nise da Silveira, en Alagoas, Brasil. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, exploratorio y con abordaje cualitativo. Fueron organizados tres talleres con la participación de dos grupos de investigación. Los entrevistados comprenden el impacto que la Educación Permanente en Salud puede tener en la atención a las víctimas de violencia sexual. Esto se debe a que no se trata de un proceso de capacitación enyesado, sino que está basado en un aprendizaje que les lleva a problematizar tanto su conducta laboral como los procesos de trabajo en los que están involucrados, valorando la experiencia que cada uno lleva consigo con la intención de (re)pensar nuevas formas de atención y reducir el ruido de la comunicación frente al diálogo.

Capacitación en Servicio
Confl Health ; 17(1): 51, 2023 Oct 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37875980


BACKGROUND: Colombia has experienced decades of conflict between the government and non-state actors. Attacks on healthcare have been a grave but regular facet of that violence. In response, the Misión Médica (MM) program was developed to support, protect, and defend healthcare. Sporadic violence continues, with many recent attacks perpetrated not by armed actors but by residents. Given the history of conflict and ongoing violence, we sought to capture the perspectives of both healthcare workers (HCWs) and community members (CMs) regarding the characteristics and impacts of attacks on health in Colombia to gain insight into how to better prevent violence and mitigate its impacts. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from January to March 2021 in seven departments in Colombia in regions that witnessed attacks on healthcare. Questionnaires were administered to HCWs and CMs via purposive sampling, probing their experiences with attacks on health with both closed and open-ended questions. The categorical responses were stratified by health worker vs. non-health worker and descriptively analyzed. Narrative responses were analyzed via a hybrid deductive/inductive thematic approach. RESULTS: Seventy-three individuals participated in the study (36 HCWs and 37 cm). Approximately 77% of HCWs believed that attacks on healthcare impacted health outcomes while 68% of CMs did not see a direct connection between violence against healthcare and poor health outcomes. Awareness of the MM program was significantly different between HCWs (83.3%) and CMs (37.8%). The survey responses explored the characteristics of attacks on health, compounded impacts of violence on the health system, personal impacts, and perspectives on mitigation efforts. CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrates that: (1) attacks on healthcare are context-dependent and require a local lens for mitigation and management; (2) both HCWs and CMs have critical perspectives that must be considered, (3) the impacts of violence against healthcare are complex and compounded and (4) that awareness of the legal protections of the Geneva Conventions must be combined with education on the health impacts for robust protection strategies. Critically, Both CMs and HCWs experience fear and psychosocial ramifications of these attacks, suggesting the need for stronger protections and resources to support the health workforce and the local community.

Rev. crim ; 65(3): 11-30, 20230910. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537837


Theft from the person is one of the highest impact crimes in Bogotá, with a national share of approximately 38 %. This crime brought to the attention of the authorities is referred to by academics as recorded or reported crime and is used by the police for different purposes, particularly for criminal investigation, but with inefficient results in the identification of perpetrators. Therefore, the type of research is qualitative and has the objective of linking the citizen through a process of collaborative technological innovation, with the purpose of collecting, processing and analysing reported or non-reported information (hidden crime) in a timely, anonymous and efficient manner with disruptive technologies prioritized for the project.The methodology used begins with the discovery stage by identifying key actors and building user stories. Then, in the understanding stage, the value proposition is put forth by means of a hypothesis that is validated in a process of experimentation, and finally, in the build stage, a technology watch analysis is carried out and the proposal for the collaborative system between the citizen and the police with a technological approach is put forward. The results are based on the identification and prioritization of five technologies, two actors, three variables and application of six low and medium fidelity prototypes, as well as the acceptance of citizens in collecting and sharing timely information at 87 %; that information focuses on video, audio, photos and localization at 55 %.On the other hand, with the entry into operation of the collaborative system, the researchers indicate that it would optimise investigation by 50 % through the timely identification of the perpetrators. As for the conclusion, the information analyzed and obtained from the results allows to reach, in a first phase, validation of the established hypothesis, but at the same time recognising the importance of including methodologies such as System Dynamics that allow for the systemic analysis of the information established by other actors and its impact on the proposed collaborative system.The use of citizen information in criminal investigation through a collaborative technological innovation process to counteract theft from the person in Bogotá

El hurto a personas es uno de los delitos de mayor impacto en temas de seguridad para Bogotá con una participación a nivel nacional del 38 % aproximadamente. Este delito puesto en conocimiento de las autoridades es denominado por académicos como criminalidad registrada o denunciada y es utilizada por la institución policial para diferentes fines, en especial para la investigación criminal, pero con resultados poco eficientes en la identificación de victimarios. Por lo tanto, el tipo de investigación es cualitativa y tiene como objetivo vincular al ciudadano mediante un proceso de innovación tecnológico colaborativo, con el propósito de recolectar, tratar y analizar información denunciada y no denunciada (criminalidad oculta) de manera oportuna, anónima y eficiente con tecnologías disruptivas priorizadas para el proyecto. La metodología empleada inicia con la etapa de descubrir mediante la identificación de actores claves y la construcción de historias de usuario. Luego, en la etapa comprender se plantea la propuesta de valor mediante una hipótesis que se valida en un proceso de experimentación, y por último en la etapa construir, se realiza un análisis de vigilancia tecnológica y se plantea la propuesta del sistema colaborativo entre el ciudadano y la policía con enfoque tecnológico. Los resultados se basan en la identificación y priorización de cinco tecnologías, dos actores, tres variables y aplicación de seis prototipos de baja y mediana fidelidad, así como la aceptación de la ciudadanía en recolectar y compartir información oportuna en un87 %, esa información se centra en videos, audios, fotos y localización con un 55 %. Por otro lado, con la entrada en funcionamiento del sistema colaborativo, los investigadores indican que optimizaría la investigación en un 50 % mediante la identificación oportuna de los victimarios. En cuanto a la conclusión, la información analizada y obtenida de los resultados, permite llegar en una primera fase, a validar la hipótesis establecida, pero a la vez, la importancia de incluir metodologías como la Dinámica de Sistemas que permita el análisis sistémico de la información establecida por otros actores y su impacto en el sistema colaborativo propuesto.

O roubo de pessoas é um dos crimes de maior impacto nas questões de segurança de Bogotá, com uma participação nacional de aproximadamente 38 %. Este crime levado ao conhecimento das autoridades é denominado pelos acadêmicos como crime registrado ou denunciado e é utilizado pela instituição policial para diversos fins, principalmente para investigação criminal, mas com resultados ineficientes na identificação dos autores. Portanto, o tipo de pesquisa é qualitativo e visa vincular os cidadãos por meio de um processo colaborativo de inovação tecnológica, com o objetivo de coletar, tratar e analisar informações denunciadas e não denunciadas (crimes ocultos) de maneira oportuna, anônima e eficiente, priorizando tecnologias disruptivas. para o projeto. A metodologia utilizada começa com a fase de descoberta, identificando os principais atores e construindo histórias de usuários. Depois, na fase de compreensão, é proposta a proposta de valor através de uma hipótese que é validada num processo de experimentação e, finalmente, na fase de construção, é realizada uma análise de vigilância tecnológica e é proposta a proposta de um sistema colaborativo entre cidadãos. e a polícia com foco tecnológico. Os resultados baseiam-se na identificação e priorização de cinco tecnologias, dois atores, três variáveis e aplicação de seis protótipos de baixa e média fidelidade, bem como na aceitação dos cidadãos na recolha e partilha de informação atempada em 87 %, esta informação centra-se em vídeos, áudios, fotos e localização com 55 %. Por outro lado, com a entrada em funcionamento do sistema colaborativo, os investigadores indicam que otimizaria a investigação em 50 % através da identificação atempada dos autores. Quanto à conclusão, a informação analisada e obtida a partir dos resultados permite-nos chegar numa primeira fase à validação da hipótese estabelecida, mas ao mesmo tempo, a importância de incluir metodologias como a Dinâmica de Sistemas que permite a análise sistémica da informação estabelecida por outros atores e seu impacto no sistema colaborativo proposto.

Humanos , Tecnología , Creatividad
Rev. crim ; 65(3): 81-95, 20230910. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538050


El presente artículo aporta un acercamiento al ciberdelincuente identificando las características comunes en la personalidad de quienes delinquen en este escenario. Para llevar a cabo la investigación, se tomó una muestra de diecinueve expertos que forman parte de la Dirección de Investigación Criminal e INTERPOL, abordados por entrevista en profundidad. Los datos obtenidos fueron tratados desde un diseño hermenéutico con énfasis en la teoría fundamentada, por medio de tres fases elaboradas en análisis matricial de codificación abierta, selectiva y teórica; a partir de las cuales se establecen algunas de las tácticas del ciberdelincuente desplegadas en el ciberespacio a través de tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones; su descripción desde el modelo big five y se identifican algunas de sus características como la falta de empatía, escrúpulos, incapacidad para el control de emociones, confianza y capacidad de innovar sus modus operandi(Sánchez y Robles, 2013). Finalmente, desde las teorías del control social se han estudiado el ciberdelito y los actos del ciberdelincuente de una manera formal que vela por encontrar estrategias de control del Estado, según González (2010), o informal, que busca los motivos que conducen a cometer delitos, como lo afirma López (2015), a partir de lo cual, al final, se presentan algunas recomendaciones.

This article provides an approach to cybercriminals by identifying the common characteristics in the personality of those who commit crimes in this scenario. In order to carry out the research, a sample of nineteen experts from the Criminal Investigation Directorate and INTERPOL were interviewed in depth. The data obtained were treated based on a hermeneutic design with emphasis on grounded theory, by means of three phases elaborated in matrix analysis of open, selective and theoretical coding; from which some of the tactics of cybercriminals deployed in cyberspace through information and communication technologies are established; their description based on the big five model and the identification of several of their characteristics such as lack of empathy, scruples, the inability to control emotions, confidence and the ability to innovate their modus operandi (Sánchez y Robles, 2013). Finally, theories of social control have studied cybercrime and the acts of cybercriminals in a formal way that seeks to find strategies to control the State, according to González (2010), or informally, seeking the motives that lead to committing crimes, as stated by López (2015), on the basis of which, at the end, some recommendations are presented.

Este artigo traz uma abordagem sobre os cibercriminosos, identificando as características comuns na personalidade de quem comete crimes nesse cenário. Para a realização da investigação foi recolhida uma amostra de dezanove peritos que integram a Direcção de Investigação Criminal e a INTERPOL, abordados através de entrevista em profundidade. Os dados obtidos foram tratados a partir de um desenho hermenêutico com ênfase na teoria fundamentada, por meio de três fases desenvolvidas em análise matricial de codificação aberta, seletiva e teórica; a partir da qual se estabelecem algumas das táticas cibercriminosas implantadas no ciberespaço através das tecnologias de informação e comunicação; A sua descrição baseia-se no modelo dos big five e são identificadas algumas das suas características, como a falta de empatia, escrúpulos, incapacidade de controlar emoções, confiança e capacidade de inovar o seu modus operandi (Sánchez y Robles, 2013). Por fim, a partir das teorias de controle social, o cibercrime e os atos dos cibercriminosos têm sido estudados de forma formal, que busca encontrar estratégias de controle do Estado, segundo González (2010), ou informalmente, que busca os motivos que levam ao cometimento dos crimes. , conforme afirma López (2015), a partir do qual, ao final, são apresentadas algumas recomendações.

Humanos , Internet , Estado , Conducta Criminal
Children (Basel) ; 10(8)2023 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37628392


Eating disorders, characterized by abnormal eating behaviors, are among a wide variety of psychiatric conditions that mainly affect children and adolescents. These disorders have a multifactorial origin and can be associated with restrictive diets, negative feelings, harmful family relationships, and post-traumatic stress. Thus, this study's objective was to evaluate the association between indicators of eating disorders and family and school contexts in Brazilian adolescents who previously experienced sexual abuse and examine the findings based on sex. National School Health Survey data were utilized. Among 102,301 students between 11 and 19 years of age, 4124 reported having experienced sexual abuse and were included in this study. Self-report questionnaires were used to assess participants' health status and the presence of risk behaviors, which were examined through multivariate analysis using a Poisson regression model. The results indicated positive relationships between self-induced vomiting, laxative misuse, and other purgative methods and infrequent meals with family, hunger, and the presence of violence in students' daily lives, regardless of sex (p < 0.05). In addition, body dissatisfaction and negative feelings about one's body were associated with having been bullied or teased by schoolmates for both sexes (p < 0.05). Distant relationships with parents were associated with purgative methods and body dissatisfaction among female students (p < 0.05). In conclusion, body dissatisfaction, negative feelings about one's body, laxative misuse, self-induced vomiting, and purgative methods were found to be associated with factors in family and school contexts such as hunger, infrequent meals with family, family violence, distant relationships with parents, and bullying at school in adolescents who have previously experienced sexual abuse.

Rev. med. Risaralda ; 29(1)jun. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536608


Objetivo: Evaluar el fenómeno de violencia sexual y condición de vida de mujeres afrocolombianas víctimas del conflicto armado, asentadas en la ciudad de Cartagena, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio prospectivo de corte transversal, tipo encuesta poblacional, realizado entre septiembre de 2019 y marzo del 2020, en la ciudad de Cartagena, Colombia. Se evaluaron variables sociodemográficas, tipo de delitos sufridos en el conflicto armado y factores relacionados, además de antecedentes o presencia de sintomatología psiquiátrica asociada a los eventos traumáticos. A través de análisis descriptivo, se caracterizó las condiciones de vida actuales de las participantes y se exploraron asociaciones entre la condición de violencia sexual y sintomatología psiquiátrica, por medio de Odds Ratio (OR). Resultados: Participaron 215 mujeres, con una mediana de edad de 40 años y desplazadas principalmente del departamento de Bolívar (55%). El 85% eran amas de casa y solo el 60% tiene vivienda propia, encontrándose más del 65% del total de las viviendas en zonas de riesgo por inundación. Por lo menos el 35% habían sufrido discriminación de género, racial o habían sido víctima de violencia sexual. Aproximadamente la mitad de la muestra declaró padecer insomnio, ansiedad y depresión. El 40% mencionó haber tenido pensamientos suicidas y solo 1 de cada 5 mujeres recibió apoyo psicológico. Haber sido secuestrada (OR 4,71; IC 95%, 1,05-21,07), perseguida (OR 3,33; IC 95%, 1,61-6,89) y abusada sexualmente (OR 3,09; IC 95%, 1,60-5,96), son hechos que se asociaron de forma sostenida y significativa con sintomatología psiquiátrica. Conclusión: Las mujeres afrocolombianas víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano asentadas en Cartagena, presentan condiciones de vida inestables, no han recibido la ayuda adecuada de redes de apoyo, han sido discriminadas por su etnia, género y condición de víctima, y tienen una prevalencia elevada de sintomatología psiquiátrica asociada a los hechos traumáticos vividos.

Objective: To evaluate the phenomenon of sexual violence and the living conditions of Afro-Colombian women victims of the armed conflict, who lives in city of Cartagena, Colombia. Materials and methods: Prospective cross-sectional study, population-based survey type, conducted between September 2019 and March 2020, in the city of Cartagena, Colombia. Sociodemographic variables, type of crimes suffered in the armed conflict and related factors were evaluated, as well as history or presence of psychiatric symptoms associated with traumatic events. Through descriptive analysis, it was characterized the current living conditions of the participants; and also explored associations between the condition of sexual violence and psychiatric symptomatology, through Odds Ratio (OR). Results: 215 women participated, with a median age of 40 years and displaced mainly from the department of Bolívar (55%). 85% percent were housewives and only 60% have their own house, with more than 65% of the total number of houses located in flood risk areas. 35% had suffered gender or racial discrimination or had been victims of sexual violence. Approximately half of the sample reported suffering from insomnia, anxiety and depression. 40% mentioned having had suicidal thoughts and only 1 in 5 women received psychological support. Having been kidnapped (OR 4.71; 95% CI, 1.05-21.07), persecuted (OR 3.33; 95% CI, 1.61-6.89) and sexually abused (OR 3.09; 95% CI, 1.60-5.96), are events that were consistently and significantly associated with psychiatric symptomatology. Conclusion: The Afro-Colombian women victims of the Colombian armed conflict who lives in Cartagena, present unstable living conditions, have not received adequate help from support networks, have been discriminated against because of their ethnicity, gender and victim status, and have a high prevalence of psychiatric symptoms associated with the traumatic events experienced.

Interacciones ; 9: e326, ene. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517816


Objective: This study aimed to relate life satisfaction and psychological distress to coping with the perception of criminal danger in university students. Method: Three scales were used: The Life Satisfaction Scale, the K-10 Psychological Distress Scale, and the Coping with Perceived Danger Scale. A total of 370 university students participated, of whom 65.4% were female, and 13.8% had experienced crime in the previous two years. Result: A positive and statistically significant relationship was found between coping with perceived danger, such as cautious avoidance (r=0.274, p ≤ 0.00), preventive coping (r=0.344, p ≤ 0.00), and extreme avoidance (r=0.207, p ≤ 0.00), with psychological distress. These relationships were even stronger for victims of crime. Women show higher levels of psychological distress and more cautious, avoidant and extreme coping strategies in the face of danger compared to men. Finally, a negative and significant relationship was observed between psychological distress and life satisfaction. Conclusion: It appears that regardless of whether a person has been a victim of crime in the last two years, perceptions of danger and strategies of cautious and even extreme crime prevention are related.

Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue relacionar la satisfacción con la vida y el malestar psicológico con el afrontamiento frente a la percepción de peligro delictual en universitarios. Método: Se utilizaron tres escalas, la escala de satisfacción con la vida, la escala de malestar psicológico k-10, y la escala de afrontamiento frente a la percepción de peligro. Participaron 370 estudiantes universitarios, de los cuales un 65,4% son mujeres y un 13,8% han sufrido un delito en los últimos 2 años. Resultados: Se encontró una relación positiva, con un tamaño del efecto pequeño entre el afrontamiento frente la percepción de peligro, como evitación prudente (r=0,274, (p ≤ 0,00), afrontamiento preventivo (r=0,344, p ≤ 0,00) y evitación extrema (r=0,207, p ≤ 0,00) con malestar psicológico. En víctimas de delitos, estas relaciones se hacen más fuertes. Las mujeres muestran un mayor malestar psicológico, así como también estrategias de afrontamiento frente al peligro más prudentes, preventivas y extremas que los hombres. Por último, se observa una relación negativa y significativa entre malestar psicológico y satisfacción con la vida. Conclusión: Se videncia que independiente de que, si la persona es víctima de un delito en los últimos dos años, la percepción de peligro y las estrategias llevadas a cabo para prevenir el delito de forma prudente e incluso extrema, se relacionan entre sí.

J Interpers Violence ; 38(1-2): NP847-NP871, 2023 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35360959


The digital sphere has become a space in which misogyny-laden discourses are constantly presented. In fact, in Mexico persists a rape culture that justifies violent acts against women and blames the victims of the crimes through social opinions. The present study proposed an approach based on the Theory of Social Representations. In this sense, this study aimed to analyze the discourses that emerge in the digital sphere when users give their opinion on five types of crimes against women: femicide, rape, enforced disappearance, abuse, and sexual harassment. The results revealed that there are four types of discourse (representations) framed within rape culture: disbelief of rape, blaming the victim, revictimization, and disempowering women. It is concluded that Mexican society maintains a representation that stereotypes and devalues the image of women, which allows us to understand the aggressions that women suffer in their daily lives.

Víctimas de Crimen , Violación , Acoso Sexual , Femenino , Humanos , México , Crimen
Rev. crim ; 65(1): 41-56, 2023. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428001


Este artículo argumenta que la macroviolencia ha invisibilizado buena parte de las masacres ocurridas en regiones donde el conflicto interno fue de menor intensidad, ha banalizado sus efectos en pequeñas poblaciones, y con ello, ha provocado una relación transaccional entre el Estado y victimarios con las víctimas de masacres de menor escala. Por esta razón, por medio de un estudio de caso, haciendo uso de entrevistas semiestructuradas, grupos focales y encuestas al universo de habitantes de Cienaguita-Pita (Atlántico), se ilustrará cuáles fueron los efectos de la masacre, las entradas diferenciadas del Estado y el acceso que tuvieron las víctimas a los derechos a la verdad, justicia, reparación, no repetición y dignificación. Por último, este artículo pretende visibilizar una de las masacres ocurridas en el Caribe, que ha sido oculta por cuenta de la macroviolencia que caracterizó a la región en las décadas de 1990 y 2000, y demostrar, además, que el Estado es quien ha asumido la carga de indemnizar a las víctimas y establecer algunos insumos para reconstruir la verdad en el conflicto armado.

This article argues that macro-violence has made invisible a good part of the massacres that occurred in regions where the internal conflict was of lesser intensity, has trivialized its effects in small populations, and with it, has provoked a transactional relationship between the State and victimizers with the victims of smaller scale massacres. For this reason, by means of a case study, using semi-structured inter-views, focus groups and surveys of the universe of inhabitants of Cie-naguita-Pita (Atlántico), we will illustrate the effects of the massacre, the State>s differentiated approaches and the victims> access to the rights to truth, justice, reparation, non-repetition and dignity. Finally, this article aims to make visible one of the massacres that occurred in the Caribbean, which has been hidden due to the macro-violence that characterized the region in the 1990s and 2000s, and also to demonstrate that the State has assumed the burden of compensating the victims and establishing some inputs to reconstruct the truth in the armed conflict.

Este artigo argumenta que a macro-violência tornou invisível uma grande parte dos massacres que ocorreram em regiões onde o conflito interno foi de menor intensidade, banalizou os seus efeitos em pequenas populações, e provocou assim uma relação transaccional entre o Estado e os perpetradores com as vítimas de massacres de menor escala. Por este motivo, através de um estudo de caso, utilizando entrevistas semi-estruturadas, grupos focais e inquéritos aos habitantes de Cienaguita-Pita (Atlántico), ilustraremos os efeitos do massacre, as abordagens diferenciadas do Estado e o acesso das vítimas aos direitos à verdade, à justiça, à reparação, à não repetição e à dignidade. Finalmente, este artigo visa tornar visível um dos massacres ocorridos nas Caraíbas, que foi escondido devido à macro-violência que caracterizou a região nos anos 90 e 2000, e também demonstrar que o Estado assumiu o ónus de compensar as vítimas e estabelecer alguns contributos para a reconstrução da verdade no conflito armado.

Humanos , Conflictos Armados , Estado , Justicia Social , Violencia , Pueblos Caribeños
Psicol. teor. prát. ; 24(3): 13947, 26.08.2022.
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés, Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436490


The aim of the article was to analyze the dangerousness and personality characteristics of perpetrators of sexual violence (SVA). 69 inmates who participated in this study were serving time for sexual crimes in a closed regime and were divided into two groups: SVA convicted of victimizing children (G1) (n = 41) and SVA convicted of victimizing adolescents and adults (G2) (N = 28 ). The collected data derived from the reading of the criminal case and the application of the Rorschach test in the Performance Assessment System (R-PAS). For data analysis, a variable called dangerousness was created, through the principal component factor analysis, using criminal profile variables, to verify the correlation between the R-PAS variables and the participants' riskiness. Comparisons were also made between the groups. The results showed that the greater the danger, the greater the use of intellectualization as a defense mechanism, in order not to deal directly and realistically with aspects that generate emotional or social anguish. In addition, G2 showed a higher degree of danger.

O objetivo do artigo foi analisar a periculosidade e as características de personalidade de autores de vio-lência sexual (AVS). Participaram deste estudo 69 reeducandos que cumpriam pena por crimes sexuais em regime fechado, divididos em dois grupos: AVS condenados por vitimizar crianças (G1) (n = 41) e AVS con-denados por vitimizar adolescentes e adultos (G2) (N = 28). Os dados coletados derivaram da leitura do processo criminal e da aplicação do teste de Rorschach no Sistema de Avaliação por Desempenho (R-PAS). Para a análise dos dados, criou-se uma variável denominada periculosidade, por meio da análise fatorial de componente principal, mediante variáveis do perfil criminal, para verificar a correlação entre as variá-veis do R-PAS e a periculosidade dos participantes. Também foram realizadas comparações entre os gru-pos. Os resultados apontaram que quanto maior é a periculosidade, maior é o uso da intelectualização como mecanismo de defesa, para não lidar de modo direto e realista com aspectos que geram angústia emocional ou social. Além disso, o G2 revelou maior grau de periculosidade.

El objetivo del artículo fue analizar la peligrosidad y las características de personalidad de autores de vio-lencia sexual (AVS). Participaron de este estudio 69 reeducandos que cumplían condena por crímenes sexuales en régimen cerrado, divididos en dos grupos: AVS que victimizaron niños (G1) (n = 41) y AVS por adolescentes y adultos (G2) (n = 28). Los datos recogidos derivaron de la lectura del proceso criminal y de la aplicación del test de Rorschach en el sistema de evaluación por performance (R-PAS). Para el análisis de los datos, se creó una variable denominada peligrosidad por medio del análisis factorial de componente principal, mediante variables del perfil criminal, para verificar la correlación entre las variables del R-PAS y la peligrosidad de los participantes. También fueron realizadas comparaciones entre los grupos. Los re-sultados apuntaron que, cuanto mayor es la peligrosidad, mayor es el uso de la intelectualización como mecanismo de defensa, para no lidiar de modo directo y realista con aspectos que generan angustia emo-cional o social. Además de eso, el G2 reveló mayor grado de peligrosidad.

Entropy (Basel) ; 24(7)2022 Jun 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35885116


Crime is a negative phenomenon that affects the daily life of the population and its development. When modeling crime data, assumptions on either the spatial or the temporal relationship between observations are necessary if any statistical analysis is to be performed. In this paper, we structure space-time dependency for count data by considering a stochastic difference equation for the intensity of the space-time process rather than placing structure on a latent space-time process, as Cox processes would do. We introduce a class of spatially correlated self-exciting spatio-temporal models for count data that capture both dependence due to self-excitation, as well as dependence in an underlying spatial process. We follow the principles in Clark and Dixon (2021) but considering a generalized additive structure on spatio-temporal varying covariates. A Bayesian framework is proposed for inference of model parameters. We analyze three distinct crime datasets in the city of Riobamba (Ecuador). Our model fits the data well and provides better predictions than other alternatives.

Chem Biodivers ; 19(1): e202100560, 2022 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34793626


The objective of this research was to evaluate the contamination of pesticides of carbamate and benzimidazole classes in soil, water and soybean seeds, incorrectly discarded near a spring in the state of Goiás-Brazil. The Solid-Liquid and Liquid-Liquid Extraction with Low Temperature Partition (SLE/LTP or LLE/LTP) methods were used for pesticide extraction and the analyses were performed by HPLC-UV. A high resolution mass spectrometer was used to confirm the identity of the compounds present in the seeds. The results showed that the soybeans were treated with the pesticide carbendazim and the dosage was three times higher than established by Brazilian legislation. In the soil and water analyzed there was no presence of the pesticides researched, nor of the carbendazim detected in the seeds. Since this was an environmental crime due to incorrect disposal, it is not known how long ago it occurred. Thus, depending on how long the seeds had been exposed there, the pesticide could have leached out, and caused contamination in the spring and soil. Thus, we conclude that the incorrect disposal of seeds treated with pesticides can be a risk to the permanence of life on the site.

Glycine max/química , Plaguicidas/análisis , Brasil , Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Presión , Extracción Líquido-Líquido , Plaguicidas/aislamiento & purificación , Ríos/química , Semillas/química , Semillas/metabolismo , Contaminantes del Suelo/análisis , Extracción en Fase Sólida , Glycine max/metabolismo , Espectrometría de Masa por Ionización de Electrospray
J Interpers Violence ; 37(11-12): NP9115-NP9143, 2022 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33319607


Latin America is one of the deadliest regions for trans communities. Scientific research generated in the region has reported that trans people live through a complicated panorama shaped by multiple forms of oppression, extreme violence, and micro-aggressions. Although necropolitics, as a theoretical approach, has been useful to understand how State policies negatively affect trans individuals, it does not fully account for informal dynamics within groups and among individuals that are potentially lethal for this population in Latin America. To account for this gap, the author proposes two novel concepts: necropraxis (a pattern that manifest itself in everyday social interactions, through which gradual small doses of death are delivered to eliminate, symbolically and/or literally, trans people); and necroresistance (the ways in which trans people defy the threats imposed by necropraxis through "ordinary" acts manifested in their everyday life). The main objective of this article is to put forth definitions for these two concepts and identify how they apply in the context of trans communities in three countries of the region: Guatemala, Argentina, and Chile. To achieve the latter, the author relies on her ethnographic work in these contexts. Data were gathered through parcipant observation, in-depth interviews with trans persons (N = 11) and informal conversations with individuals during the site visits. A deductive qualitative analysis was conducted. Results evidence how the manifestation of necropraxis and necroresistance were highly influenced by the historical, political, economic and sociocultural context of each country. This study provides valuable information to help both policymakers and other stakeholders understand the problem's magnitude in the region and the ways necropraxis is experienced in everyday relations between trans individuals and others. Similarly, through the understanding of what constitutes necroresistance and its value, the proposed framework could help them outline prevention and management strategies to strengthen trans communities in different countries.

Personas Transgénero , Chile , Femenino , Guatemala , Humanos , América Latina/epidemiología , Violencia
J Interpers Violence ; 37(15-16): NP14397-NP14410, 2022 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33866890


Trans women are specifically vulnerable to interpersonal violence. Being perceived as the gender that a transgender person identifies with, defined in some contexts as passing, may influence violence ratings. The EVAS (Violence and Health Self-Evaluation) study was a cross-sectional study that enrolled 121 trans women between 2019 and 2020 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, aiming to investigate the association between self-reported passing and different types of interpersonal violence. We enrolled 121 participants who had a median age of 36.3 (interquartile range [IQR] 13.7). Most of them were Black/mixed (78.5%) and had at least a high school education (63%). Most participants considered themselves as trans women (71.9%). Their median monthly income was $252.50 (IQR $302.50). Only 40 (33.1%) trans women had a main partner. Trans women with high passing had a higher prevalence of family violence and lower prevalence of observed police violence, violence in open and closed public spaces. Participants that reported a high passing had higher prevalence of family violence (p = .016); moreover, they reported observing less frequently police violence in the neighborhood they lived in for the last 12 months (p = .012) as well as having lower rates of suffering violence. Trans women who reported high passing had 81% (56%-92%) lower chance of suffering violence in open public places more than once, while prior racism experience had a positive association with violence in an open public place (aOR = 3.93, 95% CI [.48, 15.40]). Passing seems to protect from violence in public spaces, whilst it increases family violence. Data also suggest that observing police violence and violence in close public spaces. There is an urgent need to better understand the complex relationships around violence and foster its prevention.

Violencia Doméstica , Parejas Sexuales , Brasil , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Prevalencia
J Interpers Violence ; 37(1-2): 423-448, 2022 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32228336


Violent extremism is commonly conditioned by a variety of psychological processes and mechanisms that when activated or deactivated aid implication in extreme behavior, including destructive actions with a large dose of cruelty against people and groups. One of those processes is moral disengagement, which was originally postulated by Bandura. To test this relationship, the present research focused on studying these mechanisms in members of Colombian illegal armed groups. Total sample size was 18 (14 males and four females) demobilized members of the Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia [AUC]) and guerrilla organizations (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia [FARC], National Liberation Army [ELN], among others), which had participated directly or indirectly in violent actions against people and groups, which included murders, tortures, and massacres. Qualitative methodology was used, specifically in-depth interviews and content analysis. This analysis led to the verification in the narratives of the participants of the use of all the mechanisms of moral disengagement described by Bandura aiming to justify their behavior within the armed group. The most noteworthy mechanisms were those that minimized participation (especially, attributing behavior to obeying orders: displacement of responsibility) and moral justification, especially, the context of confrontation. Moral disengagement processes are found in armed group members (such as insurgency, terrorist organizations, or militias). These mechanisms cancel ordinary psychological reactions of rejection, fear, and moral controls that oppose the carrying out of cruelty and extreme violence.

Principios Morales , Terrorismo , Agresión , Colombia , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Violencia
Rev. crim ; 64(3): 39-60, 2022. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1416800


Después de varias décadas de conflicto armado en Colombia, el Gobierno colombiano y las Farc-EP firmaron, en 2016, el Acuerdo Final para la terminación del conflicto y la construcción de una paz estable y duradera. No obstante, este acuerdo no fue refrendado por la ciudadanía, en un plebiscito celebrado ese mismo año. En 2018, ganó las elecciones presidenciales un candidato que prometió cambiar las condiciones del Acuerdos Final y modificar uno de sus principales instrumentos: la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP). En ese contexto esta investigación se pregunta: ¿cuál es la opinión de los colombianos sobre el Acuerdo Final y la JEP? La investigación indaga en las opiniones de los colombianos a través de un análisis estadístico comparativo de tres encuestas de opinión de 2016, 2018 y 2020. Los resultados detallan los cambios actitudinales ocurridos en esos años, como la disminución del rechazo frontal a los Acuerdos de Paz y el leve incremento de las posibilidades de reintegración de los excombatientes a la vida civil. También, expone algunas reticencias al cambio, como la desconfianza persistente, la reafirmación del rechazo al indulto de los excombatientes (punitivismo) y a su participación política (ostracismo).

After several decades of armed conflict in Colombia, the Colombian Government and the Farc-EP signed, in 2016, the Final Agreement for the termination of the conflict and the construction of a stable and lasting peace. However, this agreement was not endorsed by the citizenry, in a plebiscite held that same year. In 2018, the presidential elections were won by a candidate who promised to change the conditions of the Final Agreement and to modify one of its main instruments: the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP). In this context, this research asks: what is the opinion of Colombians on the Final Agreement and the SJP? The research inquiries into the opinions of Colombians through a comparative statistical analysis of three opinion polls from 2016, 2018 and 2020. The results detail the attitudinal changes that occurred in those years, such as the decrease in the frontal rejection of the Peace Accords and the slight increase in the possibilities of reintegration of ex-combatants to civilian life. It also exposes some reluctance to change, such as persistent distrust, the reaffirmation of the rejection of pardoning ex-combatants (punitivism) and their political participation (ostracism).

Após várias décadas de conflito armado na Colômbia, o governo colombiano e as FARC-EP assinaram, em 2016, o Acordo Final para o fim do conflito e a construção de uma paz estável e duradoura. Entretanto, este acordo não foi endossado pelos cidadãos em um plebiscito realizado no mesmo ano. Em 2018, as eleições presidenciais foram ganhas por um candidato que prometeu mudar as condições do Acordo Final e modificar um de seus principais instrumentos: a Jurisdição Especial para a Paz (JEP). Neste contexto, esta pesquisa pergunta: qual é a opinião dos colombianos sobre o Acordo Final e o SJP? A pesquisa investiga as opiniões dos colombianos através de uma análise estatística comparativa de três pesquisas de opinião de 2016, 2018 e 2020. Os resultados detalham as mudanças de atitude que ocorreram nesses anos, tais como a diminuição da rejeição direta dos Acordos de Paz e o leve aumento das possibilidades de reintegração de ex-combatentes na vida civil. Também expõe alguma relutância em mudar, como a desconfiança persistente, a reafirmação da rejeição do perdão de ex-combatentes (punitivismo) e de sua participação política (ostracismo).

Humanos , Opinión Pública , Conflictos Armados , Colombia , Perdón , Derechos Humanos
Rev. crim ; 64(3): 79-94, 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1416944


Introducción: La violencia de pareja (VP) perpetrada y sufrida es un problema de salud pública mundial. Una de las variables asociadas más estudiadas ha sido la victimización infantil-juvenil (VI). Objetivo: Analizar el rol de la VI en la VP en población general de Argentina, considerando a las modalidades específicas de violencias tanto sufridas, como ejercidas, y a posibles diferencias entre hombres y mujeres. Método: Se encuestó a 243 adultos de Argentina. Se evaluaron sus datos sociodemográficos, la VI y la VP perpetrada y sufrida en la adultez, mediante el Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire (JVQ) y la Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2). Se llevaron a cabo análisis bivariados y multivariados para calcular asociaciones entre las variables. Resultados: Un 99% de la muestra total indicó haber sufrido al menos un acto de VI, sin diferencias entre los sexos. En cuanto a la VP perpetrada y sufrida, ambos sexos presentaron prevalencias similares, con la única excepción de la violencia sexual perpetrada, significativamente mayor en varones (41.70%) que en mujeres (19.10%). Las asociaciones registradas entre VI y VP fueron específicas. Conclusiones: Las asociaciones sugieren que determinados tipos de VI constituyen un factor de riesgo para ciertos tipos de VP en la adultez. Se discuten las implicancias de los hallazgos para la prevención y la investigación.

Introduction: Perpetrated and experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global public health problem. One of the most studied associated variables has been child-juvenile victimization (CV). Objective: To analyze the role of IPV in IPV in the general population of Argentina, considering the specific modalities of violence both suffered and perpetrated, and possible differences between men and women. Method: We surveyed 243 adults in Argentina. Their sociodemographic data, the VI and the VP perpetrated and suffered in adulthood were assessed by means of the Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire (JVQ) and the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2). Bivariate and multivariate analyses were conducted to calculate associations between variables. Results: 99% of the total sample indicated having suffered at least one act of VI, with no differences between sexes. Regarding perpetrated and suffered PV, both sexes presented similar prevalences, with the only exception of perpetrated sexual violence, which was significantly higher in males (41.70%) than in females (19.10%). The associations recorded between VI and VP were specific. Conclusions: The associations suggest that certain types of VI constitute a risk factor for certain types of VP in adulthood. Implications of the findings for prevention and research are discussed.

Introdução: A violência do parceiro íntimo (IPV) perpetrada e vivenciada é um problema de saúde pública global. Uma das variáveis associadas mais estudadas tem sido a vitimização de crianças e adolescentes (CV). Objetivo: Analisar o papel do IPV na população geral da Argentina, considerando as modalidades específicas de violência tanto sofridas como perpetradas, e as possíveis diferenças entre homens e mulheres. Método: 243 adultos na Argentina foram pesquisados. Seus dados sociodemográficos, VI, e a violência perpetrada e sofrida na vida adulta foram avaliados utilizando o Questionário de Vitimização Juvenil (JVQ) e a Escala de Táticas de Conflito (CTS2). Foram realizadas análises bivariadas e multivariadas para estimar associações entre as variáveis. Resultados: 99% da amostra total relatou ter experimentado pelo menos um ato de VA, sem diferenças de gênero. Em termos de IPV perpetrado e experimentado, ambos os sexos mostraram prevalências semelhantes, com a única exceção da violência sexual perpetrada, que foi significativamente maior nos homens (41,70%) do que nas mulheres (19,10%). As associações registradas entre VI e VP foram específicas. Conclusões: As associações sugerem que certos tipos de VI são um fator de risco para certos tipos de IPV na vida adulta. São discutidas as implicações dos resultados para a prevenção e a pesquisa.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Violencia de Pareja , Argentina , Violencia , Víctimas de Crimen
Rev. crim ; 64(3): 95-116, 2022. mapas, ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1417091


Este documento está centrado en determinar qué variables afectan los incentivos que tienen los delincuentes al cometer sus ciberdelitos, e identificar si la legislación actual está diseñada teniendo en cuenta la tipificación de las conductas y las herramientas de los entes encargados de capturar los criminales. Se busca entender los principales factores que incentivan la ciberdelincuencia en el país, teniendo en cuenta el contexto de la ciberdelincuencia para el 2019 en Colombia, y con ello, el comportamiento de los delincuentes informáticos en la prepandemia. Con la Ley 1273 de 2019, encargada de tipificar los delitos informáticos en Colombia, se revisarán los datos reportados de delitos informáticos y se compararán con los casos e indicadores de delitos de hurto calificado, con el fin de determinar la relación de estos dos delitos, que son relevantes para las entidades y han sido interiorizados por las entidades policivas en su estudio y lucha anticriminal desde hace mucho tiempo. Una vez definida teóricamente la eficiencia de las entidades apoderadas en la lucha contra los delitos informáticos, se propone una función de beneficios económicos de la ciberdelincuencia adaptada para el caso colombiano, determinando las variables que mejor explican esta función. Al final de este ejercicio académico, mediante un análisis de sensibilidad, se señala qué aspectos de política pública se deben considerar como prioritarios, teniendo en cuenta los incentivos económicos para los ciberdelincuentes y la efectividad de la Ley 1273 de 2009.

This paper is focused on determining which variables affect the incentives that criminals have when committing cybercrime, and identify whether the current legislation is designed taking into account the criminalization of behaviors and the tools of the entities in charge of catching criminals. It seeks to understand the main factors that encourage cybercrime in the country, taking into account the context of cybercrime for 2019 in Colombia, and with it, the behavior of cybercriminals in the pre-pandemic. With Law 1273 of 2019, in charge of criminalizing computer crimes in Colombia, the reported data of computer crimes will be reviewed and compared with the cases and indicators of qualified theft crimes, in order to determine the relationship of these two crimes, which are relevant for the entities and have been internalized by the police entities in their study and anti-crime fight for a long time. Once the efficiency of the entities empowered in the fight against cybercrime has been theoretically defined, a function of economic benefits of cybercrime adapted to the Colombian case is proposed, determining the variables that best explain this function. At the end of this academic exercise, through a sensitivity analysis, it is pointed out which aspects of public policy should be considered as a priority, taking into account the economic incentives for cybercriminals and the effectiveness of Law 1273 of 2009.

Este documento está focado em determinar quais variáveis afetam os incentivos que os criminosos têm quando cometem crimes cibernéticos, e identificar se a legislação atual é elaborada levando em conta a classificação dos comportamentos e as ferramentas das entidades encarregadas de capturar os criminosos. Ela procura compreender os principais fatores que incentivam o cibercrime no país, levando em conta o contexto do cibercrime para 2019 na Colômbia, e com ele, o comportamento dos cibercriminosos na pré-pandemia. Com a Lei 1273 de 2019, encarregada de criminalizar os crimes cibernéticos na Colômbia, os dados comunicados de crimes cibernéticos serão revistos e comparados com os casos e indicadores de crimes de roubo, a fim de determinar a relação entre esses dois crimes, que são relevantes para as entidades e foram internalizados por entidades policiais em seu estudo e combate aos crimes por um longo tempo. Uma vez definida teoricamente a eficiência das entidades habilitadas na luta contra o crime cibernético, propõe-se uma função dos benefícios econômicos do crime cibernético adaptada ao caso colombiano, determinando as variáveis que melhor explicam esta função. Ao final deste exercício acadêmico, por meio de uma análise de sensibilidade, indica-se quais aspectos das políticas públicas devem ser considerados prioritários, levando em conta os incentivos econômicos para os cibercriminosos e a eficácia da Lei 1273 de 2009.

Humanos , Legislación , Computadores , Policia , Colombia , Crimen