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Environ Manage ; 71(4): 847-866, 2023 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36348074


The analysis of environmental governance and the analytical frameworks used to study this concept in Latin America show that the term is diffuse and polysemic. The term governance refers to democratic societies that theoretically encourage the plural participation of actors in decision making to solve public or collective socioenvironmental problems. However, in Latin America, there is a broad social perception of a democratic deficit that affects the socioenvironmental sphere. The objective of this work is to determine the main trends in studies on environmental governance in Latin America, the most commonly used analytical frameworks and the predominant approaches to characterize the scientific and political uses of the concept. A systematic literature review is carried out on databases in English and Spanish, and 140 articles that consider environmental governance using various analytical frameworks are analyzed. The main finding is the predominance of a critical perspective on the effectiveness of environmental governance, as well as the associated institutional components and social organizations, because the democratic practices that should support it are questionable.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Política Ambiental , América Latina
Artículo en Español | COLNAL | ID: biblio-1519480


Aunque la región de Latinoamérica y el Caribe no es un gran emisor de gases de efecto invernadero, no puede seguir siendo un actor tímido en la imperiosa necesidad de mitigar el cambio climático, el problema de civilización y gobernanza global más apremiante del siglo XXI. Le urge contener la deforestación, incentivar una agricultura más limpia y descarbonizar su economía.

Although the Latin American and Caribbean region is not a large emitter of greenhouse gases, it cannot continue to be a timid actor in the urgent need to mitigate climate change, the most pressing problem of civilization and global governance of the 21st century. It is urgent to contain deforestation, encourage cleaner agriculture and decarbonise its economy.

Entramado ; 16(2): 202-218, jul.-dic. 2020. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149276


RESUMEN En Colombia se han asumido modelos de desarrollo sustentados en la extracción de materias primas, provocando con ello, múltiples conflictos socioambientales entre los distintos actores sociales y el Estado. En este contexto, la implementación de mecanismos de gobernanza ambiental ha permitido consolidar herramientas de resistencia a la idea global de desarrollo económico a partir de la crítica y eventual rechazo, de las comunidades y colectividades afectadas por la ejecución de proyectos extractivos. El presente artículo, explora los diferentes procesos de gobernanza ambiental adelantados en el Departamento de Boyacá, a través de una metodología interdisciplinar que involucra, el estudio socioambiental y el análisis jurídico, por medio de instrumentos cualitativos, que permiten entender de manera "glocal" (local y global) las dimensiones reales del problema y las iniciativas sociales exitosas para su solución en el Departamento.

ABSTRACT In Colombia, development models based on the extraction of raw materials have been assumed, thereby causing multiple socio-environmental conflicts between the different social actors and the State. In this context, the implementation of environmental governance mechanisms has consolidated tools of resistance to the global idea of economic development based on criticism and, eventually, rejection of the communities and communities affected by the execution of extractive projects. This article explores the different processes of environmental governance carried out in the Department of Boyacá, through an interdisciplinary methodology that involves the socio-environmental study and legal analysis, through qualitative instruments, which allows us to understand "glocally" "(local and global) the real dimensions of the problem and the successful social initiatives for its solution in the Department.

RESUMO Na Colômbia, assumiram-se modelos de desenvolvimento baseados na extração de matérias-primas, gerando múltiplos conflitos socioambientais entre os diversos atores sociais e o Estado. Neste contexto, a implementação de mecanismos de governança ambiental tem permitido consolidar ferramentas de resistência à ideia global de desenvolvimento econômico baseado na crítica e, eventual rejeição, das comunidades e coletivos afetados pela execução de projetos extrativistas. Este artigo explora os diferentes processos de governança ambiental realizados no Departamento de Boyacá, por meio de uma metodologia interdisciplinar que envolve estudo socioambiental e análise jurídica, por meio de instrumentos qualitativos, que nos permitem compreender de forma "glocal" (local e global) as reais dimensões do problema e as iniciativas sociais bem-sucedidas para sua solução no Departamento.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;63: e20180646, 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132248


Abstract: This article is about a case study based on the participation and contact with dynamized activities through action plans for the circular economy in Europe, specifically in Portugal. It aims to identify the main in-progress actions and the challenges for the diffusion of the circular economy in the Portuguese nation and draw a panorama for Brazil, transiting through different data sources, economic sectors and stakeholders. Through data triangulation, the investigative plan contemplated participatory observations in workshops, interviews with experts, documental analyses and means of communication. After going through data cross checking for validation, the content was aggregated to a strategic analysis matrix. As a result, it was possible to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges associated with the growth of the circular economy in Portugal, as well as to indicate directions and possibilities in the Brazilian context. It is possible to realize, for both countries, the importance of the international benchmarking for the recognition and promotion of circular economy actions, besides the necessity to revise laws aligned with the internal e external market rules, by increasing the offer of circular products and services.

Humanos , Desarrollo Económico , Política Ambiental/economía , Gobernanza , Portugal , Planificación Estratégica , Brasil , Benchmarking , Países en Desarrollo/economía
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 24(33): 25571-25581, 2017 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28078518


Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) is the most populated urban area in the country. In 2010, MCMA required 14.8% of total energy domestic demand, but greenhouse gas emissions accounted for 7.7% of domestic emissions. Mexico has massive renewable energy potential that could be harnessed through solar photovoltaic (PV) technology. The problem to explore is the relationship between local and federal public strategies in MCMA and their stance on energy transition concern, social empowerment, new technology appropriation, and the will to boost social development and urban sustainability. A public policy typology was conducted through instruments of State intervention approach, based on political agenda articulation and environmental local interactions. Social equality is encouraged by means of forthright funding and in-kind support and energy policies focus on non-renewable energy subsidies and electric transmission infrastructure investment. There is a lack of vision for using PV technology as a guiding axis for marginalized population development. It is essential to promote economic and political rearrangement in order to level and structure environmental governance. It is essential to understand people's representation about their own needs along with renewable energy.

Política Pública , Cambio Social , Energía Solar/legislación & jurisprudencia , Tecnología/instrumentación , Ciudades , México
Rev. luna azul ; 45: [309]-[328], 2017.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-998328


La gobernanza ambiental se orienta a la armonización de procesos relacionados con la gestión del ambiente, a través de la participación activa e integrada de los actores públicos y privados. Objetivo: Valorar la gobernanza ambiental en 12 municipios de Risaralda. Método: Se formuló un modelo bajo el enfoque de investigación holística, usando como referentes los informes de auditoría a la gestión ambiental local elaborados por la Contraloría de Risaralda. Resultados: El estudio arrojó un índice de apropiación del 61,4% para el año 2003, incrementado en 6,1 puntos una década después. El 75% de los municipios mejoraron su indicador, sin embargo ninguno obtuvo un registro efectivo (80-100%), contrario al ámbito político y legal de competencia fundado en un esquema de gestión participativa. Conclusión: El fortalecimiento de la gobernanza debe fundarse en un proceso pedagógico que motive la participación, así como en un acuerdo para su práctica en el gobierno local, bajo la premisa que una gobernanza suficiente y consistente fortalece la gobernabilidad, mejora la confianza social, incrementa la efectividad de la gestión ambiental y posibilita la sustentabilidad del ambiente en la órbita del desarrollo territorial.

Environmental governance is oriented to harmonize processes related to environmental management through the active and comprehensive participation of public and private stakeholders. Objective: To assess the environmental governance in 12 municipalities in Risaralda. Method: A model using the comprehensive research approach was developed using as referents the data of audit reports to the local environmental management developed by the Comptrollership of Risaralda. Results: The research found an index of ownership of 61.4% in 2003, increasing 6.1 points a decade later. A 75% of the municipalities improved their indicator, however, none of them had an effective register (80-100%), contrary to the political and legal field of competence based on a participative management scheme. Conclusion: Governance strengthening must be based on a pedagogic process that encourages participation, as well as an arrangement for its practice in the local government, under the premise that sufficient and consistent governance strengthens governability, improves social trust, and enables environmental sustainability in the zone of influence of territorial development.

Participación de la Comunidad , Gobernanza
Cienc. tecnol. salud ; 3(1): 65-79, ene.-jun. 2016. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-868826


La urbanización es un fenómeno global cuyo pronóstico prevé que para el 2050 hasta el 70% de la poblaciónmundial vivirá en ciudades. Esto tendrá un impacto sobre la diversidad biológica, lo que podría generar pérdidade especies y de los servicios ecosistémicos relacionados. Las administraciones municipales deben contemplareste componente para la planificación y desempeño ambiental de sus ciudades y áreas urbanas. El Convenio sobrela Diversidad Biológica (CDB) ha planteado una nueva herramienta para estimar la diversidad biológica enciudades: el índice de diversidad biológica urbana. En este proyecto se evaluó este índice para la ciudad de LaAntigua Guatemala. De un máximo de 72 puntos, el resultado para la ciudad de La Antigua Guatemala fue de33 puntos. Se midieron 18 indicadores de tres componentes: (1) biodiversidad urbana con un desempeño alto,(2) servicios ecosistémicos con un desempeño bajo y (3) gobernanza y manejo de la diversidad biológica con undesempeño medio. Los registros para la línea base de la biodiversidad son: 99 especies de aves, 148 especies deplantas vasculares, 46 especies de mariposas y 11 especies de murciélagos. Se recomienda a las autoridades dela ciudad de La Antigua Guatemala y actores involucrados, elaborar de urgencia la estrategia local de diversidadbiológica y su plan de acción.

The global process of urbanization predicts a 70% of all world citizens living in cities by the year 2050. Theresult will be a high impact on biological diversity like species loss and degradation of ecosystem services.Local governments have to introduce this component in the environmental planning and performance of their cities.The UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has proposed a new tool to evaluate the biological diversityin cities: The City Biodiversity Index (CBI). In this project the CBI for the city of La Antigua Guatemala wasassessed. The city scores 33 points out of 72. The indicators measured were related to three main components: (1)biological diversity with high value, (2) ecosystem services with low value and (3) governance and managementof biological diversity with medium value. Biodiversity base line records were: 99 bird species, 148 plant species,46 butterfly species and 11 bat species. The project recommends the urgent elaboration of Antigua Guatemala’sCity Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (LBSAP).

Animales , Ecología , Planificación de Ciudades , Área Urbana
Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;41(4): 481-492, 2011. ilus, tab, mapas
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-601758


O artigo trata de um estudo empírico em que a análise de redes sociais é utilizada para mapear o capital social de atores envolvidos em processos de governança ambiental na Amazônia brasileira. Por meio de entrevistas, foi mapeada a rede de relações de diálogo sobre questões socioambientais de um conjunto de 505 atores no Território Portal da Amazônia. Foram identificadas 3384 relações de diálogo, com uma média de 6,7 parceiros de diálogo por ator. A análise dos aspectos estruturais da rede de diálogo foi utilizada para construir indicadores de capital social de ligação, com mapeamento da organização interna dos atores de um mesmo município, e de conexão, com a caracterização das relações entre atores de municípios diferentes. Em nível municipal, a distribuição das duas formas de capital social permitiu caracterizar os grupos de atores de acordo com as suas atuações diferenciadas na governança ambiental do Território. Em nível territorial, o padrão de conectividade entre os 16 municípios mostra um equilíbrio entre as duas formas de capital social e revela o potencial de comunicação e organização dos atores, como demonstrado no exemplo dos projetos de Agendas 21 locais. Estes resultados demonstram como a análise de redes sociais pode contribuir na definição (ou redefinição) das fronteiras dos territórios de modo a incluir um conjunto de municípios cujos atores mantêm relações sociais efetivas. Ações de governança no Portal da Amazônia são propostas com potencial para fortalecer os processos de diálogo, diminuir os conflitos e promover o uso sustentável dos recursos naturais na Amazônia.

The article presents an empirical study where social network analysis is used to map social capital among actors involved in environmental governance processes in the Brazilian Amazon. Using interviews, we carried out the mapping of the dialogue network regarding socio-environmental issues among 505 actors from the Amazonian Gateway Territory. The analysis identified 3384 dialogue relationships. Each actor has an average of 6,7 dialogue partners. The analysis of the structural characteristics of the dialogue network was used to build indicators of social capital of the bonding type, based on the mapping of the organization among actors from the same municipalities, and bridging type, based on the identification of relationships among actors from different municipalities. At the municipal level, the distribution of the two types of social capital allowed the characterization of groups of actors according to their differing participation in the environmental governance of the Territory. At the territorial level, the connectivity pattern among the 16 municipalities exhibits a balance between the two types of social capital and reveals the potential of communication and organization among actors, as demonstrated through the example of the local Agenda 21 projects. These results demonstrate how social network analysis can contribute to the definition (or re-definition) of the territories frontiers in order to include a set of municipalities whose cohesion is based on effective social relationships. We also propose governance actions for the Amazonian Gateway aiming at strengthening dialogue processes, reducing conflicts and promoting the sustainable use of natural resources in the Amazon.

Administración de Recursos Naturales , Red Social , Capital Social , Gobernanza
Acta amaz. ; 41(4)2011.
Artículo en Portugués | VETINDEX | ID: vti-450696


The article presents an empirical study where social network analysis is used to map social capital among actors involved in environmental governance processes in the Brazilian Amazon. Using interviews, we carried out the mapping of the dialogue network regarding socio-environmental issues among 505 actors from the Amazonian Gateway Territory. The analysis identified 3384 dialogue relationships. Each actor has an average of 6,7 dialogue partners. The analysis of the structural characteristics of the dialogue network was used to build indicators of social capital of the bonding type, based on the mapping of the organization among actors from the same municipalities, and bridging type, based on the identification of relationships among actors from different municipalities. At the municipal level, the distribution of the two types of social capital allowed the characterization of groups of actors according to their differing participation in the environmental governance of the Territory. At the territorial level, the connectivity pattern among the 16 municipalities exhibits a balance between the two types of social capital and reveals the potential of communication and organization among actors, as demonstrated through the example of the local Agenda 21 projects. These results demonstrate how social network analysis can contribute to the definition (or re-definition) of the territories frontiers in order to include a set of municipalities whose cohesion is based on effective social relationships. We also propose governance actions for the Amazonian Gateway aiming at strengthening dialogue processes, reducing conflicts and promoting the sustainable use of natural resources in the Amazon.

O artigo trata de um estudo empírico em que a análise de redes sociais é utilizada para mapear o capital social de atores envolvidos em processos de governança ambiental na Amazônia brasileira. Por meio de entrevistas, foi mapeada a rede de relações de diálogo sobre questões socioambientais de um conjunto de 505 atores no Território Portal da Amazônia. Foram identificadas 3384 relações de diálogo, com uma média de 6,7 parceiros de diálogo por ator. A análise dos aspectos estruturais da rede de diálogo foi utilizada para construir indicadores de capital social de ligação, com mapeamento da organização interna dos atores de um mesmo município, e de conexão, com a caracterização das relações entre atores de municípios diferentes. Em nível municipal, a distribuição das duas formas de capital social permitiu caracterizar os grupos de atores de acordo com as suas atuações diferenciadas na governança ambiental do Território. Em nível territorial, o padrão de conectividade entre os 16 municípios mostra um equilíbrio entre as duas formas de capital social e revela o potencial de comunicação e organização dos atores, como demonstrado no exemplo dos projetos de Agendas 21 locais. Estes resultados demonstram como a análise de redes sociais pode contribuir na definição (ou redefinição) das fronteiras dos territórios de modo a incluir um conjunto de municípios cujos atores mantêm relações sociais efetivas. Ações de governança no Portal da Amazônia são propostas com potencial para fortalecer os processos de diálogo, diminuir os conflitos e promover o uso sustentável dos recursos naturais na Amazônia.