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Rev. cient. cienc. salud ; 6: 1-12, 30-01-2024.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1565435


Introducción. Los niños requieren especial dedicación para lograr espirometrías de calidad. Objetivo. Este trabajo evalúa la frecuencia de maniobras aceptables en escolares, la utilidad de gestos de incentivo para optimizar la obtención de pruebas de alta calidad y realiza un análisis de ajuste a varias ecuaciones de referencia. Materiales y Métodos. Se realizaron maniobras espiratorias forzadas en un grupo de escolares de Asunción- Paraguay, escogiendo variables recomendadas para la interpretación en un espirómetro portátil, para evaluar la frecuencia de pruebas de calidad. Aquellos que no consiguieron estudios aceptables, fueron sometidos a un entrenamiento con silbato en rollo (juguete) para evaluar el desempeño ulterior. Los resultados de alta calidad fueron pareados a valores esperados determinados por diversas ecuaciones buscando evaluar el grado de adecuación. Resultados. De 113 escolares, el 58,4% pudo conseguir maniobras de grado A o B. Después del estímulo con el silbato en rollo, la frecuencia de estudios aceptables ascendió a 79,6%. Los parámetros de referencia con mejor ajuste fueron aquellos determinados por la Global Lung Initiative (GLI). Conclusión. Los incentivos lúdicos son una alternativa para optimizar la obtención de pruebas de espirometría en escolares, que con el uso de parámetros de GLI adecuarían el manejo clínico de ciertas enfermedades respiratorias.

Introduction. Children require special dedication to achieve high quality spirometry. Objective. This work evaluates the frequency of acceptable maneuvers in schoolchildren, the usefulness of incentive gestures to optimize the obtaining of high-quality tests, and performs an analysis of adjustments to several reference equations. Material and Methods. Forced expiratory maneuvers were performed in a group of schoolchildren from Asunción, Paraguay, choosing variables recommended for interpretation in a portable spirometer, to evaluate the frequency of high quality tests. Those who did not achieve acceptable studies were subjected to training with a roll whistle (toy) to evaluate their subsequent performance. The high-quality results were matched to expected values determined by various equations to evaluate adequacy. Results. Of 113 schoolchildren, 58,4% were able to achieve grade A or B maneuvers. After the stimulus with the roll whistle, the frequency of acceptable studies rose to 79,6%. The reference parameters with the best fit were those determined by the Global Lung Initiative (GLI). Conclusion. Playful incentives are an alternative to obtaining acceptable spirometry tests in schoolchildren, which, with the use of GLI parameters, would adjust the clinical management of certain respiratory diseases.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Pruebas de Función Respiratoria , Espirometría , Niño , Capacidad Vital , Volumen Espiratorio Forzado
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529493


ABSTRACT Objective: To compare and analyze pulmonary function and respiratory mechanics parameters between healthy children and children with cystic fibrosis. Methods: This cross-sectional analytical study included healthy children (HSG) and children with cystic fibrosis (CFG), aged 6-13 years, from teaching institutions and a reference center for cystic fibrosis in Florianópolis/SC, Brazil. The patients were paired by age and sex. Initially, an anthropometric evaluation was undertaken to pair the sample characteristics in both groups; the medical records of CFG were consulted for bacterial colonization, genotype, and disease severity (Schwachman-Doershuk Score — SDS) data. Spirometry and impulse oscillometry were used to assess pulmonary function. Results: In total, 110 children were included, 55 in each group. In the CFG group, 58.2% were classified as excellent by SDS, 49.1% showed the ΔF508 heterozygotic genotype, and 67.3% were colonized by some pathogens. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences between both groups (p<0.05) in most pulmonary function parameters and respiratory mechanics. Conclusions: Children with cystic fibrosis showed obstructive ventilatory disorders and compromised peripheral airways compared with healthy children. These findings reinforce the early changes in pulmonary function and mechanics associated with this disease.

RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar e analisar parâmetros de função pulmonar e de mecânica respiratória entre escolares saudáveis e com fibrose cística (FC). Métodos: Estudo transversal que incluiu escolares saudáveis (GES) e com FC (GFC), com idades entre seis e 13 anos, provenientes de instituições de ensino e de um centro de referência da FC em Florianópolis/SC, Brasil, pareados por idade e sexo, respectivamente. Inicialmente, conduziu-se avaliação antropométrica para pareamento e caracterização de ambos os grupos e, no GFC, consultou-se prontuário médico para registro dos dados de colonização bacteriana, genótipo e gravidade da doença (Escore de Schwachman-Doershuk — ESD). Para a avaliação da função pulmonar, realizou-se espirometria e a avaliação da mecânica respiratória foi conduzida por meio do sistema de oscilometria de impulso. Resultados: Participaram 110 escolares, 55 em cada grupo. No GFC, 58,2% foram classificados pelo ESD como excelentes, 49,1% apresentaram genótipo ∆F508 heterozigoto e 67,3% eram colonizados por alguma patógeno. Houve diferença significativa (p<0,05) na maioria dos parâmetros de função pulmonar e de mecânica respiratória entre os grupos. Conclusões: Escolares com FC apresentaram distúrbio ventilatório obstrutivo e com comprometimento de vias aéreas periféricas, em comparação aos escolares hígidos. Esse evento reforça o início precoce da alteração de função pulmonar e de mecânica respiratória nessa enfermidade, evidenciados pelos achados desta investigação.

Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535455


Introducción: La espirometría es una prueba de función pulmonar usada en la valoración de programas de rehabilitación para evaluar exposiciones a tóxicos y alérgenos, en estudios epidemiológicos y en el desarrollo de ecuaciones de referencia en poblaciones específicas; estos valores pueden variar de acuerdo con la altura. Objetivo: Establecer las diferencias entre los valores de referencia de espirometría forzada en población adulta residentes en alturas mayores y menores a 1500 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Métodos: Revisión sistemática, se encontraron 536 estudios, se evaluaron 66 en texto completo, 33 en calidad metodológica con las listas de chequeo Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies y Quality Assessment of Case-Control Studies; 21 estudios fueron seleccionados para la revisión y 12 surtieron metanálisis. Resultados: Se contó con 48 923 participantes de alturas entre 2,4 y 4440 m s. n. m. Hay diferencias iniciales al relacionar la altura (+/-1500 m s. n. m) con el VEF1 (hombres: DM 0,29; IC: 0,03-0,55; mujeres: DM 0,27; IC: -0,07-0,60) y los valores de referencia con el sexo: CVF (DM 1,31; IC: 1,24-1,37) y VEF1 (DM: 1,03; IC: 0,95-1,11). Se reportó alta heterogeneidad y riesgo de sesgo de publicación. Discusión: Estas diferencias se dan en función de aspectos antropométricos y fisiológicos como la aclimatación y el envejecimiento pulmonar. Los mecanismos que influyen en estos cambios son la adaptación genética, molecular, fisiológica y anatómica, que permiten compensar los efectos de la hipoxia aguda o crónica, lo cual aumenta la ventilación alveolar y los valores espirométricos. Conclusiones: Los valores de referencia de espirometría varían de acuerdo con la altura (mayores en alturas > 1500 m s. n. m) y el sexo (más elevados en hombres). Es necesario contar con evidencias más amplias y contundentes en la temática.

Introduction: Spirometry is a lung function test used in the evaluation of rehabilitation programs to evaluate exposures to toxics and allergens in epidemiological studies and in the development of reference equations in specific populations; these values may vary according to height. Objective: To establish the differences between the reference values of forced spirometry in the adult population living at altitudes greater than and less than 1,500 meters above sea level. Methods: Systematic review a total of 536 studies were found; 66 were assessed in full text and 33 were assessed for methodological quality using the Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies and Quality Assessment of Case-Control Studies checklists; 21 studies were selected for the review and 12 provided meta-analyses. Results: There were 48,923 participants from heights between 2.4 and 4,440 m.a.s.l. There are initial differences when relating height (+/-1,500 m.a.s.l.) with FEV1 (men: MD 0.29; CI: 0.03-0.55; women: MD 0.27; CI: -0.07-0 .60); and the reference values with gender: FVC (MD 1.31, CI: 1.24-1.37) and FEV1 (MD: 1.03, CI: 0.95-1.11). High heterogeneity and risk of publication bias are reported. Discussion: These differences occur based on anthropometric and physiological aspects such as acclimatization and lung aging. The mechanisms that influence these changes are genetic, molecular, physiological and anatomical adaptations that allow compensation for the effects of acute or chronic hypoxia, which increases alveolar ventilation and spirometric values. Conclusions: The spirometry reference values vary according to height (higher at heights >1,500 m.a.s.l.) and sex (higher in men). It is necessary to have broader and more convincing evidence on the subject.

Humanos , Valores de Referencia , Espirometría , Neumología , Adulto , Altitud , Demografía , Metaanálisis , Revisión Sistemática
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551161


Objective: Evaluate the spirometry pattern of patients who persisted with respiratory symptoms after infection with SARS-Cov-2. Methods: Cross-sectional, observational, retrospective study in a single center, approved by the local Ethics Committee (registration number: 5,120,720). Patients who underwent spirometry due to Post-Covid Syndrome were evaluated to analyze the spirometric pattern presented. The following were collected: exam identification data, sex, age, symptom time, the need for mechanical ventilation, and quality of spirometry, in addition to the following exam parameters: FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, FEV 25-75/FVC, and FEV 75, evaluating the Lower Limit of Normality, pre-bronchodilator and post-bronchodilator values. Results: Data from 72 patients were collected. Of these, 55.5% of patients had spirometry results within normal limits. The most frequent respiratory alteration was obstructive respiratory disorder, present in 29.2% of the patients. Conclusions: The presence of dyspnea in patients with normal spirometry may indicate further evaluation of lung function and other etiologies for dyspnea (AU).

Objetivo: Avaliar o padrão de espirometria de pacientes que persistiram com sintomas respiratórios após a infecção pelo SARS-CoV-2. Métodos: Estudo transversal, observacional e retrospectivo realizado em um único centro, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética local (número do parecer: 5.120.720). Foram avaliados pacientes submetidos a espirometria devido à Síndrome Pós-Covid, a fim de analisar o padrão espirométrico apresentado. Os seguintes dados foram coletados: identificação do exame, sexo, idade, tempo de sintomas, necessidade de ventilação mecânica, qualidade da espirometria, além dos seguintes parâmetros do exame: CVF, VEF1, VEF1/CVF, VEF 25-75/CVF e VEF 75, avaliando o Limite Inferior da Normalidade, valores pré-broncodilatador e pós-broncodilatador. Resultados: Foram coletados dados de 72 pacientes. Destes, 55,5% apresentaram resultados espirométricos dentro dos limites normais. A alteração respiratória mais frequente foi o distúrbio ventilatório obstrutivo, presente em 29,2% dos pa-cientes. Conclusões: A presença de dispneia em pacientes com espirometria dentro da normalidade pode indicar uma avaliação adicional da função pulmonar, assim como outras etiologias para a dispneia (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Pruebas de Función Respiratoria , Espirometría , Disnea , Síndrome Post Agudo de COVID-19
Acta fisiátrica ; 30(3): 166-172, set. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531048


Objetivo: Verificar a associação entre indicadores espirométricos e a incidência da síndrome de fragilidade em pessoas idosas. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo com delineamento longitudinal realizado em 2014-2019, com uma amostra de estudo de 104 pessoas idosas. A variável dependente foi a síndrome de fragilidade, avaliada por meio do fenótipo de Fried et al. e as variáveis independentes foram os indicadores espirométricos, sendo eles a Capacidade Vital Forçada (CVF), Pico de Fluxo Expiratório (PFE), Volume Expiratório Forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1), relação VEF1/CVF e o Fluxo Expiratório Forçado 25%-75% (FEF25-75%). Resultados: A incidência de pessoas idosas frágeis foi de 16,3% em ambos os sexos, sendo que o sexo masculino apresentou melhores indicadores de função pulmonar que as mulheres. Apesar disso, observamos que não houve associação entre a síndrome de fragilidade e os indicadores espirométricos (p>0,05). Conclusão: Os indicadores espirométricos não são preditores de fragilidade em pessoas idosas residentes na comunidade, após cinco anos de seguimento.

Objective: To verify the association between spirometric indicators and the incidence of frailty syndrome in elderly people. Methods: This is a study with a longitudinal design carried out in 2014-2019, with a study sample of 104 elderly people. The dependent variable was the frailty syndrome, assessed using the phenotype of Fried et al. and the independent variables were the spirometric indicators, namely Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF), Forced Expiratory Volume in one second (FEV1), FEV1/FVC ratio and Forced Expiratory Flow 25%-75 % (FEF25-75%). Results: The incidence of frail elderly people was 16.3% in both genders, with males presenting better lung function indicators than females. Despite this, we observed that there was no association between the frailty syndrome and the spirometric indicators (p>0.05). Conclusion: Spirometric indicators are not predictors of frailty in community-dwelling elderly people after five years of follow-up.

Acta méd. peru ; 40(3)jul. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527632


Objetivo: Determinar los valores de referencia de espirometría y formular una ecuación de predicción de valores espirométricos en población económicamente activa (PEA) de regiones con altitud 0-100 m.s.n.m. Métodos: Se seleccionaron a los participantes del estudio considerando los criterios de selección del estudio. Se recogió la información sobre las variables consideradas en el estudio: Capacidad Vital Forzada (CVF) y Volumen Espiratorio Forzado en el primer Segundo (VEF1), datos sociodemográficos y medidas antropométricas. Se dividió a la muestra en dos grupos para poder formular la ecuación de referencia y para evaluar su confiabilidad en un subgrupo de validación mediante las pruebas de correlación intraclase, T de Student para muestras pareadas y los gráficos de Bland-Altman. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 1052 participantes varones. Los rangos normales de CVF y VEF1 calculados fueron de CVF de 3.48 -5.47 y VEF1 de 2.83 - 4.41. Mediante una regresión lineal múltiple, se obtuvieron las siguientes fórmulas: CVF = 2.206 - 0.131 (Altitud Geográfica) - 0.014 (Edad) + 0.045 (Talla) y VEF1 = 1.589 - 0.08 (Altitud Geográfica) - 0.015 (Edad) + 0.033 (Talla). En los análisis de confiabilidad, se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en las medias entre los valores predichos por la ecuación y los valores reales, aunque en los gráficos de Bland-Altman no se evidenció un sesgo significativo y los coeficientes de correlación intraclase (CVF-ICC: 0.69; VEF1-ICC: 0.70) se encontraban dentro de un rango adecuado. Conclusiones: Las ecuaciones de CVF y VEF1 desarrolladas permiten predecir adecuadamente los valores espirométricos en PEA masculina de las regiones incluidas en el estudio.

Objective: Determine the spirometry reference values and formulate an equation to predict spirometric values in the economically active population (EAP) in regions with an altitude of 0-100 m.a.s.l. Materials and Methods: Study participants were selected considering the study selection criteria. Information was collected on the variables considered in the study: Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) and Forced Expiratory Volume in the first second (FEV1), sociodemographic data and anthropometric measurements. The sample was divided into 2 groups to be able to formulate the reference equation and to assess its reliability in a validation subgroup using intraclass correlation tests, Student's t-test for paired samples, and Bland-Altman plots. Results: 1052 male participants were selected. The normal ranges for FVC and FEV1 calculated were FVC 3.48 - 5.47 and FEV1 2.83 - 4.41. Using multiple linear regression, the following formulas were obtained: FVC = 2.206 - 0.131 (Geographic Altitude) - 0.014 (Age) + 0.045 (Height) and FEV1 = 1.589 - 0.08 (Geographic Altitude) - 0.015 (Age) + 0.033 (Height). In the reliability analyses, a statistically significant difference was found in the means between the values predicted by the equation and the real values, although the Bland-Altman plots did not show a significant bias and the intraclass correlation coefficients (FVC- ICC: 0.69; FEV1-ICC: 0.70) were within an adequate range. Conclusions: The developed FVC and FEV1 equations allow adequate prediction of spirometric values in male PEA of the regions included in the study.

An. pediatr. (2003. Ed. impr.) ; 98(6): 427-435, jun. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-221369


Objetivo: Determinar el rendimiento de espirometría y oscilometría respiratoria (RO) para predecir crisis de asma graves (CAG) en niños. Métodos: En un estudio prospectivo, 148 niños (6-14 años) con asma realizaron RO, espirometría y prueba broncodilatadora. Se clasificaron en fenotipos de atrapamiento aéreo (ATA), limitación del flujo aéreo (LFA) y normal, según la espirometría y prueba broncodilatadora. A las 12 semanas fueron revalorados respecto a aparición de CAG. Se analizó el rendimiento de los parámetros de RO, espirometría y fenotipos ATA/LFA para predecir la aparición de CAG con cocientes de probabilidad positivos y negativos (LR+/LR−), área bajo la curva de curvas ROC y análisis multivariante ajustado por posibles factores de confusión. Resultados: Un 7,4% tuvo CAG en el seguimiento, con diferencias según fenotipo (Normal 2,4%; LFA 17,9%; ATA 22,2%; p=0,005). La mejor área bajo la curva fue del flujo espiratorio forzado 25-75% (FEF25-75): 0,787; intervalo de confianza 95%: 0,600-0,973. También tuvieron áreas bajo la curva significativas el área de reactancia (AX), el volumen espiratorio forzado en el primer segundo (FEV1), el cambio post-broncodilatador en capacidad vital forzada (FVC), y FEV1/FVC. Todas las variables tenían una baja sensibilidad para predecir CAG. La mejor especificidad correspondía al fenotipo ATA: 93,8% (intervalo de confianza del 95% 87,9-97,0), pero solo FEF25-75 tenía tanto LR+ como LR− significativos. En el análisis multivariante, solo algunos parámetros de espirometría fueron significativos para predecir CAG (fenotipo ATA, FEF25-75 y FEV1/FVC). Conclusiones: La espirometría tiene un rendimiento superior a la RO para predecir CAG a medio plazo en escolares con asma. (AU)

Objective: To determine the performance of spirometry and respiratory oscillometry (RO) in the prediction of severe asthma exacerbations (SAEs) in children. Methods: In a prospective study, 148 children (age 6–14 years) with asthma were assessed with RO, spirometry and a bronchodilator test. Based on the findings of spirometry and the bronchodilator test, they were classified into 3 phenotypes: air trapping (AT), airflow limitation (AL) and normal. Twelve weeks later, they were re-evaluated in relation to the occurrence of SAEs. We analysed the performance of RO, spirometry and AT/AL phenotypes for prediction of SAEs by means of positive and negative likelihood ratios (LR+/LR–), ROC curves with the corresponding areas under the curve and a multivariate analysis adjusted for potential confounders. Results: During the followup, 7.4% of patients had SAEs, and there were differences between phenotypes (normal, 2.4%; AL, 17.9%; AT, 22.2%, P=.005). The best area under the curve corresponded to the forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of vital capacity (FEF25–75): 0.787; 95% confidence interval, 0.600-0.973. Other significant areas under the curve were those for the reactance area (AX), forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), the post- bronchodilator change in forced vital capacity (FVC), and the FEV1/FVC ratio. All of the variables had a low sensitivity for prediction of SAEs. The AT phenotype had the best specificity (93.8%; 95% confidence interval, 87.9-97.0), but LR+ and LR– were both significant only for the FEF25–75. In the multivariate analysis, only some spirometry parameters were significative for prediction of SAEs (AT phenotype, FEF25–75 and FEV1/FVC). Conclusions: Spirometry performed better than RO for prediction of SAEs in the medium term in schoolchildren with asthma. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Espirometría , Oscilometría , Estado Asmático , Estudios Prospectivos , Asma/diagnóstico
Acta otorrinolaringol. esp ; 74(3): 182-191, Mayo - Junio 2023. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-220820


Introduction: Adenotonsillar hypertrophy (ATH) is an important health condition that leads to upper airway obstruction and constitutes the main cause of obstructive sleep disordered breathing (OSDB) in children. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of surgical intervention on spirometrical parameters of children with ATH/OSDB and upper airway recurrent infections (URTIs). Material and methods The study covered children treated surgically in a Pediatric Ambulatory Unit in a tertiary hospital. Spirometric tests were performed before and three months after surgery and results were compared. Results A total of 78 children were enrolled with a mean age of 6.95 ± 2,81 years. There was a significant improvement in forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), peak expiratory flow (PEF) and forced expiratory flow rate at 25% (F25) values after surgery in children suffering from OSDB (FVC pre: 1.52 ± 0.47 L vs FVC post: 1.85 ± 0.63 L, p < 0.001; FEV1 pre: 1.24 ± 0.38 L vs FEV1 post: 1.39 ± 0.40 L, p = 0.014; PEF pre: 2.04 ± 0.85 L/s vs PEF post: 2.33 ± 0.76 L/s, p = 0.014; F25 pre: 1.77 ± 0.77 L/s vs F25 post: 2.02 ± 0.73 L/s, p = 0.030). On a multivariate analysis model, preoperative tonsil size and performing tonsillectomy were the most significant determinants of improvement in spirometric values (p < 0.05). Children with isolated adenoid hypertrophy without tonsillar obstruction and those with URTIs alone did not show relevant differences in spirometric values after surgery (p > 0.05). No significant differences were found concerning pre-operative and post-operative forced expiratory flow rate at 75% (F75) and forced expiratory flow between 25 and 75% of the pulmonary volume (FEF25–75%) in any group (p > 0.05). Conclusions Surgery seems effective in ameliorating spirometry values in patients with OSDB and ATH, namely FVC, FEV1, PEF and F25. ... (AU)

Introducción: La hipertrofia adenoamigdalar (HAA) es una importante condición de salud que conduce a la obstrucción de las vías respiratorias superiores y constituye la principal causa de trastornos respiratorios obstructivos del sueño (TROS) en los niños. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el efecto de la intervención quirúrgica sobre los parámetros espirométricos de niños con HAA/TROS e infecciones recurrentes de las vías respiratorias superiores (IrVAS). Material y Métodos El estudio abarcó a niños operados en una Unidad Ambulatoria Pediátrica de un hospital de tercer nivel. Se realizaron espirometrías antes y tres meses después de la cirugía y se compararon los resultados. Resultados Se incluyeron un total de 78 niños con una edad media de 6,95 ± 2,81 años. Hubo una mejora significativa en los valores de capacidad vital forzada (FVC), volumen espiratorio forzado en el primer segundo (FEV1), flujo espiratorio máximo (PEF) y tasa de flujo espiratorio forzado al 25 % (F25) después de la cirugía en niños que sufrían de TROS (FVC pre: 1.52 ± 0.47 L vs FVC post: 1.85 ± 0.63 L, p < 0.001; FEV1 pre: 1.24 ± 0.38 L vs FEV1 post: 1.39 ± 0.40 L, p = 0.014; PEF pre: 2.04 ± 0.85 L/s vs PEF post: 2.33 ± 0.76 L/s, p = 0.014; F25 pre: 1.77 ± 0.77 L/s vs F25 post: 2.02 ± 0.73 L/s, p = 0.030). En un modelo de análisis multivariado, el tamaño preoperatorio de las amígdalas y la amigdalectomía fueron los determinantes más significativos de la mejora en los valores espirométricos (p < 0.005). Los niños con hipertrofia adenoidea aislada sin obstrucción amigdalina y aquellos con IrVAS sin TROS no mostraron diferencias relevantes en los valores espirométricos tras la cirugía (p > 0,05). ... (AU)

Humanos , Preescolar , Niño , Niño , Infecciones del Sistema Respiratorio , Espirometría , Hipertrofia/complicaciones , Hipertrofia/cirugía , Adenoidectomía/métodos , Adenoidectomía/rehabilitación
Revista Colombiana de Neumología ; 35(1): 11-21, Jun 1, 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1537321


Las sibilancias se definen como sonidos pulmonares adventicios, continuos y de tono alto. Predominantemente las sibilancias son de naturaleza espiratoria, pero también pueden ser inspiratorias o bifásicas. Su etiología es secundaria a la obstrucción de flujo en vía aérea superior extratorácica, vía aérea superior intratorácica o vía aérea inferior. Se cree que las sibilancias se deben a las vibraciones de las paredes de las vías respiratorias ocluidas, inducidas por una velocidad reducida del flujo de aire. Cuando se perciben sibilancias sin inducir exhalación forzada es necesario estudiar la causa, realizando una historia clínica dirigida a las diversas etiologías y un examen físico que incluya la exploración torácica completa: inspección, palpación, percusión y auscultación. Ayudas diagnósticas como la radiografía de tórax, la espirometría pre y posbroncodilatador, la tomografía computarizada de tórax y la broncoscopia pueden ser necesarias. El objetivo de este artículo es demostrar que las sibilancias representan un hallazgo semiológico retador para el clínico, que obliga no solo a pensar en asma o en enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) como posible causa.

Wheezing is defined as adventitious, continuous and high-tone lung sounds. Predominantly the wheezing is of an expiratory nature, but it can also be inspiratory or biphasic. Its etiology is secondary to flow obstruction in the extrathoracic and intrathoracic upper airway, or lower airway. It is believed that wheezing is due to vibrations of the walls of the occluded airways, induced by a reduced speed of air flow. When wheezing is perceived without inducing forced exhalation, it is necessary to study the cause, perform a medical history directed at the various etiologies and a physical health check that includes complete chest examination: Inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. As diagnostic aids like chest x-ray, pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry, computed tomography of the chest and bronchoscopy may be necessary. The objective of this article is demonstrate that wheezing represents a challenging clinical finding for the medical doctor and suggests that it is important to consider other causes in addition to Asthma or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

Acta neurol. colomb ; 39(2)jun. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533486


Introducción: El compromiso respiratorio en la enfermedad de Pompe es una de sus manifestaciones más frecuentes, tiene un impacto negativo en la calidad de vida y facilita la aparición de múltiples complicaciones. Se puede presentar como parte evolutiva de la enfermedad o incluso ser el síntoma inicial de la patología. Contenidos: La presentación clínica del compromiso respiratorio en la enfermedad de Pompe se caracteriza por disnea, ortopnea, cefalea y tos, y sus cambios paraclínicos incluyen hipercapnia, policitemia, elevación del índice de apnea/hipopnea, así como disminución de la capacidad vital y de las presiones inspiratoria y espiratorias máximas. El compromiso respiratorio es causado principalmente por disfunción muscular (especialmente el diafragma) y alteración de la regulación del sistema nervioso central. Conclusiones: Es fundamental la valoración acuciosa inicial de los patrones respiratorios y por supuesto su seguimiento, el cual dependerá del tipo de progresión de la disfunción respiratoria (rápida o lenta) o del requerimiento específico para cada paciente (ventilación no invasiva o invasiva).

Introduction: Respiratory compromise in Pompe disease is one of the most frequent manifestations, which has a negative impact on quality of life and leads to multiple complications. This can occur as an evolutionary part of the disease, or even be the initial symptom of the pathology. Contents: Its clinical presentation is characterized by dyspnea, orthopnea, headache, and cough, and its paraclinical changes include hypercapnia, polycythemia, elevated apnea/hypopnea index, decreased vital capacity, and decreased maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressures. Respiratory compromise is caused mainly by muscular dysfunction (especially the diaphragm) and alteration of regulation of the central nervous system. Conclusions: An initial careful assessment of respiratory patterns is essential, and of course their follow-up, that will depend of the type of progression of respiratory dysfunction (rapid or slow) or the specific requirement for each patient (non-invasive or invasive ventilation).

Espirometría , Enfermedad del Almacenamiento de Glucógeno Tipo II , Capacidad Vital , Ventilación no Invasiva , Apnea , Polisomnografía , Disnea
An Pediatr (Engl Ed) ; 98(6): 427-435, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37246048


OBJECTIVE: To determine the performance of spirometry and respiratory oscillometry (RO) in the prediction of severe asthma exacerbations (SAEs) in children. METHODS: In a prospective study, 148 children (age 6-14 years) with asthma were assessed with RO, spirometry and a bronchodilator (BD) test. Based on the findings of spirometry and the BD test, they were classified into three phenotypes: air trapping (AT), airflow limitation (AFL) and normal. Twelve weeks later, they were re-evaluated in relation to the occurrence of SAEs. We analysed the performance of RO, spirometry and AT/AFL phenotypes for prediction of SAEs by means of positive and negative likelihood ratios, ROC curves with the corresponding areas under the curve (AUCs) and a multivariate analysis adjusted for potential confounders. RESULTS: During the follow-up, 7.4% of patients had SAEs, and there were differences between phenotypes (normal, 2.4%; AFL, 17.9%; AT, 22.2%, P = .005). The best AUC corresponded to the forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of vital capacity (FEF25-75): 0.787; 95% confidence interval, 0.600-0.973. Other significant AUCs were those for the reactance area (AX), forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), the post-BD change in forced vital capacity (FVC), and the FEV1/FVC ratio. All of the variables had a low sensitivity for prediction of SAEs. The AT phenotype had the best specificity (93.8%; 95% CI, 87.9-97.0), but the positive and negative likelihood ratios were both significant only for the FEF25-75. In the multivariate analysis, only some spirometry parameters were significative for prediction of SAEs (AT phenotype, FEF25-75 and FEV1/FVC). CONCLUSIONS: Spirometry performed better than RO for prediction of SAEs in the medium term in schoolchildren with asthma.

Asma , Humanos , Estudios Prospectivos , Oscilometría , Asma/diagnóstico , Asma/tratamiento farmacológico , Pulmón , Espirometría , Broncodilatadores/uso terapéutico
Int. j. morphol ; 41(2): 437-444, abr. 2023. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440312


Los objetivos del presente estudio fueron primero evaluar la asociación de dimensiones antropométricas de tórax y tronco con índices espirométricos, segundo, ajustar una ecuación de predicción con dimensiones antropométricas de tronco y tercero, comparar nuestro modelo predictivo con dos ecuaciones diagnósticas. Se evaluaron 59 estudiantes universitarios entre 20 y 40 años, de ambos sexos, sin hábito tabáquico. Las variables consideradas fueron: edad, sexo, peso, estatura, diámetro transverso de tórax, diámetro anteroposterior de tórax, perímetro de tórax, altura de tórax, altura de tronco, flujo espiratorio máximo (FEM), volumen espiratorio forzado en el primer segundo (VEF1) y capacidad vital forzada (CVF). Se utilizó el análisis de regresión múltiple para estimar los valores espirométricos en función de las variables demográficas y antropométricas. La CVF y el VEF1 tienen asociación lineal directa con el diámetro transverso de tórax, altura de tórax, perímetro de tórax y altura de tronco. Se ajustó una ecuación de regresión lineal múltiple que indicó que es posible estimar la CVF y el VEF11 en función de la altura de tronco y el perímetro de tórax para ambos sexos. Estas variables son capaces de explicar el 74 % de los valores de CVF y el 68 % de los valores de VEF1. Al comparar los valores obtenidos por nuestras ecuaciones predictivas con las ecuaciones de referencia nacional observamos que nuestros resultados son más cercanos a los de Quanjer et al. (2012) que a los de Knudson et al. (1983). La altura de tronco y el perímetro de tórax tienen asociación directa con el VEF1 y CVF y son buenos predictores del VEF1 y CVF en estudiantes universitarios. Nuestros valores estimados son más cercanos a las ecuaciones de Quanjer et al. (2012) en comparación a las estimaciones de Knudson (1983).

SUMMARY: The purposes of the present study were first to evaluate the association between anthropometric dimensions of the thorax and trunk with spirometric indices, second, to fit a prediction equation with anthropometric dimensions of the trunk, and third, to compare our predictive model with two diagnostic equations. Fifty-nine university students between 20 and 40 years old, of both sexes and non-smokers were recruited. Variables considered were age, sex, weight, height, chest transverse diameter, chest anteroposterior diameter, chest perimeter, chest height, trunk height, maximum expiratory flow (PEF), forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC). Multiple regression analysis was used to estimate spirometric values based on demographic and anthropometric variables. FVC and FEV1 have a direct linear association with chest transverse diameter, chest height, chest circumference, and trunk height. A multiple linear regression equation was fitted, indicating that it is possible to estimate FVC and FEV1 as a function of trunk height and chest girth for both sexes. These variables can explain 74% of the FVC values and 68% of the FEV1 values. Comparing the values obtained by our predictive equations with the national reference equations, we observe that our results are closer to those of Quanjer et al. (2012) than to those of Knudson et al. (1983). Trunk height and chest circumference have a direct association with FEV1 and FVC and are good predictors of FEV1 and FVC in university students. Our estimated values are closer to Quanjer et al. (2012) than Knudson et al. (1983) prediction equations.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Adulto Joven , Espirometría , Antropometría , Torso/anatomía & histología , Torso/fisiología , Tórax/anatomía & histología , Tórax/fisiología , Capacidad Vital/fisiología , Volumen Espiratorio Forzado/fisiología , Análisis de Regresión
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 13(1)fev., 2023. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531232


INTRODUCTION: Diaphragm is the primary inspiratory muscle and it plays an essential role in controlling the spine during postural control. In nonspecific low back pain, the diaphragm muscle becomes weak, due to which the pulmonary functions may decrease. To the best of our knowledge there is a scarcity of literature in regard to the effect of low back pain on pulmonary parameters. Thus, the study is aimed to evaluate the pulmonary function in patients with non-specific low back pain. METHODS: One hundred and thirteen patients with non-specific low back pain and 113 BMI matched normal individuals as a comparison group aged 18-40 years of male and female genders were recruited by purposive sampling method for this prospective cross-sectional study. The non-specific back pain group included participants diagnosed with non-specific low back pain with pain intensity > 3 on VAS scale and duration > 3 months. After initial screening and assessment, anthropometric characteristics were recorded. Then, the pulmonary function test (FEV1, FVC, FEV1/ FVC, PEFR, SVC, MVV) were recorded in both groups. RESULT: Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used for normality assessment and data was found to be not normally distributed. Non parametric data was represented as median and IQR (Inter Quartile Range). Between groups data analysis was performed by using MannWhitney U test and the effect size was computed for the study variables. P < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. There was a significant difference in pulmonary function values of FEV1, FEV1/FVC, PEFR, SVC, MVV. There was no significant difference in age and BMI of the participants of both groups. CONCLUSION: There exist significant differences in pulmonary function in patients with non-specific low back pain.

INTRODUÇÃO: O diafragma é o principal músculo inspiratório e desempenha um papel essencial no controle da coluna durante o controle postural. Na dor lombar inespecífica, o músculo diafragma torna-se fraco, podendo as funções pulmonares diminuir. Até onde sabemos, há escassez de literatura a respeito do efeito da dor lombar nos parâmetros pulmonares. Assim, o estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a função pulmonar em pacientes com dor lombar inespecífica. MÉTODOS: Cento e treze pacientes com dor lombar inespecífica e 113 indivíduos normais pareados com IMC como grupo de comparação com idades entre 18 e 40 anos, dos gêneros masculino e feminino, foram recrutados por método de amostragem proposital para este estudo transversal prospectivo. O grupo de dor nas costas inespecífica incluiu participantes com diagnóstico de dor lombar inespecífica com intensidade de dor > 3 na escala VAS e duração > 3 meses. Após triagem e avaliação inicial, as características antropométricas foram registradas. Em seguida, foram registrados os testes de função pulmonar (VEF1, CVF, VEF1/CVF, PFE, CVL, VVM) em ambos os grupos. RESULTADO: O teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov foi utilizado para avaliação da normalidade e os dados não apresentaram distribuição normal. Os dados não paramétricos foram representados como mediana e IQR (intervalo interquartil). A análise dos dados entre grupos foi realizada pelo teste U de Mann-Whitney e o tamanho do efeito foi calculado para as variáveis do estudo. < 0,05 foi considerado estatisticamente significativo. Houve diferença significativa nos valores de função pulmonar de VEF1, VEF1/CVF, PFE, CVL, VVM. Não houve diferença significativa na idade e no IMC dos participantes de ambos os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Existem diferenças significativas na função pulmonar em pacientes com dor lombar inespecífica.

Músculos Respiratorios , Espirometría , Dolor de la Región Lumbar
Sportis (A Coruña) ; 9(1): 81-97, ene. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-214514


Identifying talented players requires subjective, as well as objective assessments of playing ability and performance. The assessment of anthropometric characteristics, as well as general physiological performance can be used for player selection. The primary purpose of this study was to determine whether positional profiling is possible for national level ice hockey players by examining anthropometric characteristics and physiological performance. The study involved two ice-hockey teams, U18 and U23, in total of 49 athletes (32 forwards and 17 defensemen), members of the “Székelyföldi” Ice Hockey Academy (SZJA). Data collection was conducted in May 2020, at the SZJAs Medical and Methodological Center. Body height was determined including barefoot height (± 0.1 cm) using a wall mounted stadiometer. Body weight was measured with a standard scale. A standard incremental maximal oxygen uptake test was conducted in the laboratory by means of open-circuit spirometry and computerized instrumentation (CPET Cosmed, Italy) following the Bruce protocol. With the use of the descriptive statistics, we found no differences at the anthropometric characteristics between forwards and defensemen. Regarding the physiological characteristics, some possible differences were found for maximal- and absolute oxygen uptake rate. While our results from descriptive statistics show no significant differences between the two studied ice hockey position, based on the Mann-Whitney U test, considering all parameter values, we found that there were significant differences between the two groups within this sample number. (AU)

La identificación de jugadores talentosos requiere evaluaciones subjetivas y objetivas de la capacidad y el rendimiento de juego. La evaluación de las características antropométricas, así como el rendimiento fisiológico general, pueden utilizarse para la selección de jugadores. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue determinar si el perfil posicional es posible para los jugadores de hockey sobre hielo de nivel nacional mediante el examen de las características antropométricas y el rendimiento fisiológico. El estudio involucró a dos equipos de hockey sobre hielo, U18 y U23, en un total de 49 atletas (32 delanteros y 17 defensas), miembros de la Academia de Hockey sobre Hielo "Székelyföldi" (SZJA). La recolección de datos se realizó en mayo de 2020, en el Centro Médico y Metodológico SZJAS. La altura del cuerpo se determinó incluyendo la altura de los pies descalzos (±0,1 cm) utilizando un estadiómetro montado en la pared. El peso corporal se midió con una balanza estándar. Se realizó una prueba de consumo de oxígeno máximo incremental estándar en el laboratorio mediante espirometría de circuito abierto e instrumentación computarizada (CPET Cosmed, Italia) siguiendo el protocolo de Bruce. Con el uso de la estadística descriptiva, no encontramos diferencias en las características antropométricas entre delanteros y defensas. En cuanto a las características fisiológicas, se encontraron algunas posibles diferencias para la tasa de consumo de oxígeno máxima y absoluta. Si bien nuestros resultados de las estadísticas descriptivas no muestran diferencias significativas entre las dos posiciones de hockey sobre hielo estudiadas, con base en la prueba U de Mann-Whitney, considerando todos los valores de los parámetros, encontramos que hubo diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos dentro de este número de muestra. (AU)

Humanos , Hockey , Rendimiento Atlético , Atletas , Espirometría , Consumo de Oxígeno
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36436768


INTRODUCTION: Adenotonsillar hypertrophy (ATH) is an important health condition that leads to upper airway obstruction and constitutes the main cause of obstructive sleep disordered breathing (OSDB) in children. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of surgical intervention on spirometrical parameters of children with ATH/OSDB and upper airway recurrent infections (URTIs). MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study covered children treated surgically in a Pediatric Ambulatory Unit in a tertiary hospital. Spirometric tests were performed before and three months after surgery and results were compared. RESULTS: A total of 78 children were enrolled with a mean age of 6.95 ±â€¯2,81 years. There was a significant improvement in forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1), peak expiratory flow (PEF) and forced expiratory flow rate at 25% (F25) values after surgery in children suffering from OSDB (FVC pre: 1.52 ±â€¯0.47 L vs FVC post: 1.85 ±â€¯0.63 L, p < 0.001; FEV1 pre: 1.24 ±â€¯0.38 L vs FEV1 post: 1.39 ±â€¯0.40 L, p = 0.014; PEF pre: 2.04 ±â€¯0.85 L/s vs PEF post: 2.33 ±â€¯0.76 L/s, p = 0.014; F25 pre: 1.77 ±â€¯0.77 L/s vs F25 post: 2.02 ±â€¯0.73 L/s, p = 0.030). On a multivariate analysis model, preoperative tonsil size and performing tonsillectomy were the most significant determinants of improvement in spirometric values (p < 0.05). Children with isolated adenoid hypertrophy without tonsillar obstruction and those with URTIs alone did not show relevant differences in spirometric values after surgery (p > 0.05). No significant differences were found concerning pre-operative and post-operative forced expiratory flow rate at 75% (F75) and forced expiratory flow between 25 and 75% of the pulmonary volume (FEF25-75%) in any group (p > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Surgery seems effective in ameliorating spirometry values in patients with OSDB and ATH, namely FVC, FEV1, PEF and F25. Spirometry may give a clue on the importance of adequate surgical resolution of pediatric lymphoid hypertrophy obstruction. No significant differences exist on spirometric parameters of children with isolated adenoid hypertrophy and URTIs without ATH. Further studies are needed in order to evaluate the potential benefit of spirometry utilization in the daily clinical setting.

Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño , Tonsilectomía , Humanos , Niño , Espirometría , Pruebas de Función Respiratoria , Adenoidectomía , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño/cirugía , Hipertrofia
Fisioter. Mov. (Online) ; 36: e36101, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421467


Abstract Introduction People with multiple sclerosis (MS) present wide and varied symptoms. Objective To investigate the impact of MS on subjects' motor and respiratory functions. Methods One hundred one participants were enrolled in this study. The subjects had previous diagnosis of relapsing-remittent MS (n = 48) or presented no neurologic diseases (n = 53, control group). Assess-ments involved mobility (Timed Get Up and Go) and balance (Berg Balance Scale) tests. A force platform was used to evaluate postural stabilometry. Respiratory functions were assessed with a portable spirometer and a digital manovacuometer. Data analyses were carried out with Student´s t-tests, chi-square, and Pearson correlation index. Significance was set at 5%. Results Compared to control peers, participants with MS showed higher motor dysfunctions affecting mobility, balance, and postural stability. Spirometry indicated normal parameters for pulmonary flows and lung capacities in both groups. The manovacuometer, differently, pointed to a respiratory muscle weakness in 48% of participants with MS. Correlation analyses highlighted that respiratory functions are more associated to dynamic than to static motor tests. Conclusion Pathological changes in MS lead to motor dysfunction on mobility, balance and postural stability. Respiratory tests showed normal pulmonary flows and lung capacities in patients with MS, but with commitment of respiratory muscle strength. Respiratory functions were more impacted by dynamic tasks rather than static motor tasks.

Resumo Introdução Pessoas com esclerose múltipla (EM) apresentam sintomas amplos e variados. Objetivo Investigar o impacto cau-sado pela EM nas funções motoras e respiratórias. Métodos Cento e um participantes foram incluídos neste estudo. Os sujeitos tinham diagnóstico prévio de EM remitente-recorrente (n = 48) ou não apresentavam doenças neurológicas (n = 53, grupo controle). As avaliações envolveram testes de mobilidade (Timed Get Up and Go) e equilíbrio (Berg Balance Scale). Uma plataforma de força foi utilizada para avaliar a estabilometria postural dos sujeitos. As funções respiratórias foram avaliadas com um espirômetro portátil e um manovacuômetro digital. A análise dos dados foi realizada pelos testes t de Student, qui-quadrado e pelo índice de correlação de Pearson. Nível de significância foi estipulado em 5%. Resultados Comparados com controles saudáveis, participantes com EM apresentaram maiores disfunções motoras que afetam mobilidade, equilíbrio e estabilidade postural. A espirometria indicou parâmetros nor-mais para fluxos pulmonares e capacidades pulmonares em ambos os grupos. A manovacuômetria, diferentemente, apontou fraqueza dos músculos respiratórios em 48% dos participantes com EM. Análises de correlação destacaram que as funções respiratórias estão mais associadas a testes motores dinâmicos do que a testes estáticos. Conclusão As alterações patológicas na EM levam à disfunção motora na mobilidade, no equilíbrio e na estabilidade postural. Os testes respiratórios mostraram padrões normais para fluxos pulmonares e capacidades pul-monares em pacientes com EM, mas com comprometimento da força muscular respiratória. As funções respiratórias foram mais afetadas por tarefas motoras dinâmicas do que por tarefas estáticas.

Humanos , Espirometría , Actividad Motora , Esclerosis Múltiple , Pruebas de Función Respiratoria , Mediciones del Volumen Pulmonar
Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 41: e2021294, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406950


Abstract Objective: To compare pulmonary function parameters and the prevalence of altered pulmonary function in children born preterm and full-term, using the Global Lung Initiative reference values. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with 6-9-year-old children submitted to measurement of airway resistance (Rint) and spirometry according to the American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society Technical Statement. The inclusion criteria were, among the preterm group: gestational age <37 weeks and birth weight <2000g; among the full-term group: schoolchildren born full-term with birth weight >2500g, recruited at two public schools in São Paulo, Brazil, matched by sex and age with the preterm group. As exclusion criteria, congenital malformations, cognitive deficit, and respiratory problems in the past 15 days were considered. Results: A total of 112 children were included in each group. Preterm children had gestational age of 30.8±2.8 weeks and birth weight of 1349±334g. Among them, 46.6% were boys, 46.4% presented respiratory distress syndrome, 19.6% bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and 65.2% were submitted to mechanical ventilation in the neonatal unit. At study entry, both groups were similar in age and anthropometric parameters. Parameters of pulmonary function (Z scores) in preterm and full-term groups were: Rint (0.13±2.24 vs. -1.02±1.29; p<0.001); forced vital capacity (FVC) (-0.39±1.27 vs. -0.15±1.03; p=0.106), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1)/FVC (-0.23±1.22 vs. 0.14±1.11; p=0.003), FEV1 (-0.48±1.29 vs. -0.04±1.08; p=0.071), and forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of vital capacity (FEF25-75) (1.16±1.37 vs. 2.08±1.26; p=0.005), respectively. The prevalence values of altered airway resistance (16.1 vs. 1.8%; p<0.001) and spirometry (26.8 vs. 13.4%, p=0.012) were higher in preterm infants than in full-term ones. Conclusions: Preterm children had higher prevalence of altered pulmonary function, higher Z scores of airway resistance, and lower Z scores of FEV1/FVC and FEF25-75 compared with those born full-term.

RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar parâmetros de função pulmonar e a prevalência de função pulmonar alterada em crianças nascidas pré-termo e a termo, utilizando a referência Global Lung Function Initiative. Métodos: Estudo transversal com crianças de 6-9 anos submetidas à medida de resistência de vias aéreas (Rint) segundo o American Thoracic Society and the European Respiratory Society Technical Statement. Como critérios de inclusão, entre o grupo pré-termo, estavam os nascidos com idade gestacional <37 semanas e peso <2000g; e entre o grupo termo, escolares de duas escolas públicas do município de São Paulo, nascidos a termo com peso >2500g, pareados por sexo e idade com o grupo pré-termo. Excluíram-se malformações congênitas, déficit cognitivo e problemas respiratórios havia menos de 15 dias. Resultados: Incluíram-se 112 crianças em cada grupo. Os prematuros (46,4% masculinos) apresentaram idade gestacional de 30,8±2,8 semanas e peso de 1349±334g. Entre eles, 46,4% tiveram síndrome de desconforto respiratório, 19,6% displasia broncopulmonar, e 65,2% receberam ventilação mecânica na unidade neonatal. À inclusão no estudo, os dois grupos apresentaram idade e dados antropométricos semelhantes. Os valores (escores Z) em nascidos pré-termo e a termo foram, respectivamente: Rint (0,13±2,24 vs. -1,02±1,29; p<0,001), capacidade vital forçada (CVF) (-0,39±1,27 vs. -0,15±1,03; p=0,106), volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1)/CVF (-0,23±1,22 vs. 0,14±1,11; p=0,003), VEF1 (-0,48±1,29 vs. -0,04±1,08; p=0,071) e fluxo expiratório forçado em 25-75% da capacidade vital (FEF25-75) (1,16±1,37 vs. 2,08±1,26; p=0,005). A prevalência de alterações na resistência de vias aéreas (16,1 vs. 1,8%, p<0,001) e na espirometria (26,8 vs. 13,4%, p=0,012) foi maior nos prematuros. Conclusões: As crianças nascidas pré-termo apresentaram maior prevalência de alteração pulmonar, maiores escores Z de resistência de vias aéreas e menores escores Z de VEF1/CVF e FEF25-75 quando comparadas às nascidas a termo.

Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 18(1): 12-13, 2023. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442719


Tradicionalmente se ha definido la respuesta broncodilatadora (RB) positiva como una mejoría ≥ de 12 % del VEF1. En el año 2022 se publica una Guía sobre la interpretación de función la pulmonar de la Sociedad Americana de Tórax y la Sociedad Europea de Enfermedades Respiratorias, donde se propone que la RB debe expresarse como el cambio porcentual del VEF1 en relación con el VEF1 predicho y que un cambio ≥ 10 % indica una RB positiva. Las sociedades científicas en Chile están evaluando estas recomendaciones para decidir su adecuada implementación en pediatría.

Traditionally, a positive bronchodilator (BR) response has been defined as a ≥ 12% improvement in FEV1. In the year 2022, a Guide on the interpretation of pulmonary function of the American Thoracic Society and the European Society of Respiratory Diseases was published, where it was proposed that BR should be expressed as the percent change in FEV1 relative to predicted FEV1 and that a change ≥ 10% indicates a positive BR. Scientific societies in Chile are evaluating these recommendations to decide their proper implementation in pediatrics.

Humanos , Niño , Enfermedades Respiratorias/fisiopatología , Espirometría , Broncodilatadores/farmacología , Volumen Espiratorio Forzado
Rev. chil. enferm. respir ; 39(3): 2016-225, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521830


Introducción: Se han informado patrones de deterioro temprano de la función pulmonar en el asma pediátrica. Nuestro objetivo fue identificar las trayectorias de la función pulmonar en la espirometría, desde la edad preescolar hasta la edad escolar. Materiales: Estudio prospectivo realizado entre el 2016 y el 2021. Se reclutaron pacientes con asma persistente a quienes se les realizó oscilometría de impulso (IOS)-espirometría al inicio y después de 3 años. La espirometría anormal se definió de acuerdo con las guías ATS/ERS. Métodos: se utilizó χ2 y ANOVA para comparar las características clínicas y promedios de parámetros de la espirometría e IOS entre trayectorias. Resultados: 86 pacientes, promedio de edad 5,3 y 8,3 años en su primera y segunda evaluación. El 70,9% de los pacientes mantuvo la espirometría normal en ambas evaluaciones (trayectoria 1), el 9,3% presentó espirometría preescolar anormal que normalizó en la edad escolar (trayectoria 2) y el 19,8% espirometría en anormal en ambas evaluaciones (trayectoria 3). La trayectoria 3 registró menor peso promedio al nacer (2,4 kg vs 3,02 kg p = 0,04), mayor promedio de exacerbaciones (5,3 vs 2,01 p = 0,00002), mayor promedio de hospitalizaciones (0,61 vs 0,16 p = 0,04), parámetros promedio más bajos en espirometría (relación VEF1/CVF %, relación VEF0,75/CVF %, VEF0,75 L, VEF0,5 L), promedios más bajos en X5 kPa/Ls y más altos en AX kPa/Ls, que la trayectoria 1. Conclusiones: La trayectoria 1 fue la más frecuente, con persistencia de función pulmonar normal. La trayectoria 3, la segunda más frecuente, inició seguimiento con función pulmonar disminuida en la espirometría y disfunción de vía aérea pequeña en el IOS que se mantuvo en la edad escolar. Los niños que siguieron la trayectoria 3 tuvieron menor peso al nacer, más exacerbaciones y hospitalizaciones que los niños de la trayectoria 1.

Introduction: Patterns of early decline in lung function have been reported in pediatric asthma. Our objective was to identify pulmonary function trajectories in spirometry, from preschool age to school age. Materials: Prospective study conducted between 2016 and 2021. Patients with persistent asthma who underwent impulse oscillometry (IOS)-spirometry at baseline and after 3 years were recruited. Abnormal spirometry was defined according to ATS/ERS guidelines. Methods: χ2 and ANOVA was used to compare clinics characteristics and means of IOS-spirometry parameters between trajectories. Results: 86 patients, mean age of 5,3 and 8,3 years in their first and second evaluation. 70.9% of the patients maintained normal spirometry in both evaluations (Track 1), 9.3% presented abnormal preschool spirometry that normalized at school age (Track 2) and 19.8% abnormal spirometry in both evaluations (Track 3). Trajectory 3 had a lower average birth weight (2,4 kg vs 3,02 kg p = 0,04), higher average of exacerbations (5,3 vs 2,01 p = 0,00002), higher average of hospitalizations (0,61 vs 0,16 p = 0,04), lowest averages parameters in spirometry (FEV1/FVC % ratio, FEV0,75/FVC % ratio, FEV0,75 L, FEV0,5 L), lower average in X5 kPa/Ls and higher in AX kPa/Ls, than trajectory 1. Conclusions: Trajectory 1 was the most common, with persistent normal lung function. Trajectory 3, the second most frequent, started follow-up with decreased lung function in spirometry and small airway disfunction in the IOS that were maintained at school age. Children who followed trajectory 3 had lower birth weight, more exacerbations, and hospitalizations than children in trajectory 1.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Niño , Asma/fisiopatología , Oscilometría , Espirometría , Capacidad Vital , Volumen Espiratorio Forzado , Estudios Prospectivos , Análisis de Varianza