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Univ. salud ; 27(1): 1-10, enero-abril 2025.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555921


Introducción: La calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) y los estados de ánimo son indicadores cruciales del bienestar en adolescentes, pero su relación con estudiantes de Antioquia, Colombia, no ha sido ampliamente estudiada. Objetivo: Determinar la CVRS y los estados de ánimo en escolares de Antioquia-Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal con 1957 escolares de 9 a 20 años. Se aplicaron mediciones de CVRS, ansiedad, depresión, hostilidad y alegría, actividad física, comportamiento sedentario, apoyo social de padres y nivel socioeconómico. Resultados: La calidad de vida alta (CVA) es más elevada en hombres, personas con alegría, estudiantes con apoyo de padres, activos físicamente y personas de nivel socioeconómico alto y medio. AL aumentar un año de edad, disminuye en un 15 % la CVA, y al aumentar la depresión, la ansiedad y el comportamiento sedentario disminuye la CVA. Además, los niveles de depresión y ansiedad son mayores en mujeres, estudiantes mayores, sin apoyo de los padres y personas sedentarias. Conclusiones: La CVRS se asocia con estados de ánimo, actividad física, comportamiento sedentario y apoyo de los padres; mientras que los estados de ánimo se asocian con el sexo, el apoyo de los padres, la CVS y el sedentarismo.

Introduction: Even though health-related quality of life (HRQL) and mood states are key indicators of the well-being of adolescents, their relationship has not been analyzed in students from Antioquia, Colombia. Objective: To determine HRQL and mood states in schoolchildren from Antioquia. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 1,957 schoolchildren and adolescents aged between 9 and 20 years. Measurements of HRQL, anxiety, depression, hostility and happiness, physical activity, sedentary behavior, parental social support, and socioeconomic status were applied. Results: A high quality of life (HQL) was observed more frequently in male participants, students with parental support, physically active, and those belonging to medium and high socioeconomic status. HQL decreased 15% as their age increased by one year. Also, HQL was reduced when depression, anxiety, and sedentary behavior increased. Furthermore, depression and anxiety levels were higher in women, older students, as well as in those without parental control and with sedentary behavior. Conclusions: HRQL is associated with mood states, physical activity, sedentary behavior, and parental support. In contrast, mood states are related to gender, parental support, HQL, and sedentary lifestyle.

Introdução: A qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (CVRS) e os estados de humor são indicadores cruciais de bem-estar em adolescentes, mas sua relação com estudantes de Antioquia, Colômbia, não foi amplamente estudada. Objetivo: Determinar a CVRS e os estados de humor em escolares de Antioquia-Colômbia. Materiais e métodos: Estudo transversal com 1.957 escolares de 9 a 20 anos. Foram aplicadas medidas de QVRS, ansiedade, depressão, hostilidade e felicidade, atividade física, comportamento sedentário, apoio social dos pais e nível socioeconômico. Resultados: A alta qualidade de vida (CVA) é maior em homens, pessoas com alegria, estudantes com apoio parental, fisicamente ativos e pessoas de nível socioeconômico alto e médio. À medida que a idade aumenta em um ano, diminui em 15% o CVA, e ao aumentar a depressão, a ansiedade e o comportamento sedentário aumentam, o CVA diminui. Além disso, os níveis de depressão e ansiedade são mais elevados nas mulheres, nos estudantes mais velhos, sem apoio dos pais e nas pessoas sedentárias. Conclusões: A QVRS está associada a estados de humor, atividade física, comportamento sedentário e apoio parental; enquanto os estados de humor estão associados ao sexo, apoio parental, CVS e estilo de vida sedentário.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Salud , Emociones , Felicidad , Hostilidad
Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 25(43): 66-73, jun.2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561370


Introducción: El yoga es una actividad que trata de un ejercicio el cual contiene una intensidad baja a moderada, la cual no se centra exclusivamente en el entrenamiento físico, sino que también en el desarrollo de la mente y el espíritu de uno mismo. El yoga puede obtener un mayor impacto en el equilibrio y en la ganancia de fuerza de la parte superior del cuerpo, además, demuestra mejora en la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria y flexibilidad. Metodología: El enfoque de desarrollo fue de tipo cuantitativo en donde se realizó una revisión sistemática como metodología de búsqueda de información, relacionada al yoga como una terapia complementaria y los beneficios que éste aportaba al bienestar de las personas mayores. Resultados: En cada uno de los ensayos controlados aleatorizados que fueron recabados para fines de esta revisión sistemática. Se destaca la importancia y los beneficios del yoga en la movilidad, fuerza, flexibilidad y espiritualidad de los usuarios que practican esta terapia. Discusión: Los artículos analizados pertenecen a ensayos clínicos o estudios aleatorizados, los cuales permitieron responder de manera efectiva a nuestra pregunta de investigación, la cual consiste en reconocer si el yoga es efectivo para disminuir el riesgo de dependencia funcional y eliminar hábitos que no son saludables para las personas mayores, además de mejorar la calidad de vida actual. Gracias a ello se pudo evidenciar que esta terapia en adultos mayores genera cambios positivos respecto a estado y condición física, la ejecución de esta práctica mejora la calidad de vida en un 80% Conclusión: La yoga como terapia complementaria si entrega beneficios en la calidad de vida de la población adulta mayor, dado que, que hubo una mejora tanto en la movilidad, calidad de vida y autovalencia de los adultos mayores[AU]

Introduction: Yoga is an activity that deals with a low to moderate intensity exercise, which is not exclusively focused on physical training, but also on the development of the mind and spirit itself. Yoga may have a greater impact on balance and upper body strength gains, and have shown improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness and flexibility. Methodology:the development approach was of a quantitative type where a systematic review was carried out as a methodology for searching for information related to yoga as a complementary therapy and the benefits that it brought to the well-being of the elderly. Results:The importance and benefits of yoga on the mobility, strength, flexibility and spirituality of users who practice this therapy are highlighted in each of the randomized controlled trials that were collected for the purposes of this systematic review. Discussion: The articles analyzed belong to clinical trials or randomized studies, which allowed us to effectively answer our research question. The activity of yoga in older adults generates positive changes regarding state and physical condition, the execution of this practice improves the quality of life by 80% Conclusion: Yoga as a complementary therapy delivers benefits in the quality of life of the adult population elderly, it can be said that there was an improvement in mobility, quality of life and self-valence of the elderly[AU]

Introdução: O Yoga é uma atividade que trata de um exercício de intensidade baixa a moderada, que não se foca exclusivamente no treino físico, mas também no desenvolvimento da mente e do espí-rito. A ioga pode ter um impacto maior no equilíbrio e nos ganhos de força da parte superior do corpo e mostrou melhorias na apti-dão cardiorrespiratória e flexibilidade. Metodologia: a abordagem de desenvolvimento foi do tipo quantitativo onde foi realizada uma revisão sistemática como metodologia de busca de informações re-lacionadas ao yoga como terapia complementar e os benefícios que trouxe para o bem-estar dos idosos. Resultados: A importância e os benefícios do yoga na mobilidade, força, flexibilidade e espiri-tualidade dos usuários que praticam esta terapia são destacados em cada um dos ensaios clínicos randomizados que foram coletados para fins desta revisão sistemática. Discussão: Os artigos analisa-dos pertencem a ensaios clínicos ou estudos randomizados, o que nos permitiu responder de forma eficaz à nossa questão de inves-tigação. A atividade de yoga em idosos gera mudanças positivas quanto ao estado e condição física, a execução desta prática mel-hora a qualidade de vida em 80% Conclusão: o yoga como terapia complementar traz benefícios na qualidade de vida da população adulta idosa, pode-se dizer que houve melhora na mobilidade, qualidade de vida e autovalência dos idosos[AU]

Humanos , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Revisión Sistemática
Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade (Online) ; 19(46): e-3697, 20241804.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566117


Introdução: O presente estudo visa descrever as condições de saúde mental mais prevalentes na população de rua em um grande centro urbano brasileiro. Objetivo: Descrever as condições de saúde mental mais prevalentes na população de moradores de rua em um grande centro urbano brasileiro. Métodos: Este é um estudo transversal realizado nas regiões centrais e periferias da cidade de São Paulo (SP), Brasil. Para a descrição dos transtornos psiquiátricos utilizamos o Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) para sintomas depressivos, item 9 do Inventário de Depressão de Beck para ideação suicida, pergunta autorreferida para uso de álcool e drogas ilícitas e item 3 do PHQ-9 para qualidade do sono. Resultados: A média de idade dos participantes foi de 44,54 (desvio padrão ­ DP=12,63) anos, e a maioria era do sexo masculino (n=342; 75%). Quanto à frequência de transtornos psiquiátricos identificados, 49,6% (n=226) dos participantes apresentaram sintomas depressivos, 29,8% (n=136) exibiram ideação suicida, 55,7% (n=254) informaram uso de álcool semanalmente, 34,2% (n=156) informaram usar drogas ilícitas semanalmente e 62,3% (n=284) tinham problemas com sono. Conclusões: A prevalência de condições que afetam a saúde mental entre os participantes é alta. Estes resultados poderão auxiliar profissionais de saúde na elaboração de estratégias de prevenção e tratamento nessa população, pouco estudada.

Introduction: The present study aims to describe the most prevalent mental health conditions in the homeless population in a large Brazilian urban center. Objective: To describe the most prevalent mental health conditions in the population of homeless people in a large Brazilian urban center. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study carried out in the central and periphery regions of São Paulo, state of São Paulo, Brazil. For the description of psychiatric disorders, the following instruments were used: Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) for depressive symptoms, item 9 of the Beck Depression Inventory for suicidal ideation, the self-reported question for the use of alcohol and illicit drugs, and item 3 of the PHQ-9 for sleep quality. Results: The mean age of participants was 44.54 (Standard Deviation=12.63) years, and most were men (n=342; 75%). Regarding the frequency of the identified psychiatric disorders, 49.6% (n=226) of the participants had depressive symptoms, 29.8% (n=136) had suicidal ideation, 55.7% (n=254) reported weekly alcohol use, 34.2% (n=156) reported using illicit drugs weekly, and 62.3% (n=284) had sleep problems. Conclusions: The prevalence of conditions that affect mental health among participants is high. These results may help health professionals to develop prevention and treatment strategies for this understudied population.

Introducción: El presente estudio tiene como objetivo describir las condiciones de salud mental más prevalentes en la población sin hogar en un gran centro urbano brasileño. Objetivo: Describir las condiciones de salud mental más prevalentes en la población de personas sin hogar en un gran centro urbano brasileño. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio transversal realizado en las regiones central y periférica de São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Para la descripción de los trastornos psiquiátricos se utilizó el Cuestionario de Salud del Paciente - 9 (PHQ-9) para síntomas depresivos, el ítem 9 del Inventario de Depresión de Beck para ideación suicida, la pregunta autorreportada para uso de alcohol y drogas ilícitas y ítem 3 del PHQ-9 para la calidad del sueño. Resultados: La edad media de los participantes fue de 44,54 (DE=12,63) años, y la mayoría eran hombres (n=342; 75%). En cuanto a la frecuencia de los trastornos psiquiátricos identificados, el 49,6% (n=226) de los participantes presentaba síntomas depresivos, el 29,8% (n=136) tenía ideación suicida, el 55,7% (n=254) refería consumo semanal de alcohol, el 34,2% (n=156) refirió consumir drogas ilícitas semanalmente y el 62,3% (n=284) presentaba problemas de sueño. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de condiciones que afectan la salud mental entre los participantes es alta. Estos resultados pueden ayudar a los profesionales de la salud a desarrollar estrategias de prevención y tratamiento para esta población poco estudiada.

Humanos , Personas con Mala Vivienda , Trastornos Mentales , Estudios Transversales
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561696


Introdução: O desenvolvimento da família é influenciado por diversos fatores de sua organização interna e de ordem ambiental, social, cultural, econômica e política. Em contexto de pobreza os riscos são maiores. Fatores de proteção, como boa organização familiar e rede social de apoio podem diminuir as consequências negativas da pobreza. São escassas as pesquisas longitudinais sobre vulnerabilidade e resiliência nas famílias. Objetivo: Este artigo descreve o desenvolvimento de três famílias ao longo de 15 anos, estudadas por meio de entrevistas em casa, parte de uma coorte populacional de um bairro de Porto Alegre (RS). Buscaram-se associações entre a qualidade das relações nessas famílias e sua saúde física e mental, especialmente a do filho, foco da pesquisa. Métodos: Selecionaram-se no arquivo da pesquisa as três primeiras famílias (do total de 148) das quais se tinham os resultados completos das cinco visitas realizadas aos quatro meses e aos dois, quatro, nove e 15 anos de um filho. Realizou-se análise qualitativa dos registros em busca de categorias para compreender a vida e as relações interpessoais nas famílias. O estudo foi realizado em conjunto por duas pesquisadoras, médicas especialistas em desenvolvimento humano. As categorias identificadas na análise e estudadas nas cinco etapas foram: configuração familiar, situação socioeconômica, situações traumáticas, saúde física, saúde relacional e mental, evolução cognitiva e escolar do filho. Resultados: As três famílias, todas de classe C, com filhos sem problemas de saúde física, tiveram evolução suficientemente boa, apesar de todas enfrentarem múltiplos problemas, inclusive separações e mortes precoces. A relação com o sistema de saúde e escola era boa e similar para as três. A jovem com menos problemas de saúde mental foi aquela que sofreu perdas mais importantes: morte dos pais. Tinha uma estrutura familiar multigeracional sólida desde a primeira infância, com relações interpessoais predominantemente colaborativas e amorosas. Conclusões: O artigo busca avançar na compreensão da resiliência nas famílias em situações de vulnerabilidade. Concluímos que essas três famílias, uma delas mais que as outras, foram suficientemente saudáveis na tarefa de educar seus filhos sem desenvolverem problemas mentais graves. Propomos que o bom desenvolvimento se associa com a adequação e amorosidade dos cuidados com a etapa do ciclo vital, mesmo enfrentando situações problemáticas. Essas qualidades precisam estar associadas à estabilidade socioeconômica básica e a bons serviços de saúde e escola.

Introduction: Family development is influenced by it's internal organization and environmental factors, socioeconomic, cultural and political. In poor contexts there are more risks to development. Protection factors like good family organization and social network may decrease the risks. Longitudinal research about vulnerability and resilience in families is scarse. Objective: This article describes the development of three families over 15 years through interviews at home. The families were part of a populational cohort of a neighborhood in Porto Alegre (RS). We looked for links between the quality of relationships and the physical and mental health of these families, especially of the child focus of the research. Methods: We selected in the research archives the first three families (of a total of 148) for which we had full results of the five interviews at four months and two, four, nine and fifteen years of a child. We did a qualitative analysis of the records looking for parameters to understand the life and interpersonal relationships of these families. This study was done by two researchers, both experts in Human Development. The categories identified in the analysis of the five phases were: family structure, socioeconomic situation, traumatic experiences, physical, mental and relational health and cognitive evolution of the child. Results: All three families belonged to economical class C. The children were in good physical health and had sufficiently good general development, having faced multiple problems, including parental separation and early parental death. The relationship with the health and school systems was good in all of them. The youth with less mental health problems was the one who suffered the heaviest loss: early death of both parents. Her family had strong multigenerational ties since her early days, with predominant collaborative and loving relationships. Conclusions: This article aims to contribute to the comprehension of resilience in families in the context of vulnerability. We can say that these three families were healthy enough in the task of bringing up children without any serious mental health problem. We suggest that healthy development is associated with loving interfamily relationships adequate to each phase of development, notwithstanding dramatic events. This needs to be supported by basic economic stability and adequate school and health systems.

Introducción: El desarrollo de la familia es influenciado por su organización interna y factores ambientales, sociales, culturales, económicos y políticos. En contextos pobres los riesgos son mayores. Factores de protección como buena organización familiar y red social de apoyo pueden disminuir las consecuencias negativas de la pobreza. Son pocas las investigaciones longitudinales de vulnerabilidad y resiliencia de las familias. Objetivo: Este artículo describe el estudio del desarrollo de tres familias a lo largo de 15 años, a través de entrevistas en domicilio, parte de una cohorte poblacional de un barrio de Porto Alegre (RS). Se buscaron correlaciones entre la calidad de las relaciones de esas familias y su salud física y mental, especialmente la del hijo foco de la investigación. Métodos: Fueron seleccionadas en el archivo de la investigación las tres primeras familias (de un total de 148) de las cuales se tenían los resultados completos de las cinco visitas realizadas, a los 4 meses, y a los 2, 4, 9, y 15 años de un hijo. Fue realizado un análisis cualitativo de los registros en busca de categorías para comprender la vida y las relaciones interpersonales en las familias. El estudio fue hecho en conjunto por dos investigadoras, médicas especialistas en desarrollo humano. Las categorías identificadas en el análisis y estudiadas en las cinco etapas fueron: configuración familiar, situación socioeconómica, situaciones traumáticas, salud física, salud relacional y mental, evolución cognitiva y escolar del hijo. Resultados: Las tres familias, todas de clase C, con hijos sin problemas de salud física, tuvieron evolución suficientemente buena, a pesar de que todas enfrentaron múltiples problemas, incluso separaciones y muertes precoces. La relación con el sistema de salud y escuela era buena y similar para las tres. La joven con menos problemas de salud mental fue aquella que sufrió las mayores pérdidas: muerte de los padres. Tenía una estructura familiar multigeneracional sólida desde la primera infancia, con relaciones interpersonales predominantemente colaborativas y amorosas. Conclusiones: El artículo pretende avanzar en la comprensión de la resiliencia en las familias en situaciones de vulnerabilidad. Concluimos que esas tres familias, una de ellas más que las otras, fueron suficientemente saludables en la tarea de educar a sus hijos sin que desarrollaran problemas mentales graves. Proponemos que el buen desarrollo se asocia con el amor y adecuación de los cuidados a la etapa del ciclo vital, aun enfrentando situaciones problemáticas. Esas calidades necesitan estar asociadas a la estabilidad socioeconómica básica y buenos servicios de salud y escuela.

Humanos , Desarrollo Humano , Salud Mental , Resiliencia Psicológica
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1563683


This study sought to explore the perspective of medical faculty on the mental health of their students. This qualitative study based on a focus group is part of a longitudinal research that studied the mental health of Brazilian students. One group was conducted with faculty employed at a medical school. Topics discussed covered the concept of mental health and medical education. Six professors participated in one group. The mental health of medical students is a construct that encompasses emotional aspects, ability to solve problems and multiple facets of a human being, according to the participants. Artistic practices, moments of socialization and leisure were perceived as stimulating students' good mental health. Excessive demands generate competitiveness and the teacher's expectation of the student's good performance based on their own experience can harm the student's mental health. Participants also highlighted that a pedagogical reformulation that makes sense for the student's learning process is necessary to update traditional curricula. Medical students' mental health is influenced by experiences and exchanges during the medical school, mainly between professor and student, understood as necessary and inherent to the process of becoming physician. The findings of this study show the need for curriculum changes in the medical education process and updating teacher training for good practices that reinforce good mental health.

Este estudio buscó explorar la perspectiva de los profesores de medicina sobre la salud mental de sus estudiantes. Este estudio cualitativo basado en un grupo focal es parte de una investigación longitudinal que estudió la salud mental de estudiantes brasileños. Un grupo se llevó a cabo con profesores empleados en una escuela de medicina. Los temas tratados abarcaron el concepto de salud mental y educación médica. Seis docentes participaron en un grupo. La salud mental de los estudiantes de medicina es un constructo que abarca aspectos emocionales, capacidad de resolución de problemas y múltiples facetas del ser humano, según los participantes. Las prácticas artísticas, los momentos de socialización y el ocio fueron percibidos como estimulantes de la buena salud mental de los estudiantes. Las exigencias excesivas generan competitividad y la expectativa del docente sobre el buen desempeño del estudiante basándose en su propia experiencia puede perjudicar la salud mental del estudiante. Los participantes también resaltaron que es necesaria una reformulación pedagógica que tenga sentido para el proceso de aprendizaje del estudiante para actualizar los currículos tradicionales. La salud mental de los estudiantes de medicina está influenciada por las experiencias y los intercambios durante la carrera de medicina, principalmente entre profesor y estudiante, entendidos como necesarios e inherentes al proceso de convertirse en médico. Los hallazgos de este estudio muestran la necesidad de cambios curriculares en el proceso de formación médica y de actualización de la formación docente hacia buenas prácticas que refuercen la buena salud mental.

Este estudo buscou explorar a perspectiva dos docentes de medicina sobre a saúde mental de seus alunos. Este estudo qualitativo baseado em grupo focal faz parte de uma pesquisa longitudinal que estudou a saúde mental de estudantes brasileiros. Um grupo foi conduzido com professores empregados em uma faculdade de medicina. Os temas discutidos abrangeram o conceito de saúde mental e educação médica. Seis professores participaram de um grupo. A saúde mental dos estudantes de medicina é um construto que engloba aspectos emocionais, capacidade de resolução de problemas e múltiplas facetas do ser humano, segundo os participantes. As práticas artísticas, os momentos de socialização e de lazer foram percebidos como estimuladores da boa saúde mental dos estudantes. Exigências excessivas geram competitividade e a expectativa do professor pelo bom desempenho do aluno com base na própria experiência pode prejudicar a saúde mental do aluno. Os participantes destacaram também que é necessária uma reformulação pedagógica que faça sentido para o processo de aprendizagem do aluno para atualizar os currículos tradicionais. A saúde mental dos estudantes de medicina é influenciada pelas experiências e trocas durante o curso de medicina, principalmente entre professor e aluno, entendidas como necessárias e inerentes ao processo de tornar-se médico. Os achados deste estudo mostram a necessidade de mudanças curriculares no processo de formação médica e de atualização da formação docente para boas práticas que reforcem a boa saúde mental.

An. psicol ; 40(2): 290-299, May-Sep, 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-232723


Existe un debate considerable en la literatura sobre cómo el narcisismo predice diversos comportamientos asociados con la utilidad de los sitios de redes sociales, pero los investigadores han prestado menos atención a explorar los mediadores potenciales de esta relación. Con base en la literatura existente, anticipamos que el narcisismo predice comportamientos de autopromoción en los sitios de redes sociales. El estudio actual también investigó el papel mediador del perfeccionismo multidimensional entre el narcisismo y el comportamiento de autopromoción. Se recopiló un total de 605 cuestionarios completos de estudiantes de universidades de Rawalpindi e Islamabad, Pakistán, mediante un muestreo conveniente. El estudio utilizó el Inventario de Personalidad Narcisista (Ames et al., 2006), un cuestionario de desarrollo propio sobre comportamiento de autopromoción en sitios de redes sociales y la Escala de Perfeccionismo Multidimensional (Hewitt et al., 1991). Los hallazgos indicaron que las mujeres en comparación con los hombres y las solteras en comparación con las casadas obtuvieron puntuaciones más altas en narcisismo. Los niveles educativos más altos se asociaron con tasas más altas de narcisismo. Los resultados también sugieren que el narcisismo se correlaciona con el perfeccionismo orientado a uno mismo y, más significativamente, con el narcisismo orientado a los demás. El perfeccionismo orientado a uno mismo y a los demás medió significativamente la relación entre el narcisismo y el comportamiento de autopromoción en los sitios de redes sociales.(AU)

There is considerable debate in the literature about how narcis-sism predicts various behaviors associated with the utility of social net-working sites, but researchers have paid less attention to exploring the po-tential mediators of this relationship.Based on the existing literature, we anticipated that narcissism predicts self-promoting behaviors on social networking sites. The current study also investigated the mediating role of multidimensional perfectionismbetween narcissism and self-promoting behavior. A total of 605 complete questionnaires weregathered fromstu-dents from universities from Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan using convenient sampling. The study used Narcissistic Personality Inventory (Ames et al., 2006), self-developed Self-promoting Behavior on social net-working sites questionnaire, and the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (Hewitt et al., 1991). Findings indicated that females as compared to males and single as comparedto married individuals scored higher on narcissism. Higher educational levels were associated with higher rates of narcissism. The results also suggestthat narcissism correlated with self-oriented per-fectionism, and more significantlywith others-oriented narcissism. Self-oriented and others-oriented perfectionism significantly mediated the rela-tionship between narcissism and self-promoting behavior on social net-working sites.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Salud Mental , Perfeccionismo , Narcisismo , Conducta , Estudiantes/psicología , Pakistán
J Subst Use Addict Treat ; : 209487, 2024 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39153735


INTRODUCTION: Legalization has increased cannabis availability in Canada. Research shows complex relationships between cannabis use and mental health, and a need for health care providers to engage with patients about cannabis use. Providers have noted gaps in knowledge and research on the medical effects of cannabis as barriers to service delivery. It is unclear how providers and patients in mental health care settings have been impacted by legalization. METHODS: From June 1 to July 2, 2021, we conducted a qualitative study involving semi-structured interviews with 20 health care providers in a range of roles (e.g., physicians, pharmacists, nurses) within a psychiatric hospital setting. Participants responded to open-ended questions with follow-up probes on various topics related to cannabis legalization. Topics included impacts on patient mental and physical health, clinical impacts, education and training, legal cannabis retail system and the medical cannabis access system. RESULTS: Thematic analysis identified several themes in the data. Participants reported that legalization has had some positive impacts relating to clinical care and cannabis safety. They also expressed concerns with increased rates of cannabis use, risks to mental health and ongoing challenges engaging with patients about cannabis. Participants made recommendations for medical educators and regulators (e.g., updated curriculums, clinical guidelines), the mental health care sector (e.g., implementation of standardized screening), government (e.g., public health campaigns, safe use guidelines), the medical cannabis access system (e.g., increased regulation, research), and the legal cannabis system (e.g., zoning changes, point-of-sale information). CONCLUSIONS: This study begins to address the paucity of data on impacts of legalization from mental health service delivery settings. Findings show that although legalization has had some positive impacts, there are ongoing patient concerns and unmet provider needs. More research is needed to understand the experiences of providers delivering care to populations experiencing mental health and/or substance use concerns who use cannabis in the post-legalization era.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39153850


BACKGROUND: Child mental health has become an increasingly important issue in the UK, especially in the context of significant welfare reforms. Universal Credit (UC) has introduced substantial changes to the UK's social security system, significantly impacting low-income families. Our aim was to assess the effects of UC's introduction on children's mental health for families eligible for UC versus a comparable non-eligible sample. METHODS: Using Understanding Society data from 5806 observations of 4582 children (aged 5 or 8 years) in Great Britain between 2012 and 2018, we created two groups: children whose parents were eligible for UC (intervention group) and children whose parents were ineligible for UC (comparison group). Child mental health was assessed using a parent-reported Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. The OR and percentage point change in the prevalence of children experiencing mental health difficulties between the intervention group and the comparison group following the introduction of UC were analysed. We also investigated whether the utilisation of childcare services and changes in household income were mechanisms by which UC impacted children's mental health. RESULTS: Logistic regression results demonstrated that the prevalence of mental health problems among eligible children whose parents were unemployed increased by an OR of 2.18 (95% CI 1.14 to 4.18), equivalent to an 8-percentage point increase (95% CI 1 to 14 percentage points) following the introduction of UC, relative to the comparison group. Exploring potential mechanisms, we found neither reduced household income nor increased use of childcare services, which served as a proxy for reduced time spent with parents, significantly influenced children's mental health. CONCLUSIONS: UC has led to an increase in mental health problems among recipient children, particularly for children in larger families and those aged 8. Policymakers should carefully evaluate the potential health consequences for specific demographics when introducing new welfare policies.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39154118


Premature mortality in people living with a severe mental illness (SMI) is often attributed to multiple factors including the use of medicines such as antipsychotics. Second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) are known to cause metabolic syndrome which can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Practice guidelines have recommended regular physical health monitoring, particularly of metabolic parameters, however, metabolic monitoring for people living with SMI using antipsychotics remains suboptimal. Therefore, highlighting the need for ongoing research. This scoping review aimed to provide an overview of current metabolic monitoring practices. We anticipate that this information will assist clinicians and policymakers and inform future research. The following databases were searched: MEDLINE (Ovid), Embase (Ovid), CINAHL (EBSCO), the Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews (Wiley), APA PsycInfo (Ovid) and Scopus (Elsevier Science Publishers). The target group was adults (aged ≥ 18) diagnosed with SMI (including bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder and psychotic disorders) and taking SGAs. In total, 44 studies from 14 countries were retrieved. Our findings highlighted that most studies conducted in hospitals did not report on metabolic monitoring practices. Additionally, the roles and responsibilities of healthcare professionals in metabolic monitoring for SMI were infrequently described and parameters such as waist circumference and BMI were often poorly monitored. The scoping review highlights that no streamlined approach towards metabolic monitoring currently exists. There is a need to stipulate and define the roles and responsibilities of all health professionals involved in metabolic monitoring in SMI to optimise care for these individuals. Moreover, there is a need for ongoing research, particularly in the community setting, to promote increased accessibility to metabolic monitoring for SMI.

BMC Psychiatry ; 24(1): 568, 2024 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39164690


BACKGROUND: Mental disorders are a significant contributor to disease burden. However, there is a large treatment gap for common mental disorders worldwide. This systematic review summarizes the factors associated with mental health service use. METHODS: PubMed, Scopus, and the Web of Science were searched for articles describing the predictors of and barriers to mental health service use among people with mental disorders from January 2012 to August 2023. The initial search yielded 3230 articles, 2366 remained after removing duplicates, and 237 studies remained after the title and abstract screening. In total, 40 studies met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. RESULTS: Middle-aged participants, females, Caucasian ethnicity, and higher household income were more likely to access mental health services. The use of services was also associated with the severity of mental symptoms. The association between employment, marital status, and mental health services was inconclusive due to limited studies. High financial costs, lack of transportation, and scarcity of mental health services were structural factors found to be associated with lower rates of mental health service use. Attitudinal barriers, mental health stigma, and cultural beliefs also contributed to the lower rates of mental health service use. CONCLUSION: This systematic review found that several socio-demographic characteristics were strongly associated with using mental health services. Policymakers and those providing mental health services can use this information to better understand and respond to inequalities in mental health service use and improve access to mental health treatment.

Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud , Trastornos Mentales , Servicios de Salud Mental , Humanos , Servicios de Salud Mental/estadística & datos numéricos , Trastornos Mentales/terapia , Trastornos Mentales/psicología , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Aceptación de la Atención de Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Aceptación de la Atención de Salud/psicología , Estigma Social , Femenino
BMC Public Health ; 24(1): 2263, 2024 Aug 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39164704


People living with mental illness experience poorer oral health outcomes compared to the general population, yet little is known about their oral health knowledge, attitudes, and practices. The aim of this mixed-methods systematic review was to synthesise evidence regarding oral health knowledge, attitudes, and practices of people living with mental illness to inform preventative strategies and interventions. Database searches were conducted in PubMed, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, ProQuest, and Scopus with no limitations placed on the year of study. All studies available in the English language, that explored the oral health knowledge, attitudes, and/or practices of people with a mental illness were included. Articles were excluded if they primarily pertained to intellectual disability, behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia, drug and alcohol or substance use, or eating disorders. A thematic synthesis was undertaken of 36 studies (26 high-moderate quality), resulting in 3 themes and 9 sub-themes. Study participants ranged from n = 7 to n = 1095 and aged between 15-83 years with most having a diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizoaffective, or bipolar affective disorder. People diagnosed with a mental illness were found to have limited oral health knowledge, particularly regarding the effects of psychotropic medication. Various barriers to oral health care were identified, including high dental costs, the negative impact of mental illness, dental fears, lack of priority, and poor communication with dental and health care providers. Study participants often displayed a reduced frequency of tooth brushing and dental visits. The findings highlight the potential for mental health care providers, oral health and dental professionals, mental health consumers, and carers to work together more closely to improve oral health outcomes for people with mental illness. The systematic review protocol is registered with the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO), (registration ID CRD42022352122).

Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Trastornos Mentales , Salud Bucal , Humanos , Trastornos Mentales/epidemiología , Trastornos Mentales/psicología , Adulto , Adolescente , Anciano , Adulto Joven , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano de 80 o más Años
F1000Res ; 13: 807, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39169953


Background: Anxiety has been reported to be one of the most common epidemics in recent years. The present study focused on understanding the association between early menarche and the prevalence of anxiety and anxiety symptoms among adult undergraduate students. Methods: This was an observational, case-control study. The sample included 146 young female adults aged more than or equal to 18 years pursuing the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) and Bachelor of Dental Sciences (BDS). Using an online questionnaire, participants were asked to recall and enter the age at which they attained menarche. We used the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7- Item Questionnaire (GAD-7) to measure the severity of their present anxiety symptoms. Results: The results showed a significant increase in anxiety symptoms in participants who had early menarche compared to those who did not have early menarche. The mean score on the GAD-7 Questionnaire for the cases was 9.93 and the control group was 6.89. The GAD-7 scores among the cases group were significantly higher in the GAD-7 scores than in the control group. Conclusions: This study concluded that early menarche is associated with higher anxiety levels in young adults.

Ansiedad , Menarquia , Estudiantes , Humanos , Femenino , Menarquia/psicología , Ansiedad/epidemiología , Estudiantes/psicología , Estudios de Casos y Controles , Adulto Joven , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Adulto , Adolescente
Front Sports Act Living ; 6: 1205914, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39170689


Background: Despite the well-documented benefits of regular physical activity (PA), many university students are physically inactive. Personal, socio-economic, and environmental factors predict PA engagement behaviours in university students. There is a need to understand context-specific perceived barriers and benefits to exercise engagement and physical activity levels amongst university students from low-income settings. This study primarily evaluated the barriers and facilitators to PA engagement in Zimbabwean undergraduate students. We also assessed the correlates of perceived barriers and benefits to PA engagement, risk of common mental disorders (CMDs) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Methods: We used a cross-sectional study to recruit 465 university undergraduate students. The Exercise Benefits and Barriers Scale, International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Shona Symptoms Questionnaire (SSQ-8) and EuroQol 5 Dimension (EQ5D-5l) were used to measure barriers and facilitators, physical activity level, risk of depression and anxiety and HRQoL, respectively. Data were analysed through descriptive statistics and logistic regression. Results and conclusion: Most participants were male (58.5%) with a mean age of 21.7 (SD 1.6) years. Majority of the participants were first year students (37.2%), consumed alcohol (66.5%), did not smoke (88.2%) and had a normal BMI (64.7%). The prevalence of low PA levels was 17.4%, with 33.5% of students at risk of CMDs. The most perceived benefits were in the physical performance (e.g., exercise improves my level of physical fitness) and life enhancement (e.g., exercise improves my self-concept) domains, while the most perceived barriers were lack of exercise infrastructure (e.g., exercise facilities do not have convenient schedules) and physical exertion (e.g., exercise tires me). Food insecurity (AOR 2.51: 95% CI 1.62-3.88) and the risk of CMDs (AOR 0.49: 95% CI 0.32-0.76) were associated with increased odds of experiencing barriers to exercise. Not using substances (AOR = 2.14: 95% CI 1.11-4.14) and a higher self-rated HRQoL (AOR 24.34: 95% CI 1.77-335.13) were associated with increased odds of a high perception of exercise benefits. Improving access to community and on-campus exercise facilities and campus-wide health promotional interventions is necessary to enhance PA amongst university students.

Int J Prev Med ; 15: 23, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39170923


Background: Mental health disorders are one of the most important and increasing health problems in the youth of today's societies. Some dietary intake and body mass status are factors that affect mental health. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the intake of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and aromatic amino acids (AAAs) and anthropometric and dietary inflammatory indices with mental health, including depression, anxiety, and stress. Methods: In this case-control study, the data of 138 teenage girls aged 13-18 years were collected. Three-day 24-hour food recall and standard anthropometric methods were used to calculate the dietary inflammation intake score of normal and energy-adjusted diets. Mental health disorders were diagnosed by the DASS-21 questionnaire. Statistical analysis used Student's t-test, correlation, and multiple regression were used to analyze the data based on the study's statistical requirements. Results: Based on the findings, 59 (42%) of the girls had mental disorders, and 79 (58%) were healthy. The average weight of stressed people was significantly higher than that of healthy people, and the BMI of anxious people was significantly higher than that of nonanxious people (P < 0.05). A significant positive correlation was found between stress and weight and energy intake. Additionally, there was a significant negative correlation between BCAAs and mental health. The average intake of BCAAs was significantly lower in patients (P = 0.01). The trend analysis showed significantly lower BCAA levels among the 4th quartile of mental disorders. No significant relationship was observed between DII, AAA, and anthropometric indices. After adjustment of the results, no relationship was observed between mental health and the studied factors. Conclusions: BCAA might be related to mental health. Further studies in different age and sex groups are highly recommended.

Front Psychiatry ; 15: 1414291, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39171074


Background: Perinatal depression and anxiety (PDA) is prevalent in new and expectant mothers, affecting millions of women worldwide. Those with a history of mood and anxiety disorders are at the greatest risk of experiencing PDA in a subsequent pregnancy. Current safety concerns with pharmacological treatments have led to a greater need for adjunctive treatment options for PDA. Changes in the composition of the microbiome have been associated with various diseases during pregnancy, and these changes are thought to play some role in perinatal mood disorders. While the relationship between PDA and the microbiome has not been explored, evidence suggests that nutritional interventions with fiber, fish oils, and probiotics may play a favorable role in neuropsychiatric outcomes during and after pregnancy. The primary objective of the present study is to assess the feasibility and acceptability of a combination of nonpharmacological interventions to maintain stability in pregnant women who have a history of depression and/or anxiety. This study will also aim to understand ease of recruitment and protocol adherence in this cohort. Methods: This is a single-centered, partially randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind feasibility trial. One hundred pregnant women with a history of depression and/or anxiety/PDA will be recruited and randomized into one of four arms, which could include the following: receiving a daily dose of both investigational products and dietary counseling on increasing dietary fiber, receiving a daily dose of both investigational drugs only, receiving fish oil investigational product and placebo, and a control arm with no intervention. The study involves six study visits, all of which can be conducted virtually every 3 months from the time of enrollment. At all study visits, information on diet, mental health, physical activity, and sleep quality will be collected. Additionally, all participants will provide a stool sample at each visit. Discussion: It is anticipated that pregnant women with a history of depression and anxiety will be particularly interested in partaking in this trial, resulting in favorable recruitment rates. Given the positive findings of omega-3 fatty acids (O3FAs) and probiotic supplements on mental health symptoms in nonpregnant adults, we expect a similar trend in PDA symptoms, with a low likelihood of adverse events. This study will build the foundation for larger powered studies to further contribute evidence for the efficacy of this potential preventative treatment option. Trial registration: This trial was registered at ClinicalTrials/gov on October 6, 2023; NCT06074250. Trial Sponsor: The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, 1255 Sheppard Ave E, Toronto, ON M2K 1E2, 416-498-1255.

Front Psychol ; 15: 1437234, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39171218


Objective: This study investigated the relationships between job pressure, occupational burnout, organizational support and coping strategies among competitive sports coaches in Sichuan Province, China. It also assesses the impact of job pressure on occupational burnout and the mediating roles of organizational support and coping strategies. Methods: A survey was conducted with 207 competitive sports coaches from Sichuan Province, China. Basic information and data on job pressure, occupational burnout, organizational support and coping strategies were collected. Correlations between variables were analyzed, and a theoretical model for hypothesizing the mediating effects was established. A multiple regression model was used to predict the relationships between occupational burnout and job pressure, organizational support and coping strategies. Results: (1) Job pressure was significantly positively correlated with occupational burnout (R = 0.436, p < 0.001) and negative coping (R = 0.389, p < 0.001) but significantly negatively correlated with organizational support (R = -0.503, p < 0.001). Occupational burnout was significantly negatively correlated with academic title (R = -0.158, p = 0.023) and organizational support (R = -0.349, p < 0.001) but significantly positively correlated with negative coping (R = 0.440, p < 0.001). Organisational support was significantly positively correlated with positive coping (R = 0.222, p = 0.001) but significantly negatively correlated with negative coping (R = -0.207, p = 0.003). (2) Mediating effects: Job pressure indirectly affects occupational burnout via organizational support and negative coping strategies. (3) Multiple regression: Y1 (Job Pressure) = 69.262 + 1.172 × Emotional Exhaustion -2.231 × Emotional Support +1.041 × Negative Coping -6.554 × Academic Title (from high to low). Y2 (Occupational Burnout) = 25.609 + 0.141 × Job Pressure - 0.306 × Organisational Support +0.620 × Negative Coping -2.097 × Academic Title. Conclusion: Job pressure is a significant factor leading to occupational burnout among competitive sports coaches in Sichuan Province, China, and factors such as role, interpersonal relationships and career development are closely related to occupational burnout. The sense of organizational support and negative coping strategies play a mediating role between job pressure and occupational burnout. Reducing emotional exhaustion and negative coping, enhancing emotional support and improving the academic titles of coaches can help to reduce job pressure and occupational burnout among competitive sports coaches in Sichuan Province.

Front Psychol ; 15: 1441560, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39171235


In the last decade, spirituality gained increasing recognition, with an individualized approach to the significance of symptoms and the purpose of treatment. Many psychiatrists started adopting the term "biopsychosocial-spiritual" management. Modern psychological therapies have drawn from the principles of ancient Eastern traditions. However, the spiritual beliefs within Islam and their impact on mental well-being have yet to be studied sufficiently. The Eastern Mediterranean region is largely Muslim and shares similar cultural beliefs. This paper explores some of these beliefs and their impact on perceptions of mental health and help-seeking behavior. The paper will focus primarily on the religious ideologies, the concepts of punishment and reward from Allah (God) in the context of the high stigma associated with mental illness in the region, and the knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions toward people with mental illness. We will explore cultural beliefs in possession, evil eye, and black magic and how they influence treatment adherence. Traditional and faith healers remain very popular in this part of the world and are often the first line of treatment for people presenting with mental illness. Suicide and self-harming are particularly sensitive areas due to their religious implications in life and death, as well as the afterlife. Despite the global interest in the Eastern Mediterranean region, there still is a shortage of research on the intercultural aspects of this region, especially regarding mental health assessments. In this regard, we will explore some published literature from Qatar and draw comparisons with regional findings.

JMIR Res Protoc ; 13: e59993, 2024 Aug 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39173142


BACKGROUND: Young adult veterans who served after the September 11 attacks on the United States in 2001 (ie, post-9/11) are at heightened risk for experiencing behavioral health distress and disorders including hazardous drinking, posttraumatic stress disorder, and depression. These veterans often face significant barriers to behavioral health treatment, and reaching them through brief mobile phone-based interventions may help reduce drinking and promote treatment engagement. OBJECTIVE: Following a successful pilot study, this randomized controlled trial (RCT) aims to further test the efficacy of a brief (ie, single session) mobile phone-delivered personalized normative feedback intervention enhanced with content to promote treatment engagement. METHODS: We will conduct an RCT with 800 post-9/11 young adult veterans (aged 18 to 40 years) with potentially hazardous drinking and who have not recently received treatment for any behavioral health problems. Participants will be randomly assigned to the personalized intervention or a control condition with resources for seeking care. The personalized normative feedback module in the intervention focuses on the correction of misperceived norms of peer alcohol use and uses empirically informed approaches to increase motivation to address alcohol use and co-occurring behavioral health problems. Past 30-day drinking, alcohol-related consequences, and treatment-seeking behaviors will be assessed at baseline and 3, 6, 9, and 12 months post intervention. Sex, barriers to care, posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and severity of alcohol use disorder symptoms will be explored as potential moderators of outcomes. RESULTS: We expect recruitment to be completed within 6 months, with data collection taking 12 months for each enrolled participant. Analyses will begin within 3 months of the final data collection point (ie, 12 months follow-up). CONCLUSIONS: This RCT will evaluate the efficacy of a novel intervention for non-treatment-seeking veterans who struggle with hazardous drinking and possible co-occurring behavioral health problems. This intervention has the potential to improve veteran health outcomes and overcome significant barriers to treatment. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT04244461; INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/59993.

Alcoholismo , Intervención basada en la Internet , Veteranos , Humanos , Veteranos/psicología , Alcoholismo/terapia , Alcoholismo/psicología , Adulto , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Adolescente , Estados Unidos/epidemiología , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/terapia , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/psicología
J Psychiatr Res ; 178: 278-282, 2024 Aug 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39173452


BACKGROUND: Early identification of patients with substance use disorders (SUDs) with a higher risk of emergency department (ED) presentations after being discharged can be useful. We performed a chart review of patients from the Intensive Recovery Discharge Team (IRDT) program, which provides two weeks of outpatient support for patients with SUDs discharged from a mental health hospital. METHOD: Demographic, service utilization, and clinical data from 716 patients enrolled in IRDT from February 2021-February 2023 were extracted from electronic health records. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed to identify risk factors associated with increased ED presentations during the two weeks of IRDT follow-up with five-fold cross validation. RESULTS: In two years, 10.7% of IRDT patients presented to the ED during the 2 weeks of follow-up. Having been enrolled in IRDT more than once, not having opioid use disorder (OUD), and self-identifying as male was associated with ED presentations, where an average of 20.1% of patients with all three risk factors presented to the ED. The presence of comorbid mental disorders did not emerge as a significant predictor. DISCUSSION: Our results suggest that patients who had previous inpatient admissions, a SUD other than OUD, and/or self-identify as male have a higher risk of presenting to the ED post-discharge and may benefit from more intensive follow-up. Larger studies involving multiple sites are required to validate the generalizability of our findings. Findings from our study can be used to guide future studies examining post-discharge programs in patients with SUDs with and without comorbid mental disorders.

J Affect Disord ; 2024 Aug 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39173926


BACKGROUND: Previous studies showed that comorbidity and demographic factors added to burden on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Only one study explored the relationship between HRQoL and comorbidity in college students with mental disorders, leaving generalizability of findings uncertain. Less is known about the association of demographics on HRQoL. This study investigated HRQoL based on demographics and comorbidity among college students with mental disorders. METHODS: Participants were students (N = 5535) across 26 U.S. colleges and universities who met criteria for depression, generalized anxiety, panic, social anxiety, post-traumatic stress, or eating disorders based on self-report measures. ANOVA and linear regressions were conducted. RESULTS: Overall, female, minoritized (gender, sexual orientation, race, or ethnicity), and lower socioeconomic status students reported lower HRQoL than male, heterosexual, White, non-Hispanic, and higher socioeconomic status peers. After accounting for comorbidity, differences in physical HRQoL based on sex assigned at birth and gender were no longer significant. For mental HRQoL, only gender and sexual orientation remained significant. A greater number of comorbidities was associated with lower HRQoL regardless of demographic group. LIMITATIONS: The non-experimental design limits causal inference. The study focused on univariable associations without examining potential interactions between demographic factors. Future research should explore structural factors like discrimination. CONCLUSION: Results suggested that increased comorbidities placed an additional burden on HRQoL and that certain demographic groups were more vulnerable to HRQoL impairment among students with mental disorders. Findings suggest the need for prevention of disorders and their comorbidity and implementing tailored interventions for specific student subgroups with increased vulnerability.