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Lancet Reg Health Am ; 8: 100177, 2022 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35018359


BACKGROUND: Indigenous peoples are vulnerable to pandemics, including to the coronavirus disease (COVID)-19, since it causes high mortality and specially, the loss of elderly Indigenous individuals. METHODS: The epidemiological data of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) by SARS-CoV-2 infection or other etiologic agents (OEA) among Brazilian Indigenous peoples during the first year of COVID-19 pandemic was obtained from a Brazilian Ministry of Health open-access database to perform an observational study. Considering only Indigenous individuals diagnosed with SARS by COVID-19, the epidemiology data were also evaluated as risk of death. The type of sample collection for virus screening, demographic profile, clinical symptoms, comorbidities, and clinical evolution were evaluated. The primary outcome was considered the death in the Brazilian Indigenous individuals and the secondary outcome, the characteristics of Brazilian Indigenous infected by SARS-CoV-2 or OEA, as the need for intensive care unit admission or the need for mechanical ventilation support. The statistical analysis was done using Logistic Regression Model. Alpha of 0.05. FINDINGS: A total of 3,122 cases of Indigenous individuals with SARS in Brazil were reported during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Of these, 1,994 were diagnosed with COVID-19 and 730/1,816 (40.2%) of them died. The death rate among individuals with SARS-CoV-2 was three-fold increased when compared to the group of individuals with OEA. Several symptoms (myalgia, loss of smell, and sore throat) and comorbidities (cardiopathy, systemic arterial hypertension, and diabetes mellitus) were more prevalent in the COVID-19 group when compared to Indigenous individuals with OEA. Similar profile was observed considering the risk of death among the Indigenous individuals with COVID-19 who presented several symptoms (oxygen saturation <95%, dyspnea, and respiratory distress) and comorbidities (renal disorders, cardiopathy, and diabetes mellitus). The multivariate analysis was significant in differentiating between the COVID-19-positive and non-COVID-19 patients [X2 (7)=65.187; P-value<0.001]. Among the patients' features, the following contributed in relation to the diagnosis of COVID-19: age [≥43 years-old [y.o.]; OR=1.984 (95%CI=1.480-2.658)]; loss of smell [OR=2.373 (95%CI=1.461-3.854)]; presence of previous respiratory disorders [OR=0.487; 95%CI=0.287-0.824)]; and fever [OR=1.445 (95%CI=1.082-1.929)]. Also, the multivariate analysis was able to predict the risk of death [X2 (9)=293.694; P-value<0.001]. Among the patients' features, the following contributed in relation to the risk of death: male gender [OR=1.507 (95%CI=1.010-2.250)]; age [≥60 y.o.; OR=3.377 (95%CI=2.292-4.974)]; the need for ventilatory support [invasive mechanical ventilation; OR=24.050 (95%CI=12.584-45.962) and non-invasive mechanical ventilation; OR=2.249 (95%CI=1.378-3.671)]; dyspnea [OR=2.053 (95%CI=1.196-3.522)]; oxygen saturation <95% [OR=1.691 (95%CI=1.050-2.723)]; myalgia [OR=0.423 (95%CI=0.191-0.937)]; and the presence of kidney disorders [OR=3.135 (95%CI=1.144-8.539)]. INTERPRETATION: The Brazilian Indigenous peoples are in a vulnerable situation during the COVID-19 pandemic and presented an increased risk of death due to COVID-19. Several factors were associated with enhanced risk of death, as male sex, older age (≥60 y.o.), and need for ventilatory support; also, other factors might help to differentiate SARS by COVID-19 or by OEA, as older age (≥43 y.o.), loss of smell, and fever. FUNDING: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo; #2021/05810-7).

Med. infant ; 23(1): 13-17, Marzo 2016. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-881822


Objetivos: 1) Evaluar el cumplimiento del Programa Nacional de Detección Temprana y Atención de la Hipoacusia. 2) Correlacionar los resultados con la presencia o ausencia de cobertura social. 3) Evaluar la información brindada a los padres en contenido y la demora en efectuar la prueba. Métodos: estudio observacional y transversal. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes entre 1/03/12 y 31/03/13 que consultaron espontáneamente en el Hospital Garrahan y requirieron hospitalización en la sala de internación conjunta del Área de Neonatología. Se analizaron los datos obtenidos por interrogatorio, historia clínica y encuesta realizada a los padres. Se empleó estadística descriptiva y Chi2 según necesidad. Resultados: Ingresaron 153 pacientes. Mediana de edad: 21 días (16-30). Cobertura social 25% (38/153). 30% (46/153) tenían efectuada OEA. 30 tenían turno emitido, 44 habían recibido la orden médica y 33 de los 107 no evaluados no tenían ningún tipo de vinculación con la prueba. En el 34% (13/38) de los casos con obra social vs el 17% (20/115) de los casos sin cobertura se observó incumplimiento total (p 0,02).Con respecto a la información de los padres 35 /153 pacientes (23%) habían sido informados sobre la importancia de esta prueba. Discusión: Son escasos los pacientes evaluados previo al egreso de la maternidad o dentro del primer mes de vida. Poseer cobertura social no facilita el cumplimiento de la ley. Los padres carecen de información sobre la importancia de la misma (AU)

Aims: 1) To evaluate compliance with the National Program for Early Detection and Care of Hearing Loss. 2) To correlate results with presence or absence of health insurance coverage. 3) To evaluate the quality of information provided to the parents and the delay in taking the test. Methods: An observational and cross-sectional study. All patients who consulted spontaneously at Hospital Garrahan between 1/03/12 and 31/03/13 and who required admission to the neonatology ward were included. Data obtained from the clinical chart and from an interview and questionnaire administered to the parents were analyzed. Depending on the data descriptive statistics and chi-square test were used. Results: 153 patients were admitted. Mean age was 21 days (16-30). Health care coverage: 25% (38/153). Acoustic otoemissions (AOE) were performed in 30% (46/153). Overall, 30 had been called for an appointment, 44 had received the medical indication, and 33 of 107 infants who were not evaluated had not been in touch with the test. In 34% (13/38) of the cases with health insurance coverage vs 17% (20/115) without total incompliance was observed (p 0.02). Regarding information for parents, 35/153 (23%) had been informed on the importance of the test. Conclusion: Few patients are screened on discharge from the maternity clinic or within the first month of life. Health insurance coverage does not facilitate compliance with the law. Parents do not receive information on the importance of the test (AU)

Humanos , Recién Nacido , Lactante , Argentina , Pérdida Auditiva/prevención & control , Exámenes Obligatorios , Tamizaje Neonatal
Belém; s.n; 20110000. 67 p. tab.
Monografía en Portugués | Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-936378


O aumento do número de usuário da internet e o surgimento de novas aplicações envolvendo voz e vídeo como telemedicina, transmissão de vídeo em tempo real, aprendizagem à distãncia etc., vêm exigindo das redes de telecomunicações uma ilimitada quantidade de largura de banda e níveis seguros de qualidade de serviço (QoS)...The increasing number of Internet users and the emergence of new applications involving voice and video as telemedicine, video transmission in real time, distance learning etc.., Are demanding telecommunications networks, an unlimited amount of bandwidth and safe levels of quality of service (QoS) ...

Humanos , Redes de Comunicación de Computadores , Ingeniería/clasificación , Tecnología de la Información , Telemedicina