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ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 16(38): 51097-51108, 2024 Sep 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39264035


The swift evolution of contemporary electronics products, such as flexible screens and wearable electronic devices, highlights the significance of flexible protective coatings, which combine superior mechanical and optical properties. Even though the recently developed polymer protective coatings can satisfy requirements for flexibility and transparency, their intrinsic nature often results in a hardness below 1 GPa, rendering them susceptible to scratches. On the other hand, traditional inorganic coatings, known for their high hardness and transparency, fall short of meeting flexibility requirements. In the present study, a SiNx/BN periodical nanolayered coatings (PNCs) structure has been tailored to achieve high mechanical durability, transparency, and flexibility. In SiNx/BN PNCs, the optical and mechanical properties of the single-layer SiNx film are crucial to the overall performance of the PNCs. Therefore, pulse direct current (DC) magnetron sputtering was optimized first to enhance the ionization efficiency of Si and N, thereby promoting their reaction and diminishing the presence of elemental silicon in SiNx. The effects of the pulse frequency and duty cycle on SiNx were evaluated. Additionally, the influence of the thickness ratio and modulation periods on the overall performance of the SiNx/BN PNCs was investigated. As a result, a SiNx/BN coating with sapphire-grade hardness, almost no optical absorption in the visible-near-infrared (vis-NIR) range, high wear resistance, and exceptional flexibility was demonstrated.

Water Res ; 266: 122359, 2024 Aug 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39232255


The consistent presence of p-chloronitrobenzene (p-CNB) in groundwater has raised concerns regarding its potential harm. In this study, we developed a biocathode-anode cascade system in a permeable reactive barrier (BACP), integrating biological electrochemical system (BES) with permeable reactive barrier (PRB), to address the degradation of p-CNB in the groundwater. BACP efficiently accelerated the formation of biofilms on both the anode and cathode using the polar periodical reversal method, proving more conducive to biofilm development. Notably, BACP demonstrated a remarkable p-CNB removal efficiency of 94.76 % and a dechlorination efficiency of 64.22 % under a voltage of 0.5 V, surpassing the results achieved through traditional electrochemical and biological treatment processes. Cyclic voltammetric results highlighted the primary contributing factor as the synergistic effect between the bioanode and biocathode. It is speculated that this system primarily relies on bioelectrocatalytic reduction as the predominant process for p-CNB removal, followed by subsequent dechlorination. Furthermore, electrochemical and microbiological tests demonstrated that BACP exhibited optimal electron transfer efficiency and selective microbial enrichment ability under a voltage of 0.3-0.5 V. Additionally, we investigated the operational strategy for initiating BACP in engineering applications. The results showed that directly introducing BACP technology effectively enhanced microbial film formation and pollutant removal performance.

Materials (Basel) ; 17(10)2024 May 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38793385


This study investigates how varying cell size affects the mechanical behaviour of photopolymer Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces (TPMS) under different deformation rates. Diamond, Gyroid, and Primitive TPMS structures with spatially graded cell sizes were tested. Quasi-static experiments measured boundary forces, representing material behaviour, inertia, and deformation mechanisms. Separate studies explored the base material's behaviour and its response to strain rate, revealing a strength increase with rising strain rate. Ten compression tests identified a critical strain rate of 0.7 s-1 for "Grey Pro" material, indicating a shift in failure susceptibility. X-ray tomography, camera recording, and image correlation techniques observed cell connectivity and non-uniform deformation in TPMS structures. Regions exceeding the critical rate fractured earlier. In Primitive structures, stiffness differences caused collapse after densification of smaller cells at lower rates. The study found increasing collapse initiation stress, plateau stress, densification strain, and specific energy absorption with higher deformation rates below the critical rate for all TPMS structures. However, cell-size graded Primitive structures showed a significant reduction in plateau and specific energy absorption at a 500 mm/min rate.

Am Nat ; 203(3): E92-E106, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38358808


AbstractPeriodical cicadas live 13 or 17 years underground as nymphs, then emerge in synchrony as adults to reproduce. Developmentally synchronized populations called broods rarely coexist, with one dominant brood locally excluding those that emerge in off years. Twelve modern 17-year cicada broods are believed to have descended from only three ancestral broods following the last glaciation. The mechanisms by which these daughter broods overcame exclusion by the ancestral brood to synchronously emerge in a different year, however, are elusive. Here, we demonstrate that temporal variation in the population density of generalist predators can allow intermittent opportunities for new broods to invade, even though a single brood remains dominant most of the time. We show that this mechanism is consistent, in terms of the type and frequency of brood replacements, with the distribution of periodical cicada broods throughout North America today. Although we investigate one particularly charismatic case study, the mechanisms involved (competitive exclusion, Allee effects, trait variation, predation, and temporal variability) are ubiquitous and could contribute to patterns of species diversity in a range of systems.

Hemípteros , Animales , Conducta Predatoria , Ninfa , América del Norte
Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 49: edcinq19, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559629


Resumo Para comemorar o cinquentenário da Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional (RBSO), foi realizado, em fevereiro de 2024, o evento "50 anos da RBSO, 25 anos do SciELO e 38 anos da ABEC Brasil: contribuições para a ciência aberta". Esta nota editorial reporta tal evento, descrevendo brevemente o histórico da revista e das entidades representadas: o projeto Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) e a Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos (Abec Brasil), assim como seus alcances, seus desafios e suas perspectivas. A ciência aberta foi escolhida como assunto para estimular o debate, por ser um tema relevante e transversal que perpassa as atividades da revista e das entidades. A RBSO segue os princípios do acesso aberto desde sua criação, ainda antes do surgimento do movimento do acesso aberto e do debate em torno da ciência aberta. Mais recentemente, aderiu a outras práticas da ciência aberta, como a aceitação de preprints, o incentivo ao depósito de dados de pesquisa e a adoção de políticas editoriais alinhadas. SciELO e Abec Brasil têm sido importantes catalisadores das iniciativas relacionadas à ciência aberta, visando fortalecer os periódicos e ampliar as colaborações científicas e o compartilhamento do conhecimento científico em benefício da ciência e da sociedade.

Abstract As part of the celebration activities for the fiftieth anniversary of the Brazilian Journal of Occupational Health (RBSO), the event "50 years of RBSO, 25 years of SciELO, and 38 years of ABEC Brasil: contributions to open science" was held in February 2024. This editorial note reports on that event, briefly describing the history of the journal and the entities represented: the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) project and the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors (ABEC Brasil), as well as their scopes, challenges, and prospects. Open Science was chosen as the theme to stimulate debate, as it is a relevant and cross-cutting issue that permeates the activities of the journal and the organizations. RBSO has followed the open access principles since its inception, even before the emergence of the open access movement and the debate around open science. More recently, it has adopted other open science practices such as accepting preprints, encouraging research data deposition, and adopting aligned editorial policies. SciELO and ABEC Brasil have been important catalysts for initiatives related to open science, aiming not only to strengthen journals but also to expand scientific collaborations and the sharing of scientific knowledge for the benefit of science and society.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(6): e00076324, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564228


Resumo: Cadernos de Saúde Pública (CSP) completa, em 2024, 40 anos de publicação ininterrupta. Este artigo analisa a trajetória da revista e projeta o futuro diante dos desafios contemporâneos da publicação científica do campo da Saúde Coletiva. O estudo foi desenvolvido com base na análise dos principais marcos da política editorial e na identificação dos temas mais publicados. Três períodos foram delimitados. No "início" (1985 a 1990), a revista tinha circulação restrita, com periodicidade trimestral. A palavra "epidemiologia", usada em contexto descritivo, se sobressai. Segue-se o período de "consolidação" (1991 a outubro de 2012), quando CSP é indexado na base bibliográfica Index Medicus-MEDLINE e tem seu acervo online publicado pela Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), ampliando o alcance dos artigos junto à academia. Nesse momento, torna-se visível o conjunto de palavras que caracterizam o campo da política, do planejamento e da gestão, e surgem os termos relacionados ao método epidemiológico. O período "diversidade" (novembro de 2012 a novembro de 2023) apresenta a obrigatoriedade de um editor externo aos quadros da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz entre os três coeditores-chefes, visando garantir a independência editorial. Novas atividades e a frequência similar entre os cinco termos mais encontrados capturam a "diversidade". Inúmeras questões permeiam a publicação científica em 2024: Ciência Aberta não comercial, inteligência artificial, valorização da ciência, divulgação científica, entre outros. Enfrentar os novos desafios, de forma ética e transparente, permitirá avanços futuros, mantendo a credibilidade de CSP junto a autores e leitores e seu compromisso com a melhoria das condições de vida e de saúde das populações.

Abstract: In 2024, Cadernos de Saúde Pública (CSP) celebrates 40 years of uninterrupted publications. This article analyzes the trajectory of the journal and projects its future considering contemporary challenges in scientific publishing in the field of Public Health. This study was based on the analysis of main editorial policy milestones and the identification of the most popular topics. Three periods were recognized. In the "beginning" (1985 to 1990), the journal had restricted circulation, with a quarterly frequency. The word "epidemiology", used in a descriptive context, is highlighted. Then, in the period of "consolidation" (1991 to October 2012), CSP was indexed in the Index Medicus-MEDLINE database and had its online collection published by the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), expanding the reach of articles. In this period, the words that characterize the field of policy, planning, and management were clearly seen, and terms related to the epidemiological method emerged. The period of "diversity" (November 2012 to November 2023) introduced the requirement of an external editor to the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation's staff among the three co-editors-in-chief, aiming to ensure editorial independence. New activities and a similar frequency among the five most common terms highlight such "diversity". Several issues are observed in scientific publishing in 2024: non-commercial Open Science, artificial intelligence, appreciation of science, scientific dissemination, among others. Addressing new challenges in an ethical and transparent manner will allow future advances, maintaining CSP's credibility among authors and readers and its commitment to improvements in the living and health conditions of populations.

Resumen: Cadernos de Saúde Pública (CSP) celebra 40 años de publicación continua en 2024. Este artículo analiza la trayectoria de la revista y hace proyecciones al futuro ante los retos contemporáneos de la publicación científica en el campo de la Salud Pública. El estudio se desarrolló a partir del análisis de los principales hitos de la política editorial y la identificación de los temas más publicados. Para ello, se dividieron en tres períodos. Al "comienzo" (1985 a 1990), la revista tenía una circulación restringida, con una periodicidad trimestral. En ese contexto, se destaca la palabra "epidemiología". Después pasó al período de "consolidación" (1991 a octubre de 2012), en el que CSP se indexa en la base de datos Index Medicus-MEDLINE y tiene su colección en línea publicada por la Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), lo que amplió el alcance de los artículos en la academia. En aquel momento se volvió perceptible el conjunto de palabras que caracterizan el campo de la política, la planificación y la gestión, además de aparecer términos relacionados con el método epidemiológico. En el período de "diversidad" (noviembre de 2012 a noviembre de 2023), hubo una necesidad de incluir a un editor externo al equipo de la Fundación Oswaldo Cruz entre los tres coeditores en jefe para garantizar la independencia editorial. Las nuevas actividades y la frecuencia similar entre los cinco términos principales capturan la "diversidad". La publicación científica para el 2024 aborda numerosos temas: Ciencia Abierta no comercial, inteligencia artificial, apreciación de la ciencia, difusión científica, entre otros. Afrontar los nuevos retos, de forma ética y transparente, permitirá futuros avances manteniendo la credibilidad de CSP junto a autores y lectores, y su compromiso con la mejora de las condiciones de vida y salud de la población.

Acta cir. bras ; 39: e393824, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1563641


Purpose: To analyze the average time between submission and acceptance of national journals in seven Brazilian surgery journals from 2017 to 2022. Methods: It consists of a cross-sectional and observational study with a quantitative approach to analyze the acceptance time of articles approved by Brazilian journals on general surgery and its subspecialties, including Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira, Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, Arquivos Brasileiros de Cirurgia de Digestiva, Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões, Journal of Coloproctology, Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica, and International Brazilian Journal of Urology. Results: The journals with the lowest average waiting times were Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões, Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira, and Journal of Coloproctology, respectively, and, with the lowest interquartile range there is Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira. There was no significant difference between the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods. The study designs with the highest and lowest means were, respectively, ideas and innovations - also with the highest interquartile range - and expert opinion, while with the lowest interquartile range was technical skill. Conclusions: The acceptance time for articles in Brazilian surgery journals is extremely variable. Identifying these discrepancies highlights the importance of understanding editorial processes and seeking ways to improve consistency and efficiency in reviewing articles.

Revisión por Pares , Cirugía General , Publicación Periódica , Evaluación de la Investigación en Salud
J Insect Sci ; 23(5)2023 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37850668


The periodical cicadas in the genus Magicicada are remarkable for their unusual life histories and dramatic synchronized emergences every 13 or 17 years. While aspects of their evolution, mating behaviors, and general biology have been well-characterized, there is surprising uncertainty surrounding the feeding habits of the short-lived adult stage. Despite a tentative scientific consensus to the contrary, the perception that adult Magicicada do not feed has persisted among the general public, and recent studies are lacking. We directly investigated the feeding behavior of Magicicada spp. through high-throughput sequencing (HTS)-based dietary analysis of nymphs, freshly molted (teneral) adults, and fully sclerotized adults collected from orchard and wooded habitats during the 2021 emergence of Brood X. Identifiable plant DNA (trnF, ITS amplicons) was successfully recovered from nymphs and adults. No plant DNA was recovered from teneral adults, suggesting that all DNA recovered from sclerotized adults was ingested during the post-teneral adult stage. Both nymphs and adults were found to have ingested a range of woody and herbaceous plants across 17 genera and 14 families. Significantly more plant genera per individual were recovered from adults than from nymphs, likely reflecting the greater mobility of the adult stage. We hypothesize that the demonstrated ingestion of plant sap by Magicicada adults is driven by a need to replace lost water and support specialized bacteriome-dwelling endosymbionts that cicadas depend upon for growth and development, which constitutes true feeding behavior.

Hemípteros , Humanos , Animales , Hemípteros/genética , Ecosistema , Ninfa , Conducta Alimentaria , Reproducción
Distúrb. comun ; 35(3): 61176, 25/10/2023.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517692


Introdução: Políticas públicas implementadas para a consolidação do SUS forneceram condições concretas para a ampliação e ressignificação da atuação dos profissionais de saúde. Objetivo: Este estudo analisa as principais temáticas abordadas em pesquisas relacionadas à atuação da Fonoaudiologia no campo da Saúde Coletiva, a partir das publicações de um periódico da área, no período de cinco anos. Método: Trata-se de um estudo com abordagem qualitativa, de caráter descritivo e interpretativo, cujos dados foram coletados e organizados pela classificação hierárquica descendente do software IRaMuTeQ®, submetidos à análise lexical e discutidos à luz de políticas e estudos relacionados à área da Saúde Coletiva. Resultados: Inicialmente, foram registrados 50 artigos (entre 2016-2020), que totalizaram 314 segmentos de texto, com 1.1232 ocorrências, classificadas em quatro classes denominadas: Descrição de variáveis presentes nos estudos transversais/epidemiológicos (41,3%); Cenários de práticas fonoaudiológicas e políticas públicas voltadas à promoção da saúde e prevenção de agravos (28,2%); Novas demandas e contextos de atuação fonoaudiológica: estrutura e organização de serviços do SUS (17,0%); e Desafios da formação do fonoaudiólogo (13,5). Conclusão: a utilização do software para o processamento de dados qualitativos sobre pesquisa na área da Fonoaudiologia no campo da Saúde Coletiva propiciou a identificação de classes(,) que apontaram características da população estudada(,) e cenários de práticas deste campo, com destaque a ações voltadas à promoção da saúde e à prevenção de agravos à saúde, e ressaltou a importância de reflexões sobre a formação do fonoaudiólogo para a atenção integral à saúde e enfrentamento de problemas contemporâneos como a violência. (AU)

Introduction: Public policies implemented for the consolidation of the SUS provided concrete conditions for expanding and redefining the role of health professionals. Objective: This study analyzes the main themes addressed in research related to the performance of Speech Therapy in the field of Collective Health, based on publications in a journal in the area, over a period of five years. Method: This is a study with a qualitative approach, with a descriptive and interpretative character, whose data were collected and organized by the descending hierarchical classification of the IRaMuTeQ® software, submitted to lexical analysis and discussed in the light of policies and studies related to Collective Health. Results: Initially, 50 articles were registered (between 2016-2020), which totaled 314 text segments, with 1,1232 occurrences, classified into four classes called: Description of variables present in cross-sectional/epidemiological studies (41.3%); Scenarios of speech therapy practices and public policies aimed at health promotion and disease prevention (28.2%); New demands and contexts for speech therapy: structure and organization of SUS services (17.0%); and Challenges of speech therapist training (13.5). Conclusion: the use of software for processing qualitative data on research in the area of Speech Therapy in the field of Collective Health led to the identification of classes, which pointed out characteristics of the population studied, scenarios of practices in this field, with emphasis on actions aimed at promoting health and the prevention of health problems and emphasized the importance of reflections on the training of speech therapists for comprehensive health care and coping with contemporary problems such as violence. (AU)

Introducción: Las políticas públicas implementadas para la consolidación del SUS proporcionaron condiciones concretas para ampliar y redefinir el papel de los profesionales de la salud. Objetivo: Este estudio analiza los principales temas abordados en investigaciones relacionadas con la actuación de la Logopedia en el campo de la Salud Colectiva, a partir de publicaciones en un periódico del área, en un período de cinco años. Método: Se trata de un estudio con abordaje cualitativo, de carácter descriptivo e interpretativo, cuyos datos fueron recolectados y organizados por la clasificación jerárquica descendente del software IRaMuTeQ®, sometidos a análisis léxico y discutidos a la luz de políticas y estudios relacionados con el Colectivo del Área de la Salud. Resultados: Inicialmente se registraron 50 artículos (entre 2016-2020), que totalizaron 314 segmentos de texto, con 1.232 ocurrencias, clasificados en cuatro clases denominadas: Descripción de variables presentes en estudios transversales/epidemiológicos (41,3%); Escenarios de prácticas logopédicas y políticas públicas dirigidas a la promoción de la salud y prevención de enfermedades (28,2%); Nuevas demandas y contextos para la logopedia: estructura y organización de los servicios del SUS (17,0%); y Desafíos de la formación de logopedas (13.5). Conclusión: el uso de software para el procesamiento de datos cualitativos sobre investigaciones en el área de Logopedia en el campo de la Salud Colectiva permitió la identificación de clases, que señalaron características de la población estudiada, escenarios de prácticas en este campo, con énfasis en las acciones dirigidas a la promoción de la salud y la prevención de los problemas de salud y destacó la importancia de las reflexiones sobre la formación de logopedas para la atención integral de la salud y el enfrentamiento de problemas contemporáneos como la violencia. (AU)

Salud Pública , Bibliometría , Fonoaudiología , Publicaciones Periódicas como Asunto , Estudios Retrospectivos , Análisis de Documentos
Distúrb. comun ; 35(2): 58461, 02/08/2023.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444753


Introdução: ciclo de vida é atualmente considerado elemento essencial à formulação e implantação de políticas públicas pautadas no cuidado integral à saúde. Objetivo: analisar a produção científica da Revista Distúrbios da Comunicação no período de 2016 a 2020, tendo como objeto de discussão as publicações da área da Fonoaudiologia por ciclos de vida. Método: estudo retrospectivo, de abordagem metodológica bibliométrica, analisou 297 artigos considerando as seguintes variáveis: ano de publicação, registro da região geográfica (do primeiro autor), descritores, áreas temáticas, tipo de estudo e tamanho da amostra, segundo faixas etárias (0-6; 7-11; 12-18;19-59 e >60). A análise dos dados foi descritiva, numérica e percentual. Resultados: dos 297, estudos, 258 fizeram referência a uma ou mais faixas etárias e 39 não mencionaram qualquer idade. Dentre os 258, os estudos mais frequentes foram de criança (138; 46,2%), seguido pelos de adultos (122; 41,1%). A amostra variou quanto à mediana entre 27 (adulto) a 38 (crianças: 0-6 anos) sujeitos. A região Sudeste registrou maior número de artigos relacionados a todos os ciclos, assim como os estudos do tipo observacional, com destaque para os realizados com adultos (98; 33,9%). Pouca menção foi feita a descritores que identificam os ciclos de vida (75; 6%), sendo idoso (25; 38%) e criança (23; 35%) os mais registrados. Conclusão: os dados evidenciam a premência de alinhamento das pesquisas às políticas públicas de saúde, bem como ressalta a importância do uso de descritores adequados para maior circulação do conhecimento produzido pela área. (AU)

Introduction: life cycle is currently considered an essential element for the formulation and implementation of public policies based on comprehensive health care. Objective: to analyze the scientific production of Communication Disorders Journal from 2016 to 2020, having as an object of discussion publications in the field of Speech Therapy by life cycles. Method: a retrospective study, with a bibliometric methodological approach, analyzed 297 articles considering the following variables: year of publication, registration of the geographic region (of the first author), descriptors, thematic areas, type of study and sample size, according to age groups (0 -6; 7-11; 12-18; 19-59 and >60). Data analysis was descriptive, numerical and percentage. Results: of the 297 studies, 258 referred to one or more age groups and 39 did not mention any age. Among the 258, the most frequent studies were children (138; 46.2%), followed by adults (122; 41.1%). The sample ranged in terms of median from 27 (adult) to 38 (children: 0-6 years) subjects. The Southeast region recorded the highest number of articles related to all cycles, as well as observational studies, especially those carried out with adults (98; 33.9%). Little mention was made of descriptors that identify life cycles (75; 6%), being elderly (25; 38%) and children (23; 35%) the most registered. Conclusion: the data show the urgency of aligning research with public health policies, as well as highlighting the importance of using appropriate descriptors for greater circulation of knowledge produced by the area. (AU)

Introducción: el ciclo de vida es considerado en la actualidad un elemento esencial para la formulación e implementación de políticas públicas basadas en la atención integral de la salud. Objetivo: analizar la producción científica de la Disturbios de la Comunicación de 2016 a 2020, teniendo como objeto de discusión publicaciones en el campo de la Logopedia por ciclos de vida. Método: estudio retrospectivo, con enfoque metodológico bibliométrico, se analizaron 297 artículos considerando las siguientes variables: año de publicación, registro de la región geográfica (del primer autor), descriptores, áreas temáticas, tipo de estudio y tamaño de la muestra, según grupos de edad (0-6; 7-11; 12-18; 19-59 y >60). El análisis de los datos fue descriptivo, numérico y porcentual. Resultados: de los 297 estudios, 258 se refirieron a uno o más grupos de edad y 39 no mencionaron ninguna edad. Entre los 258, los estudios más frecuentes fueron los niños (138; 46,2%), seguidos de los adultos (122; 41,1%). La muestra osciló en términos de mediana de 27 (adultos) a 38 (niños: 0-6 años) sujetos. La región Sudeste registró el mayor número de artículos relacionados con todos los ciclos, además de estudios observacionales, en especial los realizados con adultos (98; 33,9%). Se hizo poca mención de descriptores que identifican ciclos de vida (75; 6%), siendo ancianos (25; 38%) y niños (23; 35%) los más registrados. Conclusión: los datos muestran la urgencia de alinear la investigación con las políticas públicas de salud, además de resaltar la importancia de utilizar descriptores apropiados para una mayor circulación del conocimiento producido por el área. (AU)

Humanos , Recién Nacido , Lactante , Preescolar , Niño , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Adulto Joven , Indicadores de Producción Científica , Fonoaudiología , Estadios del Ciclo de Vida , Publicaciones Periódicas como Asunto , Estudios Retrospectivos , Evaluación de la Investigación en Salud
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536694


La Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia (RPGO) ha obtenido su inclusión en la importante base de datos Scopus. En una rápida recopilación de la publicación de la revista, se recuerda la dedicación editorial de sus seis editores, cuatro de los cuales acababan de presidir la Sociedad Peruana de Obstetricia y Ginecología (SPOG). Los momentos iniciales de trabajo editorial fueron realizados manualmente, en máquinas de escribir y visitando la imprenta continuamente, así como a los patrocinadores. El compromiso de los Comités Directivos de SPOG para financiar la publicación y distribución de los ejemplares permitió la gradual indexación a bases de datos locales, regionales e internacionales. Su internalización se amplió desde la publicación de la RPGO en el Open Journal Systems (OJS), sistema informático donde se publica los artículos con puntualidad, calidad, incluyendo sus características editoriales y la Información para los Autores. Ahora la publicación es solo virtual, en español e inglés, con visibilidad e impacto de los artículos desde el inicio de la RPGO en 1955. Con datos actualizados del OJS sobre la RPGO, el número de visitas mensuales a los resúmenes llegan hasta 10 mil y las descargas mensuales de artículos en formato PDF hasta más de 9 mil. Y, en el ámbito de revistas científicas de ginecoobstetricia de América Latina y España en Scopus, destaca el índice h de la RPGO por Google Scholar Metrics, como una de las mejores. Al presente, y frente a los desafíos futuros, la actividad de la RPGO ha sido fortalecida, estableciendo un equipo editorial y herramientas que permiten la ya iniciada profesionalización de los procesos de la actividad editorial.

The Peruvian Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (RPGO, for its acronym in Spanish) has obtained its inclusion in the important Scopus database. A quick review of the journal's publication recalls the editorial dedication of its six editors, four of whom had just recently chaired the Peruvian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (SPOG, for its acronym in Spanish). The initial editorial work was carried out manually, on typewriters and continuously visiting the printing press, as well as the sponsors. The commitment of the SPOG Steering Committees to finance the publication and distribution of the issues allowed the gradual indexing to local, regional and international databases. Its internalization was expanded since the publication of the RPGO in the Open Journal Systems (OJS), a computer system where articles are published with punctuality, quality, including their editorial characteristics and the Information for Authors. Now the publication is only virtual, in English and Spanish, with visibility and impact of the articles since the beginning of the RPGO in 1955. With updated OJS data on the RPGO, the number of monthly visits to the abstracts reaches up to 10 thousand and monthly downloads of articles in PDF format reach more than 9 thousand. And, in the field of obstetrics and gynecology scientific journals in Latin America and Spain in Scopus, the h index of the RPGO by Google Scholar Metrics stands out as one of the best. At present, and facing future challenges, the activity of the RPGO has been strengthened, establishing an editorial team and tools that allow the already initiated professionalization of the processes of the editorial activity.

Micromachines (Basel) ; 14(5)2023 Apr 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37241566


A dual-polarized double-layer microstrip antenna with a metasurface structure is proposed for 5G and 5G Wi-Fi. A total of 4 modified patches are used for the middle layer structure, and 24 square patches are used for the top layer structure. The double-layer design has achieved -10 dB bandwidths of 64.1% (3.13 GHz~6.08 GHz) and 61.1% (3.18 GHz~5.98 GHz). The dual aperture coupling method is adopted, and the measured port isolation is more than 31 dB. A low profile of 0.096λ0 is obtained (λ0 is the wavelength of 4.58 GHz in the air) for a compact design. Broadside radiation patterns have been realized, and the measured peak gains are 11.1 dBi and 11.3 dBi for two polarizations. The antenna structure and E-field distributions are discussed to clarify its working principle. This dual-polarized double-layer antenna can accommodate 5G and 5G Wi-Fi simultaneously, which can be a competitive candidate for 5G communication systems.

Am Nat ; 201(5): 755-762, 2023 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37130235


AbstractOaks (Quercus spp.) are masting species exhibiting highly variable and synchronized acorn production. We investigated the hypothesis that periodical cicadas (Magicada spp.), well known to have strong effects on the ecosystems in which they occur, affect acorn production of oaks through their xylem feeding habits as nymphs, the oviposition damage they inflict as adults during emergences, or the nutrient pulse resulting from the decomposition of their bodies following breeding. We found negative effects on acorn production during emergence years and the year following emergences and enhanced acorn production 2 years after emergence. We also found evidence indicating a significant effect of cicada emergences on spatial synchrony of acorn production by trees growing within the range of the same cicada brood compared with different broods. These results demonstrate that periodical cicadas act as a trophic environmental "veto" depressing acorn production during and immediately following emergences, after which the nutrient pulse associated with the cicada's demise enhances oak reproduction.

Hemípteros , Quercus , Animales , Femenino , Ecosistema , Reproducción , Árboles , Semillas
Med Gas Res ; 13(4): 198-201, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37077118


Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment aims to restore tissue oxygenation by inhaling 100% oxygen in pressure rooms. Although beneficial effects have been reported with regard to re-oxygenated ischemic tissues, conflicting findings have been presented concerning the paradoxical tissue response following reperfusion and/or the different responses of non-ischemic normal tissues to increased oxygen exposure. The present study sought to experimentally investigate the impact of continuous HBO treatments on normal aortic tissue. New Zealand rabbits were placed in pressure rooms for 90 minutes per day under 2.5 atmospheric pressure and exposed to HBO for 28 days. Normal structural histology was obtained in the control group. Foam cells were detected in the aortic intimae, thickening and undulation were visualized in the endothelium, and localized separations were observed in the tunica media in the study group compared with the control group. Moreover, salient vasa vasorum was detected in the study group via histopathology. These findings suggest that continuous HBO exposures disrupt the normal vascular structure of a healthy aorta.

Oxigenoterapia Hiperbárica , Animales , Conejos , Oxígeno
Front Cell Dev Biol ; 11: 1134002, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37009478


Microorganisms respond to environmental conditions and often spontaneously form highly ordered convection patterns. This mechanism has been well-studied from the viewpoint of self-organization. However, environmental conditions in nature are usually dynamic. Naturally, biological systems respond to temporal changes in environmental condition. To elucidate the response mechanisms in such a dynamic environment, we observed the bioconvection pattern of Euglena under periodical changes in illumination. It is known that Euglena shows localized bioconvection patterns under constant homogeneous illumination from the bottom. Periodical changes in light intensity induced two different types of spatiotemporal patterns: alternation of formation and decomposition over a long period and complicated transition of pattern over a short period. Our observations suggest that pattern formation in a periodically changing environment is of fundamental importance to the behavior of biological systems.

Vet Pathol ; 60(5): 704-708, 2023 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36803167


Massospora cicadina, an obligate fungal pathogen in the subphylum Entomophthoromycotina (Zoopagomycota), infects periodical cicadas (Magicicada spp.) during their adult emergence and modifies their sexual behavior to maximize fungal spore dissemination. In this study, 7 periodical cicadas from the Brood X emergence in 2021 infected by M. cicadina were histologically examined. In 7 of 7 cicadas, fungal masses replaced the posterior portion of the abdominal cavity, effacing portions of the body wall, reproductive organs, alimentary tract, and fat bodies. No appreciable inflammation was noted at the intersections of the fungal masses and host tissues. Fungal organisms were present in multiple morphologies including protoplasts, hyphal bodies, conidiophores, and mature conidia. Conidia were clustered into eosinophilic membrane-bound packets. These findings help uncover the pathogenesis of M. cicadina by suggesting there is evasion of the host immune response and by providing a more in-depth description of its relationship with Magicicada septendecim than previously documented.

Entomophthorales , Hemípteros , Animales , Hemípteros/microbiología , Hemípteros/fisiología , Entomophthorales/fisiología , Esporas Fúngicas
Technol Health Care ; 31(1): 269-281, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36031921


BACKGROUND: Wearable devices that monitor heart health of cardiac disease patients in real time are in great demand. OBJECTIVE: We propose an algorithm of improved segment periodical matrix construction for irregular electrocardiogram (ECG) signal denoising. METHOD: While splitting the heartbeat based on each RR interval for periodical segments matrix construction, the as-filtered ECG signal is reconstructed by the maximum singular value after a singular value decomposition. RESULTS: The results demonstrate a higher noise reduction effect with lower signal distortions of our methods compared to several singular value decomposition counterpart approaches. CONCLUSION: Our method has great potential to enhance wearable devices diagnosis accuracy by denoising the complex noises such as electromyography artifacts in real-time ECG sensing.

Procesamiento de Señales Asistido por Computador , Dispositivos Electrónicos Vestibles , Humanos , Algoritmos , Electrocardiografía/métodos , Artefactos , Relación Señal-Ruido
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 29: e29049, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529025


Resumo Objetivou-se elaborar um panorama do periodismo científico da educação física brasileira, dentro das dinâmicas vigentes no campo acadêmico-científico. Buscou-se no Qualis Periódicos da CAPES dados disponíveis sobre os periódicos da educação física brasileira que tiveram seus sites acessados e analisados. Os dados passaram por análise de conteúdo, realizada com apoio do software MaxQDA®. Identificou-se 39 periódicos, com foco e escopo abrangendo diversos temas e objetos na educação física, implementados majoritariamente nas décadas de 1990 e 2000. Os periódicos têm como principal vínculo as instituições de ensino superior e as associações científicas e estão indexados com maior proporção no Google Scholar e Latindex, sendo que a minoria consta nas coleções dos indexadores mais disputados como Web of Science e Scopus. Percebe-se que o periodismo científico da educação física se encontra consolidado e seus periódicos compõe as dinâmicas internas deste campo acadêmico-científico.

Resumen El objetivo fue elaborar un panorama del periodismo científico de la Educación Física brasileña, dentro de la dinámica actual en el campo académico-científico. Se buscaron datos disponibles en Qualis Periódicos da CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) sobre los periódicos brasileños de Educación Física, cuyos sitios web fueron consultados y analizados. Los datos fueron sometidos a análisis de contenido, el cual fue realizado con el apoyo del software MaxQDA®. Se identificaron 39 periódicos, con enfoque y alcance que abarcan diversos temas y objetos de la Educación Física, implementados en su mayoría en las décadas de 1990 y 2000. Su principal vínculo son las Instituciones de Educación Superior y las asociaciones científicas, están indexadas en mayor proporción en Google Scholar y Latindex, apareciendo una minoría en las colecciones de Web of Science y Scopus. Se observa que el grupo de periódicos científicos de Educación Física está consolidado y conforma la dinámica interna de este campo académico-científico.

Abstract The objective was to elaborate an overview of Brazilian physical education scientific journals within the current dynamics in the academic-scientific field. In Qualis Periódicos of CAPES [Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, Coordination for Improvement of Higher Education Staff], we searched for data available on Brazilian physical education journals, whose websites were accessed and analyzed. The data underwent content analysis, performed with the support of the MaxQDA® software. 39 journals were identified, with a focus and scope covering various themes and objects in physical education, mostly implemented in the 1990s and 2000s. Journals have as their main link higher education institutions and scientific associations and they are indexed with a higher proportion in Google Scholar and Latindex, with a minority appearing in the collections of the most disputed indexers such as Web of Science and Scopus. It is perceived that the group of scientific journals of physical education is consolidated and they make up the internal dynamics of this academic-scientific field.

Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 48: edcinq14, 2023. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529962


Resumo A Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional (RBSO) é um periódico considerado referência pela comunidade da área de segurança e saúde do trabalhador, sendo veículo dedicado à publicação de artigos científicos que contribuam para a reflexão e análise científica de questões atuais e relevantes relacionadas às relações entre trabalho e saúde. Em 2023, a RBSO completa 50 anos de existência. Esta nota editorial dedica-se a relatar o evento comemorativo, descrevendo os principais aspectos abordados nas apresentações e nos debates ocorridos, com vistas a registrar este importante momento, que pode ser considerado um marco para celebrar o passado e construir o futuro da revista. Tal evento foi uma oportunidade crucial, não somente para celebrar o meio século de existência da RBSO, mas também para propiciar o encontro de uma comunidade dedicada à publicação científica em saúde do trabalhador, que proporcionou reflexões, propostas e recomendações voltadas ao fortalecimento da revista e do campo. A presença e o envolvimento da equipe editorial, bem como dos convidados, foram fundamentais para o sucesso desse encontro, durante o qual a RBSO reafirmou o compromisso com a busca contínua por aprimoramento editorial, a partir das experiências e ideias debatidas.

Abstract The Brazilian Journal of Occupational Health (RBSO) is a reference journal within the occupational health and safety community. It is dedicated to publishing scientific articles that contribute to the critical analysis of current and pertinent issues concerning the relationship between work and health. In 2023, RBSO celebrates its 50th anniversary. This editorial note is dedicated to reporting on the commemorative event, describing the main topics covered in the presentations and discussions, with the aim of documenting this important moment, which can be considered a milestone for celebrating the past and building the future of RBSO. This event offered a crucial opportunity not only to celebrate RBSO's five decades of existence but also to bring together a community deeply committed to scientific publishing in the field of occupational health. It brought valuable reflections, proposals, and recommendations aimed at strengthening both the journal and the field it represents. The presence and active participation of the editorial team, along with the invited attendees, played an indispensable role in the success of this gathering. During this event, RBSO reaffirmed its dedication to keep enhancing its editorial standards, drawing from the experiences and ideas that have been discussed.

Rev. méd. Chile ; 150(12): 1655-1663, dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515397


Revista Médica de Chile was founded in 1872 by Sociedad Médica de Santiago (currently Chilean Society of Internal Medicine) and it is one out of twenty five medical journals founded during the XIX Century that still remain active. In monthly issues it presents clinical and biomedical research articles, as well as research and position papers dealing with medical education, public health or medical ethics. Special attention receive the impact on health care given by the emergence of new private medical schools in Chile, the relevance of methodologies to assess clinical competences in graduates, the certification of specialty programs and specialists, the appropiate use of simulators in clinical training, telemedicine, organ transplants, and current issues in medical ethics, such as abortions and euthanasia. Institutional and international collaboration in medical research is clearly reflected in recent years. Articles are subjected to external peer review and ICMJE Recommendations are carefully considered throughout the review process. Most articles are published in Spanish but English abstracts are mandatory and a growing number of articles are currently published in English. An Open Access electronic version is published by SciELO. Revista Médica de Chile is indexed in the most important international data bases and it is a member of the ICMJE ruling committee. The long life and prestige of this journal can be considered a testimony of the cultural heritage and progress in Chilean medicine.

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XIX , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Publicaciones Periódicas como Asunto/historia , Aniversarios y Eventos Especiales , Bibliometría , Chile , Educación Médica , Medicina Interna/historia