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Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(1): 151-165, Jan.-June 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419875


Resumen Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo analizar la capacidad predictiva de la percepción de justicia distributiva y justicia de interacción en la disposición al cambio organizacional en trabajadores durante la pandemia por COVID-19. La población fue de 342 colaboradores de diversas organizaciones colombianas. El estudio se apoyó en un diseño predictivo transversal. Se utilizaron los instrumentos de justicia organizacional -adaptado a población colombiana- y cambio organizacional. Los resultados evidencian la existencia de la predicción del cambio organizacional como resultado de la percepción de justicia organizacional. De esta forma, las organizaciones se benefician en los procesos de cambio en los momentos en que exponen y dan certeza de los ajustes, afectaciones y decisiones a tomar por sus miembros, procurando que estos se transformen en agentes que acojan los cambios razonables y racionales que la institución procura. El contexto cambiante de la pandemia es una condición que limita la predicción de la justicia organizacional procedimental y el cambio organizacional en el nivel individual total.

Abstract The objective of the research was to analyze the predictive capacity of the perception of distributive justice and interaction justice in the willingness to organizational change in workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was based on a predictive cross-sectional design, and the sample consisted of 342 workers from different Colombian organizations. The organizational justice (adapted to the Colombian population) and organizational change instruments were used. The results showed the existence of the prediction of organizational change due to the perception of organizational justice. In this way, organizations benefit in their change processes when they explain and give certainty to their members about the new adjustments, effects and decision making, ensuring that they become agents that welcome the reasonable and rational changes that the institution seeks. The changing context of the pandemic is a condition that limits the prediction of procedural organizational justice and organizational change at the total individual level.

Salud trab. (Maracay) ; 27(2): 147-158, Dic. 2019. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1103189


Se tuvo como objetivo analizar sistemáticamente las publicaciones que abordan la relación entre la justicia organizacional y el síndrome de burnout en diferentes poblaciones laborales. La aproximación se efectuó a partir de una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica en Scopus, Pubmed, Cochrane; Science Direct y Lilacs de artículos observacionales que evaluaran la relación entre el constructo de justicia organizacional y la presencia de síndrome de burnout. Resultados: se incluyeron 21 artículos en la síntesis cualitativa que analizaban la relación directa entre la justicia organizacional y el síndrome de burnout. Con excepción de uno, todos los artículos analizados reportan una correlación negativa entre la percepción de justicia organizacional y la presencia del síndrome de burnout. Igualmente, se observó que todas las dimensiones de justicia se correlacionaron negativamente tanto con el síndrome visto en forma global o sus dimensiones, solamente el logro personal y el compromiso con el trabajo se relacionaron positivamente con la percepción de justicia. Conclusión: dada la consistente correlación negativa encontrada en los estudios analizados, es necesario dar más relevancia al papel de la justicia organizacional en la aparición o presencia del síndrome, igualmente este aspecto debe ser tenido en cuenta en la formulación de estrategias de intervención(AU)

Objective: To systematically analyse the literature addressing the relationship between organizational justice and burnout syndrome in different working populations. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of the scientific literature contained in Scopus, Pubmed, Cochrane; Science Direct and LILACS of observational studies evaluating the relationship between the organizational justice construct and the presence of burnout syndrome. Results: Twenty-one articles were included in the qualitative synthesis. All but one of the included articles reported a negative correlation between the perception of organizational justice and the presence of burnout syndrome. Likewise, all dimensions of justice were negatively correlated with burnout, both globally as well as with each of its dimensions. Only personal achievement and commitment to work were positively associated with the perception of justice. Conclusion: Given the consistent negative correlation found in the studies analyzed, it is necessary to give more importance to the role of organizational justice in the emergence or presence of the syndrome; this aspect should also be considered when formulating intervention strategies(AU)

Humanos , Justicia Social , Cultura Organizacional , Estrés Laboral , Agotamiento Psicológico , Publicaciones , PubMed , LILACS
J Environ Manage ; 213: 363-373, 2018 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29502021


A failure to address social concerns in biodiversity conservation can lead to feelings of injustice among some actors, and hence jeopardize conservation goals. The complex socio-cultural and political context of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Mexico, has historically led to multiple biodiversity conflicts. Our goal, in this case study, was to explore perceptions of justice held by local actors in relation to biodiversity conflicts. We then aimed to determine the following: 1) people's definitions of their feelings of justice; 2) the criteria used in this assessment; 3) variability in the criteria influencing them; and 4) implications for environmental management in the region and beyond. We worked with five focus groups, exploring three examples of biodiversity conflict around forest, water and jaguar management with a total of 41 ranchers, farmers and representatives of local producers. Our results demonstrated that people constructed their feelings of justice around four dimensions of justice: recognition (acknowledging individuals' rights, values, cultures and knowledge systems); ecological (fair and respectful treatment of the natural environment), procedural (fairness in processes of environmental management), distributive (fairness in the distribution of costs and benefits). We identified a list of criteria the participants used in their appraisal of justice and sources of variation such as the social scale of focus and participant role, and whom they perceived to be responsible for resource management. We propose a new framework that conceptualizes justice-as-recognition and ecological justice as forms of conditional justices, and procedural and distributive justices as forms of practical justice. Conditional justice allows us to define who is a legitimate source of justice norms and if nature should be integrated in the scope of justice; hence, conditional justice underpins other dimensions of justice. On the other hand, procedural and distributive address the daily practices of fair processes and distribution. We propose that the perception of justice is a neglected but important aspect to include in integrative approaches to managing biodiversity conflicts. Addressing demands of justice in environmental management will require us to consider more than the distribution of costs and benefits among actors. We also need to respect the plurality of fairness perspectives and to recognize the benefits of dialogical approaches to achieve more successful environmental management.

Biodiversidad , Emociones , Justicia Social , Humanos , México , Opinión Pública
Interdisciplinaria ; 29(2): 271-286, dic. 2012.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-694742


La justicia es uno de los principios básicos que se aplica a individuos e instituciones, siendo un facilitador social que posibilita la interacción entre personas y grupos (Tyler, 2000). Por esta razón, se ha convertido en un tema de gran interés para la investigación en Psicología Social. Distintos autores han examinado el impacto de las experiencias en las percepciones de legitimidad de las autoridades (Baird, 2001; De Cremer & Tyler, 2007; Hinds, 2007), así como la influencia de estas valoraciones de legitimidad, en el comportamiento de obediencia de normas (Murphy, 2005; Tyler, 1990). En el estudio que se informa se examinaron las percepciones de legitimidad de autoridades legales de Córdoba (Argentina), por parte de los ciudadanos. Asimismo, se estudió el impacto de las valoraciones de justicia procedimental sobre las valoraciones de legitimidad y justicia de las autoridades. Finalmente, se controló la influencia de variables socio-demográficas y situacionales. Para ello, se tomó una muestra no probabilística, cuotificada por edad, género y nivel socio-económico, de 300 personas de la ciudad de Córdoba que hubieran tenido contacto reciente con alguna de las autoridades en estudio (Policía, Policía Caminera, juzgados e inspectores municipales). Los resultados mostraron que las valoraciones de las autoridades locales son, en general, negativas. Además, las valoraciones de justicia procedimental realizaron un aporte significativo a la explicación de las valoraciones de legitimidad y justicia de las autoridades en general. Las variables de control no mostraron una influencia significativa.

Justice is a desirable principle in social interactions. At the same time, in the case of institutions, justice is a virtue that is manifested in its role of distributing goods and costs or rights and duties (distributive justice) and its corrective function topunish actions that violate social norms (justice sanctioning) (Garzón, 2004). The role of justice as the main regulator of social relations has become a topic of great interest to Social Psychology. The majority of recent studies in this perspective of justice have investigated perceptions of procedural justice, this is, justice based on the process used by an authority to make a decision. Most researchers found that procedural justice evaluations are an important predictor of the legitimacy of the authorities. However, these studies have been conducted mainly in the United States, and in our local area there is no previous research centered in this perspective of justice. Although there are some previous studies that recognize the problem of legitimacy in Latin America (Latinobarometro Corporation, 2010; Salles, 2010; Turner & Carballo, 2010), we have no knowledge of local research, conducted in the field of Social Psychology, that examines the origins of this lack of confidence in legal authorities. For this reason, the present study evaluates not only perceptions of legitimacy of legal authorities, but also their relationship with procedural justice values. According to that, we study the impact of citizens’ procedural justice perceptions of a particular experience with a legal authority on perceptions of legitimacy and fairness of the authorities in general. In addition, we control for the influence of various socio-demographic variables (gender, age, educational level and socioeconomic status) and status (presence of a conflict, the voluntariness of the experience, the favorability of outcomes and the relevance of results and treatment) on this relationship. We used a retrospective ex post facto design in a nonrandom sample of 300 citizens (54.7% male) from the city of Córdoba (Argentina). We interviewed only those who had a personal experience with at least one of the authorities under study (police, traffic police, courts, and municipal inspectors) during the last year. Most of the situations involved contact with the police (52.9%) or traffic police (30.4%), whereas only 10% were with municipal inspectors, and the remaining 6.7% were situations related to court issues. Moreover, the vast majority of situations with the authorities involved a non-voluntary contact (71.7%) and only 9% included a dispute with another person. The descriptive results of the perceived legitimacy of the authorities were consistent with previous research: Most people did not have a positive valuation of legal authorities, and courts were the institutions worst valued, while the traffic police were among the best valued. It was also found that procedural justice is a significant predictor of perceptions of legitimacy (r = 52) and General Valuation of Justice (r = 61) of the legal authorities. Regarding the control variables, we found that the socio-demographic and situational variables have no significant effect on these two dependent variables, when procedural justice is taken into account. These results are important because they expose the relevance of authorities’ performance during their contacts with citizens: those who believed that authorities had not acted in a fair way during their personal encounter, were more likely to assign less legitimacy to authorities in general. This results are relevant in Social Psychology field, taking into account that previous research has emphasized the relevance of legitimacy and justice perceptions for the support of the authorities and their effectiveness, that is, the maintenance of the social order.

Interdisciplinaria ; 29(2): 271-286, dic. 2012.
Artículo en Español | BINACIS | ID: bin-128446


La justicia es uno de los principios básicos que se aplica a individuos e instituciones, siendo un facilitador social que posibilita la interacción entre personas y grupos (Tyler, 2000). Por esta razón, se ha convertido en un tema de gran interés para la investigación en Psicología Social. Distintos autores han examinado el impacto de las experiencias en las percepciones de legitimidad de las autoridades (Baird, 2001; De Cremer & Tyler, 2007; Hinds, 2007), así como la influencia de estas valoraciones de legitimidad, en el comportamiento de obediencia de normas (Murphy, 2005; Tyler, 1990). En el estudio que se informa se examinaron las percepciones de legitimidad de autoridades legales de Córdoba (Argentina), por parte de los ciudadanos. Asimismo, se estudió el impacto de las valoraciones de justicia procedimental sobre las valoraciones de legitimidad y justicia de las autoridades. Finalmente, se controló la influencia de variables socio-demográficas y situacionales. Para ello, se tomó una muestra no probabilística, cuotificada por edad, género y nivel socio-económico, de 300 personas de la ciudad de Córdoba que hubieran tenido contacto reciente con alguna de las autoridades en estudio (Policía, Policía Caminera, juzgados e inspectores municipales). Los resultados mostraron que las valoraciones de las autoridades locales son, en general, negativas. Además, las valoraciones de justicia procedimental realizaron un aporte significativo a la explicación de las valoraciones de legitimidad y justicia de las autoridades en general. Las variables de control no mostraron una influencia significativa.(AU)

Justice is a desirable principle in social interactions. At the same time, in the case of institutions, justice is a virtue that is manifested in its role of distributing goods and costs or rights and duties (distributive justice) and its corrective function topunish actions that violate social norms (justice sanctioning) (Garzón, 2004). The role of justice as the main regulator of social relations has become a topic of great interest to Social Psychology. The majority of recent studies in this perspective of justice have investigated perceptions of procedural justice, this is, justice based on the process used by an authority to make a decision. Most researchers found that procedural justice evaluations are an important predictor of the legitimacy of the authorities. However, these studies have been conducted mainly in the United States, and in our local area there is no previous research centered in this perspective of justice. Although there are some previous studies that recognize the problem of legitimacy in Latin America (Latinobarometro Corporation, 2010; Salles, 2010; Turner & Carballo, 2010), we have no knowledge of local research, conducted in the field of Social Psychology, that examines the origins of this lack of confidence in legal authorities. For this reason, the present study evaluates not only perceptions of legitimacy of legal authorities, but also their relationship with procedural justice values. According to that, we study the impact of citizens’ procedural justice perceptions of a particular experience with a legal authority on perceptions of legitimacy and fairness of the authorities in general. In addition, we control for the influence of various socio-demographic variables (gender, age, educational level and socioeconomic status) and status (presence of a conflict, the voluntariness of the experience, the favorability of outcomes and the relevance of results and treatment) on this relationship. We used a retrospective ex post facto design in a nonrandom sample of 300 citizens (54.7% male) from the city of Córdoba (Argentina). We interviewed only those who had a personal experience with at least one of the authorities under study (police, traffic police, courts, and municipal inspectors) during the last year. Most of the situations involved contact with the police (52.9%) or traffic police (30.4%), whereas only 10% were with municipal inspectors, and the remaining 6.7% were situations related to court issues. Moreover, the vast majority of situations with the authorities involved a non-voluntary contact (71.7%) and only 9% included a dispute with another person. The descriptive results of the perceived legitimacy of the authorities were consistent with previous research: Most people did not have a positive valuation of legal authorities, and courts were the institutions worst valued, while the traffic police were among the best valued. It was also found that procedural justice is a significant predictor of perceptions of legitimacy (r = 52) and General Valuation of Justice (r = 61) of the legal authorities. Regarding the control variables, we found that the socio-demographic and situational variables have no significant effect on these two dependent variables, when procedural justice is taken into account. These results are important because they expose the relevance of authorities’ performance during their contacts with citizens: those who believed that authorities had not acted in a fair way during their personal encounter, were more likely to assign less legitimacy to authorities in general. This results are relevant in Social Psychology field, taking into account that previous research has emphasized the relevance of legitimacy and justice perceptions for the support of the authorities and their effectiveness, that is, the maintenance of the social order.(AU)