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Ther Innov Regul Sci ; 58(2): 368-379, 2024 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38190028


The United States (US) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Investigational New Drug (IND) Final Rule (US FDA, Final rule: Investigational new drug safety reporting requirements for human drug and biological products and safety reporting requirements for bioavailability and bioequivalence studies in humans, 2010) applies to all human drugs and biological products being studied under an IND. The Final Rule specifies that a sponsor must file an IND safety report for any Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reaction (SUSAR) of a medicinal product being investigated. To make a proper SUSAR classification, sponsors need to go beyond conventional Data Monitoring Committees (DMCs) with an interdisciplinary effort, using all relevant data (including data outside clinical trials), to make judgments on the possibility of serious adverse events being caused by the study drug-rather than the underlying condition of the patient or a concomitant therapy. Ball et al. (Ball et al. in Ther Innov Regul Sci 55:705-716, 2021) have reported on how the Final Rule has been implemented by large pharmaceutical companies. This paper explores the experiences of small sponsor companies regarding the Final Rule, to understand the current challenges that they have been facing to meet aggregate IND safety reporting requirements.

Productos Biológicos , Drogas en Investigación , Humanos , Estados Unidos , Drogas en Investigación/efectos adversos , Equivalencia Terapéutica , United States Food and Drug Administration
Adv Healthc Mater ; 12(23): e2300395, 2023 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37115708


Gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA), a photocurable hydrogel, is widely used in 3D culture, particularly in 3D bioprinting, due to its high biocompatibility, tunable physicochemical properties, and excellent formability. However, as the properties and performances of GelMA vary under different synthetic conditions, there is a lack of standardization, leading to conflicting results. In this study, a uniform standard is established to understand and enhance GelMA applications. First, the basic concept of GelMA and the density of the molecular network (DMN) are defined. Second, two properties, degrees of substitution and ratio of solid content, as the main measurable parameters determining the DMN are used. Third, the mechanisms and relationships between DMN and its performance in various applications in terms of porosity, viscosity, formability, mechanical strength, swelling, biodegradation, and cytocompatibility are theoretically explained. The main questions that are answered: what does performance mean, why is it important, how to optimize the basic parameters to improve the performance, and how to characterize it reasonably and accurately? Finally, it is hoped that this knowledge will eliminate the need for researchers to conduct tedious and repetitive pre-experiments, enable easy communication for achievements between groups under the same standard, and fully explore the potential of the GelMA hydrogel.

Gelatina , Hidrogeles , Hidrogeles/química , Gelatina/química , Metacrilatos/química , Estándares de Referencia , Ingeniería de Tejidos/métodos
Toxics ; 11(2)2023 Jan 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36850995


Despite discourse advocating pesticide reduction, there has been an exponential increase in pesticide use worldwide in the agricultural sector over the last 30 years. Glyphosate-Based Herbicides (GBHs) are the most widely used pesticides on the planet as well as in Canada, where a total of almost 470 million kilograms of declared "active" ingredient glyphosate was sold between 2007 and 2018. GBHs accounted for 58% of pesticides used in the agriculture sector in Canada in 2017. While the independent scientific literature on the harmful health and environmental impacts of pesticides such as GBHs is overwhelming, Canada has only banned 32 "active" pesticide ingredients out of 531 banned in 168 countries, and reapproved GBHs in 2017 until 2032. This article, based on interdisciplinary and intersectoral research, will analyze how as a result of the scientific and regulatory captures of relevant Canadian agencies by the pesticide industry, the Canadian regulation and scientific assessment of pesticides are deficient and lagging behind other countries, using the GBH case as a basis for analysis. It will show how, by embracing industry narratives and biased evidence, by being receptive to industry demands, and by opaque decision making and lack of transparency, Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) promotes commercial interests over the imperatives of public health and environmental protection.

E-Cienc. inf ; 12(1)jun. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1384766


Resumen Se realiza una descripción de las colecciones, productos e indicadores bibliométricos de Web of Science, con especial énfasis en su utilidad e importancia en actividades de evaluación científica. Se exponen además sus principales limitaciones de cobertura y de indicadores, que impactan en el análisis de la producción científica en países y/o regiones periféricas y en áreas del conocimiento con menor representación en la fuente. También se comentan los aportes específicos de la base de datos en las distintas actividades y fases de la investigación científica como investigadores, revistas, grupos editoriales y bibliotecas. En concreto, se muestra el volumen de datos, se detallan sus colecciones, productos e indicadores, junto a la valoración de algunos aspectos en lo positivo y negativo. Se realizan comparativos con otras fuentes de información existentes en el mercado de la investigación científica y que igualmente permiten la realización de investigación bibliométrica, brindando al lector una importante caracterización de la herramienta y sus competidores, que ayude a conocer sus perspectivas de uso dentro del escenario de investigación. Las ideas desarrolladas y sistematizadas en el texto, permiten concluir que, a pesar de la relevancia de la misma para la actividad científica en distintos niveles y agregados, los sesgos de sus indicadores, la imposibilidad de acceso a la fuente en muchas instituciones y la existencia de otras herramientas con similares prestaciones y facilidades de uso, son aspectos que se deben tener en cuenta porque inciden en su aplicación, uso futuro y permanencia en el ecosistema de investigación.

Abstract A description of the collections, products and bibliometric indicators of Web of Science is made, with special emphasis on its usefulness and importance in scientific evaluation activities. The main limitations of coverage and indicators, which have an impact on the analysis of scientific production in peripheral countries and/or regions and in areas of knowledge with less representation in the source, are also discussed. The specific contributions of the database to the different activities and phases of scientific research, such as researchers, journals, publishing groups and libraries, are also discussed. Specifically, the volume of data is shown, its collections, products and indicators are detailed, together with the evaluation of some positive and negative aspects. Comparisons are made with other sources of information existing in the scientific research market, which also allow bibliometric research to be carried out, providing the reader with an important characterization of the tool and its competitors, which helps to know its perspectives of use within the research scenario. The ideas developed and systematized in the text lead to the conclusion that despite its relevance for scientific activity at different levels and aggregates, the biases of its indicators, the impossibility of accessing the source in many institutions and the existence of other tools with similar features and ease of use, are aspects that should be taken into account because they affect its application, future use and permanence in the research ecosystem.

Bibliometría , Productos y Servicios de Información , Portales de Acceso a Revistas Científicas , Ciencia , Bases de Datos Bibliográficas
Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (38): e22308, 2022.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424635


Resumo: Este trabalho se situa na interseção entre a antropologia das emoções e a sociologia dos intelectuais. Seu objetivo é examinar: a) a relação entre as políticas de avaliação científica no Brasil, norteadas pelo incentivo à competição, e as gramáticas emocionais assim suscitadas; e b) o lugar das emoções na produção de conhecimento. A metodologia é a entrevista em profundidade com pesquisadores brasileiros sobre suas trajetórias, a dimensão emocional de suas experiências de sucesso e de fracasso e suas parcerias, rivalidades e conflitos. O trabalho pretende contribuir para a compreensão dos dilemas e impasses suscitados por essas gramáticas emocionais geradas pelo imperativo da competição, tal como implicitamente incentivado pelos princípios norteadores das políticas de avaliação científica no Brasil, e do consequente sofrimento na vida acadêmica, com seus impactos sobre o desempenho dos programas de pós-graduação, a produção de conhecimento e as trajetórias dos pesquisadores.

Abstract: This paper intertwines two fields: anthropology of emotions and sociology of intellectuals. It aims to examine (a) the relationship between scientific evaluation policies, in which the incitement to compete plays an essential role, and the emotional grammars therefore elicited; and (b) the role of emotions in the production of knowledge. Methodology is the conduction of in-depth interviews with Brazilian researchers about their careers, the emotional dimension of their success/failure experiences and their partnerships, rivalries and conflicts. The paper intends to contribute to the understanding of dilemmas and tensions elicited by these emotional grammars created by the competition imperative, such as implicitly stimulated by scientific evaluation policies´ guidelines in Brazil, and the derived suffering in academic life, with its impacts on graduate programs' performances, on the production of knowledge and on individual researchers' careers.

Resumen Este trabajo se sitúa en la intersección entre la antropología de las emociones y la sociología de los intelectuales. Su objetivo es examinar: a) la relación entre las políticas de evaluación científica en Brasil, que se orientan por el incentivo a la competencia, y las gramáticas emocionales así suscitadas; y b) el lugar de las emociones en la producción del conocimiento. La metodología empleada fue la entrevista en profundidad con los investigadores brasileños sobre sus trayectorias, la dimensión emocional de sus experiencias de éxito y del fracaso y sus alianzas, rivalidades y conflictos. El trabajo pretende contribuir a la comprensión de los dilemas y problemas suscitados por esas gramáticas emocionales generadas por el imperativo a la competición, implícitamente incentivado por los principios que guían las políticas de evaluación científica en Brasil, y del consecuente sufrimiento en la vida académica, con sus impactos sobre el desempeño de los programas de posgrado, la producción del conocimiento y las trayectorias de los investigadores.

Humanos , Investigación , Investigadores , Conocimiento , Emociones , Relaciones Interpersonales , Brasil , Curriculum , Evaluación Educacional , Narrativa Personal , Distrés Psicológico
FEBS J ; 287(12): 2440-2448, 2020 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32162466


Bibliometric quantification is frequently used as metrics for the evaluation of the scientific performance of researchers and institutions. The researchers' merit is usually assessed by the analysis of quantitative parameters such as the number of publications, the impact factor of journals, the total number of citations, or the h-index, although the limitations in translating these indicators into the impact of the outcome of scientific production are a matter of harsh criticism. To assess, based on factual evidences, the validity of traditional bibliometric analyses to conclude on the impact of papers to advance the state of the art, we carried out an innovative methodology on selected publications (test set). This methodology is based on identifying those citations of the test set papers that truly embed the methods, concepts, or hypotheses to build new knowledge and formulate conclusions. The results show that the percentage of citations that reflect the real impact of the papers of the test set has an average value of 12.4% of total citations and is not related to the impact factor of the journal where the test set papers were published. In conclusion, our analysis demonstrates factually, using experimental data, the total failure of using quantitative bulk citation analyses to conclude on the scientific impact of publications. Only a careful analysis of how the work described in papers was embedded on the subsequent work and/or conclusions of others can tell about the real contribution of a published work to the development of new knowledge and advancement of science.

Bibliometría , Papel , Investigadores , Humanos
E-Cienc. inf ; 9(1): 110-131, ene.-jun. 2019. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1089859


Resumen La virtud es una materia abordada desde diversas perspectivas, con inclusiones, exclusiones y repeticiones de características que le dan o anulan sentido a su esencia. Este artículo identifica los pilares que fundamentan su, analizando y contrastando diferentes aspectos encontrados en la literatura citada. Se proponen tres factores: hecho moral, carácter y voluntad, que se plantean y justifican como elementales y necesarios para que prevalezca como tal. A su vez, con base en dichos elementos de virtud, se detectaron tres latitudes: conocimiento y razón, acciones realizadas, e intencionalidad. El paralelismo entre estos factores de la virtud y latitudes de la comunicación científica puede expresarse de las siguientes maneras: (i) al factor de carácter le corresponde la latitud del conocimiento y la razón, ya que el conocimiento de la ciencia del investigador comprendería manejo de literatura, herramientas, técnicas y métodos; (ii) el hecho moral, como elemento de la virtud, da pie a la latitud de acciones realizadas en cultura científica, comprendiendo el acto investigativo en sí, el trabajo de campo, redacción de artículos y la búsqueda de espacios para la comunicación; y (iii) el elemento de la voluntad, que trae consigo la latitud de la intencionalidad, implica la inclinación e interés del investigador, ya sea motivada por su búsqueda de reconocimiento, logro personal o profesional y posibilita el logro de incentivos para continuar realizando la actividad científica.

Abstract Virtue is a subject addressed from different perspectives, with inclusions, exclusions and repetitions of characteristics that give or nullify meaning to its essence. This article identifies the pillars that support the existence of the same, analyzing and contrasting different aspects found in the cited literature. Three factors are proposed: moral fact, character and will, which are raised and justified as elementary and necessary to prevail as such. In turn, based on these elements of virtue, three latitudes were detected: knowledge and reason; actions done; and intentionality. The parallelism between these factors of virtue and latitudes of scientific communication can be expressed in the following ways: (i) the character factor corresponds to the latitude of knowledge and reason since the knowledge of the researcher's science would include handling of literature , tools, techniques and methods; (ii) the moral fact as an element of virtue, gives rise to the latitude of actions carried out in scientific culture, including the investigative act itself, the fieldwork, the writing of articles, and the search for spaces for communication; and (iii) the element of the will, which brings with it the latitude of intentionality, implies the inclination and interest of the researcher, whether motivated by his search for recognition, personal or professional achievement and enables the achievement of incentives to continue carrying out the scientific activity.

Aptitud , Investigación , Virtudes , Indicadores de Cultura Científica , Comunicación y Divulgación Científica , Gestión del Conocimiento , Evaluación de Políticas de Investigación , Derechos Humanos
Rev. lasallista investig ; 15(1): 166-179, ene.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093974


Resumen Se analiza el papel de las revistas científicas como portadoras de conocimiento científico de actualidad y la situación de las mismas en relación a la evaluación y clasificación en la región, para lo cual se muestran sistemas e indicadores, así como los principales métodos y criterios utilizados. A partir de las fortalezas y debilidades de las propuestas analizadas, se reflexiona en torno a la importancia de nuevos métodos de evaluación y clasificación que, desde las tendencias y contextos tanto regionales como de las áreas del conocimiento, incluyan criterios cualitativos y cuantitativos de forma tal que no solo se tenga en cuenta la presencia y posición de las revistas en índices de citación como WoS y Scopus. Se examina el caso colombiano y la propuesta de Publindex y la necesidad de nuevas propuestas dadas las falencias y las críticas recibidas. Se concluye en la importancia de nuevas propuestas de evaluación de la actividad científica y en el mejoramiento de las revistas de la región al incorporar nuevos indicadores y metodologías acordes a las tendencias y debates existentes y en relación a la experiencia de propuestas ya existentes.

Abstract We analyze in this article, the role of scientific journals as carriers of scientific knowledge, the current situation of evaluation and classification in the region, for which are shown systems and indicators, as well as the main methods and criteria used. Based on the strengths and weaknesses of the proposals we debate on the importance of new research methods of evaluation and classification, which from regional and knowledge trends and contexts, include qualitative and quantitative criteria, where not only the presence and position of journals in citation indexes such as WoS and Scopus are considered. The Colombian case (Publindex) and the need for new proposals given the failure and criticisms received is also considered. As conclusion we discuss the importance of new proposals for the evaluation of scientific activity and the improvement of journals in the region, the incorporation of new indicators and methodologies according to the trends and debates in relation to the experience of existing proposals.

Resumo Analisa-se o papel das revistas científicas como portadores de conhecimento científico de atualidade e a situação das mesmas em relação à avaliação e classificação na região, para o qual mostram-se sistemas e indicadores, assim como os principais métodos e critérios utilizados. A partir das fortaleças e debilidades das propostas analisadas, reflexiona-se em torno à importância de novos métodos de avaliação e classificação que, desde as tendências e contextos tanto regionais como das áreas do conhecimento, incluam critérios qualitativos e quantitativos de forma que só se tenha em conta a presencia e posição das revistas em índices de citação como WoS e Scopus. Examina-se o caso colombiano e a proposta de Publindex e da necessidade de novas propostas dadas as falências e as críticas recebidas. Conclui-se na importância de novas propostas de avaliação da atividade científica e no aprimoramento das revistas da região ao incorporar novos indicadores e metodologias acordes as tendências e debates que existem e na relação à experiência de propostas existentes.

Medisan ; 21(12)dic. 2017.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-894605


La evaluación de la gestión de ciencia e innovación tecnológica en las facultades de Tecnología de la Salud debe ser continua, organizada, y debe incluir a todos los profesores y directivos de la institución en su etapa inicial, y más adelante a los estudiantes. Este proceso debe comprender la realización de más ciencia en la comunidad y desde la comunidad, la identificación de los problemas de salud de la localidad donde está ubicada la institución y la dirección de los proyectos de investigación hacia su solución mediante resultados concretos. En este trabajo se presentan los fundamentos teóricos que sustentan dicha evaluación, a través del método histórico lógico y de la sistematización realizada

The evaluation of science management and technological innovation in Health Technology Faculties should be continuous, organized, and include all the professors and executive of the institution in its initial stage, and later on, it should include the students. This process should comprise the realization of more science in the community and from the community, the identification of health problems of the locality where the institution is situated and the direction of investigation projects toward its solution by means of concrete results. In this work, the theoretical basics that sustain this evaluation are presented, through the logical historical method and the systematization that was carried out

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Gestión de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación en Salud , Política Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación , Tecnología de la Información , Desarrollo Tecnológico , Gestión del Conocimiento para la Investigación en Salud , Proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo
Ambio ; 46(1): 121-127, 2017 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27686730


There is a tendency for non-native English scientists to publish exclusively in English, assuming that this will make their articles more visible and cited. We tested this hypothesis by comparing the effect of language on the number of citations of articles published in six natural sciences journals from five countries that publish papers in either English or other languages. We analyzed the effect of language (English vs non-English), paper length, and year of publication on the number of citations. The articles published in English have a higher number of citations than those published in other languages, when the effect of journal, year of publication, and paper length are statistically controlled. This may result because English articles are accessible to a larger audience, but other factors need to be explored. Universities and scientific institutions should be aware of this situation and improve the teaching of English, especially in the natural sciences.

Factor de Impacto de la Revista , Lenguaje , Publicaciones Periódicas como Asunto/estadística & datos numéricos , Ciencia , Modelos Estadísticos , Probabilidad
Biol Blood Marrow Transplant ; 23(2): 347-356, 2017 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27939616


In Europe, Defitelio (defibrotide) has a Market Authorization in curative treatment of severe sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS) but not in prophylaxis (2013). In France, defibrotide has had a compassionate-use program since 2009. Today, the high cost of defibrotide remains a major hurdle for hospital budgets. Medicine and economic issues were evaluated for the 39 hospitals of the French Public Assistance-Hospitals of Paris (AP-HP). We analyzed literature reviews, consumption, and expenditures through AP-HP data in 2014 and patient profiles with defibrotide in the corresponding diagnostic-related groups (DRGs) and consulted a board of hematologists. Finally, 18 publications were selected. Between 2011 and 2014 consumption increased to €5.2M. In 2014, 80 patients receiving defibrotide were mainly ascribed to the DRG "hematopoietic stem cell transplantation" levels 3 or 4. The tariffs attributed to drugs (€3544 to 4084) cover a small part of treatment costs (€97,524 for an adult). French experts thus recommended a harmonization of indications in prophylaxis (off-label use), improvement of pretransplant care, and optimization of the number of vials used. The economic impact led experts to change their practices. They recommended the restriction of defibrotide use to SOS curative treatment and to high-risk situations in prophylaxis.

Fibrinolíticos/uso terapéutico , Enfermedad Veno-Oclusiva Hepática/tratamiento farmacológico , Polidesoxirribonucleótidos/uso terapéutico , Adulto , Presupuestos , Niño , Ensayos Clínicos como Asunto , Estudios de Cohortes , Costos de los Medicamentos , Monitoreo de Drogas , Fibrinolíticos/economía , Francia , Trasplante de Células Madre Hematopoyéticas/efectos adversos , Enfermedad Veno-Oclusiva Hepática/economía , Enfermedad Veno-Oclusiva Hepática/epidemiología , Hospitales Públicos , Humanos , Estudios Multicéntricos como Asunto , Uso Fuera de lo Indicado , Polidesoxirribonucleótidos/economía , Guías de Práctica Clínica como Asunto , Prevalencia , Estudios Retrospectivos
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-513109


Precision medicine pointed out the future direction for medicine,providing new opportunities for the development of TCM,putting forward higher requirements and encountering severe challenges of the quality research of TCM.In view of the core connotation of precision medicine and the characteristics of TCM,we presented the precision connotation of quality based on the basic attributes,the clinical application and function characteristics of TCM in accordance with the thinking mode and method of the transformation research.In this article,we indicated the research approach for the scientific evaluation and effective control of quality based on the precise cognition of TCM.

Acta Inform Med ; 23(1): 4-11, 2015 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25870484


INTRODUCTION: A meta-analysis is a statistical and analytical method which combines and synthesizes different independent studies and integrates their results into one common result. GOAL: Analysis of the journals "Medical Archives", "Materia Socio Medica" and "Acta Informatica Medica", which are located in the most eminent indexed databases of the biomedical milieu. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study has retrospective and descriptive character, and included the period of the calendar year 2014. Study included six editions of all three journals (total of 18 journals). RESULTS: In this period was published a total of 291 articles (in the "Medical Archives" 110, "Materia Socio Medica" 97, and in "Acta Informatica Medica" 84). The largest number of articles was original articles. Small numbers have been published as professional, review articles and case reports. Clinical events were most common in the first two journals, while in the journal "Acta Informatica Medica" belonged to the field of medical informatics, as part of pre-clinical medical disciplines. Articles are usually required period of fifty to fifty nine days for review. Articles were received from four continents, mostly from Europe. The authors are most often from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, then Iran, Kosovo and Macedonia. CONCLUSION: The number of articles published each year is increasing, with greater participation of authors from different continents and abroad. Clinical medical disciplines are the most common, with the broader spectrum of topics and with a growing number of original articles. Greater support of the wider scientific community is needed for further development of all three of the aforementioned journals.

Rev. colomb. enferm ; 10(1): 4-15, Abril de 2015.
Artículo en Español | BDENF - Enfermería, LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1005685


El conocimiento científico en la modernidad ha evolucionado a tal ritmo que en la actualidad la deno\r\n-\r\nminada "sociedad del conocimiento" representa un estadio que implica el uso social y económico de la \r\ninformación para la construcción de las comunidades científicas (1). El aumento de la información en \r\nformato digital operado por ordenadores es un hecho sin precedentes que avanza como una ola imparable \r\na la cual se deben unir las comunidades científicas que deseen perdurar y demostrar capacidades en la \r\ncreación e innovación del conocimiento científico (1). Las tecnologías de la información y comunicación \r\nhan trasformado en los últimos veinte años los modos de organización de la comunidad científica, permi\r\n-\r\ntiendo percibir nuevos escenarios, dando paso a las redes virtuales de investigadores y a los consorcios de \r\ninvestigación que rompen barreras de tiempo y espacio para configurarse como redes globales de genera\r\n-\r\nción y uso del conocimiento (2).\r\nEl impacto social de la ciencia es posible analizarlo desde la población a la cual se dirige la actividad \r\ncientífica, así como desde la población que genera la investigación, la comunidad de investigadores, la \r\ncual tiene la necesidad de dar a conocer al mundo científico los resultados de sus avances. El desarrollo \r\ncientífico y tecnológico de los países se ha convertido en uno de los indicadores de mayor importancia \r\npara la evaluación del desarrollo mundial. De acuerdo con el Banco Mundial la innovación tecnológica, \r\nnormalmente estimulada por los gobiernos, promueve el crecimiento industrial y ayuda a mejorar los \r\nniveles de vida de la población, por lo que es importante invertir e incentivar en su desarrollo y establecer \r\nestrategias de gestión y evaluación (3).\r\nAmérica Latina invierte el 0,84% del producto interno bruto en comparación a los países miembros de \r\nla Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE), de los cuales se destinan el \r\n2,4% para ciencia y tecnología (3). La evaluación de la actividad científica es un elemento imprescindible \r\npara todos los programas de investigación, tecnología y desarrollo que se implementan en una sociedad. \r\nLa cienciometría ha contribuido al desarrollo de indicadores que constituyen una herramienta clave en \r\nla gestión de la política científica y tecnológica, y en los procesos de toma de decisiones estratégicas (4), \r\nsiendo la piedra angular de los gobiernos para la gestión de la investigación, la tecnología y la innovación.\r\nLos procesos de evaluación científica de los países se expresan a nivel internacional a través del Programa \r\npara la Evaluación Internacional de Estudiantes (PISA), puesto en marcha desde 1997, y de la evaluación \r\nde las capacidades nacionales de ciencia y tecnología, en la cual se tienen en cuenta factores relacionados \r\ncon inversión, formación científica y tecnológica, recurso humano calificado y producción científica y \r\ntecnológica del país.

Scientific knowledge in modern times has evolved at such a rate that currently the so-called "society \r\nof knowledge" represents a stage, which involves the social and economic use of information for the \r\nconstruction of scientific communities (1). The increase of information in a digital format operated by \r\ncomputers is an unprecedented occurrence that advances like an unstoppable wave that scientific commu\r\n-\r\nnity who wish to endure and demonstrate capacities in the creation and innovation of scientific knowledge \r\nmust join (1). Communication and information technologies in the last twenty years have transformed the \r\norganizational modes of the scientific community, allowing perception of new scenarios, giving way to \r\nthe virtual networks of researchers and investigational consortia who break barriers of time and space in \r\norder to configure themselves as worldwide network of generation and use of knowledge (2).\r\nIt is possible to analyze the social impact of science from the population to which scientific activity is \r\ndirected, as well as from the general research population, the community of researchers, which has the \r\nneed to give the scientific world knowledge of the results of their advances. The scientific and techno\r\n-\r\nlogical development of countries has become one of the most important indicators for the evaluation of \r\nglobal development. According to the World Bank, technological innovation, normally stimulated by \r\ngovernments, promotes industrial growth and helps to improve the living standards of the population, for \r\nwhich it is important to invest and incentivize its development and establish strategies for management \r\nand evaluation (3).\r\nLatin America invests 0.84% of the gross domestic product in comparison to the member countries of the \r\nOrganization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), of which 2.4% is spent for science \r\nand technology (3). The evaluation of scientific activity is an indispensible element for all research, tech\r\n-\r\nnological, and developmental programs that are implemented in a society. Scientometrics has contributed \r\nto the development of indicators that constitute a key tool in the management of political and technolo\r\n-\r\ngical policy, and in the processes of decision making strategies (4), being the cornerstone of governments \r\nfor the management of research, technology, and innovations.\r\nCountries' scientific assessment processes are expressed internationally through the Program for Interna\r\n-\r\ntional Student Assessment (PISA), launched in 1997, and concerning the evaluation of national scientific \r\nand technological capacities, in which factors related to investment, scientific and technological educa\r\n-\r\ntion, qualified human resources, and scientific and technological production of the country are taken into \r\naccount.

O conhecimento científico na modernidade evoluiu a tal ponto que, atualmente, a denominada "socie\r\n-\r\ndade do conhecimento" representa um estágio que implica o uso social e econômico da informação para \r\na construção das comunidades científicas (1). O aumento da informação em formato digital, operada por \r\ncomputadores, é um feito sem precedentes que avança como uma onda inevitável, à qual se devem unir as \r\ncomunidades científicas que desejem perdurar e demonstrar capacidades na criação e inovação do conhe\r\n-\r\ncimento científico (1). As tecnologias da informação e comunicação transformaram, nos últimos vinte \r\nanos, os modos de organização da comunidade científica, permitindo perceber novos cenários, dando \r\nlugar às redes virtuais de pesquisadores e aos consórcios de pesquisa, que rompem barreiras de tempo e \r\nespaço para configurar-se como redes globais de geração e uso do conhecimento (2).\r\nÉ possível analisar o impacto social da ciência a partir da população para a qual se dirige a atividade cien\r\n-\r\ntífica, assim como a partir da população que gera a pesquisa, a comunidade de pesquisadores, a qual tem \r\na necessidade de apresentar ao mundo científico os resultados de seus avanços. O desenvolvimento cientí\r\n-\r\nfico e tecnológico dos países se converteu em um dos indicadores de maior importância para a avaliação \r\ndo desenvolvimento mundial. De acordo com o Banco Mundial, a inovação tecnológica, normalmente \r\nestimulada pelos governos, promove o crescimento industrial e ajuda a melhorar os níveis de vida da \r\npopulação, pelo qual é importante investir e incentivar seu desenvolvimento e estabelecer estratégias de \r\ngestão e avaliação (3).\r\nA América Latina investe 0,84% do produto interno bruto em comparação com os países membros da \r\nOrganização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico (OCDE), dos quais se destinam 2,4% \r\npara ciência e tecnologia (3). A avaliação da atividade científica é um elemento imprescindível para todos \r\nos programas de pesquisa, tecnologia e desenvolvimento a se implementar em uma sociedade. A ciencio\r\n-\r\nmetria contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de indicadores que constituem uma ferramenta-chave na gestão \r\nda política científica e tecnológica, e nos processos de tomada de decisões estratégicas (4), sendo a pedra \r\nangular dos governos para a gestão da pesquisa, tecnologia e inovação.\r\nOs processos de avaliação científica dos países são expressos, em nível internacional, através do Programa \r\nInternacional de Avaliação de Alunos (PISA), lançado em 1997, e da avaliação das capacidades nacionais \r\nde ciência e tecnologia, na qual são levados em conta fatores relacionados com investimento, formação \r\ncientífica e tecnológica, recursos humanos qualificados e produção científica e tecnológica do país.

Investigación , Ciencia , Tecnología , Actividades Científicas y Tecnológicas , Aprendizaje
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-598788


Objective To provide outline for the Research & Development department of hospitals making research strategy by analyzing the quantity of publications and their cited status for the top 20 hospitals in SCI,and top 100 hospitals in domestic publications in 2010.Methods The number of publications and their cited times for the first 20 hospitals in SCI,and the top 100 hospitals in domestic publications in 2010.Results Compared with 2009,the increased number and ratio of publications in SCI for top 20 hospitals were 1061 and 28.35%,respectively.For top 100 hospitals,the average reduced number and the increased number of domestic publications was 20.36.Conclusions The SCI publications from top 20 hospitals increased sharply.The negative growth was showed in the number of domestic articles for top 70 hospitals.The hospitals after the top 70 still maintain a certain growth.In addition,the increase of cited articles was slowly and disproportion.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-446922


Objectives To reveal the amount and distribution of the publications indexed by the database of SCI,which were produced by the top 20 hospitals for domestic publications and for SCI publication in 2011.Methods The data of articles for the top 20 hospitals of publication were collected from SCIE.These hospital are from the ranking released by the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China.The quantity and its changes over 2009-2011 of these articles were analyzed.Results The increases of SCI publications of the top 20 hospitals in 2009-2011 was 20.70%,28.35% and 7.06%,respectively.Meanwhile,the increase in domestic publication average china hospitals was 34.11%,33.00% and 21.49%,respectively.Conclusions It is important to evalutate the hospitals with the analysis of their publications in journal distribution.There is a significant decline in the increase ratio of publications in SCIE for the top 20 hospitals.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23060783


Traditional pre-publication peer review of scientific output is a slow, inefficient, and unreliable process. Efforts to replace or supplement traditional evaluation models with open evaluation platforms that leverage advances in information technology are slowly gaining traction, but remain in the early stages of design and implementation. Here I discuss a number of considerations relevant to the development of such platforms. I focus particular attention on three core elements that next-generation evaluation platforms should strive to emphasize, including (1) open and transparent access to accumulated evaluation data, (2) personalized and highly customizable performance metrics, and (3) appropriate short-term incentivization of the userbase. Because all of these elements have already been successfully implemented on a large scale in hundreds of existing social web applications, I argue that development of new scientific evaluation platforms should proceed largely by adapting existing techniques rather than engineering entirely new evaluation mechanisms. Successful implementation of open evaluation platforms has the potential to substantially advance both the pace and the quality of scientific publication and evaluation, and the scientific community has a vested interest in shifting toward such models as soon as possible.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22661941


Allocating funding for research often entails the review of the publications authored by a scientist or a group of scientists. For practical reasons, in many cases this review cannot be performed by a sufficient number of specialists in the core domain of the reviewed publications. In the meanwhile, each scientist reads thoroughly, on average, about 88 scientific articles per year, and the evaluative information that scientists can provide about these articles is currently lost. I suggest that aggregating in an online database reviews or ratings on the publications that scientists read anyhow can provide important information that can revolutionize the evaluation processes that support funding decisions. I also suggest that such aggregation of reviews can be encouraged by a system that would provide a publicly available review portfolio for each scientist, without prejudicing the anonymity of reviews. I provide some quantitative estimates on the number and distribution of reviews and ratings that can be obtained.

Front Comput Neurosci ; 6: 11, 2011 Dec 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22403537


The current publishing system with its merits and pitfalls is a mending topic for debate among scientists of various disciplines. Editors and reviewers alike, both face difficult decisions about the judgment of new scientific findings. Increasing interdisciplinary themes and rapidly changing dynamics in method development of each field make it difficult to be an "expert" with regard to all issues of a certain paper. Although unintended, it is likely that misunderstandings, human biases, and even outright mistakes can play an unfortunate role in final verdicts. We propose a new community-driven publication process that is based on network statistics to make the review, publication, and scientific evaluation process more transparent.

Clin Pract Epidemiol Ment Health ; 6: 109-14, 2010 Nov 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21339895


Good alternatives to the Impact Factor (IF) algorithm are needed. The Thomson IF represents a limited measure of the importance of an individual article because 80% of a journal's IF is determined by only the 20% of the papers published. In the past few years, several new indexes has been created to provide alternatives to the IF algorithm. These include the removal of self citations from the calculation of the IF using the Adjusted IF, Index Copernicus initiative and other modifications such as the Cited Half-Life IF, Median IF, Disciplinary IF, and Prestige Factor. There is also the Euro-Factor, born in Europe to avoid the strong US centrality, and the English language basis of the Thomson database. One possible strategy to avoid "IF supremacy" is to create a new index, the Single Researcher Impact Factor (SRIF), that would move the evaluation from the power of scientific journals to the quality of single researchers. This measure can take into account the number and quality of the traditional publications and other activities usually associated with being a researcher, such as reviewing manuscripts, writing books, and attending scientific meetings. Also, in funding policy, it might be more useful to consider the merits, contributions, and real impact of all the scientific activities of a single researcher instead of adding only the journals' IF numbers. The major aim of this paper is to propose and describe the SRIF index that could represent a novel option to evaluate scientific research and researchers.