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Natl Sci Rev ; 11(4): nwae063, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38623453


The Chinese Bayan Obo deposit is a world-class rare earth element (REE) deposit with considerable niobium (Nb) and iron (Fe) resources. A complete genetic understanding on all metals is fundamental for establishing genetic models at Bayan Obo. With extensive research being focused on REE enrichment, the timing and controls of Nb enrichment remain unresolved at Bayan Obo, which is mainly due to the challenges in dating, i.e. multistage thermal events, fine-grained minerals with complex textures and the rare occurrence of uranium-enriched minerals with mature dating methods. Based on robust geological and petrographic frameworks, here we conducted ion probe uranium-lead (U-Pb) dating of ferrocolumbite to unravel the timing, hence the genesis of Nb mineralization. Three types of hydrothermal ferrocolumbites-key Nb-bearing minerals-are identified based on their textures and mineral assemblages. They yield U-Pb ages of 1312 ± 47 Ma (n = 99), 438 ± 7 Ma (n = 93), and 268 ± 5 Ma (n = 19), respectively. In line with deposit geology, we tentatively link the first, second and third stage Nb mineralization to Mesoproterozoic carbonatite magmatism, ubiquitous early Paleozoic hydrothermal activity, and Permian granitic magmatism, respectively. While quantifying the contribution of metal endowment from each stage requires further investigation, our new dates highlight that multi-stage mineralization is critical for Nb enrichment at Bayan Obo, which may also have implications for the enrichment mechanism of Nb in REE deposits in general.

Heliyon ; 9(9): e19734, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37809413


U-Pb dating was conducted for zircons from a total of 14 samples from 13 granite bodies in southwestern Cambodia using LA-ICP-MS. The granitic rock samples were collected from southwestern Cambodia, southwest of the Mae Ping Fault extending from northwest Cambodia via Tonle Sap Lake to southern Vietnam. The studied rock bodies belong to the ilmenite-series, except for three granitic rock bodies. They were identified as I-or A-type. The analysis yielded three distinct age ranges: 295-309, 191-232, and 75-98 Ma. The 295-309 Ma ages are associated with the Paleo-Tethys Sea subduction beneath the Indochina Block. The ages of 191-232 Ma may correspond to the amalgamation period of the Sibumasu and Indochina Blocks during the Indosinian Orogeny. Granitic rocks with ages of 75-98 Ma occur near the southeastern Cambodia-southern Vietnam border. Formation of these granitic rocks was associated with the Paleo-Pacific Ocean Plate (the Izanagi Plate) subduction beneath the Indochina Block. The region in which these granitic rocks occur is part of the Dalat-Kratie Zone.

Heliyon ; 7(4): e06752, 2021 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33937542


Zircon U-Pb geochronology was carried out on plutonic rocks from Phnom Daek, Phnom Koy Rmeas, Svay Chras, Kon Mom, Koh Nheak, Andong Meas, Oyadav South, Svay Leu, and Phnom Soporkaley. The zircon U-Pb ages from the plutonic rocks determined in this study can be roughly divided into two groups. One is the Late Permian to Triassic ages of 278-202 Ma for the Phnom Daek, Phnom Koy Rmeas, Oyadav South, Svay Leu, and Phnom Soporkaley, and the other is the early Cretaceous ages of 118-98 Ma for the Svay Chras, Kon Mom, Koh Nheak, and Andong Meas samples. The plutonic rocks from Phnom Daek, Phnom Koy Rmeas, Svay Leu, Oyadav South, and Phnom Soporkaley were likely formed by magmatic activity in the Loei Fold Belt. These plutonic rocks were likely formed in an extensional setting and/or a region where the continental crust was thin. The plutonic rocks of Svay Chras, Kon Mom, Koh Nheak, and Andong Meas were likely formed by magmatic activity in the Dalat-Kratie Fold Belt, related to the NW-directed subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Ocean plate. These plutonic rocks are thought to correspond to the Dinhquan suite in southern Vietnam. The Kon Mom and Koh Nheak plutonic rocks fall within the alkaline series, which suggests that the magma genesis was deep and far from the western Paleo-Pacific Ocean plate. Magmatic activity in the Dalat-Kratie Fold Belt migrated oceanward as a whole during the Cretaceous.

Front Chem ; 8: 605646, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33344421


Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is one of the most important analytical tools for geochronology, especially for zircon U-Pb dating. Due to its advantages in spatial resolution and analytical precision, SIMS is the preferred option for multi-spot analyses on single zircon grain with complex structures. However, whether or how much the relative positions of multiple analytical spots on one zircon grain affect the U-Pb age accuracy is an important issue that has been neglected by most researchers. In this study, we carried out a series of investigation on the influence of relative analytical position during zircon U-Pb age analyses, using Cameca IMS 1280-HR instrument. The results demonstrated a significant influence on the second spot, with apparent U-Pb age deviation as high as around 10% especially on the left and right side with overlap in the raster area. Nevertheless, a linear correlation between a secondary ion centering parameter (DTCA-X) and age deviation in percentage terms was found, and a calibration method was established to correct this position effect. Four zircon standards (91500, M257, TEMORA-2, and Plesovice) were measured to prove the reliability of the established procedure. The original U-Pb apparent data show inconsistent deviation on four directions relative to the datum, while the final U-Pb age results is calibrated to be consistent with their recommended values, within uncertainties of ~1%. This work calls for re-examination for the previous SIMS U-Pb dating results on core-rim dating strategy, and provides a calibration protocol to correct the relative position effect.

Data Brief ; 31: 105896, 2020 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32637501


U-Pb dating using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), δ13C, δ18O, clumped isotopes and 87Sr/86Sr analysis, and electron microprobe have been applied to fracture-filling calcites and host carbonates from the Lower Pedraforca thrust sheet, in the SE Pyrenees. These data are used to determine the type and origin of migrating fluids, the evolution of the palaeohydrological system and timing of fracturing during the emplacement of this thrust sheet, as described in the article "From hydroplastic to brittle deformation: controls on fluid flow in fold and thrust belts. Insights from the Lower Pedraforca thrust sheet (SE Pyrenees)" - Marine and Petroleum Geology (2020). The integration of these data is also used to compare the fluid flow evolution of the Southern Pyrenees with that of other orogens worldwide and to generate a fluid flow model in fold and thrust belts. At a more local scale, the U-Pb dataset provides new absolute ages recording the deformation in the Lower Pedraforca thrust sheet, which was previously dated by means of indirect methods such as biostratigraphy of marine sediments and magnetostratigraphy of continental deposits.

PeerJ ; 7: e6239, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30723614


Diverse epidermal appendages including grouped filaments closely resembling primitive feathers in non-avian theropods, are associated with skeletal elements in the primitive ornithischian dinosaur Kulindadromeus zabaikalicus from the Kulinda locality in south-eastern Siberia. This discovery suggests that "feather-like" structures did not evolve exclusively in theropod dinosaurs, but were instead potentially widespread in the whole dinosaur clade. The dating of the Kulinda locality is therefore particularly important for reconstructing the evolution of "feather-like" structures in dinosaurs within a chronostratigraphic framework. Here we present the first dating of the Kulinda locality, combining U-Pb analyses (LA-ICP-MS) on detrital zircons and monazites from sedimentary rocks of volcaniclastic origin and palynological observations. Concordia ages constrain the maximum age of the volcaniclastic deposits at 172.8 ± 1.6 Ma, corresponding to the Aalenian (Middle Jurassic). The palynological assemblage includes taxa that are correlated to Bathonian palynozones from western Siberia, and therefore constrains the minimum age of the deposits. The new U-Pb ages, together with the palynological data, provide evidence of a Bathonian age-between 168.3 ± 1.3 Ma and 166.1 ± 1.2 Ma-for Kulindadromeus. This is older than the previous Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous ages tentatively based on local stratigraphic correlations. A Bathonian age is highly consistent with the phylogenetic position of Kulindadromeus at the base of the neornithischian clade and suggests that cerapodan dinosaurs originated in Asia during the Middle Jurassic, from a common ancestor that closely looked like Kulindadromeus. Our results consequently show that Kulindadromeus is the oldest known dinosaur with "feather-like" structures discovered so far.

Sci Bull (Beijing) ; 62(6): 415-424, 2017 Mar 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36659285


Geochronological investigation on gneisses of granitic to leucogranitic compositions in Cuona, south Tibet, reveal that their protoliths formed at 808.8±7.9-816.4±3.4Ma and 855.8±7.0Ma, respectively. Zircon rims from the granitic gneiss record a metamorphic age of 739.4±4.3Ma. Lu-Hf isotopic analyses on zircon grains with Neoproterozoic ages yield negative εHf(t) values from -9.0 to -4.2, and the corresponding two-stage Hf model ages are 1965-2228Ma. Whole-rock geochemical data indicate that all granitic gneisses are K-riched calc-alkali series. These new data together with literature data show that (1) the Himalayan terrane experienced an episode of Neoproterozoic magmatism at 850-800Ma; (2) the Neoproterozoic magma of granitic compositions were derived from partial melting of ancient crusts, possibly due to the thermal perturbation related with the breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent.

Mass Spectrom (Tokyo) ; 1(2): A0011, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24349912


The Sensitive High Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP) is the first ion microprobe dedicated to geological isotopic analyses, especially in-situ analyses related to the geochronology of zircon. Such a sophisticated ion probe, which can attain a high sensitivity at a high mass resolution, based on a double focusing high mass-resolution spectrometer, designed by Matsuda (1974), was constructed at the Australian National University. In 1996, such an instrument was installed at Hiroshima University and was the first SHRIMP to be installed in Japan. Since its installation, our focus has been on the in-situ U-Pb dating of the mineral apatite, as well as zircon, which is a more common U-bearing mineral. This provides the possibility for extending the use of in-situ U-Pb dating from determining the age of formation of volcanic, granitic, sedimentary and metamorphic minerals to the direct determination of the diagenetic age of fossils and/or the crystallization age of various meteorites, which can provide new insights into the thermal history on the Earth and/or the Solar System. In this paper, we review the methodology associated with in-situ apatite dating and our contribution to Earth and Planetary Science over the past 16 years.