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J Environ Manage ; 354: 120354, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38394876


In recent years, the loss of forest in the Brazilian Amazon has taken on alarming proportions, with 2021 recording the largest increase in 13 years, particularly in the Abunã-Madeira Sustainable Development Reserve (SDR). This has significant environmental, social, and economic repercussions globally and for the local communities reliant on the forest. Analyzing deforestation patterns and trends aids in comprehending the dynamics of occupation and deforestation within a critical Amazon region, enabling the inference of potential occupation pathways. This understanding is crucial for identifying deforestation expansion zones and shaping public policies to curb deforestation. Decisions by the Brazilian government regarding landscape management will have profound environmental implications. We conducted an analysis of deforestation patterns and trends up to 2021 in the municipality (county) of Lábrea, located in the southern portion of Amazonas state. Deforestation processes in this area are likely to spread to the adjacent "Trans-Purus" region in western Amazonas, where Amazonia's largest block of remaining rainforest is at risk from planned highways. Annual deforestation polygons from 2008 to 2021 were categorized based on occupation typologies linked to various actors and processes defined for the region (e.g., diffuse, linear, fishbone, geometric, multidirectional, and consolidated). These patterns were represented through 10 × 10 km grid cells. The findings revealed that Lábrea's territory is predominantly characterized by the diffuse pattern (initial occupation stage), mainly concentrated in protected areas. Advanced occupation patterns (multidirectional and consolidated) were the primary contributors to deforestation during this period. Observed change trajectories included consolidation (30.8%) and expansion (19.6%) in the southern portion of the municipality, particularly along the Boi and Jequitibá secondary roads, providing access to large illegal landholdings. Additionally, non-change trajectories (67%) featured initial occupation patterns near rivers and in protected areas, likely linked to riverine and extractive communities. Tailoring measures to control deforestation based on actor types and considering stages of occupation is crucial. The techniques developed in this study provide a comprehensive approach for Amazonia and other tropical regions.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Bosques , Brasil , Bosque Lluvioso , Desarrollo Sostenible
Saúde Soc ; 32(2): e201040pt, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442166


Resumo A participação social é um componente fundamental na promoção do saneamento rural. Entretanto, diferentes desafios conceituais e metodológicos sobre a utilização de metodologias participativas (MP) ainda despontam na literatura em relação a quem são os principais atores sociais envolvidos e como tais mecanismos de intervenção têm contribuído em ações de saneamento rural. Assim, esta pesquisa objetiva caracterizar a utilização das MP empregadas em soluções de saneamento rural por diferentes atores sociais, em nível estadual. Para tal, foram investigadas as experiências de saneamento rural no estado de Goiás realizadas com financiamento do poder público, entre 2007 e 2019, por intermédio de entrevista semiestruturada e aplicação de questionário a lideranças e/ou técnicos de entidades governamentais e da sociedade civil. Em síntese, as experiências investigadas apresentaram que ambas as categorias de atores sociais têm utilizado MP em suas abordagens, classificando-as por etapas e tipologias, em consonância com Geilfus. No estudo, concluiu-se que o emprego de MP contribuiu para o processo de sensibilização às questões socioambientais locais, bem como motivou uma reflexão crítica em relação à própria participação, estimulando, assim, maior intervenção e interação dos participantes com a agenda de discussão proposta.

Abstract Social participation is a fundamental component in the promotion of rural sanitation. However, different conceptual and methodological challenges on the use of Participatory Methodologies (PM) still emerge in the literature regarding who are the main social actors involved and how intervention mechanisms have contributed to rural sanitation actions. Thus, this research aims to characterize the use of PM employed in rural sanitation solutions by different social actors, at the state level. For this purpose, the experiences of rural sanitation in the state of Goiás carried ou with funding from the government, between 2007 and 2019, were investigated with semi-structured interviews and questionnaire application to leaders and/or technicians of government and civil society entities. In summary, the experiences investigated showed that both categories of social actors have used PM in their approaches, categorizing them by stages and typologies, in line with Geilfus. The study concluded that the use of PM contributed to the process of raising awareness about local socio-environmental issues and motivating a critical reflection regarding one's own participation, thus stimulating greater intervention and interaction of participants with the proposed discussion agenda.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Saneamiento Rural , Participación Social , Sociedad Civil , Metodología como un Tema
Ber Wiss ; 45(4): 581-601, 2022 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36382535


This paper addresses the legendary total solar eclipse of 29 May 1919. Two British teams confirmed the light bending prediction by Albert Einstein: Charles R. Davidson and Andrew C. C. Crommelin in Sobral, Brazil and Arthur S. Eddington and Edwin T. Cottingham on the African island of Príncipe, then part of the Portuguese empire. By jointly analyzing the two astronomical expeditions supported by written and visual sources, I show how, despite extensive scholarship on this famous historical episode and the historiographical emphasis on the plural dimensions of knowledge construction, many human and non-human actors have been kept in the shadow of the eclipse. I do so by focusing on what I call knowledge from the periphery together with knowledge from below, grounded literally on how localities (sites) affect choices and events, and growing outward to encompass a wide range of participants. I show how the geopolitical status of the two nations where the observational sites were located, and specifically Portugal's condition of colonial power, affected main decisions and events, while highlighting the active role of participants, ranging from experts from the peripheries and those involved in the travels to local elites and anonymous peoples, some of whom contributed to the observation of totality.

Expediciones , Humanos , Política , Viaje , Brasil
Work ; 73(s1): S211-S222, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36189518


BACKGROUND: The treatment of bad actors consists of analyzing the most triggered alarms at a plant, seeking to make modifications that provide workers with more efficient and safer operational conditions. The consideration of plant operators' practical knowledge in these proposed changes is both an opportunity and a challenge, as specific conditions are required. OBJECTIVE: To present and discuss how an alarm management report (AMR) could support the treatment of bad actors by promoting structured debates on real work situations and its contribution in improving the solutions proposed by alarm management committees (AMCs). METHODS: Data from nine AMC meetings were gathered and parsed using qualitative content analysis to classify the kind of information that the AMC used to justify the proposed changes and how these changes were decided. RESULTS: More than 60% of the changes were justified by information provided by the AMRs, indicating broad application and adoption. However, our findings suggest that the structured debates addressed variability and emerging strategies and may consider entire subsystems instead of single alarms. CONCLUSION: The use of structured debates is feasible for the treatment of bad actors and is an appropriate option that includes operating experience feedback for alarm optimization in industrial facilities.

Administración de la Seguridad , Humanos , Industria del Petróleo y Gas , Retroalimentación
Environ Manage ; 70(4): 565-580, 2022 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35840664


Environmental Education Programs (EEPs) are considered environmental management tools in Brazilian environmental licensing processes, within the scope of mitigatory and compensatory measures to the social, environmental, and economic impacts caused by development projects or new enterprises. Here, we assess the perceptions and expectations regarding environmental education programs of three groups of actors (communities, environmental managers, and environmental agency technicians) involved in the licensing processes of port activities in the region of Paranaguá, in the State of Paraná, Brazil. Paranaguá is the largest coastal municipality of the state of Paraná, in the southern region of Brazil, and is home to Brazil`s second largest port. Since this is environmental conservation area, the conflicts between the port activities, environmental protection and needs of the local communities require efficient environmental management practices, with EEPs as one of their main implementation tools. The evaluation was based on semi-structured interviews which were analyzed using the methods of content analysis and discourse of the collective subject. The actors understand that environmental education is a potentially effective tool to promote the mitigation or compensation of environmental impacts generated by port developments undergoing licensing processes. The groups considered that the continuity, promotion of social organization, and correlation with the actual environmental impacts related to each enterprise are essential qualities for good EEPs. The evaluated perceptions were complementary and indicate a complex but effective ideal scenario for EEPs in the region.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Brasil , Ciudades
Agora USB ; 22(1): 464-485, ene.-jun. 2022. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420008


Resumen El texto que se presenta a continuación es la segunda entrega del análisis de la coyuntura estallido social 2021. Recuérdese que el primero se centró en los detonantes del estallido. El segundo artículo abordará algunos de los actores-sujetos más destacados de las movilizaciones: Comité Nacional de Paro, estudiantado universitario, profesorado universitario, campesinado, comunidades indígenas, organizaciones afrodescendientes, primeras líneas y gobierno. Se trata de diseccionar este conjunto de actores desplegando el método dialéctico materialista en perspectiva del análisis de coyuntura político-económico. Previo a la disección, se elabora una breve disertación acerca de la noción actor en perspectiva sociológica, con el ánimo de mostrar que, desde esta disciplina científica, la acción del sujeto está imbricada a la estructura. Este principio aplica para los actores del estallido social y, por tanto, se entiende que aun cuando diseccionados, lo estructural les atraviesa y subsume. En la reconstrucción analítica de cada actor predomina una lectura crítica que reconoce las proezas y fuerzas de sus luchas y, al tiempo, pondera sus limitantes y delimitaciones políticas y teóricas.

Abstract installment of the analysis of the conjuncture social explosion 2021. It should be recalled that the first focused on the triggers of the outbreak. The second article will address some of the most prominent actors-subjects of the mobilizations: National Strike Committee, university student body, university faculty, peasantry, indigenous communities, Afro-descendant organizations, front lines and government. The aim is to dissect this group of actors, by deploying the dialectical materialist method in the perspective of the analysis of the political-economic situation. Prior to the dissection, a brief dissertation is elaborated on the notion of actor in sociological perspective, with the aim of showing that, from this scientific discipline, the action of the subject is intertwined with the structure. This principle applies to the actors of the social outburst and, therefore, it is understood that, even when dissected, the structural traverses and subsumes them. In the analytical reconstruction of each actor, a critical reading predominates, which recognizes the prowess and strengths of their struggles and, at the same time, weighs their political and theoretical limitations and delimitations.

Lat Am Policy ; 13(1): 104-121, 2022 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35601252


This study analyzes the use of Twitter by Colombian political elites during the Covid-19 pandemic, employing qualitative and quantitative methods and techniques. We collected Twitter data on the Colombian president, the mayor of Bogota, and all the members of the Congress of Colombia. We then analyzed qualitatively the content of the most popular tweets sent by President Iván Duque, Mayor Claudia López, and Gustavo Petro, the leader of the opposition. We also analyzed the growth in the number of their followers during the pandemic. We found that the most popular tweets from Colombian opposition politicians were often related to criticism of the government. López also informed her constituency about the state of the capital. President Duque's most popular tweets were primarily informative. During the pandemic, all three politicians gained a significant number of Twitter followers.

El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el uso de Twitter por parte de las élites políticas colombianas durante la pandemia de Covid­19. Para ello, empleamos métodos y técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas. Recogimos datos de Twitter sobre el presidente colombiano, la alcaldesa de Bogotá y todos los miembros del Congreso de Colombia. A continuación, analizamos cualitativamente el contenido de los tuits más populares enviados por el presidente Duque, la alcaldesa López, y Petro, el líder de la oposición. También analizamos el crecimiento del número de sus seguidores durante la pandemia. Descubrimos que los tuits más populares de los políticos de la oposición colombiana solían estar relacionados con críticas al gobierno. López también informó a sus seguidores sobre el estado de la capital. Los tuits más populares del presidente Duque fueron principalmente informativos. Durante la pandemia, los tres políticos ganaron un número significativo de seguidores en Twitter.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 32(1): e320104, 2022. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376008


Resumo O artigo busca caracterizar as pessoas que frequentam diferentes espaços de participação no Brasil. Para isso, realizou-se um estudo de estatística descritiva, a partir de dados de um inquérito maior, a Pesquisa Nacional em Saúde (PNS), que contou com 64.348 respondentes. Os dados foram analisados conforme a frequência de participação dividida em quatro blocos de atividades participativas: sexo, escolaridade, renda e estado civil dos participantes. Os resultados mostraram que a maior frequência de participação foi em eventos e cultos religiosos (69,7%), seguidos pelas atividades artísticas e esportivas em grupo (26,2%), depois por reuniões de associações de moradores ou funcionários, movimentos comunitários, centros acadêmicos ou similares (16,1%) e, por último, em trabalho voluntário não remunerado (12,1%). Observou-se que as mulheres tiveram participação mais intensa em cultos e atividades religiosas (76,4%), enquanto os homens participaram mais de atividades artísticas e culturais (33,5%). Quanto a faixa de renda e escolaridade, o estudo mostrou que quanto mais elevadas eram essas duas categorias, maior foi a frequência de participação. Evidencia-se, do ponto de vista político e democrático, que a participação no Brasil é escassa e marcada pelo elitismo.

Abstract This article seeks to characterize people who attend different spaces of participation in Brazil. For this, a study of descriptive statistics was carried out, using data from a larger survey, the National Health Survey (NHS), which had 64,348 respondents. The data were analyzed according to the frequency of participation divided into four blocks of participatory activities: sex, education, income and marital status of the participants. The results showed that the highest frequency of participation was in religious events and cults (69.7%), followed by artistic and sports activities in groups (26.2%), then by meetings of associations of residents or employees, community movements, academic or similar centers (16.1%) and, finally, in unpaid voluntary work (12.1%). It was observed that women had a more intense participation in cults and religious activities (76.4%), while men participated more in artistic and cultural activities (33.5%). As for income and education, the study showed that the higher these two categories were, the higher the frequency of participation. It is evident, from a political and democratic point of view, that participation in Brazil is scarce and marked by elitism.

Participación Social , Sociedad Civil , Brasil , Democracia , Activismo Político , Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil
rev. psicogente ; 24(45): 108-127, ene.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366072


Resumen Objetivo: Determinar los efectos depresivos causados por el aislamiento preventivo por la pandemia del Covid-19 en estudiantes y docentes universitarios. Método: Enfoque cuantitativo a nivel descriptivo-correlacional. Se aplicó el inventario de depresión de Beck a una muestra de 100 docentes y 394 estudiantes de una universidad pública en Colombia. Resultados: En cuanto a los niveles de afectación no hay diferencias significativas entre docentes y estudiantes, sin embargo, sí hay diferencias respecto al género, con mayor incidencia en los hombres; así mismo se identificó que las personas entre 16 y 35 años se ubican en los niveles de depresión moderada y grave. Para el estado civil se determinó con mayor presencia en la depresión mínima, contrario a las personas viudas que se concentran en el nivel de depresión grave. Conclusión: Para las personas encuestadas se presentó algún nivel de afectación, lo que se convierte en un antecedente de los posibles efectos del aislamiento preventivo obligatorio. Los resultados del estudio son relevantes para la generación de programas de intervención en bienestar universitario que mitiguen el efecto de esta situación de anormalidad social. Dado que la muestra no es probabilística no se pueden hacer inferencias, sin embargo, los resultados reflejan la existencia de afectaciones en un grupo considerable de personas que no pueden ser deslegitimadas.

Abstract Objective: To determine the depressive effects caused by preventive isolation by the Covid-19 pandemic on university students and teachers. Methods: Quantitative approach at the descriptive-correlational level. Beck's depression inventory was applied to a sample of 100 teachers and 394 students of a public university in Colombia. Results: There were no significant differences between teachers and students in terms of the levels of affectation, but there were differences with respect to gender, with a greater incidence in men; likewise, it was identified that people between 16 and 35 years old are located in the levels of moderate and severe depression. Marital status was determined to be more prevalent in minimal depression, as opposed to widows who are concentrated in severe depression Conclusion: For the people surveyed, there was some level of affectation, which becomes a background of the possible effects of compulsory preventive isolation. The results of the study are relevant for the generation of intervention programs in university welfare that mitigate the effect of this situation of social abnormality. Since the sample is not probabilistic, no inferences can be made, however, the results reflect the existence of affectations in a considerable group of people that cannot be delegitimized.

Resumo Objectivo: Determinar os efeitos depressivos causados pelo isolamento preventivo pela pandemia de Covid-19 em estudantes universitários e professores. Métodos: Abordagem quantitativa a nível descritivo-correlacional. O inventário de depressão de Beck foi aplicado a uma amostra de 100 professores e 394 estudantes de uma universidade pública na Colômbia. Resultados: Não houve diferenças significativas entre professores e estudantes em termos dos níveis de afecção, mas houve diferenças no que diz respeito ao género, com maior incidência nos homens; do mesmo modo, foi identificado que as pessoas entre os 16 e 35 anos de idade estão localizadas nos níveis de depressão moderada e grave. O estado civil foi determinado como sendo mais prevalecente em depressão mínima, ao contrário das viúvas que se concentram em depressão severa. Conclusão: Para as pessoas inquiridas, houve algum nível de afetação, que se torna um pano de fundo dos possíveis efeitos do isolamento preventivo obrigatório. Os resultados do estudo são relevantes para a geração de programas de intervenção no bem-estar universitário que atenuem o efeito desta situação de anormalidade social. Uma vez que a amostra não é probabilística, não se podem fazer inferências, no entanto, os resultados reflectem a existência de afecções num grupo considerável de pessoas que não podem ser deslegitimadas.

Data Brief ; 35: 106725, 2021 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33553516


The dataset shows the relationship and valuation of the coastal dunes of the Araucanía region in Chile. The valuation of the local population was surveyed using a questionnaire applied to 49 subjects belonging to Mapuche communities and local government. The data consists of eight tables that show a list of questions, the number of times per year that visit the dunes, cultural practices carried out in the dunes, valuation of ecosystem services provided by the coastal dunes, and knowledge about flora and fauna. Lastly, the original questionnaire and its responses in Spanish and English are included in supplemantary material. This dataset was generated within the framework of the manuscript "Ecosystem services and uses of dune systems of the coast of the Araucanía Region, Chile: a perception study" where 23 leaders of Mapuche communities and 26 representatives of the local government were interviewed. The dataset can be used to compare the valuation of ecosystems by local communities, especially when quantitative data are scarce or do not exist.

Sci Total Environ ; 758: 143999, 2021 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33340810


Coastal zones are complex systems where sustainability needs local participative governance, whose absence may result in conflicts between social actors. In its absence, the first step should be a diagnosis of the current situation based on integrative conceptual frameworks such as the DPSIR. However, in conflicting situations, the generated model needs validation from social actors. Chiloé Island is a critical Chilean coastal fishery and aquaculture area, coexisting with subsistence and cultural uses of marine resources. This article analyzes the current ecological state of the Chiloé coastal zone and its main social-ecological impact using a DPSIR model. We validated its results through a household survey and interviews with local experts and social actors. Results show that increased coastal fisheries and aquaculture generate a critical decrease of coastal species, eutrophication, and pollution that, along with harmful algal blooms, generate conflicts. Social validation showed that experts and local social actors have different perceptions of conflicting parties and conflict solutions. Following a post-normal approach, we propose three ideas to start social-ecological governance of Chiloé coastal marine ecosystems.

Environ Manage ; 66(6): 966-984, 2020 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32936327


We examine deforestation processes in Apuí, a deforestation hotspot in Brazil's state of Amazonas and present processes of land-use change on this Amazonian development frontier. Settlement projects attract agents whose clearing reflects land accumulation and the economic importance of deforestation. We used a mixed-method approach in the Rio Juma Settlement to examine colonization and deforestation trajectories for 35 years at three scales of analysis: the entire landscape, cohorts of settlement lots divided by occupation periods, and lots grouped by landholding size per household. All sizes of landholdings are deforesting much more than before, and current political and economic forces favoring the agribusiness sector foreshadow increasing rates of forest clearing for pasture establishment in Apuí. The area cleared per year over the 2013-2018 period in Apuí grew by a percentage more than twice the corresponding percentage for the Brazilian Amazon as a whole. With the national congress and presidential administration signaling impunity for illegal deforestation, wealthy actors, and groups are investing resources in land grabbing and land accumulation, with land speculation being a crucial deforestation factor. This paper is unique in providing causal explanations at the decision-maker's level on how deforestation trajectories are linked to economic and political events (period effects) at the larger scales, adding to the literature by showing that such effects were more important than aging and cohort effects as explanations for deforestation trajectories. Additional research is needed to deepen our understanding of relations between land speculation, illegal possession of public lands, and the expansion of agricultural frontiers in Amazonia.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Bosques , Agricultura , Brasil , Humanos , Políticas
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 54(1): 162-180, jan.-fev. 2020. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092384


Resumo Este artigo procurou compreender a atuação dos atores no processo de construção social da agenda de inclusão financeira no Brasil, utilizando a Teoria Ator-Rede (TAR) como lente teórica, visto que a formação da agenda pode ser compreendida como um contínuo processo de associações que envolve diferentes mediadores. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com representantes das instituições envolvidas no processo de construção da agenda em tela, bem como de fontes documentais. A dinâmica do processo de construção da agenda de inclusão financeira foi analisada considerando os quatro momentos da translação (problematização, atração de interesses, recrutamento e mobilização) apresentados na literatura pertinente. Verificou-se que a agenda de inclusão financeira no Brasil é fruto de um processo incremental, que contou com a atuação de uma ampla gama de atores (do governo, do mercado, fomentadores e estudiosos e internacionais) e que foi influenciada por alguns elementos não humanos, destacando-se o Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) como ator focal do processo.

Resumen Este artículo se propuso comprender el papel de los actores en el proceso de construcción social de la agenda de inclusión financiera en Brasil, utilizando la teoría del actor-red (TAR) como lente teórica, ya que la formación de la agenda puede entenderse como un proceso continuo de asociaciones que involucra a diferentes mediadores. Los datos se recolectaron a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas con representantes de las instituciones involucradas en el proceso de construcción de la agenda en cuestión, así como de fuentes documentales. Se analizó la dinámica del proceso de construcción de la agenda de inclusión financiera considerando los cuatro momentos de la traducción (problematización, participación, enrolamiento y movilización) presentados en la literatura relevante. Se comprobó que la agenda de inclusión financiera en Brasil es el resultado de un proceso incremental, al que asistieron una amplia gama de actores (gobierno, mercado, desarrolladores y académicos, así como internacionales) y que fue influenciada por algunos elementos no humanos, entre los que se destaca el Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) como el actor central del proceso.

Abstract This article adopts the perspective of the actor-network theory to understand the role of the actors in the process of social construction of the financial inclusion agenda, considering that agenda-setting can be seen as a continuous process of associations that involves different mediators. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with representatives of the institutions involved in the process of agenda-setting examined, as well as from documentary sources. The dynamics of the process of developing the financial inclusion agenda were analyzed considering the four moments (problematization, interessement, enrolment, and mobilization) presented in the relevant literature. The research found out that the financial inclusion agenda in Brazil is the result of an incremental process, which was attended by a wide range of actors (government, market, developers and scholars, and also international actors) and it was influenced by some non-human elements, among which the Central Bank of Brazil (BCB) stands out as the focal actor of the process.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Admisión y Programación de Personal , Financiación de la Atención de la Salud , Administración Financiera , Política Pública
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1396183


Hoy en día el conocimiento avanza a pasos agigantados. Cada vez hay más fonoau-diólogos en diversas áreas de la profesión. Llama la atención de muchos el área ar-tística, pues es un área poco explorada y amplia. Este artículo tiene el objetivo de reflexionar sobre la intervención vocal en artistas (cantantes, actores y otros). Su im-plementación debe comprender una mirada completa de la persona: voz, fisiología, fisiopatología, emociones, rol, aspectos médicos, farmacológicos y características in-dividuales. Esto promueve la adherencia de un profesional de la voz a su área de conocimiento y genera un espacio de sanidad, exploración y libertad artística en términos actuales, incluso en medio de una pandemia

Nowadays the knowledge is advancing by leaps and bounds. The number of Speech Pathologists in different areas of the profession has increased. The artistic area calls the attention of many, because it is a hardly explored and wide area. This article aims to reflect on vocal intervention on artists (singers, actors and others). Its imple-mentation should include a thorough overview of the person: voice, physiology, phy-siopathology, emotions, role, medical and pharmacological aspects and individual characteristics. This promotes the adhesion of a voice professional to their area of its own knowledge, thus allowing a space for healing, exploration and artistic freedom in current terms, even in the midst of a pandemic

Logopedia , Calidad de la Voz , Entrenamiento de la Voz , Trastornos de la Voz , Enfermedades Otorrinolaringológicas , Habla , Voz , Fonoaudiología , Canto , Música
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 32: e020003, 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1135939


Resumen En este texto se propone un esquema para analizar dilemas éticos en el contexto de la pandemia del Covid 19, los cuales se presentan ante un conflicto moral al que se enfrenta una persona (por criterios normativos en tensión) o, cuando varias personas o instancias normativas tienen distintas estrategias ante un evento específico y, además, cada quien asume que su postura es la más aceptable. La ética no decide cuál es la referencia moral correcta, sino que analiza los supuestos de distintas normatividades y acompaña a tomar conciencia de los mismos. El texto no propone soluciones, sino que presenta un esquema de análisis ético, que considera como insumo clave la identificación de actores relacionados con el contexto de la pandemia y la forma en que son tomados en cuenta. Se recupera la categoría de cuidado, como recomendación central para lidiar con la pandemia y como supuesto de todo análisis ético.

Resumo Este texto propõe um esquema para analisar dilemas éticos, no contexto da pandemia Covid 19, que se apresentam diante de um conflito moral enfrentado por uma pessoa (por critérios normativos em tensão) ou quando várias pessoas ou órgãos políticos têm estratégias diferentes diante de um evento específico e, além disso, cada um assume que sua posição é a mais aceitável. A ética não decide qual é a referência moral correta, mas analisa os pressupostos de diferentes normatividades e auxilia a a tomar conhecimento deles. O texto não propõe soluções, mas apresenta um esquema de análise ética, que considera como insumo fundamental a identificação de atores relacionados ao contexto da pandemia e como são levados em conta. A categoria de cuidado é recuperada como recomendação central para lidar com a pandemia e como pressuposto de toda a análise ética.

Abstract This text proposes a scheme to analyze ethical dilemmas in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic, which present the sembling of a moral conflict faced by a person (by tensed normative criteria) or when several people or policy-bodies have different strategies in the face of a specific event and, in addition, each one assumes that their position is the most acceptable one. Ethics does not decide what the correct moral reference is, it analyses different normativity assumptions and helps to become aware of them. The text does not propose solutions, but presents an ethical analysis scheme that considers as a key input the identification of actors related to the context of the pandemic and how they are taken into account. The category of care is restored as a central recommendation to deal with the pandemic and as an assumption of all the ethical analysis.

Estrategias de Salud , Análisis Ético , Pandemias , Moral , Normas Sociales
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 25(1): e25063, jan.- dez. 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1047336


Há um sentimento de promessa não realizada quando se analisa o progresso do projeto crítico da Educação Física desde a virada da segunda década do século XXI. Estudos de qualidade continuam a emergir em torno da pedagogia crítica da Educação Física, evidenciando o prolongado comprometimento com sua promessa de fornecer aos aprendizes recursos pessoais e intelectuais que são necessários na orientação de produtivos futuros sadios num mundo cada mais complexo. Neste artigo nós discutimos destacados exemplos de investigações contemporâneas que demonstram as contínuas lutas em contextos práticos e revisita barreiras que continuam a restringir as aspirações dos estudos críticos. Focando na Educação Física como uma prática cultural e curricular nas escolas australianas, nós damos primazia aos modos pelos quais políticas diretivas podem ser melhor mobilizadas para capacitar a agenda crítica

There is a sense of unfulfilled promise as one reflects on the progress of the critical project in Physical Education (PE) at the turn of the second decade of the 21st century. Quality scholarship continues to emerge around critical pedagogy in PE, evidencing sustained commitment to its promise to provide learners with personal and intellectual resources needed in navigating productive healthy futures in an increasingly complex world. In this paper we discuss select examples of contemporary research to demonstrate ongoing struggles in practice-based contexts and revisit barriers that continue to restrict the translational aspirations of critical scholars. Focusing on PE as a cultural and curriculum practice in Australian schools, we give primacy to the ways in which policy directives might be better mobilised to enable the critical agenda

Hay un sentimiento de promesa no cumplida cuando se analiza el progreso del proyecto crítico de la Educación Física desde el giro de la segunda década del siglo XXI. Estudios de calidad continúan a emerger en torno a la pedagogía crítica de la Educación Física, evidenciando el prolongado compromiso con su promesa de ofrecer a los aprendices recursos personales e intelectuales que son necesarios en la orientación de productivos futuros saludables en un mundo cada vez más complejo. En ese artículo discutimos destacados ejemplos de investigaciones contemporáneas que demuestran las continuas luchas en contextos prácticos y revisita barreras que continúan restringiendo las aspiraciones de los discursos críticos. Con foco en la Educación Física como una práctica cultural y curricular en las escuelas australianas, priorizamos los modos por los cuales políticas directivas pueden ser mejor movilizadas para capacitar la agenda crítica

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Educación y Entrenamiento Físico , Enseñanza , Curriculum , Educación Primaria y Secundaria , Maestros
Rev. psicol. polit ; 19(spe): 173-198, dez. 2019. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1099266


O objeto da investigação é o rompimento da barragem da Samarco, que carregou rejeitos pelo Rio Doce até a foz em Regência/Espírito Santo e, por consequência, trouxe à luz um cenário de articulações e obras em torno da água em seus múltiplos usos. Representantes do governo federal e dos estados afetados articularam-se para tratar de ações para reparar danos do desastre mediante a confecção do TTAC e um arranjo institucional, quando surge a Fundação Renova. Para isso, como metodologia, se utiliza dos relatórios mensais da Fundação Renova e de notícias do site institucional da Prefeitura de Colatina, inclusive observando possibilidades e desafios na experiência de participação social. Os resultados da abordagem do desastre percorrem os âmbitos econômico, político, socioambiental e cultural. As decisões tomadas em torno da água resultam num arranjo institucional, na interação de interesses, na organização de relações de poder e de atores sociais na escolha e uso de certos instrumentos de tensionamento.

The object of the investigation is the rupture of the Samarco dam, which carried tailings along the Doce River to the mouth in Regência / Espírito Santo and, consequently, brought to light a scenario of articulations and works around the water in its multiple uses. Representatives of the federal government and affected states came together to address actions to repair disaster damage through the making of the TTAC and an institutional arrangement, when the Renova Foundation appears. For this, as a methodology, it uses the monthly reports of the Renova Foundation and news from the institutional website of Colatina City Hall, including observing possibilities and challenges in the experience of social participation. The results of the disaster approach span economic, political, socio-environmental and cultural spheres. Decisions made around water result in institutional arrangement, interaction of interests, organization of power relations and social actors in the choice and use of certain tensioning instruments.

El objeto de la investigación es la ruptura de la presa Samarco, que llevó los relaves a lo largo del río Doce hasta la desembocadura en Regência / Espírito Santo y, en consecuencia, sacó a la luz un escenario de articulaciones y obras alrededor del agua en sus múltiples usos. Representantes del gobierno federal y los estados afectados se unieron para abordar acciones para reparar daños por desastre mediante la creación del TTAC y un acuerdo institucional, cuando aparece la Fundación Renova. Para esto, como metodología, utiliza los informes mensuales de la Fundación Renova y las noticias del sitio web institucional del Ayuntamiento de Colatina, incluida la observación de las posibilidades y desafíos en la experiencia de participación social. Los resultados del enfoque de desastre abarcan las esferas económicas, política, socioambiental y cultural. Las decisiones tomadas en torno al agua resultan en arreglos institucionales, interacción de intereses, organización de relaciones de poder y actores sociales en la elección y uso de ciertos instrumentos tensores.

L'objet de l'enquête est la rupture du barrage de Samarco, qui a entraîné des résidus le long de la rivière Doce jusqu'à l'embouchure de Regência / Espírito Santo et, par conséquent, a mis en évidence un scénario d'articulations et de travaux autour de l'eau aux multiples utilisations. Des représentants du gouvernement fédéral et des États touchés se sont réunis pour examiner les mesures à prendre pour réparer les dégâts causés par une catastrophe grâce à la création du TTAC et à un arrangement institutionnel, lors de la fondation de la Fondation Renova. Pour ce faire, il utilise comme méthodologie les rapports mensuels de la Fondation Renova et les nouvelles du site Web institutionnel de la mairie de Colatina, notamment en observant les possibilités et les difficultés de l'expérience de la participation sociale. Les résultats de cette approche englobent les sphères économique, politique, socio-environnementale et culturelle. Les décisions prises autour de l'eau résultent en un arrangement institutionnel, une interaction des intérêts, une organisation des relations de pouvoir et des acteurs sociaux dans le choix et l'utilisation de certains instruments de tension.

Obes Rev ; 20 Suppl 2: 67-77, 2019 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30618143


Mexico is one of the countries with the highest prevalence of obesity and recently declared a national epidemic of diabetes. Healthy food environments have the potential to improve the diet of the population and decrease the burden of disease. The aim of the study was to assess the efforts of the Mexican Government towards creating healthier food environments using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI). The tool was developed by the International Network for Food and Obesity/Non-communicable Diseases Research, Monitoring and Action Support (INFORMAS). Then, it was adapted to the Latin-American context and assessed the components of policy and infrastructure support. Actors from academia, civil society, government, and food industry assessed the level of implementation of food policies compared with international best practices. Actors were classified as (1) independents from academia and civil society (n = 36), (2) government (n = 28), and (3) industry (n = 6). The indicators with the highest percentage of implementation were those related to monitoring and intelligence. Those related to food retail were rated lowest. When stratified by type of actor, the government officials rated several indicators at a higher percentage of implementation compared with independent actors. None of the indicators were rated at high implementation. Government officials and independent actors agreed upon nine priority actions to improve the food environment in Mexico. These actions have the potential to improve government commitment and advocacy efforts to create healthier food environments.

Política Nutricional , Obesidad/prevención & control , Planificación Ambiental , Abastecimiento de Alimentos , Implementación de Plan de Salud , Humanos , México
Poiésis (En línea) ; 36(Ene.-Jul.): 27-45, 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-994707


La educación en valores para la paz una semilla que es urgente cosechar entre la familia y la escuela. El nuevo Acuerdo de Paz constituye una nueva Agenda nacional donde todos somos corresponsables: un nuevo Acuerdo Final para la Terminación del Conflicto y la Construcción de una Paz Estable y Duradera. Ser constructor de la paz estable y duradera significa apuntar a una educación de presente y de futuro. La guerra en la que nos destruimos la hacemos los unos contra los otros, la paz en la que nos reconstruimos la hacemos los unos con los otros. Al derecho fundamental a la educación se corresponde otro derecho igualmente fundamental: "la paz ha venido siendo calificada universalmente como un derecho humano superior, y requisito necesario para el ejercicio de todos los demás derechos y deberes de las personas y del ciudadano" (Acuerdo Final, 2016, p. 2). Todos los seres humanos tenemos derecho a ser educados para la paz. Muchas veces las guerras y los conflictos armados no consiguen alcanzar una o dos generaciones; la paz debe alcanzar todas las generaciones; las presentes y las futuras, para romper la recirculación de la violencia. Todos tenemos "derecho a una vida libre de violencia". Para ello Familia y Escuela deben trabajar en simbiosis como los primeros maestros y constructores de paz.

Education in values for peace a seed that is urgent to harvest between the family and the school. The new Peace Agreement constitutes a new national Schedule where we are all co-responsible: a new Final Agreement for the Termination of the Conflict and the Construction of a Stable and Lasting Peace. To be a stable and lasting peacebuilder means to aim at an education of the present and the future. The war in which we destroy ourselves is done against each other, the peace in which we rebuild is done with one another. The fundamental right to education corresponds to another equally fundamental right: "Peace has been universally qualified as a superior human right, and a necessary requirement for the exercise of all other rights and duties of individuals and citizens" (Final Agreement, 2016, p. 2). All human beings have the right to be educated for peace. Many times wars and armed conflicts fail to reach one or two generations; peace must reach all generations; present and future, to break the recirculation of violence. We all have "the right to a life free of violence." For this Family and School must work in symbiosis as the first teachers and builders of peace.

Humanos , Ajuste Social , Valores Sociales , Familia/psicología , Víctimas de Crimen/educación , Conflictos Armados/psicología , Resiliencia Psicológica
Mem. Inst. Invest. Cienc. Salud (Impr.) ; 15(2): 85-96, ago. 2017. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-869115


Las leishmaniosis cutánea y mucocutánea son endémicas en el departamento de Alto Paraná. En los últimos años ha disminuido el número de casos y se han diagnosticado los primeros pacientes y perros positivos con leishmaniosis visceral. Con el objetivo de describir la situación actual de las leishmaniosis en este departamento e identificar la percepción de actores políticos, agentes del sistema de salud e informantes claves de la comunidad en relación a diferentes formas de la enfermedad, se realizó una revisión documental sobre el control, diagnóstico y tratamiento, además de un estudio exploratorio observacional, descriptivo y cualitativo con los entrevistados. En zonas urbanas conocían la enfermedad en todas sus formas, no así en zonas rurales, donde los funcionarios jóvenes de salud, no identificaron signos ni síntomas debido a la alta rotación, mientras que la capacitación en las veterinarias a nivel rural es limitada. El SENEPA trabaja en coordinación con las municipalidades y las Unidades de Salud Familiar. El diagnóstico está centralizado en los Centros de Salud y en el Hospital Regional de Ciudad del Este, donde se reciben los medicamentos por parte del Programa para el tratamiento. Las Unidades de Salud Familiar no poseen laboratorios y no disponen de fichas ni de insumos para el diagnóstico y tratamiento. La principal dificultad para el tratamiento es su discontinuidad y las dificultades económicas de la población para trasladarse a la ciudad, lo que dificulta el acceso a exámenes de laboratorio u otros estudios diagnósticos que sólo ahí se brindan.

Cutaneous and mucocutaneous leishmaniases are endemic in the department of AltoParaná. In recent years, the number of cases has decreased and the first patients andpositive dogs with visceral leishmaniasis have been diagnosed. In order to describe thecurrent situation of leishmaniasis in this department and to identify the perception ofpolitical actors, agents of the health system and key community informants in relation todifferent forms of the disease, a documentary review about the control, diagnosis and treatment was performed. An exploratory, observational, descriptive and qualitative studywith the interviewees was also carried out. In urban areas they knew the disease in all itsforms, but not in rural areas, where young health officials did not identify signs orsymptoms due to their high turnover while training in veterinary medicine at the rural levelis limited. SENEPA works in coordination with the municipalities and the Family Health Units. The diagnosis is centralized in the Health Centers and in the Regional Hospital of Ciudad delEste, where medicines are received from the Treatment Program. The Family Health Unitsdo not have laboratories and do not have supplies for diagnosis and treatment. The maincomplication for treatment is the discontinuity and the economic problems of the populationto move to the city, making difficult the access to laboratory tests or other diagnosticstudies that are only available there.

Animales , Enfermedades Endémicas , Leishmaniasis/epidemiología , Percepción , Salud Pública