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Ter. psicol ; 42(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565921


Antecedentes existe una relación entre el uso de Instagram y diferentes influencias e interacciones con el bienestar y salud mental de este grupo etario. Objetivo Reconstruir las representaciones sociales acerca de la red social Instagram de adultos emergentes con diferentes niveles de bienestar psicológico y autoestima corporal. Método redes semánticas naturales y entrevistas semiestructuradas fueron aplicadas a N=12 adultos emergentes (19 - 27 años) divididos en dos grupos según sus niveles de autoestima corporal y bienestar psicológico. El análisis de datos estuvo basado en análisis de redes semánticas naturales y algunos procedimientos de codificación teórica. Resultados se muestra la presencia del concepto de "acoso" como núcleo central de la representación social de Instagram en el grupo con baja autoestima corporal y bajo bienestar psicológico, a diferencia del grupo con alta autoestima corporal y alto bienestar psicológico en donde el núcleo central fue "red social". Conclusiones en los grupos estudiados, se encontraron dos representaciones sociales diferentes respecto de Instagram. Estos resultados pueden ser relevantes para aportar a llenar el vacío de conocimiento sobre los significados subjetivos colectivos de los adultos emergentes, teniendo implicancias en la mejor comprensión de las diversas formas de relación que establecen con esta y otras redes sociales.

Background There is a relationship between the use of Instagram and various influences and interactions with the well-being and mental health of this age group. Objective To reconstruct the social representations of the Instagram social network among emerging adults with different levels of psychological well-being and body esteem. Method Natural semantic networks and semi-structured interviews were conducted with N=12 emerging adults (19 - 27 years old) divided into two groups based on their body self-esteem and psychological well-being levels. Data analysis relied on natural semantic network analysis and theoretical coding. Results The concept of "harassment" is revealed as the central core of the social representation of Instagram in the group with low body self-esteem and low psychological well-being, unlike the group with high body esteem and high psychological well-being where the central core was the "social network" itself. Conclusions Two different social representations of Instagram were found in the studied groups. These results could contribute to filling the knowledge gap about the collective subjective meanings of emerging adults, impacting the better understanding of the diverse relationships they establish with this and other social networks.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 121-131, abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560616


La adolescencia es un período crítico para el desarrollo de la autoestima, por ello, es importante que las instituciones educativas promuevan su desarrollo con la finalidad de que los estudiantes tengan los suficientes recursos protectores, de ajuste psicológico y social. Objetivo. Determinar la relación entre la autoestima y la agresividad en un grupo de adolescentes peruanos. Materiales y métodos. La población estuvo conformada por estudiantes, el número de la muestra por selección aleatoria fue de 324 adolescentes, varones entre 11 y 17 años de edad. Se utilizó la escala de autoestima de Rosenberg y el cuestionario de agresión-AQ de Buss y Perry; el estudio es de nivel correlacional y el diseño de campo, transversal. Resultados. Mostraron que no existe relación significativa entre las variables, ambas se comportan independientemente, los niveles obtenidos en el estudio fueron medios altos y altos, la agresividad física y verbal fueron predominantes. Conclusiones. Los resultados señalan que no necesariamente por poseer niveles bajos de autoestima, el constructo agresividad se encuentra presente en niveles elevados.

Adolescence is a critical period for the development of self-esteem; therefore, it is important that educational institutions promote its development so that students have sufficient protective, psychological and social adjustment resources. Objective. To determine the relationship between self-esteem and aggressiveness in a group of Peruvian adolescents. Materials and methods. The population consisted of students, the number of the sample by random selection was 324 adolescents, males between 11 and 17 years of age. The Rosenberg self-esteem scale and the Buss and Perry aggression-AQ questionnaire were used; the study was correlational and the field design was cross-sectional. Results. They showed that there is no significant relationship between the variables, both behave independently, the levels obtained in the study were medium high and high, physical and verbal aggression were predominant. Conclusions. The results indicate that the aggressiveness construct is not necessarily present at high levels because of low levels of self-esteem.

A adolescência é um período crítico para o desenvolvimento da autoestima, pelo que é importante que as instituições educativas promovam o seu desenvolvimento para que os alunos disponham de recursos de proteção, psicológicos e de ajustamento social suficientes. Objetivo. Determinar a relação entre a autoestima e a agressividade num grupo de adolescentes peruanos. Materiais e métodos. A população foi constituída por estudantes, o número da amostra por seleção aleatória foi de 324 adolescentes, do sexo masculino, entre os 11 e os 17 anos de idade. Foi utilizada a escala de autoestima de Rosenberg e o questionário de agressividade-AQ de Buss e Perry; o estudo foi correlacional e o desenho de campo foi transversal. Resultados. Mostraram que não há relação significativa entre as variáveis, ambas se comportam de forma independente, os níveis obtidos no estudo foram médio alto e alto, predominando a agressão física e verbal. Conclusões. Os resultados indicam que o constructo agressividade não está necessariamente presente em níveis elevados devido aos baixos níveis de autoestima.

Humanos , Niño , Adolescente , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Psicosom. psiquiatr ; (28): 8-16, Ene-Mar, 2024. graf, ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-231740


Una de las disfunciones sexuales más comunes es el trastorno eréctil (TE). Pretendemos identificar factores asociados a la gravedad del TE. Treinta y seis hombres, entre 18 y 70 años, que presentan un diagnóstico de TE, basado en los criterios DSM-V, han sido evaluados a través de una entrevista clínica y de una batería de 7 cuestionarios (IIEF, SCL-90, PDQ-4, PSWQ, STAI, SSES, SSEI). La metodología se centró en un estudio cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo-correlacional de diseño ex post facto con muestreo por conveniencia. Los resultados del modelo de regresión final muestran que la autoeficacia sexual, determinadas tendencias de personalidad y la sintomatología de depresión, somatización, obsesión-compulsión y ansiedad son factores asociados a la gravedad del TE, explicando el 51,3% de la varianza. Poder identificar aquellos factores asociados a la gravedad del TE, puede tener una relevante importancia para poder trabajar en su prevención y mejorar la orientación de las intervenciones psicológicas.(AU)

One of the most common sexual dysfunctions is erectile disorder (ED). Therefore, this research aims to identify factors associated with the severity of ED. Thirty-six men, aged 18 to 70 years, with a diagnosis of ED, based on DSM-V criteria, were assessed by means of a clinical interview and a battery of 7 questionnaires (IIEF, SCL-90, PDQ-4, PSWQ, STAI, SSES, SSEI). The methodology focused on a quantitative, descriptive-correlational study of ex post facto design with convenience sampling. The results of the final regression model shows that sexual self-efficacy, certain personality tendencies and the symptomatology of depression, somatization, obsession-compulsion and anxiety are factors associated with the severity of TE, explaining 51.3% of the variance. Being able to identify those factors associated with the severity of TE may be of relevant importance in order to work on its prevention and improve the orientation of psychological interventions.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Sexualidad , Disfunción Eréctil , Disfunciones Sexuales Psicológicas , Ansiedad , Depresión , Autoimagen , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Medicina Psicosomática , Psiquiatría , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Enferm Clin (Engl Ed) ; 34(2): 96-107, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38432435


OBJECTIVE: Endometrium and cervical cancer is a common and important health problem that affects women in many physical, emotional and psychological aspects. This study aimed to determine the levels of depression and self-esteem in women with endometrial and cervical cancer receiving chemotherapy, determine the factors affecting them, and examine the relationship between the levels of depression and self-esteem. METHODS: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted with 158 women who came to the gynecology-oncology policlinic and chemotherapy unit of a training and research hospital in Izmir, western Türkiye, between April 2022 and April 2023. Data were collected with the "Descriptive Information Form", "Beck Depression Inventory" and "Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale". Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed to analyse the association between the study variables. RESULTS: In this study, 52.5% of women were diagnosed with endometrial cancer and 47.5% with cervical cancer. Beck Depression Inventory mean total score was 11.28 ±â€¯6.35, and 20.3% of them were at risk of depression (BDI ≥ 17). Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale mean total score was 21.06 ±â€¯3.85, and 97.5% of them had high self-esteem. There was a statistically significant and strong negative correlation between the mean total scores of the Beck Depression Inventory and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (r = 0.723; p < 0.05). It was determined that an increase in the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale mean total score by 1 unit decreased the Beck Depression Inventory mean total score by 1.2 units and was responsible for 52% of the variance (B = -1.192; R2 = 0.523). CONCLUSION: It was determined that one-fifth of women experienced moderate/severe depression and the majority of them had high self-esteem. The increase in women's depression levels decreased their self-esteem. Health professionals and oncology nurses should perform screenings to determine the depression and self-esteem levels of women with endometrial and cervical cancer and provide necessary education, counseling, and care to women.

Depresión , Neoplasias Endometriales , Autoimagen , Neoplasias del Cuello Uterino , Humanos , Femenino , Estudios Transversales , Neoplasias del Cuello Uterino/psicología , Neoplasias del Cuello Uterino/tratamiento farmacológico , Persona de Mediana Edad , Neoplasias Endometriales/psicología , Neoplasias Endometriales/tratamiento farmacológico , Adulto , Turquía , Antineoplásicos/efectos adversos , Antineoplásicos/uso terapéutico , Anciano
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569880


Introducción: La autoestima es la valoración que las personas se hacen sobre sí mismas; manifiesta una actitud aprobatoria que señala la medida en que se consideran importantes, capaces, dignas y exitosas, es decir, un juicio de mérito. Objetivo: Evaluar el nivel de autoestima en adultos mayores. Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal en 59 pacientes. Se estudiaron las variables sexo, grupos de edades, antecedentes patológicos personales y nivel de autoestima. Resultados: Se observó mayor representación del rango etario entre los 71 y 80 años de edad (n= 29; 49,1 %), sexo femenino (n= 30; 50,8 %). El antecedente patológico personal más frecuente fue la hipertensión arterial; se observó predominio del nivel medio de autoestima (n= 38; 64,4 %) y ningún paciente con baja autoestima (n= 0). Conclusiones: El nivel de autoestima predominante en adultos mayores es medio.

Introduction: Self-esteem is the assessment that people make about themselves; manifests an approving attitude that indicates the extent to which they consider themselves important, capable, worthy and successful, that is, a judgment of merit. Objective: To evaluate the level of self-esteem in older adults. Methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study in 59 patients. The variables sex, age groups, personal pathological history and level of self-esteem were studied. Results: Greater representation was observed in the age range between 71 and 80 years of age (n= 29; 49.1%), female (n= 30; 50.8%). The most common personal pathological history was high blood pressure; A predominance of the medium level of self-esteem was observed (n= 38; 64.4%) and no patient with low self-esteem (n= 0). Conclusions: The predominant level of self-esteem in older adults is medium.

Salud ment ; 47(1): 23-33, Jan.-Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560492


Abstract Introduction Although the COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted the mental health of vulnerable populations, such as adolescent mothers, very few studies have documented the prevalence of postpartum depression (PPD) in this population. Objective a) Determine the frequency of PPD (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale [EPDS] ≥ 9) in adolescent mothers before (AM-BP) and during (AM-DP) the pandemic, b) Examine psychosocial factors (self-esteem, maternal efficacy, social support, depression and anxiety in pregnancy, planned and wanted pregnancy) in AM-BP and AM-DP, and c) Determine whether being an AM-DP was a significant factor for experiencing PPD (EPDS ≥ 9). Method Cross sectional study. Subjects: Forty-one AM-BP recruited at Health Centers and interviewed face to face and forty-one AM-DP surveyed online. Results PPD (EPDS ≥ 9) was 42% (p = .001) more frequent in AM-DP. The groups differed significantly in all psychosocial factors, with AM-DP faring worse. Unadjusted regressions showed that being an AM-DP, having lower maternal efficacy and self-esteem, greater dissatisfaction with social support, and depression and/or anxiety in pregnancy increased PPD (EPDS ≥ 9). Adjusted multiple analysis indicated that lower self-esteem was the only factor to maintain its association with PPD (EPDS ≥ 9; p = .017). Discussion and conclusion The pandemic negatively affected PPD (EPDS ≥ 9) and psychosocial factors in AM-DP, as compared to AM-BP, with self-esteem being the main factor associated with PPD (EPDS ≥ 9). In situations of extreme stress as happened in the pandemic, the mental health of adolescent mothers should be prioritized to prevent negative effects such as PPD. PPD preventive and treatment interventions should consider strengthening self-esteem.

Resumen Introducción La pandemia por COVID-19 tuvo un impacto negativo en la salud mental de poblaciones vulnerables, como las madres adolescentes, no obstante, escasos estudios documentaron la prevalencia de depresión posparto (DPP) en esta población. Objetivo a) Conocer la frecuencia de DPP (Escala Edinburgh para la Depresión Postnatal [EPDS] ≥ 9) en madres adolescentes antes de la pandemia (MA-AP) y durante la pandemia (MA-DP), b) Examinar algunos factores psicosociales (autoestima, eficacia materna, apoyo social, depresión y ansiedad en el embarazo, embarazo planeado y deseado) en MA-AP y MA-DP, y, c) Analizar si ser MA-DP, fue un factor significativo para experimentar DPP (EPDS ≥ 9). Método Estudio transversal. Participantes: 41 MA-AP captadas en Centros de Salud y 41 MA-DP encuestadas en línea. Resultados La DPP (EPDS ≥ 9) fue 42% (p = .001) más frecuente en las MA-DP. Los grupos difirieron significativamente en todos los factores psicosociales, en detrimento de las MA-DP. Las regresiones no ajustadas mostraron que ser MA-DP, tener menor eficacia materna y autoestima, mayor insatisfacción con el apoyo social, y depresión y/o ansiedad en el embarazo incrementaron la DPP (EPDS ≥ 9). El análisis múltiple ajustado indicó que una menor autoestima fue el único factor que mantuvo su asociación con DPP (EPDS ≥ 9; p = .017). Discusión y conclusión La pandemia tuvo un efecto negativo en la DPP (EPDS ≥ 9) y en factores psicosociales en MA-DP; la autoestima fue el principal factor asociado a la misma. Ante situaciones de estrés extremo, la salud mental de madres adolescentes debería ser prioritaria para prevenir efectos negativos como la DPP. Intervenciones preventivas y de tratamiento de DPP deben fortalecer la autoestima.

Eur. j. psychol. appl. legal context (Internet) ; 16(1): 37-48, Jan. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-230854


Background: There are serious doubts as to whether parental strictness, one of the two main dimensions of parental style, can be a negative or positive component of parenting in traditional societies. Method: Parenting style (authoritarian, authoritative, indulgent, and neglectful) was captured from strictness and warmth dimensions and child maladjustment was assessed with problems of self-esteem and self-concept (academic, social, emotional, family, and physical) studied worldwide. The sample was composed of 1,282 Chinese participants (676 females, 52.7%), 581 adolescent children (age ranging from 12-18 years, 45.3%), and 701 young adult children (age ranging from 19-31 years, 54.7%). A 4 × 2 × 2 factorial MANOVA was applied for all outcomes using parenting style, sex, and age as the independent variables. Results: The statistical analysis plainly indicated that authoritarian (strictness but not warmth) and neglectful (neither strictness nor warmth) parenting styles were associated with higher maladjustment in terms of lower self-esteem and self-concept scores. Indulgent (not strictness but warmth) and authoritative (strictness and warmth) parenting were positive parenting styles acting as protective factors against self-esteem and self-concept problems. The authoritative style (strictness and warmth), but not the authoritarian parenting style (strictness but not warmth), was the most positive parenting for academic self-concept, but only among adolescents. Conclusions: Interestingly, completely contrary to expectations that authoritarian parenting might be a positive parenting in traditional societies, present findings suggest that the authoritarian style might be a negative parenting related to child maladjustment. (AU)

Antecedentes: Existen serias dudas sobre si la severidad parental, una de las dos dimensiones principales del estilo parental, puede ser un componente negativo o positivo de la socialización en las sociedades tradicionales. Método: El estilo parental (autoritario, autorizativo, indulgente y negligente) se evaluó a partir de las dimensiones de severidad y afecto, y el desajuste de los hijos por medio de problemas de autoestima y autoconcepto (académicos, sociales, emocionales, familiares y físicos) estudiados en todo el mundo. La muestra estaba compuesta por 1,282 participantes chinos (676 mujeres, 52.7%), 581 hijos adolescentes (de 12 a 18 años, 45.3%) y 701 hijos adultos jóvenes (de 19 a 31 años, 54.7%). Se aplicó un MANOVA factorial 4 × 2 × 2 para todos los criterios utilizando el estilo parental, el sexo y la edad como variables independientes. Resultados: El análisis estadístico indicó claramente que el estilo parental autoritario (severidad sin afecto) y el negligente (ni severidad ni afecto) estaban relacionados con un mayor desajuste, como indican las menores puntuaciones de autoestima y autoconcepto. El estilo indulgente (afecto sin severidad) y el autorizativo (severidad y afecto) fueron estilos parentales positivos que actuaron como factores protectores contra los problemas de autoestima y autoconcepto. El estilo autorizativo (severidad y afecto), pero no el autoritario (severidad sin afecto), fue el más positivo para el autoconcepto académico, pero sólo en los adolescentes. Conclusiones: En contra de las expectativas de que el estilo parental autoritario podría ser positivo para la socialización en las sociedades tradicionales, los presentes resultados sugieren que la socialización autoritaria es un estilo parental negativo relacionado con problemas de desajuste de los hijos. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Crianza del Niño/psicología , Relaciones Padres-Hijo , Autoritarismo , Afecto , Maltrato a los Niños , Autoimagen , China
Psicol. educ. (Madr.) ; 30(1): 39-45, Ene. 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | IBECS | ID: ibc-228960


The objective of the present study was the standardization of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES; Rosenberg, 1989), adapted and validated by Martín-Albo et al. (2007) in the Spanish population at the secondary education stage. The sample consisted of 25,706 students, selected randomly. The analysis of the data obtained indicated an adequate factorial structure of the instrument and its invariance by sex. For a better adaptation of the scale, a division of the test was carried out according to the self-deprecation and self-confidence variables. The scales indicated an increase in self-confidence across both sexes with increasing age, but the girls’ scores were lower than the boys’ at all ages. The present research provides a self-esteem scale for Spanish adolescents through an assessment instrument that is easily applicable and accessible for the educational community. (AU)

El objetivo de la presente investigación ha sido la estandarización de la Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES; Rosenberg, 1989), adaptada y validada por Martín-Albo et al. (2007) en la población española de la etapa de educación secundaria. La muestra constaba de 25,706 alumnos, elegidos aleatoriamente. El análisis de los datos obtenidos indica que tiene una adecuada estructura factorial e invarianza por sexo. Para una mejor adecuación de la baremación se realizó una división de la prueba en las variables autodesprecio y autoconfianza. Los baremos indican que la autoconfianza en ambos géneros mejora a medida que aumenta la edad, siendo las puntuaciones de las chicas menores que las de los chicos en todas las edades. La investigación aporta una escala de autoestima para los adolescentes españoles mediante un instrumento de evaluación fácilmente aplicable y accesible para la comunidad educativa. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Autoimagen , Estándares de Referencia , España , Análisis Factorial , Análisis de Varianza
São José dos Campos; s.n; 2024. 53 p. ilus, tab.
Tesis en Portugués | BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1537409


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do nível sérico de zinco dos indivíduos em relação a força muscular e a na efetividade e durabilidade do tratamento com toxina botulínica (TB). Dezoito (18) pacientes foram selecionados, sendo que estes foram divididos posteriormente em 2 grupos: grupo 1 (G1) composto por pacientes que apresentavam Zn acima de 65 µg/dL e menor ou igual que 90 µg/dL e o grupo 2 (G2) com pacientes que apresentavam Zn acima 90 µg/dL e menor ou igual a 125 µg/dL. Todos os participantes tiveram a força de contração muscular mensurada por um eletromiógrafo de superfície (sEMG) (EMG System do Brasil Ltda, São José dos Campos, Brasil), em cada momento do acompanhamento (A1 ­ inicial; A2 ­ pós imediato; A3 ­ 2 semanas; A4 ­ 5 semanas; e A5 ­ 12 semanas). Além da eletromiografia, as fotografias dos pacientes foram capturadas, nas quais foram avaliadas a área com presença de rugas da fronte por meio do software ImageJ (National Institutes of Health). Os dados de RMS fornecidos pelo eletromiógrafo de superfície passaram por teste de normalidade Shapiro-Wilk e Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (α=0,05) e posteriormente, por seguirem distribuição normal, foram submetidos a análise pelo teste Tukey de comparações múltiplas (α=0,05) utilizando-se o programa Prism 10 (GraphPad Software, Boston, EUA), sendo considerado nível de significância de 5%. Pela análise das fotografias através do ImageJ, todos os pacientes, apresentaram diminuição significativa da área de rugas com 2 semanas após aplicação da TB e mesmo após 12 semanas de acompanhamento, a área de rugas na fronte era menor do que a área prévia à aplicação. Sendo assim, tanto através da eletromiografia e da análise fotográfica foi possível constatar que as diferentes dosagens séricas de zinco não demonstraram nenhuma influência sobre a efetividade e durabilidade da TB. (AU)

The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the serum zinc level of individuals in relation to muscle strength and on the effectiveness and durability of treatment with botulinum toxin (TB). Eighteen (18) patients were selected, and these were later divided into 2 groups: group 1 (G1) composed of patients who had Zn above 65 µg/dL and less than or equal to 90 µg/dL and group 2 (G2) with patients who had Zn above 90 µg/dL and less than or equal to 125 µg/dL. All participants had the strength of muscle contraction measured by a surface electromyograph (sEMG) (EMG System do Brasil Ltda, São José dos Campos, Brazil), at each moment of the follow-up (A1 - initial; A2 - immediate post; A3 - 2 weeks; A4 - 5 weeks; and A5 - 12 weeks). In addition to electromyography, photographs of the patients were captured, in which the area with the presence of forehead wrinkles was evaluated using the ImageJ (National Institutes of Health) software. The RMS data provided by the surface electromyograph underwent the Shapiro-Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test (α=0.05) and later, because they followed normal distribution, were subjected to analysis by the Tukey test of multiple comparisons (α=0.05) using the Prism 10 program (GraphPad Software, Boston, USA), being considered a significance level of 5%. By the analysis of the photographs through ImageJ, all patients showed a significant decrease in the area of wrinkles at 2 weeks after application of TB and even after 12 weeks of follow-up, the area of wrinkles on the forehead was smaller than the area prior to the application. Thus, both through electromyography and photographic analysis it was possible to verify that the different serum dosages of zinc did not show any influence on the effectiveness and durability of TB (AU)

Humanos , Autoimagen , Zinc , Toxinas Botulínicas Tipo A , Electromiografía , Fuerza Muscular
Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol. (Online) ; 27: e230193, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535592


Resumo Objetivo Analisar a percepção de pessoas idosas em relação a sua imagem corporal e autoestima. Método Pesquisa qualitativa, exploratória, descritiva realizada com 28 pessoas idosas nos Centros de Referência de Assistência Social de Araucária, Paraná, Brasil. Foi aplicada entrevista com roteiro estruturado composto por 10 questões que abordavam os sentimentos em relação à estética no envelhecimento e às repercussões na autoestima. A análise dos dados foi realizada utilizando o software IRAMUTEQ®. Resultados A análise da percepção em relação à estética e autoestima no envelhecimento resultou em 5 classes: classe 1 (19,8%) "Relação autoestima x autoimagem", classe 2 (20,7%) "Sentimentos e sensações experimentadas", classe 3 (20,7%) "Aspectos além da aparência que influenciam a autoestima", classe 4 (18,1%) "Motivos para realizar cuidados estéticos" e classe 5 (20,7%) "Tipos de intervenções e cuidados estéticos". Elevada autoestima foi encontrada em uma população vulnerável economicamente. Muitas pessoas idosas relataram que com o envelhecimento houve mudanças na forma como são tratadas, entretanto, isso não foi percebido somente de forma negativa. Conclusão Embora a sociedade promova um padrão de beleza, as pessoas idosas conseguem viver de forma satisfatória, com elevada autoestima, sem serem influenciadas negativamente.

Abstract Objective To analyze the perception of older adults regarding their body image and self-esteem. Method A qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive study conducted with 28 older adults in the Social Assistance Reference Centers of Araucária, Paraná, Brazil. A structured interview with a questionnaire comprising 10 questions addressing feelings about aesthetics in aging and its repercussions on self-esteem was administered. Data analysis was performed using the IRAMUTEQ® software. Results The analysis of perception regarding aesthetics and self-esteem in aging resulted in 5 classes: Class 1 (19.8%) "Self-esteem vs. self-image", Class 2 (20.7%) "Feelings and sensations experienced", Class 3 (20.7%) "Aspects beyond appearance influencing self-esteem", Class 4 (18.1%) "Reasons for engaging in aesthetic care", and Class 5 (20.7%) "Types of interventions and aesthetic care". Elevated self-esteem was found in an economically vulnerable population. Many older adults reported changes in how they are treated with aging; however, this was not solely perceived negatively. Conclusion Despite societal promotion of a beauty standard, older adults can live satisfactorily with high self-esteem without being negatively influenced.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Anciano , Estética , Calidad de Vida , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Servicios de Salud para Ancianos
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569356


El sano desarrollo sexual de los adolescentes tendrá como consecuencia una buena relación autoestima-sexualidad y una identidad sexual definida. Caracterizar la relación autoestima-sexualidad en los adolescentes de la Secundaria Básica "Paquito Rosales Benítez" del municipio Manzanillo en la provincia Granma. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en el mes de junio del 2023. La muestra está integrada por los 113 estudiantes de noveno grado que representan el 31,9 %de la población de los alumnos de secundaria básica, esta muestra se selecciona de forma intencional. Se utiliza la Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg. Sobre sexualidad se utiliza la encuesta, "Actitud hacia la sexualidad en el adolescente de la escuela básica "Emirio Fuen Mayor" y colegio la Salle, Mérida, 2003". El 60,2 % de los adolescentes tienen un nivel de autoestima baja. El sexo femenino presentó un 33,6 % con autoestima baja. El 23 % que alcanzar con un nivel de autoestima bajo; de ellos el10,6 % tuvieron una actitud sexual moderadamente objetiva. El 38,1 % que viven con la madre tienen una autoestima media. El 46,9 % son de padres divorciados con autoestima media. El 31,8 % del sexo femenino tienen una actitud sexual moderadamente objetiva. El 32,7 % que viven con sus madres tienen una actitud sexual moderadamente objetiva. El 28,3 % con actitud moderadamente objetiva sus padres son casados. Existe una relación significativa entre el nivel de autoestima y la actitud sexual de los adolescentes.

The healthy sexual development of adolescents will result in a good relationship between self-esteem and sexuality and a defined sexual identity. To characterize the self-esteem-sexuality relationship in adolescents of the "Paquito Rosales Benítez" Basic Secondary School in the municipality of Manzanillo in the province of Granma. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in June 2023. The sample is made up of the 113 ninth grade students who represent 31.9% of the population of elementary school students, this sample is selected intentionally. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale is used. On sexuality, the survey is used, "Attitude towards sexuality in the adolescent of the basic school "EmirioFuen Mayor" and school La Salle, Mérida, 2003". The 60,2% of adolescents have a low level of self-esteem. The female sex presented a 33,6% with low self-esteem. 23,0% who achieved a low level of self-esteem; of these, 10,6% had a moderately objective sexual attitude. 38,1% who live with the mother have an average self-esteem. 46,9% are divorced parents with average self-esteem. 31.8% of females have a moderately objective sexual attitude. 32,7% who live with their mothers have a moderately objective sexual attitude. 28,3% with a moderately objective attitude their parents are married.There is a significant relationship between the level of self-esteem and the sexual attitude of adolescents.

O desenvolvimento sexual saudável dos adolescentes resultará emuma boa relação entre autoestima e sexualidade e uma identidde sexual definida. Caracterizar a relação entre autoestima e sexualidade em adolescentes da Escola Secundária Básica Paquito Rosales Benítez, no município de Manzanillo, província de Granma. Trata-se de estudo transversal descritivo, realizado emjunho de 2023. A amostra é composta por 113 alunos do nono ano que representam 31,9% da população de alunos do ensino fundamental e o ensino fundamental é selecionado intencionalmente. Utiliza-se a Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg. Sobre sexualidade, utiliza-se a pesquisa "Atitude frente à sexualidade no adolescente da escola primária Émirio Fuen e da escola La Salle, Mérida, 2003". 60,2% dos adolescentes apresentam baixo nível de autoestima. Um total de 33,6% das mulheres apresentou baixa autoestima. 23% que atingiram baixo nível de autoestima; Destes, 10,6% tinha matitude sexual moderadamente objetiva. 38,1% que moram com a mãe têm autoestima média. 46,9% são de pais divorciados com autoestima média. 31,8% das mulheres têm uma atitude sexual moderadamente objetiva. 32,7% que moram com a mãe têm uma atitude sexual moderadamente objetiva. 28,3% com atitude moderadamente objetiva seus paissão casados. Existe umarelação significativa entre o nível de autoestima e a atitude sexual dos adolescentes.

CienciaUAT ; 18(1): 63-80, jul.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513971


RESUMEN La histerectomía es la segunda cirugía más frecuente dentro de la ginecología a nivel mundial. En México se calcula que una de cada tres mujeres, antes de los 60 años, se someterá a dicho procedimiento. Las mujeres con histerectomía atraviesan por una serie de cambios que pueden afectarlas en distintos aspectos de su vida, repercutiendo en lo psicológico, social y anatómico. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue interpretar las vivencias sexuales y autoestima de mujeres mexicanas con histerectomía. Se utilizó una metodología cualitativa fenomenológica-hermenéutica, en la que participaron 11 mujeres con histerectomía abdominal. Los resultados se agruparon en 2 categorías principales: sexualidad y autoestima, y sus respectivas subcategorías. En la primera, se reporta una disminución de la lubricación y en consecuencia afectaciones en el deseo, satisfacción y orgasmo. En la segunda, se documentaron alteraciones que se presentaban con cambios de percepción y pensamientos, así como en sus capacidades, sentimientos y actitud. El proceso que transitaron las mujeres, tras la histerectomía, influyó en los componentes de su sexualidad y autoestima. El tiempo de afrontamiento y su resultado favorable estuvo asociado con lograr anteponer la autoestima a la afectación vivida en su sexualidad.

ABSTRACT Hysterectomy is the second surgery with more frequency inside gynecology at a worldwide level. In Mexico it is calculated that one of every three women before 60 years old will be subjected to that procedure. Women with hysterectomy undergo a series of changes that could affect them in different aspects of their lives, impacting in the psychological, social, and anatomical. The objective of this investigation was to interpret the sexual experiences and self-esteem of Mexican women with hysterectomy. A qualitative phenomenological-hermeneutic methodology was used where 11 women with abdominal hysterectomy participated. Results were grouped in 2 main categories: sexuality and self-esteem, and their respective subcategories. In the first category, a decrease on lubrication, which consequently had negative effects on desire, satisfaction, and orgasm was reported. In the second, some alterations characterized by changes on the participants' perception and thoughts were documented, as well as on their capacities, feelings, and attitudes. The process that women went through after the hysterectomy, influenced the components of their sexuality and self-esteem. The coping time and its favorable result were associated with putting self-esteem above the negative impact in their sexual life.

Interaçao psicol ; 27(3): 330-340, ago.-dez. 2023.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531341


A autoestima é um termo muito utilizado pelas pessoas no senso comum, mas ainda são necessários mais estudos para entendê-lo sob o ponto de vista comportamental. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão de textos da Análise do Comportamento a respeito de autoestima. Foi realizada uma busca em três fontes diferentes: periódicos exclusivos de Análise do Comportamento; as coleções de livros Sobre Comportamento e Cognição e Comportamento em Foco; e na Scielo. No total, 16 textos preencheram os critérios, que eram a) ter a palavra "autoestima" no título b) ser um texto da Análise do Comportamento. Foram discutidas as definições de autoestima utilizadas, os participantes dos estudos, os estímulos usados em testes de medida implícita e os principais resultados. Nenhum dos textos analisados utilizou intervenções voltadas ao aumento da autoestima. Apesar de serem textos da abordagem comportamental, muitos dos estudos utilizam apenas definições e instrumentos não comportamentais. As principais conclusões da revisão foram: 1) ainda existem poucos estudos sobre autoestima na Análise do Comportamento; 2) ainda não existe uma definição comportamental bem construída, especialmente na literatura internacional.

Self-esteem is a term that is widely used in common sense, but more studies are still needed to understand it from a behavioral point of view. The objective of this study was to carry out a review of Behavior Analysis papers regarding self-esteem. A search was conducted in three different sources: Behavior Analysis journals; the book collections Sobre Comportamento e Cognição and Comportamento em Foco; and on Scielo. In total, 16 texts met the criteria, which were a) having the word "self-esteem" in the title and b) being a Behavior Analysis text. We discuss the definitions of self-esteem used, the participants in the studies, the stimuli used in the implicit measurement tests and the main results. None of the analyzed texts used interventions aimed to increase self-esteem. Even though they are texts of the behavioral approach, many of the studies only use non-behavioral definitions and instruments. The main conclusions of the review were: 1) there are still few studies on self-esteem in Behavior Analysis; 2) there is still no well-constructed behavioral definition, especially in international literature.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(2)dic. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533380


Social networks, particularly Facebook, influence romantic relationships, as they can generate jealousy and conflict between members of the couple. The Facebook Jealousy Scale (FJS) is an instrument that assesses jealousy about using Facebook, but no similar instrument is available in Colombia. The main aim was to examine the psychometric properties of the FJS in a Colombian sample of 485 men and 727 women. Participants answered the socio-demographic questionnaire, the adaptation of the Facebook Jealousy Scale, Romantic Partner Conflict Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Romantic Jealousy Scale. The final version of the FJS was made up of 15 items which were distributed across three dimensions: Partner's Activity, Partner's Surveillance, Partner's Romantic and Sexual relationship. Ordinal's alpha values from its three factors ranged between .90 and .95. Concurrent validity was also provided, as the measure was associated with dimensions from partner conflict, self-esteem, and romantic jealousy. An invariance test by gender was also performed, resulting in compliance with metric invariance. Therefore, the FJS is a useful tool for clinicians and researchers who work on issues related to romantic relationships. Research analyzing Facebook jealousy provides an interesting indicator of couple's monitoring and controlling behaviors, which are features of psychological abuse, a subtype of intimate partner violence.

Las redes sociales, particularmente Facebook, influyen en las relaciones sentimentales, ya que pueden generar celos y conflictos entre los miembros de la pareja. La Escala de Celos de Facebook (FJS) es un instrumento que evalúa los celos por el uso de Facebook, y no hay ningún instrumento similar disponible en Colombia. El objetivo principal fue examinar las propiedades psicométricas del FJS en una muestra colombiana de 485 hombres y 727 mujeres. Los participantes completaron un cuestionario sociodemográfico, la adaptación de la Escala de Celos de Facebook, la Escala de Conflicto de Pareja Romántica, la Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg y la Escala de Celos Románticos. La versión final de la FJS estuvo conformada por 15 ítems que, a su vez, conformaron tres dimensiones: Actividad de la pareja, Vigilancia de la pareja, Relación romántica y sexual de la pareja. Los valores de alfa ordinal de los tres factores oscilaron entre .90 y .95. También se demostró validez concurrente con otras dimensiones relacionadas con conflicto en la pareja, autoestima y celos románticos. El análisis de invarianza según género resultó en un nivel de invarianza métrica. El FJS es una medida que puede ser útil para la práctica clínica y los investigadores que trabajan en temas relacionados con las relaciones románticas. La investigación que analice los celos asociados al Facebook ofrecerá un interesante indicador de la supervisión en el contexto de pareja y las conductas de control, elementos clave del abuso psicológico, un subtipo de la violencia de pareja.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536584


Introduction/Objectives: COVID-19 has had a significant emotional impact on people's lives, especially adolescents. Therefore, the aim was to assess the predictors of suicide risk during the COVID-19 pandemic in adolescents in Ecuador by means of a longitudinal study. Method: The application of a longitudinal design with two measures: before the start of the pandemic and one year afterwards. The sample consisted of 137 adolescents between 12-18 years of age. The variables analysed were mental health, the risk of suicide and self-esteem. Statistical analyses were performed using mean comparison, correlations, QCA models and mediation models. Results: The results indicated higher levels of anxiety and stress after one year of the pandemic. In addition, a higher risk of suicide following the pandemic was observed in those adolescents with higher scores in emotional symptomatology and low self-esteem. QCA models and mediation models highlighted the importance of self-esteem as a protective variable between pre-COVID-19 suicide risk and emotional symptomatology and post-COVID-19 suicide risk. Conclusions: This study highlights adolescents' level of vulnerability to the pandemic and its significant psychological impact. It is important to detect which factors function as risks and which as protection against COVID-19 in order to implement intervention programmes that target these aspects and ensure better adolescent well-being.

Introducción/Objetivos: La COVID-19 tuvo un impacto emocional en la vida de las personas, especialmente en la adolescencia. El objetivo fue evaluar los predictores de riesgo de suicidio en adolescentes en Ecuador por medio de un estudio longitudinal. Método: Se trata de un diseño longitudinal con dos medidas: antes del inicio de la pandemia y un año después. La muestra fue de 137 adolescentes entre 12 y 18 años. Las variables analizadas fueron la salud mental, el riesgo de suicidio y la autoestima. Los análisis estadísticos se realizaron mediante comparación de medias, correlaciones, modelos QCA y modelos de mediación. Resultados: Los resultados indicaron mayores niveles de ansiedad y estrés después de un año de la pandemia. Se observó un mayor riesgo de suicidio tras la pandemia en aquellos adolescentes con puntuaciones más altas en sintomatología emocional y baja autoestima. Los modelos QCA y los modelos de mediación destacaron la importancia de la autoestima como variable protectora en el riesgo postsuicidio. Conclusiones: Este estudio pone de manifiesto el nivel de vulnerabilidad de los adolescentes ante la pandemia y su importante impacto psicológico. Es importante detectar qué factores funcionan como riesgos y cuáles como protección frente al COVID-19 para implementar programas de intervención.

Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 37(135): 95-110, jul.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1556781


Resumen Objetivos. Identificar si existen mejoras en la interacción social de jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual a través del uso de una metodología basada en el juego de rol. Método. Se realizó un estudio de diseño mixto a partir de un programa de intervención breve, de ocho sesiones de duración, con un total de siete participantes. Para la recolección de datos, se utilizaron técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas como la observación sistemática, la observación directa no sistematizada y la Escala de Autoevaluación de Habilidades Sociales. Resultados. La intervención arrojó resultados modestos. La prueba W de Wilcoxon muestra diferencias significativas a nivel general. Las observaciones evidencian cambios en los comportamientos de los participantes, sobre todo en lo referente a respuestas alternativas a la agresión, la cuales fueron rápidamente sustituidas por estrategias pacíficas y actitudes dialogantes.

Abstract Objectives. The objective of this study was to identify if there are improvements in social interaction in young people with intellectual disabilities, using a methodology based on role playing. Method. A mixed design study based on a brief intervention program of eight sessions, with a total of seven participants, was used. Qualitative and quantitative techniques were used for data collection: systematic observation, non-systematized direct observation and the Social Skills Self-Assessment Scale. Results. The intervention yielded modest results. The Wilcoxon W test shows significant differences at the general level. Observations show changes in participants' behaviors, especially in terms of alternative responses to aggression, which were quickly replaced by peaceful strategies and dialogic attitudes.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Asertividad , Habilidades Sociales , Gamificación , Discapacidad Intelectual , Autonomía Personal , Interacción Social
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 31: e72986, jan. -dez. 2023.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1525264


Objetivo: verificar se autoestima e satisfação com a vida exercem efeitos mediadores na relação entre orientações sexuais minoritárias e sintomatologia depressiva em amostra de pós-graduandos stricto sensu. Método: estudo analítico, transversal, conduzido com 321 pós-graduandos stricto sensu entre março/abril de 2021. Utilizou-se o Patient Health Questionnaire-9 para avaliação de sintomas depressivos, Escala de Autoestima de Rosemberg e Escala de Satisfação com a Vida. Análises de mediação simples foram conduzidas por meio da macro PROCESS. Resultados: pós-graduandos de orientações sexuais minoritárias apresentaram maior severidade de sintomas depressivos e menores indicadores de autoestima e satisfação com a vida do que seus pares heterossexuais. Autoestima e satisfação com a vida mediaram parcialmente a relação entre orientação sexual e severidade de sintomas depressivos em uma proporção de, respectivamente, 48,26% e 37,54%. Conclusão: autoestima e satisfação com a vida apresentaram-se como importantes mediadores da relação entre orientações sexuais minoritárias e sintomas depressivos entre pós-graduandos(AU)

Objective: to verify whether self-esteem and satisfaction with life exert mediating effects on the relationship between minority sexual orientations and depressive symptoms in a sample of graduate students. Method: analytical, cross-sectional study conducted with 321 Brazilian graduate students between March/April 2021. The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 was used to assess depressive symptoms, was used too, Rosemberg´s Self-Esteem Scale and the Life Satisfaction Scale. Simple mediation analyzes were conducted using the PROCESS macro. Results: graduate students with minority sexual orientations had more severe depressive symptoms and lower indicators of self-esteem and life satisfaction than their heterosexual peers. Self-esteem and satisfaction with life partially mediated the relationship between sexual orientation and severity of depressive symptoms in a proportion of, respectively, 48.26% and 37.54%. Conclusion: self-esteem and life satisfaction were important mediators of the relationship between minority sexual orientations and depressive symptoms among graduate students(AU)

Objetivo: verificar si la autoestima y la satisfacción con la vida ejercen efectos mediadores en la relación entre las orientaciones sexuales minoritarias y la sintomatología depresiva en una muestra de estudiantes de posgrado stricto sensu. Método: estudio transversal analítico realizado junto a 321 estudiantes de posgrado stricto sensu entre marzo y abril de 2021. Para evaluar los síntomas depresivos, se utilizó el Patient Health Questionnaire-9, la Escala de Autoestima de Rosemberg y la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida. Los análisis de mediación simple se realizaron utilizando la macro PROCESS. Resultados: los estudiantes de posgrado con orientaciones sexuales minoritarias presentaron síntomas depresivos más severos y menores indicadores de autoestima y satisfacción con la vida que sus pares heterosexuales. La autoestima y la satisfacción con la vida mediaron parcialmente la relación entre la orientación sexual y la severidad de los síntomas depresivos en una proporción de, respectivamente, 48,26% y 37,54%. Conclusión: la autoestima y la satisfacción con la vida fueron importantes mediadores de la relación entre la orientación sexual minoritaria y los síntomas depresivos entre estudiantes de posgrado(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Satisfacción Personal , Autoimagen , Conducta Sexual/psicología , Estudiantes/psicología , Depresión/psicología , Universidades , Estudios Transversales , Educación de Postgrado
Aten. prim. (Barc., Ed. impr.) ; 55(11): 102708, Nov. 2023. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-227011


Objetivo: Revisar la literatura científica disponible sobre la relación entre el uso de redes sociales y factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, tales como baja autoestima, insatisfacción corporal y/o idealización de delgadez, en población española. Diseño: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura científica publicada entre 2010 y 2022. Fuentes de datos: PubMed, Scopus y Web of Science. Selección de estudios: Se incluyeron solo artículos originales, publicados en español o inglés, que midieran al menos una variable de uso de redes sociales y al menos un factor de riesgo de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria en población española. Extracción de datos: Se utilizó como guía la declaración PRISMA 2009. La calidad de los artículos seleccionados se evaluó mediante la lista de verificación de evaluación crítica del Instituto Joanna Briggs. Resultados: Se identificaron 12 artículos de diseño transversal que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión. La evidencia apunta a que el uso y la frecuencia de uso de redes sociales se asocia significativamente con insatisfacción corporal (p≤0,01), impulso de la delgadez (p≤0,001) y baja autoestima (p≤0,05) en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes de la población española. Conclusiones: Los usuarios de redes sociales, principalmente de aquellas basadas en imágenes, se encuentran expuestos a factores que podrían incrementar su riesgo de desarrollar un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria.(AU)

Objective: Review the available scientific literature on the relationship between the use of social networks and risk factors for the development of eating disorders, such as low self-esteem, body dissatisfaction and/or idealization of thinness, in the Spanish population. Design: A systematic review of scientific literature published between 2010 and 2022 was carried out. Data sources: PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science. Selection of studies: Only original articles were included, published in Spanish or English, that measured at least one variable of use of social networks and at least one risk factor for eating disorders in the Spanish population. Data extraction: The PRISMA 2009 statement was used as a guide. The quality of selected articles was assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist. Results: Twelve cross-sectional studies that met the inclusion criteria were identified. Evidence suggests that the use and frequency of use of social networks is significantly associated with body dissatisfaction (p≤0,01), drive for thinness (p≤0,001), and low self-esteem (p≤0,05) in adolescents and young adults in the Spanish population. Conclusions: Users of social networks, mainly those based on images, are exposed to factors that could increase their risk of developing an eating disorder.(AU)

Humanos , Trastornos de Alimentación y de la Ingestión de Alimentos , Redes Sociales en Línea , Conducta Alimentaria/psicología , Autoimagen , Imagen Corporal , España , Telemedicina , Factores de Riesgo , Internet , Delgadez
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 14(2): 2272478, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37906088


Background: Due to the short time that complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) has been an independent diagnosis, few studies have explored the role that self-esteem might play in the relationship between childhood trauma and CPTSD.Objective: The current study aimed to explore the impact of childhood trauma on CPTSD and the role of self-esteem in this relationship.Methods: Study 1 involved a questionnaire survey in which a total of 360 young Chinese adults with childhood trauma participated. Study 2 used experimental research by manipulating short-term self-esteem to explore the effect of self-esteem on CPTSD. A total of 80 young Chinese adults with childhood trauma participated.Results: The results of Study 1 showed that childhood trauma positively predicts adulthood CPTSD, while self-esteem partially mediates the relationship between the two. It also found that self-esteem has a greater mediating effect on the disordered self-organization (DSO) dimension of CPTSD than on the PTSD dimension. In Study 2, participants in the high manipulated-self-esteem group reported fewer CPTSD symptoms than those in the low manipulated-self-esteem group.Conclusion: Overall, this study emphasized the role of self-esteem in CPTSD among individuals with a childhood trauma history. In practice, we provided a potential optimization direction for CPTSD clinical treatment, suggesting a method of self-esteem reconstruction.

Self-esteem mediates the relationship between childhood trauma and CPTSD.Short-term self-esteem decrease may contribute to CPTSD symptoms.Self-esteem has greater effects on disordered self-organization than PTSD symptoms.

Experiencias Adversas de la Infancia , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Adulto , Humanos , Autoimagen , Personalidad , Pueblo Asiatico
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 23(4): 100-107, oct.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559079


RESUMEN Introducción: El bullying, es un comportamiento perjudicial en contextos escolares, afectando la vida de los estudiantes. Objetivo: Identificar y comparar indicadores de comportamiento desajustado en estudiantes con diferente propensión al bullying. Metodología: Este estudio descriptivo y cuantitativo utilizó encuestas y un diseño comparativo seguido de correlacional para evaluar comportamientos desajustados (estrés, baja autoestima, incivismo, desajuste familiar, propensión a la violencia) en estudiantes secundarios de Lima y Callao. La muestra no probabilística incluyó 1345 estudiantes de primer y segundo año, divididos en dos grupos según su propensión al bullying (alto -Grupo E- y bajo -Grupo C-). Se aplicaron escalas de los inventarios INDACPS y la Escala de Propensión al Bullying (EPB), analizando los datos con SPSS v.25 y Jamovi. Las diferencias entre grupos se evaluaron mediante la prueba U de Mann-Whitney, y la correlación de variables se determinó con la correlación de Spearman. Resultados: El Grupo E tuvo niveles más altos de estrés, baja autoestima, incivismo, desajuste familiar y propensión a la violencia, con significancia estadística (p<0,001) en comparación al Grupo C. Se encontraron correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre la propensión al bullying y estos indicadores, siendo más fuertes en la muestra total (p<0,001). Además, se observaron diferencias significativas por sexo en estrés, baja autoestima, desajuste familiar y propensión a la violencia, pero no en incivismo y propensión al bullying. Conclusión: Los estudiantes con mayor propensión al bullying exhiben mayores niveles de estrés, baja autoestima, incivismo, desajuste familiar y propensión a la violencia. Lo que resalta la relevancia de intervenciones integrales.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Bullying is harmful behavior in school contexts, affecting students' lives. Objective: To identify and compare indicators of maladjusted behavior in students with different propensities to bullying. Methodology: This descriptive and quantitative study used surveys and a comparative followed by correlational design to assess maladjusted behaviors (stress, low self-esteem, incivility, family maladjustment, propensity to violence) in secondary students from Lima and Callao. The non-probabilistic sample included 1345 first and second-year students, divided into two groups based on their bullying propensity (high -Group E- and low -Group C-). Scales from the INDACPS inventories and the Bullying Propensity Scale (BPS) were applied, analyzing data with SPSS v.25 and Jamovi. Differences between groups were assessed using the Mann-Whitney U test, and variable correlation was determined using Spearman's correlation. Results: Group E had higher levels of stress, low self-esteem, incivility, family maladjustment, and propensity to violence, with statistical significance (p<0.001) compared to Group C. Statistically significant correlations were found between the propensity to bullying and these indicators, being stronger in the total sample (p<0.001). Additionally, significant gender differences were observed in stress, low self-esteem, family maladjustment, and propensity to violence, but not in incivility and bullying propensity. Conclusion: Students with a higher propensity to bullying exhibit higher levels of stress, low self-esteem, incivility, family maladjustment, and propensity to violence, underscoring the importance of comprehensive interventions.