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Biol Lett ; 20(7): 20240139, 2024 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39046288


Individuals foraging in groups face increased competition but can benefit from social information on foraging opportunities that can ultimately increase survival. Personality traits can be associated with food-finding strategies, such as shyer individuals scrounging on the food discoveries of others. How personality and foraging strategy interact in a social foraging context with different group compositions received less attention. Here, we conducted experiments to investigate the relationship between exploratory personality, group size (1-4 birds) and foraging success (i.e. speed of finding a food patch) in wild-caught red knots. We found that faster explorers, when foraging alone, discover food patches quicker than slower explorers. In groups, however, slower-exploring birds became quicker at finding food than fast explorers. This shows that slower-exploring individuals benefit from group foraging. They seem to be more perceptive to social cues, and in contrast to faster explorers, they become quicker at finding food when they are in a group than when foraging alone. We discuss how individuals with different personalities and foraging strategies can coexist in a social foraging context with different costs and benefits associated with their strategies.

Conducta Alimentaria , Conducta Social , Animales , Conducta Exploratoria , Personalidad , Masculino
Ecol Evol ; 14(3): e11135, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38529024


Determining how animals allocate energy, and how external factors influence this allocation, is crucial to understand species' life history requirements and response to disturbance. This response is driven in part by individuals' energy balance, prey characteristics, foraging behaviour and energy required for essential functions. We developed a bioenergetic model to estimate minimum foraging success rate (FSR), that is, the lowest possible prey capture rate for individuals to obtain the minimum energy intake needed to meet daily metabolic requirements, for female sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus). The model was based on whales' theoretical energetic requirements using foraging and prey characteristics from animal-borne tags and stomach contents, respectively. We used this model to simulate two prey structure change scenarios: (1) decrease in mean prey size, thus lower prey energy content and (2) decrease in prey size variability, reducing the variability in prey energy content. We estimate the whales need minimum of ~14% FSR to meet their energetic requirements, and energy intake is more sensitive to energy content changes than a decrease in energy variability. To estimate vulnerability to prey structure changes, we evaluated the compensation level required to meet bioenergetic demands. Considering a minimum 14% FSR, whales would need to increase energy intake by 21% (5-35%) and 49% (27-67%) to compensate for a 15% and 30% decrease in energy content, respectively. For a 30% and 50% decrease in energy variability, whales would need to increase energy intake by 13% (0-23%) and 24% (10-35%) to meet energetic demands, respectively. Our model demonstrates how foraging and prey characteristics can be used to estimate impact of changing prey structure in top predator energetics, which can help inform bottom-up effects on marine ecosystems. We showed the importance of considering different FSR in bioenergetics models, as it can have decisive implications on estimates of energy acquired and affect the conclusions about top predator's vulnerability to possible environmental fluctuations.

R Soc Open Sci ; 10(6): 220362, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37388318


While differences in foraging and reproductive success are well studied between seabird colonies, they are less understood at a smaller subcolony scale. Working with little penguins (Eudyptula minor) at Phillip Island, Australia, we used an automated penguin monitoring system and performed regular nest checks at two subcolonies situated 2 km apart during the 2015/2016 breeding seasons. We examined whether foraging and reproductive success differed between subcolonies. We used satellite data to examine how sea surface temperature, as environmental pressure, in the foraging regions from each subcolony influenced their foraging performance. In the pre-laying and incubation breeding stages, the birds from one subcolony had a lower foraging success than birds from the other. However, this pattern was reversed between the subcolonies in the guard and post-guard stages. Breeding success data from the two subcolonies from 2004-2018 showed that reproductive success and mean egg-laying had a negative relationship with sea surface temperature. We highlighted that variation in foraging and reproductive success can arise in subcolonies, likely due to different responses to environmental conditions and prey availability. Differences at the subcolony level can help refine, develop and improve appropriate species management plans for conserving a range of colonial central place seabirds.

Ecol Evol ; 13(4): e9923, 2023 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37091555


The degree to which individuals adjust foraging behavior in response to environmental variability can impact foraging success, leading to downstream impacts on fitness and population dynamics. We examined the foraging flexibility, average daily energy expenditure, and foraging success of an ice-associated Arctic seabird, the thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia) in response to broad-scale environmental conditions at two different-sized, low Arctic colonies located <300 km apart. First, we compared foraging behavior (measured via GPS units), average daily energy expenditure (estimated from GPS derived activity budgets), and foraging success (nutritional state measured via nutritional biomarkers pre- and post- GPS deployment) of murres at two colonies, which differ greatly in size: 30,000 pairs breed on Coats Island, Nunavut, and 400,000 pairs breed on Digges Island, Nunavut. Second, we tested whether colony size within the same marine ecosystem altered foraging behavior in response to broad-scale environmental variability. Third, we tested whether environmentally induced foraging flexibility influenced the foraging success of murres. Murres at the larger colony foraged farther and longer but made fewer trips, resulting in a lower nutritional state and lower foraging success compared to birds at the smaller colony. Foraging behavior and foraging success varied in response to environmental variation, with murres at both colonies making longer, more distant foraging trips in high ice regimes during incubation, suggesting flexibility in responding to environmental variability. However, only birds at the larger colony showed this same flexibility during chick rearing. Foraging success at both colonies was higher during high ice regimes, suggesting greater prey availability. Overall, murres from the larger colony exhibited lower foraging success, and their foraging behavior showed stronger responses to changes in broad-scale conditions such as sea ice regime. Taken together, this suggests that larger Arctic seabird colonies have higher behavioral and demographic sensitivity to environmental change.

Curr Zool ; 67(6): 609-620, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34805537


Foraging, as an energy-consuming behavior, is very important for colony survival in termites. How energy metabolism related to glucose decomposition and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production influences foraging behavior in termites is still unclear. Here, we analyzed the change in energy metabolism in the whole organism and brain after silencing the key metabolic gene isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) and then investigated its impact on foraging behavior in the subterranean termite Odontotermes formosanus in different social contexts. The IDH gene exhibited higher expression in the abdomen and head of O. formosanus. The knockdown of IDH resulted in metabolic disorders in the whole organism. The dsIDH-injected workers showed significantly reduced walking activity but increased foraging success. Interestingly, IDH knockdown altered brain energy metabolism, resulting in a decline in ATP levels and an increase in IDH activity. Additionally, the social context affected brain energy metabolism and, thus, altered foraging behavior in O. formosanus. We found that the presence of predator ants increased the negative influence on the foraging behavior of dsIDH-injected workers, including a decrease in foraging success. However, an increase in the number of nestmate soldiers could provide social buffering to relieve the adverse effect of predator ants on worker foraging behavior. Our orthogonal experiments further verified that the role of the IDH gene as an inherent factor was dominant in manipulating termite foraging behavior compared with external social contexts, suggesting that energy metabolism, especially brain energy metabolism, plays a crucial role in regulating termite foraging behavior.

J Anim Ecol ; 89(9): 2043-2055, 2020 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32358801


Events during one stage of the annual cycle can reversibly affect an individual's condition and performance not only within that stage, but also in subsequent stages (i.e. reversible state effects). Despite strong conceptual links, however, few studies have been able to empirically link individual-level reversible state effects with larger-scale demographic processes. We studied both survival and potential reversible state effects in a long-distance migratory shorebird, the Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica. Specifically, we estimated period-specific survival probabilities across the annual cycle and examined the extent to which an individual's body condition, foraging success and habitat quality during the nonbreeding season affected its subsequent survival and reproductive performance. Godwit survival rates were high throughout the annual cycle, but lowest during the breeding season, only slightly higher during southbound migration and highest during the stationary nonbreeding season. Our results indicate that overwintering godwits foraging in high-quality habitats had comparably better nutritional status and pre-migratory body condition, which in turn improved their return rates and the likelihood that their nests and chicks survived during the subsequent breeding season. Reversible state effects thus appeared to link events between nonbreeding and breeding seasons via an individual's condition, in turn affecting their survival and subsequent reproductive performance. Our study thus provides one of the few empirical demonstrations of theoretical predictions that reversible state effects have the potential to influence population dynamics.

Migración Animal , Charadriiformes , Animales , Ecosistema , Dinámica Poblacional , Estaciones del Año
Animals (Basel) ; 10(3)2020 Feb 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32110863


Polymorphic traits may evolve in many species of birds, often driven by multiple environmental factors. It is hypothesized that polymorphic traits in herons could be influenced by feeding behavior. Most of the Western Reef Herons (Egretta egularis) (more than 70%) are of the dark morph in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Feeding behavior and efficiency in the dimorphic Western Reef Heron was characterized in a shoreline habitat of Al-Zora Protected Area, Ajman, UAE in relation to season, tidal cycle, and color morphs. Foraging behavioral observations were made using standard focal birds during summer and winter seasons spanning entire tidal cycles. Western Reef Herons used 13 feeding behavior types with difference in their utilization between seasons and age groups. Stand and wait and slowly walking were the two most commonly used techniques in both morphs. Feeding behavioral diversity was higher in both morphs in summer, probably because summers are harsh and abundance of food is lower. Feeding behavioral diversity was higher in dark morphs in general and was even higher in summer during falling tides. Foraging efficiency, however, did not vary between seasons or morphs. Feeding behavioral diversity and foraging efficiency was significantly higher during lag periods of rising tides in both morphs. Thus, it appears that dark morphs could be disadvantaged in summer months and therefore be utilizing a wider variety of behaviors to acquire adequate food. This does not explain why there are more dark morphed birds (70%) in the population. We suggest that dark morphed birds compensate for lower feeding efficiency by increasing feeding behavioral diversity and feeding efficiency during the rising tides. Further studies are needed to evaluate the influence of prey avoidance and the choice of predators that attack herons, to better understand factors influencing the numerical dominance of dark morphs.

Proc Biol Sci ; 286(1907): 20190826, 2019 07 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31311474


Refuges offer prey animals protection from predation, but increased time spent hiding can reduce foraging opportunities. Within social groups, individuals vary in their refuge use and willingness to forage in the presence of a predator. Here, we examine the relative foraging benefits and mortality costs associated with individual refuge use and foraging behaviour within groups of goldfish (Carassius auratus) under predation risk from an avian predator (little egret-Egretta garzetta). We assessed individual order of emergence from the refuge and participation over 15 group foraging outings, and assigned each fish a daily outing index score. The individual fish that emerged from the refuge earlier than the other group members and that participated in more outings received high outing index scores and consumed more food compared with fish that tended to emerge in posterior positions and participate in fewer outings. However, individual fish that attained high outing index scores suffered a higher risk of predation. Furthermore, the amount of time the egret spent at the pool affected group foraging behaviour: as predation risk increased, groups of fish consumed significantly less food. Our results exemplify the trade-off between foraging success and safety from predation that prey species regularly experience.

Aves/fisiología , Conducta Alimentaria , Cadena Alimentaria , Carpa Dorada/fisiología , Conducta Predatoria , Animales
Anim Cogn ; 21(1): 55-65, 2018 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29030724


Exploratory behavior can be a key component of survival in novel or changing environments, ultimately determining population establishment. While many studies have investigated the behavior of wild animals in response to novel food items or objects, our understanding of how they explore novel environments is limited. Here, we examine how experience affects the foraging behavior of a species with high invasive potential. In particular, we investigate the movement and behavior of cane toads as a function of experience in a novel environment, and how the presence of food modulates exploration. Cane toads, from a population in their native range, were repeatedly tested in a large, naturalistic arena with or without food present. Both groups exhibited significant but different changes in exploratory behavior. While toads in an environment without food reduced exploratory behavior over trials, those with food present increased both food intake per trial and the directness of their paths to food, resulting in fewer approaches to food patches over time. Our results suggest that cane toads learn patch location and provide preliminary evidence suggesting toads use spatial memory, not associative learning, to locate food. In sum, we show that with experience, cane toads alter their behavior to increase foraging efficiency. This study emphasizes the role of learning in foraging in cane toads, a characteristic that may have facilitated their success as invaders.

Conducta Apetitiva/fisiología , Bufo marinus/fisiología , Conducta Exploratoria/fisiología , Animales , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Femenino , Especies Introducidas , Masculino , Conducta Espacial
Horm Behav ; 94: 21-32, 2017 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28571937


Human-mediated environmental change can induce changes in the expression of complex behaviors within individuals and alter the outcomes of interactions between individuals. Although the independent effects of numerous stressors on aquatic biota are well documented (e.g., exposure to environmental contaminants), fewer studies have examined how natural variation in the ambient environment modulates these effects. In this study, we exposed reproductively mature and larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) to three environmentally relevant concentrations (14, 22, and 65ng/L) of a common environmental estrogen, estrone (E1), at four water temperatures (15, 18, 21, and 24°C) reflecting natural spring and summer variation. We then conducted a series of behavioral experiments to assess the independent and interactive effects of temperature and estrogen exposure on intra- and interspecific interactions in three contexts with important fitness consequences; reproduction, foraging, and predator evasion. Our data demonstrated significant independent effects of temperature and/or estrogen exposure on the physiology, survival, and behavior of larval and adult fish. We also found evidence suggesting that thermal regime can modulate the effects of exposure on larval survival and predator-prey interactions, even within a relatively narrow range of seasonally fluctuating temperatures. These findings improve our understanding of the outcomes of interactions between anthropogenic stressors and natural abiotic environmental factors, and suggest that such interactions can have ecological and evolutionary implications for freshwater populations and communities.

Cyprinidae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Disruptores Endocrinos/farmacología , Estrógenos/farmacología , Estadios del Ciclo de Vida/efectos de los fármacos , Temperatura , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/farmacología , Animales , Cyprinidae/fisiología , Exposición a Riesgos Ambientales/análisis , Estrona/farmacología , Femenino , Agua Dulce , Larva , Masculino , Reproducción/efectos de los fármacos , Procesos de Determinación del Sexo/efectos de los fármacos
BMC Ecol ; 17(1): 18, 2017 04 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28427391


BACKGROUND: Natural red fluorescence is particularly conspicuous in the eyes of some small, benthic, predatory fishes. Fluorescence also increases in relative efficiency with increasing depth, which has generated speculation about its possible function as a "light organ" to detect cryptic organisms under bluish light. Here we investigate whether foraging success is improved under ambient conditions that make red fluorescence stand out more, using the triplefin Tripterygion delaisi as a model system. We repeatedly presented 10 copepods to individual fish (n = 40) kept under a narrow blue-green spectrum and compared their performance with that under a broad spectrum with the same overall brightness. The experiment was repeated for two levels of brightness, a shaded one representing 0.4% of the light present at the surface and a heavily shaded one with about 0.01% of the surface brightness. RESULTS: Fish were 7% more successful at catching copepods under the narrow, fluorescence-friendly spectrum than under the broad spectrum. However, this effect was significant under the heavily shaded light treatment only. CONCLUSIONS: This outcome corroborates previous predictions that fluorescence may be an adaptation to blue-green, heavily shaded environments, which coincides with the opportunistic biology of this species that lives in the transition zone between exposed and heavily shaded microhabitats.

Fenómenos Fisiológicos Oculares , Perciformes/fisiología , Adaptación Fisiológica , Animales , Ojo/química , Fluorescencia , Luz
Horm Behav ; 90: 25-30, 2017 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28189643


During the breeding season, males often produce costly and extravagant displays or physical ornaments to attract females. Numerous studies have established that testosterone could directly influence the expression of certain sexual signals. However, few of these studies have focused on the indirect role that testosterone could play in modulating prey detection and visual performance to improve the foraging ability of males and hence their acquisition of nutritional resource. In the present study, we experimentally modified the testosterone levels of European tree frog males (Hyla arborea), staying in the natural range previously measured in the field, and we investigated the effect of testosterone on the foraging ability of individuals. Foraging capacities were measured on males placed in an arena with a virtual cricket moving on a computer screen. Our results demonstrated a significant effect of testosterone on the hunting behavior of H. arborea. We observed that testosterone reduced the orientation latency to virtual prey for supplemented males compared to controls. In addition, testosterone significantly increased the attack promptness of male frogs. Finally, our experiment did not demonstrate any impact of testosterone on male attack success.

Anuros/fisiología , Conducta Exploratoria/fisiología , Conducta Alimentaria/fisiología , Conducta Predatoria/fisiología , Testosterona/metabolismo , Animales , Anuros/metabolismo , Femenino , Cadena Alimentaria , Masculino , Saliva/metabolismo , Estaciones del Año , Conducta Sexual Animal/fisiología , Vocalización Animal/fisiología
J Theor Biol ; 416: 190-198, 2017 03 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28082128


Wind-driven coastal hypoxia represents an environmental stressor that has the potential to drive redistribution of gilled marine organisms, and thereby indirectly affect the foraging characteristics of air-breathing upper trophic-level predators. We used a conceptual individual-based model to simulate effects of coastal hypoxia on the spatial foraging behavior and efficiency of a marine mammal, the Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii) on the Oregon coast. Habitat compression of fish was simulated at varying intensities of hypoxia. Modeled hypoxia affected up to 80% of the water column and half of prey species' horizontal habitat. Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes hexapterus), Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii), and English sole (Parophrys vetulus) were selected as representative harbor seal prey species. Model outputs most affected by coastal hypoxia were seal travel distance to foraging sites, time spent at depth during foraging dives, and daily energy balance. For larger seals, English sole was the most optimal prey during normoxia, however during moderate to severe hypoxia Pacific sand lance was the most beneficial prey. For smaller seals, Pacific herring was the most efficient prey species during normoxia, but sand lance became more efficient as hypoxia increased. Sand lance represented the highest increase in foraging efficiency during severe hypoxic events for all seals. Results suggest that during increasing hypoxia, smaller adult harbor seals could benefit by shifting from foraging on larger neritic schooling fishes to foraging closer inshore on less energetically-dense forage fish. Larger adult seals may benefit by shifting from foraging on groundfish to smaller, schooling neritic fishes as hypoxia increases. The model suggests a mechanism by which hypoxia may result in increased foraging efficiency of Pacific harbor seals, and therefore increased rates of predation on coastal fishes on the continental shelf during hypoxic events.

Hipoxia , Modelos Biológicos , Phoca/fisiología , Conducta Predatoria , Animales , Metabolismo Energético , Peces , Oregon , Análisis Espacial
PeerJ ; 4: e2409, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27635358


Experimental evidence suggests that females would prefer males with better cognitive abilities as mates. However, little is known about the traits reflecting enhanced cognitive skills on which females might base their mate-choice decisions. In particular, it has been suggested that male foraging performance could be used as an indicator of cognitive capacity, but convincing evidence for this hypothesis is still lacking. In the present study, we investigated whether female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) modify their mating preferences after having observed the performance of males on a problem-solving task. Specifically, we measured the females' preferences between two males once before and once after an observation period, during which their initially preferred male was incapable of solving the task contrary to their initially less-preferred male. We also conducted a control treatment to test whether the shift in female preferences was attributable to differences between the two stimulus males in their foraging efficiency. Finally, we assessed each bird's performance in a color associative task to check whether females can discriminate among males based on their learning speed. We found that females significantly increased their preference toward the most efficient male in both treatments. Yet, there was no difference between the two treatments and we found no evidence that females assess male cognitive ability indirectly via morphological traits. Thus, our results suggest that females would not use the males' problem-solving performance as an indicator of general cognitive ability to gain indirect fitness benefits (i.e., good genes) but rather to assess their foraging efficiency and gain direct benefits.

Behav Processes ; 105: 36-9, 2014 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24607393


Studies have focused on foraging ecology of cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis) and their selection of ungulate host species. However, few studies have been conducted at intraspecific levels, such as the sex/age class of a specific ungulate. In this study, the foraging behavior and intraspecific host selection of cattle egrets associated with Père David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus) were investigated at the Dafeng National Nature Reserve, China in summer 2011 and 2012. Egret-deer pairing status was analyzed and intraspecific host selection index was calculated. Cattle egrets preferred to feed with female deer compared with male deer and fawns. In contrast to solitary birds, cattle egrets following a deer benefited from a relatively low vigilance output, high foraging success, low energy expenditure, and high total foraging yields. These egrets also maximized benefits when they followed female deer compared with male deer and fawns. Our results further indicated that egrets likely preferred females because of the appropriate moving speed that allowed these egrets to follow and forage sufficiently and effectively. The males of Père David's deer were possibly more aggressive than the females during the rutting season, causing egrets to experience difficulty in accompaniment and feeding. Fawns were not preferred because they were usually motionless and insufficiently large to stir more insects. We did not find any behavioral differences in vigilance and feeding between juveniles and adults. Our results suggested that cattle egrets could obtain significant benefits from their association with Père David's deer, and these benefits were maximized when they followed female deer. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: insert SI title.

Aves/fisiología , Conducta de Elección/fisiología , Ciervos/fisiología , Simbiosis/fisiología , Animales , China , Femenino , Masculino , Factores Sexuales
Oecologia ; 117(3): 443-448, 1998 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28307925


Damselfly larvae can autotomize their caudal lamellae to escape predation. Costs of caudal lamellae autotomy were investigated by directly manipulating lamellae condition of Lestes sponsa in laboratory experiments. Larvae without lamellae had higher predation mortality in the presence of Notonecta. Both lamellae loss and larval density increased the probability of being cannibalized. The results suggest that the increased vulnerability after lamellae loss resulted from a reduced escape performance. Larvae were less mobile after lamellae loss or in the presence of a predator, but the decrease was no longer significant when both factors were combined. This indicates that larvae compensate for the increased predation risk with a fixed response. Both lamellae loss and predator presence reduced hunting success, but the decrease after lamellae loss was only significant in the absence of a predator. The fitness consequences of these effects for both the larval and adult stages are discussed. In general, the data strongly suggest that lamellae autotomy plays a role in population regulation of damselflies.

Oecologia ; 98(1): 15-24, 1994 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28312791


Meat ants (Iridomyrmex purpureus and allies) are perceived to be dominant members of Australian ant communities because of their great abundance, high rates of activity, and extreme aggressiveness. Here we describe the first experimental test of their influence on other ant species, and one of the first experimental studies of the influence of a dominant species on any diverse ant community. The study was conducted at a 0.4 ha savanna woodland site in the seasonal tropics of northern Australia, where the northern meat ant (I. sanguineus) represented 41% of pitfall catches and 73% of all ants at tuna baits, despite a total of 74 species being recorded. Meat ants were fenced out of experimental plots in order to test their influence on the foraging success of other species, as measured by access to tuna baits. The numbers of all other ants and ant species at baits in exclusion plots were approximately double those in controls (controlling for both the fences and for meat ant abundance), and returned rapidly to control levels when fences were removed after 7 weeks. Individual species differend markedly in their response to the fencing treatment, with species of Camponotus and Monomorium showing the strongest responses. Fencing had no effect on pitfall catches of species other than the meat ant, indicating that the effect of meat ants at baits was directly due to interference with foraging workers, and not regulation of general forager abundance. Such interference by meat ants has important implications for the sizes and densities of colonies of other ant species, and ultimately on overall ant community structure.

Oecologia ; 86(1): 57-61, 1991 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28313158


We examined whether individual cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis) base their decisions of where to forage, and how long to stay in a patch, on the behavior of other flock members. Cattle egrets commonly forage in flocks associated with cattle and capture prey at higher rates when they do not share a cow with another egret. Foraging egrets provide cues of the location of prey and their success in capturing prey. Therefore, there is the possibility of information transfer between egrets in a flock. We predicted that egrets should only move to occupied patches when the resident was capturing enough prey that it is profitable for the invader to share the patch or take over the patch. However, egrets did not seem to decide where to forage based on neighbors' rates of energy intake, but rather on the presence or absence of conspecifics in a patch. We also predicted that an egret should remain in a patch until its rate of energy intake dropped to or below the average rate for other egrets within the flock. However, egrets that were foraging more efficiently than the average rate for the flock switched patches sooner than less efficient foragers. Egrets did not appear to increase foraging success by gaining information on patch quality from neighbors.