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Psicol. conoc. Soc ; 13(2)ago. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507106


El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en realizar la adaptación cultural y el estudio psicométrico de la versión española del Job Contents Questionnaire en trabajadores de Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y de Gran Buenos Aires. La muestra se conformó de 331 (70% es de género femenino y 30% es de género masculino, media de edad de 33,15, DS=11,84). Primero se realizó una adaptación cultural mediante la evaluación de jueces expertos y una prueba piloto. La versión adaptada se conformó de 29 ítems. Para evaluar el comportamiento de los ítems se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio bajo la modalidad de correlaciones policóricas aplicando el método de mínimos cuadrados no ponderados (ULS) con un método de rotación Varimax. El instrumento quedó constituido por 21 ítems que se adecúan al modelo propuesto por Karasek. Los ítems que componen el factor Demandas (5), Control (6) y Apoyo Social (10). Los resultados evidencian criterios de validez aparente, de contenido y de constructo, con excelentes índices de fiabilidad (alfas ordinales mayores a .86). Además, se evidenció validez externa tomando como medida de criterio la escala de Ansiedad Estado del STAI. El instrumento presentó propiedades psicométricas satisfactorias para su aplicación en el contexto local.

This article aims to present the cultural adaptation and the psychometric study of the Spanish version of the Job Contents Questionnaire (JCQ, originally built by Karasek) for workers from the Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires and Gran Buenos Aires. The sample consisted on 331 workers (70% are female and 30% are male, mean age of 33.15, SD=11,84). In the first instance, a cultural adaptation was carried out based on the evaluation of expert judges and a pilot test. The adapted version was made up of 29 items. To evaluate the behavior of the items, an exploratory factor analysis was performed under the polychoric correlation modality, applying the unweighted least squares (ULS) method with a Varimax rotation method. The instrument was made up of 21 items that fit the model proposed by Karasek. In summary, the items that make up the factor Demands (5), Control (6) and Social Support (10). The results show face, content and construct validity criteria, with excellent reliability indices (ordinal alphas greater than .86). In addition, external validity was evidenced by taking the STAI State Anxiety scale as a criterion measure. The instrument presented satisfactory psychometric properties for its application in the local context.

O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar a adaptação cultural e o estudo psicométrico da versão em espanhol do Job Contents Questionnaire em trabalhadores da Cidade Autônoma de Buenos Aires e Grande Buenos Aires. A amostra foi composta por 331 (70% do sexo feminino e 30% do sexo masculino, média de idade de 33,15, DP=11,84). Primeiramente, foi realizada uma adaptação cultural por meio da avaliação de juízes especialistas e um teste piloto. A versão adaptada foi composta por 29 itens. Para avaliar o comportamento dos itens, foi realizada uma análise fatorial exploratória sob a modalidade de correlação policórica, aplicando-se o método dos mínimos quadrados não ponderados (ULS) com um método de rotação Varimax. O instrumento foi composto por 21 itens que se enquadram no modelo proposto por Karasek. Os itens que compõem o fator Demandas (5), Controle (6) e Apoio Social (10). Os resultados mostram critérios de validade de face, conteúdo e construto, com excelentes índices de confiabilidade (alfas ordinais maiores que 0,86). Além disso, a validade externa foi evidenciada tomando-se a escala STAI State Anxiety como medida de critério. O instrumento apresentou propriedades psicométricas satisfatórias para sua aplicação no contexto local.

Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1528284


Objetivo: Determinar si el estrés laboral repercute en la percepción subjetiva de bienestar psicológico del personal asistencial de un hospital de Medellín, Colombia. Material y Método: Estudio con diseño cuantitativo, no experimental, transversal; la unidad de análisis fue el personal asistencial conformado por enfermeras/os, auxiliares de enfermería, médicos generales y especialistas; el muestreo no probabilístico intencional fue de 129 participantes; la modalidad de medición fue híbrida utilizando un cuestionario aplicado por Google Forms que midió 2 variables: Estrés laboral y Bienestar psicológico; el pilotaje se realizó con 10 participantes de diferentes departamentos del centro hospitalario; la recolección finalizó en junio de 2022; para el análisis estadístico descriptivo se aplicaron medidas de tendencia central y las correlaciones se realizaron con el coeficiente Rho de Spearman. Resultados: Los participantes mostraron un agotamiento laboral moderado y un bienestar psicológico bajo; los niveles más bajos de bienestar psicológico se correlacionaron con un mayor estrés laboral; la despersonalización y el agotamiento emocional tuvieron el mayor impacto en la reducción del bienestar psicológico; los hombres reportaron niveles más altos de bienestar psicológico que las mujeres. Conclusiones: Es importante fomentar el bienestar psicológico y la implementación de estrategias de manejo del estrés laboral en entornos laborales de la salud, no sólo desde una perspectiva organizacional, sino también cultural y social.

Objective: To determine whether occupational stress has an impact on the subjective perception of psychological well-being of the nursing staff in a hospital in Medellin, Colombia. Material and Method: Quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional study; the unit of analysis was the nursing staff consisting of nursing assistants, general practitioners and specialists; the non-probabilistic intentional sampling included 129 participants; the measurement modality was hybrid using a questionnaire applied through Google Forms that focused on 2 variables: Job stress and Psychological well-being; a pilot study was carried out with 10 participants from different departments of the healthcare institution; data collection ended in June 2022; for the descriptive statistical analysis measures of central tendency were applied and correlations were performed using Spearman's Rho coefficient. Results: Participants showed moderate levels of Job stress and low psychological well-being; lower levels of psychological well-being correlated with higher levels of job stress; depersonalization and emotional exhaustion had the greatest impact on reducing psychological well-being; men reported higher levels of psychological well-being than women. Conclusions: It is important to promote psychological well-being and the implementation of job stress management strategies in healthcare work environments, not only from an organizational perspective, but also from a cultural and social perspective.

Objetivo: Determinar se o estresse no trabalho tem impacto sobre a percepção subjetiva do bem-estar psicológico da equipe de enfermagem de um hospital em Medellín, Colômbia. Material e Método: Estudo quantitativo, não experimental, transversal; a unidade de análise foi a equipe de enfermagem composta por auxiliares de enfermagem, clínicos gerais e especialistas; a amostragem intencional não probabilística incluiu 129 participantes; a medição foi híbrida e utilizou um questionário aplicado por meio do Google Forms que se concentrou em 2 variáveis: estresse no trabalho e bem-estar psicológico; um estudo piloto foi realizado com 10 participantes de diferentes departamentos do hospital; a coleta de dados foi concluida em junho de 2022; para a análise estatística descritiva, foram aplicadas medidas de tendência central e as correlações foram realizadas usando o coeficiente Rho de Spearman. Resultados: Os participantes apresentaram níveis moderados de estresse no trabalho e baixo bem-estar psicológico; níveis mais baixos de bem-estar psicológico se correlacionaram com níveis mais altos de estresse no trabalho; a despersonalização e a exaustão emocional tiveram o maior impacto na redução do bem-estar psicológico; os homens relataram níveis mais altos de bem-estar psicológico do que as mulheres. Conclusões: E importante promover o bem-estar psicológico e implementar estratégias de gerenciamento do estresse em ambientes de trabalho da saúde, não apenas de uma perspectiva organizacional, mas também de uma perspectiva cultural e social.

Psychol Res Behav Manag ; 15: 3297-3312, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36387040


Purpose: Both psychological empowerment and job stress have been the subjects of great concern, studied mainly in developed countries. In emerging economies, few studies have contributed to the knowledge of the relationship between these two constructs. This study analyzed the relationship between the dimensions of psychological empowerment and job stress in tenured professors from public higher education institutions in Ecuador during 2019, providing insights for achieving better results regarding the productivity and well-being of teachers. This research seeks to bridge the knowledge gap concerning psychological empowerment and job stress within an academic context in an emerging economy. Methods: In this quantitative study, a confirmatory model was proposed. Correlation analysis was used to investigate whether psychological empowerment dimensions are related to job stress. Data were collected from a sample of 200 tenured professors working at public universities located in Zone 3 of Ecuador in 2019. The instrument applied for psychological empowerment was proposed by Spreitzer, composed of four dimensions-meaning, competence, impact, and autonomy. For job stress, the Occupational Stress Inventory-Revised (OSI-R) instrument applied was proposed and revised by Osipow. Results: Through structural equation modeling with partial least squares, it was possible to demonstrate that psychological empowerment reduces levels of job stress only when it is perceived that there is autonomy, fewer limitations, and more freedom. No evidence was identified that other components of psychological empowerment, such as meaning, competence, and impact, are related to job stress. Conclusion: The results indicated that the model used to explain the relationship between these variables had weak predictive power. Furthermore, only one research hypothesis is accepted. Finally, these findings are corroborated and explained by the different perspectives presented by various authors.

J Eat Disord ; 10(1): 16, 2022 Feb 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35123594


BACKGROUND: Job strain has been reported as a trigger for binge eating, yet the underlying mechanisms have been unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether work-family conflict is a pathway in the association between job strain and binge eating, considering the possible effect-modifying influence of body mass index (BMI). METHODS: This cross-sectional analysis included 12,084 active civil servants from the multicenter Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). Job strain was assessed using the Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire. Work-family conflict was considered as a latent variable comprising three items. Binge eating was defined as eating a large amount of food in less than 2 h at least twice a week in the last six months with a sense of lack of control over what and how much was eaten. Structural equation modelling was used to test the role of work-family conflict in the association between job strain and binge eating, stratifying for BMI. RESULTS: For individuals of normal weight, positive associations were found between skill discretion and binge eating (standardized coefficient [SC] = 0.209, 95%CI = 0.022-0.396), and between psychological job demands and work-family conflict (SC = 0.571, 95%CI = 0.520-0.622), but no statistically significant indirect effect was found. In overweight individuals, psychological job demands, skill discretion, and work-family conflict were positively associated with binge eating (SC = 0.099, 95%CI = 0.005-0.193; SC = 0.175, 95%CI = 0.062-0.288; and SC = 0.141, 95%CI = 0.077-0.206, respectively). Also, work-family conflict was observed to be a pathway on the associations of psychological job demands and decision authority with binge eating (SC = 0.084, 95%CI = 0.045-0.122; and SC = - 0.008, 95%CI = - 0.015- - 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Work-family conflict partly explains effects of high levels of psychological job demands and low levels of decision authority on binge eating among overweight individuals. Moreover, skill discretion is positively associated with binge eating, regardless of BMI category.

Recent studies have found work-family conflict (i.e., incompatible work and family demands) to link between work issues and physical and mental health. Accordingly, this study investigated whether the relationship between job strain and binge eating is explained by work-family conflict, by body mass index (BMI), in a large sample of Brazilian civil servants. Overall, this study demonstrated that, among overweight individuals, excessive job demands and low decision authority (over what to do at work and how) contribute to binge eating by increasing work-family conflict. Also, excessive skill discretion at work, including opportunities to acquire and use specific job skills, is related to binge eating, regardless of BMI, which deserves further investigation. In conclusion, the results indicate that work-family conflict is a potential mechanism through which job strain can affect eating behavior among overweight individuals.

Rev. medica electron ; 44(1)feb. 2022.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409713


RESUMEN Introducción: el estrés laboral es considerado la enfermedad del siglo XXI. Incide en la satisfacción laboral, que es importante en el desempeño del trabajador. La COVID-19 afecta el ámbito laboral de los trabajadores de la salud -incluido el personal administrativo-, por lo que resulta meritorio estudiar esta población. Objetivo: determinar la relación entre el estrés y la satisfacción laboral del personal administrativo del Hospital General Riobamba, de Ecuador, durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio transversal, correlacional y descriptivo en el personal administrativo que trabajó durante la pandemia de la COVID-19. Se aplicaron dos cuestionarios: el "Cuestionario sobre estrés laboral de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo y la Organización Mundial de la Salud", y el "Cuestionario de satisfacción laboral S20/23". Resultados: el 76 % de la población estudiada presentó un bajo nivel de estrés, pero se encontró una relación representativa entre los diferentes estresores y la variable nominal del área de trabajo. No hubo relación en el análisis de configuración entre el estrés y la satisfacción laboral; lo que se encontró fueron inferencias entre los diferentes factores de ambos cuestionarios. No existió una relación estadísticamente significativa entre el estrés y la satisfacción laboral. Conclusiones: se evidenció que estresores como el clima organizacional, el territorio organizacional y la influencia del líder, aumentaron la probabilidad de afectar la satisfacción particular y los beneficios recibidos en el personal administrativo.

ABSTRACT Introduction: jobal stress is considered the disease of the 21st century. It strikes on the job satisfaction that is important in the performance of the worker. COVID-19 affects the working environment of the health care workers-including the administrative staff-therefore it is worthy to study this population. Objective: to determine the relationship between stress and jobnal satisfaction of the administrative staff of the General Hospital Riobamba, of Ecuador, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional, correlational and descriptive study of the administrative staff that worked during the COVID-19 pandemic was carried out. Two questionnaires were applied: ILO-WHO Job stress questionnaire and the Job satisfaction questionnaire S20/23. Results: 76 % of the studied population presented a low stress level, but a representative relationship was found between the different stressors and the nominal variable of the work area. There was no relationship in the configuration analysis between stress and job satisfaction; what was found were inferences between the different factors of both questionnaires. There was no statistically significant relationship between stress and job satisfaction. Conclusion: it was found that stressors such as organizational climate, organizational territory and leader's influence increased the probability of affecting individual satisfaction and benefits received in the administrative staff.

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Personal Administrativo/estadística & datos numéricos , Estrés Laboral , Satisfacción en el Trabajo , COVID-19
Work ; 70(1): 53-62, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34511476


BACKGROUND: Work-related stress can be defined as an individual's reactions to work characteristics and indicates a poor relationship between coping abilities and work environment. If unmanaged, stress can impact mental and physical health (e.g., causing depression and cardiovascular disease). Many individuals use maladaptive stress-coping strategies, such as sedentary activities, unhealthy eating behaviors, and alcohol consumption, which do not contribute to long-term stress management. In contrast, stress reduction programs can help people manage and effectively reduce stress in the long term. OBJECTIVE: To gather the state of the art of work-related stress interventions, their efficacy and applications. METHOD: The PsycINFO and EBSCOHost databases were used. The search was carried out between January 28 and March 30, 2019. Inclusion criteria were full text available, text in English or Spanish and a study population comprising workers. RESULTS: Twenty-nine articles that included interventions involving aromatherapy, bibliotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, exercise, alternative medicine, mindfulness, technology, stress management and sensory intervention were analyzed. The interventions showed significant reductions in stress, anxiety, depression and burnout; however, most of the studies were not based on specific stress models, and control groups often received no intervention whatsoever. As a result, it is challenging to draw conclusions regarding the success of the interventions, especially if they are novel. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that there is a broad portfolio of successful interventions regarding work-related stress. Most of the successful interventions were based on mindfulness; however, aerobic exercise and bibliotherapy may also be successful. The structure and level of evidence appear to be very relevant to the development of a successful intervention.

Atención Plena , Estrés Laboral , Trastornos de Ansiedad , Ejercicio Físico , Humanos , Estrés Laboral/prevención & control , Lugar de Trabajo
Subj. procesos cogn ; 24(2): 118-132, 2021-02.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1281320


Este artículo tiene como objetivo describir el modo en el que los profesionales de la salud despliegan sus estrategias de afrontamiento del estrés, así como también, evaluar la relación entre estos afrontamientos y los niveles de estrés percibido y de sintomatología. Además, se propone discutir estos resultados teniendo con el objeto de reflexionar acerca de estrategias de prevención e intervención para el escenario actual. La muestra se conformó de 150 sujetos que se desempeñaban como profesionales del ámbito de la salud. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el EEP, el COPE-28, la subescala de sintomatología del CEMTAL y un cuestionario sociodemográfico. Se obtuvieron tres modos de Afrontamiento: 1) de Evitación, 2) de Aproximación y 3) Emocional. También, se hallaron correlaciones positivas entre el Afrontamiento de Evitación con el estrés percibido y la sintomatología. Por último, se discute el afrontamiento del estrés en el contexto actual de pandemia por COVID-19(AU)

This article aims to describe the way in which health professionals deploy their stress coping strategies, as well as to evaluate the correlations between coping and levels of perceived stress and symptoms. In addition, it is proposed to discuss these results in order to reflect on prevention and intervention strategies for the current scenario. The sample consisted of 150 subjects who worked as professionals in the field of health. The instruments used were the EEP, COPE-28, the symptomatology subscale of the CEMTAL and a sociodemographic questionnaire. Three Coping profiles were observed: 1) Avoidance, 2) Approach and 3) Emotional. Also, positive correlations were found between Avoidance Coping with perceived stress and symptomatology. Finally, this paper discuss coping with stress in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic(AU)

Personal de Salud , Estrés Laboral , Estrategias de Salud , COVID-19
Interdisciplinaria ; 38(1): 149-162, ene. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149386


Resumen El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar un modelo explicativo del ausentismo laboral, con base en la relación entre los factores de riesgo psicosocial y la mediación de la percepción de relaciones sociales y del estrés laboral; este se conformó con base en las predicciones de modelos teóricos como Demandas-Control, Desbalance Esfuerzo-Recompensas y Apoyo Social, implícitos en el instrumento usado, así como en los antecedentes de investigación consultados. Para ello, se lleva a cabo un modelado con ecuaciones estructurales con los datos de medición de riesgo psicosocial y ausentismo hecha con 252 trabajadores de una compañía agroindustrial del departamento del Cesar en Colombia; fue aplicada la Batería de Riesgo Psicosocial de Villalobos, Vargas, Rondón y Felknor (2013a, 2013b). Con base en los indicadores de bondad de ajuste, se descartó el modelo teórico inicial, así como otros dos modelos planteados, por lo que se afirma que solo algunas formas específicas de ausentismo son determinadas por el estrés laboral producto de la conjunción de riesgo ante relaciones interpersonales y demandas laborales, combinado con riesgo proveniente de condiciones extralaborales. La inclusión de las relaciones interpersonales en el modelo es totalmente esperable con base en los hallazgos de diferentes investigaciones precedentes. Por otro lado, la exclusión del factor control sobre el trabajo fue inesperada, pues en estudios antecedentes esta guardó mayor relación con el ausentismo que las demandas del trabajo. Se discute sobre las limitaciones del estudio y sobre la necesidad de complejizar en Colombia la investigación sobre la relación del riesgo psicosocial con otros constructos psicológicos y con las consecuencias organizacionales.

Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate an explanatory model of work absenteeism, based on the relationship between psychosocial risk factors and the mediation of the perception of social relationships and work stress. This was based on the predictions of theoretical models such as Demands-Control, Unbalance Effort-Rewards and Social Support, implicit in the instrument used; as well as in the research background consulted. It is justified principally by the impact that absenteeism has on the stability of organizations and the relevance of its prediction for the Psychology of Work and Organizations. For the fulfillment of the objective, a modeling SEM is carried out with the psychosocial risk and absenteeism measurement data made with 252 workers of an agro-industrial company of the department of Cesar in Colombia; 96 % of participants were men, with an average age of 35 years, the majority did not complete secondary studies, 89 % were in operational positions, the majority in indefinite hiring; workers less than 6 months old had been excluded. The Psychosocial Risk Battery of Colombian researchers Villalobos, Vargas, Rondón, y Felknor (2013a, 2013b) was applied. This is one of the few validated and standardized instruments on Colombian population that measures psychosocial risk globally and conforms to the definitions legally accepted in the country regarding such occupational hazards. This battery measures workers' perception of intra-occupational risk factors, in particular, demands for work, control over work, social relations and leadership, as well as rewards and recognition for work; Likewise, it evaluates the extra-labor psychosocial risk associated with working conditions, as well as symptoms of work-related stress. The path analysis was executed using statistical software SPSS v25 and AMOS v24; the goodness-of-fit for the models was verified with indicators CMIN/DF, CFI, TLI y RMSEA; the correlations coefficients between variables and the function "modification Indices" of AMOS was operated to specify the appropriate model to the data. Based on goodness-of-fit measures, the initial theoretical model was discarded. In a second model, the mediating role of the social relations factor is ruled out and Unjustified Absenteeism, Non-Remunerated Absenteeism and Work Accident Absenteeism were excluded, but the adjustment of the model was not adequate either. In a third model, the factors Control on Work and Rewards were also excluded, although the fourth model, that inlayed correlations between de independent variables was the one who had the best goodness of fit; so, it is affirmed that only some specific forms of absenteeism are determined by work-related stress due to the arrangement of risk before interpersonal relationships and labor demands, combined with risk from extra-labor conditions. The inclusion of interpersonal relationships in the model is fully expected based on the findings of different previous investigations. On the other hand, the exclusion of the control factor over work was unexpected, since in previous studies it was more related to absenteeism than the demands of work. It is suggested that the findings should be taken with caution, given the limitations of the research, in particular, the homogeneity of the participants and the lack of comparability with other productive contexts; However, the relevance of the study is sustained in the fact that it is one of the first attempts in the country that uses explanatory models to establish the effects of psychosocial risk factors on organizational outcomes. Complementing the above, the possibility of using the Psychosocial Risk Battery together with the measurement of other important organizational outcomes such as presenteeism, motivation and job satisfaction, job performance and productivity, organizational commitment, accident rate in the workplace, among others, are also considered to empirically validate various models exposed in theory or corroborated in other countries and productive sectors.

Public Health Nutr ; 24(2): 260-266, 2021 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33100264


OBJECTIVES: To explore the relationship between work-related stress and obesity among female shift workers. Additionally, we also aimed to test the interaction between shift work and work-related stress in this association. DESIGN: A cross-sectional study was conducted among Brazilian female shift workers. Work-related stress was assessed through a demand-control questionnaire (Job Stress Scale). Work-related stress was defined by the presence of high psychological demands and low control at work. The obesity cases were defined as those with a BMI of 30 kg/m2 or more. Multivariate Poisson regression with robust variance was used to obtain the prevalence ratios (PR) and their respective 95 % CI. SETTING: A group of industries located in southern Brazil in 2017. PARTICIPANTS: Four hundred and twenty female workers aged 18-59 years. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of obesity was 30 % (95 % CI: 25·6, 34·4), and the presence of work-related stress was identified in 24 % (95 % CI: 19·9, 28·1) of the sample. We found an indication of interaction between work-related stress and night shift work on obesity (P = 0·026). After adjusting for confounding factors, work-related stress was associated with a 71 % greater probability of obesity (PR = 1·71; 95 % CI: 1·02, 2·87; P = 0·042) among female night shift workers. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we revealed that exposure to work-related stress and night shift work were associated with obesity among female shift workers. Furthermore, the prevalence of obesity was high among female shift workers.

Obesidad , Estrés Laboral , Horario de Trabajo por Turnos , Adolescente , Adulto , Brasil , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Obesidad/epidemiología , Adulto Joven
Int Arch Occup Environ Health ; 94(4): 639-646, 2021 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33245393


PURPOSE: Job stress has proven to be a relevant cause of stress for adults, but its effect on the development of metabolic alterations in individuals with obesity is still poorly explored. We aimed to investigate the association between job stress and metabolically unhealthy obesity (MUO) phenotype in participants with obesity at the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) baseline assessment. METHODS: This study analyzed data collected at the baseline examination between 2008 and 2010. A total of 2371 individuals with obesity were included. Two metabolic phenotypes were characterized based on the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey criteria. The job stress scale was based on the Brazilian version of the Swedish Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire. The association between job stress domains and MUO phenotype was assessed by binary logistic models. RESULTS: In our sample, 1297 (54.7%) participants were women, mean age was 49.6 ± 7.1 years and 1696 (71.5%) had MUO. Low skill discretion was associated with MUO after adjustment for age, sex and race. However, in fully-adjusted models, the MUO phenotype was not associated with high job demand (odds ratio [OR] = 1.05; 95% confidence interval [95%CI] 0.82-1.35), low skill discretion (OR = 1.26; 95%CI 0.95-1.68), low decision authority (OR = 0.94; 95%CI 0.70-1.25) nor low social support (OR = 0.93; 95%CI 0.71-1.20). CONCLUSION: We found a significant association between low skill discretion and an adverse metabolic profile in models adjusted for age, sex and race. No associations were significant between job stress domains and the metabolic profile of individuals with obesity in full models.

Obesidad/epidemiología , Obesidad/psicología , Estrés Laboral/epidemiología , Estrés Laboral/psicología , Adulto , Anciano , Brasil/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Síndrome Metabólico/epidemiología , Persona de Mediana Edad , Encuestas Nutricionales , Autonomía Profesional , Factores de Riesgo , Apoyo Social , Lugar de Trabajo
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP;55: e20200422, 2021. tab
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1340732


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the occupational injuries and psychological support received by nurses and to investigate the relationship between the two. Method: This was a nation-wide cross-sectional study of nurses working across 1858 hospitals in China. Data were collected using an online structured, self-administered questionnaire between 2016 and 2017. Results: Nearly half of respondents had experienced aggressive behavior from patients or their attendants; 13.4% respondents had experienced aggressive behavior on more than three occasions. 78.96% respondents had experienced needle-stick injuries and 51.22% had experienced psychological trauma. 20.5% respondents believed that hospitals do not pay any attention to occupational safety. 86.1% respondents expressed the need for little or moderate psychological support. Nurses who had experienced aggressive behavior expressed a greater need for psychological support. Nurses working at hospitals that adequately addressed the occupational safety issues expressed the lowest need for psychological support. Conclusion: We found a high prevalence of psychological stress and occupational injuries among nurses. Nursing managers need to address this issue and implement interventions to prevent and reduce injuries.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar os acidentes de trabalho e o apoio psicológico recebido pelos enfermeiros e investigar a relação entre os dois. Método: Este foi um estudo transversal nacional de enfermeiras que trabalham em 1858 hospitais na China. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário online estruturado e autoaplicável entre 2016 e 2017. Resultados: Quase metade dos entrevistados experimentou comportamento agressivo por parte dos pacientes ou de seus acompanhantes; 13,4% dos entrevistados experimentaram comportamento agressivo em mais de três ocasiões. 78,96% dos entrevistados sofreram ferimentos com agulhas e 51,22% sofreram traumas psicológicos. 20,5% dos entrevistados acreditam que os hospitais não dão atenção à segurança do trabalho. 86,1% dos entrevistados expressaram a necessidade de pouco ou moderado apoio psicológico. Enfermeiros que vivenciaram comportamento agressivo expressaram maior necessidade de apoio psicológico. Os enfermeiros que trabalham em hospitais que abordam de forma adequada as questões de segurança do trabalho expressam a menor necessidade de apoio psicológico. Conclusão: Encontramos alta prevalência de estresse psicológico e lesões ocupacionais entre os enfermeiros. Os gerentes de enfermagem precisam abordar essa questão e implementar intervenções para prevenir e reduzir lesões.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Evaluar las lesiones ocupacionales y el apoyo psicológico que reciben las enfermeras e investigar la relación entre ambos. Método: Este fue un estudio transversal a nivel nacional de enfermeras que trabajaban en 1858 hospitales en China. Los datos se recopilaron mediante un cuestionario autoadministrado estructurado en línea entre 2016 y 2017. Resultados: Casi la mitad de los encuestados había experimentado un comportamiento agresivo por parte de los pacientes o sus asistentes; El 13,4% de los encuestados había experimentado un comportamiento agresivo en más de tres ocasiones. El 78,96% de los encuestados había experimentado lesiones por pinchazos de aguja y el 51,22% había experimentado un trauma psicológico. El 20,5% de los encuestados cree que los hospitales no prestan atención a la seguridad laboral. El 86,1% de los encuestados expresó la necesidad de un apoyo psicológico escaso o moderado. Las enfermeras que habían experimentado un comportamiento agresivo expresaron una mayor necesidad de apoyo psicológico. Las enfermeras que trabajan en hospitales que abordaron adecuadamente los problemas de seguridad ocupacional expresaron la menor necesidad de apoyo psicológico. Conclusión: Encontramos una alta prevalencia de estrés psicológico y lesiones ocupacionales entre enfermeras. Los gerentes de enfermería deben abordar este problema e implementar intervenciones para prevenir y reducir las lesiones.

Traumatismos Ocupacionales , Grupo de Enfermería , Salud Laboral , Estrés Laboral
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32948065


Presenteeism is the term used to describe going in to work even with a health problem. The phenomenon has been identified as one prior factor in sickness absence and, accordingly, the better it is understood, the better will be the prevention strategies. This study aimed to examine the mediating role of presenteeism (the ability to concentrate on work and to complete work despite a health problem) in the association between psychosocial factors at work and common mental disorders (CMD). This cross-sectional study included 1218 nursing personnel at a public hospital in Brazil. Structural equation modelling was performed. The sample comprised mostly women (85.4%), and the mean age was 44.1 (SD = 11.3; range: 24-70) years. Prevalence of presenteeism was 32.8%. Among presenteeist workers (n = 400), a relationship was observed between presenteeism and higher CMD scores. Furthermore, being able to concentrate on work even with a health problem mediated the relationship between social support and CMD and between psychological demands and CMD. Working when sick impairs both the work and the worker's health. Interventions designed to improve working conditions and interpersonal relations can be effective strategies against presenteeism.

Trastornos Mentales/psicología , Enfermeras y Enfermeros/psicología , Presentismo/estadística & datos numéricos , Lugar de Trabajo , Adulto , Anciano , Brasil/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Trastornos Mentales/epidemiología , Persona de Mediana Edad , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Adulto Joven
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 34(4): e1638, oct.-dic. 2018. graf
Artículo en Español | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1126464


RESUMEN Introducción: Las enfermedades crónicas constituyen hoy en día un problema de salud pública que van en aumento. Objetivo: Describir las características socio demográficas y factores estresores de las enfermeras profesionales. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, cuantitativo, transversal, en una población de 105 enfermeras que laboran en instituciones prestadoras de salud de Santa Marta cuyo objeto es el cuidado de pacientes con enfermedad crónica. Se aplicó el instrumento de caracterización sociodemográfica y la escala de estresores laborales para personal de enfermería "Nursing Stress Scale" Se procesó la información mediante el paquete estadístico IBM SPSS Statistics Versión 21.0, usando estadísticos descriptivos. Resultados: El 45,00 por ciento de los enfermeros se encontraban en el rango de edad entre 31 y 40 años; predominó el género femenino, con un 88,00 por ciento; el 47,00 por ciento tenía contrato a término fijo y un 24,00 por ciento a término indefinido; para la mayoría de los entrevistados las relaciones laborales producen una tensión moderada. Conclusiones: La presencia de estrés en los profesionales de Enfermería que cuidan a pacientes con enfermedades crónicas tiene factores personales, laborales y relacionados con el cuidado directo de sus pacientes(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Chronic diseases constitute today a problem of public health that are on the rise. Objective: To describe the characteristics and factors demographic partner stressors professional nurses. Methods: Descriptive study, quantitative, transversal, in a sample of 105 nurses working in institutions providing health of Santa Marta whose object is the care of patients with chronic disease, the instrument was administered of sociodemographic characterization and the scale of job stressors for nursing personnel "Nursing Stress Scale" information was processed using SSPS version 21, using statistical descriptive. Results: 45.00 percent of the nurses were in the age range between 31 and 40 years there was a predominance of the female gender, with a 88,00 percent, 47,00 percent has fixed-term contract, a 24,00 percent to undefined term; for the majority of the interviewees labor relations produce a moderate tension. Conclusions: The presence of stress in nursing professionals who care for patients with chronic diseases has personal factors, labor and related to the direct care of their patients(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Enfermedad Crónica/epidemiología , Cuidadores/psicología , Enfermería de Atención Primaria/métodos , Estrés Laboral/enfermería , Personal de Enfermería/psicología , Epidemiología Descriptiva , Estudios Transversales
Am J Ind Med ; 61(4): 336-343, 2018 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29484691


BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to estimate accident risk rates and mental health of bus rapid transit (BRT) drivers based on psychosocial risk factors at work leading to increased stress and health problems. METHODS: A cross-sectional research design utilized a self-report questionnaire completed by 524 BRT drivers. RESULTS: Some working conditions of BRT drivers (lack of social support from supervisors and perceived potential for risk) may partially explain Bogota's BRT drivers' involvement in road accidents. Drivers' mental health problems were associated with higher job strain, less support from co-workers, fewer rewards and greater signal conflict while driving. CONCLUSIONS: To prevent bus accidents, supervisory support may need to be increased. To prevent mental health problems, other interventions may be needed such as reducing demands, increasing job control, reducing amount of incoming information, simplifying current signals, making signals less contradictory, and revising rewards.

Accidentes de Tránsito/estadística & datos numéricos , Salud Mental , Vehículos a Motor , Estrés Laboral/epidemiología , Apoyo Social , Transportes , Adulto , Colombia/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Estrés Laboral/psicología , Riesgo , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Accid Anal Prev ; 104: 106-114, 2017 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28494258


INTRODUCTION: There is consistent scientific evidence that professional drivers constitute an occupational group that is highly exposed to work related stressors. Furthermore, several recent studies associate work stress and fatigue with unsafe and counterproductive work behaviors. This study examines the association between stress-related work conditions of Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) drivers and risky driving behaviors; and examines whether fatigue is a mechanism that mediates the association between the two. METHOD: A sample of 524 male Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) operators were drawn from four transport companies in Bogotá, Colombia. The participants answered a survey which included an adapted version of the Driver Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ) for BRT operators, as well as the Effort-Reward Imbalance and Job Content Questionnaires, the Subjective Fatigue subscale of the Checklist Individual Strength (CIS) and the Need for Recovery after Work Scale (NFR). RESULTS: Utilizing Structural Equation Models (SEM) it was found that risky driving behaviors in BRT operators could be predicted through job strain, effort-reward imbalance and social support at work. It was also found that fatigue and need for recovery fully mediate the associations between job strain and risky driving, and between social support and risky driving, but not the association between effort/reward imbalance (ERI) and risky driving. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest that a) stress related working conditions (Job Strain, Social Support and ERI) are relevant predictors of risky driving in BRT operators, and b) that fatigue is the mechanism which links another kind of stress related to working conditions (job strain and low social support) with risky driving. The mechanism by which ERI increases risky driving in BRT operators remains unexplained. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: This research suggests that in addition to the individual centered stress-reduction occupational programs, fatigue management interventions aimed to changing some working conditions may reduce risky driving behaviors and promote safety in the professional drivers' jobs and on the road.

Conducción de Automóvil/psicología , Fatiga/complicaciones , Enfermedades Profesionales/psicología , Asunción de Riesgos , Apoyo Social , Estrés Psicológico/terapia , Adulto , Colombia , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Vehículos a Motor , Salud Laboral , Seguridad , Estrés Psicológico/complicaciones , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28441727


Methodological issues are pointed to as the main sources of inconsistencies in studies about the association between job strain and blood pressure (BP)/hypertension. Our aim was to analyze the relationship between job strain and the whole BP distribution, as well as potential differences by gender, age, and use of antihypertensives. Additionally, we addressed issues relating to the operationalization of the exposure and outcome variables that influence the study of their inter-relations. We evaluated the baseline date of 12,038 participants enrolled in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) (2008-2010), a multicenter cohort study of 35-74-year-old civil servants. Job strain was assessed by the Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire. The distribution of casual BP by categories of job strain was compared by a combination of exploratory techniques. Participants were classified into three subgroups (normotensives, medicated hypertensives, and unmedicated hypertensives), and analyses were stratified by gender and age. The relationship between job strain and casual BP varied along the whole outcome distribution. Hypertensive participants had greater differences in casual BP by job strain category, especially medicated hypertensives. Differences in casual BP were also greater for systolic than for diastolic BP and for older participants. No differences were encountered by gender. The exclusion of participants susceptible to misclassification for the exposure and outcome variables increased the differences observed between the categories of low and high job strain. In conclusion, the relationship between job strain and casual BP varied along the whole outcome distribution and by use of antihypertensive drugs, age, and BP parameter evaluated. Misclassification for exposure and outcome variables should be considered in analyses of this topic.

Antihipertensivos/administración & dosificación , Presión Sanguínea , Agotamiento Profesional/etiología , Hipertensión/etiología , Adulto , Factores de Edad , Anciano , Brasil , Agotamiento Profesional/fisiopatología , Femenino , Humanos , Hipertensión/fisiopatología , Estudios Longitudinales , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Factores Sexuales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Rev. bras. educ. fís. esp ; 30(4): 999-1010, out.-dez. 2016. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-843538


Resumo "Burnout" é resultado da exposição prolongada ao estresse laboral crônico com recuperação insuficiente. O presente estudo analisou a presença de "burnout" em uma amostra de profissionais de educação física da Região Metropolitana de Londrina, Paraná, Brasil. Foram reunidos para estudo 588 sujeitos (273 mulheres e 315 homens). A presença de "burnout" foi definida por intermédio da versão traduzida do Maslach Burnout Inventory. Definiu-se "burnout" pela sobreposição de elevados escores de exaustão emocional e despersonalização e baixo escore de realização profissional. Foi também tratado os efeitos de sexo, idade e características laborais (experiência na profissão, qualificação acadêmica, área de atuação profissional, jornada de trabalho semanal, locais de trabalho e ganho financeiro) nas três dimensões de "burnout". Os resultados indicaram a presença de "burnout" em 10,2% da amostra selecionada. Homens relataram escores de reduzida realização profissional de maior gravidade que mulheres. Escores equivalentes à exaustão emocional e despersonalização foram significativamente mais elevados em profissionais com mais idade. Com relação às características laborais, maior experiência profissional, qualificação apenas na graduação, atividade no ensino básico, jornada de trabalho ≥ 40 horas/semana, pluriemprego e menor ganho financeiro aumentaram significativamente as chances de acometimento de "burnout". Concluindo, os presentes achados podem ser empregados para delinear programas de intervenção e implementar mudanças no ambiente de trabalho destinado a aprimorar a saúde ocupacional e o bem-estar em geral dos profissionais de educação física.(AU)

Abstract Burnout is the result of prolonged exposure to chronic work stress with insufficiente recovery. This study examined the presence of burnout in a sample of physical education professional from the metropolitan region of Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. A total of 588 subjects (273 women and 315 men) were included in the study. To define the presence of burnout we used the version translated into Portuguese of the Maslach Burnout Inventory. Burnout was defined by superposition of high scores in emotional exhaustion and depersonalization and low scores on personal accomplishment at work. We also studied the effect of gender, age and job characteristics (working experience, academic qualification, area of professional practice, weekly workload, workplaces and income) on the three dimensions of burnout. The results indicated the presence of burnout in 10.2% of the selected sample. Men reported scores on reduced personal accomplishment indicative of greater severity than women. Scores equivalent to emotional exhaustion and depersonalization were significantly higher in older professionals. Regarding to job characteristics, more working experience, qualification only at graduation, professional practice in primary education, weekly workload ≥ 40 hours/week, multiple employment and lower income increased significantly the odds of the presence of burnout. In conclusion, the present findings can be used to design programs of intervention and implement changes in the work environment aimed at improving occupational health and overall well-being of profissional physical education.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Agotamiento Profesional , Despersonalización , Salud Laboral , Estrés Psicológico
Acta colomb. psicol ; 19(2): 239-255, July-Dec. 2016. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-797365


En 2010 se desarrolló una batería de instrumentos para evaluar factores psicosociales laborales de riesgo para la salud, en respuesta a la Resolución 2646 de 2008 del Ministerio de la Protección Social de Colombia. Sin embargo, esta cuenta con algunas limitaciones que, a partir de la construcción y validación de una nueva batería, en el presente estudio se buscan superar. La nueva batería ofrece, recursos adicionales para la evaluación de estos factores: incorpora los instrumentos e indicadores centrales de los modelos demanda-control-apoyo social y desequilibrio esfuerzo-recompensa, y los factores intralaborales no contemplados en dichos modelos, pero que la Resolución considera necesarios, se midieron con pruebas preexistentes o desarrolladas por los autores. Con los datos recolectados es posible calcular indicadores globales de demanda, control y apoyo social; además de condiciones familiares y sociales de riesgo, afrontamiento, personalidad e indicadores de salud y bienestar. Para la validación, la batería se aplicó a una muestra de 16.095 trabajadores de diferentes ocupaciones y municipios colombianos. Los análisis de consistencia interna y validez permiten afirmar que la batería es sencilla de aplicar en papel o por computador, permitirá comparar ocupaciones, obtener puntuaciones unificadas por variable, ofrecer un diagnóstico de un número importante de las variables sugeridas en la Resolución y comparar los resultados de los trabajadores colombianos con los de otros países.

A battery of questionnaires to assess psychosocial risk factors at work was developed in 2010 in response to Resolution 2646 created by the Colombian Ministry of Social Protection. However, this battery presents some theoretical and practical limitations. A new battery of instruments has been designed and validated that includes instruments and risk indicators of the demand-control-social support and the effort-reward imbalance models. Other factors, not included in these models, but that Resolution 2646 suggests should be assessed, have also been added, and with this additional information, the new battery allows us to also calculate a "global indicator" of demand, control, and social support; family and social risk conditions, coping and personality; and health and wellbeing. The new battery was administered to a sample of 16,095 workers from different occupations and representative Colombian regions. An analysis of the various domains indicates that internal consistency of the various scales is high. The new battery has the following properties: it is simple to use in paper format or when administered by computer, it enables comparison between occupations, it offers unified scores for each variable, and provides information to assess the risk factors suggested by resolution 2646. In addition, it will make it possible to compare the results obtained when analyzing Colombian workers with those obtained from studies of workers from other countries.

Em 2010, desenvolveu-se uma bateria de instrumentos para avaliar fatores psicossociais trabalhistas de risco para a saúde, em resposta à Resolução 2 646 do Ministério da Proteção Social da Colômbia. Contudo, esta conta com algumas limitações que, a partir da construção e da validação de uma nova bateria, neste estudo se pretendem superar. Além disso, a nova bateria oferece recursos adicionais para a avaliação desses fatores: a presente bateria incorpora os instrumentos e os indicadores centrais dos modelos demanda-controle-apoio social e desiquilíbrio esforço-recompensa e os fatores internos do trabalho não considerados nesses modelos, mas que a Resolução considera necessários, mediram-se com testes preexistentes ou desenvolvidos pelos autores. Com os dados coletados, é possível calcular indicadores globais de demanda, controle e apoio social; além de condições familiares e sociais de risco, enfrentamento, personalidade e indicadores de saúde e bem-estar. Para a validação, a bateria foi aplicada a uma amostra de 16 095 trabalhadores de diferentes cargos e municípios colombianos. As análises de consistência interna e validade permitem afirmar que a bateria é simples de aplicar em papel ou digital, permitirá comparar cargos, obter pontuações unificadas por variável, oferecer um diagnóstico de um número importante das variáveis sugeridas na Resolução bem como permitirá comparar os resultados dos trabalhadores colombianos com os de outros países.

Humanos , Adulto , Psicología Social , Normas Sociales
Soc Sci Med ; 141: 91-9, 2015 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26259011


RATIONALE: The association between life course socioeconomic position (SEP) and subclinical atherosclerosis is not consistent across studies. Socioeconomic adversities early in life are related to an increased probability of a low occupational grade and more stressful jobs in adulthood. However, the role of job stress in explaining the life course social gradient in subclinical atherosclerosis is unknown. OBJECTIVES: To examine whether life course SEP is associated with carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and to investigate whether this association is partially mediated by job stress. METHODS: This study used baseline data (2008-2010) for 8806 current workers from ELSA-Brasil. Maternal education, social class of first occupation and social class of current occupation were used to evaluate childhood, youth and adulthood SEP, respectively. Accumulation of risk across the life course was also evaluated. Job stress was assessed by the Swedish Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire. Directed acyclic graph and linear regression models were used. RESULTS: Low childhood SEP was associated with increased IMT only in women, but low youth and adulthood SEP were associated with higher IMT in both genders. The simultaneous adjustment for all SEP indicators showed that only adulthood SEP continued to be associated with IMT. However, higher IMT values were observed among men and women sequentially exposed to low SEP in more than one period of life. High-strain jobs and low job control were not associated with IMT independent of SEP. CONCLUSION: Our results support a model of the cumulative effects of exposures to SEP across the life span because the highest IMT values were observed in individuals sequentially exposed to low SEP in more than one period of life. We did not find that job stress explained the association between life course SEP and IMT, suggesting that strategies to address socioeconomic inequalities in CVD should target additional steps beyond reducing job stress.

Aterosclerosis/etiología , Grosor Intima-Media Carotídeo , Ocupaciones , Clase Social , Estrés Psicológico/complicaciones , Adulto , Anciano , Envejecimiento , Aterosclerosis/etnología , Brasil , Arteria Carótida Común/anatomía & histología , Femenino , Humanos , Estudios Longitudinales , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Factores de Riesgo , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Cienc. Trab ; 17(52): 77-82, abr. 2015. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-748754


En este trabajo se exponen los resultados del estudio de las manifestaciones del síndrome de Burnout en una muestra de 58 supervisores de seguridad industrial (54,3% varones y 46,6% mujeres) con un rango de edad de 22 a 58 años. Se aplicó el Inventario de Burnout de Maslach forma general y se encontró que el 87% de los supervisores evaluados presentan niveles moderados de Burnout; además, la baja realización personal tiene mayor grado de severidad de las tres dimensiones del síndrome. El tiempo de servicio se relaciona con el agotamiento emocional y la despersonalización, mientras que la edad se relaciona con la baja realización personal. Las mujeres se encuentran más afectadas por el síndrome, pero las diferencias con los varones no son significativas.

In this work, we expose the results of the study of Burnout syndrome manifestations in a sample of 58 occupational safety supervisors (54,3% male and 46,6% female) with an age range among 22 and 58 years old. The Maslach Burnout Inventory (General Survey) was applied and the results show that 87% percent of supervisors tested have moderate levels of Burnout. Moreover, inefficacy reached highest levels of severity of three dimensions of Burnout syndrome. Time of service was related to exhaustion and cynicism, meanwhile age was related to inefficacy. Women were more affected by the syndrome comparing to male, but these differences were not significant.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Adulto Joven , Agotamiento Profesional/psicología , Seguridad Industrial , Satisfacción Personal , Perú , Agotamiento Profesional/diagnóstico , Salud Mental , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Análisis de Regresión , Análisis de Varianza , Distribución por Sexo , Despersonalización , Estrés Laboral/diagnóstico , Estrés Laboral/psicología , Correlación de Datos