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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38899837


BACKGROUND: Speech and language therapists (SLTs) play an important role in assessing and rehabilitating communication disorders in people with dementia, but there is evidence to suggest that they do not receive appropriate training to provide management and support during their training. AIM: To investigate the level of awareness and knowledge that practising SLTs from Brazil have about dementia and their role in the care of dementia through an online survey. METHODS & PROCEDURES: An online survey tool was developed to collect information from practising Brazilian SLTs regarding their knowledge about dementia, awareness about their role in the care of people with dementia, and opinions on how SLTs may be better prepared to work in the dementia field. The survey was disseminated via social media, websites, and e-mail lists of researchers and stakeholders. OUTCOMES & RESULTS: A total of 227 SLTs completed the survey. Participants showed good knowledge of dementia in general, while their answers were less accurate on primary progressive aphasia. Regarding the awareness by SLTs of their role in the care of people with dementia, most agreed or strongly agreed that SLTs could help people in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dementia (> 80%). However, fewer participants agreed or strongly agreed that they felt confident in contributing to the treatment and diagnosis process of dementia (about 50%). To improve the training of SLTs in Brazil, most participants believed that it would be necessary to improve the teaching of dementia at the undergraduate speech and language therapy curriculum level and to develop recommendations or guidelines about speech and language therapy practice in dementia. CONCLUSIONS & IMPLICATIONS: The results of this survey point to a need for improvement in the knowledge and confidence of Brazilian SLTs about dementia. To reach this goal, targeted training courses and applied practice opportunities should be embedded within university curricula and training programmes. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS: What is already known on the subject Many studies confirm the importance of speech and language therapy in the non-pharmacological treatment of people with dementia. However, other evidence suggests to a possible lack of training for Brazilian SLTs, especially in the curriculum of undergraduate courses. What this paper adds to existing knowledge This study reveals that Brazilian SLTs have substantial knowledge of dementia and recognize the significance of their role in treating people with dementia. However, a minority expressed confidence in their ability to assess and treat people with dementia. What are the potential or actual clinical implications of this work? The findings of this research demonstrate that Brazilian SLTs have good knowledge of dementia and endorse their professional role in dementia care; however, they lack confidence in their own skills and expertise in diagnostic assessment and treatment of dementia. Interventions aimed at boosting the SLT's confidence level could lead to improved patients outcomes and overall quality of care within clinical settings.

Dement Neuropsychol ; 17: e20230021, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38053645


Primary progressive aphasia comprises a group of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by progressive speech and language dysfunction. Neuroimaging (structural and functional), biomarkers, and neuropsychological assessments allow for early diagnosis. However, there is no pharmacological treatment for the disease. Speech and language therapy is the main rehabilitation strategy. In this case report, we describe a female patient diagnosed with nonfluent primary progressive aphasia who underwent sessions of high-frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and showed improvement in depression scores, naming tasks in oral and written speech, and comprehension tasks in oral and written discourse.

As afasias progressivas primárias (APP) representam um grupo de doenças neurodegenerativas caracterizadas por disfunção progressiva da fala e da linguagem. A neuroimagem (estrutural e funcional), os biomarcadores e as avaliações neuropsicológicas permitem o diagnóstico precoce. No entanto, não há tratamento farmacológico para a doença. A terapia fonoaudiológica é a principal estratégia de reabilitação. Neste relato de caso, descrevemos uma paciente com diagnóstico de APP não fluente que foi submetida a sessões de estimulação magnética transcraniana de alta frequência no córtex pré-frontal dorsolateral esquerdo e apresentou melhora nos escores de depressão, nas tarefas de nomeação da fala oral e escrita e nas tarefas de compreensão da fala oral e escrita.

Dement Neuropsychol ; 17: e20220095, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38089169


Primary progressive aphasia is a clinical syndrome caused by neurodegeneration of areas and neural networks involved in language, usually in the left hemisphere. The term "crossed aphasia" denotes an acquired language dysfunction caused by a lesion in the ipsilateral hemisphere to the dominant hand. Objective: To describe a case of crossed aphasia in a 60-year-old left-handed patient with a non-fluent variant of primary progressive aphasia diagnosis (age of onset=52), evidenced by a left asymmetry on brain SPECT scan. Methods: Clinical and family history, the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory, Measurement of Functional Activities in Older Adults in the Community, the "Mini-Mental State Examination", the Trail Making Test, the Tower of London, and the Neuropsychological assessment for dementia, and neuroimaging studies were carried out. Results: Neuropsychological assessment showed severe cognitive impairment, especially regarding language. The magnetic resonance imaging showed important signs of cortico-subcortical atrophy, with predominance in the frontal and temporal lobes. The single-photon emission computed tomography scan showed moderate to severe hypoperfusion in the left cerebral hemisphere, including the hippocampus. Conclusion: We described a clinical case of crossed aphasia in a left-handed woman with a non-fluent variant of primary progressive aphasia with asymmetry on brain SPECT, mainly on the left, followed up for seven years.

A afasia progressiva primária é uma síndrome clínica causada por uma neurodegeneração de áreas e redes neurais envolvidas na linguagem, geralmente no hemisfério esquerdo. O termo "afasia cruzada" denota uma disfunção adquirida de linguagem causada por uma lesão no hemisfério ipsilateral da mão dominante. Objetivo: Relatamos um caso de afasia cruzada em uma paciente de 60 anos, canhota, com um quadro clínico de afasia progressiva primária variante não fluente (idade de início=52), evidenciada por assimetria no SPECT cerebral à esquerda. Métodos: Foram realizados para o diagnóstico do caso: história clínica e familiar, o Inventário de Dominância de Edinburgh, a Escala de Atividades Funcionais de Pfeffer, o Miniexame do Estado Mental, o Teste das Trilhas, o Teste da Torre de Londres, a Avaliação Neuropsicológica Adequada às Demências e exames de neuroimagem. Resultados: A avaliação neuropsicológica mostrou comprometimento cognitivo severo, principalmente sobre a linguagem; a ressonância magnética do crânio mostrou sinais de involução córtico-subcortical, com predominância nos lobos frontal e temporal e a cintilografia cerebral por emissão de fóton único mostrou hipoperfusão moderada a severa no hemisfério cerebral esquerdo, incluindo o hipocampo. Conclusão: Registramos um caso clínico de afasia cruzada em uma paciente canhota com afasia progressiva primária variante não fluente com assimetria no SPECT cerebral, principalmente à esquerda, seguida há sete anos.

Dement Neuropsychol ; 17: e20230016, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38089171


Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) is a progressive language disorder associated with frontotemporal impairment and mainly affects the left hemisphere of the brain. In general, this condition compromises abilities related to comprehension and expression of language. The diagnosis of PPA depends on in-depth knowledge regarding functions of language, neurology, and neuropsychology. Speech and language therapists (SLTs) have a pivotal role in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of PPA. The absence of these professionals involved in the diagnosis and rehabilitation may reflect on the quality of care of people with PPA. Objective: To identify the sociodemographic, educational, and professional practice characteristics of SLTs who work with people with PPA in Brazil. Methods: An online questionnaire was disseminated to reach SLTs across Brazil. The questionnaire collected information regarding sociodemographics, training and education, practice (time, setting, service provision), and sources of referral. Results: The study included 71 participants (95.8% women). Specialization was the most frequent educational level followed by master's degree, and participants where mainly from the Southeast and South regions of Brazil. Neurologists were the professionals who most referred patients with PPA to SLTs. Finally, SLTs worked primarily in homecare settings and provided mainly individual therapy services. Conclusion: SLTs who work with PPA in Brazil can be characterized mainly as professionals with postgraduate degrees, relatively young, and from the South and Southeast regions of Brazil.

A afasia progressiva primária (APP) é um distúrbio progressivo da linguagem associado à atrofia de regiões frontotemporais predominantemente do hemisfério esquerdo do cérebro. De modo geral, a APP afeta as capacidades compreensivas e expressivas da linguagem. O diagnóstico depende de profissionais com profundo conhecimento das funções da linguagem, neurologia e neuropsicologia. A fonoaudiologia tem papel essencial no diagnóstico e reabilitação da APP, e a ausência de fonoaudiólogos nesses processos pode refletir na qualidade do cuidado das pessoas com APP. Objetivo: Identificar as características sociodemográficas, educacionais e de atuação profissional de fonoaudiólogos que atuam com APP no Brasil. Métodos: Foi distribuído um questionário em formato online para fonoaudiólogos de todo o Brasil. O questionário coletou informações sobre aspectos sociodemográficos, de formação, atuação profissional (tempo, local de atuação, tipo de serviço oferecido) e fontes de encaminhamento. Resultados: O estudo incluiu 71 participantes (95,8% mulheres). O nível educacional mais frequente foi a especialização, e as regiões demográficas com maior incidência de profissionais que atendiam APP foram as Regiões Sudeste e Sul do país. Os neurologistas foram os profissionais que mais encaminhavam pacientes com APP para os fonoaudiólogos. Por fim, os fonoaudiólogos atuavam, principalmente, em homecare e realizando, em sua maioria, terapia individual. Conclusão: Os fonoaudiólogos que atuam com APP no Brasil podem ser caracterizados principalmente como profissionais pós-graduados, relativamente jovens e das Regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil.

Acta neurol. colomb ; 39(3)sept. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533505


Introducción: Entre las enfermedades neurodegenerativas se encuentra un grupo de patologías que se caracterizan por un compromiso prominente del lenguaje, denominadas usualmente afasias primarias progresivas, las cuales se subdividen en 3 tipos: variante logopénica, variante semántica y variante no fluente o agramática. Presentación del caso: Paciente con cuadro clínico que inicia a los 65 años, con disminución en la interacción social. Un par de meses después, la esposa nota que el lenguaje del paciente se torna poco fluido, habla con palabras o frases cortas, no logra decir oraciones completas, además de presentar cambios en la entonación de las palabras y alteraciones del lenguaje escrito. El paciente manifiesta que su principal limitación en el momento es el no poder expresar lo que quiere decir, y por este motivo consulta. Discusión: En el caso de este paciente, se describe inicialmente un cambio en su personalidad que no compromete su funcionalidad, sin embargo, al poco tiempo se presenta compromiso del lenguaje como síntoma prominente y que genera mayor compromiso en su calidad de vida, con pruebas neuropsicológicas y hallazgos de neuroimagen que apoyan el diagnóstico de afasia primaria progresiva (APP) variante no fluente o agramatical, con síntomas comportamentales y motores asociados. Conclusión: Las APP son un grupo de trastornos neurocognitivos cuya característica primordial es el compromiso en el lenguaje, cada variante de APP tiene unas características clínicas y criterios diagnósticos específicos que se deben conocer para lograr sospechar el diagnóstico y hacer un abordaje apropiado en el paciente.

Introduction: In the group of neurodegenerative diseases, there is a group of pathologies that are characterized by a prominent compromise of language, normally called primary progressive aphasias, these are subdivided into 3 types: logopenic variant, semantic variant and non-fluent or agrammatic variant. Case presentation: Patient with a clinical picture that begins at age 65, with decreased social interaction, a couple of months later his wife notices that his language becomes not fluent, speaks in short words or phrases, cannot say complete sentences, in addition to changes in the intonation of words and alterations in written language, the patient states that his main limitation at the moment is not being able to express what he wants to say and for this reason they consult. Discussion: In the case of this patient, a change in his personality is initially described that does not compromise his functionality, however soon after a language involvement is presented as the main symptom and the one that generates a compromise in his quality of life, with neuropsychological tests and findings on neuroimaging that supports the diagnosis of primary progressive aphasia (PPA) non-fluent or agrammatical variant, with associated behavioral and motor symptoms. Conclusion: APPs are a group of neurocognitive disorders whose primary characteristic is language impairment. Each APP variant has specific clinical characteristics and diagnostic criteria that must be known in order to suspect the diagnosis and make an appropriate approach to the patient.

Trastornos Neurocognitivos , Demencia , Afasia Progresiva Primaria no Fluente , Lenguaje
Appl Neuropsychol Adult ; 30(1): 20-26, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33836135


INTRODUCTION: Three Words-Three Shapes (3W3S) is a bedside test that assesses verbal and non-verbal memory and has proven useful in staging memory decline in amnestic disorders and primary progressive aphasia. Given its simple structure, the 3W3S can be easily adapted to other languages maintaining the original shapes and only modifying the words. We aim to validate a Spanish version of the 3W3S test and establish whether memory loss patterns present in amnesic disorders associated with Alzheimer's etiology and PPA were correctly characterized. METHOD: The translation and adaptation of the 3W3S were performed according to standardized guidelines and applied to a cohort of patients with Dementia of Alzheimer's type (DAT = 20), mild cognitive impairment (aMCI= 20), primary progressive aphasia (PPA = 20), and healthy controls (HC = 20). RESULTS: In verbal memory performance, PPA patients' score was lower than that of MCI and HC and similar to DAT's in the effortless encoding (p < 0.001), delayed recall (p < 0.001), and recognition (p < 0.012). For non-verbal performance, PPA patients performed better than DAT and similar to HC and MCI subjects (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Results show good applicability of 3W3S to determine memory function in PPA patients, independently from language ability. Visual and verbal components of memory are dissociated in PPA.

Enfermedad de Alzheimer , Afasia Progresiva Primaria , Humanos , Enfermedad de Alzheimer/complicaciones , Enfermedad de Alzheimer/diagnóstico , Enfermedad de Alzheimer/psicología , Afasia Progresiva Primaria/complicaciones , Afasia Progresiva Primaria/diagnóstico , Afasia Progresiva Primaria/psicología , Pruebas Neuropsicológicas , Trastornos de la Memoria/etiología , Trastornos de la Memoria/complicaciones , Lenguaje
Dement. neuropsychol ; 17: e20230016, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528496


ABSTRACT Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) is a progressive language disorder associated with frontotemporal impairment and mainly affects the left hemisphere of the brain. In general, this condition compromises abilities related to comprehension and expression of language. The diagnosis of PPA depends on in-depth knowledge regarding functions of language, neurology, and neuropsychology. Speech and language therapists (SLTs) have a pivotal role in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of PPA. The absence of these professionals involved in the diagnosis and rehabilitation may reflect on the quality of care of people with PPA. Objective: To identify the sociodemographic, educational, and professional practice characteristics of SLTs who work with people with PPA in Brazil. Methods: An online questionnaire was disseminated to reach SLTs across Brazil. The questionnaire collected information regarding sociodemographics, training and education, practice (time, setting, service provision), and sources of referral. Results: The study included 71 participants (95.8% women). Specialization was the most frequent educational level followed by master's degree, and participants where mainly from the Southeast and South regions of Brazil. Neurologists were the professionals who most referred patients with PPA to SLTs. Finally, SLTs worked primarily in homecare settings and provided mainly individual therapy services. Conclusion: SLTs who work with PPA in Brazil can be characterized mainly as professionals with postgraduate degrees, relatively young, and from the South and Southeast regions of Brazil.

RESUMO A afasia progressiva primária (APP) é um distúrbio progressivo da linguagem associado à atrofia de regiões frontotemporais predominantemente do hemisfério esquerdo do cérebro. De modo geral, a APP afeta as capacidades compreensivas e expressivas da linguagem. O diagnóstico depende de profissionais com profundo conhecimento das funções da linguagem, neurologia e neuropsicologia. A fonoaudiologia tem papel essencial no diagnóstico e reabilitação da APP, e a ausência de fonoaudiólogos nesses processos pode refletir na qualidade do cuidado das pessoas com APP. Objetivo: Identificar as características sociodemográficas, educacionais e de atuação profissional de fonoaudiólogos que atuam com APP no Brasil. Métodos: Foi distribuído um questionário em formato online para fonoaudiólogos de todo o Brasil. O questionário coletou informações sobre aspectos sociodemográficos, de formação, atuação profissional (tempo, local de atuação, tipo de serviço oferecido) e fontes de encaminhamento. Resultados: O estudo incluiu 71 participantes (95,8% mulheres). O nível educacional mais frequente foi a especialização, e as regiões demográficas com maior incidência de profissionais que atendiam APP foram as Regiões Sudeste e Sul do país. Os neurologistas foram os profissionais que mais encaminhavam pacientes com APP para os fonoaudiólogos. Por fim, os fonoaudiólogos atuavam, principalmente, em homecare e realizando, em sua maioria, terapia individual. Conclusão: Os fonoaudiólogos que atuam com APP no Brasil podem ser caracterizados principalmente como profissionais pós-graduados, relativamente jovens e das Regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil.

Dement. neuropsychol ; 17: e20230021, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528499


ABSTRACT Primary progressive aphasia comprises a group of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by progressive speech and language dysfunction. Neuroimaging (structural and functional), biomarkers, and neuropsychological assessments allow for early diagnosis. However, there is no pharmacological treatment for the disease. Speech and language therapy is the main rehabilitation strategy. In this case report, we describe a female patient diagnosed with nonfluent primary progressive aphasia who underwent sessions of high-frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and showed improvement in depression scores, naming tasks in oral and written speech, and comprehension tasks in oral and written discourse.

RESUMO As afasias progressivas primárias (APP) representam um grupo de doenças neurodegenerativas caracterizadas por disfunção progressiva da fala e da linguagem. A neuroimagem (estrutural e funcional), os biomarcadores e as avaliações neuropsicológicas permitem o diagnóstico precoce. No entanto, não há tratamento farmacológico para a doença. A terapia fonoaudiológica é a principal estratégia de reabilitação. Neste relato de caso, descrevemos uma paciente com diagnóstico de APP não fluente que foi submetida a sessões de estimulação magnética transcraniana de alta frequência no córtex pré-frontal dorsolateral esquerdo e apresentou melhora nos escores de depressão, nas tarefas de nomeação da fala oral e escrita e nas tarefas de compreensão da fala oral e escrita.

Dement. neuropsychol ; 17: e20220095, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528505


ABSTRACT Primary progressive aphasia is a clinical syndrome caused by neurodegeneration of areas and neural networks involved in language, usually in the left hemisphere. The term "crossed aphasia" denotes an acquired language dysfunction caused by a lesion in the ipsilateral hemisphere to the dominant hand. Objective: To describe a case of crossed aphasia in a 60-year-old left-handed patient with a non-fluent variant of primary progressive aphasia diagnosis (age of onset=52), evidenced by a left asymmetry on brain SPECT scan. Methods: Clinical and family history, the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory, Measurement of Functional Activities in Older Adults in the Community, the "Mini-Mental State Examination", the Trail Making Test, the Tower of London, and the Neuropsychological assessment for dementia, and neuroimaging studies were carried out. Results: Neuropsychological assessment showed severe cognitive impairment, especially regarding language. The magnetic resonance imaging showed important signs of cortico-subcortical atrophy, with predominance in the frontal and temporal lobes. The single-photon emission computed tomography scan showed moderate to severe hypoperfusion in the left cerebral hemisphere, including the hippocampus. Conclusion: We described a clinical case of crossed aphasia in a left-handed woman with a non-fluent variant of primary progressive aphasia with asymmetry on brain SPECT, mainly on the left, followed up for seven years.

RESUMO A afasia progressiva primária é uma síndrome clínica causada por uma neurodegeneração de áreas e redes neurais envolvidas na linguagem, geralmente no hemisfério esquerdo. O termo "afasia cruzada" denota uma disfunção adquirida de linguagem causada por uma lesão no hemisfério ipsilateral da mão dominante. Objetivo: Relatamos um caso de afasia cruzada em uma paciente de 60 anos, canhota, com um quadro clínico de afasia progressiva primária variante não fluente (idade de início=52), evidenciada por assimetria no SPECT cerebral à esquerda. Métodos: Foram realizados para o diagnóstico do caso: história clínica e familiar, o Inventário de Dominância de Edinburgh, a Escala de Atividades Funcionais de Pfeffer, o Miniexame do Estado Mental, o Teste das Trilhas, o Teste da Torre de Londres, a Avaliação Neuropsicológica Adequada às Demências e exames de neuroimagem. Resultados: A avaliação neuropsicológica mostrou comprometimento cognitivo severo, principalmente sobre a linguagem; a ressonância magnética do crânio mostrou sinais de involução córtico-subcortical, com predominância nos lobos frontal e temporal e a cintilografia cerebral por emissão de fóton único mostrou hipoperfusão moderada a severa no hemisfério cerebral esquerdo, incluindo o hipocampo. Conclusão: Registramos um caso clínico de afasia cruzada em uma paciente canhota com afasia progressiva primária variante não fluente com assimetria no SPECT cerebral, principalmente à esquerda, seguida há sete anos.

Dement Neuropsychol ; 16(3 Suppl 1): 40-52, 2022 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36533158


"Frontotemporal dementia" (FTD) is a clinical syndrome characterized by the focal involvement of the frontal and/or temporal lobes. FTD has three clinical phenotypes: the behavioral variant and two linguistic subtypes, namely, non-fluent/agrammatic primary progressive aphasia (PPA-NF/A) and semantic PPA (PPA-S). FTD is the second most common cause of dementia in individuals under the age of 65 years. This article presents recommendations for the diagnosis of FTD in the Brazilian scenario, considering the three levels of complexity of the health system: primary health care, secondary and tertiary levels. Diagnostic guidelines are proposed, including cognitive testing, behavioral and language assessments, laboratory tests, and neuroimaging.

A "demência frontotemporal" (DFT) é uma síndrome clínica, cujo denominador comum é o acometimento focal dos lobos frontais e/ou temporais. A DFT tem três fenótipos clínicos distintos: a variante comportamental e dois subtipos linguísticos, a saber, a afasia progressiva primária não-fluente/agramática (APP-NF/A) e a afasia progressiva primária semântica (APP-S). A DFT é a segunda causa mais comum de demência em indivíduos com idade inferior a 65 anos, após a doença de Alzheimer. O presente artigo apresenta recomendações para diagnóstico da DFT no cenário brasileiro, considerando os três níveis de complexidade do sistema de saúde: atenção primária à saúde e níveis secundários. São propostos protocolos de investigação diagnóstica abrangendo testagem cognitiva, avaliação comportamental, avaliação fonoaudiológica, exames laboratoriais e de neuroimagem.

Acta neurol. colomb ; 38(4): 230-239, oct.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419938


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: Las demencias son un conjunto de trastornos neurocognitivos, en personas con edad menor a 65 años sobresale la demencia frontotemporal, síndrome neurodegenerativo heterogéneo que tiene dos grandes variantes: conductual y afasia primaria progresiva. En esta última se describen tres variantes: no fluente, semántica y logopénica, que exigen en la práctica conocimientos actualizados para su diferenciación y comprensión. El objetivo de este escrito es hacer una revisión narrativa sobre las tres variantes clínicas de la afasia primaria progresiva, profundizando en diagnóstico, evolución, características imagenológicas y manejo. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Artículo de revisión narrativa a partir del estado del arte en literatura biomédica sobre demencia frontotemporal, afasia primaria progresiva y sus variantes. RESULTADOS: El compromiso del lenguaje y de otras funciones cognitivas, así como los hallazgos imagenológicos, son heterogéneos en las tres variantes. Semiológicamente, la afasia primaria progresiva no fluente se caracteriza por apraxia del habla, la variante logopénica por fallas en la nominación y la variante semántica por fallas en el significado del mensaje. El compromiso imagenológico en la afasia primaria progresiva no fluente es más frontoinsular y corticosubcortical; en la variante semántica es habitualmente temporal del lado dominante; y en la variante logopénica priman alteraciones temporoparietales. No hay tratamiento específico, pero se puede vincular algunas opciones farmacológicas con procesos/técnicas de rehabilitación del lenguaje. CONCLUSIÓN: Si bien se trata de una forma heterogénea de demencia, tiene características clínicas (síntomas, signos y evolución) e imagenológicas importantes a la hora de su detección y diagnóstico en ambientes clínicos.

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Dementias are a group of neurocognitive disorders, and in people under 65 years of age, frontotemporal dementia stands out, a heterogeneous neurodegenerative syndrome that has two major variants: behavioral and primary progressive aphasia. In the latter, three variants are described: non-fluent, semantic and logopenic, which require up-to-date knowledge in practice for their differentiation and understanding. The objective is to carry out a narrative review on the three clinical variants of primary progressive aphasia, delving into diagnosis, evolution, imaging characteristics and management. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Narrative review article based on the state of the art in biomedical literature on frontotemporal dementia, primary progressive aphasia and its variants. RESULTS: The compromise of language and other cognitive functions, as well as the imaging findings, are heterogeneous in the three variants. Semiologically, non-fluent progressive primary aphasia is characterized by apraxia of speech, the logopenic variant by failures in the nomination and the semantic variant by failures in the meaning of the message. Imaging involvement in non-fluent progressive primary aphasia is mainly frontoinsular and cortico-subcortical; in the semantic variant it is usually temporary on the dominant side; and in the logopenic variant, temporo-parietal alterations prevail. There is no specific treatment, but some pharmacological options can be linked with language rehabilitation processes / techniques. CONCLUSION: although Frontotemporal dementia is an heterogenous disorder, there are important clinical and imagenologic features that are useful to the diagnostic approach in the clinical field.

Afasia Progresiva Primaria , Enfermedades del Sistema Nervioso , Demencia , Trastornos del Lenguaje
Dement. neuropsychol ; 16(3,supl.1): 40-52, jul.-set. 2022. il, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404484


RESUMO A "demência frontotemporal" (DFT) é uma síndrome clínica, cujo denominador comum é o acometimento focal dos lobos frontais e/ou temporais. A DFT tem três fenótipos clínicos distintos: a variante comportamental e dois subtipos linguísticos, a saber, a afasia progressiva primária não-fluente/agramática (APP-NF/A) e a afasia progressiva primária semântica (APP-S). A DFT é a segunda causa mais comum de demência em indivíduos com idade inferior a 65 anos, após a doença de Alzheimer. O presente artigo apresenta recomendações para diagnóstico da DFT no cenário brasileiro, considerando os três níveis de complexidade do sistema de saúde: atenção primária à saúde e níveis secundários. São propostos protocolos de investigação diagnóstica abrangendo testagem cognitiva, avaliação comportamental, avaliação fonoaudiológica, exames laboratoriais e de neuroimagem.

ABSTRACT "Frontotemporal dementia" (FTD) is a clinical syndrome characterized by the focal involvement of the frontal and/or temporal lobes. FTD has three clinical phenotypes: the behavioral variant and two linguistic subtypes, namely, non-fluent/agrammatic primary progressive aphasia (PPA-NF/A) and semantic PPA (PPA-S). FTD is the second most common cause of dementia in individuals under the age of 65 years. This article presents recommendations for the diagnosis of FTD in the Brazilian scenario, considering the three levels of complexity of the health system: primary health care, secondary and tertiary levels. Diagnostic guidelines are proposed, including cognitive testing, behavioral and language assessments, laboratory tests, and neuroimaging.

Humanos , Demencia Frontotemporal , Disfunción Cognitiva , Trastornos Mentales
Front Neurol ; 13: 815227, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35651345


Sentence-comprehension deficits have been described in patients with primary progressive aphasia (PPA). However, most instruments to address this domain in more detail and in a clinical context have not been adapted and translated into several languages, posing limitations to clinical practice and cross-language research. Objectives: The study aimed to (1) test the applicability of the Brazilian version of the Test for Reception of Grammar (TROG2-Br) to detect morphosyntactic deficits in patients with PPA; (2) investigate the association between performance in the test and sociodemographic and clinical variables (age, years of formal education, and disease duration); (3) characterize the performance of individuals presenting with the three more common variants of PPA (non-fluent, semantic, and logopenic) and mixed PPA (PPA-Mx) and analyze whether TROG-2 may assist in the distinction of these clinical profiles. Methods: A total of 74 cognitively healthy participants and 34 individuals diagnosed with PPA were assessed with TROG2-Br. Overall scores (correct items, passed blocks), types, and categories of errors were analyzed. Results: In controls, block scores were significantly correlated with years of formal education (Spearman's r = 0.33, p = 004) but not with age. In PPA, age, education, and disease duration were not significantly associated with performance in the test. Controls presented a significantly higher performance on TROG2-Br compared to PPA individuals and their errors pattern pointed to mild general cognitive processing difficulties (attention, working memory). PPA error types pointed to processing and morphosyntactic deficits in nonfluent or agrammatic PPA, (PPA-NF/A), logopenic PPA (PPA-L), and PPA-Mx. The semantic PPA (PPA-S) subgroup was qualitatively more similar to controls (processing difficulties and lower percentage of morphosyntactic errors). TROG2-Br presented good internal consistency and concurrent validity. Discussion: Our results corroborate findings with TROG-2 in other populations. The performance of typical older adults with heterogeneous levels of education is discussed along with recommendations for clinical use of the test and future directions of research.

Front Neurol ; 13: 703729, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35295826


Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) is a neurological syndrome characterized by impaired language due to neurodegeneration. It is subdivided into three variants: semantic, agrammatic or nonfluent, and logopenic. Pieces of evidence have suggested that learning disabilities in childhood, such as dyslexia, might be susceptibility factors in the occurrence of PPA in adulthood. The objective of this study was to verify the existence of the relationship between PPA and the history of learning disabilities of patients and their children, compared to a control group of individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD). A questionnaire was applied to investigate the presence of indicators of learning disabilities and difficulties in individuals with PPA and AD and their children. Twenty subjects with PPA and 16 with AD participated in the study. Our findings are presented and discussed in light of the current scientific evidence and the social, educational, and economic Brazilian scenario. Despite the challenges of doing research with individuals with PPA in Brazil, we present the first evidence about the investigation of association between the history of learning disabilities and difficulties and PPA in native Brazilian Portuguese speakers.

J Commun Disord ; 97: 106202, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35255297


BACKGROUND: Several subtypes of primary progressive aphasia (PPA) have been proposed. Most reports use small samples, and few have included Spanish-speaking participants. AIM: To analyze the language profile and nonlinguistic deficits in a large sample of PPA Spanish monolingual participants. METHOD: 177 individuals were diagnosed with PPA in a sample consisting of 69 men and 108 women (Mage = 66.40 years, SD = 9.30). The participants were assessed using the Spanish versions of the Western Aphasia Battery Revised (SWAB-R) and the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (SBDAE). Non-verbal reasoning was evaluated with the Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices. RESULTS: 41.8% of the sample met the criteria for the logopenic variant (lvPPA), while 28.2% met the criteria for semantic (svPPA), 15.3% for lexical (lxvPPA), and 14.7% for nonfluent/agrammatic (nfvPPA) variants. Language difficulties were similar in all variants except for lxvPPA. Scores on Spontaneous Language, Auditory Comprehension, Repetition, and Naming were significantly higher for the lxvPPA group. Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices scores were significantly lower in lvPPA. Years of education correlated with all test scores, while age was negatively associated with naming. When the PPA variants were classified according to the traditional aphasia classification, discrepancies were evident. Furthermore, the most frequent type of aphasia was Amnesic, while the least frequent was Wernicke's aphasia. CONCLUSION: The SWAB-R is useful in describing the clinical characteristics of aphasia for each variant of PPA, but quantitative scores from this battery are not capable of distinguishing between variants of PPA, with the exception of lxvPPA.

Afasia Progresiva Primaria , Anciano , Afasia Progresiva Primaria/diagnóstico , Comprensión , Femenino , Humanos , Lenguaje , Pruebas del Lenguaje , Masculino , Semántica
Mult Scler Relat Disord ; 58: 103485, 2022 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35042092


BACKGROUND: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS). B cells have an essential role in the disease pathogenesis and therefore selective B-cell depletion are commonly used to treat the disease. Rituximab (RTX), a chimeric anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody had demonstrated reduced inflammatory activity and radiological activity in MS patients. Due to economic constrains and treatment access limitations, RTX is often used as a treatment alternative in these patients. Here, we described our center experience in RTX -treated MS patients. METHODS: A single-center observational retrospective study was conducted in a Mexican cohort MS during 2010 to 2020. All patients had a confirmed MS diagnosis.All patients received fixed scheme involving induction with 1 g on day one and day 15, followed by 500 mg-1 g every six months for maintenance. Annual Relapse Rate (ARR), Progression index (PI), Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) and MRI activity of the disease were evaluated. Comparison between naïve and non-naïve patients was also conducted. RESULTS: A total of 85 patients were included. The mean age at diagnosis was 33.13 (±8.90) years with 73 (85.9%) being RRMS. 39 (34.1%) were treatment-naïve. While treated with RTX, 62(72.9%) patients reached a free-of-relapse status, with statistically significant decrease in the mean ARR from 0.82 to 0.36 [0.14 (95%CI: 0.09-0.20), p = 0.0001 and EDSS [0.25 CI 0-0.5 (p = 0.034)] and a decrease in their T1 Gd-enhancing MRI lesions (1.64 vs. 0.12 CI 0.70-2.30, p = 0.004. 29 (29.4%) patients achieved NEDA-3. Among all patients, only 2 (2.4%) experienced infusion-related mild adverse events. No serious adverse events were reported. CONCLUSION: We found significant clinical and radiological improvement in naïve and non-naïve MS patients treated with RTX.

Antineoplásicos , Esclerosis Múltiple Recurrente-Remitente , Esclerosis Múltiple , Antineoplásicos/uso terapéutico , Humanos , Factores Inmunológicos/efectos adversos , Esclerosis Múltiple/inducido químicamente , Esclerosis Múltiple/diagnóstico por imagen , Esclerosis Múltiple/tratamiento farmacológico , Esclerosis Múltiple Recurrente-Remitente/tratamiento farmacológico , Estudios Retrospectivos , Rituximab/efectos adversos
J Med Case Rep ; 16(1): 21, 2022 Jan 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35045865


BACKGROUND: The relatively isolated atrophy of the temporal lobes leads to a clinical radiological pattern, referred to as the temporal variant of frontotemporal dementia. While semantic dementia and behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia are classically related to this syndrome, the logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia has been less commonly reported. This case report aims to give a pictorial description of a case in which a patient with asymmetric temporal lobe atrophy presented with the logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia and complex rituals of cleanliness. CASE PRESENTATION: We report on the case of a 68-year-old, right-handed White woman with complex rituals and progressive speech impairment. The obsessive-compulsive rituals represented an exacerbation of lifelong preoccupations with cleanliness and orderliness that were praised by her relatives. Neuropsychological assessment revealed a striking impairment of language and memory, with relative sparing of tool-use praxis and visuospatial skills. Magnetic resonance imaging and 18fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography scans showed bilateral asymmetrical temporal lobe atrophy and hypometabolism. A year later, she was still able to entertain conversation for a short while, but her vocabulary and fluency had further declined. Praxis and visuospatial skills remained intact. She did not experience pathological elation, delusions, or hallucinations. The disease followed a relentless progression into a partial Klüver-Bucy syndrome, abulia, and terminal dementia. She died from acute myocardial infarction 8 years after the onset of aphasia. The symptoms and their temporal course supported a diagnosis of logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia due to asymmetric temporal variant frontotemporal lobar degeneration. CONCLUSIONS: This report gives a pictorial description of a temporal variant of frontotemporal dementia in a patient who presented with worsening of a lifelong obsessive-compulsive disorder and logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia.

Afasia Progresiva Primaria , Demencia Frontotemporal , Anciano , Atrofia/patología , Femenino , Humanos , Imagen por Resonancia Magnética , Lóbulo Temporal/diagnóstico por imagen , Lóbulo Temporal/patología
Neural Regen Res ; 17(7): 1412-1422, 2022 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34916411


Frontotemporal lobar degeneration describes a group of progressive brain disorders that primarily are associated with atrophy of the prefrontal and anterior temporal lobes. Frontotemporal lobar degeneration is considered to be equivalent to frontotemporal dementia. Frontotemporal dementia is characterized by progressive impairments in behavior, executive function, and language. There are two main clinical subtypes: behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia and primary progressive aphasia. The early diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia is critical for developing management strategies and interventions for these patients. Without validated biomarkers, the clinical diagnosis depends on recognizing all the core or necessary neuropsychiatric features, but misdiagnosis often occurs due to overlap with a range of neurologic and psychiatric disorders. In the studies reviewed a very large number of microRNAs were found to be dysregulated but with limited overlap between individual studies. Measurement of specific miRNAs singly or in combination, or as miRNA pairs (as a ratio) in blood plasma, serum, or cerebrospinal fluid enabled frontotemporal dementia to be discriminated from healthy controls, Alzheimer's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Furthermore, upregulation of miR-223-3p and downregulation of miR-15a-5p, which occurred both in blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid, distinguished behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia from healthy controls. Downregulation of miR-132-3p in frontal and temporal cortical tissue distinguished frontotemporal lobar degeneration and frontotemporal dementia, respectively, from healthy controls. Possible strong miRNA biofluid biomarker contenders for behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia are miR-223-3p, miR-15a-5p, miR-22-3p in blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid, and miR-124 in cerebrospinal fluid. No miRNAs were identified able to distinguish between behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia and primary progressive aphasia subtypes. Further studies are warranted on investigating miRNA expression in biofluids and frontal/temporal cortical tissue to validate and extend these findings.

An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 54(3): 113-118, Dec. 2021.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352964


La esclerosis múltiple es una enfermedad desmielinizante crónica que produce discapacidad progresiva, por lo que el tratamiento se centra en retrasar la progresión, prevenir recaídas y disminuir los síntomas de manera efectiva. Realizamos un estudio observacional, descriptivo, longitudinal, de un solo centro, con los pacientes admitidos en la unidad de enfermedades desmielinizantes, desde diciembre 2017 hasta febrero 2020. Del total de pacientes, 62.5% recibieron tratamiento con ocrelizumab y completaron seguimiento por 12 meses, sin progresión de la enfermedad. Con este estudio, resaltamos la importancia y la efectividad de los tratamientos modificadores de la enfermedad.

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic demyelinating disease that causes progressive disability, so treatment focuses on slowing progression, preventing relapses, and effectively reducing symptoms. We conducted an observational, descriptive, longitudinal, single-center study with patients admitted to the demyelinating diseases unit from December 2017 to February 2020. Of the total number of patients, 62.5% received treatment with ocrelizumab and completed 12-month follow-up, without disease progression. With this study, we highlight the importance and effectiveness of disease-modifying treatments

Esclerosis Múltiple , Pacientes , Efectividad , Enfermedades Desmielinizantes , Cuidados Posteriores , Progresión de la Enfermedad